Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 28, 1969, p. 5

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lets play bridge by bill coin occasionally when tfcett b an odd minbtf of oarscom out to the acton brido club flsd myias without paw on om of thm eeeaaacs i mlh food tfl a fixed wad now as i have explained before the band at duptfcale f bredealf or rbted in boy way they ase bmufjy shunted and dealt at live bagtnnlm of the evenings peay a few head however are not in oley inunedietely and ii 11 ooe of three that i ml i iraek inleeeetad i but tiof dhjiibiition unmeaeeeable bump sulli of triple equeeaer au that i art up ate fairly taurine tliuarioih here b one ofrheae south deals with helther tide vulimnabu north llm dam c0t3 wfcst sm ii j 1 07 64 d7 cjlt74 easy 8jio7 ii aql c63 south saj hk93 doji0j caxj had bidding sotjtii west north east int pass 2c rass id cass jnt all pass opening lead 6 of hearts north did nof reepond two clube becauae be bad caabe nor did soutn bid twn diamond became be had diamond it wei fun b coincidence norrb u using the popular slayman convention a tevponee of two cklbe to an opening bid of bo trump aaludo you have a four card major south reply of two eaanvondl aeysno i do not it be had had b four card major be would have bid it weet leads hnfouitb heal heart and its up in enf the whole point of our hand h urla play at trick one you bee all heard the old adage never flneue agalnrt your partner this b b good lute l fobowanoat of the time but this w hoi one of them since southholdt the heart king whet difference can it make well leis eve if batl buyi the ice and then the uueea south will tihould holdup now when karl leadt hb lelt heart declarer will win end lake the diamond rioeaae thai lour but declarer can claim the balance of the tracks if east plays the queen of heart to trick one it would tjlkc e lot of nerve by south to duck he could picture wert holding ace tack over htr king now when the cuamond ftntwie lcact but carhei the bcert ice and lead the deuce to h patriers good heart if declarer doer bold up when bait plays the queen all i can uiggetl ii hut tail hold hb cardl link clour lo hta chert last weeks wlnncn at the acton bridge club were tied for first ivan lumr and ucil llarrlr with bev paltuuo and cain sinclair third duke wlbon and gloria coah two births nine buffalo at rattlesnake point people who uit year called hint bjihful bobby are now itavlng second thought lait week the bison bull of the luiion region conservation authotlly became the proud father of two mote calvei two others are expected at a later date thii bring the tola number in the hilton herd to nine ttieir buffalo compound can be found below rattlesnake point on no loslderoad wen ofllwy 25 mulon developed at a conservation varea by the authority here one i121 an excellent view of the 70 acre compound below the escarpment where the buffalo roam willi in abundant franei and springfed area this pasture u an ideal buffalo habitat the hsllon region conservation authority imported five buttalo bi october iq6s a bull and four cows from elk island national patk we assumed that a great many people in ontario might oilier wise never have a dunce to see a buffalo explains d j murray hallon resources manager shipped first class via railway ii was a long and uneventful journey for the animals on the day of their arrival reporters photographers and sightseers came from miles around prepared for a clamorous stampede a ramp with sevenfool fences had been built unexpectedly the five calves that detrained were relatively small about 300 lbs perhaps three feet tall weary and perfectly obliging as all buffalo will do when alarmed displeased or lost they uttered tow abrupt gmms buffalo do not bellow halton okays deer season wellington says no halt probably wont have an open hunting season vin deer this tall r although halton county council lost week gave a hunt the high sign approval was contingent on neighboring wellington and wentwoith counties agreeing and wellington lias already nixed a hunt in that county announcement that hallon was considering its first fall hunt in two years immediately brought protests front oikville where council in 1967 had put up stiff opposition against the paving for area schools halton board of education awarded s136s697 worth of contracts for asphalt paving at 22 halton schools during their thursday meeting included ate 856 worth of work at speyalde ps and si 084 worth at stewarttown je both theae contract wen awarded to ancestor paving ltd threeday hunt oakville council had tried unsuccessfully to prevent the hum in oakville department of lands and forests officials told county council they were only interested in a hunt locally if three neighboring counties go together if only one county open for a hunt too many hunters flock in from neighboring areas the acton free press wednesday may 28 1969 bill buchanan a iwead table ollicial it last weekt yri anftl mens club dinner eonoatulites the hon robeft winters on his addreea mr winters ecandidate for the prim ministers chair lost out to pierre trudeaufat a liberal leadership convention ha painted a realistic picture of the problems facing canadians for an attentive audience stall photol take up crass follow chrht wet to