Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1969, p. 7

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th acton frog preti wednptday sprembf 10 i9a9 by wcrtdy tliormoil one thing i wrtted to do while away on hollcuya wat to travel acjou georgia bay on the ferry that rum between tobermory and south bay mouth for no particular reason reallyl jutl thought il would be change from the utuil on the way home from geraldton wtweient too keen on ttoppbtf at 1 motel friday night and getting up early to take tlie 7 ajm ferry fnikad we planned to drive right lo south bay pay out paittg lib an overnight berth on the ferry then deep tlie ret of the night and til the way acrott without having to get up the bell laid puni etc etc we arrived at the dock at 430 in the morning 1 wai to tired i could hardly drag mytelf up the gangplank to fee about a couple of berthi while gord went to the ticket ofqce the purttr or tiawtfi or whatever wai a pkatant looking tort of perion who acted ai though lie had tlreanu of women coming to him croueyed with fatigue at that time of night and proceeded to kguter ui mr and mr gordon thomion i gol that put all nght now where were we from and i lull ttood there with my mouth hanging open i couldnt remember lie waited with pen poiied until i finally blurted out acton with tlie unconvincing air of tomeone trying to pull a fait one when gord arrived thi chap looked lum over and uid and where are you from gord didnt hetitate but there wai more than one pair of eyei follow ui along the paiugeway convinced im ture that we were on our way to a night of illicit love and even if we had been that certainly wautt the place i would have choien the cabin was to tiny that when we both bent over to undo our ihoet at the lame time we had imtant cauitrophe finally i huddled in comer while gord got ready for bed and climbed in the top bunk then i took my turn our plan had been to ileep all the way acrots but that wat thot down before we started i would have thought that the ticket agent knew how many ticket hed sold and would know how much space was left for cars and such but apparently he didnt gord had to get up at 6 30 to go back down and stand m line to see if there was available space i crawled out of m berth and peeked everything again readv to jump off if he didnt get back i had the temble feeling that the ferr would take off with just me and not gord- when the steward came up beside me i eiilained that rm husband was off m mc to bu tickets and mentioned that out truck was pone from its parking spot ki inf i pueii he s driven on voard addinc as an jdirrthought eithri that o- hes driven oft and left me me and tm bug mouth but the dear old thinf eed me fvnmiitlirtical and said oh x rn slr he ucujldn t do that lucol tlie man m question appeared sth the tickets and off we staggered for anothei few hours sleep- foil owed by even more eyes unfortunately there were two newtymet women sitting under our window who seemed bound on exchanging life histories and opinions on a variety of subjects the whole of the three hour trip i finally fell asleep on whether the ferry burned coal or not and woke up to whether the astronauts were courageous or not when they gol around to lick of morality in present tunes with appropriate gasps and clucks i decided it was time for a bit of fresh air and went roaming i think everybody on that trip made at least one visit to the bow where two youngsters tlie boy with a north west territories emblem on his jacket had a very large huskytypedog with a really shaggy cold weather coat tied to jlse anchor cliain lie was a good old thing ignoring both tlie heat and the fussing around him lie had tlie oddest nose- it had a real hook in it just like wiley i coyote of the cartoons i would have liked to have gone over and asked tlie father if the dog had had it broken once but decided not to i embanass gord when i do things like that when we reached tobermory home didnt seem too far away on the map but it took us from 10 10 in tlie morning till 7 at night to get there of course we did make a few stops on the way tlie fust at wiarton where we were shown around the wiarton echo by the editor and secondly at use smobeil farm south of own sound there i received the crowning touch of our holiday wlule we were sitting talking over cherry pie and tea it started to rain then pour willi all his inborn gallantry gord let laurence hold the door for me while i ran out and oot soaked moving tlie suitcases out of ihe back of when we finally did get home it was just in time to stretch out and sleep and sleep in a bed with no sag when we finally did get horn it was just in time to stretch out and sleep and sleep in a bed with no sag another recipe that 1 picked up in geraldton was for the best peanut butter cookies ive ever tasted the chocolate chips are my own idea pt anut bum- r