Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1969, p. 10

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n the acton free praw wednesday october 15 1969 7ft4 mm the 4m for thos who were glued to their tv iet over the weekend for the world aerie it murtlvave been a real letdown to ee the baltimore bird and the new york meu play auch mild eventempered game like automated computer where are the temperamental durocher berra dlmaggio ruth and casey stengel who ued to make the world erie a real how maybe it was just imagination but thisold baeball enthusiast cant get a excited oyer the current championship series as he could over the day when leo durocher was standing cheek to jowl with the umpire and arguing every close decision or the days when joe dlwiaggio was busting therm out of the park aid vi berra was belting bad pitches off the fence tops remember when the daffy brooklyn dodgers tangled with the mighty new york yankee in what was called subway icries remember how old casey stengel would take off hi cap scratch hi head walk to the mound and say a few word to the pitcher now dont get the writer wrong hes not criticizing the calibre of the baseball no doubt the quality of play is as good or better than it ever was but the color the personalities- where are they the game has lost lot of its glamor without the dizzy deans the babe ruths jackie robinsons and swatters like hank sauer stan musial and duke snider baseball could do with some more of the colorful personalities who built the game up to what it is today those were the days my friends those were the days editorial pag omen tfw citiej strikes by policemen and firemen in montreal with the subsequent wild disorders and breakdown of services may foreshadow in microcosm more painful urban events to come it underlines the growing gap between the fast rising expectations of society and the resources necessary to meet the aspirations of society the upheaval of course was helped by the confusion of a quebec living with uncertainty about its future the fact that montreal has become even temporarily unstuck is a development that plays directly into the hands of those who have stated that the dissolution of canada is their aim it also represents a setback to the conscientious and constructive people who believe that cities which will become increasingly large and importantcan be places of beauty and offer a range of opportunities to enrich the individuals attractive communities farm people have good reason to be interested and involved in the nationwide push to move industry and jobs out into the country so that young people can continue to live there rather than migrate to the metropolitan areas which have become more and more crowded and harder and harder to govern decently too often we adopt a defensive stand and start worrying that growth in the community will mean higher taxes and more competition for farm labor the truth is it may cost even more to live in a community of shrinking population and declining tax base local governmental and community services cost almost as much in a shrinking as in a growing society the fewer remaining people find themselves taxed heavier to keep these services going spreading the jobs and the population is the most sensible national program we have launched in a long time it may he the solution to the problems of the big cities as well us the rural ureas as we work at the job of spreading economic growth some facts have been coming to the fore both in the surveys that are being taken and the experience that is being recorded a variety of jobs is allimportant in rebuilding a rural community now that farming has become more specialized and mechanized agriculture alone cannot be expected to provide the employment base there must be jobs or young families must migrate elsewhere and without young families the community is doomed to go downhill good schools are next in importance again because they are necessary to bold young families when industries contemplate a move to a rural area they look first to such things as quality of schools and level of pay for teachers health care facilities also come near the top of the list other community factors are of course important like churches recreational facilities highways and many others you may be wondering by now why we havent mentioned low taxes the reason is that taxes comes a way down the list among the characteristics considered by firms shopping for new locations low tuxes arc nice providing they liavc not been achieved by robbing the community of the things that make for what is called livability a company must have an adequate supply of labor including young labor they must have a community attractive enough to please their administrative personnel needed to launch and manage the factory laboratory or whatever the enterprise may be low taxes do not necessarily mean happy families good schools and a headsup community leamington post and news pketca frcm the paat 39- i 3p 1ri w perfectly positioned this still lito by jim jennings won a second placo honorable mention award in the free press photography contest at the fall lair the winning pictures aro being protented in tho paper oath weak sugar and spice b y s m i i e y tim column it nut going to have one theme but uveril fair enough ive just returned from an exhausting weekend taught eight 10minute period of bnglish and attended a department heads meeting which ended by six pm with everybody snarling we went to visit our daughter at university a mistake but you love them frst few weeks arc bad enough but when you add a tooth extraction with complications its orrible complicate that with loneliness and you have a pretty tad kid on your hands funny isnt it kids spend years telling you how glad theyll be to get away from their rotten parents and be free and a week later theyre