Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 12, 1868, p. 2

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v v yw vs nzm tilf 1 l til jt her alu tteokgetow march 13 1 s 8 0r lomi afoiill i paraou have fc sfetitad to tuil as agenta for th h alton thefullttwiag rcaoluiion mao then pat clover and other gram cnqw ploughed j and carried nnanltuoiuly downaiid iheorporalod with tlio noil wore itnauila tur l1ta tbi iho oluirnwn nppoiit what oprlcjou wlwu opplw in wjftond tlcnry wjuon oiuoilltoo to collfor with mur bailor griming weuhorin sfy it i114 boon obiaxli 7t7tw7crikny tthd uhi wlltt jt ul pumluudha th fihit nnthiirffiflnil i a tfapmion vouii aujlnocy lmlu bro i ariirfiornwwjwkltboii nn ijinj mir llonta rtyrr mr jompl barbesv alauj that th traabst bad powr to build a new school ifoaa without consulting lb people but they did not ilk lb assume the kespotuf- hillty this meeting bad been cauud tor i- thaparpoao ot a tirtalplosbgtlik or ae tbo ratepayers wlalasd tobsva uaw ehooj baiidfojr created mr o ci bayfaot wa of opinion that besitfeaoowttiodmloa waa urgtnriy needed and taarjwsetioa foi u to consider was bo w iwqnlrv m or rr school house principal or head school in a central locality and primary school bear tub railway etaiiott ug was strongly in favoar of building a mw school house or two tf htoiwwry mr john b barber thought that nil that wo required wu a uuall 6bool hooi4 la tba vicinlly of tho railway u- lioo wimm all lb eblldrvu in that leetloii udr tod ym of igo could bo taught by tm fatal uiobot older and tuoro ada5d ibolara eould ultud tlio main sdkoot bylbuarratto4ubt bo btluvod tbat b bullditttf now uaoj oa bobool would jftaot ibo wjqulrtjwoti of bo vil- ug foif uanyyoauioootuo tluorlliou of a wolral uobool llouao would probably tet 16000 or taoropind to wirt uiu autu it woold bi ttoopuary to tvjubbdar lb wbou of otoray llowsrvo luouey beuld otatung a tax ob ito ralopjjrw of 9300 a year far tin year to oouo hi eould not approve otuueh a eouim but waj in favour 6f pulling up camull building near tbo alatlon tlio colt of wltloli would not jcmtd tfuiii dr wrigtit did not think a sobool llouao would ooit abytbii uko 0ooo h blntivd uuib0 ujbujbtdo4jylio nrtaovfl waa bid on a wrong foundation mr barber muat havo ulaoalduiated io feoino way or bo eould not bavof arlvod at aiuh a eoncliulon mr j b dotyfoat was turpreud tbal tbo tjrtutoci in tocklug for a sobool building had ovrloolfod the ono beat adaptad for tbo purpoe tbi academy ka thoimbt voa vrytbloff that could bo wlkbed for it 1 iltualtd in tbo proper looality and would aooouimodato uol only tba aoliolar of 0iralowd but alio tboao frfim oldawuuama and tb otbor adjacent viltagoa uo would recommend that tba traataij buy it put a proprpwoh in it m taaaber and tboy would hava a aebool that wouldb b ofodll lu georguiown dr starr slrotigly advocated tbo oatab- uabuaal of aurauttnar sobool in qeorgo- town jflo balioved lber waa not a pro- r pvfty eoflduoted graiuuiar gobool in tho eounly at loaat aocuioro than one awl aw bo reuaou wby wo in ooorutowa tdtouid boi have n at any rato tbo tliua lud arrived for maltinj iho cftbrt in point of boonomy it u ehaapr to duoate oklldreu than olbofwjm oud tbo poopu waro rllliiito bo taxed for il but bo did u61 think ujtootuwry to lavy soboulj tbo tuition fota oowpmflt trart aada auall uata fmtu lb oouuiy counoll will bo found kudimeat mfmr w ro viiid tlial llioro were already two grammar solioou lu ihli ouuly oud tuouiiht tliat wai nil that oould baeuabuauaj mr banlay ihoubt tbat tba proaeut waa- a very roodtjmo to agitate far a qremntiir sebool ba ayrood with br slur ibat tba ttiao had arrived for uiukiiijr bti affort ho tlioufibt tba uuwbor of lb iteol in each countywu not llailted ylia govemuunt trunfuould b bad and if that wavuot autselont tbo county cmittou woliltv parkapa glv a aupptewtenuiy yaal- ho would ujat that tuqdlrioahft wdal roardinf tho surebau of tbi aoajiuy whli a tetf to i eatabliubtuout of a graiuaiar halionl saoiloual aoboobi miffbt bo uwcu uudor atuuln olreutivtunooa but k eould aay aonhillitf aguitiit tboui tbay wane loo aypettalv lfowjvv bo wua lu jjivour j uibliufx turirurovon thrw buliooj kimmi ruthur l baa hava any paraoni uv yilvau ul the ttdvaulnji uf an vdueatlou atoolc wlui a full atippljof po0 air blood of an animal ii ill hent oi defreac tbla tomperatuni muat b kept if yo food youf oatue a oartaln qoanllty of hay and farntpi you only icmj up ibo blood to 1s uvpvcftburbyhoua itiu your anlmala propwly and with pcopar eartyou will fluo rntta vouroo of pnflt tbo iconibd jrofoaor wa ibtonito itbgnit aluutlonkiid at tbo olbiki of bu addrcai ami aftoratiiwollbif numoroul quaaliona put by bionibor of tlw a j rr r t fiztsum ikjiim jk f ihtf ro5hb l fctftttf vttttlw p9j vtttu u h l irnuotflduood3wor oiju wjbtoltlb imlllli ftir hia for buakuiul wbi pfoboooej lodaliwr a vy th pmrpow taking into oounldcralion abl and inairtullv bwtnre on vartoua tit bcoartity tm westing a uaw school afttioultural aobjoela having- xplal4 litem urn bulmm at preione