Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 17, 1969, p. 6

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th acjoo frwe prnee wednesday december 17 1969 by wendy thornaon at far u vat ccekwnedvcfdldrea art mo acceptable when tbeywaaep noritmrhowitiyientukuhowitei h7tbyxmtmtxrpvl4o cigetkfcket of thent oow and than beeetia w tlni bul inoithivtmlnoaranforitjrofuiiohafuii so when david kindergarten teacher phoned and explained that when kef group went to th winter wbhderland to toronto they would need a few mother to wad a handl panicked i deeperataty poped around for steered prodded and pointed ate i tuppoai this could have been bandafed aj a owning to watch then or theyd take oft they tbd fa five dnectlan now and then but mottly ut too no matter wher th tnaid put of our group headed there wet always two who went to a different direction and i could never keep the tlune ttflifht how to cao then back eaain all i buaun they can tool hin thfycobld lemrmher was tn own want toeach oat tapbj david and hint i didnt mind eacua me urt thoeatout i lotuajv b to ffaoy went back outwd u i hut standi and buow mom pod excue but caught off baa and couldnt van think up a good be i stalled a bit but wai no match for a teacher who wai ued to nanonrverint 4 and 5 year olds into vohtnlarily doing what aha thought bert friday uomkul found tn standing nude the ichool door watching all the little gremlin ola peatita eurprmng how wai getting heart keying kwr wckonw and taunc on my part wai met with a very teprcwthful look much to my relief there waant toom on tha but for th mother and we al went fa uim gilbert car whir w otherwm mmhl haw tumbled off tha but loomwj bamed harataed and ananaly hi need of meptu aaatead w stepped out of th car calm ooawted and ready to do batrk aa on form or aaothef uajbftlmiuty early and th better cold uoa aednced our lttl group of avoid wa al wouea to a huddle of kauknocba twjejkfcattenag tcack mien tw wxaiert bonnnrd off th ben tbry wem teceaved with eawd am ahoat at the at leant tofc th wsad around our lay bark bnod onewirlrd of any own twad a doyi a jhmmx vea asti a cohu lm gflvart bad ctad that the wowajb kidt who could kok o aheot cawa wjoui harmf to b i didnt want to aiepuce tomeon dt youngster who ttuaht react by biting and crying cjiueuy i did lost coani or wat it vt and wai gelling a bttk worried when i reabiad ahd been thdit ut front of m al alongahad fast taken her hat off out of all th thmgt thef th lodi war mott tnleiested tn th kudea thent war two or thte bttk lajhlhoum affairt about 10 feet tugh tha udi chmbed ttelrt wudmg up uutd and alid down a aud winding around th outtad i couldnt help but trucker at th woman ahead of a with a group flora another tchool she wat eattemely offkaout and uumed on uaherug her group nghi up th tuna nub ah thought theyd get lou on th wayx lip ah went to th top beore ah reahaed that th only way down other thin dimbing over a few doien gremlmt wat ii th aude- hav you ever teen a middasaged woman trying to walk down a aud with nonrtitlanoa and bright red face my ore wen quite good really tha only tfcne i had to pealcat ao eharph waa over an incident that waa probably my own fault i asked th two gjrb if they would like to ap to the bathroom whereaa i think i ahould have aald would you like to ua the waduoom for the next half bow all i heard were variationt on that them would you like to go to the bathroom no would you ilk to go to th bathroomt no would you like to go to th bathroom and won i wai kiit about ready to ihiah them down whatever they wer uung when we got home david wai full of the trip it waa hi fed one and he even got up at four ajtt to tnak tur he dldnt nrin it one of th thing he wanted to tell cord about wai th metro policeman on hii horee outaid of th btuldlngi but ha ooujdnt remember what they were called and kept aiking after going around mumbling mounted police rnountadpouot mounted mquntdpohceniounledpouc for i s minuter h finally got it itraight and uid dad gued what we aaw what th roountedbulliea all to all we had a very good tan e e for yeart iv been trying to find a good carrot kidding rectp but to far all iv tried hav turned out badly