gpillihf the pim at acton bowling lanes bvkenhulford uaae uaaeuag lucky gbtka 31 uppart if ghaauotfce iv i j r take a a minna camoldk oammm cxntru gee aaaasmcks wit tie tint two gassee fat kand had ho of ukiu a cjaaa iiifl bat the dppo camsrioa lud otkwuau and tloared lata bll hod la the rkanle not only to taka tm gaane bet aba bfciod a us israeli i na for total aaaatrocne bsusonag wu headed a by ore forte to tllst mary anowrsoa s5s le lob mono 554 jala pillar stj 10s and tvee ihriaaa 5 l5 temped the carnations effort rseroe taond an roe a there of the atcoaxt rang aritk a tame aa win baa antaraa who lost a tonga aalddle tame by it aba bob marti t4sobykonua4unoi aad mail curiae 4jj i s4 eaiad the tot dot uiboa 55 317 glee knthird sit 191 ano cut tanw sos 171 waf bast for latum tor baas hbbad a three ane via beat tie astronaut who tried to ajrt orf the uunehtag bad u the tut canto but railed by ii pin la the tpoukhl of the low lug wla tanfe cuff wadaa 725 mo lone norton 711 157 ud ruby leautah 544 im aitrooaali eatort ware haadej up by rata kvouwaua 19 1 ivy uartla jsi im aad leery landry 513 3is league standing shaauoclca 13 caruuau 10 hero 10 love blip g astronaut s sabine 4 blue smuncs nusuefty saea 30 tttltse took over the lop ajtat with a triple win fron the eritwhlle ileal leading muas maiding art the tuua wia were waaaatu alth attil kaity uanue toj 134 adele nolan 5jl 201 and hale biitotf 491 310 attuns arforta ware paced by mary anderson 591 341 ttateea ulichtu sm 311 and laura treble s13 304 jaaaijtai won the fint two teale float delias but were wall haataa to the bule and soil out for total lathi reenter 751 131 varna tettoa 505 191 and loan tehlaaar 43 171 topped the janata trundling toa tripling trio for the dalsi ware agae hi colon 707 391 saudi sinclair 19 357 and batty cola 513 191 baaaowan made with a two aad total wia with snowdrosa taking tka abort aad sytrla maul3 139 skerry uortii of 351 and sandy atogtaw 593 351 haadad up the wla eue etlamadsoa 73 151 kerb wfchtntan 599 333 aad jaaa jackson 441 im ware ban for saowdropa laaau standing tutte 16 daitlat 13 laiuat 13 suaflowara 9 jaaauaaa 7saowdroao smmits ookneft m1keo seal 10- hatbint coatiaua to be tap teem on the loteea pole taking two gaaiaa aad totali frern 1auouti top uia la the haibuu wia wera fnak mekaaaa la 353 joan l knight 594 104 aad howie voithoart 511 174 hi up the wia going with the atatt for the falloutt jackie hui 513 117 cant sj4301 aad maig myatta 519 im outcaui broka thai lacoad place tie with moon bug whaa they look a two aad totali dachioa float laid moon buai tkhtlaa aad tiaalai eorounted for tha ouacatt whttjoha mdceaea 631 oha masuioway 115 lucy syanoll 315 fiaak sctum 35 aad mill haaalllea 305 had tm top bkaaaun for maoa bugi ware brum sharidaa 14 174 bruce sagatku om 3j aad john duaa muuu7 aftar the acotea ware aortad out ajborta had won au three gaataa with kletete tatiaa tha lata oa the triple and elaale afataau fat ajbarti wen satiny nattaagau t2 aaaatto st nana 314308 mug vliddlaloa 12g ed wood 235r aad bob woodcock 314350 top tna in rloten effoila were chai lawaadowdd 591 13 earie mhtdlalaa 5s7 317 and alice tbeok 550116 league treading hetbiai 15 oatauie 1 1 hlaoiilugi 9 abavu 7 febou4lotan udutialommekcul oct i jolmsi taxaco sahiice with a triple wia boat beardatoh co took tola boaaaaalaa of top apst mil thrills and spiffs feature sundays speedway action tape 3 lacky strifcal afw loaag the thai to ox uppm can bach to vria tha ml two tad totab the whl the taouai aohv potaaaaoa of the top rang maldaawka tha tikaaafa aad aoloa for the wla wan bart waal t0 lyh cmbm 47 daaaw mathana i a boat 315 aad skip viraaboa 31330 up thaea or the upon wan bay aadaaoa 70 rahal laaaaattoo aad hut caahaal 342 taaaarockl whh a two aad totab wia fnaa sfatflraa haaa la thare for a akaaa of the aaeoad biot doe rlarril 10 kor vryaahoak til aad deaaaa mcoowab 159301 ware oa the trial aad atkjia aiilna for sauaanxka up nam for the tpltfaaa wax toc bear 471 teat ifcaaaoa jj bhaw aadrawa l5aadtoat browaiag 303 fkkai thoafhl thay ware wall away whaa thay wo the rlnl two caaloi roat the avawaat hal the a i apart the aop bv waauag the hat apaaa wits aaoapa plaa to take the aaallna for iomu lake vaa bar kooy 0 loha bauaanoe 120 aad bob cripaa 112 triptad aad oaabd foe the fhawa far the avaaaan it wu phil laiaeat tit ltaiaa mirit ml bob woodcock 33 aad lolar coaataaciae 1 1 2 