Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 11, 1969, p. 2

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the actorl frees prate wednesday juno ii 194 swoad clm matt tuatttntfaa nuataf 431 5 jxoowxwsfcki the cleiyif jfeatr pat by rev s m trtoman evangel pentecostal tabernacle ixod news for acton john 117 the law m given by mom but grace am truth came by jama chrirt the good nam kr the gospel of christ and what doe thja goapd offer mt pint ll offers us fwgtvenoas paul in cabbortt i 4 lays iffe gave himself fos our sum here we haw gods beat hi contact with mans wont the holiest one fai haanfrir wjth the foulest thing on earth what burst tin be to the eyas of cad when it took the hit and death and all the wealth of the chancier of his son to put it away now in him we have redemption through hie blood even the forarveneta of alnephl7- the goapel offera ui deliverance for gal 14 tays that he mlaht deliver ui front this present evil world age not only b there deliverance from sickness by the stripes which jesus bore and from our tint by his death on the cross but he delivers train the power of tin and death he breaka the power of cancelled slit and aeta the prisoner free became he who died in our place arose triumphant from the tomb overdealh tin and satan and laid i am he that llvelh and wai dead and behold i am alive rotevermore amen and have the keys of hell and of death in thli present evil world by ilia mighty power of deliverance he ia able to keep you from falling jude 24 the goapel alto oltyra i grace sufficient to meet your every need and the peace of god to keep your hearta and minds through chriat jeaux phil 4 7 how are theae bletainaa received and how can we make tore tltey arexint we must be called into the grace of christ by thia gospel to enter tnta the full enjoyment of that cicv abounding which l in christ jesus there la ho other way but by the obedience or faith youbelteve the rrieauge you obey- the call arid the grace or god doea the real trot gospel cannot be penrertedcoda word b ahvaya and everywhere the aame many gentllei think that they ought to be compromised and cod will tave them because of their moral character and good works anything we can do or be will never add value to the saving race of cod in jeuii chrlsl therefore it ia by faith- tliat it might be by grace rom 4 16 neither the wiulom of the age nor all time nor eternity will ever produce anotlier gospel whereby sinful man without the grace of god in ills son can be taved jesus said i am the way the truth and tlie ufe no nun comelh unto the rather but by me he tint beheveth on the son hath everlasting life and he that belleveth not the son iliall not tee ufe but the wralh or god sbldelh on him believes thou tliut wwsvxx bus trips zone picnic planned by golden agers by mrt elsie reed plane fat but trip and the lone picnic took up mot of the time at the afternoon meeting of acton golden age club june 3 it was decided to go to goderlch on june 1 7 all willing to go are to be at the luxton hall at 9 am tharp with lunch and bevefes notice had been noted that all senior cltiiena would be admitted free to the cne grounds on tuesday august 19 and 26 all the senior citizens have td do ia to present themselves at one of the gatea before 2 pm on these days and they will be admitted tree the senior citizens should carry some kind of proof of agxunless it la quite obvious that the person is over as special events are designed with the senior citizens in mind on these days also as the annual convention will be in session in waterloo on august 26 it was decided to take a bus iryp to the cn i on august 19 the program for hie zone picnic for june 24 was further discussed and arrangements had been pretty well laid and all hope for a warm sunny day to insure i good turn out good prizes are to be given to tlie oldest lady and to the oldest gent present also to the couple longest married and to the second longest married several games and thort races also judging of distance shoe kicking etc a lucky draw will be held all clubs will bring their own lunch and beverages anu each club will have a table or tables designated to them assembly is at 1 1 a in to be ready to sing grace at 12 noon zone treasurers will take the collection and club secretaries will answer the roll call with all the preparations underway all needed it good wealher the lovely park is there and there is lots of cooperation the resolutions drafted and sent to the chairman of resolutions were read and wellreceived these concerned the excessive cost of drugs hearing aids eye glasses and educational taxes euchre and crokjnole were enjoyed winners euchre mrt davidson mrs winn mr e marshall mr sandy mclean crokinole mrs wame mrs healey mr healey mr bell church notices ewmchut community chutcn churchill road north mr robert g w hyde da phone isuo sunday june 15th 1969 1000 ajnlmomlnn worvhlp and sunday school ail are welcome at the cnurch on the hill