Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 9, 1969, p. 10

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tha aden ft pre wdncuy july 9 1969 new rockwood park superintendent says works there is the greatest enthusiastic jim mulr h the nw tupexnufldent at rockwood conservation art thl it on of tha best park anywhere he teyssuff photo largest crowd ever lawn bowling tourney the most luccettful intercounty lawn bowling tournament ever held on the rockwood greens took place on wednesday june 25 when 60 competitor attended the event from ceorgelown acton guelph and rockwood to participate in the jitney tournament in this competition each individual bowler played only for himielf instead of playing at a team member with the prizes going to the individual bowler jnd u the player teemed to be in top shape the uufets were evenly divided the letting waa perfect a delightful june evening freouented by a alight breeze wafting in to cool off any overheated participant the lawn under the able direction or greenikeeper fred alton wai in top thape everyone in a fervour of excitement and anticipation s an outride audience watching from the tidelinei of the fenced in green area in fascinated intereit the largest crowd weve ever had uid the president dave gray and everyone really enjoyed themselves the rockwood bowling association ha had a fluctuating membership for some time now and the 16 members is the largest roll weve had here for a number of years the member responsible for the tupieme by lorraine root the rockwood grand valley conservation park haa got to be the greatest joggers paradise in ail of ontario up down over and around the paved roadway take you on a tour through one of the most spacious superbly kept well organized and rujikly beautiful park in the district i trundled my trusty little bicycle over there the other day tj chat with be new superintendent jim mali who recently moved up here from fergus and is now living ia the house which formerly belonged to the dave nelson family on george street jim i an enthusiastic and ambitious young man who literally breathe conservation i first had reason to make his acquaintance when i was visiting the park myself on the occasion of tremendously urge picnic crowd which turned out to be a group of 400 members of the christian reform church from brampton who were celebrating their annual outing impressed at the tine of the crowd and at their well controlled behaviour for such a urge group who had their own mike setup for the occasion i uw thi well groomed and uniformed authoritative looking chap with the conservation insignia of identification on his shirt sleeve mingling with the crowd and pleasantly being congenial and helpful to all the plcnlcenrather like a grtciou host at a garden party a i had never noticed this particular touch in the park before i couldnt help but think that it did lend a very good impresiionralher u if he would not interfere with the activities but if there is anything you need just inquire and the park is here to serve you sort of thing ive always fell that its the little tings that spread goodwill and f leisure and create a real ncenlive to come back again i talked to jim about this and asked him all sorts of pertinent question about why he had become interested in conservation work we had quite a chit really if you could call it that titling beside an important cog of a wheel which is continually turning around to suieei of wednesday- 2f ww oni tournament were robert drew and john bucknun and the next intercounty tournament will be held in july at ceorgelown followed in august with another in guelph and then ihe big final do will be a learn competition on the guelph greens in gree september after which a dinner will conclude the season of lawn bowling howdy again wal today thing just alnt workin out to good just heard via teleear that that correspondent who usually tends in my column for me is goin to be away for a few weeks holidayin gawly aint il always the waylust when thing were goin real good what with me wlnnin my race nail an with to much to tell yew about whats goin on goth i dunno if i can make it but maybe 111 knock off for a few week myself and travel down to kentuckyalwayt did have a hinkerin to tee whit uue blood looked like ind maybe 111 get to eat tome of that kentucky blue grass they keep tiwkin about wai anyway if i dont manage to get anythln in for a few weeks dont just give up on ill ole pretty fair cause unless tomelhin drastic happen like me breakin my wnlin leg or bein hit by a bolt oflightin 111 be keepin in touch somehow hmm maybe by the time i gel back the tennis courts will be ready for playin onor the asphalt will be down for roller tkatin outside with piped in musicor the recreation allocation will have revived the summer playground aclivilie like they re donln down in acton guelph toronto an all the lively think ahead communities have a happy holiday folks and hope to tee ya at the