Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 11, 1969, p. 20

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tha acton fr prssta wtstjnaaday juno 1 1 1969 farm page special meetings rally to explain gfo vote right chemical for every job making still big business four object to new bylaw council answers critics hal ion farmer will held lo the poll l vale on a new general i inn organization for ontario on tuesday june 24 and the llalton committee promoting live cio ii anxious that all fanner become fully aware nf i lie implications of live ballot prior lo ihe vole a special rally for hilton county ia being planned for lildiy evening june 20 al mewtitlown hall al h p m lullon campaign chalmun tom foaler lepnili it will be sponsored by the provincial may atlll provide touch of th unrlii diwllbla protein fordalry catu chart awards night bus trip for 4h four wrillen objections to toning amendment bytaw 176 were received by nauagaweya council al their regular june meeting one from lolicilon for ihe mulon weal fuh and game club noted the club feeli proximity of homer in the propoied lubdjvtiion to iheir tithing waten would retull in pollution of the pond and landr from teptic units council noled health official and the owrc had both impeded the plant for ihe subdivision and approved ihem u nonpolluting the club alto suggested a planting atrip of not let than 25 feel in width tepirate ihe aonet a tecond objection from murray john may of r r 2 hornby resulted from lack of clarification in the bylaw wording mr may wai of the impression lands which were aoned rural a at lime of purchate which would have allowed comtructlevn of a retidence could not be uted for homebudding if the new by law amendment weie approved since hn land wai untuitable for agricultural use he fell ii would be rendered entirely utelett an objection fiom mil sandia moore of muiiuauga an owner of land in the lownthlp duplicated mr maya objection council felt both objectiont arote from miiinlerprelalion of the by law and an amendment propoied by tolidlur i david thompson would rectify ihe uluallon a written objection from realtor leonard r chandler of moffat wai accompanied by a calk for reeves resignation dams dictatorial attitude i would like to go on record al calling for the retignalion of reeve william hoey from the nenegaweya township council tald an irate reiident of nauagaweya when he called thii newipaper thit week leonard r chandler r r i moffat tald he wai dugutled by ihe reevei actiont at a council meeting latl week the reeve adopted a completely diclalorial attitude two of ut were told to thut up and although we were invited to the meeting to discus a nutlet we were forced to wait while he dttcuued other letten then we were told to thut up i dont think mr hoey il really repretenting the townthip mr chandler added he hat no idea of planning councillor gordon agnew had invited mr chandler to attend lilt weeki council meeting to ducutt a controvemal matter concerning toning of the chandler property and a lot he u telling to r frott mr frott and mr and mra chandler went together arid had earlier tubmitled a letter to council protecting the rural retidential tonuig on their property at the meeting reeve hoey informed ihe visitor thai delegations would not be heard at that meeting only on the delegation niglitt council had agreed upon eulier councillor gfo vote is juno 24 june 34 waa aanouncd la tt legislature tut week u the date for a farmer vole on a geaurtl farm osganirttinn for the province farrnet whj vote for or agalnat a gfo the tint juration on the ballot atk do you favor a general ftum oratrrlratinn financed by a cjtedutffr r of how farmer vote on the tank question they will be talced to expresst an opinion on other ballot quotiotm the ballot tacksde qoeartfirm on marketing board repraentauod on the fgoa provincial council on iiw iiwrralito nouirctncnbi atto alternative method of agnew informed the reeve he lud invited the chandleri to the meeting bul wis promptly rebuked mr chandler alto complained that ha appeal for a different zoning was turned down by a motion reeve hoey admits he drafted prior lo ihe meeting three oilier letters weie ailed upon with similarly preprcparcd motions delegation including mi and mil chandler and k i losl rurchater of land abutting the handler propeity and formeily owned by them the chandler correspondence noled iheie weie over 40 new hornet in ihe township jit the time of the drafting of the by law of which only one belonging lo mrs handler had been designated tttt luial residential mr chandler was uumed ihe rr designation represented no actual cliange in assessment or taxation ihal would not have existed under previous zoning designations other contents of his objection referred to what kccvc hoey termed academic discussion and zoning philosophy thit included alleged discrimination against newcomers in favor of the older established township families the permitting of iarnicis lo build homes on then land for themselves and ihcir families and the fact nasugawcya in mr chandlers estimation is no longer a farming community in answer to his query as to why it had taken two monllis for the by law to be distributed to retidentt mr chandler was told there were several steps lo be taken during those two months and ihe amendments were mailed wilh the annual tax invoices saving the township restdentt considerable money despite a disappointing turnout ihe jlalloii 4 ii f lud 1 eadrrs held their second meeting on june s in ihe board loom of ihi agriculluial office milton anvnng topics ditcucsed weie laud and seed judging il was decided in hold ihe ijnd judging apail from ieel county this year