then ill really run for thur wu puhvalin down around the ball park uit suadiy an uw all them happy active kid runnin around wtth thai eoachei eatin pop and potato chips and hot dogi and i heard tome o them eoachei tawkin gee but llieyre thore a nice lotta guys but i dont know how come they dont get fed up with all them paenli not turnin up to watch their lad play and not itelpln drive them uound to tome of the garnet meandered over to wlur tome of the kidi were tawkin and teetru tliow tome folka wai doln all live runnin and other folka juat didnt come out at all nlhen who takei ill i lie buitln why thou pore coach guyt who it doln the good turni fer everybody else t kids shore aint fair im thlnkin hmmmm in thinkm torn more and doln a utile more gouip ntonfcenn i stepped umde the pottoffice door where george day couldnt tee me an heard tome folki tawkin about not havln heard yet wot the recreation committee made ots thejr latt carnival they taidi thow tlteym read that thr newa wji goin to be publitlied way back in june but no one had ever heard thought it wat kinda noty mytelf them beln interested in thai ttuffff but on hie other hand i gutu the folks feel that if theyve contributed to the thing they thould be informed holy heck humant sure get all uptne about little thing well folkt tee you in milton ihit saturday i liopayore friend prutyfair comins and goins howdy folka if i wuz a seegaf drtoldn vamlnt i might be inclined to lay back in my stall and just enjoy all the- palter and contraujlalioni im fcptiln from all my rockwood and eramou fan a fer thote of yew who didnt make it to blmira on frtday iutt be rantlnded of whut im klhri uyin tout data count it wal ii ther thowed up at the track cue there i wat comln down the ttretch in third petition when all of a tudden i jutt tot a hankerin to po real fait dont tell me whut dona it i was suddenly filled with a hole new tupply of enemy talivanud down that tuck at wu muitve been a few itenerd miles per and came in by three lengths got me a new blanket which i thore expects to need with the winter comtn on and with my three owneri neglectln me all the time theie days ive gotta look after mytelf wowie heard slu tell tliat a lot olocal people wat a mlalit surprised at me win n in nalt that ana they didnt luve at much money placed on me at they wished afterwords they had done but tome of them made a heck of a lot of do ray me some of the guya jutt placed sentimental bets and i placed 23 90 to win to thatll thow em theyre callin me the horse with the p f hone shoet nowyew know like that commercial on teleevltlon than all the time advertitin the p f runnin tlioet for kids incidental like that wat the belt winnln price and my fatten time this year and now my records reeds like a fairy tail raced sixteen timet in all an ive stacked up four wint one second and four thlrdt and jutt remember they was makin a lot ocracka about me way back in the spring all those smart eleck galooti who didnt figger i was up to much on saturday ive got tome really hot competition cause ill be racin at milton sisnssockwoihfre lo j20 win turn the purte over to peoor widows and orflnt or tomethm worthwhile like that there and 2 a kitchen and linen thower honoring the coming marriage of mlu donna milne and alan schinck both of rockwood wat held uit tuesday evening by mil mary funk and mrs marion anderson at mrt r links home on station street about 20 gueitt attended the affair mr and mrt lloyd affleck from windsor ontario visited at the home of mr and mrt don hiltt for a few dayt recently mrs arthur from momtburg ontario tpent latt week with iter daughter and soninlaw and their family mr and mrs fred nightingale mrs arthur alio visited friends in acton mrt w a duby guelph street jutt relumed irom peterbnro where the spent three weeks with her daughter and family mr and mrt coltnll and mil dubyi coutln milt ada barrett from st petertburg florida who wat alio vititing mrt dubyi daughter and her family returned her vitil and tpent a few djyt in rockwood this pan weekend the rockwood firemen invited their ladiet to a dinner and dance held at the rockwood town hall latt saturday evening the parkview motel from guelph catered a dehcioui beef dinner with all the trimming and hie three piece orchettra of lou de bank supplied music for after dinner dancing glen evens series sunday it takei 24 boxet of kleenex seven cant of red tpruy paint six aid cratei cut into two inch strips one insurance agent named harold denny and hit daughter sandy one george llargrave