bauinafad w th aooft ft pma wtjrvaeday jon m 19o scouts cubs enjoy camping ucw learn resuscitation by mk r shortitl tuesday evening the regular meeting or the ufw war held at the home of mrt lloyd manhall the president mrt leo janueton presided roll call was answered by a bible vcne minute read by mr jesse mcenery were adopted and business matten discussed the treasurers report thowed a nice balance from two banquem and a wedding a sizable turn wu toted for cjiurch funds mil ainu mctnery took the devotion mri grace mcfitery hid a wry interesting panel why do i belong to the ucw with dikutslon and reading from the clip sheets mrt btalne- sales gave a talk and demoiuttallon on resuscitation to restore breathing lunch wi served by the social committee mrt annie vannattcr viuted mr and mrt shortill si on sunday mm lillian shoitill and alio mr delmar french weie tucceuful in obtaining their certificate culminating the three year coutte on municipal clerk treaiurer work time of churiil wa 1 1 oclock sunday making it a little eaiier for people to attend out ballinafad scout troop under the leadertliin of mr dnle mckim attended the scout camp out at bast lake they report a very wonderful weekend physical fitness and porta program kept everyone occupied ballinafad boy came away with feelings of pleasure and satisfaction having acquired five gold mcdil two btonu and one ulver medal on their scout achlvvrtnt the cubs r under mr sandy kelr also were on a tamp out up orangeville way and enjoyed it in spile of chilly weather mr and mrt murray lakoae will be moving into their new home on saturday they have been tenting the home of john woods until their house was ready haitom county board of education wuefs- in tegular meeting of the llalton county board of 1ducttioiv urifled ihe wording of the etenventaiy ulaty schedule to indicate the uurlet of pnnclpals of schoolt of leu than tix toonu will be determined by the schedule plus 1400 per room and the maximum salary tlull be si 1500 adopted a detailed procedure for professional salary negotiations requiring ihe bond to appoint six trustees three of whom would be observers as ihe negotiating team staff will be tequlred to appoint a similar former dentist here receives high honor a ioniser dentist in acton or joseph marker johnson was made an honorary member of the ontario dental association at their convocation in toronto in may the high honor is seldom confened mr and mrs johnson lived on bower ave while he practised or j ii johnson here for five years after graduation and his office wu over coopers men s wear store at the mill and main corner lie left here in i 10 to join ihe family of dentistry al the university of toronto he was irofessor and then head of the vepjrtment of oral surgery lie is now professor emeritus during wurld war i he was a pilot cadet in the royal hying corps lie was born in county coik ireland and received his preliminary education at brandon manitoba before attending ihe u of toronto lie was a member of ihe masonic order empire club psi oeaega o k jtotoivm cricket skating and curling- club lmpire club ontario historical society new york historical society the senate of the u of t and belonged to nuny professional groups at one time he was editor of the jouinil of the denial association he has a son who is also a dentist also attending the o d a convocation at the royal yoik hotel last month were dr and mrs a j buclunan of acton eoup the section permitting the laid fo appoint a negotiating committee of three adniinltlraliv officials who shall negotiate on behalf of ihe board items which ihe board will determine drew opposition from some trustees approved a policy spelling out ihe regulations on teachers taking employment outtlde their teaching juliet it stressed such employment must be casual must preserve the dignity of the teaching profession and must not adversely affect the peifornunce of the dutiret for which the teacher a employed by the board approved a policy on the number of telephones allowed in a school 1 1 ranges from one outside line and two phones in the schools for ihe retarded to three outside lines and a maximum of 12 phones in a secondary school with an enrolment over 1 400 noted recommendations lud been nude for improvements to the playground area at sunshine school and accepted as an initial step in a progressive plan accepted the resignation of allan fish as assistant superintendent since he is retiring from ihe leaching profession in january l62 he was appointed inspector of public schools for oakville sidewalk 5ib at lovell bros meat market wed