the acton ft prase w october 8 1969 the clerfif akak put aty father v i morgan st josephs church c tsttiae aim cpi atfcfc b prayer eseevday peayee dauypcaysr kth base an iu m slsae etty aamftasoeflt qakajy as bosaele benefit to aaififai the bmaea body beet o keep u seauy ahw earf aerlee a have to eel toad and m laat oaoa a areas or once aaoarb or oaty naasy besajal aaoara or jan oecoioaany bat is each and every day aad aot oaly on a day bat aerate ttaae a day 1 1 a bas to do w toon occoom waafc kad inectsve and ooa aa to i ma necennab to aeafn abo h b baecetsnt thai aw est the rfehl uad of tood teat aaieee teiot oar pkyatcel toaalrto far sxnamee 1 cassia a diabetic thai person b restricted to a diabetes dirt oar body food nasal end be property aaaatfcatadaaalilbailil aad know tae ihoald bo aaaaj fjgf ooaj too tot now u tbeee condiltone are icajeal aad itettaaary for oar bodily wetfam uw same holdt aood for our tpadbaal aatfase on food o oar tool wkkh b dally peaver tnnjtle wltta ood beaociehae oaraeiaee wttn dod dairy lal bdoreliod rapeestioh ttuakacmaai leayarnia vole from the daodu of the heart end tkarab aotaiag aaora tabtaoa ofl eart kbu a para heart rased entil love aod charity fiayes b tha ii a b watch iw heart bake ood id btal it bad take if lorbady to hb oara heart tnete b hothbaj km assess or war sebhnse than tab lories halloa on the perl of the eurnel packer to the feeble riaeuaeriac of hb child ttae taeyer b prayer tit the holy f pail tha b bothiaa aaoee m bupwoa or aaore aableaa then thb voaeeot the spent at a eternity trembeee the abral betwaad aaat and cod b bridaaj when oa the krlaaa of prayer the feeble aordl of the treabire are carrbd to the throne of thi creator the votes of baaaaa aj faaefcee to the hablr aherard dwalb the ably of ood bt turaal ube me who ba bay mnoentoftd what a tdblaae thlaj prayer b aauu be mrkfcea wllh aaa udeed what he u aboaltapeay how land coafpallble wlin ute aoaouayi wuiorauty jatnaallail aad dalbaae of oar hearlt to tired aaj dnilfiladt vat there atutt be tosuthlai bke prayer la taarrday life for the scrltttute ajyi that we ouam alwaye u pray tad aot to taatr lake iu il raal tdainamne lit to eray at au uatet at the tolh epk oil to pray without caaauai- 1 thau sll aadto be waat ht prayerroal tjll ts pray dally nteeiu both to pray la everyday ufa tad to htafca aaerydey life ear prayer tab tret abaction to dairy prayerwe thould be raaalat fat prayer without rojard to our hualorl or uajaer that b iraro id htdnle aeaae of duty or a cheruhad tradition bath aa asoralaa prayer on ariuajl or before tetlrual prayer of taeaan bad thaafaraaj before and eiw cad prayer be aa ery day b with the atoaotoay bniforatity cntakwu community cmukh churchill road north vunlitcr the rev a walter foabury ba bjj 114 tldey ave phone u14u6 sunday october 12th lyo9 thankigivins sunday lift ajrl worahlp and chukh school setmon tubject be thankful vliltora are welcome at all church ftb- ertata at the church on the hill avcfon iatrst chumh founded 1s42 sunday october 12th 1949 945 am sunday school 1100 am mornkts worship speaker mr jamei bell brampton oat 7 jo p m hllllburfcji bapllet anniverury wednesday im prayer and bible study at fellhama apartment thurtday 800 choir rehearul friday 700 bhp all wcjcotae unttt etttttttlan mmmmib ewhkh mlnuter rev p bnuiwer ba bd acton ontario sunday october 12th 1 949 1000 am morning worship service nursery and preachool sunday school 1110 bm sunday school m pm afternoon worahlp service 7 jo pm teen meet at the church tuesday evening 7jo10jo catechism oaajaed come wonhip and study with us to be better equipped to serve god and men bayaaat weiooam hhavtiwan chubcm in canada rev andrew h mrxrnrie ba bjd minister mr e a hatrsen ba organist and choir master sunday october 12th 1964 thanksgiving sunday 945 ajn church school for age 3 to 15 yoara iu0 aantbanlagiviiig divine service sermon theme the sacrifice of tlvajaaalvng and its merit ewrjnap mas welcome fore peaaatth a v heart bhoaad eat oalcuy u ppaaeb a radar to bee back to aaora pleasant ihaarl secb toraal of prayers woald be contadieajl to cod taae mdefaajty cod alona knows oar heertw bhoald therefore p heart to haa la maying lofty words of bavaacloa praise thanks petictoa bad coatriood which are the aatyacts of prayer taae ahoald luwa a waaaanaae lotaay id rarognlrlnrl of all one has t boas god aad to show oar apcaadauoa for hb deny baaauaja oar prayart ahoald not be natricted oaiy to tkaat ot daaaier war tanune ackaeae or kapt before death we need cods hato bad hc dally and for these we thosldfeay deity a farther taaam lor prayar bt eeerydhy ittr b the boaor