desperately homesick but it wasnt all bad we had a good dinner out and kim ruined her new leather skirt by dropping a fried shrimp on it this is the only skill she has really mastered after 13 years of education dropping things and then there was dennis the cab driver rotund and jolly he talked steadily as he drove us in circles and squares looking for an address when we finally found it we realized we could have walked in half the time and dennis striking his forehead violently remarked gee i shoulda known dis place i work right across de street dcre at de garage two nights a week but he gave us a refund which youd never get in most cities pet hups the highlight of the weekend was the newlyweds we were coming down in he elevator on sunday a very large man in his late fifties and stoned to the eyeballs joined us at the fifth floor lie was accompanied by a statuesque blonde in her eaily fillies also toite bul a lady couldnt say a word wmtcha to meet the wile he burbled delmoiisly just got mamed yestejday we weie delighted at tlm manifestation that love know no uce creed or age and congratulated hem heartily we got i j kids he announced proudlv seenu he had four sons and two dauhieis and he had four daughters and two nous by picvious marriages lots of uiandchitdien they were just off to boston on their honeymoon now dont ask me why anyone would go to boston on a honeymoon there isnt that much time to talk while youre going down five floors in an elevator but they seemed extremely happy and god bless them and i hope they made it out of the city without being thrown in the impaired driving tank he almost wiped out u bellboy as he backed away from he hotel entrance but love and peace to both of them how would you like to start on a honeymoon with 1 2 kids personally i love and admire anybody who believes in love and admiration after the age of 50 but 12 kids and all those grandchildren wow its like going over the trenches at dawn with a cap pistol and a string of firecrackers theme two does anybody in his right mind understand medicare i take it from the silence that the answer is a resounding no this will replace that and that will replace his and i can get a hearing aid which i dont need how about a smelling aid for those who cant smell my wife after carefully reading the utterly confusing directions has i he idea that we belong to four different medical plans none of which will pay all our medical bills the only thing hat comes through to me loud and clear is that its going to cost more money theme three do you realize that a high school with about 1 400 students in it is a snake pit confine about 1600 people counting staff and janitors into u shoe factory about a city block in size and what jo you get a learning situation no a burning situation and a gaggle of paranoids more about his later when im feeling better and i feel better already just having said it t cetera epid post office tower tuts up at tha main and willow st corner in this 10ie atrial jot acton fred wright tent this aerie of photograph which conclude this 1 vaararuaad in hit reel estate business any mora old pictures we may borrow the easiest way to teach junior the value of money is to borrow some from him antique something that does slot mutter until we get rid of it the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about the acton free press phone 8532010 business and editorial office founded n blb and oubltthad wv wdamdv l so iaok si atoa oflmfio mnbm ol ik audit buiuu ol ctcuulhwi tu cwna wt ouma advtiua rftlm on raquml subukptttvit pvtb m adnnc m 00 ut cwid so 00 w all cow lit twhr lhn ctvvidj nauu 1scm sotond ctu mavl ratyitriio nomfa 0616 adwwiiuaqit c40md on ht condition o ivwvvuul ty thii portion of th dwrtuing imm okuewd by it tofttoul lohhm with hiumbe jloutwi v uanmuf uill not b cmfd lof bul tha tuunc 0 th dvwtitmil wll b mud lor m th cdcabu it i ol lyaoytpheal ifor khwlitma ooad 0 uahcm m wona oiwi pud w waix4 mv ol b uu advwihiaa u mwlv vi ft i sw be imwwa m itty tlm dub tmiihba watt jmihi e tbj tuuld dili publuuf hwllv col ttoh ftyd kditof adv juutfuo- copyflh imp fcvery u often it is wise to revtew lh nuil that c girt 1 for this column theres a variety of subjects covered frorrt cavenun to beards to u i o i and since the thank nil vint weekend is mtuui for taking it easy that u juil what i did and let the nuil write the column you no douut have heard the trxprettum take it with j guui of salt thats what you brlirr do wrlii this piece of information from he silio kalty news scientist accoiding to the silto people have tracked down he ongui of kiitiug they uy it all begjn bvcauw of a craving for salt a cavenun dlvctwered lie could uil tiff on a hoi day by licking hit neighbors cheek salty peiipnation ilieie i guess he toon discovered it was a lot more luu if the neighbor clunced to in 1 ferrule alley oop then realiedthere wjvmorr vauce on llic sail il he tinned his attention on the ladys piolruding lip uy tin time he had forgotten all about sjtt which is something llu salt people dont wjiit you to do and thats all the salt lor salt and iepper hit week allhouyji here i something that could by spicy il came here tin a piece of plain white paper jnd obviously refers to a recent column in this corner votlsoi conhutncl kk till hlard sits thvrt quietly not saying a word impressive in it i silence a naked chin may jut in auger a beard nottmly tuts but threatens to poke you in the eye the surly with the fringe on the bottom a nun may lost his hair and acquire a pot hut ones eye doesnt travel up nor down it is held captive by this smile shape from ear to ear a dark upturned grin it is the finishing touch a man is a man but with a few wellplaced whiskers he becomes tile man with the beard other men sneer the havenots always sneer at the haves they have not either the means or the courage women scoff