Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 9, 1969, p. 16

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trw aeon fr prate wednesday july 9 1969 throe halton girls vying for dairy princess title lets play bridge by bill cou mar v anderson sandra bennett the uutui halloo dairy princess competition will be held this friday july 1 1 it the farm of howard tarzii rk 2 georgetown located on the eighth line of eequesing between five and 10 sldeioadl the program will ilait at 74 tutt with the three contestant involved in a milking competition including eaembung and aartltiilng the machine the actual milking and the clcenlrig and noting of the utenaili in addition the contestant will be required to giw a abort talk on t subject related to the dairy industry in halloa county abo included in the program will be tome entertainment followed by tclreahnwnls at the evening end thia year there ue three pretty and talented contestants in the competillonmaiy i ifrtiribl fowmwf two sides to story about beef prices n i edhnrwl wwttea by hehone taeicuhwal i henry j stanley le tepriritsd fro the june edition olmahwrt fan ne- which toe twoiured to termers in the arm hi- i everyone seems to be interested in beef thli put few weekalhe consumer because he hat to pay mote for hit iteak the beef farmer because he u receiving larger check if he u ulling or borrowing larger amount at the bank if he to buying and the dairy man who b finding veal cakes to be quite profitable i was proud of our ulniiter of agriculture and food the hon wmuam a stewut and of federal agricultural minister h a bud olson when they stood up for the right of the farmer to make a fair profit that to the firtt time since 195152 that beef has been at a reasonably high level consumer have become to accustomed to our cheap food policy u thu country that any increase to the farmer to reason for whjwiih for many days these consumers forget all about the si 71 hour increase recently secured if they are electricians the annual salary increase if they are teachers etc they never compare the buying trowes of one hours work today u compared to live or to years ago this points up a need for better ruralurban wwetniiftifaltnnt the message mutt be patted down to the consumer from the farm front as our ministers of agriculture were doing the co mutt realize that the raiting of beef cows has been the least profitable of any farm enterprise over the past 20 yean many have gone out of this business and at a result of a lower number of beef cattle and an increasing demand for beef recordof 86 tt pet person last year prices have gone up who to going to fill the gap the beef producer with heavier cattle or crossbred cattle that will gam more efficiently and rapidly and produce a heavier and mote profitable carcase or the dairy man who may raise more more c4hit hoktem calvetas steera or bulb for beef does the consumer realize that the 8c per lb price increase for ewe beef reflects approximately i sc per lb increase at the store and that anything above this to clear profit for the store the consumer oust be told the whole story and not misled by just hearing the one aide who u going to tell the farmers story in the future the general farm organization might have served this purpose farmers in helton were ready to unify but such was not the case throughout this province who will speak to the governments and to the consumers reflecting the desires of the farmers in this province this to a question of importance in my opinion delegate rosemary booth enjoys ont 4h conference anderson sandra bennett and sharon hume mary anderson rr 3 milton was awarded the cnfc shield for being the high novice judge at the county livestock judging competition last year ana a klwanls kingsway scholarship for the halton 4h conservation club in 1967 she to presently a member of the halton 4h strawberry and halton 4h field crop clubs mary hat completed 14 homemaking dubs besides these accompllihmenti mary to quile a talented pianist iter future flans include attending eachett college in the rail sandra bennett rk i burlington to presently in her fifth year as a 4h club member she to a member of the halton 4h holsleln calf club this year she has held the office of secretary of the dub and was awarded a kingsway