Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 21, 1969, p. 10

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12 tha acton fnm prat wwliwtcuy may 21 1949 cjfttt j3nts editorial pan g fcfo wrf attract vv bt many visitor to acton have remarked on the opportunity to develop a real beauty spot on the western approaches to town from the piles of tilt dredged front iairy lake the beauty of the school creek officially dubbed henderson creekjju natural asset which has been partially exploited by the centennial library and the school pounds the whole area could be enhanced further if there was a vista which made fairy lake visible from 7 highway with a full sweep or the water wc are missing out on a tremendous tourist attraction as well as the pleasures provided by a beauty spot by not developing this feature of the town the piles of silt could be bulldored down levelled grass planted and there would be a good start for future flower beds and rock gardens something parks board would certainly like to see done imaginative planners alio envision a green belt extending along the creek right to the music centre on wallace st with a walkway to fairy lake of course one of the first questions any municipal official would ask is where the money is going to come from for projects like this there is an eight mill increase in ieue oh4 xtiaea dont look now you may be under someones microscope according to one toronto financial newspaper some german insurance companies have even provided data for a study of the influence on husbands of wifekissing before leaving for work the two year investigation shows that those who do not kiss their better half goodby are inclined to be woody depressed and disinterested in their work the man who does kiss his wife good by starts the day very positively and his feeling of harmony is reflected psychologically as well as mentally the osculating husband is also a safer driver and much more likeable on the other hand maybe the safe drivers and likeable people are just good kissers no matter how you feel about it the financial post thinks that this is a good argument for getting on the daily kissing bandwagon the clincher is that kissing husbands can taxes this year and out doesnt include any money for local improvements how can we even think of beautifying the town that ol wuru is the shortsighted view tljere ure other benefits that can accrue from having an attractive jilace to live including a lure for industry whose executives might want lollvo where they work merchants could benefit from tourist und axklcleiiu might think twice before going out of town to shop j there is a shortage of summer jobs for students this year they dont want to hang around doing nothing the townspeople dont want them hanging uround the streets why not recruit the able- bodied students to work at such projects the payroll might be high but it could save the town and the country money in the long run by giving the students something useful y do during the summer months hut would increase their self respect us well us providing spcndim money improcticul we dont think so impossible wc doubt it at the risk of being labelled garrulous we thing such a project could generate a brund new spirit in the town expect to live about five years longer than their less romantic swains which sure beats jogging and giving up smoking speaking from an academic point of view these statistics may actually cmbaruss some husbands who prefer not to kiss their wives in the morning they may prefer to kiss her in the evening when she looks much better the observant husband who has seen his better half with curlers in her hair no makeup and a sloppy house coat in the early mornings has good reason for not wuntmg to kiss her hes a lover of beauty if thats the price he must pay five year lopped off his life and mean dispositionmost arc prepared to pay it then again some wives may not want to kiss their husbands in the mornings because hes no rock hudson cither so you can see the tangled mess figures can produce and learned professors to the contrary we think thiv are a lot of bunk teaeh bif example an official of the ontario safety league was greatly impressed recently by an incident in uxbrtdge a man was walking on the main street sidewalk with two small children they reached a tjunction with a minor road no traffic was approaching most adults would have walked straight across the intersection but the group stopped at the curb in what was obviously a regular drill and the father said is it all right to cross now the two children looked left then rtght then left again and said yes it was safe to go father whose accent suggested he was a new canadian of british origin then