hunh unity hal tons small herd has attracted hundreds of visitors to rattlesnake point conservation area about three miles west of milton while it is probable that buffalo have never before inhabited the region these animals ate grating as if theyd been there for centuries usually the buffalo are imperturbable and amiable people dont bother them mr murray says at feeding time they come trotting down like puppy dogs however mr murray warns that it is not a good idea lo come between a hungry buffalo and his breakfast the area is posted dangerous something a buffalo without warning can be haltons buffalo have been uncommonly defensive and wary in recent weeks if people approach they retreat or form circles with tactics as ancient as the species the buffalo are kotectlng four calves that were wn last spring buffalo calves are born in april or may after a gestation period of about nine and a half months multiple births are rare but sometimes twins are born at birth the robust little calves may weigh 35 to 40 pounds they have a soft taffycoloured coat and bear a strong resemblance to their domestic kin within a few hours they are able to stand within a few days they are surefooted and agile the average lifespan of a captive buffalo is is to 20 years some however may hve for 30 years the rattlesnake point pasture can accommodate 30 buffalo according to mr murray eventually new stock will be introduced unity between the anglican and united churchei can i stand on doctrinal differences rev gordon turner told the tuanpl mens club at last thursdays dinner meeting he recommended live men take seriously tlsc command of christ to deny thcmulvet lake up their cross daily and follow ibm herein lies llie hope for unity in reconciling realities of life together a regular feature of the laymens organization nude up of members from the anglican and united churches the spintual message came on the heels of the hon robert winters address mr turner said we urc living in a pragmatic rather ihan a doctrinal day we are judged not by what we believe but wlial we do and contribute to die fabric of life he picked an episode out ot the current news where ted kennedy had asked that llie stale be merciful to his brother roberts convicted killer ai a lesion for christians what kennedy satd is much of the kind of spmt u christian must have it cut across the fabric of life we are used to and put love in the place of the old testament dictum an eye for an eye mr turner also invited hc anglican men to make a weekend retreat with united church laymen in the near future f at the legion hall activities at branch 197 by charlie thomson legion mined euclrre saw u full slate of activity last saturday night harry palmer took llie steaks in the mens league with 55 jim mcnabb had 52 and molhe mctlugli got the bacon with a hidden score of 42 in the womens game peg loutett got the steaks with oo joan taylor had 5 and marg palmer took the bacon with a hidden score of 41 for all those who played hockey in the legipn league ibis winter the banquet is planned for saturday may 31 at 2pm in the legion hall comrades dont forget the decoration day parade this sunday on monday june 2 is the dinner and election of officers for the coming year it is your duty to turn out and choose your members lo office ys hens auction raises 600 friday about mk was raised friday evening for the ys men club when they repeated their annual hit the giant ruimujije and miction ule auctioneers jack holmes and chris schoutcn rattled oft figures lo knock down hundreds of items to caper buyers larger items included chesterfields sewing machines itoves lawn mowers tvs and a row of beds ste ranged on down to teapots plants and tools the rummage sale which raised over s50 included dresses coals hats and books inflation showed at the book counter where the set price has gone up turn a hickel to a dime each one canny buyer just bought the tur ol an old coat another bought a washing nuchine just for the motor and discovered later the motor was missing someone else who hud also bought a washing machine by mistake heard about his problem and donjted the second machine y men assisted in hoisting up the items to the genial auctioneers the ys menettes apron pockets bulging with money sold the mountains of rummage doortodoor collect ion preceded the annual spring cleanup sale robert winters optimistic about future of canada ubcral leidt filnp contender robert wirtierc a former cabinet minister in the pearson vcrimeiit predicted a bright uture for canada and canadian a brief but thoughtful addreu the tnangl club at lux ton memorial ibll last week however he warned there were many problems to solve as canada becomes more urban with julf the population now under 2 v a this he said gives canada a younger population tlian any other industrial country in llie world although this is fl great blessing the baby boom has au placed a liifrji priority on education he strestcdlt used to be that education was only for those who could afford it progress has betn nude but much remains 10 be done tlvere was also a lime in the past when set- a degree was not as important today it is necetury for survival mr winters emphasized saying that the way to the top was often barred becauie of lack of educaltori although