Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 1, 1969, p. 3

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jury recommends legislation for swim areas thaf charge qfc pheto frctn tke tajt the aclon free press wednesday october i 1969 second cuu umu kfjstnuoa niunb 0ji1 a coroner jury found uut suvko vuletic 26 of weston died by accidental drowning sunday july 20 in quarry al waterfalls playground on the tbtth line of eequettng near ljmehouae the jury recommended thai there should be tome legislation governing all areas that charge money for their recreational facilities however and thai recommendations of the water iafety committee of the red cross be implemented at waterfalls playground by owner joe prucyk the recomroendallonlg which were made following the death of teresa van zutveit in another swimming area in the playground in 1967 were never implemented in the quarry tie by mr prucyk who testified he hid never received s copy of them mr prucyk told the inquest it etqueslng township council chambers uit wednesday thil he did not encourage people lo use the quarry for swimming because it was deep and dangerous he uld he wanted lo put the quarries out of bounds when he first bought the property in 1954 but found it impossible to exercise any control over booze parties and orgies which often requited chiiing people out of the property at i or 2 in the morning mirt vliiica testified through an interpreter thai she hid been swimming ahead of slavko vuletic on sunday luly 20 when vuletic called her when she turned wound lo look he hid disappeared she called to friends for help llbby rajle and slavkos brother ivan vuletic responded they took front three to five minutes to find the body around the spot where mlra indicated he disappeared the body wis in about five feet of water rejic testified he gave mouthtomouth retuscitatlon on the spot and bier another unknown canadian who wis experienced it the method took over tney took vuletic ashore and called doctor police and ambulance continuing effort lo revive him the ambulance arrived about 4 is or 420 and they took the deceased to georgetown hoipital where he wis pronounced dead after further efforts to live him were futile dr g k phillips of miltcn who presided at the inquest commended mr rijic and the other unknown person who administered resuscitation rijic said his knowledge of life saving was picked up from tv ivan vuletic testified his brother hid accompanied him and his wife and child to the playground and hid been in and out of the water several times he classified his brother u fair swimmer who could tread water the party hid consumed itealc t barbecue and it wai about in hour before slavko vuletic went in the water again he and rajlc located the body where they could hive stood with their heid above water constible gary cormin of the millon detachment of the opp testified that witer it the quarry ringed from very shallow to approximately 30 feet in depth there were signs posted warning agilntt swimming in the quarry he slid high banks nude it unpouible to move drowning victims from the witer it most real the constable testified there was no life saving equipment or lifeguards in the ares brian patterson director of water safely for the ontario red croat testified he- hid investigated the property on welcome service if you r new in town or know someone who it phone 8530805 august ii and classified the quarries u an unsafe ares to twins he said no changes had been made since the last inquest into the death of teresa van zurvetl although recommenda tions riid reen nude mr patterson laid the perking lot foe the quarry had been expanded which encouraged people to use the tree for swimming he bid the water looked verv clean which made it attractive to youth and he found it dangerous or diving ur prucyk disputed mr pattersons allegation that ihe water wis metky questioned by atsiilinl crown attorney m roulston of milton mr patterson said it would not be in expensive proposition to cirry out the recommendations recommendations included selecting in tree in the qusrry for swimming that his gradually sloping bottom and thai the selected area be cleared of boulders on the bottom marked for depth buoyed around the periphery 1 fence be erected lo inhibit access of the public to treat other than that selected and that signs be erected in the outorbounds ties indicating it was unsafe to dive dr g w thompson pathologist testified there were no mirks of violence on vuletic and an autopsy at georgetown hoipital indicated death by drowning a blood simple liken from the deceased and analyzed in toronto indicated in alcoholic content equivalent to three or four ounces of liquor two or three pints of beer or eight to ten ounces of wine council wrestles problem of curtailing dump smoke beanduofte amd co property filled ewer half of the lent in this wu bhotoofeob taken in 1010 agnes st it teen en the left running from the bottom of the picture toward the top its bisected by the old rediel line there wee no main entrance off aones st then ct there it now fred wright lent this picture urban board hopes to continue with fewer meetings townships despite the