said right then well walk across quickly but not run editorial hotej each year cigarettes kill five times more americans than do traffic accidents lung cancer alone kills as many as die on the road the cigarette industry is peddling a deadly weapon it is dealing in peoples lives for financial galnquoted by the late sen robert f kennedy early indications are that britains new tough regulations against drinking and driving will be followed by an appreciable lowering of the traffic accident rate the ontario safety league says that two year ago chechoslovakia reported a 25 per cent drop in accidents after blood or breath test were made compulsory in cases of suspected impairment the use of automobiles reached significant proportions in north america earlier than most people realize more cars than buggies were sold for the first time in 1900 it was an outstanding example of intelligent concern for the safety of children the youngsters were being led towards selfreliance at an early age by the fathers teaching that it was up to them to make their own observutions judgments and decisions when crossing streets the habits they are forming should protect them through life m v boiling water sugar and spice l y hill s m i i y lot this li going lf he a long hot summer and not only for hiihc lis cities with their kerosenesnaked black ghctlncs just wailing for a match in lie ilmck its kiting to be a long but summer for a of canadians high anmng llicir ranks will be pjrcnti policemen and icsorl operators why because hie supply ol rummer jobs for nudenli u fjr far below the demand and there are going to be thousands of rcttlcis bored young people looking for excitement its a natural for an eruption of rumbles hasucs and vandallini which could nuke the rummer a nightmare for the already harried victims luted above for hie last decade there lias been a steadily growing population of young burnt ufboth sexes summertime warinwealher burnt i these are the kids who dont really want a job they live from hand to mouth sleeping on the beaclies or in die old cars lltat are part of their scene they are not necessarily evil or vicious in fact moil of them arent but theyre aimless and irresponsible and rude and selfidi and dirty and bzy as cals cats that arent housebroken theyre bored und theyre boring they talk in endless circles about nothing they even bote each other but theyre united in one thingtheir contempt for the adult world high on their list of interests which are extremely limned are sex and drugs on weekends they are infiltrated by the pushers many of them amateurs who arrive from the cities with their little packages of pot and speed and usd lurking on the fringe of this bundle of bumi is another group the tcemebopperi these arc not kidsthcy are cluldrcnwlio arc just beginning lo nuke the scene who find il fascinating and who want to try anything thats going in the cities same thing except that its dropping plaai and public paiki and hie iliecli instead of the beaches well add lo this pjrjilllc iwjrm all hie kids who wanted and needed jobs this summer angry friistratcit and you can see whali coming i hope im wrong but iwo and two still make four permissive parents an mjlatinnaiy society in which even young people need money give masses of them nothing to do but look for kicks all summer and i he old crystal ball looks pretty muddy when i was a teenager said the boring middleaged man summer jobs were even scarcer he who nabbed one was deeply envied my first job at 17 was working on a great lakes steamer 12 hours a day seven days a week si a day and every other kid in town thought id hit a bonanza boys who couldnt find a job filuycd baseball and swam about eight lours a day bull did whatever girls do giggled piobahly and iwam and picked bcrrici todays jobless you iii barely muster enough energy to have a swim in the day time that is at night they lower into some sort of life and go to bed at dawn and wake up bored there are a couple of vilhans in the piece of course one is industry the other govemmcnl industry could absorb twice as many students as it does at comparatively little cost industry u the first to whine about the products it gets but does little lo help produce a finlclass product one or iwo future employees of nigh calibre from a summer group would easily repay the coil and it would be good public relations on which industry spends thousands mostly on whiskey governments could and should plan work projects lo absorb most of the surplus students theyd gel it allback in taxes shortly bui if tlicy sit on their bchinds and allow a generation of bitter lazy alienated hums to sprout it will cost them plenty in live end 10 punt pfottj frw the pam u thats