sometime in eaily august seed judging would take place at hie end of august at a place yet undecided other topics discussed included awards night which is aerosol cans aermul cans ate used fur a great number of products these days and they aie a real convenience dont ever throw them into an incinerator or bonfire though to dispose of them they aie highly explosive similarly do not leave insect sprays or any aerosol can in the hack window of the car the heat from ihe sun could explode to be helif on either october 24 or november 7 al si pauls lunch hililian iduealinn enlie the 411 bus tup is scheduled for jly ii but the final destination of ihe trip is not known at this tune in regard to other trips it was announced that roseuuiy llooth was chosen to attend the provincial 4 ii conference to lie held june 21 to 27 those delegates selected for the central ontario regional 4 ii conference august ii lo ii include c alhy lathy john drown lleryl mel nery janet hunter lliubelh anderson and leah leslie the delegate for the inter provincial 4 ii exchange july i to 21 is to be lois hunter because many c luh leaders did not atensf ihe meeting some of the june 4 ii club meetings were not oiganied or planned at a tcsult it was decided that there would not he a 4 ii newsletter sent to the members for the month of june pollock use campsill uah uimoo ul kt al inc41av ng 41 wtw tr ntvtlt iffl how to keep the traffic moving when rush hour hits the hot water h s holden ontmmm m cork st eat cuelra ta mh rush hour every family has ono when there are dishes to be washed kids to be tubbed dad scrubbing up then sis decides she has to have a shower it takes a lot of hot water to keep the traffic moving thats why vou need the cascade electric water heater the big producer its got the capacity a busy family needs and its economical too cascade keeps you in hot water for only pennies a day ask your hydro about the quiet clean electric cascade water heater ask your hydro ithe name of the game ia electrical jjvuiac ofikhwu campaign committee and is open to all farmers in llalton two other regional information and discussion meeting hove been scheduled for thit week in other areas of llalton the first is tonight wednesday at hoyne community centre south of milton starting at 10 p in the second is lotnorrow thursday al llrmikville hill at h 30 p ill the provincial rally for wentworlh county farmers will he held at c arhde on monday june h and fanners living in the lluihngton or nasugawcya areas of llallou will alto lie welcomed at that meeting mr i osier said mr i otter invites ull farmers to attend at least one of ihe meetings tire important question on ihe hallol is whether or not farmeis want a ci o financed by a checkoff nol lo exceed 2 per si 000 on all commodities marketed hy marketing hoards or plans the ballot also conlains iicslions on the structure of the proposed proyincial organization llusis an impoilanl decision mr i osier said ihe need foi a general farm organization is apparent he hopes faimcis will not he apathetic piovmcial campaign chairman malcolm davidson told i press conference and county campaign chaiimens meeting al llrantfnrd iriday the hill km allowing a vote on ihe ci o will offer all farnicis the opportunity to lake rnl in forming the ci armcrs will elect ihe delegates to the founding convention if the vote is successful he pointed by e eaiabioolu today there are many useful chemlcala on the market lo control insectl disease and weed newer chemical being produced today to control thew peril aie more aeleclive at to the pctt they control for example an insecticide to control aphid quite often will not control leaf eating insect despite the necessity to apply two different chemicals to control two pctt thit control selectivity of chemicals lias ilt advantage when a chemical of this selective nature it used many useful predators are allowed to survive and help control other iotecls because of this selectivity of herbicide lo control weed if i possible to control tome weed without injuring the crop which we wish to grow choose carefully the chemical lo control your pest problem read the label carefully before using any pesticide to tee what the chemical will or will not do hukn in rain old standing dead tree may be a forest file hazard because if hey are struck by lightning they will continue to burn even duiing heavy rainfall and when hie rain stops the fire may ignite surrounding fuels or climb up the stem and spread spark over considerable distances an advance poll wr mi impression or opwwh pou respecting the proposed general farm organization m ontario will be held on thursday june 19 1969 at the ontario department of agriculture and food office 181 ham street milton during normal offke hours 900 a m 500 p al henrv j stanley returnina officer typewriters more students buy smithcorona portables for homework thar any other brand an idial oraduatton 0ift corsair 6995 clipper 11295 sterling 13495 electra 120 19995 dont forget father on fathers day june 15th we have a large selection of cards for this special occasion sheaffer papermate- parker ballpens 98c to 750 sheaffer desk sets 5395 to theyre styled for today built to last for years ledger covers ring binders pencil sharpeners see our wide selection of ledger sheets personal metal files staplers desk trays wate baskets many other unas personalized writing paper plastic pocket savers 25c in many styles and colors atlas ribbons tvnwttltiks ft addhts foi most machines only 100 felt tip markers 39e to 89c u desk pads iv x 24 225 to 385 rubber staamps made to order stamp pads inks 5icc4 stationery 56 saill st

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