Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 5, 1969, p. 6

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thss acton fnm nil wdvssdy novmbrg ip69 lets play bridge by bill mh kara b bfeky hitla aaad uul caa srp tl oat aetna arid club monk 4wlt hia ttahiaa- side raostth iaur hk0 9 cs4j j had us bin uuad of tfc turwti la tail of norths opaaiaj bid of oa ebb wi uclj id 11 uul alii lata kina skould cuasa frcaa badl- tub ikaa froas stadia- asad tha elhar fiwr cud lull on spada uk elhar x bad duasmy uyad a isa use bad duataty puyad k puyad ttx 14umh bad use tile it i imscm svoa wist lilll htsvj da7 ca 101 hast 95 hatos d154 1 c0 socrrt g 10 1 mjt4 1 dq10v3 c- tubuji north east south west ic hil int tiu jwt auflu 0kki bkl of clstbi hikaa ii u ll tnttjw uluw of twsueu playat but ry pail au twa fciluvtoutk kukjl tap al tttaja iso injatp tablf ofllualaa staid off svaaa all bill oft mtiuasd id aatatf al aw uscst amta bid of oa iso irstlab wit ta cissb ceiair pteiiauas 9 to ii ma caal frouli tla just loo bad a churchill 1 uul ab tbayi uwurtf mai m blaa- tata stud llkk thi lb most la kaaili oae dab maul lint isvo dltaumd llkks would b imuimj it would ba bast la itiusm ik dumoaji liilo wills hand was doaa ssol know us list club situation tad may mika b mistake daelutr uj a kaul to lis klnaj sshkb cast dacltaad to ul ta cuaasoad blahl svbi lad bad bald lha uuk aaolhat duaulaj svta ud bad ika haass rattaalad thli ima wil had to win ai pwdklad jvbii wu fakictbat to eoallisua club iib lad b saad svkuh daclsml svoa u duauasr this wu natassafy and tha sjtad ra u ika tsnly suia smliy lo urals hanj attar sbdilna ika diamond vlisa dalua lad a hla kaajl kait svoa bad rttulhad ika club nlisa au wail could do swat ssla kit aca baj laa of club and coacada ika balajsca or tka tikkstodaclajar tast ssaakt sslisnais bl lha actoa lildja tub ssata fliit hav bad nail fttlulio sacond kby caatbbau and halan hyda third kau and lack coals fourth ian coals ajsd fetlu coals farewell party baptism fire tfyurtfisyjuacarlhur at sunday novtnlbtr i otutduo ctiiirth mnict rv a w fotbury held lloly skcoroartl of- infant bipliim sbm ui ud lira albert cox btftfll ton paler john wu bkpbard osvtftl to licjcneu mr usd tin geoff uilibyi biby svu unkbu to be pecunt uiues kithy uid debbli swackjumer uni 1 dual filker our children ktstp in ketping with the impranaj iimoe ur ajvd urt nomun turner david ud juliuin vitiied at the rental horae svith ur and urt j juliantn brampton where other aerabert of the family i piaent from north bay wooditock and toronto ur and urt ward hamilton vitited on sunday with a brother ur and urt stewart hamilton and family in don willi ur and urt archie kerr alto ur and urt bob kerr and baby jelyery attended the wedding of uiii shirley uanning and mr donald uccoll on wednesday evening in king united church and reception afterward at hilltop lodfe ur and urt bdl trimble and ton paul of oranfeville were saturday vuitort with ur and urt bob ken uitt uarianne uceachern tpent the weekend at her home here ur and urt william thompson alto ur and urt clark amutrong and bonnie threefamily garage termed deplorable nattaftweya townthipt building intpector syd savage it having trouble with certain ktidenti in the township and he expressed hit concern over the tituation during hit report to council monday night according to ur savage there are three famuiet living in what wat once a public garage originally the girage including at bumpt measured 24 feel by 24 feet ur savage told council they had expanded it 10 75 feel by 31 feet and he termed the construction deplorable he lold council he had issued two stop work orders but there wat no response to these we cant allow this to happen uid reeve anne uacarthur we cant have slums in natsdgaweya it would be establishing a precedent council decided to turn over the problem to their solicitor for further action pan fried liver on 4h menu by sharon ellerby the eevemh meeting of the bannockbum ueateort wat held at the home of susan somerville the meeting opened with the 441 pledge uid in unison by all of use tiilt next jeanette cox read the minutes with the collection following since it wu the second last meeting the group of girls decided that it was time to consider what the record book coven should be like uany girls were putting forth their ideas tv fetsmvtew during the cbc national tv newt saturday night dr george elliott wat interviewed at the urrrvtetlty of guelph and asked about hit work apparently the ons had bent taken several wsiikt ago the elliotts and acton frisnda who happened b watcmnf ware turprited to amumlatarrlaw but the final decision is going to be on november is the