Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 11, 1969, p. 1

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hailon west mpp george kerr named cabinet minister for the fin time ever a hailon county member of provincial parliament lus been assigned a potlllon in the ontario cabinet george kerr the burlington lawyer who hu represented tblton weal formerly halton riding tlnoe lo3 wj appointed minuter of energy and matourcea thursday by premier john roberta the move came u a result of the resignation of mlnuter of public wotlcs kay connell j k simmonetl waa removed from hie energy and rmourcea portfolio to hie public world position leaving the energy and resources poit open to mr kerr mr kerr waa bom in montreal moving to the gupe urea of quebec with hit parenta in the 1 910 y after tchool he worked with 111 father in the juntber business for three yean leaving to add to til education this included ptelegal course at the university of new brunswick and later the dalhoutle law achool in halifax at hk graduation in ims he had been manied for two yeara to fellowgraduate meredith mint spleen he worked u assistant to the county lolldtor fat wetland briefly in i9s4 they moved to burlington and have ilnce had three children including torn larry and jantei and daughter margot within a year of taking up teildence in burlington mr kerr wu elected to town council serving for two yean hii first bid for the burlington deputyreeves chair waa unsuccessful but he again tried four years later successfully it wu at that time he left the hamilton law firm in which he had been employed and started hit own practise in burlington his record in the legislature indicates considerable energy and involement he served u chairman of the committee on legal bills and municipal affairs a committee on consumer credit and thai legislatures select committee on conservation other causea lie has supported include dairy farmers opposition to the milk market ting boards pooling arrangement attacks on organised crime changee in canadaa abortion laws governmental study of automobile insurance coals and compensation for persons injured while trying to prevent crime tie lias suggested a rebate to the builder ur home owner of provincial sales tax upon completion of a home and crltlsclied federal ministers of justice for lack of enthusiasm for reform in bankruptcy laws mr ken wu named a queens counsel in 1067 and during the same year prime minister john roberts proclaimed hie hailon weat member cablnel material shortly after his appointment the new minister of energy and resources made ll quite clear pollution of air and water was going to be a major part of his term of office l intend to gel the full cooperation or industries in control of pollution whether its through gentle persuasion or tough arm twisting or the full extent of the law he noted he pbuu to meet the ottawa department concerned with pollution control and seek cooperation the halton west riding is an ideal homebase for a cablnel minister interested in cutting down on pollution steel companies and oil refineries have long been blamed for the excessive pollution in streanu hamilton bay lake ontario and the air night off the iguana cton 4frcc nlnatyfoortfi vw no 30 acton ontario wednesday june 11 196v 7wny muter hfttn cmtt who rates sidewalks most question splits council tuesday the generation gap between veteran councillor jack greer and freshman pete marks was obvious at tuesday nights meeting of aclon council the subject was ildewalki and came out of the no 2 committee minutes when ii was revealed that bids were being sought for sidewalks on peel si brock st acton blvd and wallace si councillor g mckeiule said he noticed thai there wu no mention of sidewalks in lakevtew subdivision and fell there wu a real need for one along eluabelh lr where the entire subdivision congregated and flowed out on no 7 highway councillor lul masales replied thai hie matter had been discussed hut lie reminded mr mckeiule that construction would depend on how much money was available mr mckenzie said tliat traffic on brock st wu not u heavy u ii wu on eliiabelli dr and he could not understand the priorities councillor marks concurred with mr mckenzies estimate of the situation he suggested the volume of traffic on elizabeth dr exceeded kny along any street in acton and since the- area wu the highest taxed in town ii should deserve some consideration councillor masales said council wu committed to other areas first before any consideration would be given to the lakeview sidewalks in councillor greers opinion lakeview ratepayers would have to pay for sidewalks under local improvement since there wu no tubdivldais agreement attached to the area mayor lee uuby injected i lis i holding the mill rale lied been a prime concern of councils in the put and dial there was now an epidemic of town work to he done deputyreeve ted tyler fell thai if i lie lakeview subdivision wanted sidewalks all the ratepayers could contribute towards ii lie noted several other areu in town had installed their own sidewalks on a local improvement basis councillor mckenzie however wu still not convinced he said we cant argue about the need on aclon blvd and then not give the same consideration to lakeview since planning board needs experience mayor duby mayor les duby urged council at the regular meeling tuesday to nuke an attempt to contact people with experience to