Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1969, p. 16

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4 the acton frea praia wednesday june ib 1969 m f4 rts editorial page similar jituatichj resident of acton who protested at the proposed site of the senior citizen apartment here will be interested to know there 1 also opposition to a similar project in fergus citizens in acton who protested at the cobblehill sitedid to claiming it was not suitable for such project i situated too far prom the business section and conflicted with existing residential development f residents of two streets in fergus protested in these words we the residents of thistle and union streets with to protest strongly against the municipal council project to build an apartment house for senior cittxens in the heart of one of the choicest residential districts in feigusa guiet street of homes and gardens representing as it does the heavy investment of the owners now facing a sharp depreciation of property values due to the building of the proposed apartments there can be no denying tlut the fresh pleasant spacious atmosphere will be spoiled because a whole new community will move into the very middle of this chosen spot our senior citizens will have to choose between being shut up in cramped quarters day and night or wandering about a neighborhood of private property misfits in an uncomfortable situation a situation incompatible to both resided and senior rtluxnk alike is this responsible planning tt ttakes an observer wonder if there are suitable locations for senior citizen in any location it seems that despite the assurance of ontario housing official that the- project enhanced rather than depreciated property there are many misgiving it i a tad commentary on our time that senior citizens are not welcomed with open arms in any part of a community lets not pretend that we would act any different than the people who are protesting the proposed sites quite likely most of us would react in much the same way the fergus experience points out that geographical differences in no way alter the feelings of individuals who see the threat of property being devaluated at a time when it is sky rocketting the ifam hctej fotea agriculture may not be this areas dominant industry as urban development and utilization of land presses in but farmers do have an important vote on june 24 one of the greatest difficulties in the voting as in other balloting will be the people who dont vote those who do vole will have a fairly hefty ballot to contend with when they do their voting the first question will ask are you in favor of a general farm organization with compulsory checkoff when youve got that one out pf the way two more questions are asked to provide guidance to thefounding convention if a general farm organization is approved should each marketing board have a vote on the provincial council of the general farm organization the next phase deals with the type of membership that you would support if the gfo is approved should membership require a voluntary payment regarding less of the amount of checkoff paid by the individual or should membership be automatic if a farmer pays a checkoff whether large or small or should membership require some minimum level of contribution toward the general farm organization which could come from a combination of a checkoff and a voluntary payment we make no suggestion that we are knowledgeable enough to tell farmers how to vote weve found them very competent in making up their own minds but we do urge they express their views in the balloting next tuesday june 24 cant kale it fotk uaia laymen who query television executives about the impact of their medium on current behaviour often have the uneasy suspicion the latter are walking two ways at once they report with pride their effectiveness as purveyors of goods and services the pitch for cereals halrspray and easy credit presumably pays off however when it is suggested that the programs themselves are equally influential the story changes when asked about the connection between the incessant gunplay on the screen and the rising crime rate and disrespect for law they answer solemnly that there is none at all confronted with the similar techniques used by psychotic mass killers in various places they vigorously reject the idea that television has been either stimulus or teacher we only reflect current patterns we dont create them i the stock answer it is difficult to see how communications experts can have it both ways either television advertising is not what they claim and the buyers ore being rooked or programs that tie viewers to their sett leave a potent residue j pfottj from the pam m another series of four das photograph ha bmn unt lor this tawtat today picture mm tajutn of the kindergarten cbaa at the town hall on may 12192b in the first row wllmar davidson gtorga foottlt w anderson harb woods kan watson william hall harvey mocutchaon aaoond row lan coxa rod ryder jack mcglm a chalmers anna gfcbons charlotte marshall elaanor tubman burt patrick ellaan braan third row halan evan ethal wood mart mann ruby allan barb taylor violet elliott blanch smith kay huerd inax talbot aorta chwtolm fourth row lot crippa ehta ooray lorraine ijarmiaa annla sagattua mara arnold lan tubman cadi gibbons roy parkar hubert even a pile of old arm equipment can paint a picture as jim jennings shows kara from a collection of old material ha saw recently in the eden mills area sugar and spice by bill smiley having one 1 8yearold daughter around the place is enough to turn you white before your time as i can verify for most of last week we had three and its quite an expenence one of them liad auburn hair brown eyes and freckles this was one way we could tell our own from the others who also had brown eyes another was that they were neat and tidy and made their bed and didnt spill things and didnt slouch around in ripped faded jeans and my