kiwanis schotanhlp for her achievements in the halton 4h holsleln calf club in 1967 last year sandy won the ward brownridge trophy for being the champion dairy showman to date the hat completed six projects sandy has acquired parttime work at a golf course for the summer sharon hume rr 5 milton has completed 12 homemaking clubs she to presently a member of the palermo junior farmers sharon is quite a talented singer and has her grade eight in piano she has successfully completed grade 1 3 and will attend western university in the fall at present she has a summer job with hand chemical industries in milton hen franz metier a letter carrier from bad hellbrunn in buttling west germany recently inherited an ancient postal horn on condition that he sound it while making hit rounds sharon hume well i koutm ikit mmbmf would twrwt utr witwltiw that u but tvi il u in itw ktoa hi imi wli thai vtrvt ott kumlttf oa ifw itoliw uf wiwll- tlxr acton tttuf club juu duwh luf tlw uitithuf w wilt otcfl lauiti ufi motkfy eputnbw m 1 1m uwlaj llm and pleutf vot itultsst of you who cewhol kjv up dublkfclej frtjn f th uimhur ik coluwvh titidj club will cofttirtu 11 umhur the hi i oh tueidayt i h oo pm in it uk lull t geiuigefiwri lets hoc inclf if cottejmjon dwtnf uui ihji tutihf oej tb heimeml ijst ttw alton hiuir hurt flftitwl it tciioh wliii flvaj lerbufl in play after tiw kuii0 guii- ou tjtwj a lunch willi ike tlouiv of ift clab fur tk uitaitur your columnist tuts out of ittuietltiijt lumu to wilt hour u ml ll 1k lilt ulklet till splthtmr t hop you til riv food immurr btuffte uvlur end mcilletr wlie if kr ti off ibejitm thai rxiui in i hi lohintrt 11 it tfw ttewd fusf tullmswi u hruitaj h pult baffoitf he puyi a laid flimh duntmy if u auwilkajf tuuid whi thli kpplu but our jeru wtntl klllv wotiht youth tfulf with both tui but vulnclibw noktll s a64 ii k06 5 d 7 c kq 16 7 wtst h 10 2 ii hi l a c 4 j 654 hfut1l h a i 30 qi0v5 aim 13 vjaj a jcoj7 ii v74j ii in 7 ruff i mi um lo um paw mfr fof tut vnlry but thai no pttmmm tw- u iiutn or ruu hit hlp wwftf tlwm litwlloni ahwayi uu out ttump unk4 yoti hav g good itmiori lot hoi dotng o sine two diamond tnul b ruff thia u ait juatwnt uampu of not hhlnaj ou ifump unlu ihu othaf tnltaitati u m4ompuhjd use rollbar it is estimated that three out of four farm people killed in tractor upsets could be saved if ihelr tractors were equipped with rollbars or cruji resistant cabs and teatbclls lven on flat land a tractor can tip over if turned loo fast a canopy on a rollbar gives added protection from the tun and rjln end a cab jives added dust control these esluies give extra comfort and protection almost one half of canadaa land area is forested hflm dairy macau cbatfaffffaa farm of howard tarzwell located on the 8th line eaqueslna between 6th and ibthsloeroed rriuyjuryi11m0 746pmproatam mlaklnsjcomimtltlon entertainment free nrrewmnenit marfan coonty m cammhtm ii offers tips summer lawn care by ii i stanley july is the lime when lawns tend to become brown and unattractive theie are three steps which can improve the look of your lawn the first step which costs nothing is to raise the height of your mower to i m to 2 inches from the ground the majority of lawns are cut much too thort at this time of year allowing the tun to dry out the roots a lawn cut at this height is just as attractive as one cut shorter if weeds are kept under control the second step is weed control spray on a calm day with a combination of 2 4d and mecroprop or 24d and silvex this will control not only seeds such as dandelions but the more difficult to kill weeds such as chickweed and creeping chaille to obtain a good kill weeds should be growing vigorously if your lawn is brown and dead looking perhaps you should wail until later in the fall to spray for weeds following a series of rains care must be taken not to get any spray on your flowers or vegetables if there it very little wind and if you keep the norle of the sprayer cloie tu the ground you can spray within two to three inches of flowers without damaging them the third step is to fertilize again at this time an application of 1064 ur 10-10-10- at approximately 10 lbs per 1 000 sq ft followed by a thorough watering tliould improve yuur lawn when watering thoroughly soak