acton aukpftsy church pounded 1141 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave phone 8331615 htkbytrtian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckeniie ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday june 15th 1949 945 ajh church school and adult bible class ilia ajn morning worship gideon service mr george booth speaker no evening service during june july and august wednesday 8 pjn the study hour thursday choir at 800 feed the flock of god which is among you peter 5 2 all welcome tuniyv unitio church minister lite raw gordon b turner b a b d director of music dr george elliott ma phd sunday june 15th 1969 4s h m church school for ogee 3 to 15 years 1 1 00 ujn divine warsijp sermon theme the touch of life ecrunr mosi welcome rvanoi1 nnyccosyal yaurnacu paoc jj churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday june isth 1969 1000 am morning worship sunday school 1000 ajn nursery to grade 4 1100 aw grades 3 to g we welcome you and your family to lake part in the life and worship of trinity church of stautanthfmattrt amgijjcan corner willow st and st albana drive raw h j dawaoa ba bth sunday june 15th 1969 idoo um sunday school 1 1 00 u m morning worship 7 00 pm evangelistic service guest speaker for both services will be ret d emmons district superin tendent recently returned from a world missionary tour tiitsdui 8 pm prayer service and bible study thursday 8 00 pjn ctiwys ambassadors psalm 17 i except the lord build ihe house thc labour in vain thai build if except the lord keep the cii the watchman waketh but in vain mam avmui aptttt church si maple ave georgetown paator rev robert c lohnea sunday june 15th 1969 here it our alncere invitation to the whole family to attend church 945 aju sunday school all ages 1100 ain morning service 700 pm evening evangel georgetown 8776665 sunday june 15th 1969 trinity u 9j ajruwajy eucharist 10j0 aunctaurcil school and nursery j0j0 anii chnral eucharist lai lid and 5th sundays otttstun utkwgajo church minister rev p brouwer ba bd acton ontario 2nd and 4tb sundays tr oja wtpbe uooutinub until tfao mh sunday june 15th 1969 10d0 aun english service ii jo aon sunday school 400 pjn- enghah service bveryotss imolooabc venturers too venturer leadar kevin conroy phoned to remind u the venturera look part in the decoration day parade their name had been omitted sorry curiously enough it b benjamin franklin the gaaat american atatetman and inventor who established the nisi canadian poet offices an montreal quebec and three rivera seated on roomv patio at the back ol the mutic centre oakvllle clllrsns band played a pletanl afternoon concert etier the official opening of the centre oakvllle bansmen led a parade through town before the opening cremonissulf photo catholic womens league report years achievements financial assistance to education including scliiilaikhips and bursaries donations to school projects totaled j9wm for the year lokt9 delcgjtct to the 49lh annual diocesan convention cw 1 in iuelph were told lost week mrs b m ilarron conducted the business sessions when reports from conveners nf standing committees yielded the following statistics on the years achievement of loo councils in ihe diocese membership stands at i54k4 assistance to parishes umountcd to 564 71 donaliom to missions at home and ubnud amounted to s702 with i27h spent on community welfare social action programs increased over the past year with many councils conducting study clubs and buzz sessions with many taking the form of ecumenical meetings when neighbouring churches were invited to attend to become acquainted with the needs of the community as a whole and to give assistance wherever the need was evident ttw bible today 1 member gave volunteer help and entertained the aged urc vnlunteeri on meuuon wheel program limpitau driving pjtjenu to thine work on community fundruivinb drive aitist at nurttry tchcuil and daycure centre orgjnied choraliers af hospifal ihe legion cliorahcrs sang a muchuppreciated piogum sunday evening at sunnybrook hospital it was their first trip there and they felt it lud been very worthwhile ted hansen ledtihe group due to george mussellcs lilnesi and george hall played the puno john mcllugh sjnp several solos hector daigle and henry leachman played thc guitar and mouthorgan joe peine played several numbers on the accordion after ihe concert the choraliers chatted with patients their next engagement is on june 27 for the mortgage burning ceremony at preston legion then they expeel to take part in the sangerfcst at kitchenerwaterloo on june 28 during 1968 the korean bible society distributed 260000 free scriptures commenting on this in his annual report ihe secretary says sometimes we wonder what happens to those free new testaments we give out a young soldier was lost from his unit during the korean war and after wasting the whole day trying to get in touch with his own unit finally began to realize that he might be