brand betr choiceboneless prime kb roast lean shoulder roast 79 i tender si roast m maple leaf sliced side bacon m fresh small link sausage 69 lovell bros modern meat market 7 mill i ac p is3 daily dkuvifty w 1 my tud ifcniv taid iwvf to on hydro polw with my tlno thol harlami il could tatd to lommhlng rl tuflovoui the acton hydroelectric commission 43 alio st acton golden age club bus tour june 17 by mrt ewe reed at 9 a m tuesday june 17 36 senior citizen climbed aboard a tyler but for the annual but tour of the golden age club the sunshine wat glorious and the viewt of the green countryside wete bcaultfu except when dimmed by ihe tight of bate cultivated fields still hindered from towing by the unusual wet cool weather through the prosperous farming county of wellington they drove with the first coffee breag hear stratford where several forgot to count caloilet and indulged in delicious pica and other good food a leituiely drive along a piece of the avon kiver after passing stratford tetchert college and shakespearean theatre gave a good vicw of the swam ducks and other waterfowl calmly floating and feeding then on lo seaforth paik where although the breeu wat cool a picnic lunch and a bit of leg stretching made a welcome break goderich wat next point uf interest with a drive near the beach for a look al tlie laigc waves rolling in ihe grain elevators and freighters and activities of ihe port then on to huron counly pioneer museum with us thousands of artifaclt of earlier dayt on display the history of lumber flour nuking buller making maple tyiup making elder and apple buller nuking ways of culling grain from lite cycle to the binder and of threshing grain from the flail lo the combine ihe cooper shop blacksmith shop baiber shop drug ttore grocery ttote pott office church and old log cabin home wete jusl u few of tlie uuuy fascinating things to see and admire the ladies weie inleietled in tlie homecrafts tlie quiht tugs and needlework of vtijoin kinds the diesset and clothes of yesteryear the disliet and household ailiclet while ihe men thoioughly enloyed viewing ihe tools and inaihineiy used by the pioneers they happily iciiiiiiisced on ihe olden dayt of toil backache and do without or nuke do in fact il wai haid lo gel the men uviemhled back in the bus und one last man was nearly left behind and lud lobe liuulcd out me came out of the museum all smiles having spent a happy interval theie never a wony about being left for a long walk home ncut stop was wiitgliain al ihe k n x iv and radio station a lomlcotit and pleasant guide led a tour through ihe intfluile and puullng nue endeavoring lo explain in understandable language tome of the wonders ana winkings of radio and television lie tald color tv wat coming in the fuluie for lknx leaving theie and planning on a short shopping time in down town winghaui all were dismayed when the clouds that itad been lowering for sometime suddenly opened and the rain came down in intreult a restaurant wu toon found wlieie all did full justice to a bountiful and delicious supper driving all the way home in the rain was ilieeiy loo with singing occasionally there were glimpses uf farm life small vdlaget and towns looked clean l and tidy a few menniwiiles willi horses and tuiggy were lo he seen wending their way to llirir while churches with ihe white somewhat ghotlly looking gravestones in the yard hctidt them a jolly uiod i cllow ululc was sung for ihe kind uicltil diiver hefoie descending fiom the bus i veryoue said h lud been u wondeiful trip anolhei high light in the sttuy of the golden age club jud jn enoyjbte way to spend pjit of senior ilieus week shop the store which camiis something for the entire family imnid quantities mebhine l 30 oh mens neowlene tv leather soles work oxfords 600 special draw frttpar hush puppies draw to be made june itich fleast note no fiytinos lavawav exchange oh refund on sale items while the last bensons shoes final week win prizes when you shop the struts and stores each of the folbwing merchants are staging their own instore draw june 28th sign your name address and phone no on ballot and drop in box at store where purchase made shop the sidewalks and if the stores at the eouowing a b supermarket acton fabric centre acton home furnishings acton iga foods acton pharmacy acton red white store bensons shoes dills stationery store dollar daddy discount the family store gordon hardware ltd paul nielsen clothing sports corner symon hardware manning electric the holland shop the cameo shoppe hintors 5 to s store lakeview discount centre lovell bros heat market