Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 9, 1969, p. 8

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trw acton fnm proas wadnaoday july 9 1969 churchill community thanks bob hyde by mrr fred mcarthur churchill community church sunday school picnic ml held on sunday afternoon june 29 at gornue lake the home of mr and mn wj mcdonald about 90 gathered to enjoy happy time together perfect weather prevailed while the children warn and later young and old enjoyed the wcu organized race and scramble for prize some just sat in the hade and vuted with each other tfcoe who attended front a distance were bob hyde grandmother mr john hyde of walerford and aunt mb bonnie hyde of toronto hi jsairrtt mr and mr gerry hyde and two sisters kay and linda of ibfenville abo preterit were mr e swackhamer of ottawa mri e buck of geotgetown mn v stephen of toronto and mr and mr fred thompion of guelph many attended the morning church service there wa folk suujtfli it the moialiif tetvice and again at the picnic it wa lovely to have the music and the tinging in the thade the oldest person bremen wa mr smith e griffin who i 99 year old and theyouttgett child there was peter john cox the 3h week old ton of albert and dori cox while all were tealed at the table mr elvj winter presented wee peter with tllver dollar on behalf of the cccw mr joanne turner then read an addles to bob hyde who ha ktved the community for the put year dear bob your coming to us but year wa like the aniwer to a prayer since then your friendliness and unfailing cheerfulness have won the heart of all of us we have been impressed by your devotion lo duly and the tincerily of your perianal faith in mlniilering to us you have demonstrated a wisdom beyond your year a well as patience and rettraint in handling many difficult tituations we feel that cod through you ha blessed our until congregation you lay you had tome difficulty in deciding on the ministry u your life work but we astute you your congregation hat no doubts about your luitabllity for that vocation we all regret your departure from our midst and look forward lo having you return frequently lo churchill we present these gift in the hop thai you will find them useful next year and in using them remember that you it ill have a warm and enduring place in the affections of everyone at churchill community church signed on behalf of the congregation smith r griffin j c denny eleanor thompson shirley andenott and joanne turner he wu presented with a brief case a wallet containing money and a key case to match with a few well chosen word bob thanked everybody and asked the blessing the tables were well laden and all enjoyed a hearty picnic pot luck supper to compute a happy afternoon we wish to convey the sympathy of churchill friend and neighbor to mr and mrs melvin mccullough and sister mr myrtle jennell of stoney creek and mrs edith i parker of toronto also a brother dr clifford r bumfield of oriula in the death last wednesday june 25 of mr catharine m brown in guelph hospital wife of the late richard n brown churchill road north acton mr and mrs thsln johnston of owen sound visited with live griffins one day last week mr and mr willie harrison of toronto spent saturday and sunday at the home of mr and mr ward hamilton and family miss muriel mcnichol of weston wu a sunday visitor al the tame home mr and mr harry krocker and daughters of si catharine were weekend visitor with mr and mr leslie swacklumer and girls rev and mr fosbury hive moved from moore field to their new home on tidey avenue in acton he is to be our pulor at churchill community church we welcome them mr and mr wallace swackhamer and family entertained mr bob hyde and his parents mr and mrs gerry hyde kay and linda grandmother mrs john l hyde and mils bonnie hyde to dinner after church on sunday mr wilbert brown and mr don deadman were on a fishing trip on the weekend at lake nippissing longtime resident mrs jh hills dies sarah elizabeth allan of erin passed away suddenly in guelph general hospital on june 25 she had lived in erin the rust 14 years and previously for 45 years on the farm at lot 6 cone 7 erin townihip her husband jos ii allan predeceased her four years ago she is survived by daughters myrtle mrs alvin white hlllsburg reta mrs russell taylor toronto four grandchildren edward and harvey while valerie and deborah taylor brother henry hilts georgetown and sister beatrice hills acton and phoebe mrs robert warne acton she wu predeceased by brothers george and william and sister etta mrs william kentner of manitoba daughter of ira llilti and sharon stewart to be teacher martha beiwick she was born on the hills homestead 8th line eiquesing twp she was married in 1910 funeral service was held at the rumleyshoemaker funeral home on june 27 conducted by the rev d herbiion of burns presbyterian church erin interment wu in fairview cemetery acton pallbearers were nephews roy wame guelph peter blnnie acton victor and charles swlndlehurst and former neighbors jesse mcenery and lloyd mclean all orballinafad flower bearen were niecet helena and muriel hilts georgetown clarence allan and brian ballinafad alterations to the principals office in the high school are underway construction is jirogressing steadily on the ehovaht witnesses new church on main st n a very happy time wa spent at ballinafad community llall last saturday evening when about 100 friend relative and neighbor gathered lo honor a recent bride and groom mr and mr paul hamilton mr- smith griffin was master of ceremonies mr and mrs william butler of fergus and mr and mrs john ughlle of acton two old neighbors relumed fok the evening to celebrate with them dancing was enjoyed by the young while the ojder one visited hie happycouple wete presented with a jug of money they replied thanking everyone dancing- followed at the closer 6f the everting hie ladles served a bountiful lunch mr and mr charles binnle attended the foster reunion on sunday afternoon ii wu held al the fred shsrpe school south of cheltenham verne denny and brent marshall left on sunday evening by plane from milton to visit england and other european places of interest cameron mciery funeral in poor health for the past six months joseph cameron mcenery of ballinafad died in guelph general hospital on june 23 lie was a retired farmer mr mcenery was born june 3 ir94 at r r i glen williams son of the late david palmer mcenery and catherine janet akltl he wu crippled with polio at the age of 16 ife was married in 1917 and his wife eredeceased him he is survived y a son