captured by the enemy in preparation he examined his belongings and threw most of them away but he wanted to keep the new testament he had received from hu chaplain it was far too big to hide and he knew that the enemy would not allow him to keep it so he tore only the gospel of mark apart and pasted it together leaf by leaf with pieces of steamed rice and rolled it like a cigarette and hid it in a seam in his uniform during the long wintry days at intemcamp in northern korea he would tit with a few other christian soldiers whenever the guard outside walked away they pulled out this cigaretteshaped gospel of mark and read it to each other quickly and put it back u toon as they heard footsteps outside this young soldier was later released through the exchange of prisoners and now is teaching at a college in seoul he tells people it waahit cigaretteshaped gospel which helped us to keep the fire of hope burning during those difficult days suocstted baity bible readiaa sunday june is cuke id iitz maaaay jima 16 john tl 1945 tataday june 17 mark 2 isjg 4iy juae ii john 15 thursday jane 19 john i jjvsi j june jo alntrlww jj saturday june 21 john 4 smi lnu i i pmgiani in one tily one ranger company minuting ol seven rangers 42 guides oinipjintt willi iiom guides und 51 llrowme packs wild 1541 minwnies are also sponsored social welfaie imjecl and educationul program was inducted throughout the diocese to acquaint the public with the needs of ihe clnldicn in the caie of the fluldient aid societies in the province of ontario roxy aaattsjaaajsaaaj 1272 tv- 3272 attowtitsaa tkix lku thon i im 7 itpm im urilm i 7fct m vt4ijm4m4at jlmi is1si4 kfloa- color tgwmimniiiijij m 4afiuj vmwtmkmm this film contains scenes never before shown on the american screen from actual moment of conception to the birth of a baby for the first time the 1 complete intimate story of a young girl paronh bstcaui of erltlri rvfeliiij wsmwm w noqfjott yotit heloa wr5t1 1 1 roadtosttroph hoftsi hay cartoon mattntt iat ttf thbef stqoqis meet hmcultj 14 iuh mom tult wis juni is h u ii sergeny rvkes celar lee marvin the railrodder the fisherman year of the mouse cartoow rwuit ph at i juni it an 91 bandolero celar itecommended as adult inierlulnmenl man martin james stewart raquel weich chili and wooochopper cariosn matlnii sat juni 31 freckles ester n o t i c e another church building hat been erected in acton which will be utd for public worship by a deitofailnatiaii rvhsgnated the new apostolic church ttufe aw many groups at large la the world today with a variety of names under which they operate that can be very confusing fo say the least to ihe layman we wish to point out that the new apostolic church has ho connection whatsoever with the apostolic church la canada the apostolic church in canada had its beginning in great britain at a result of the welsh revival that tveuned in 1904s god made it very dear at that time through a mighty outpouring of the holy spirit thai fat order to worship lllttl comedy oae must have ihe experience of being bora again john 3 37 this means a personal experience with god in which one recognizes that christ died for sin a conftmlon of thai tin aad a repeating of ll with a coruecjueal commitment of the entire life to the service of christ this step it to be followed by obedience to christs command in matthew 2819 of being baptised in water and also the baptism of the hoty spirit aeta ls823h3924l96by the baptism of the holy spirit one is baptised into the body of christ 1 cor 1213 and la made a member of that mystical body which b being formed throughout the world by god visiting the gentiles to take out of them a people for his name acta 1514 this body ia the true church of jeaua christ in no way do we wish to imply that the apostolic church in canada la the only true church at it ia evident that god la redeeming men by his blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation and it making them king and priests unto himself rev 5910 we do state however that we are a part and an ejrprtedoti of that true church and stand for the truth at ll it revealed la gods word we believe id church government by apostle prophets evaateueta pastors aad teacbers ephealans 41113 if anybody is interested and wfahea to contact ua at a group please call mr dawld harris of 58 cobblehill road acton telephone 8531693 llar daddy the discount store mfflftf your money buys mou see our selection of gihwore of dhtovnt prices fathers day cards ght wrapping gifts and many other hems ir plastic cup wm coupons am bring mm w d0uau d4ddv you can buy the fflfm iisud in iach for thl prkt shown wmu m mm iast x ml tttj ojsiiaxljry i juice container 39 red 60c for 2 per coupon muomoqoool a hloxzemarotlon deodorant mo 0 mm pi 3 per customer abbbaaiaar f s aaa rmsrainirwa 3 gutottc cup this tmm tablets i only skranjasohl 14 gutottc av plastic gartage bags 31 rio ms 4crcouson j

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