the educated man was not necessanly the belter man univetutio must not remain a middle or upper class imtnution he degree sacrounl ti ere i s a n responsibility to growing environment of opportunities for the young 31te smallest ehopdrtion of people in the country are between 2s and i flitch means that there are twocauadians not working for evcly one at work- the pioporttons will gel better as the work force mcieaies but in the meantime one out of three muit bear die burden he foresaw the lime urgent create approaching when canadians could spend less attention on basic survival and more on the refinements of living modern canada is predominantly urban and indutlrialiud lite speaker told tlie audience but the problems ciealed by the migration to the cities ate without parallel only one in 10 canadians live on the farm now although todays farmers are vastly more productive agricultural problems ate ununified by world markets lie said rmh new thinking is needed lo combat the problems which tlie speaker listed at he saw the top priotlttcs air pollution heads the till followed by water pollution clogged iranipnttalion systems scarcity of low cost housing and uit- but one of the mostjmpottant inflation in 1 0i 7 canada doubled us output in a decade but only half is teal production the rest can be laid at tlte door of inflation canadas economic problem now is not only lo get the clonorny running but on an even keel there is a vital need to maintain a dynamic society where there is a chance lojaet ahead regardless of origin the speaker pointed out thai there ate regional disparities in the country which need to be patched up especially in the economic development lie saw canada becoming increasingly affluent with the main problems being how to manage it properly local liberal bill coals introduced mr winters to the ho men wlw attended the meeting of anglican and united church laymen the letters pc after his name said mr coats stand for almost prime minister of canada not anollier political pertuaumi mi winters referred in his race wilh pierre trudeau for the liberal leadership lightly as the lime i talked myself out of u job my chaiues wehl out the window last spring and in many ways im glad il did lob llart of tiintty president of the tnangl club was chairman for the evening and the speaker was thanked by joe uray from st alhans with a joke to nulth others snapped in lite initial pari of llie meeting spring cleaning along ontarios highways is in full awing in preparation for the holiday season in the top photo maintenance crews from the department of hiohways collect utter scattered along the roadside during the winter soason on part of the 13000 miles of kings and secondary highways bottom these scattered pieces of litter add up to truck loads of refuse last year dho spent 008000 on the collection and disposal of litter as part of an antl httor campaign the department appeals to motorists to take along a litter bag and use it instead of tossing litter out along the roadside photo by department of highways express w buses to woodbine 1 may m lo july 13th r ibavtadon i j direct to tb track 1 a each racing day m 11harn m return fare s m h includes adrnlialon return buses sta1t loading aptui last racf wltt but dprl 1 mill ii t j v 1a asa g l adams agent yalaevrmtm 33um sports for girls i girls and women should be encouraged to lake part in sports and games just as boys and men should be says the national health and welfare publication get fit keep fit a phyncal fitness and traming guide for young canadians strenuous efforts in sports arc not harmful as has been shown by our female athletes in swimming track and field skiing figure skating volleyball basketball to name just a few coeducational games such as tennis and badminton are especially recommended h se holden ottmutttst u caw 8l eaaa cueuw ya 14im georgetown animal clinic 10t quatph street georgetown b c buckrell dvm notice of change of clinic hours monday to saturday 10 am to 12 am monday wednesday friday 4 um to 8 pm other hotira by appointment only phone 8772741 weeds the town of acton notice i hereby given to all persons in possession of land in accordance with the weed control act rso 1960 c 427 rso 196s c 141 and rso 1966 c 160 that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the town of acton are destroyed by the 1 6th day of june 1 969 and throughout the season as often as is necessary to prevent the ripening of their seeds and dispersal of their pollens acton forces may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed charging the costs against the owner and collecting in like manner as for municipal taxes please note that under the provisions of the weed control act dandelions are not considered as noxious weeds alfred duby weed inspector ft il one week only starts wed may m to tues june 3 all color show academy award winner a 6mduate va plus ea a wnafotb iramab iiiiim mb ill mih 1 tvat who jtelfepoitju wrjbipiclurhmusebcoujb adum eruertalnmeal starts wed june 4 cat ballou plus born free btaaee note show startt at duak adult adirlllilniel0 per parepn children under uree el hione 824343i anytime dav ok nlte 1 1 mile e of uiujii ai limits 1 just off hwyv stanr drive theatre

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