reconsider serving on the town planning board he said the recent resignation of chairman bob drinkwalter had caused some concern and llie board wu lacking experienced persons to deal with problems which are getting weightier u time goes on first loitering charges laid acton opp laid a number of loitering bylaw charou this week marking the flrat anforcemant of the bylaw sine it wee introduced a veer ago the book reads that an individual may not toiler alter being fequeetad by a polk office to utw constable bruce mcarthur commented that certain group of local taaidente have been continually ignoring police warning on the soaks the offence ie not arrestable a a bylaw infringement however h the loiterer we obetruttlrtg waffle and eraatint a public disturbance it beeomaa a criminal offense and an arrest can be made the penalty for the bylaw chart u a fin of about ufl for a first often and up to tmo can we do tills when they havent notified us of the chairmans resignation uked councillor mckenzie i feel u the mayor we must get something done replied mr duby this is meant u no criticism of the present board but ue are approaclilng he lieaviesl planning period in the towns history and the board needs all the experience it can get he also uked ruad committee to consider some sort of treatment on the road from macdonald blvd to the porter plant since the condition of the road wu a hazard to traffic windows broken police investigated minor damage at robert little school lut thursday night a couple of windows were broken and police suspect clilldten no charges were laid flying gravel smashed windows al the hood drivein on friday after an erratic driver took off onto the highway employees recorded use licence and charges are pending pick up off the street a daring daylight theft occurred in town friday shortly after 8 pm when a power lawnmower disappeared from a sidewalk display in front of symon hardware mac symon noticed the lawn mower wu gone at 825 he wu in the store all evening the police have a suspect and the investigation is continuing fish tables from lake summer season here summers officially here muttered parka manager harold townsley after he fished 14 picnic tables out of fairy lake on tuesday morning the first breakout of vandalism since the park gates opened for the summer season manager townsley waant pleased but admitted it confirmed the summer wu nigh- he and his stajt are also busy repainting the wading pool and hope to have water in it by the weekend although there have been swimmers in fairy lake mr townsley says the oil and sand stirred up by dredging have not made ideal conditloru the fairy lake deanup will not be complete until later this summer and possibly fall when the dredge win finish the job of removing 400000 cubic yards of aut from the lake meanwhile there it an both are uterles used by school children on their way to school the deputy teeve however thought there wet some differences and that many of the properties along liluaheth dr would have to be taxed on such a project there weie no properties along acton blvd he said and this made the difference it wu agreed use maler should be referred to no 2 committee for consideration wild councillor marks remark lets hope we dont kite a kid in tlie meantime tie mayor taking umbrage al mr marks comment uld he lisd been walling 10 years for a sidewalk in his area and slill didnt have one lets not nuke tlie same mistake now u we did 10 years ago mr marks replied suggesting ii wu lime council got things done width liad been neglected in tlie put reeve frank oakes wu annoyed by councillor marks comments lie uld every council in the put hu tried to do a job and ii wu not a mistake to try to keep the tax rate down lb attributed it to reason or conunon sense rather than mistakes the mayor recalled hut the tax rate had four and a liair mills chopped off ii lut year when muclioeeded work on the town streets wu neglected he suggested the councils of the put had done tlie best with what they had to work with councillor mckenzie reminded council that they had spent 30000 in one lick since they were over a barrel ofl drainage in lakeview but now they liave a safety problem and seem to want to avoid ii later in the meeting councillor greer taking his turn al the inquiry session suggested hut councillors from lakeview subdivision should take a look around town and see the needs of some of the rest of town councillor marks wu not mollified by mr greers remarks and uked for some clarification about what tlie councillor meant he suggested mr greer was calling the lakeview councillors selfish he stated emphatically lakeview councillors have also considered other treu and it wu a gross overstatement m mr greers part to infer they hadnt these remarks came out of mr greers request for 1 list of continued ow pq 3 rape charge laid saturday after a 14yearold acton district girl wu repotted missing a charge of rape wu laid against a 24yearold father of four saturday acton ojj initiated the investigation after the girls father reported her mining from the home where ah had been babysitting since the alleged offence wu committed outside the town boundaries tit cat wu turned over to the north halton o jj the girl had gone babysitting friday evening for relatives of the accused man when they returned about 4 am the was not in the bouse folic wet told the girl wu persuaded to gy outside and get into a truck with the