they are still fight hig for their freedom a beard dominates w come to like that face with fun avcrt belter than it used to tuif now hack to u0s which ruv appeared o occasion in lint column her are a couple of recent letters on th subject dear mr coles i have ut fmidied reading you account of tli uio both you and your ton witnessed on august 26 l9 as you can tee ive iwen interested in uos for many years and have bn publishing ssas for 12 years inforpilng tnlikud persons about uio activity in our skies i will ju doubt use your sighting in the next issue hope this is alt right with you i sincerely hope yiu enjoy this parlicujji issue the current one if ytiud iike id pel the next one with au the latest reports plcjie let me know thank you sincerely gene duplantier lditor saucers space science andiflklsaunllicr dear mr coles i alway enjoy your special part of ihe aclon paper and read recently the article concerning uios i do remember reading last fall your account of one such object well cheer up i saw it first and h was heading toward acton it was plain to the eye and travelling very last but i didnt report it to anyone ahcufcscoll r r igeorgetown wc live dangerously down here comments louis mckenna publisher of ihe kings county record in sussex nb as he points to a classified ad carried in the september 1 1 issue the classified reads found pair of ladies sandals panties dog leash and sum of money at hampton rural cemetery owner may have articles if identified and pay for this ad phone we have no comment either 20 years ago taken fiom the hsuc if the frcc prc thursdjy october 13 i 49 mjny citiem availed tltcmtelvc uf the opportunity ijst thursday evening to meet the new secretary cliff sutton of the ymca and enjoy a wwial evening you wouldnt know the social room now it is so bright and cheerful mr j ii crcighton supervised the ys mens club who did the work the proceeds of the diike of devonshire iodfc tag day food for britain at the fair was s 1 2777 limehouse wl donated books as prizes for the boy and girl at gibraltar school and hendersons school 7th line whose attendance cleanliness and punctuality rated highest in the school lillian asken and billy sjnford of gibraltar school were the winners in tlicir school and at 7th line school jimmy forbes and fcileen and diane shclburnc tics were the recipients mr john ii smith formerly of acton marked liis qolh birthday at the home of his daughter in gait mrs smith is 41 progress regarding the new home for the aged was made ut county council architects will be engaged to make plans the conclusion has been reached that nothing satisfactory can be arranged until a home for malum alone has been erected the warden mrs mary pellil thanked the members of the committee for their work 50 years ago taken from ihe issue of the free press thursday october 16 q9 the first public meeting held by the referendum committee was that of tuesday evening in the town hall there was a splendid audience of both men and women many working nun and their wives were attracted to hear james connor a prominent labor man of toronto labor endorsei prohibition he declared the liquor traffic is the arch enemy of the working nun rev dr blair held a meeting of ladies in the afternoon when he gave helpful instruction on how to mark the ballot the other vote on october 20 ai well as the temperance referendum will elect the member of the legislature this is the first election in ontario when all women may vole 107 teachers of haltonwenlworth inspectorate held their annual session of convention here technical papers were given on musical instruction teaching back isues agriculture in the rural schools and public health as well as other subjects thursday evening the teachers spent a delightful social lime in the town hall when the program was provided by the methodist sunday school orchestra miss bertie smith miss lauctte gray miss jeanie orr and exhibitions of dancing by jimmy ross with miss stalker as accompanist mr w mcnabb and matter cameron spent the weekend with friends in toronto the fully equipped ford touring car which the members of the great war veterans association offered to ihe person holding ihe fortunate number was won by mrs george havill acton she was the recipient of many congratulations and was driven home from the park in her fine new car 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press thursday october ih 1894 kockwoods supply of young ladies is steadily decreasing for some time past the matrimonial mania has held sway last wednesday miss a magec took in mr anson smith of brampton as a partner for lifes transactions and journey the ceremony was performed by rev d strachan at the residence of the brides mother the contracting parlies were supported by miss ii roat and mr m e mccann baseball is the go in rockwood now the boys do very little practising it may be that they do not require it they certainly need no practise to enter a field and accept a dribbling the diphtheria scare has subsided quail shooting season started monday the country roads are still in good condition the 109th member of acton temperance society was initiated the first flurry of snow came sunday mr t j halsted recently purchased the shop on main st latterly occupied by the salvation atmy he will reside upstairs and the first floor has been fitted up for storey glove works esquesingt collectors of laxea an archibald mcdougall david lindsay william moore peter gibbons george campbell john evana they will receive 20 each for their service the johnsonsmily concert la th attraction of die week ta cottown mis pauline johnson tha indian poeteas pleases her audi every time i mr n p mclam will ranain la actasv and not move tn mlaaara falls ai inlnnitaal his many friend an smu ntfifjjdtsttp decision imitvviiftfj akmtow

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