lets play bridge by bill coal hen u another interesting hand that occured at the soring national held recently in ctndand i wa playing with bill bum of oakvdle when thai one came up wot dealt vulnerable with eastwest north svo41 ii- a kit dts3 ci074sjj wtst sq10 oaxqii caoj kast skuij bj i83 crc south sa7 4 j i lloji0r7 d3 c9 with the dub ace now he tried the diamond ace but the defence war through south spread hb hand and claimed the balance of the trick every heart thauleclarer ha is higher than thou held by east or wot after cashing hi spade ace declarer can croet lull the hand out and make 10 trump tricax evert if he defence lead trump dedarei can set gp the dub suit iii dummy for discardi plve heart doubled wa an excellent result for northsouth last weeks winners at hie acton bridge club were first helen llyde and dm priest second duke wjson and kay campbell thud bob dickson and jack coats th aclon fr pre wednesday april 16 1969 ttctej and quctea from the world of spott by deni gitcon an old stump fence pnsvldd added fuel for a fjrth lire in nataaawva township saturday ahemoon acton firtliohler antwwed 14 calls to wen fire over th weekend eight of trwm on sunday still wioto tast soimi is 111 ca1s mss tkluaiinr wtil north is ms 0 511 dtt ajl f ass there it an much lo the bidding as there is to the play on this deal wests opening bid u natural ai is norths pas and easts bid of one spade moil duplicate player would overcall two hearts with south hand west hat a very strong hand and must show it with a jump bid what should north do his hand lias enough strength and distribution to support hearts should be settle for four hearts the opponent would surely go on i low about six hearts this would put the opponents to a guess at the slain level however north settled for five hearts this proved to be just right east west can make five diamonds but not six and they cannot make five spades the five heart bid was meant at a sacrifice that is north did not really expect to make five hearts a small set would be better than an eastwest game west led the diamond king which won and followed this bswikjssftrvftswftw si vwxkvwrkx at the legion hall activities at branch 197 by ctuilk thomtoa give fire iwck worn bmit 500 feef opp by charlie thomson friday nights euchre uw fred centner take firs place and the steak with a 64 while gerald tiberi and sid rankin carded 61 s to tie for second and diwde the steaks tiny wells took home the bacon with the hidden score of 34 mixed euchre saturday night uw a deadlock between joan taylor and jill mclaren for lop spot and the steaks they each scored a s7 marg jordan got the bacon with a 44 del jordan and doris morton each scored a 59 to tie for top and steaks in the mens winners your truly bundled up the bacon with a 40 and it was lovely clark holmes of georgetown the world of outdoors with ha w e s top score this week at maple rock shooting range was 25 straight jim coulson selling the pace other scores were tom dearing bdl miller and jim boose 22 gord johnston in and a visitor john winter also got 1 6 in his first try at trap shooting a meeting is being held this week to set the date for the annual breckon shoot at appleby trap club the annual competition is between the four trap clubs in llalton won tlie monthly so- so draw in aid of legion minor sports in sick bay this week arc norm morton and jimmy mcknight both in guelpli general hospital time on your hands go up and visit the boys acton branchs dart team were runners up in the legion intercounty darl tournament in burlington last saturday seven legion branches were represented at the tourney from georgetown uurlington oakville brampton milton port credit and acton the tournament was a round robin the six players on the acton team were gil malcolm mike davis bill nicolak stan collelt frank winters and barney ernst the legion chorahers a popular chorus at any event have received two more invitations to sing june 27 theyve been asked lo participate in a mortgage burning ceremony at preston the very next night june 28 the chorahers have been invited to kitchener legion for a singing festival the date is not yet set but the chorahers will be entertaining the veterans confined at sunnybrook hospital toronto in the near future tlie reporting week of april 6 to april 1 2 was one of moderate activity at the acton detachment the town cruiser has patrolled his miles while the men worked a total of ik4 duty hours two accidents were investigated one of which involved three vehicles and injured a small child one dozen motorists were issued traffic citations for various offences while nine more were warned tlie general occurrences were plentiful however most of them were of a minor nature requiring little time to investigate a break and enter a drunk a liquor seizure and a report of malicious damage were investigated and charges have been laid as j result no court was held in milton on monday due lo the latter holiday weekend the past few days the local fire department has responded to numberous alarms in tlie acton aiea it has come to the attention of the police thai when the fire truck is proceeding to the fire h is followed and sometimes overtaken by anxious people wishing to see the fire section 70 2 of the highway traffic acl slates no driver of a vehicle shall follow a fire department vehicle when responding to an alarm at a distance of less than 500 feet if you wish lo see hie fire slay al least 500 feet behind the truck and when you arrive at the fire slay out of the firemens way and let them do their job quickly roy swan president of the acton minor baseball association has made arrangements for an alltlar team oul of this years bantam house league to pby exhibition games against a learn diosen from the milton house league there is alio a possibility llial campbelkdle will form a leant and perhaps a small league can be organized acton will be holding another registration at the arena from 9 until 12 on saturday april 26 and ir enough interest is shown an interlown league may be organized for novice and peewee as well w ft fads will be interested lo know that wayne marshall who got his start as a referee