roll call for this week was a dayt menu planned for my family this was answered by all of the members afterwards our assistant leader urs marilyn coxe told many interesting facts about variety and processed meats the meeting ended with a luncheon of pan fried liver and liver with vegetables prepared by susan somerville and sharon ellerby award prizes ur and urt fred gordon were judged the best couple in costume at the halloween dance sponsored by acton citizeni band at the music centre friday evening chester anderson and mn harold towntley were the second and third prize winners dancing was enjoyed to the flower town five and a buffet supper served at midnight 1 f r r t t 1 j 1 j wj btatty fceorfs canctr sodefy bnnch georgetown royals playoff champtont in the golden horwthoe eoccw im0u rctvd thilr indtvldusl trophies at toaouo puve and thalr wlv enjoyed a dinner and dsnee at the ac on music centre saturday night back row i to r frank maddtgin reo kent qutch revs dill kuvunajqh emil qeiul middle row i to r john kevonaugh kevin king ritwtint kent paul 6eiul leo kovanaugh rick duttur front row i to r cv 0 rolpti isit danny kovuiaugii jim kavanauqh john bo tun staff photo morty speaks out took a irtp on sunday afternoon lo see the falls on the american side before the watei n turned on toon uark and amy lynn hamillon of georgetown vitited at their grandparentt mr and urt ward hamiltont home over the weekend andyt friend gordon seart of erin was also a visitor last sunday mr and mn william butler called on mr and mrs wilbert brown to tee how they were getting along after hearing of their fire churchill friends were indeed sorry to hear that too last wednesday evening oct 29 friends and neighbor sthered at the home of mr and rs tony dimm to bid farewell to them before leaving our midst to make their home at cooksville cards were played and a social evening spent urs r denny read an address and mr r l davidson on behalf of the group presented them with a beautiful swivel rocking chair both tony and betty thanked everyone for ihe lovely gift and wellplanned evening all joined in singing for they are jolly good fellows all sat down to a long table and enjoyed a delightful lunch to close a happy evening together both tony and betty and linda will be greatly missed but we hope they will frequently return to make us a visit praises former crown attorney raps overcrowding in family court former llalton crown attorney peter mcwillurm qc came in for uime praiu in the ontario legislature thuridjy from dr morion shulrrun ndp hiih park the praiic stemmed from dr shulmans criticism of attorneygeneral arthur wiiharts cancellation of reports in inquests and auto deaths which were compiled by the former crown a i to nicy mr mcwilllams for several years had compiled statistics on the causes of the deaths which were found at the inquests or given as the cause in ihe auto fatality reports he tent these reports all over the province and outside the province as well reports which were aimed al tiilmy ihc everincreasing number ol highway fatalities by analysing cjch accident and gelling at the causes mr wisharl admitted the attorney generals department cancelled the practice of i lice reports after mr mcwillurm lus resigned because we do not think a crown attorney should be drawing up reports of coroners inquests that is not his duty uid the minister mr mcwilliams had resigned from the crown attorney office to run for office during ihc last provincial election dr shu man had referred to him a ihe last competent conservative in this province to hold any office one of the most interesting facts drawn i r tun mr mcwiltijtm mujics mi ihc ciusis of nud deaths in mallon county said dr shulman was thai over 50 per cent of the fatalities were due to alcohol dr shulman had also refer red to hallun county the previous week in he mouse when he rapped the overcrowding in the countys family courl building formerly ihe old county registry office llalton west mii jim snow answered dr shulmans charges saying i have visited judge umgdon in his family court while he was in session in what was ihe old registry building for the county of llalton and is now made over for the family courl i can sec and in discussions willi judge langdon very little wrong with ihc facilities judge langdun and myself have both old ihc attorney general that perhaps when another judge is appointed and ihe courl days can be spcad out lo alleviate some overcrowding which exists now we all agree there can be improvements made on wmlrwidy sttiat 1 th iminufel rnlln l aitiri biikt of lli cmmauu cutilmt httty wi uid ft i fruv um it mm wlmuiri coid fhat outuhv wcr tfffnuly happy