of cod cod b the lord not only of the holy days of ike he ahoald be kjoruweiao id wht appear to hi the inaifaiikeat boeoloales of oar ufa we are hb tareaals net only at lofty cauaadnb where hb atysleries appaar to u ia onrawind apaa bad aaraotahag baaaty wl id thi heats tllsaal the aoil or the werkahoat u the desk or u uat waaktav ah utb b for the alory of hb aaate w oatoasj to codld eaeey aapertaaaat of oar bwas therefate ho nattier what oapetonent we aid ta ta week thai work can be ofteced for the graelae 0ory aad honor of cod our toul aeentl to contiaae lit weary way od the road rouowed eadbtaly by thi pcebace with iu innumerable trines im goadpi bad paetaaca iu curioaily bad franily our aoul iaerai to resaaid id the niarket place where from all 4uarert the hawkers conctaaale to wu ike petty good of the woild bad wheietd ttullifylal matlasaaeaa idea waader aboal i fiinas offetusj thrb uitlei our tout bt dally life l al to be febnatic bard the dally ringing of the alaaelui hell al 1 us u avooa aad a an b no only to gwe ui the thai of day but la call hi to prayer the regular sunday or weekday taeviof al our parlas church where prayers are said both indieidualry and collectively the ettantjee urteeing u the notnlly or taonodaad carry home with iu the leaaaa the epistle or gftepsl gbee us to put into practice or that weak or ad the rest of ouruaai au of tbeee are enwattahy prayer la aeeryday life our visiu to thi hottes of cod where we cu uedluu and pray fai allaace without btierruption or distraction by placing before ua al thnei the crucifia to lenilftd ui of chrbt a deeta for our ledemjuan theae forste of prayer in aearyday life atay be eabad ouldatad aad ewath lowed la our hodera thnes but without fauoa by those who call thaai auch nana tornu of dally prayer caaaot be atsdirtled or anuad for many go aouu they are labora la fhlhttinnil by good arawple of good pafeatt and itlil persist they nuy have become lost by lome becauu taind tad heart are far away beet what they are atytag instead of aesiagaeafcrtaawtcolithey i tadunvsteformttlaa inu which cartload after caitload b bronchi day by day until it u tilled to cactflovlng with nalnnaia tkingl there b no add id hwhl one day aflat the othar we go bt thll way to qui hour of oar death when all the goods and cuttab which we cau oar bra will be twapt away id diaauy unbar we eaeke aaerydey ufe our prayer it ll or fupranae aaporuace to eaceee froai thb aapty todune throosh thi bunfdreai of our dally ufe we hub find our way to had who alone b hecewary to hast who eloaa b the lord our aaerydey ufe auitl become a hyma of pcibe ladaed ii halt barceae hi it b obvloui that we caahot pray directly au the taae we cannot escape our daily routine because it wig go with ui wherever we go everyday life b our uf4 and everyday heart our weary aslad and oar nteasre low which abeaat all that b great will bear lanlalil with us godfduat be aouitbfidfwindldthethlabaofoer wotld by raanidiag our dally dutlee u araaithlftg perfonaed for the honor sad glory of god we caa convert what war hitherto tairkining auwotony to a bviaj worthfai of cod id all our actloaa everyday life htutt baconia itself our prayer and so we caa ntake our everyday ufe a prayer through unaelfrteat and low if we are witting and imdrrtlliwling there are the lang aad nmaolooous bourt of woifc for which often no rexogejuoa b gbea the cobiiauoui and painful strujxle which recebei utile reward the weariness and the tacrifice of old age dliappolnlueat aad failure adversity and thare are the ntany wither darued to us the auay tttlim buntlliationt and the equally frequent inconaoeratlon of youth there are such thlnga u physical discomfort the lncleaency of tha aleeseau the rrictkut of huntan coatacu through these aad a thouuad other trials bt which everyday life abounds atari can leant to becoau calm and unwlfith if he only qaderttaitcb these taahrimeti aamtauaaand yetraiovkbetull aad cad tbesvtanlvetnk church notices tvareaa ptmtwostal tabewucu paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thornan pastor 1334715 sunday october 12th i9o9 10m arasunday sctnwl iijm amnanmlng worahkt 700 pm evangelittlc service tuecday i pin prayer service and bible study thursday i pjnchrist ajovbajtadora psalm 119 verse 1 ibieased an the undented in the way who walk in the law of the lord mapu avbiui iaplttt cnikch 11 maple ave georgetown pastor rev robert c lohnes sunday october 12m 1969 here is our sincere invitation to tha whole family to attend church 945 a sunday school all sgad ii m a morning service 7jw pm evening evanajel oaorgelown vrttus thichukhc st a1ban fhi maktvtt