and linesman in atipn t being ailed upon to officiate several final series games uv both the omha and hie alla wayne who is now p member of the guelpli kefcrees allocution referecm games in ux oj4ii a aaa bantam and midget finals between toronto and sarniy in addition lie has been kept busy hopping around from st catharines to gait lo montreal where he has been acting as linesman m both he oha junior a final between tlie montreal junior cjnadiens and the st catharines bbck hawks and the lastcrn canada allan cup final between gall and victoitavtlle po oakvii ii iiladi s champions of the central ontario junior v group ore playing woodtf ock in the ontario finals tlie best of seven series is tied i i milton 1iiwiis gave it a good effort bit week but dropped a 42 decision lo bowmanville and thus were eliminated from the om ii a finals itteb5 editor express thanks dear sirs the executive of the- acton branch of tlie canadian cancer society would like to hunk you for the excellent coverage and photo you gave us for our family night al hie high school despite hie nasty weather we had a good crowd due to the fine adverting hunk you again sincere joan i old scty hew scoutmaster 1st acton troop assistant scoutmaster ross budgell has accepted the scoutmasters post with the 1st aclon troop following the resignation of scouler henry devries mr devries resigned because of personal commitments the new scoutmaster had the scout soccer team out practicing saturday and claims his 10 to lt yearolds are going to he a hard aggregation to beat fiftytwo per cent of all cancer patients are saved public hunting area being developed on bruce peninsula one of hie larger projects being undertaken by the department of lands and forests m lake huron forest district involves development work on the future johnson harbour public hunting area on the bruce peninsula the trails in this area will be cleared of windfalls and encroaching shrubs to provide easier access to provide food and cover for ruffed grouse deer and rabbit birdsfool trefoil and red clover will be sown on the areas of deeper soils thai are free of heavy grass competition plans for stream improvement work on willow creek in the johnson haibour area are pending until more information is gathered on what can be done to improve the conditions for trout in this excellent stream ii is felt by the fisli and wildlife staff thai a limited amount of work can be done to construct resting pools in other areas the placement of gabions or breakwater to restrict and accelerate the flow of water will provide the riffles used as food production areas at well at spawning areas where necessary and desirable the clearing of tree from certain areas followed by cultivation and seeding lo desirable grasses will stabilize the bank as well as narrow and deepen the stream to provide belter trout habitat ibbitat improvement work it also planned for the puslinch tract located just east of llespeler approximately 9500 trees and shrubs are to be planted to piovide food and cover for wildlife this project is a continuation of work which commenced several years ago 14 weekend fires keep brigade on hop even the indians would have been confused by the variety of smoke signals which wreathed through blue spring tide over the weekend but for aclon firefighters the signals spelled out 14 grass fires most of them in naatagaweya township but a few in erin and esquesing townships at well the acton brigade was running from friday when they answered one call until monday morning there were four fires on saturday eight on sunday and another monday at noon fire chief mick holmes said most of the fires were caused by people burning grass off and status got out of control archie reid of agincourl ont knows cancer can be beaten because he beat ii a contribution to the canadian cancer society will make it fiossible for others to do ikewise mr margaret chilman of burlington ont is cured of cancer thats why she supports the slogan of the 1 96 campaign of the canadian cancer society cancer can be beaten mm skating acton arena stakmg wednesday at 8 pm neighboring brigade were just about as busy rushing to blazes erin milton georgetown and rockwood firefighter reported a heavy demand for their services after the weekend was over firefighters breathed a collective sigh of relief 1 although forest fires sometimes start from unusual means such as bottles acting as magnifying glasses or hightension wires igniting fuels most are due to simple carelessness in the use of smoking materials campfires or debrisburning fires help others 70 see the rotary club of acton ask you to give your old glasses they will be reclassified and distributed in under developed countries by the missionary optical services leave your old glasses at i gordon hardware bank of montreal root iardware rkwd play golfis open this weekend wiathit mtwufttno take wamagi of rut iow urn rm mlmb8xht i asm fits oatf or health aasd fur hilltop lodge golf country club kin ontario telephone u397m pwta tmrtmr 124 mill st vt wilbutt htong tsssmo thank you to everyone children jnd jilults who supported tis so faithfully at sports corner cjnlcen in acton arena die parks ami recreation committee did not see fit lo accept our tender mil renew our conlrict for mother term we will miss our close association with ill those who use arena facilities and hope you will see us often at pwtj ttraer 3ama stationery 56 mill st acton 853 2030 only tote bags fancohyde wet lock finish theyre smart 2 styles several colors 398 to 598 o corruoattd storage files iittir size leoal sizi 295 325 brides books wedding books good selection mom 325 to 950 typewriters corsair 6995 cupper 11295 sterling 13495 scm deluxe electric adding machine 10995 ontv rubber stamps made to order stamp pads and ink photo albums white and colored wide range to choose mom 129 to 529 business cards raised rmntino one color order now iow rot 980 see our large selection of staplers staples marking pens stick pens pencil sharpeners pencils rubbers etc to clear calendar pads svral kind at rorjueod pries dont miss out scratch pads fjjiwsmunt y x io 2 for 15c only trip dari1es several colors 250 acm