quite a sentence but no pit intended bchinds hums and end indeed hope your kid lias a summer job belter still hope you re not a parent or a policeman last in series of school dictum lent by mrs ross robertson grace unit appear today the teacher i mitt mtrtha orr front raw harold skilllng rollle anderson willie mcfialn fred tiff wild vic elliott lloyd brown bob marshall george swluer ed footitt second row blanche smith dorothy babcock helen campbell worth tony lawalee vic white jack smith harold mooney lllo mario third row eileen breen grace lanu vera vlckert irene darby elizabeth darby grace gibson edna hinton agnes chuholm marguerite currie fourth row phyllis mackie vera rowlings vi white lillian woodhall lorraine wilson marjorle worth ellen dunn elsie anderson dorothy macarthur may waterhouse ina jooque ella marshall thalma crlpps the j acton mms free press phone 653 3010 buiinus nd editorial ofitctt fosjmitel ib outsit evajsv ftt u imsuo si acioa oawio aimfcl bumkj al onuulttvi th cwma txd 0na adttuo rtu a tmumi bjwf tfrlmyw ptytbu w fcsvvif ww ciitumi4jj shf tton cvtfcu urmtcoilltailcoitumj fuiyttttvs numte 014 atawtwa u tvt tt csvtamitvi tktm tm mai ol tvtmrkcl ww tfkt psvttoa ot i fctswutta ttm otxu0atd by w mmatau mm ioahtwr with mmtwtbtf jioab to uayutum wilmlbl crtavftad w bul tht biurwaj bf lh wummai wut b omd lo w jmkubte tut in tst ttawi of tv0ffttl farv hwtktra faoafa v tmricm m ft wi yktwta of tewvltsm huv hm bft tu aartia u mmly w w 111 fadmtwmwitmfiwnftttv titnai mb fctj m hi hag c ut dtwld at dill publlutftf mawtiv galm don editor athf wun0r- copyeseasl imp back issues 20 years ago taken from the luue of the iw ficu tluuuy my 26 1w outsell hai decided that all buildings in town will t numbered invllalloni tie being lent nut for hutugavxya cenlemiiil lvnolhy oskti kockwood and joyce lwueraull acton received diplomat in muting torn tudoh diners hotpilid mr eise kohinum who has been the energetic manigir of the jtoxy tliealre for the mit year has been advncfd to i thomas mr uwli miller of kitchener will bellie rnaiust of live acton theatie slid mr j prlllove wllj he uojecltoulil oil sunday kev vi renuii morgan of hamilton uewkwudakied peieil and nephew f key v i morun actou celebrated man at st josephs church after mais f r moigan wn presented with a purse and uddiesi which was presented by k j iliaula on behalf of the parldilonru mill i railed hew ws entertained at iwo htlicellaneoui uioweri last week highway 25 li being oiled from siuyslde lo milton kosd conilructlnri on the highway south of speyiide uukei il unsdvisable lo use tills rtud at all we suggest the fourth line for going to milton victoria day was celebrated rather hapliaardly the second court at the local tennis court has lieen put into operation tlsere was tjuite a number out for ihe opening of i he bowling greeni the united church choir spent a toclal evening al the home of mlsi fern brown a riesenlatlon was nude lo mlu anelta vania bride of ihli tnonlh mr and mri i rank rump announce the arrival or suannes iii tie sister nancy ulabeth 50 years ago taken from tlse issue of the i ree iresi thuisday may 22 ijii i our more soldiers were given a cordial reception last night lie james robertson ite charles morton he joseph kennedy and ite andrew decker during the meeting live junior i o i i presented ihe town with a beautiful flag of generous proportions three young ladiei of the society wenl to ihe platform and addressing ihe reeve miss vera s ibrvey regent read the address and misses stella mclam and alice johnstone presented the lag to his worship al hie annual meeting of the tuelph district or the methadiu ehurch it wsi decided with sincere regret that owing to the decimation of membership and ihe scarcity of miniiten the i verlon church on the i ramota circuit and ihe i den mills salt and pepper if you are in a deep sleep and ihe telephone rings about i is am what would you do turn over veil at lomeone else lo gel it ignore il amwer if well if you are in the newspaper game you answer it i did on monday night or i should say tuesday morning at approximately that time it was the daughter of ihe house returning from a trip to new york with geography department head paul mirtindate his wife and a busload of students they decided to return early from the trip so their parents wouldnt have to gel up early to meet them and because they couldnt gel tickets for the broadway production of hair thats the muueal where ihe players dress up in their own hair and sing current hits like aquarius they shake like eggnoggs dress like star steppers and talk like something out of this world al one point in ihe production it n reported the cast sheds all their clothes and the audience