beach trooly yet pretty fair direct assistants anil make suggestiontall this with the sound of uwn mower buzzing loudly with activity and ihe craping of shovels against pavement a a new water line down to one of the picnic area necessitates the digging up of the roadway to uy the pipe such a busy man but all in good spirits he still managed to tell me little about himself only 23 year of age married and with two young boy of hi own aged two and three jim muir hailed originally from haliburton but moved with hi family to a farm just outside of fergus when he wai four wilh hi family eventually moving right into the town of fergu proper he was educated at the public and high schools there i asked jim if his early life in the north country could perhaps have instilled in him his love for the outdoor no not really he grinned i was too young to remember lhat but after i left high school i knew i could never work inside because i loved the life on the farm and i would really like to hive one of my own but you know what it is nowadiys farms to buy and operate are a very costly proposition so rather than work indoors in a factory or the like i fell that as outside jobs are limited i would try conservation work his tint job was at belwood where he worked for five years origimlly a assistant operator of shind dam jim give me a little bit of fillin about his job which i thought was both interesting and informative enough to pass along it teems that the grand river conservation commission and the grand valley conservation authority were up until two year ago two completely separate organizations not even closely affiliated the grand river conservation commission had ihe ownership of all grand river dams including the shand dam thejconestoijs dam near drayton and the luther marsh daw near grand valley at orangeville the grh valley conservation authority however owned and operated all ihe park areas affiliated with lie grand river the provincial klovernment realizing thai to contribute giants etc to these iwo bodies was rather futile and forced an amalgamation of the two groups with ihe top men from both rarties being put in charge of ey positions of optalion and direction oilier conservation- parks throughout ihe province are not under the same jurisdiction but are affiliated in as much a conservation schools send their men out to the various areas but all are operated separately when jim was first given ihe opportunity as the tuperintendent of the rockwood park staff lie was ralher dubious a to just how he felt about leaving fergus i had been brought up there uid jim and fell as if it wis part of me and i just loved the work but ihe transition has been sreal for the first few weeks he idnt really know if hed make it as everything was to much larger and naturally rather strange now i just think its the greatest he uld with absolute telfauuredness there is no doubt in my mind lhat this it one of the best parks anywhere what pleases me is that i never get complaints about the poor facilities or something lhat isnt right and so on the way they do at other parks and the local people themselves are just wonderful to me i am very proud of this park now and il shows everyone is working with enthusiasm no one is slacking off after the boss leaves industry beats it presents a beehive of activity wilh harry collins a hit assistant and paul waddell as another full lime employee his summer staff has grown to include five extra ground and gate assistants with four life guard ind swimming instructors comprised of one or two high a school lids but with the tovemment pressures on hiring inlverslty students the majority of extra hinds are from toronto guelph and other local universities a congenial industrious and wellrun park committee which presents a good impreuion of a place to picnic at i threw more questions at the young superintendent and he patiently tried to answer them all the pothole area on the other tide of ihe river which provides many curious visitor with a great deal of pleasure hasnt been touched on as yel ai we have not been given the go ahead on it uld jim right now we are busy keeping things pollock firtt communion a one week summer school eouttt in teugiou training held in tha kindergarten room of the old rockwood public school culminated in nine rockwood and oustic children taking their first holy communion given by father earl talbot of sacred heart parish guelph on sunday july 6 under the able teaching and direction of sister angelica and state benigna 39 grade one to tbs cutdien tram rocjnvood and outttc attended the- maching father talbot gave communion to gregory mance tommy mahce kimmy kingsbury casey halliburton michael wotoshyn mtrylou kelly sandra kingsbury tori anne drexler and cattelarln of guelph diane omit mamrton od otnomctmsf 116 mouniamvieuv raid s 7731 mws m rim to decorate see our large selection paints brushes just ammo new wallpaper books dwd now at lakeview discount centre in order