six unlurrasted fathers one gallon of paint six paint bruthet and fourteen giggling tinging dancing ttudenti glued to a television screen fluffing tissue with their itands going a mile a minute with voicet to match and you have the ingredient for a float reading the acton school of dance or it would teem so i tliought to mytelf at i dropped in for coffee at the carpenter home in acton last thursday night and found a bevy of very cute induttrinut teenagen titling around on the floor and couches chuckling over a television thow and chiming in on the commercial with no one knows noses like kleenex knows notes and kleenex blowt notes best followed by luurious laughter in the background or every great project there are usually hundreds of little wheels turning ond grinding to accomplish theu own contribution towardt making the big scene a huge tuccest for weeks industries play groups organizations and individuals work like nud to nuke actont fall fair parade better than the yeart before some vying for glory tome intent on winning thecklet and many more just wanting to be where its at it takes imagination planning personal eflort energy and time and when the big day finally arrives the miscellaneous displays of artistry are on stage right down actons main street with the colours and imaginations generating to tunes played by local bands amid excited cheering by onlookers until the parade having reached its point at the most crowded section of the long street finally comes to rett and duperteinent as it neurt he final land mark of the acton arena clowns and children climb off their wagons automobiles slide homeward or to some nearby parking spot onceexcited cheerleader become absorbed into the crowd and soon the parade is merely a memory debris and wrappers dropped carelessly along the route by expectant crowds the only reminders of another acton parade spectacular ball throws candy floss and tingtossing games have replaced the imagery of design and labor as after the judging of the gaily decorated wagons and floats the falderoll lias ended children bicycles relics of the endless labour of unseen parents he ttrewn on the ground waiting for owners to retrieve them when leaving the park the parade is over dead defunct except of course for the coordinators cooperators and organizers whose special job it is to tee that their own particular effort is properly dismantled and returned intact to its contributors part of another page in actont history of parades u almost written what remains are most importantly the memorable memories of adults who worked diligently organisation who cooperated together but from where 1 tit those who got the most from this years occasion were fourteen potato chipchewing coke guoling giggling teenagers who literally knocked themselves out assisting their two teachers to nuke the acton school of dance float a gorgeous spectacle with garlands of pretty flowers and attendant highlighting the acton fall fair parade and proving once again that kids under direction can do anything even build a hootin holler in prize winning champion float rockwood seniort whitewashed glen williams 120 last thursday night but the glen chalked up a 6s win sunday night to even their best of seven series at two games each john salmon tossed a two hitler and struck out 14 thursday night and his mates backed him with a 17 hit attack rockwood scored seven of their 1 2 runs in the fifth inning joe shaw and carl leybourne shared pitching chores for glen williams bill ward and jim thatcher paced the rockwood attack with three hits apiece ted buczek harry barber syd durose and blake hind lud two each and mike kelly bill giay und john salmon one each hind and ward each scored three times uaid also drove in three runs ricn oofl ooo ooo o 3 rwd 00 270 i0x ij 17 although outscored in sunday night s game rockwood outlut glen williams 10- the glen scored the winning run on j passed ball in the ninth inning winning pitcher carl leybourne struck out seven while john salmon fanned tluee in j losing cause jason field bill ziho and ken nutbrown banged out two hits apiece lor the winners carl leybourne blake inglis and jim frank contributed one each franks clout was a four bagger harry barber lined out three singles lor rockwood brian slipp singled twice jim tliatther and cluck milne each doubled and mike kelly bill ward and jolin salmon all singled the sixth game of the tenet is scheduled for glen williams thursday night rockwood will host fenwicl this saturday night in the deciding game of the