oldest shirt early lists spring one of our history teachers orpnized a tup for his students during the vacation to washington dc because they were studying american history it was a sucess they saw numerous historic sites and visited a high school in that city there they were warmly received as kids will they responded with why dont you come to canada and visit us some time you know how this happens youre away from home at a wedding or sometliink meet someone you like and vowing that you must see more of each other throw out one of these meaningless invitations then one day a strange car full of strange people pulls up at your house a couple and four kids get out your wifes hair it up in curlers you have a twoday beard and smell like a goat after mowing the lawn yep its elsie and herb the couple you met at the wedding except that you cant remember their names and they were just coming this way on a trip and thought theyd drop in and lay hello and theyve been looking all over for a motel and everythings full up well thats whal happened our history teacher got a letter saying that h5 students and four teachers from the washington school were arriving as invited all they needed was billets and a schedule of sightseeing he arranged a program that would exhaust an elephant historical sites band concert dance boat trip canoe rides and billets there was no problem there our own kids were practically fighting over the visitors one girl who comes from a family of eight snatched four of them him arrived at our place with the two prettiest chicks from that entire high school sheila and caroline it was 1 1 pm theyd been on the road mice five am and were not only tottering but a little out of gets a recent study of a major ontario highway indicated that almost a third of all breakdowns on this road near toronto are caused by running out of gas if you run out of gas and your driving a standard transmission it is always possible to move a car with standard transmission off the highway should it stall in the traffic lanes by use of the battery alone put your car in low gear and holding the starter uvon position steer your car to s a aafjajestuig place shy but we got along line and shooed them off to bed the next three days and nights were enough to lull anybody over 20 the lint day they visited our school and completely disrupted the schedule which everyone enjoyed thoroughly by dinnertime our two guests had lost all shyness and were giggling and talking frantically about what they were going to wear for five different events next day suggested curfew was ii p m they went out with kim and all three got in at three remember these were city kids they were used to concrete and asphalt and apartments and here they were in a small town with green grass and blue water everywhere and houses on big lots with trees and shrubs and lawns and ulac bushes saturday night was the grand finale with a beach party for the visitors and their teenage hosts about 120 people there must nave been sou at it as every teeny who could get out to the beach gatecrashed the party i know because i took the girls out to it and promptly lost them in the happy milling mob party ended at five bus left at 6 in the am that is my wife kissed the girls they gave us a thoughtful present lugged all the way from washington i took them to the bus confusion and emotion were rampant with tears flowing freely and kids wildly wnting down addresses i got a big hug and kits from sheila and caroline stuck them on a bus and headed home for a few desperatelyneeded winks four nights and three days of people meeting other people and liking each other and learning something and treating each other as individuals perhaps i forgot to mention it hut the visitors were all negroes the acton free press phone b533oi0 business and editorial office 4umti van mj nnjrf mv wis m s ufcudml sl ajim 0m4i4o illwhll l im aut uuu okuuld ux cwma 41 oimu m turn v i k wl al u srfmmt asao k cmu as ee u u eoumurt kw niykali bthhwha ij n kiiii tj im oy a otiit kuuuw m dm rvd back is sues 20 years ago taken from the issue of the fire fieri thursday june 23 1949 one of the biggest gatherings ever to accord a welcome to any visiting dignitary at acton station gieeled prime minister hon loulsst laurent and mrs laurent and their daughter and granddaughter when their train nude a brief stop at acton station tuesday morning the public school children wrr given a holiday and matched to the station and the boys and glib band made the reception complete little margaret wilton presented a bouquet of lowers mr hughes ckaver member for hilton introduced to mr and mn st laurent reeve and mis theron jones chairman of the school board mr thomas jones mr norman mceachem and editor c a dsib but the faces of the visitors were wtcalhed in special unites when they met mr w j o oakes who had spent hit early days in cbmpton county the home of thest laments 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press thursday june 191919 pie ernest barr arnved in toronto from vladivostock russia saturday after being discharged he proceeded to gait where mrs barr has been residing he his come to the concluuon tlut siberia is no white mans country pie ernest brown arrived home from france monday he was accompanied from toronto by lus father mr john brown mr roy mlis berlin and master lloyd foibes who went to the city to meet him on the arrival of the 102nd battalion ernie looks well he came over on the maurelanla which made the trip from liverpool to halifax in die record time of four days and 1 8 hours he was within so miles of germany came to england on may 2 and enjoyed trips to london edinburgh belfast and dublin ernie is the sixth member of the free press roll of honor who has relumed home safely from the war the lawn bowling and tennis club held a delightful euchre and bridge at the spacious residence and grounds of mr and mrs a o t beaidmoie between 60 and 70 members were present angus