Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 1, 1969, p. 1

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i beardmore president confident of solution to odor problem in view or the interest in the subject and in in ittempt to shed more light od the pfobum of odors which hive plagued residents of the town and district for the put several months in interview was arranged between the editor of the free ft and the president and general manage of beardmore and co norman braids beardnsoce and co hat lakeri the brunt of the blame for ofyenirw odor both la setter to this newspaper and in comment directed to the tltentkxi of the editor mr braids tn willing to dncur the issues front every angle to the interview consisted of i straight question and answer lenion which if published here qaestjoa mr braid b the laet wveral weeks mortal usee have appeared fat the free pice id former hon with edorl tatd id cease frees the operation af your company iter have been as fepue freed dfct etospuy would yod cart to halt toy comnmi aniwer it li not our intinhori to reply to letters which are not addressed to ui or to enter into iny public vontroveny which would cieile in ill feeling between our company irul the citizens of hie community i have however answered penonaliy all enquiries addressed to me or to the company and hive viilled many of these people n they can verify i would like to rule tint of alt that the management of our company feels that every resident of canada his in inherent right to air and water free front any pollution which readier nuisance level or which u injurious to health unfortunately our way of life is tolldly dependent on induttry and indutiry doe create problems particularly thote industries which handle primary or basic raw materials many of there ihconvenlenceswe have learned to live with but with todays public iwneneu of there problemi the solution tut become more urgent qdettiod he beardmor and co eoabibated to the odor problabl which have penurd during the past bsenthlt aniwer we hive never denied thu nor do we believe we are the only source of that nuisance odors in the community question why have the edore reached a hlghef level thb summer than id theparit answer this summer is everyone knows we hive had long periods of severely warm and dry weather in our cue we believe this his idveraely affected the natural process of purification of our effluent in our lagooning system these lagoons should recover through the natural process of nature but there is no quick answer question ate any step being taked to eliminate the problem answer very definitely we ire spending a great deal of time effort and money and there is no question that an aniwer has to be and will be found we have some of the best engineers end chemists in canada and the united states working on thii as well as the full research stiff of canada packers limited this is also i project of sortie of the graduate students of waterloo university ind the univeiuty of manitoba who are working for their matters degree question what other steps are being taken aniwer in addition to our ditpoul system we are working on our actual process lo see if we can substitute chemicals which are leu offensive i believe that our company contributes approximately one dollar out of every four which is spent by the town of acton including the construction of the new sewage disposal plant we donated the tile for the plant and also for garbage disposal as well as the fill for the new settling beds however we do not use these sewage disposal facilllles but feet that with tome prelrealment of certain portloni of our effluent we should be able lo dispose of tome of it through the town system when the new plant is operating we will probably be ipproiching the town for some cooperitlott in this connection question what actually cause the odor answer it comes from the sulphide chemicals we uts in the process in the very hot and dry weather the wtsie lies in lagoons and a septic condition is crested when the bacteria are not activated it dies and the result is a disagreeable odor question we have had reports that tanneries fa other cllle and towns have no odor problem is this true answer moil linnenes dispose of effluent into the city or town sewage system winch assists them in minimizing odors question is there any health hazard in the odor answer if there was at leist so fcoatiaufd on pag j dennis jennings is stuck upwith a tatty candy topi at acton fair prlre lists and more picture of the record breaking 1060 ftir on pat b8 and b7 of this ttoeiptioto by jim jennlnei mark liberation dutch canadians plan sale of bulbs dutch canadian from acton and diiirict ire making plant to participate in a national celebration to commemorite the liberation of holland by canadian forces during the last war a liberation committee 4570 acton has been formed with jake kulkea is chairman henry haibers as secretary cor snoek treasurer and an executive consisting of jake van der kooy john oosterhof bert uooyenga ind hank kleine deters first objective of the commute will be i dutch tulip bulb drive in acton on saturday october 4 proceeds from the tale of bulbs will mitt in financing i gift to the town u well u contributing towards a gift on the national level the holland liberation tulip bulbs ire enly dirwin tulips of orangered