ut wltrfrt w hy tal thai rwwpfitukrif huu4 mr besally hud tvl wofkad will if diumi httlimly psvwudy ll ww with iriuifi piuu 1 1 tail 1 1 wi fuom wtrv re id trviii svufttsalul faintly nigjji ut fh ipuij whiui hililiijitcd ll aufiviun of hiai cnua tflidejlltl ml ullaj lif l4hli uuhha biifgtajiigucti spkn fllnl and h fatiim ihow by llw tojity of lotj irtrtlwhh bylaw annoys couneillorcoate cihjftciluir bill coals iinl hippy alhkjf the new garbage bylaw acfim council pouted at then last nueliiin he lliinkt the interiliniii of thou who vujverviiatd drawing up of llii bylaw were ginnj but ihey fmlcd to put ihem in writing lie alvo i inn its hunting ihe amount of garbage from each liouuhold it loo restrictive for larger priperliei the amount u garbage thai can accrue on a urge ini lie tnld council it often mure than on a small ini larger lots pay more taxes why tliouldnt they put oul more garbage i know a certain backyard where here are 18 bagt of leave wailing to go out he uid with a smile the bylaw limits pickup to five containers al one lime councillor hurl mautet whose committee handled the bylaw uid this did nut necessarily mean mr coals leave would not be picked up a special leaf collection could easily be implemented the committee felt the bylaw had to have some tceih to solve some of the pressing problems from commercial and industrial places a christmas tree pickup could be another extra if he guarantees are not written iniu the bylaw there could be problems in future years mr coats warned councillor jack greer took issue with mr coats larger lollarger pickup theorem lie suggested that could also mean large lot owners could jlo- expect batter police protection or belter fire protection lone objection to the bylaw was councillor coats it passed addd much to thli family pol lowing thli fh loci tatfttpsilfy wbi wry wumfa id coffer big twdud by miirtt wsijifjihof funds atar ciutib potluck upper wi halld ft tha cduip171 lmhtulm wflr th ml piopmxa wil dlicukud th cnlhuoains shown ud to i fll mtlrig wjilch rprflswfiulimi from ladlai uic uivia and thuch organ tje alio tii attandid lilriiluu ftn each oinixmlloa was huuud out and a high i for dduciluifuil ttvmi hgmiiud- five 200 worrurt uw tha two rnovui n tha hlgfi ulwol audjlnrhiir mi october 22 the treasurer a raporl rviewd ifw ampii fundi and th3 cost of sarvica to flwihcr mn ouati reported rwi iraniwjrtitim owr 4000 mila ware driven this yea by volunteer drivari and pallant care which explajned ihe urvica coin tha reil of tha evening wu snent discusung tha oparalton of dirfeicnl department of th branch and future vnti of inleiett lo the executive over coffee it was agreed lha executive would all look forwaid lo another succestful year with the help of their new president steele report expiated soon the rssport of use suait comntliiion ti tupaimi about the lam wastfc in nasvnbaf according to mw jim saow the report it a loeal government rvlew on burlington hamiltsai and wanhvorth aatd it cci tlgnf leant in ttila ut baeatiw of th rbeommandallont usvoajlasf buhlnfilon regional oovrsnsnt in htlton and cssl wui be affaeud by th rafsoalt tsseoosirstodarlon of whathav burlington rtanalna part of hallon or le traateswed to th hamilton wmtsaweth va mr snow reported th coainslatlon report waa t th prlntart now more children die from accidents lhan from th next three causes of child deaths put togethercongenital malformations pneumonia and cancer nass building permits over million mark nassagaweya townships building permit value has gone over the one million dollar mark it was reported to council monday night by ihe township building inspector syd savage for ihe month of october permit totalling si 17500 were issued for residences si 2000 in permils were taken out for industrial development and other uses accounted for permils worth si 2000 the total value to date on normal permils for 1969 is si 021000 reeve mrs anne macarthur told council we ought lo celebrate this occasion this is ihe fust time the township has gone over the million dollar mark since mr savage has taken over a building inspector atthe beginning of 1167 issue 213188 building permits worth s2lrl88 were issued by the township of esqucsing for the month of october dig item on the list tendered to esquesing council monday night by building inspector tom mclean was a barn and packing building for sheridan nurseries on lot 22 cone 10 most others were for new residences garages and additions to buildings is pieces of chicken tiil family pak party pak 579 20 pieces of chicken chicken snack 3 piaces a as of chicken xv french friet j chicken in a box pieces of chicken french fries cob slasv srj 49 special pak 