informality with the meeting beginning al eight and regular curfew set for 10 pm councillors first exchanged opinions on green belt planning for half an hour ihe plumbing inspections for 20 minutes or to then open sundays and loitering bylaws list discussion running to over curfew time wis on their own existence although one of the items war ihe difficulty of assembling an agenda just before the meeting adjourned mayor duby liked what other towns were going to do about burning leives and mr harris mentioned county incinerator neither of these wai discussed the question of green bell legislation wis introduced by acton councillor coils who particularly hid in mind live subdivision planned for the east of acton which will encircle the creek bed he wondered if the contractors could be required to do remedial work there in cleaning up the land around the creek the land unusable for the builder covers about 11 per cent rather thin the required s percent chairman mackenzie reported georgetowns sad experience in their eastern end md recommended acton demand they do something mayor duby countered that the town his i degree of responsibility miybe we should subsidize some of it ourselves an open witer course would mean maintenance beardmore president confident north hilton urban board will make another effort lo keep in existence although mpit millon nd georgetown council members hive declared they think the group might it well fold up for 16 yeirt councils of acton millon and georgetown hive been asked to attend i lie monthly meeting of the utbin boud and for all of the 16 vein etqueilng tnd nasugtweya councils hive been asked in vain to join the group the aim wai to discuss mutual problems and cooperate on ulutioni attendance hit ilwtyt been the main problem reviewed the representative n attendance list wednesday in actons council chamber chairman sindy mackenzie of georgetown aclon mayor lei duby aclon councillors eirl miules bui coits orval chapman tnd peter miiki milton deputyreeve ron harris councillors gord krtntz and percy birr tnd secretary jack mcgeichle milton councillors tnd the chiirman from georgetown both reported the feeling of their own councils that the usefulness of the boird had dwindled and it might is well fold acton council hid not yet ttitcuued the problem however ifter briefly reviewing the benefits over the years ill agreed to a motion lo recommend to their reipective councils thit considenuon be given to continuing with the urban board possibly under a new name tlie group would meet four timet year rilher tlisn monthly to discuss mutuil problems fciqueilng and nisiigiweyi will again be invited to join and tend representative secretary jack mcgeachle recalled the boards formation in june i 154 at first an engineer hid been employed between the three towni subsequent plans such is the recent thought of joint plumbing inspector hid fallen through with regional government need for joint action teems leu viul were being legislated out of business mayor duby thought the urban board has been a useful tool of government esqueting and nissigaweya luve missed the boat by not participating if we cant cooperate on simple thing like plumbing inspection what can we do mused mr mackenzie mr duby countered that even discussions are worth while the value of ihe annual meellngi dinner and dmce with gueitiwos reviewed by mayor duby and initial plant were nude to huld it next month at georgetown mayor duby pointed out acton council had not recently had tocltl night of its own because of the success of the urban boird affair members of parliament were gueits there was always a good turnout of councillors and wives and much was sained mr krtntz explained millon i hasnt had new subdivisions lately but in molt cases they took cash in lieu of land mr mcgeichle suggested the town should hive its plans for ihe creek bed ill retdy before building hud litest official recommenda tions he added are hut allocated parkland should be beside schooli lo add to the area there for the use of the general public deiplte live bauds previous discussions on joint plumbing inspections ill three towns ire left with their own arrangements each reported in turn georgetown hit a retired plumber acton the works superintendent tnd millon new inspector on the workt stiff the censentur was that a plumbing inspection fee should be 20 to cover coils the present county fee is si0 plus so cents a fixture a ridiculous price commented mr mcgeichle open sunday ditcussion brought out the ftct more placet ire open in milton thin in georgetown or aclon milton has an open theatre and bowling alley but council hid just rejected open billiard parlors deiplte i petition milton councillor reviewed their position ind the feeling open billiard parlon would increite the loitering problem two representatives admitted continued from rvge one employees with more thin 30 years service would be the first to know question how will the problem be solved answer a scientific solution is needed money it no problem we hope next year well never heir ibout it again but in the meantime we ire investigating a more sophisticated system of deodorizing as a precaution