color and they ire registered under thu name in holland in may 1970 it will be 25 years since the liberation of the netherlands in which canadian armed forces played a very important part national celebrations on a targe scale are also being planned by dutch canidiins who number approximately 700000 they feel a special spirit of gratitude towards canada for the part their adopted country played in liberating holland they picked 1970 at an appropriate date to celebrate present ideas for a national gift are that il should be something for all canadians to enjoy not something in a museum the national commitlae would like to get a film program for the smaller communities which tikes one back to the time of the war and shows holland as it is now dairy beauty salon victims of thefts again this week breakins were investigated by acton opp first of the week was during the night last wednesday don timmings of beckers dairy reported the breakin to police it 6 a m thursday morning about 35 wit taken from the wens aprons there was no sign of forcible entry saturday morning a breakin wis reported during friday night at elizabethlo beauty salon a window screen had been slashed about 1 1 0 was missing on monday a wallet containing s4s was taken from the dashboard of a car parked in ihe parking lot it the new pirtments the car had not been locked couple injured headon crash mr and mrs joseph fuller of alice st were both injured sunday afternoon in a headon collision on highway 5 it trafalgar road near oakville eight people were hurl altogether in the accident and were treated in oalcvtlle-trafal- gar hospital mr fuller received serious head injuries and was taken by ambulance to hamilton general hospital which hit the nearett neurosurgeon at latest report he wis still in intensive care in serious condition mrs fuller was released from oakville hospital ind went lo ihe home of her son mr and mrs len wright of oakville she suffered shock and bruises injured in ihe other car were mr and mrs gabriel gaudei ol toronto daughters sharon 7 mane 5 and rote anne 4 and another girl connie donaldson 8 the parents and two of the girli were treated and released they were travelling in a nation wagon when the j pm colluion occurred council plans look at tourist camp site etqueting township council agreed monday night to go oiu and hive a first hand look at conditions at the breezes tourist camp near acton r niejidlik lawyer representing camp operator john wood asked council to consider allowing house trailers to remain at the camp yearround until such time as another trailer pitk is developed in the township council flatly refused a request by mr wood that 10 trailers and their occupants be allowed to remain it the camp throughout the winter months it a previous meeting a township bylaw prohibits trailers except for tourists in the summer season mr niejidlik pointed out io council that there was a site set aside for a trailer patk near the cedar springs motel on highway 7 between acton and georgetown and asked that until such a park u developed trailers be allowed to remain at the breezei mr niejidlik also explained that mr woods camp is completely surrounded by trees and that full time residents are separated from the trailer park he added that services are already installed in the camp nlrvaryfiflh year no 14 acton ontario wednesday october 1 1969 tlfhlttn fijjrvr ftflttn cvnrr reeves cut up halton turkey the proposed new halton as envisioned by a special committee of halton reeves set up to carve up the county for regional government was unveiled by reeve frank oakes following mondays special council meeting the division which would make the actonnassagaweya region the largest in the county incorporating a large section of esquesing township was viewed with interest by councillors georgetown and a large part of esquesing would consolidate into 1 another section in the north on a line extending from 401 highway along the third fourth and fifth lines milton would extend west to the appleby line in burlington and south to the lower base line in oakville over to the haltonpeel boundary nassagawey as contribution to the milton region would be the milton heights- kelso area burlington and oakville will both be smaller in size losing territory to milton the halton reeves met with mpp jim snow following a letter from the minister of municipal affairs asking them to detail the five proposed divisions of the county the map has no status until it is approved by county council but all the reeves were in agreement with the rough outline however milton council has already indicated they are not happy with the proposed boundaries some acton councillors indicated privately that they would also like to see changes nassagaweya council decided earlier that they wished to be in a region with acton while esqueslrig expressed a preference for georgetown pave lakeview roads out of current funds alarmed at ihe contlanl delays in ihe capital works program caused by provincial withholding of approvals acton council decided lo go ahead with resurfacing lakeview subdivision and discussed a partial sidewalk construction program out of current revenue council made the decision at a special meeting monday night after listening to the mayor and cleik describe the terms of another holdup which may have delayed any capital works