ooomes blend i cup marginne 1 cup broun uibit i cup unite lugir mil 1 cup nranul buller add i tip vtnllb cream well sift s cups flour 2 lip bkwf soda 1 tfs salt adj to sugar mixture mix writ add 6 oi pkg chocolate chips if you like roll into hall lumen with folk on eresied cookie iheel bike at 3s0 degrees for 10 to is minutes indian hospitals bmcs study members of the manon rudd mission circle enjoyed a pot luck supper at their september meeting held monday night in the church basement after a delicious repast president marg baillie opened the meeting with a hymn and prayer dunng the business session typed programs were distributed and plans made for the fall thankoffenng to be heldm late october when mrs oaire guyhet of binbrook will be the speaker marj landsborough gave a short devotional talk based on lead us not into temptation mrs llarrop conducted an interesting study with a map on the hospitals of india with all present participating this study based on the lank and visitor missionary magazine will be a regular feature of these meetings norma baillie and frances feltham gave prayer for missionary work and the rudd family who will be returning to india in september a kate smith religious record was enjoyed after which the president closed with prayer st john ambulance first aid course commences thursday sept 11 at acton scout hall from 9 to 10pm this u ustor court 14 yen and up 8 weeks 500 includes book 2 bandages for registration phone 85315 jjomjim fa mm makes plans for fall fair exhibit after two months holidays from womens insititute activities the acton w i held ibeir september meeting in the library board room miss doiothy simmons presided over the meeting a prayer and iwo minutes silence was observed fur the death or mrs allens daughter the mary stewart collect and the institute ode were repealed by tlie members the secretary and tteasurers reports were lead and adopted and coiiespondence dealt with the roll call a book and its author was answeied by 16 ladies a letter from the district secretary informed of a party planiled in campbellville church in honor of dr i lliel chapman who for many years edited home and country i ach blanch was to send he per member also a donation lowaid a gift given in tlie form of a burseiy the fall fair exhibit was discussed tlie theme of each womens institute it a place setting representing birthdays anniversaries christmas or thanksgiving acton w 1 decided on the golden wedding place selling mrs george tryer and miss m hall were lo arrange the exhibit the pros and cons contenting a fall bus trip were heard no decision was made the program was on citizenship and education the convener being mrs mary gralini she gjve a reading lducstion s the key to success mrs mcauley gave the molto education is easy to carry and necessary to earn a living t mi irahatrt conducted a uul7 ihe winners being mrs i indsay and mrs marie liar gr live the singing of ihe queen brought the meeting to a clou followed by lunch served by the committee in charge a social half hour was enjoyed over j sup of lea guns fired elmore drive two reports of indivcriiniiiate shooting on i imotc i m saturday ate being ijkcn viry seriously hy acton police they were unable to lix any blame but eommenlid wc aic prepared to lake strong action against anyone caught tiring llll guns and nlles first meet119 oiresfov i0m ukeude chapter of the iod nude plant fur he fair at their fitit meeting of the season they will have a booth showing sonve of their work preceding a membership drive in october membership in ihe hahon museum association wat aim ducusied and further information will he olnamcd firefighters annual picnic acton i irehghieri held their annual picnic sunday afternoon at the scoul hall with a good crowd time were race and a barbecue supper tor firefighters and their famihei on duty st john ambulance brigade members on duly at taledon air were mr ind mrs george mar gr jvc and mrs jack carpenter acton brigade is on duly here each year on television miss acion i air contestants will likely appear tin the kitchener tv i lame cole show one afternoon before llic imal judging daughters of knox see slides the daughters of ktum held their september meeting in th mut llleri anderson room mi monday nlghl with m members and one vitttnt pit tent the president mrs torn watson opened ihe meeting with a readmit of ihe tulm for limy people followed by ihe sinking of living i or jesus and the repeating of live moltos an unison after a stnvt business trsnon there was a dmtisiion im ihe chivkv of the kuybwv for tit coming year fl was decided to order a enpy for each member mn i a hansen arid iter group led in ihe devotion opening with ihe fnjt vtse of the hymn m love to llrr o thnst the scripture was read from unmans haplei i 1 hli an interesting outline on trie si ud y honk f renin mended reconciliation