the soil to a depth of two to three inches or put about one inch of water on at once do not just sprinkle the grass as this will result in shallow roots and a high percentage uf water will evaporate headon crash proves boys not chicken why should you pay for irresponsible drivers safeco auto insurance is for families who get their kicks out of living find out about low cost auto insurance driver training discounts good stu dent discounts call dennys insurance agency 17 mill st waal acfon mums um1s0 5afecd insurance orrict hours maedevrthmdavsem tobpm frldavoam lodpm after hours mih ball 8533343 harold denny m33sm for rosemary booth rr i milton the recent 4h provincial conference was a challenging experience more than 75 outstanding 441 agricultural club members from across the province attended the weeklong conference held at the university or guelph june 23 to 27 rosemary represented halton county 441 at the conference active participation on both the individual and team level wet stressed each delegate was encouraged to better understand his own role u a member of the group leadership methods and pcopoeed changes in 441 club programs were topics of enthusiastic discussion individual development has replaced technical training in agriculture as the main purpose delegatea alto explored various agricultural departments tf the university tha conference however abowed plenty of ante for fun conversations pranks and fwigp continued long past the lecommended bedtime ffcti ssttly wwf exetciaes e agreed that meeting born across the taottacs was tha m of bat sjaaefc as an youth said free press special photographic contest km msfuy sr ik acton fall fair but bbtk and white ptotofnlu- ultebb for wufcttiaa with cfedit gnail tatettst tticcti within tea talk of actatt identification sud technical information type of camera and film to accompany each entry three entries per penon permitted childrtn entries welcome negatives and prints to be tubmitted to the free press by mondsy september 8th so judging may be coinpieted and urge prints made for display at the fall fair fbm prize j5 three honorable nttnttteg at 250 each upto loewudiof si each wuhh wist nolttii mst l cu is cam k fu jll psju 311 pit u aup1 pfipt nuflh itwikej fur au txiuif yoltijj to uk ciuih i dont kfww hut tit stuwlii jlow thlt oks pair ltd net 111 tli ttuki too bj he uy wtt not up to the time ttjndeudt ilk hldjifia- fur detlmr did nl nuke hi uim i ft u tuppom hit tlt uaull ih diamond itlni ind twlichc to hcirl upon uclng dummy dnufer uhould t itwiyi make a plin llecantounl on on tpadt four luaiu and five dub likkt fur a tola of ten trkki tlili mrm that two more tikkt ucre rtmjutfed obvloutjy thli thoutd come from ivbo club ruffi all declarer need to do li pnxxed vmh care ueclirer win the heart in hit hind ind ruff diamond a heart lo he ace it followed by another diamond njff when both defendert follow to ike club klnf declarer it able to overtake the club ueen and flnlih taking out trump there are teveril vaiiitlont to thia hand tail may have led a trump it trkk two but llili still leavct declaer time to ruff two diamonds if tail ilartt wilh trump and leadt a econd trump after winning a diamond declarer can ttlll get two leave your fums with us join our film plan i ut trl develop tad print yew f lime black mute er usoac6udh guarantied up procwialho plus a new freth film fvii the saw llw and type of your original roll in lam mimi50ej6wi only hpmbsjsl2xajtsuejs ymxmt cahuas sumlim i act i 2 mai acton pharmacy 2 main st n acton 8sji620 ab supermarket 9 mill st steaks actcn srlon porterhouse tbon1 wing 8530075 119 round steak roast 109 sirloin tip 109t round rump roast 105 stafford 19 oz tins save we 1 lb pko town club burns assorted cooked meats 75 wieners 55 fresh produce daily apple pie 3 moo pantry shelf 19 oz tin save he orange segments 3 chiouita no 1 fobj bananas produce of usa size 113 valencia oranges ontario ma 1 super kino size cucumbers2 ftk efbcfive mi 9nmm215 doz jlark 12 oz tin save 2fc kernel corn 6 1 stafford instant save 30e 2 lb box chocolate drink 69 st lawrence 36 oz tin save 20d corn oil 79 all purpose cleaner 24 oz bottle easyoff welchade 32 oz tins save 23e grape drink 31 buy one get one free 1 1

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