man who drove off with haw the truck waa later ditched on a country road the driver gave himself up to pork on saturday night acton police helped to find th usssairig gstl i what council d deni gibbons joins staff a graduate of public and high schools in aclon denis gibbons this weok joined hie editorial staff of the acton free press on a full lime hult i d ii or harley coles announced hut denis will work u a reporter photographer and feature writer specializing in spoils coverage denis hu been writing a sports column for severalmoiiths now and eoverlng some events for hie paper he graduated from acton district high school in lo2 and wu employed al lleardinore and co as u shipping clerk slockkeeper and sales clerk until may of this year denis adiillfs he hu always had a special inteieil in youth work end sports and feels lilt appointment will assist him to round out his knowledge and branch into other fields incidentally girls he is it ii i a baclielor mmff attotltm k bmkti kohl peter hurst arrived home thursdsy from lagos nigeria after a tour of duly with the department of external affairs ills wife preceded him home by a few months tliey had been in lagos two years he goes to ottawa the end of july for further posting on his way home mr hurst uw a familiar face in a hotel in london the two men looked al each oilier for a few seconds with recognition dawning before tliey were able to put names to the faces peter lud met former mayor john coy whos away with mrs coy on a trip tlul coincides with the annlverury of dday public hearing charge into the park on sundays and holiday of si par car and many visitors have enjoyed the tadhttes already biggest influx will com with the turner weather a public jaaaraar v adtaauaa for ow tvjssrsfst ditmbtn r it twajey june- 12 to coktlnm towing pmrtom imtmttad at hiaiatw fries ut rtpntmluhftt wa7 dtaav gar al the rmular meeling tuesday night aclontoundl head lli amended swimming pool bylaw hue tinwl and basted ii there are lire minor changea in tin bylaw which passed last yesr depth of water in a swimming pool affected by lb bylaw mutt heal least 24 inches and capable of being swuni in original letlilctlnus on fencing have now been riitdd to other materials providing ait equal degree of safely can be used council will insert an ad in tlit fie press lo notify pool owners of th bylaw indorsed a letolullon from ihe clly of kltclittur complaining alioul rite government takeover of assessment in uj wovinc aclon council fell hi iuuumnl program should bcuild oul on a taglonsl hull counculot marks said he could not agra with several statements in the kitchener letter lo hi provincial authorities arid voted agaliut ft depulykeeve led tyler also voted against th leinlullon passed a iciolullou authorizing installation of en sir comullonlng system in the town offices al a cost of tl 1 35 hanks luallng and air conditioning received the connect puither in use meeling meeve p oakes said ihe police fore had uked whither they couldnt gel even a tmall ian lo clrculal hi air in ihelf offices ilnce hie town wijuld have some left over front the town offices clerk j hunt said an old air conditioning unit stored away might be suitable heard in no i commiltet minutes tlut a teller wu received from a taxpayer objecting lo th inct eased cost of education and th eiulllng lack of good service in town th clerk wu inuiucud to advise ihe letter wilier that leltf rt of this nature should b diluted lo hie elected member of th hailon county board of liducallon discussed furllier a meeling wllh county council toad committee lo investigate ihe lack of county toads in acton and dlililct no 2 committee minutes revealed sidewalk construction u being considered on on block on peel st brock tit acton boulevard and wallace si tlie clerk wu requested to obtain it uul iwo invitation bids on both concrete and upliall sidewalks all members of council attended hi iwo and a half hour session willi councillor fail maexlet in iii chair for commlllm of th whole lad has tontutstoi citfs in biketruck accident paul lowe seven years old suffered cuts and a concussion when struck by a penal truck on churchill ttoad south wednesday of last week paul wu riding his bicycle behind a road grader and turned out in front of hut truck coming from hi oilier direction driven by leo leuverink k k 2 acton tli driver braked but was protect house en holiday in an effort to curb sum thefts acton off aak that vacationer notify them vrhen they latv to that tegular efiaehi en th vacant boos can b unable to avoid wiling th youngster paul suffered multiple abrasions to hit face stela shoulders cheat and lags and a concussion ii we treated at th scene and taken to cuelpb general hospital by dr c hutchison ik wu r from hospital saturday and it still recuperating al rtom com nick parian investigated and provided an escort for uklng th boy to hospital kb chug was uld trie boy mother had special prist for th policeman ana th doctor who attended to in boy to promptly and said they felt h had beast sary lucky edward albert krmafto 34 of 137 tat ave toronto aacapad aaritgs ont a cur right eyebrow tutsan hit 1900 dodga cofaalad saftfta dump truck owned by cmaro cbnaaructkm and driven by caeatnaa 27 c4 r r 31 acton on fjuaw 4 0ft havy 7 majgt wat rwh umfp wo of aceo th em dmoj mm rntmmm wijboo t0tfw wmettms wmef wm tnmhwm fl i6aurlhfttottyf ji

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