m a llioken world was given by mis i a hansen the remaining iwo verses of more love lo fliee o host and prayer closed ihe mccluig they wtrc entertained with iwo lovely piano solos naicmus and lair de i une by miss no ne ue nohtc of i j me house followed by slides shown by mr and mrs mat spiowl of their trip this summer travelling lh tough the western provinces and vancouver island lunch was served hy the group in charge and a social lime was spent hill i lilim relumed after a fw wki slay 11 i hfcfartd will hi mother and u others and slifan mr wtd mrs t kramer and family of m u 4 aclon were vl tiling wilh relatives from holland in ftuilph over lite weekend fhe firm j i wauthrouglt family puim was hfd fatl suiujjy at hoik wood prk wjlh llw usual riumtxr al lending relatives were tfirie from arujiler hurhupfou ffcm mills agin tour i wiuowdale toronto t noli tville acton uin fcwnod lid on sunday ihe family of mrs mary miautey celetwated the itirlliday of i lie ft mnihei at tlie bom of miss hofxru c tail pirunt weir mr and mrs i rank kitchie and mr mid mrs i rank heiplmg and raig from i in know mr and mrs uoyd mcauley mr jnd mrs noy a ii del son and kenneth and mr and mrs anju ml an ley and atljn fmm loionio mrs orwell dairies has relumed home to i ion da after spending ihe summer here willi her sulci miss daisy i olsier i ord a l ho jyion the wrestler and promoter and a pail potentate of the shrine was a visitor at walker lodge monday evening a friend s a mc nmb was being initiated natural gas keeps things cooking right along seven days a week take it from the colonel colonol sanders sorvos up tasty fried chickon and oppolizmo salads at over 60 diffoiont loco tions in south wostorn ontario tnatb around fivo million pounds of chickon ovcry year and natural gas plays a vory important role in helping him ploaso the palates of thousands of hungry customois natural gas holps him as tho hoat onoroy sourco for his cus tom built cookinn pots oils usod in his famous frying procoss must bo maintained at a prociso tompoc aturo and tho colonol finds natural gas heat completely dopondabto ho hkos tho oaso of control and instant responsivenoss of natural gas too with tho thousands of customers ho sorvos in a day his cookorv must run efficiently tho colonol doosn t limit his uso of natural gas to cooking cither it heats all his wator for normal uso and natural gas providos his outlets with cloan modorn fresh air hoat no moan task in tho middle of winter whon his doors oro forever oponing and closing isn t it about timo you oot cook ing with natural gas or heating your wator with it or hoating united gas total ihirov for total comport your offico or factory or storo or homo with il you don t need 60 different rotail locations to nuko natural gas make senso for you ono quick chat with your gas company roprosontativo or hoating contractor will toll you how ceo nomical it is to install and maintain just ask tho colonol ho ii toll you ho s novor had it so fmgor hckin good mr if w norton tttumed to stavanpr norway after vidling tialivf ami friend iwie on saturday ihouurtd of orarifc lnv members from all over ontario attended tl opening of the trillium i tor for the aged in ottilia among hi oie ilre were mr and mrs c k browne mr and mrs jowph fuller mn gwrp holmet and muriel starling classes this wrtk at ukruioie teachers college are j ii marie maichnvnt gail mcllugh kaeleeu llolclrfn llaibara mclchern and nancy nor fun mist susan perry begin iter trirtnmg as a nurse at cuelpb general hospital mitt tern ijowdmg is training at las cjcheral llmpmil toronto miss nancy uognvalilsivn who receives lver il a degtee from ihe university of duelph this fall is taking ihe bachelor of i ducalion course at the tjmversiiy of calgary missiill hunt a graduate of western university will he al ending ontario college of 1 ducalion al ljindon miss joanne landsborough who is taking ihe cooperative couse al ihe university of waterloo will be working in i dmontun for the next four months she arrived in edmonton thursday for the work period and she will be involved in a physical education program llveie attention home owners if you art located on tfta tama td of tha ttfttt at a gat fin which wat nttallad prior to april 1 1968 and you thanga to a natural sat canfral haaling tyttam from anothar fua batwaanl now and saptambae 30 1969 you y qualify u 50 may qualify far a allowance actmpleuly itutalled dutnof tow gas lamp and if you inaiaji rww automatic a watw hulf al tft tarn um l you convert to your natural ga cantral hutlng tytimn at ttaud abov in liau al tit rorafolnf or yau may receive an allowance of 991f phwa 2 years free rental oil the gat water heater of 100 allowance sa yourhaiinc contractor dapartmant ttor or call unitad gaa llmilad hanks agents for united gas your dealer for gas

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