lasaaar 7u fred laadry 471 aad loha hoar 441 haadad as the wia boat traadbw for om b war the trip twirx daforaa 43t aad the aoable of bob tutou 431 loa hani elattnc caaw out bast hi a two aad lotab aaam with tywn tr n uvf mmraimmr friday saturday night ooowfon -featorino- jbfcmiy stjb fi at ccwptfs also heapfearina ocwkr 24251h bv popular demand dominion hottt um caarchut 49t aad do i 413 ware lope foe the eiactrkiam top bicoaatart tot tyiarl wat xlu aadxwa 417 bidl tiamay 401 aad loha mocidoway 400 a sapanaarkal grabbad a two aad totab wia rrnat patea baihar shop thay had hopaa of tnbbiad the baactle bl pala clippad taa the taeood kaae by 10 plal paciag the w wate do dafoaaat t35 302 earie midcttrton 490 aad aadyv aak1 441 top trio fo ha -but- ware lahfiyar ml joe jlal beaoath 47 ad haak barie 434 i ii n r uaadiaa johaa taum garrice ii baafdaurt c 7 joe hani elattric 4 m bariwe shop 4 ab separauuhal 4 tylat tiejupolt 1 acton lxdteg t3ct- i glory be aad the tahtlt pnairaa m thiae uaata tud for the top tpol tad thtae uaaal au l wa ia wcoad place jed two biall bauad the laadvrt caaae aboaf that nialaaaa ciothiag and backer mitk tiad the hrtt taate thaa nuhaaa waat oe la war the aaat iwo aad iauu far the big tad of e 41 apht tap tcomi la thu go ware far noaaal doaaa maori 590 17 bote hall 574 331 grace babartam 51 130 halta huii 56 105 far backrrt aaaa spear 40 114 see hhhtiqule 309 104 mat ward 4tv tjt bay hariaca 44 ixa aad central catu auwed up fat thalr thare of the top rung whaa ica woa two gaataa aaly to have casual cartage grab the awtalaa far touli with a big talddle guae wu la thu affair mary faputoa 595 175 nan hum 541 4laad fraa piute 545 194 ware lapi for iga for ceatral cartaae ii wu marlaa storey 744 334 doaaa strh 51 1315 doane kiisak 50t 190 aad helen hoteu eii 103 cantaoi grabbed off their tkare of ucoad place with e two aad totals win fiam the family store who caate up with e 1 7 pin wla la the fuule to liuk oa to their than of the ascond tpot lynae barrett 573 390 eieaaor coy 545 339 ead mae swackjueter 547 310 topped caauoi trunduag mary skirlow 414 i9g kilty allen 479 303 aad atuutte st pierre 444 1 7 1 were beu or family store league mending becker muk 15 icjt 15 central cartage is nieluat clathliig 1 family store ucaraeoil major fjct 3 acton meadowt are tllll unbeaten fat the utian zeroing the scenic rooli keep their wlaatrlag latacl tlfac herrlagloa 31 jj7ij doa tachy dalar wuhai tit 344 llrt turtuck 799 343 and ron shannon 753 317 paced the power roll of the wolfert toot for scenic pooli were rele schlpper 714 jeff fryer 704 and larry forte 409 hlnlont store came up with a two and totali wla front sporti comer squeek rlgo 795 bui shannon 717 and fraachy conway 4s were beet la hlatoai win going with the matt for sporti comer were don herri 490 pete homer 474 end hank eaile 403 billable tail hit their ttride for a two aad total wla from acton laaea who laved face by winning the lair canto top tricounter for reliable were don greln 741 bui wlihami 444 344 and lawrence huh 441 beit in the lane effort were faile middleton 808 331 ken hulford 441 aad had deforeit 430 leaaue mending aetna meadowt 14 scenic pool ii htatoni store g raliabu teal 4 acton lanet 4 sporti comer 3 acton friends oct 3 challenger by knocking off the league4eactlag head hunter for a 31 uecliion took over ihe top pot by half a point peeing the ctbalienger win were fete bouwmaa 410 358 alan schlnck 548 318 barb smith 347 108 and ed kara 547 314 going with the moil for heed hunterttctaig rerklai 431 317 anae thomua 401 334 doau milne 534 334 and gary ritchie 49 333 mulling mulled thiag up for the aclan speedway with a two and total win the speeder tneaked into the wuvring la the finale by four pin john chapman 593 37 floy j schmidt 543 311 aad robbie rauuea 347 204 lughlighted the win trying to tared thiag up far acton speedway were jka muae 594 33 pat rettenon 51 310 and sauy bouwmaa 474 171 swtagert vacated the lower region in a ruth when they won all game from charlie pale heading up swinger toll were doa akhibald 434 331 milton rowe 543 197 aad marilya mcarthur 518 198 for charlie feb the belt ihoti came from charlie thoauoa 510 194 ahtta schmidt 508 111 and chick milne 441 147 league mendi oudlengere 9h head hunter 9 muitaag acton speedway 5 swlagen 3 charlie retain acton mixed oct 3 happy gang are nil the happy bowler winning all game from the spoiler