that there will be no recurrence question do you expect any new breakthrough la connection with ihe treatment of industrial and municipal ewage la the near future answer a great deal of effort and money hat been spent on research and i see that the honorable george kerr has announced tome encouraging results using lime since our process uses substantnl quantities of lime perhips we can work together with the town to mutuil advantage question doe your stiff fee any resentment towards the citizen who write lo our paper or who otherwise are putting pressure on your company answer not it all while it is not pleasant to receive calls it all hours of the day or night mostly they hive been from people who are quite understanding it hat been tttted that we ire always threitening to close our plant but i hive never heard of this nor do we intend to make such a threat which would be nonsensical we hive always supported the town 100 per cent and will continue to do to at we feel that only in a friendly atmosphere cm we achieve iny results question does the fact that people in town are discussing the odor busmen concern officials of the company answer people can uy anything they want the only time it bothers ut it when they uy we are doing nothing about it we hive spent much time ind effort to come up with a solution oy scout apple day saturday october 4th door to door canvass and on the street sales buy an apple and we aft a tag lit sure way of hdpk sntrttaf h acts they were not in agreement with the milton council deciilon topic dunged to the loitering bylaw and in what caset itt used theres no juiuficilion for saying these young people luve nothing lo do felt mayor duby snapped mr krtntz there should be more of the woodshed not more for the children llqwr dktvf0 a locil youth wit urested early saturday morning and charged with being in possession of liquor under ihe tge of 2 1 deputyieeve tom hill ind councillor russell miller both expressed opinions thit covering gubtge with land fill would be much belter than burning it as ktquesing council wrestled with the problem of curtailing exceta amounts of smoke riling from the township dump at theii regular meeting monday night the township received a notice al their september is meeting from the ontario department of energy and resources management stating that between die hours of 4 and 4 15 on thuftdiy september ii burning at the dump wis causing smoke greater thin the regutitlani on the number one smoke chirt liter a letter wit received from the deportment liking the townhiip in submit plant for the discontinuation of open sir burning at the dump by december i i 69 council coniequenlly invited dump supervisor jtck mams to their meeting monday night when liked by council ibout the september ii incident mr harris told council that garbage in the dump was not burning when he left the area shortly before four and claimed that ihe pre was started after he left mr harris alio told council that pranksters ruined ihe motor of the machine he uses to dump fill on ihe garbage by putting und in it as result he hit not been ible to use the machine for two months while it is being repaired referring to the departments letter deputyreeve hill commented apparently theyre going to be on our tall until we do something about thil burning he added that he didnt blame people in the township for complaining about the tmoke this burnings going lo cauie us a lot of trouble and a lot of money mr miller contended councillor ken marshall wondered if council shouldnt comldcr placing a sign on the dump gate asking people not to start fuel councillor miller said he thought people should not be allowed to dump loose piper nd should be compelled to tie papers in bundles mr llariii ii lo check on ihe progress of repairs to his machine ind report to live clerk before councils next meeting fcirher in the evening council received a letter fiorn the county of helton requesting in formation about the townthlps method of garbage diipoul and the coil of time county council u looking into ihe possibility or regional garbage diipoul ind ii liking municipalities for their costs so that they can compare them with the cott of the proposed regional diipoul make tracks to the station liberation committee 4570 acton will hold a tulip buib drive saturday oct 4th these bulbt are top quality early darwin ol orangered color and are especially grown and imported to commemorate the liberation of holland by canadlint 26 yitet kr your coop eratlon when someone comes by your door will be greatly appreciated see story on front page mi mi feau lai lam im u im tvtw ikm has the low low prices t ttetbrabl tteatt i t 1 4 m kum m titer h uajt tutfrrwj for added bargains check our handbill again this week fresh dugi ontario potatoes otttwo tfeluuk slluo 5- famous art masterpieces uu tm test i at teene w 3tik l weiiileinin ssltwaktmtltm asmw hivtwkt umiau iga coffee y 6959 miu ami swtxr noma cottage rolls itituawkm mweekvuidonlv sept b thru oct h jwiv cms ceunm vamilv use- e art aaj ui a ti tjp nijailkejttl itwjtrasl tm rotixiirooeaaj french fries mtomirimcv iuua

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