8 piece of flavor crisp chicken ready t a toseave 239 tasty potato salad now available i family box of french fries oo six rolls 30c famiy box cole slaw 50c single order french frlea 2sc six packs of honey j0c phone 8531201 and vour order wi ll be prepared for pickup winter hours thursoav triisat sunday 1tawto8prn 11mto1ipm 11 i tctlopn anzac drivein if we stop all advertising will prices go down its no secret that advertising comes in for a good deal of criticism is it justified to find out laird obrien interviewed professor w h poolefrom the school or business queens university professor poole answered questions about advertising and how it altects prices competition economic waste and buying habits his objective comments are worth reading professor poow knowi thebuiinrss sww from ooth tin- acatlrmic antlpracticahljn for o mtmhrr of years he was o staff al the vimeraity of alberta the university of xfanltoha and queens university lie joined a canadian marketing organisation as research manager and later uas vice- president and manager of a large adver tising agency he is now professor of llusiness at queens university kingston question what dothe critics say about advertising prof poole from an economic point of vicss there arc seseral criticisms ad- yertisinu is ss usicful for one thai it raises prices that it creates excessive profits for some companies and males it difficult for nevs companies lo enter ihe market question your lirst paint u eco nomic watte i advertising wasteful prof poole ir sse accept lhal we are living in a basically free enterprise economy there is inevitably some dupli cation and waste of resources it happens in advertising ll also happens when you find four gas stations at one intersection or three department stores in the tamo shopping plaza any form of free economy doet haw its waste but there is another tide to it the competition helueen companies en courages new product development im proved quality better service question some people say thai if we atop all advertising prices vrlll go dowd wlttisatwut it ahatnl prof poole the editort of ihe harvard butiness review asked the same question they found that 85 or busi nessmen did hoi think that eliminating advertising ssould change the cost of products heres the crux of the problem adver tising is one factor and frequently a rather small factorthat determine how a product is sold if s a selling tool like salesmen store displays isackage the type of store its sold in and so forth if you eliminated advertising ihe other selling factors would play a larger role isnt it logical that a manufacturer would have to add more salesmen or build bigger store displays or hnd some other ways to compete probably the new methods wouldnt be at effective and they could be aw costly adver tising is really a very inexpensiw way to sell products quest leas what about tbe armaesst bat advertising make people bay talags they dealt need prof poole you can say that all people really need is a basic diet clothing and shelter advertising doesnt mail people buy it informs persuades and broadens the area of choice it encourages people to rnd and it encourages people to saw good example is the campaign for canada savings bonds and remember something called tbe edsel millions woe spent on advertising but people still chose not to buy it the mustang on ihe other hand wat a great success because ii filled the need of tha day advertising cant reach into some bodys pocket and take the money it can only open a uider area of choice and isnt that what our free marketoriented economy it all about qtststloa what da you expect fraa advertblag la the yean ahead prof poole i hope that the industry by itself can weed out any advertising thai is deceptive or misleading and i hope that advertising can be used to sell ideas as wu as products there it no doubt that advertising is a powerful method of communication and an efficient one in terms of cost uhv cant u use ajvertlsthfill expert ehceaxjpeoplslopromoleeomceptjikaj are important from a social vlewpobut im thinking of things like safe driving or recruitment of policemen nurae and social workers even understanding between nallonsd note yon the rnniiiir eaa tl ultthlag abtstbadtlilillahaj write for your copy of the roduatry code of ethics the address la aitortla- ing standards council 159 bay stnec toronto 116 ontario head tbe booklet keep it baady if you see art advertisement that yott think breaks or seriously bead th rasa win and mall the complaint notjo with tbe code booklet canadian advartlslng advisory board we work for bottor tttjvffftuhsg mej- r i vwsssis

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