Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1969, p. 12

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ditorial page well mlm ban naasagaweya township will mtu him and the county lost a strong advocate of determined opposition to tentative regional government propotals in the untimely death of reeve bid hoey bio hoey made ftl presence felt at both levels of government he didnt hesitate to implement ideas after he was satisfied they made sense he took issue with the provincial governments proposals to split natugsweya township handing part to milton and drawingvartother section into the guelph ohlt he suggested the government was depriving the rural communities of true democracy by forming regional units based on representation by population without taking land area into consideration these thoughts are widely held in the rural areas and bill hoey championed thent in a way which demanded attention the voice of kanagawcya has been stilled by death the community mounts no matter the disposition of the township when region il government arrives the ideas held by hill hoey will be there in the framework the sympathy of the community and district goes out to the family of the deceased he was respected and liked by people in all walks of life kited train tertice london england is a good example of the importance of good railway transportation for a community londons congested roads where traffic crawls through torturous routes makes transportation from the suburbs and further almost an impossible matter time has no meaning in the jumble of streets which bisect the metropolis traffic jams ate phenomenal quickest and best way to get into london or anywhere else in the suburbs is by rail fares are relatively inexpensive the trains come only a few minutes apart towns and cities situated outside london can rely on the electric trains businessmen go into the city unencumbered by cars relieving the intolerable road situation at the peak hours it is easy to draw a parallel between london lngland and toronto in this country congested roads may soon cut this district off from toronto in effect if some other alternative method of travel is not available the rail line runs through acton and rockwood but few trains stop here it is time the cn started thinking about serving the needs of the people in this district with passenger service wfo u y hetykbw the horrors in biafra where the population is actually starving to death at the rate of 2000 a day has come into our living rooms by television pictures it seems that efforts by catulrellef to fly food into the stricken country are not enough more aid is needed caiuirellef is a member agency of the joint- church aid international relief consortium which has been flying relief supplies to biafra since august of 1968 it is supported in canada by the presbyterian united catholic and anglican churches osfam of canada the jewish community and the general public recently one of the canairelief planes crashed with its crew of canadians losing their lives there are still three planes left to ferry supplies in hut they are far from meeting the needs of a starving people despite claims that the biafra tragedy is exaggerated stanley burke the cbc newscaster has returned from a fact finding tour there with evidence to show that biafrans ore starving in the tens of thousands approximately three million biafrans are dependent for life on relief supplies ferried in by joint church aid and those delivered by the international committee of the red cross truly in this day of modern communications we need not ask like the man in the bible story who is my neighbor the furthest points in the world are now as near as our own living rooms sank a jay hi it will be a long dry summer and fall as far as tapping the chartered banks for credit is concerned says an article in the financial post those who believe availability of credit is more important limn cost in cooling business activity will have ample opportunity to test their theory clearly the government wants the chartered banks to say no to more wouldbe borrowers rather than let high rates be the main deterrent the financial post says that rate alone is not acting as an adequate deterrent in the current intense scramble for funds as demonstrated by the hefty expansion of general loans mostly to businesses and consumers so far this year pfotej frcm tke pam county councils of the prewar are ware custodians of a lagacy which kept thm busy but they had different tat of problems than councils of- today which legislate in a booming expanding county do you know any of the representative ol halton countys nine municipalities who sent men to the county aaat than recognita the late jim chalmers reeve of acton second from the left in front or margaret maxted beside him on the right is that harold cleave on the front row to the right and doctor heslop of hilton behind him oct z dom pkx xbebb its reallt qozte kzcitim just thus if tret do separate all 00 clothes frotf trial will hate forkioh labelst sugar and spice by bill smiley writing weekly column li something like being pregnant you cant stop lust because youre nol in the mood the typesetters are wailing the editors are waiting and the mailman waits for no man ive written them in hotel rooms on trains and on new years morning ive written litem with the raging flu the k hoping bursitis and a head that felt more e a fool and that explains why im tapping this out on grandads diningroom table on a beautiful hot summer afternoon when any sane person who was on his holidays would be at the beach or lying under a tree why didnt i do it yeiterday because yeiterday was a beautiful hot summer day and i fell asleep on a raft out in the lake and my silly wife on shore was afriad id fall off and drown and she sent some nit out to wake me and i was so mad at her presumption the knows i could swim that lake with both hands tied behind me that i wasnt in the mood for anything but a good domestic haule after a month of relatives