ernest and daughterinlaw eileen of ballinafad brother robert r r i georgetown and a lister margaret mrs dave russell acton he was predeceased by brothers dave k r 1 glen williams jack r r georgetown and liiteri ella mri j b nelson dryden and clara mrs w evans acton he had lived at ballinafad the past 33 years and before that for 20 years in acton the funeral service at the rumleyshoemaker funeral home was conducted by the rev kelvin johnston interment wu in fairview cemetery pallbearers were jim kirkwood georgetown frank smith r r georgetown lloyd marshall r r 1 georgetown elwood snow r r i georgetown jack cole guelph and fred sinclair r r sgeorgetown flower bearers were dave mcenery norm sinclair stew russell jesse mcenery don evani don van fleet and vic masters the reference in jo vaart abo to the rotary club fair brought this picture ol the clown band out of rudolph splalvooel s s d collection in the picture are amos mason gaoroo 0 smith alec mann charles landiborough norm trinidad student speaks moves to erin braid bins ramadan rudolph seutvoejtl ray aonow georoe simpson tom nlcol ollle arlof dills the date is july 1 family by mn r mclean mr d amlchand of trinidad sludenl advisor at guelph university took the service for the ucw on sunday he based ills thoughts on mark 4 3541 in the storms of life additional strength comes from faith in god peter marshalls little son asked lilt father what is faith and what is death his father couldnt answer but his mother catherine marsliall told him that when he came in from play tired and dirty and fell on his bed and went to sleep in his clothes in the morning he would find himself clean and in his pyjamas that wu faith faith is the assurance tliat god will be with you one day in 1957 in trinidad he and his family had come back from church when a great storm came up his mother and father huddled in a comer with the children it took days for the government to assets the damage and the farmers to go back about their work the stories in the bible are applicable to our own lives when were all up tight the voice of god says peace be still christians must have day to day relationship with god lord give me strength courage and power to rise above the storms of life mrs don joss the president presided the choir sang a selection which had been written by rev rustel flnley mr bill early is home from hospital arthur a johnson od optometrist milton and acton saw tvefasaloiul n directory far dalall shsnatl stewart daughter of mr and mn j ii stewart uoncton nb recently graduated from the university of new brunswick teacher college fredericton she attended schools in hamilton burlington and saint john nb before going to dalhoutleking university in halifax ns tor three years she has accepted a teaching position 1st saint john nb sharon it the granddaughter of mr and mn j j stewart formerly of acton and now of guelph tonpralutjlion lo mr and mrs alfred still on the hirlli of a daughter a sister for jackie the strawberry simijl was j luccevs next sunday the tidcons will take charge of the service fur the official board neighbors gathered at brook ville llall to say goodbye to mr and mrs john 0gorman and family who have nude their home at r k 2 rock wood for the past 16 years and who have now moved to erin liuchtc was enjoyed and i hey were presented with a pole lamp and a mirror we wish them happiness in their new home doug mclean and art mclcod arc on a motor trip lo the west planning to visit the calgary stampede 50 years same company fifty years with one company quite a remarkable record albert sedgwick of w u i acton this week observed the soth anniversary of hit employment with ii k poller company he started with them in toronto and came to acton when the plant was built here although mr sedgwick was ill in guelph general hospital this outstanding event couldnt be missed ken llaclton the works manager supervisor ii murdoch and union representative mitchell kennedy went up to guelph thursday evening to present him with a radio to mark the occasion mr sedgwick will be welcomed back to the plant when he has recuperated he is a skilled setup man for the filers past pres mayor lcs duby has just stepped down as chair nun of the central ontario regional development commission his term over lis successor is brian bailey of vuughan township awarded damages rcy wa granted an award of 12000 foe pain and suffering with regard lo injusle received in collision al acton sept 19 1967 mr justice l t pcnnell heard the action in daylong tewlon by ihe supreme court in guelph last week the youth keith locke rr i orion had both writ fractured and ihe right knee injured when hi motorcycle struck a suited car which had backed from g driveway on highway 25 the boy father leslie locke wit awarded 700 for outofpocket expense in connection with the accident ills lordship found the youth himself 40 per cent negligent so thai the award was only 60 per cent of the total judgment of j3s0o defendants in the action were patricia lauglinun bramalea driver of the car and michael d laughman the owner a counterclaim by the laughmans in amount of j506 was dismissed without costs william vorvis and robert ii smithers appeared for the plaintiffi the colhilon occurred during a heavy thunderstorm as ihe car stalled with the left front corner over ihe centre line of ihe highway car frjfhfim rfdfef boim w wlnalon r r 4 actors received scrapes and bruises when driver aoparently deliberately spookedhi hone while he wu out riding on the 22 side road the mare plunged off the road and into swamp and suffered slight injury mr guiles was unable to get the ca licence number welcome service if you r new in town or know someone whe it phone 8530805 discount shoe store 20 main st n georcjetown jacksons baroain centre where your money buys more see our supply of shoes for the entire family aailaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai i i i i i i i i i red white food tores pay crffr ix yw set more f 01 yooi mone sj tid tv whit apple pie 45 uti use 1st luvt 1avi itit tang orangi crystals uh twa ut t mi mem 599 1st sovi bib whits instant coffee 99 20 jey but uvt toajtio luvlae maxwell house coffee 1st suv lmeja asjbj bsbsl a miracle whip s 55 but suvt sunlrhin mwotud hlv cah aasbsav aabbsv x instant skim milk 99 frozen food features b old south orange juice 489 285 hsom uni 14 flf rlleuofcod289 ua 11 falrr ottcua uuju tssssssak a aaaaissss atssssssss cake mixes 2b9 iitjuijbvii savaasss i minimi uuh imu tat lltag sal a s spork st 49 usult 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