give them a commanding lead oa the reu of the field the win wu aet up by triple and aaawe bkk ivaay 427 artie white iii hahai aoaloard 231 brroa bubae 234 and ed browne m4 had aan top trio ia spoiler effort wart ron sarppeid 438 137 al norrie 314 log aad jarry laadry 307 197 miaflta took ihe rail canto floal road raaaer by thrae pint want oa to win the ajcond bat fail rial oa ihru couactiae faca la tie third and road raaamnvade wick the wa phi the tanglaloa for totab law raid 549 151 hac delate 344 207 and harry middktaa 51 119 were lop traadiar roe marti for road rknarnll wat wild naar 435 151 chat lewandowau 570 341 and keilh wellwood sd5 300 slowpoka lart up two fsu win on the saint but the salptl tae back strong in the finale for ihe win and grabbad totali by 1 pint handing up the juowpoka tall ware shorty lowu 471 371 id buwr 417 hi and jaaa parly 139 tad bob price 471 301 lejoae mandate happy gang 19 gpolteri it bunt it road- ruaaari 17 uowpokaa i snlatl 10 bk3four oct 3 tturfar took aw ihe top tpat knocking off the timwhlie laadari attty kali with a two aad totali win jfacing the otfav wla ware hairy plofilade 433 1731 jane venseelm 537 141 harry enmag 313 101 and dolf vaa ariagoa 491 ill5 top ror the allay km weie lcar faraura 494 19 mug vaa arrtpoa 493 1 79 sid hofoade 444 l7vand joe hofilade 440 184 headpin made with two end totali ww al the sock ltto44ei ftpaaie who uved race by wfataiag the middle cbukkar by 17 pine handing the roll for handpine ware john krale 743 305 trudy hofmade 38 340 harry barant j21 344 and shuwy klein daln 30 114 for sdchln kor vryanhork 544 108 jannle kuikaa 305 fjm anne kofriede 444 190 and carta krale 48 11 were bad league tundlng dutfrrl 11 allay kela 10 headpin 15 gocklltowerll headhn hiutes bowling wawmi hti only hirt ttaf tad vnd alkady iwo of the iramue ate looking ahead bahcjurtwlal cnrotiae garden cenlie hire khednlad thalr fail and rua num for april 15 el the legion hag not to be outdone the sporti comer league wiu be kiting oa the bib and tucker at i band hill miy 1 ai the otcecfe award programme marti thli month october houie councillor kaite mhuleloa ureal au league irctetertei to itnilue the signing up of their league boaleri lor cobjt taentbenhlpii li utile early la the season to be touine out the boeeuell bul we cannot help but admire the way the teatpie executive are handling their early leaion piobl lspecially the one who are new to their dullel they are taking hold la real fine myte and one cannot but foresee e fine season of bowling and fun orchali alio to the league thai nail oa time maki for e awch better running schedule and the stagtte on the 9 p m shift are duly eppreclative of not being held up that wind it up once again my ftiendlles so edloi emlo aad goodnlte coacord city by vivian shaw it waa rough day for cart at actonolprlnge apeedway sunday afternoon before the lace even ttarted number 29 tpurl and ran into the retaining wall smashing hie lad however ho wu able to have hit car repaired in time to qualify for the feature bruce- bailey alto blew hi rear end in ihe wared upe but war able to gel teady in thru for the feitute nineteen can hatted lit the feature bul only nine finished john fallka wai disqualified for charging ahead before the green flaf wet thrown oil the flitl lap tony ttotto tan into thaietalnlng wall and had to rcllict a pileup occurred orf the reiltrt on number i turn and art ovciland and gary thome had to withdraw tt t retull other mroppcd out on account of mechanical problem ron qvetland then took over the lead on ihe flrtt up and held it for eight up unlll jerry blakney came front nowhere to take the lead and go on to win hit drat feature of ihe year dan kociuk who itarted ih 18th position came through to take second and lawrence majuery finished third vx i at the legion hall activities at brand 197 by charlie thornton acton legion president bob angell and hit wife alvey cordon tnd hit wife accompanied the writer to ihe ditlrict b fall convention at brantford collegiate initltute sunday branch 90 brantford were hoitt for the event after breakftit at the hotl branch delfgatei were regiitered at the collegiate at 9 ajn and opening ceremoniet conducted by the hoit branch president and color party took place e shelley wai elected new ditlrict commander and w shield wu named new deputy district commander cuett tpeaker for the convention ontano provincial pretident