looking slier the three camp grounds two for families and the other for groups we will be adding more trees and establishing new trails jim figures he put in at least i hour a week just being there when im needed he grinned the park usually stalls gelling busy during the summer around ihe beach area about ten oclock its really lammed after dinner at night i like to sliy around as ihe park shuts down al sunset but tometlmet it gelt extended until ten oclock at night to keep my eye on things generally uid the conscientious park nun a keen car bug jim muir hat been interested in dissecting rebuilding rejuvenating and readjusting anything lhal has tour wheels and a motor ever since he was fifteen two yeais go he built a ml ford hot rod coupe which started from only ihe shell and was comprised of till different makes without any iwo original parts from any one three years but must dont have time any more these is simply no other sport that can answer the thrill one gets from car racing i asked jun if he would compare it to a track ttar excitement before he participates in competitive run a he told of that tense uplight feeling before at race no uld jim ive don a little running myself but it simply isnt the tame thing everything it just too much and then all of a sudden youre away and something happens id every bone in your body one minute youre all tensed up and then you level out and it beautiful its one man pilling his driving skill against another and its that skill thai make you ihe belter man its having control of something you yourself hive created ind having built iwo hot rod racing car himself jim mulr should know what hes talking about phones began to ring nick were drawing up outside the gale house attendant were beginning to report in and one with a word that jim was needed id one of the park areas immediately i realized that my interview lime was up but it had been 1 stimulating and curious one the viulise of rockwood was regretful when the pest superintendent ron williamson was promoted and he and hi wire jennifer left for their new home in gall he too had accomplished great thing in the park which actually brought il up to it pitunl day standard but he had left behind him a beautiful centre operallng efficiently by a well adjusted tuff of delightful people wilh an interesting and versatile conservation park supervisor whoxaies rockwood personals great congratulations from the rockwood village folk who are very proud of peter leslie who recently passed his grade 10 music examinations with honours he also passed hi grade 4 toronto conservatory of music examinations in history and harmony also wilh honors friends of richard wall will be interested to know that he wont be showing up in the area loo much this summer as he i in tlmmin relieving for the royal bank mr and mr r pott from stortey creek recently visited mr h rulh winch and her daughter cathie ward biibira uwand ronnie mcrae three pupil of mrs rulh walls plino clat in rockwood passed their grade one examinations from ihe royal conservatory of music in toronto recently with honors verullle outdoor automobile design mechanic im in ihe process of building up a 34 ord which right now is all in pieces apparently jim bought the machine which had been broken down by its owner to mike adjustments on it but at time ran out ihe protect was never completed with he result thai ihe dissected ancient car aal for eight years in a questionable condition until ii found jim muir and the old model contraption hopes to live again to once more decorate ihe highways of ihe local rockwood area with a history of stock cir racing in his veins i learned what mikes a racing car enthusiastic lick i raced slock cars for popular spot for swimming i rockwood conservation park and reoular classes are held canoe ret we scheduled to be hu hare next weefcrwtdfstaff photol relax youre covered on october 1st ontario introduces the new ontario health service in surance plan ohsip ohsip is a basic plan of health in surance benefits available to every pe rson in ontario regardlassol age physical health or financial muni- through the government or a desig nated agent ohsip will replace omsipth enisling ontario plan ii youre pres ently enrolled in omsip your cover age willcontinuawlthoutlnterrupbon ifyourenowenrolledlnapumfrom on ol the 200 other insurer irwcar you can count on from the ontariosuch as physiciansservicm ontario department of health incorporated windsor medical serv ices assodatedmedieil services an insurance com panyorotharagency youre alto covered until further notice if you now have no health insurance youll have ample opportunity to en roll before october 1st youll be advised of the enrollment period by press radio and television so dont wonder dont worry about your health insurance just relax and enoy a healthy summer while you await the new ohsip plan the hearth ontaiwdemrtm twmhwp wsa rilajtr nrt 1

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