i the acton tnm press wednesday july 2 1969 sceead dus itail raiistraliaa nnnbo 05 1 5 looking to the future grade eights fine up for lass photographs robert little pwfe elojtt graduate ere bet romchrt sdurtt henry teebet sieve mclntyre robert orooike bruce swift dm mtn roor swan richard borwtetta third rowdan mcgllkwwv stephen winter jack van dar kooy robert speaker joe manhall glen mckemie paul pelrle richard wilkinson ralph landsborthjoti james mcttebb dan galbrajth bonnie brittow mr mckerule second rowsandra denny yrevolyn patrick carolyn dovat daine timber deb merllndale deborah hall heather sir6rto susan nicolak lorna sutherland ann toth colleen vuk front rowjanrvatte waitet shaila cheyne margaret erliiell lou lie harrmma susan ribbla catherine synnott lilian vanama joanna ancker carol marrln karyn manet carol jones misslngandraa brooitad christina forbes gloria newman samuel schonnop and robert toth acton hosts zone picnic in park 400 senior citizens enjoy program m z dennett school gtvts eftht fpftdtuttrt ar btck urltktjvin peikin5hdon batker john jordan danny alfen uury quinn ron loulolt st oven mellor ruttolt coultrup glon lw middle toftgregory potato imofmand tromblay gary matter donald cunningham steven alkimon ted hsqttfr chyle mcginn jotin klngutiill dill mccobe margaret gentle eoond frontlynn mother daughter banquet thursday slmioni brenda browna sony dagle bonnie gillespie lynn nielsen rosemary lowe petty dunn dorothy pert7 jean elliott frontjane withers sharon ellerby karen atkinson wendy couture cindy lea joanne hepburn debbie drinkwalter nancy f epburn sandra patterson a record crowd of over 400 senior citizens attended the annual picnic june 24 when acton golden age club were hosts to the other clubs in rone 13 nothing seems to dampen the spirit of these worthy pioneers and they came by car and bus loads from brampton georgetown milton slreetsville oakville bronte buihngton aldershot and a brand new club from waterdown in spite of dull cool weather and continual threat of rain ttie park management had the nark in excellent condition and had set out long lines of tables each club wa allotted table space according to the number of members expected but as some clubs had not sent in an allotment it was difficult to estimate how many tables would be needed and more had to be brought out and set up as the crowd gathered the breeie was cool off the lake and the sun did not shine at all but as we cannot control the wealhef it had to be accepted with good humor william tellowes 7one president was mc and opened the program by the singing of ftiace mrs i rycr acton president welcomed all to the picnic and introduced dr irank oakes reeve of acton who gave the official welcome in the absence of the mayor he spoke of the wondeilul value of the senior citizens clubs in general urid of acton club in particular of how their importance had grown and a week in june was now rccognted across canada as senior citicns week on being asked dr oakes said the name of the lake by the park was fairy lake and told of the ownership and of the dredging to deepen and clear the lake mr ball vicepresident thanked dr oakes mrs attridge president uf waterdown club spoke a few words and said 25 at their members had come to the picnic mrs white and mrs sanders visitors from cuelph from zone 2 each spoke a few words of apprecblion and invited all to the annual zone 2 picnic to be held in kitchener aug 7 the toll call showed a good attendance from most of the clubs but a disappointing turnout from acton club owing to sickness and ailments vanous r3ces and contests followed with mrs richardson zone secretary in charge of the prizes which were voucheis for merchandise valid at eatons stores the lack of a rcciealion director for the smooth running of the races etc was felt as it is difficult for one person to attend the mike and move about conducting activities also hard to get volunteer directors at short notice souvenir leather keycaseswerc donated by beardmoie co and were handed out to each guest at the table tliesc were pretty and useful and appreciated by the senior citizens who were quite surprised by this kind gesture tlie thanks of the golden age club go to the paiks board management for their hard work and cooperation and for the use of the loudspeaker and for all who helped to make the picnic such a success including the st john ambulance two members who were present all day though happily their services were not required by mrs elsie reed take break if youre planning to take a long trip this weekend plan to leave in plenty of time all too many accidents are caused by driven who stay at the wheel too long without a break its a good idea to stop for a stretch every hour or certainly not more than every 1 00 miles radio programs have a station break when youre driving lake a safety break the guide lliownie and ranger mother jnd djuglitcr banquet in the i cgion hall was attended by jhoul 120 last thursday evening certificates for si john first aid were presented to about 20 girls company 2 caroline motrin susan mills lynn simiuni valerie mitchell susan stevenson i haheth thompson patricia jordan company i dorothy newton catherine nome debbie schonnop colleen spielvogel janet wails judith holmes catherine tlupnun diane irene and lillian de vrics barbara i owlcr maureen girth heather lliggins darlcnc holmes colleen houston muriel holmes service stars were awarded to second company first year service star debbie funk i mily hodgson susan mills second year stars deborah 10il patricia jordan valerie ulilcfich elizabeth thompson second company badges catherine nome hostess debbie schoiinup child cjie athcrinc cliapman cook and hmlcss heather lliggins singers vicky taylor hostess leadcis sat with cluldicn and patents in an experiment llul provid vciy successful all groups put on little skits and presented musical numbers for the program rjllgcrs helped set up for dinner the first postal service in the world came into being in the lime of sargon of chaldca three thousand years before christ ills couriers scurried hither and yon on foot delivering important messages h s holden optomitirst m cork si eaal cuelph phone ta 2 7iw mlltoti theatre show times sun thru thurs 0pm fn ii s 7 8t0p m st mjlinat rtpm yhukday htloav satuidav july 3 4 s gold guitar cola cotton pickiw chicken color all stab country music program sunday monday tuij0ay july 7 8 play dirty color adult michael cain come on in waters pink ctrioen wed thuts ml sat four days july 913 rachel rachel color adult joanne woodward merun magic mouse cartoon matin saturday july 13 man hunt in the jungle color big savings- cheese swingers m rm nicu me meat mmth mm ui imctw jwvts41 muuhf wiwwtsijiarrwalititus in the damy case fkozun foods kjhuwu cental celt ummwtutn li 79 cuonev white or rhnk i 1 r plastic reg 69pkg garbage bags 2189 golden ripe mellow sweet ananas peaches 49 tomatoes vtfzs rurvuuaieut westons biscuits 275 61 is outdoer anting tla l good outdoor cooling good oofing and at iga w ii moli thi your wo i succtllul baibaqu uaun will o widt ction ol irmig ida for th outdoor chol uols iga your bar boquo rfadouarttrt oily cor about cook ng up volufi 2 251 fiaisittm wvv avonck0icc4iozflns apple juice heinz 14 oz tims spaghetti solid white fancy saico tuna swifts premium sugar plum skinuss short shan k ready to eat whole or half smoked ham 75 whole dills no garlic folski omftki qlplfc dill mt dluvo pickles 0d rrf a rua mtuw vakhiiui wxuo