in town until late november a date most councillors agreed would be loo late proposed alterations at the corner of mill and park sis may have to be postponed until next spring however by the delaying action of the ontario government approval for the capital works program was pint applied for on august 1 2 and there have been a contlanl string of minor reasons why ihe program was not approved by the provincial authorises although they were sought through ihe usual channels and methods how do you cope with this asked an exasperated mayor les duby we just cant trust what we are told by oueens patk clerk joe hurst explained thai council had received approval for repaying lakeview and fixing up ihe millpark comer from ihe department of highways but there was no approval for debentures to finance the work and this is what was holding up the work he said council could overcome this and still take advantage of grants from the department of highways by paying for the lakeview paying with revenue from the current year he also thought this would leave enough money lo do it least 5000 in sidewalk construction the government is succeeding in what il is trying to do agreed deputy reeve ted tyler all items are being held up councillor jack greer reminded council i hit they had committed themtelves to a si 0000 expenditure on the sewer extension on churchill road north were going lo have lo find 20000 not j 1 0000 the critical thing is to settle ihe lakeview paving project tonight uid the mayor the engineer hat tdvised us lo gel ii done now after further discussion on how to rilse the necessary funds council passed a motion authorizing no 2 committee to go ahead with ihe lakeview resurfacing lo ihe amount of 1 0000 the money to be supplied from ihe current town budget and the work to be approved by ihe engineers lost battle but won war ospringe parents bow ospringe area parents have decided to discontinue efforts to have the wellington county board of education reconsider its decision to close the kindergarten at ospringe public school most parents will reluctantly send their fiveyearolds to brisbane school and ross r mckay school in hillsburgh mrs eleanor taylor of rr 1 orton told the free press this week parents had come to the decision after a delegation of three ray mr bernardi had also pointed out a 2000 living ihe board could make by erecting a portable classroom for kindergarten children al ospringe the cott of a portable it 3000 while ihe cott of transporting children by bus to the other two schools is 5000 mr ilernardi added that parents had talked to a leacher who uld the would be willing to travel between schools mrs taylor added thai after listening to mr bernardi the board voled down a motion that ihe subject be dropped ind never discussed again they liter passed in amended mollon that the subject be dropped for the present lime but allowed for it to be brought up again al some future time on previous occasion trustee jack gilchrist told parents the motion he made at the meeting september 8 advocating wellington county board not reconsider its decision to close the kindergarten it ospringe but that appropriate officers of the board examine bus routes in the area with regard to instituting possible changes was a prearranged effort asked about parents success bernardi mrs b boyes ind mrs taylor attended joint committee meeting of the board last thursday night they met no success in their efforts to convince trustees to reconsider ihe decision to close the ospringe kindergarten mrs taylor uid mr bernardi explained that parents fell the boards subsequent decision lo provide a car lo transport children living above number 1 7 sideroad directly lo rou r mckay school in hillsburgh had not helped the situation since some children living near number 27 sideroad would still have to travel return route of approximately 40 miles hurt im atddeut msh retoveriag gerald prevost badly injured sunday sept 21 in a traincar collision is progressing favorably in guelph general hospital he suffered concussion broken knee cuts and bruises his nephew gerard giuthier toronto died in the accident mr prevost 20 his been living at 13 church st and works in town in a meeting wilh department of education officials in toronto mrs taylor replied that the department had promised to investigate the situation but parents had not yet received a reply parents feel their fight has not been totally in vain and their efforts may aid the plight of other county pirenls in the future one prominent member of the legisliture told ihe concerned parents they may hive lost the battle but won ihe war the present setup will mean an h5 day for the fiveyearold children on an alternate day basis another facet of the operation parents find objectionsble hope to give monex ox clerkadministrator joe hurst told the pree preu this morning he hopes arrangements fan be finalized this week for the issuance of building permits to monex construction so that they may proceed with the budding of 23 new houses on churchill road north building inspector ernie marks halted construction on the subdivision two weeks ago because the firm failed to submit building plans for the project monex construction is the first subdivlder to begin construction under the new subdivmeri agreement

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