so every oxmtnut w end up having a suet pudding or hum pudding the two iv liked belt rluu kidding ouabku ivi cuai riulflt iu cup cuttaati h cup flour sift 14 cup tvaur 1 tip uldag uda vittji tech or clovt alliplce nutnieg rkmmh tad i tip ull heat 1 a4j vi cup aigv i cup teduiek i cue fcutttriiaui or aour bulk 34 cup italy chopped aial u cup grape uke 1u cup fine dry ujcruhbt add flour mixture and fault aad aux mil rvxir kilo areaud toc4d covar tteam for 3 bnun serve bat with uuce srfvet 1 1 suet pudding mi 1 xeun vi cup milk cider or grape ilce 3tb huiuuei iv4 cup teoi aiaar vi cup finely cfcoeeed aut 2 cup packaged dry teeadcruutti 1 cup wedku rauini vi cup slaad canlod fruit utx vi tap eacli of baking tod ult dovei and allce and i lap cfauumon spnakk over baiter and blend in well fia tadmdiul greered cuttard cupi about 23 fun and cover with fa slew for 1 hoar server 8 ftukfu aurwhut gukrtttt chiikm tlhbit ave georsetows evator rev robert c lobne ivanoa pteetfcostal yautnacu pxoc 33 churchill road rev s u thomas pattor 1532715 sunday december 21 1969 kkeee ta eur aanoeiv umtatiao to the tettnl teznily to attend church 45 jfi sunday school all agra 114 atbmneamg service 7 60 far eveeung evangjel tt74ee5 wlm4fi owntun auweeugatt ovuttm minuter rev p brouwer ba bx adoc onuno sunday december 21s 1969 1010 m morning wuraiup semoe kunteey and preaobool sunday school ii 10 ajs sunday school 440 pen akenwan vvonhip servfcs 7 jo pjo teo meet al the chureh tueaday evening 7 jo10jo i cinim cum wurtlup amd atudy writ ua to be beiuar eguipoed to aeave god and tneo everyuur uelouis x slmmv december 2i i9m lu 00 am sunday school 1 1 00 am morning wonhip 7 00 p jn evmnjtehttic service tuevd t pm prayer service and bible study thunda s pjn chnit ambauadora fnda 6 45 pm cruudera ptaim 116 ii in thy pretence ik fullnru of oy at thy right hand there art pleaume for evermore cieutcmu community cmufkm cburcfaia road nor maniaier the rev a waller fotbury ba tld 124 tidey ave phone kvoil hnrttrraahan ciajgh gm camaoa gcmok cwtmfgt acrrjga rev andrew h mrttwirir ba sb uiu mr e a haaaen ba orgamiat nnd choir aai t pjn indjy december 19 cunrg aliunal and oiurch school entertain mrnt ail welcome lkday dixlmbek j in 199 ii 00 jn wonhip and chun1i scliool srrnkjn tubieel a star before tnern th bacrvmrnt ol baptiim 7 jo prn candlelighi service chmimat muik bcrvke carola y p gmianua and urcheitra aautlug a llappy oinunuu to all vitiuw are welcfime st all ohurch euig ai ih church on th hill thi crhhbch of it ajjumirmmjunry ancucan ojraurr willow st and st albana drive rev ii j dawtua ba bill sunday december ilu ih 9 jo am chnatmna prugram fur prim ary junior fueaurffi deaart menu of cburcn school panenta vvekome llflo ara chrutftval sunday worahip special muak by senior choir sermon on the lord of all life hk clotioua iwaunation everyone uoat welcome itlnftv uniito chuekh ulnuter the rev condon b turner bjl bjb dimcvoa of muaact dr george elliott ua phjj sunday december 2lat 199 lodo jn chrktmaa sunday woraup igmio jno nurwry sunday school to gtwde 4 1140 unvsundny school grwde it 700 pjnhl o and ml 9vr youth groumifvtcaiaaheitiatin winraay cveaudgn vto wakotos you and your famfly to aawraattn t ufa and veoiwsgi egr tiinuy sunday decfmber 2ln 199 advent iv 900 am luily euchariit 10 jo am chun h school and nuraery 10 10 am holy euchariit 700 pm cancuelighl carol service christmas sfrvices chrutmaa eve ufa pm sung euchariit chrittmaa day 900 am holy euchariit lofk aju a family eucharist actom guurntr otuftch pounded 142 mr howard jaoobaen interim supply wodneaday tonight 7 jo pnt impor tant butinea meeting friday 7 pm bhf sunday december 2im 1949 945 ajn sunday school 1100 ajamorning wortmp 700 pjn farewell service for rev l vvaltou first bapckt churdi georgetown am welt ifffl fo iflkctfwf while gift preamtad by sunday school rtudent at the united church will go to north wetl river labrador for dhirlbution among aevaral null vgugei along the coaillln voumtrr thcbtotoppeopu atthi ctatiom holding lighted candle are th flkll who took leading part in th canadian glrli in training vaepar awvic sunday evening front row mary uuohlen carol jonae dabble boutfiald