angucan corner willow st and st alban drive rev h jt dawson ba bttt sunday october 12th 199 thanksgiving sunday trinityxix 900 urn holy eucharist 1030 am church school and nursery 10j0 om mattlru tmnity unitu chukn mlnlsier the rev gordon b turner bx bjo director of music dr george elliott ma phd sunday october 12th 199 thanksgiving sunday 1000 am cotpante worship sermon lets be honest i is there anything we can really be thankful to god for 1000 sun nursery sunday school to grade 4 1100 am sunday school grade 54 1115 bm talk back adult brugrurn of dialogue with the ulnletcr 700 pjn hi c and hi vtn youth groups for teens altrnating sunday evettings we welcome you and your family to take part in the ufe and worahlp of trinity square dancers jtjin city group with not enough members to make the ewnings rmaistently successful members of acton fairs and squares square dance dub rimded thb fall to go to guelph to join the poup there every other thursday evening the acton dancers no travel to guelph where a larger group makes more mloytnent and variety in the dancing some of the local dancers are alto aping to brampton to dances on the offweeks y menehes plan book sale vt meneltrt made plant for a book sale in november al their mealing monday mia c l roavajdaon the hostess for the meeting showed tildes of europe the regional convention at owen sound was discussed mil john bowmapj the president chiiicd the meeting and toll call was answered with one cent per inch of walsiline mrs w d e smith led in prayer mrs stewart robertson won the door prize wilting paper and envelopes facts to explain work of united church facing the action of the church in todays society a colourful and engaging preientslion of the toul wotk of the united church of csjudi throughout the woild is to be gesented at wellington square nlted church buillngton on sunday october 19 during the site rooon and evening facts will be teen facts will be heard an opportunity to thare in the vision of the church for the future will be there at no other time and place his such a coupreheniive portrayal of the work of the church been given the churches of the hilton presbytery will do the preientitiont sullied by the general council executive and the board of evsngelum and sodi service anniversary gift complete surprise harvest festival dinner at st altons pol their 25th wedding ai the surprise gut from all the family of mr and mr stan bowcn came in a huge bent they excllcdly undid the bow and the paper on the beat wondering if it was a tefrigerstor and out popped ton wayne and his wife teoru fiord halifax the plane fare for the oldest son and hb wife wa the choice as the best gift possible when the family planned the surprise party on saturday seprember 27 and ii was a huge success the couple had arrived back a couple of days before but tttyed out of tight tnd not in that big box but with other relatives in toronto they had a few more days al home before returning to nova scotia mr and mrs bowen have lived at r r i for the past 23 years their other children are wendy matk paul and ralph all at preparing for the big surprise of the day the family asked the parents out to dinner with then in kitchener when they returned home there were cars parked all around their home and friends and relsuves sreie all gleefully waiting inside to welcome the boweni extend congratulation and urge them to hurry and open their gift visitors were there torn tottenham aurora keswick guelph and toronto at well as thedutrict there were lose for mis bowert a boulonriiet for mr bowert corsages for the two giandroothetr uu florence cortes toronto arid mis gordon bowen guelph and mrs boevtnt sister mis bemice pillon toronto an aunt and uncle fiom toronto weie alto celebrating their 47th annlveiuiy the tame day the boweni who wete married in toronto receive many gifts caldi flowers and phone calls of congratulation and there was a decorated cake but nothing matched the thiill of opening that big box i in a church beautifully decorated wilh fruit vegetables and dowers pariihloneit of st albans attended harvest thanksgiving festival services sunday at 9 and 10 30 am the decorating had been done by the altar guild its hoped this will become an annual event about 130 attended paying a nominal cost the a cw prepared the meal afterwards there were rums jim fiizzell played the electric guitar and sang and a group of sunday school juniors put on a fay about the pilgrims special mutic by the chotr included the inlhcrrt prtlte the lord o jerusalem and the rev ii dawson preached a timely termor for the second year in succession the parith had a thanksgiving