comrade doug mcdonald wu introduced by ditlrict commander dave si capperauld and thanked by j dobbt deputy ditlrict commander a parade and service at the cenotaph followed the convention and ihe convention dinner wu held later at branch 90 comrade gordon crocock acted at general convention chairman a e e the chortliert are tinging for ihe walker lodge ladiet night at the band hall october 1 8 anyone interetted in joining the chortliert it ttked to attend practice at ihe legion sunday night at 8 mr ted pope it a patient in georgetown general hoipltal recuperating from an operation we all with her a very ipeedy recovery clare mckay appointed victoria county clerk haltont deputy clerk for the patt two and a half yean clare a mckay of burlington la resigning hit pott at the end of november he hta been named clerktreaturer of victoria county and will report for work at the county offlcea in lindtay htfatai fcarricwe uh writ htm chudlelghe pickityourtelf apple farm on highway 25 looked u if a hurricane had hit it after the weekend owner tom chudlelgh declared hundred of picker came to take their own applet from the dwuf tree he had 25 amitanti working in directing the traffic lut week end and there will likely be another large crowd thit weekend there are plenty of applet available on dec i victoria hat 17 municipalities and a total population of 30000 permanent residents although it it a holiday area and the population normally doublet in the rummer months mr mckay reporta mr mckay it 33 he began hit municipal work with five vein at king townthip u atiiitanl clerktreaturer and came to hilton at deputy clerk in april of 1967 he wai born in peleiborough county and welcome this move u it brings him closer to hit home and family mr mckay uid he wu unsure of his future if hilton entered a regional government area and looked on thit move u a promotion doll and outfits prize in the scout and guide mother draw is on display in simptonseirt window again this year mra glenn banks made the wardrobe and ita beautiful rrrrrrrrfrrrrffrt- ehbtw gttoofmnq as you like it i truttf ut to shape ant cut your hlf in m matt bet3itilntstyl 3 chairs to serve you better houts arm tssatdav to thundey m tun friday 07 bjvu saturday bb tun vtwmmmmsuem new location 38 mill st e petes barbershop peeeeeeeee ra the mini tlox feature had plenty of thrills and splits on the third lap kan shaw apun and three cars tan into him all were able to continue the teal of ihe race went off veiy smoothly with rick steven taking the checkered flag bob awde finished second and kett daniel third after clotting the finish line bob awde went over ihe end and rolled four limes the car wu a total wiedi but bob walked away unhurt beenltl of the tacet follow 111 heal bury ckland t6ny tiotfo lawrence uahtery ind bealai peterson lawience majoery st adanil 1st ulnlkeu dnnieli bkk stevens harvey cooper pen conue di kociuk art gonsenub chuck lawlot slow rortueah oretund harold hlaileano 18 ind rajnlktr pealei htrvay cooper ida dunham 3id hftltoay hotto garry cteundklo ib 4lh haat jury blakney lawriace uthieiy stan ajirtl mini raeluhbkk sieve bob awde kta daniels harey cooper oarytuiott lu feeluieleiry blakney dii kociuk lewfcare uijuary all goatervul btuce blluy powdai pulfpenny no 34 betnice mtjoery trw adon fr prta woxsnewday octobar 8 19tv9 g sacoealoamblauraeistratioanamharntm bond campaign nanecoodes starts oct 6 www w g fhlppen and david scarlett of toronto have been appointed aa organizer in the 1969 canada savings bonds campaign payroll laving division fo llalton and peel counties trie territory include port credit oakvttle acton and milton this marks mr fhippens ninth year u an organizer for the canada savings bonds campaign he will took after the riorth taction of the area mr scarlett who will look after the toulh part la on hit first csb campaign the t69 series of bonds will become available on oct 6 and will be aold at par until nov 14 ml jal the police had t reasonably good week with fewer lncldentt to report maybe the cooler weather nvaket a dlffeitnc v l robertson manufacturing co of milton had moved their head office tnd staff to revdale bul this week they all moved back to milton again coaches and managers for acton five enlrlaa in the trlcounty minor hockey league for the coming season have been named the novice will be managed by bruce mcarthur and coached by siu mcdonald barry liueoe