ii none the wiser and huts just the kind of weekend it was for me i shed all my cares and no one is ihe wiser ive been saving a few clippings for a week like this pugiariied from other sources mixed in wilh a little homespun comment of my own here for instance are some incidents tony duncan of ihe leamington post records where someone put their foot in their big mouth why pay the retail price for it if you want me to 111 arrange to get it for you wholesale how can anybody who is grown up get lost in a few acres of woodst this looks like the road we came in on shall we try ft here let me hold the match you bend down and look in the tank i co ahud kid hit me in the stomach with all your might i can take 11 trewson corner and suoam churches on the kockwood circuit will be cloud it was fell thai the teneral adoption of the motor car would facilitate attendance at the churches moil convenient a public meeting will be held in the town lull lo consider means of improving our telephone connection il it felt that acton should have closer connection with a number of oulslde poind which look to our lowo ai their natural centre ii li also desirable that 24 hour service should now be inilallad trsmpi have bent bvlng in uelph smallpox hospital fur some lime and holding ihe high carnival the tplit log drag could now probably he used on nuny of ur roads the duit on mill and main u alio a menace 75 years ago taken from the nine of hie i ree press thursday may 24 u the late v t llanium who called hliliieir ihe prince of llumbugi one declared ihe average public lover lo he humbugged thai hit declaration was correct wai fully iiunifeited by ihe crowd of ciliem and fanneri who conitreijled at the corner of mill and mini mi un saturday night a fakir who called himself texai harhe wai gailied in cowboy costume wild a brace of pistoli after a harangue interspersed with numerous last generation cheslnuls he commenced the sale of corn salve calarrh cure and california beans a rapid sale wenl on for an hour or iwo and the fakir pocketed s7h in good hard cadi before he tiulelly blew ojit hit lights and departed the corn ulve al 2 cents a box was a mixture of lard and buckwheat flour purchased at a grocery a few feel away horn the scene of operations the catarrh cure al 1 a bottle was an eigially lurmtess mixture while the california beans al six for dime were ordinary horse beans slightly perfumed which may he had by ihe bushel al any seed stole r i morrow walked from aclon lo georgetown in an hour and 17 minutes he says beat il wlto can a great deal of interest li manifest in a reunion of ihe pupils of hie revered teacher ihe tale robert utile tenders are asked for improvements contemplated at si josephs church which will be supervised by an architect and will coil in hie neighborhood of j 1 000 ii li proposed lo build a vestry of good tilt the ceding will he replaslered and the roof repaired the queen birthday guelplii big celebration some of the iporli will attend georgetown races be careful boyi with your firecracker today the unprecedented rain storm lasted from thursday lo tuesday ihe loncyil in ihe memory of anyone in this section bv har jly colas if you donl like it you can lump ii of course im just kidding honey bul supposing i was to ask you whether youd marry me or mil what do you ihink your answer would be i don t want lo mess up ihe bar with you bul how would you like to loin me in the alley outside where therei a little more twinging room heck anybody can leapfrog over a fire hydrant if i go first will you follow me just sign on the doited line in case you dont find this secondhand car up to snuff in every way all you have to do is drive it right back here to the lot and well give you another one as good as newsnd no ifs andi or butt about it this looks like its probably the mens room you go in first and well tee what happens no uie stopping now were only 20 nulet from home surely weve gol enough gas left to go thai far i filled it up only the day before yesterday put your money where your mouth here are a few press boners as they actually appeared in publications actou the united stales and canada he then attempted to shoot himself in the head but the bullet apparently only creased his scalp and ran out of the tavern and drove off llousepest for several days al use lindau home are mr and mrs wally burman of sioux falls south dakota latest market report reveal that mine are down airplanes are slightly lip and tobaccos closed strong the chief ii inclined to believe that crossed wife might be the cause of the lira several chorus girl told the police they thought the prizefighter was limply ptachdrunk

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