o r s a intermediate a finals rkd gkn oooo 0105 101 001 01 16 h s holden ortomctmst m got st eaart cueira mkmm ya xytm th acton fre prott wednesday seplembsr 24 1969 at rockwood news 220 for one coin walter hunt of rockwood built thltmod1 ol waterloo sttem engina thresher hlmtlf in the oallar workshop o hit houu staff photo miniature models new hobby for affable walter hunt an interesting feature of tlu coin auction 11 the rtxkwood uoilcery bit tlmrulay evening wji the ule or a imk tilver dollar which icratdted und all went for 7h according la c il tuffln auctioneer uwre are ocily 1h000 of tliee particular coin i n c if cu lit ion and can be valuable depending on thefe condition walter hunt it a rocksvowj teudent living on dower street and for urveral yejn now he lut been inlnguinn villagers toumtt itejm fair enthmijitt and particularly children with tui home built one of a kind ux horwpower a it tun v mori gjt tractor the engine ol which wj new in the year oik according to mr hunt the si year old turbine lut done a lot of work cutting wood und grinding gum and although now installed in hit teven year old novel gjt tractor it till capable of many linurt of labour becaute he it a firm believer in keeping buiy and active the retired carpenter lut now launched tunuelf ttraiglit into a new hobby which again is creating local interett decorating a favorite tpot m hit kitchen it a wooden model of a waterloo steam i ngtne thieihcr beautifully conttructed it would he a collector t item in any living room with ilt boiler nude of pine each mull michel wheel and part ml neat el y cut and tiled to suit out of nuple to nuke lite wheel ot hit miniature apparatus rcquijcd a tpecul jig to hold the hub and put in lie fence wire ipoket which are framed with lund cut galvamed mm painted colorfully in tinny buck trimmed with bright red and gay yellow it 11 pes tint model u a memory replica of one which mr hunt humelf manipulated tome year ago around a threshing field and turn in tliote dayt uid mr hunt we uted to put on a bell und net up the tteam to take us from one aim to another having completed tint lirsi model the artisi it now well on tut way to finishing a john hoodlum of unutar denpi the cellar workshop ol tint ambit tout gentleman houses many oilier tatcinatiug endeavor ilia a brae comer and knak knack shelves all in di f i e icii i designs a lid constructed with craftsuun skill ate only part ol his accumulated achievements i og cabin television and radio i imps with individually tpht and glued logs have been made with a woodworker s ingenuity each thmgic attached separately to the ruttic cabin miniature which would enhance jny den or tummer cottage und counterpart ol whan can he found ut far wet at wctjskiwiu alberta at fur south ut portland oegon and us local at orangevillc hamilton und hrampton mr hunt proudly asuit that he makes lime lor theie endeavour because it belter than sleeping and if good for the appetite to have something to look forward to uy he utfahlc gentleman 2 david brown selectamatic the allnew tractor years ahead in design performance special introductory prices on display at ed stewarts service ospringe 8332873 red white vvstores 1st iuvt nuitwu oft pack m iallarlvs 15m iu pog food champion 8fl star auvi sua t uu rci uuiud a to jiti turn tut palmolive soap 3 1 asvi ttti raucv ouautv iu tux york cream corn 51 uar auvi sv im hooo auodtio cakemix 6isl asv tail i ita york fancy peas 51 1st iuvt ut i9tt hid whiti ajl instant coffee 1 riaiuati siwtiv aathtaav nu an win pmiu mrs lukes jams 21 tivi ttel ihu una kam lunch meat 21 rcaiunti nm mtwt sunspunjce cream 4 1 savt i tel 0jus garbage bags 3il savi itcl allins assortid 4toi tlm h m tasfll fruit drinks 3sl ia 1 tl valuit oxydol 12c off pack gket package 93 l 1 ml b on pactl spic span 88 mr clean 88 mo it tt v pau uouib cuajbu ol i taaur mtmvrr rtmrtnuo uo ma all puifou loami jcl0ths 59 imooess 39c mo iiwi toattaumv 1 i mil ha4h0 mm bmv ptmataw 79c hmmiim u sa 59 tiniiau t 43c fiatuiii onus ack l ixtta ioastid coffee chasc sanbwn 87 uo waltm ms a vkmii sliced bread 21 delsey 6 89 t tw uvi iw fresh fruits vegetables 1 c ww otop sa vauhcia oranges 59 fmnch fmes 49c l f aucw 6kenpieashw2w89 uvi ita paiu niiini tea bags ub69 mtt mt imtlom iu0 uu ut tl to mo lemon ma buns 45- 0nt4bw no i mm celery 2 45 valui checked meats blade roast 59 short rib roasts 6s too savt twic1 with tbim htlci mapu ujsp swutpickuo smoked cottage rolls 9s bacon uihi tup so aaa bologna 4ia mucmmi mttto pork rws 21 uamtmaiv poi1lbdb3lll d 1