family dinner and ll m highlight of the evening was the amusing auction of the fruits and vegetables uted in decoration syd newton had the help or george riaggelt in miking the tales mrs albert young funeral september 26 a resident of hilton centennial manor since september 24 1962 mrs albert young patted away on september 24 1969 after a lengthy illness mary williamson lole surviving member of a family of seven of the ute david and elizabeth wwlimson wu bom in nissagaweya on nov 29 1880 on march is 1905 the married wis albert young and settled on a firm in erin township where they farmed for 25 yean before moving to acton mrs young predeceased by her husband ts survived by sons george acton and fred of willowdile daughters emily mrs george willie jeule mrs ding rimtden and miry mrs mix storey ail of r ft 4 rockwood there are eight grandchildren alto surviving are e ffrire pm person ionalsj lanalmfnnnwfnflp mr james small of waterloo university visited with his grandmother mrs r m macdonild list week a busload of trippers enjoyed a trip through seven ontario counties tuesday to tee the fall coloring the trip was sponsored by the golden age club mr and mrs gordon park cathy steven and kenneth petrolia and mrs mervin huuird of guelph wilted at the home of mr and mrs chit landtborough friends are tony to leam mr reg hoire hid an operation in toronto western hospital on tuesday and hope for a speedy return to good health mr and mn harold reed of oak ridges visited in town but week he is the son of the late mr and mn j h reed of acton mr and mn robert taylor of orillia were weekend viiiton at the home of her parents mr tnd mn c l rognvaidion miss nancy rognvaidion was home from calgary for her graduation from the university of guelph mr and mrs norman waterton of owen sound spent the weekend with their cousins mr and mn g s matthews mr thys de hun left last thursday oct 2 after spending three months working in and around acton mr thys de hun is an agricultural student from frieslind hollind who spent his holldiyt with his brother frits and family in acton mr peter taylor of klrkland lake son of mr and mrs clinton taylor has recently returned from a three week holiday in england and france vliiton with mr and mrs jack frank during the week were mrs c weir and mrs w dullard kilbride mn g silcock buiwaih and mn t jobwiuowdale mr and mn pat patterson of limehouie haye returned from a holiday to the west coast they flew out reluming by but u far u winnipeg and coming the last lap by train they visited friends in victoria vancouver calgsry regina winnipeg and geraldton in kelowna they visited with former actoniins mr and mn jim greer and family a brotherinlaw h roy wintborough toronto and a sisterinlaw mrs alberta williamson who it living willi her daughter in kanus city missouri the rev andrew h mckenile conducted the funeral service at the ruraley- shoemaker funeral home on friday afternoon september 26 and interment followed at paliview cemetery pallbearers were nephews david williamson r r 1 georgetown fred anderton acton donitd mcnibb wett toronto ranton cooke llimuton out mcnsbb and george mcalplne guelph mrs young wu a member of knox presbyterian church acton the womens mluioniry society and ladles aid of the church and the duke of devonshire chapter of the iode d mcdougall dies in toronto donald a mcdougsil passed awsy at toronto estt general hospital on august 26 he was the husband of nellie eames of kenny ave scarborough and brother of gordon mcdougall he wu a son of tlvt ute mr and mrs malcolm mcdougall of acton for best choice skidoo 1970 5ff our dtsptay m aim fjui mr october iltfi ft 131ft murt allisons sales hw no t battween acton al georgetown mfone 8775259 or 8775250 the new rainbow beauty salon s church st e acton acn069 rom luckenzic lulnblh oethihg smlal permanents 700 sreclatiziwo im stvlimocuttino tlrvtifeofrostino open thursday friday until 9 pun for appointment call 8530551 frrrrrrr roxii mttthiawie show tiucs sun ikru tkure ipa 74vbpm set s at 1 pw thuw misat oct im day of the evil gun color glenn ford battle beneath earth color kerwin mathews sunmontues oct 1214 if its hies this must be belgium suzanne pleshetle adult color land of 1000 faces notre dame cartoon wbthuhmisay oct islt 4 bay show timet sept 17 18 will be 630 pm a 9 ttm ice station zebra color rock hudson i guided mouse isle cartoon i saebnababe you can clean up this bunch for pennies a day with a cascade alactrlc water heater in the house tubs showers laundry dishwashing whenever you need hot water you get it fast the acton hydro electric commission 43 aucb staurr acton your hydro