and friends and casuals dropping in we were looking forward to a week of quiet living and getting away from people at grandads it s an idylic setting a stone farmhouse overlooking a beautiful bay lots of trees around and the nearest neighbor a quartermile down the road trouble ia its in our old stsmpingground even though we slip in under cover of darkness somebody spots us and the tomtoms start drumming the smileyt are here then ita when are you going to drop out to the lake and come on up to the cottage for a few days and how about dropping around for a dnnk and a barbeque its grand to be wanted and all the old friends are to kind and hotpitable that ita difficult to uy no so we dont but it it definitely not conducive to the quiet meditative life its murder on the physique because old friends want to tit up and talk all night and to do we daytimes are bad too when i go into town for some milk it takes me three hours to get home i have to uy hello to skin the barber and skinny the editor and all the merchants i used to sell ads to and link old ladies who remember our children and ask embarrassing questions about what theyre doing now and then i bump into ktiatea up tax males still earn a lot moreand pay a lot more taxesthan females in canada average male taxpayers income in 1967 was 6281 60 more than the average female taxpayer according to the green book the book shows that doctors and surgeons with their own practices again top the income scale with an average income in 1967 ot 27347 they also registered the largest proportional increase 61 since the beginning of the- decade don and mac who are up al their cottages from the slatet desperately seeking refuge i drop into the pub for a quiet cold beer within ten minutet im talking deerhunting with teemy the welldriller and murdoch the farmer and don the car dealer and george the millionaire its rude to ruth off with my milk when these hardworking chapi insist on one more round for old timet take iutt to add to the pattoral peace of our week we brought pip the kitten and grandad it in temporary charge of screwy louie a tpirited young poodle however it watnt all bad peihapt the highlight for me wat a trip around the mail with grandad who hat been delivering rural mall for 40 yean line the days of the model t in summer and the tleigli in winter ever drive a route with a rural mail carrier its an experience somewhat like your first ride on s big rollercoatter he belts around thote gravel back roadt at a hell of a clip knowt every rib and vein in them and taket comers and hills with the dath of a helldriver each mail box is a personal challenge he heads straight for the ditch and you cringe misses the ditch by two inches and winds up right betide the box to that the mail can be popped in without leaving the car add to tint the fact that grandad has one arm and thai im a coward in a car and you get the message mutt do it again some time in about ten yeart after this peaceful week weve determined to rent a trailer and go off into the bush somewhere with no telephones no friendt and just tquat there licking our woundt with our luck the people in the next trailer will be our nextdoor neighbors back home the- acton free press phone b532010 buiiwi nd editor ohlc f fluhsw t t mat puhllsfctrt v w hmlmr st acton ortufie- ubw tt4 tulmu ot ceftultlifm tfc cwftu sw otttta advttajels w kitta toum moo mi camu woo n ml tv wfc tjtavtcwdr etmlsshmstaimewj li leuetabtv -otlft- 4uamsj it uugttad o tts ufcusm ihu t tm mt tvtkltij ww tkm fttvtaoft ftl ttwusws tttttt tuftwssd of sjsjiaartegawetti tfeiu bat gtoad ids fet u the twewt of wstueuui it w hmbh tjl wms svusm mrmm mevmib hti usalrtmrmfj fa bhstf tt wtt tod may bd atjisvm m tov mk hummhsi c 11 dewldl dak lubussw caswtgt1 itfta salt and pepper theres one in every crowd ive spent several columns writing about the things i liked in britain and the positive aspects of an trip jammed into 2 1 days now keys another vuke clamoring to be heard what about the things that didnt impress yout there mutt haw been some thete weie im not going to piltnd to be some sort of axpeit nn a country whet i tpeul a scant three weeks but the british along with every other country in the world have problem peihapa britains troubles aie unique because diuuiblng the ttalua quo while tisdlllon it closely interwoven with dally life can be a fruttrstlng experience for those who are trying to solve litem primarily the people i talked willi kept the emphatit on ihe economic tide balance of payment and llie fiee andeaiy tpending habiii of the people nuke a bleak picture fur the ecwioniltl but lltlt watnt what wonted several ordinaiy brlloni i chin wagged willi over the tea cupi they claimed that many i nglidi people were too tay to work rippling taxes which lake about eight uillhng in every 20 have killed initiative lliey tald the ordinary bloke it detennined lies nol going to line llie botit pockets one woman from acton who hat lived in england for 10 yean tald tlie wat much in demand at a itenographer because die tried to do sn linnett dayt wink employen are eager to hire canadians most of i he in have old fadiloned consciences which bother litem if they dont produce wss the welfare hate a flop then no detpite the high taxet and individual complaint ihe ordinary briton liked ihe fact that he wat covered for illnett unemployment and dental work it took a load of worry from hit mind lllg doctor and dental bills were a thing of the pail however becaute lies got nothing much to worry about except the grave which even the affluent cant escape hed just as toon tell llie bott to go peddle hit paper at raise tome tweat on htabrow at feast thalt what we were told this certainly i in i i rue on the farm a recent report from britain revealed ihe british farmer has increased hit production four timet tince the last war and halved the number of farm workert thats an eightfold increase in manpower productivity britain is lea than quarter the aixe of ontario yet british farmers produce enough