cathy grlaa pat sanvpton and diana boutfiald back row suian shoamakar gay ntat sandra van fleet haathar buchanan carol pick u and mary ann d haan peace wat th tubket of the tpecul wvic haid in the united church tha church advent wreath h in the foreground isuff photo h0u0m cahdle5 coloxrul if ofllpcamolu 0conatfd ramrcamoufg caiaolcg f houmng santa camdlm to- uir tamr rvnrrt dcamoufg in chnistuag coloogok coco nio wmltg oe oiwgh pub 3 to sit our stuctlo of clear exd ftxy guulu houirt hi cvukwi dniffu ni colon hwntons peace theme of service held by cgit sunday the chrutnut veiper tervioe of the caiudun giili in training wai very impreiuve sunday evening with the tpcaal hume peace the girlt wet completely in charge ol their annual tervice at candlet and tree light lit the united church leader mm fern small umply watched from the back at the wellrehearted program proceeded georg elliott played the organ and duected the ghjls with a few senior cttoir memberi helping out in the unuaul tongs allied to the theme at well ai familiar carols a group of giili in wince edward island wrote the service which wit being followed that evening by cc i t groupt across the country a dialogue involved a questioner gay nessett doubling the validity of the faith in peace on earth during the prepared responses various girls answered her doubts and lit candlet representing jesus chrut good news gteat joy all the people and peace finally the doubter lit a candle too fot faith taking speaking parti were gay netsett debbie and diane bousfield suran sioemaker carol jonei pat sampson cathy griese sandra van fleet heather buchanan mary ann de hun and caiul pickles diane bousfield sang a solo while the choir provided the background for the rhythmic negro spiritual amen a modern hymn wat let there be peace on lirth and let it begin with me ftom the main candlet each gul lighted a smaller candle till iii service ended with the congregation joining in the tinging of lltik the glad sound and the girls ringing tha entue church with glowing spoil of light candelabra on the pews and lighted chilttnui treet also added to th flickering atmotpher uf tha lovely service ptmm33ttcfly small aphijuicb tkwftach jueu vto distributor of horn and farm pwtrolum product serving acton and district since 1046 tar heating oils tv lubrication oils 41 greases gasolines diesel fuel phone 8532174 dtpfnoaul oil wjinu sauh sftvtefl twaram44 young st atton sptciau fresh lobsters in acton bv popular request again this christmas season only hours from the atlantic ocean via air canada both uve and frkhiy c00kid arriving dec 22nd 1 lb size 1 76 please telephone earlv to ensure ample supplies telephone pete swim 8531583 order not later than dec 21st biikqcettof choose fkou ocr large selection poinsettla cydambvl chrysanthemums azalea citrus gakdtfsis tropical rants 4ad vf4y other vrseties cut flowers ocr sjtcialrv we wire flowers anywhere open 7 dv a wak- tu 7 ojw ptasw iu2iwa i caroline flower t garde ske two miles west of acton south sloc of httrv prechriswas a toy clearance 1 1 we walkeb dou k matchbox uotorlzf o v s j21s8 1 motorway wt car cam 8cji hu gift set husky extra cars tato ceaesarsk xmaserrs electric tooth bruthat sawlno machine electric egg cooker electric tout bunt tu ktrtla blender deep fryeri heat lamp kits electric cutting knh mixmattera electric ea recharpeabi razor by phhilpi 8 sunbeam hand mhtara baaafaoard haatera electric clock electric blanket 8t heating pad available at hintons eramosa flower mart s milaawtei of acton on ouaana hvy no t m2 happiness is flowuis m thlt la an otvan heui invhamsn fa vou and vur family to visit our stew eutd orwankaow to partwpato in rk lucky draw on deitbr so seine tmi invbarlan whh yew on your villi and he h in tha lucky daw bur 6 free prizes sptcuuj potted mums 25 azaleas 450 tjpen daily ffatku itjaataotiau plastic models addbess hohb x rvlaea will be oapleved at erwnoea flower mart s tt paint by number set si 29 1 i goal sticks l 299 1 881 i i i larqe st lection g sto stufeers i ail games 20 off chkm 0w lakt aisotjhoit of auttstmas tm dicourms at nscown mas dollar daddy

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