returns al coach of the pee wees while don van fleet who managed the team in previous years hat agreed to serve tt manager again this year coach harold towntley and manage steve coy are both returnees with the bantams the midgets will be coached by newcomer bui coon and managed by bui jkhlght jim jamee will be back for hit second season at coach of the juveniles while catl timber tervws as manager au coachea and managers are asked to attend a meeting of the local atioclation in the community centre tonight at 8 and one week from tonight a meeting of all coaches and managers in the league along with ihe referee in chief of each town will be held in the milton legion acton teams are eipected to start their schedule in pretton november 4 the cutting club held an executive meeting tuesday september 30 at the office of tyler tiantpott there was practically a 100 attendance including may dumarth and eleanor coy representing ihe ladles building program committee chairman johnny goy reported that progrets on ihe building structure is jutt about on schedule johnny goy and jack ridley have been shopping for large panel of inuilated glau to be initalled between the ice tuiface and the lounge and were happy to report that they were able to purchase enough glau for about half the normal colt the contract for the installation of plumbing hat been let to an acton firm and work it now well under way ted tyler sr reported that etctlcally all hydro material hat en ordered and that he and mel jordan are organizing volunteer group to iniltll wiring light flxutret and all neceuary electrical equipment on behalf of the social committee mel jordan reported that a fall dance has been planned for saturday evening october 25 at the legion auditorium tickets will soon be available and everyone will be contacted by a phone committee organized by the ladlea group memberahip committee chairman bill toth repotted he had received only 16 applicationi by september 30 which was rather disappointing however on october 6 65 applications were turned in this is a little more encouraging but still a long way from the cluba objective of 200 by october is any who have not mailed iheir forms in are atked to please do to u toon u possible they should be mailed to bill toth or acton culling club po box 1042 acton ontario if you avmnf i hamhton otncnmgtti 1 16 laounteinvia poad s open bowling thanksgnng aftarrtoon ft evening have lott your form look in the free preu for a new one or contact bui toth or rev andrew mckenzie walter dubois chairman of the draw committee hat been trying to organize the flrtt draw but is having difficulty on account of the lack of applications he is attempting lo arrange draws to suit the majority of the curlers ills committee will alto be active arranging invitational bontplela for 1970 harry olletbein and rev andrew mckenzie organized a work crew lul friday october 3 to pick up tome lumber neceuary for the ice turface floor they now need a work crew for saturday october 1 1 at 9 am to help place this material and prepare the ice turface floor to accept the plutlc pipe this ia on voluntary null and it is very important that any who can offer a few hours labor for the benefit of the club do so people seem to be more familiar with the crosswalks now but there doesnt teem to be any uniform way of indicating to motorittt that 8 pedetlrlan is going to crou make tracks to the station fahom loveubws meat market buhms u chvovac taomklttss dinner hams m ctwieb red brand beef sirloin tip roast 1101 choice rump roast uas shoulder ft chuck roast 75 lean ground chuck 75 fresh small link sausage 69 m your mam rh irand blir s f9 raws 55 hs 7fr lovell bros modern meat market nasew sssm40 77 mill i djuiv btuvuv all canadians benefit when you buy canada savings bonds especially you canada savings bonds available in denominations of 550 si 00 500 1 000 5000 or 25000 cashable at any time for full face value plus earnod interest offering this year a higherthanever average annual yield of 8 which means youll have doubled your money by the time the bonds mature in 9 years buy by instalments at the bank off montreal pay u little u 64 down and that remainder in my paymont over a yar 2m f 5000 bond 500 down for a 100bond 2500 down for a soobond 5000 down f6r a nooo bond canada savings bonds the bonds that beriefit all canadians now at tha bank of montreal bank of montreal conadateltatbank