to feed 25 million people eight million mote than live in canada so you fllbeiti who are good with figures can digest that information while i continue to nuke silute observation about something i know nothing about number one son strengthened that bit of character auutlnallon by presenting me with mollo to place on my desk i reads the seciecy ofmy job wnrtls me from knowing what im doing and thats exactly how hill at ilallon platforms in england wailing for their fail electric trains unlike nur trains here coaches in britain aie divided uilo compartments if tfte cniiipaitinenl it full you shut thai door and move along lo the next one if thats full you move along agin opening and hulling doors like a msgjiuui after youve reached about your tenth don and llieiesstlll no room you gel a bit panicky the trains whittle goes indicating it expects to start moving any second i inally you open another door and spy a space for noe you lump in dragging protesting wife behind you and both of you suuwre in the tingle space while the polite lliitnh pretend ihey dont notice to compound the problem my belter half piefened lo ride in a compartment where ihey allowed smoking utually i dragged iter into one where a sign clesily indicated it wat forbidden to my horror she dragged on a fag anyway calmly pointing lo hulls on the floor indicating allien alto felt rules were made to be broken after the taw what lliey did to prltoneri in ihe tower of london her altitude changed slightly she made an effort lo hide the cigarette when someone cite wat there im nol going to uy anything about the brltldi money lytlem except that it nude me stoopthoutdered on ihe tide where i carry change the british are in the throes of changing their currency to the decimal syitem from one which halted im tuie when the konunt traded brass with the woadmen hand an lngliuiman a pound note to pay for a three shilling purcliate and you gut to much change bock it almott deters you from accepting it they really know what theyre talking about when they tpeak of their money in poundt 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free preti ofthurtday augutt 18 1949 eleven bands treated actoniant and vitilort to one of the biggett musical event ever presented in acton on saturday ihe band tattoo tpontored by the boys and gifts band drew 2000 people in ihe park the bands were welcomed to ihe town by reeve tom jones and mr r r parker acted at matter of ceremonies after several weekt wotk mr w coles hit completed hit work on the centut of acton the free preti offered two priiei to the persons with the closest ettimste the winners were ron crippt who guetted 2673 and mrt cullen wat second the actual count it 26si the bam on the porty farm half a mile wett of acton wat completelvuemoliihed by fire friday afternoon and hit years crop valued at over s 1 000 was completely destroyed crowds of people went to the fire twentyeight building permits hsve been issued eight new hornet have been built for haren gordon t seynuck jones and van gilt jamet moore allan leithman harry gordon eail lambert and frank terry the wool combing it building a large addition to their property dublin district and friendt gathered to honor miss margaret somerville on the eve of her approaching marriage find out what you dont know about the sewers at the citizens meeting fnday 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday august 21 1919 much regret will be fell here at the resignation of rev j c wilton ba the pastor of knox church he has been a faithful nun of god here for 1 6 years bugler jamet loutitt returned last week from overseas he was accompanied by his pretty irish bride and spent a day or to in town they ate at present with relatives in toronto the boy scout band under scoutmaster n f moore and the boy scouts under sergt w coles went to toronto exhibition yesterday to see the prince of wales who received the scouts of ontario it was the largest scout gathering ever held in toronto mr and mrt john a mowat have un reason for feelings of pride in the attainments of their children at the examination this year at toronto university harold pasted hit first years examination mitt jettle petted ihe matriculation examination and little marie wio it only in her twelfth year pasted the high school entrance examinations wake up ontario let ihe temperance act referendum battlecry be no not no this it hosiery week at mclean and mills mill st acton ladlet art silk ankle hose with lisle top in black and white 60c french silk lisle hose black only 60c ladiet black silk hose tlzet 814 to 10 si so ptlr bills silk finish fine ribbed brown hose 60c 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday augutt 23 1894 last friday the fire alarm wat sounded and it wat found that williams boot and shoe shop wat on fire the workroom was a mast of flames and it wat only by prompt and energetic action that the fire was controlled one of the sweeping conflagratloni so often predicted u inevitable owing to the lack of waterworks and adequate fire protection was averted the damage was under 100 and was covered by insurance ground will be broken this morning upon the site of the new knox church there were 18 tenders and messrs j j lswson and joseph anderson were successful the contract price for the work is s5165 the pulpit pewt glaring etc are additional amounting to shoo the church is to be completed by the 25th december satisfaction is felt that use major portion of the contract has been let lo local men the peach festival held by the ladies aid was most enjoyable delkioui peaches and cream wereo served in dr mckeagues new coach house an oldfashioned campfite shed its rays and mitt luna eclipsed with lesser light rev j j rae delivered a lecture and milt anna laldltw sang solos the home comfort stove pcddlanhed a rather awkward turn over on us seventh hne near mr henderaona at suwaryt which left the stoves or parts of stoves fat a rather delaptdaatd state

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