metavish a nesaagawey man who had been in acton nearly ao hi hfe w electrocuted while at work on a hydro line at port credit st albans church came near losing it esteemed rector rev maunsall and mr melun the organist were selecting hymn in si johns rockwood when thechurch was struck by lightning last thursday night sulphuric fumes weie quite noticeable both men were stunned and knocked to the floor tut soon recovered 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press thursday june 2 1 1 094 at a meeting of local pupils of 1 86372 of the late robert lillle it was decided to arrange for a leunton on friday 13th july invitations have been sent out arrangements aie not complete but the day will probably include a drive about town a visit to the cemetery where the master and a number of pupds of the early datys are resting a gathering for addresses music etc and a picnic at the school mr george buckwell wlio was a general favorite here when he was the right hand man of mr ii s holmes at the g t r station was married at carthage mo to miss leuie huggins tie bride looked lovely in cream silk and lace and the groom wore conventional black the pallor was exquisitely decorated and a supeib supper was partaken of the presents weie elegant and useful the groom is a young man of excellent standing and high moral character and will make his mark in his chosen profession the polling places for the election next week are in the town hall and c c speights store counterfeit ten cent pieces are in circulation acton comet band played at the lawn social in natsagaweya at the home of mr marshall holmes its going to be harder than ever to tell the boys from the girls if current trends continue to dominate the clothing market unisex fashions identical for men and women seem to be putting down roots for a long stay they have become popular in london and new york and have been sold in montreal by at least two clothiers for some time now theyve been adopted by a 33ttore chsin selling women duds in manitoba ontario and quebec outfits vary from jump suits and pilot jackets to capes vests flaring pants and trench coats with napolean collars daringdo is also there with party attire it comet in pants and blouses in seethrough lace u weu u voile shirt worn with black and white yak fur vests this will delight the in crowd but im wondering what a faihlon blockhead like me will do if this thing really takes hold i was into a mens store over the weekend trying to select some kind of travelling suit for a projected trip and ive found my taste glands must be in my feet for instance trying to buy a tie to match the other stuff in the ensemble was downright embarrassing the proprietor introduced me to the ties suggesting i should pick one out of several racks of them i looked them over all i could tee were wide models where do ya keep your narrow ones i asked he looked aghast then in a soft danish accent he pontificated people who wear narrow ties are advertising that they don t gel around too much well if there it anything i dont want to do it advertise that i dont get around too much it could be fatal in this business last ume i enquired it was the wide ties that showed you were a relic from the roaring 40s and the root suit era now theyve switched er all around again think of what would happen to me if i happened to stumble into one of thou unbex shops to be outfitted i can sm it all pardon ma maam at sir but could you show me what you have its pants why yes sir or mam or whatever you are and how about a nice seethrough blouse to go with them just tha tmngto adwrtlm that fairy diest i looked around then whispered discreetly well alright got any in frosted glass now sir or art you a she you arent that shy in this day and aga coma out and show people whal you are really like inside itsall the fashion that is a navel way of putting it over but i wouldnt have any of it no sir if they didnt have frosted glass then i wanted the smoked plastic and if they didnt have that then they could go to the devil in which direction a lot of people are figuring fashions are headed anyway i have enough trouble trying to decide what to weu from the male huff they have now without adding to the problem with unisex tluff why dont the girls wsnt to be gills anymore soft alluring tender curvy enticing females its time the fashion experts quit leading us down the garden path and here is an article i wrote months ago but never figured id ever use editors of weekly newspapers receive a variety or oddball articles each week in the mail frpm the best way to trim your geraniums to a sure cure for adolescent pimples the crowning achievement arrived recently however in a gift wrapped parcel a disposable dress in the event youre not up on the latest fashion trends a disposable dress is one you throw out after it gets soiled they make them out of paper never having joined the select group of males who can wear a diets without drawing stares i passed it on to the assistant editor she eyed it up and down and announced shed try it on but doubted it would fit she was rightit didnt at least not in the right places back came the package with the comment try it on your wile i mentally conjured up my wife and looked again at tha diets the two picture didnt fit oh what the heck give it to hat anyway and let her tell you the dress doesnt fit betide what if someoo lit a match to it at a parly the last fear need never have gone through the thought processes it didnt buraat least not a flam it merely smouldered which meant the fir marshalls office mutt have figured youd have urn to undress before batting loo badly burned still it would be daagarous to stand near someone with a rurining nose a soft paper drat would be a real tataptatloa again i need newer haw worried tt didnt tit my wife she advised passing if on to daughter wlto reutfceaasyytlissgnew it fit she wota it twica t threw it out the drat t

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