uaed aa agkoaltqrml jjm paaadt tba mob bain tooeaiatt to aeeotuiioduto tho of tu ontario laguulttre fkijlu ituodida wrjobofroomtiwm aod alao interaauatf toatur rullugw appointed ehalnaaa and wr 8- rago tho oalablbtbmoot of a sfuaaum illuatra- tivo of arthrbllnw morticultore aria and manufacture ifrefeaaof bnekund uiadoaouto cxoollont obaervatlou regarding tlio exbattailon pfaoibt kxhaoatlng adil wld bo bear bom anoloj to animal cihuuitum jdprivaaniyltdidqf aauc voleuhawlerrawtnflpoat ficicnv inomitof food- aad it ucomea x kaq 9oooded by jt 8 to wart lw which haualed dpriva aoltof bsoow vnd waa tendered blm by w clay wo closed crop tyearanr year and u beonne the proceeding with a neat apoorfh exhaoatecl fcf tbewant oipbintfdod aa an iii uatra tlott you put a po la lbs comity uttuj round j after aoototw itaend forth obi inn ry- lt bcooiiics our painful luiy t5 record tluxloalb of m fciituiplary younj inbu sir afar hurot ycubptwt ton of john mproat lir or milton tbo unfortu yo ixr tnjttr wo jfjvfl blow tin evhtmea lutcn lu- fore tlw ilbilriic uttbn trial of alua- cbane fur ajdiuunj ill tbo cucupoof alex murray wa bnvo not room in tho tircicut fm an lu kii ltlmifulrtctnojl wwt rww wfvmkk rv wf aoui ilatllivroxtt tpvu- tiufctits l- iho tort-itjilyjiiij-mhtho- ahoot afterward pod of c bodaoettcinaeral paaawalghlfeg per- mt f r- h- wtthj bapaeinooneortherefeaoilir t beoom wanting in too proper organl mat ul to apply food to the plant unlcaayou provide aueh organld nutier by a atn alio eourao of miuinrin agaln pfcoa- pborlo aeld i neceaaary for tbo prowth of wheat aad if ouraoji i devoid of thla it i itnpoaalble for u to wlw a good crop in trdvelluv through the country i have found tbat tho land i not ploughed more than four or five inobeadeep hence what hi oallod oxhauiuobofthethilt wodo not however often find land totally bjc hkuatedj let ii how eonauler how w can recruit whatbi called exbauated land when laud become very much exhaust ed it i then a aerlou location how it can bo recruited la knjjlwd rartner can jjreedlly aaeertabi far what amount per acre he can revive hi huid ai bo can purebaio manure in any of tbo largo towns at agiwea priee per load in canada it i different therefor we should not allow the toil to beootno poor suppo however that tbo toll to the extent of four inolie deep i exhausted and tbat there la nothing lift io enrich it thon 1 abould bayeaottfo dlffioullyju pruacrlblui a remedy but i think tho eeae ti differ ent plough deeper ouluvato well and you will find kbuudanoe of plant food un derneath when you aro lu tho habit growing wboatthorul priuciplp abould be to maintain tbo fertility of the land l i iwmtfd ruling implies ineream tbofei- tilily of the soil itutead of dccreaihig il mixed luubafldry i think tho moat profit able the uud ha been cropped too in- ceulontly and worked too imperfeelly- un oorea well oultlvatd will ylold more than fifteen badly uiltfva tod il doci not qeoewarlly follow that you raise lea grain wlrtrfytkeaertbattybtttuufil by vownahlp would bo exeetilvely taxod lu you keep tba more grain you can raiao however valuable artificial manures are to tbo british farmer wo oaunotto tho same extent avauoursalve of them in regard to ouluvaliug roots allow uio to mako member preaent mninibuck b ty barber bewr fooler kerr llod- aey menaogbton and itamuy tbe minute owaat neotingwcro read and confirmed tb warden then addreased tbecoun ell a tat log tbat thy met on tbo present oeeaalon ubder very poonllar circumilan co never before porhaps bad llc meeting of the couneit been interrupted byasloyitbut it wa a fact that only three member were able to be prcciit on tbo day firat fixed for the preaent meetinj ifo proceeded to mention several matter whleb would require tbo careful oouilder- tlon of tho couuoil moved by mr monourblon aeeoudod by mr thdeay that loave be granted to introdae a bylaw to aieut in tit erection of brill filicja for tbo acoomoda- lion of tho volnnteer companion in ooti- neetlon with tho hallon battalion and that said bylawboread adctrererred to a caumitloo of tho vholo forthwith carrlod tho bylaw was read a firat tiino and the counbll want into cemmlttuo tharoon fr beaty in the chair on motion of 3ir monouhton the bylaw was read a second and third tiuio and finally passed under this bylaw each voluntoer company in esquaiing and qeorgelowjj will rooclvo an additional 9100 to assist in tho crcolioo of brill sheds it was idiowu that one half tlio volunteer com- panics comprising tbo haljon batbilion bad been raised and maintained within tbe limits of tho township of ewjuilng and in order to provldo suitable ahcdaiii which these volunteers niighi perfect tbemselve in drill uievatdjayers of said suggestion wo try lo aeeompllsli to uiuob if we would endeavor to do leu aad do it well tho result would b more to our profit ultivao less and raise more stock of the kind best adapted to mureouutry i am of opinion that raising stock might in oortalu parllous of lb oouuiry- be bjcreased thirty or fort per beat 5owtomanura ta myjplnlorf th dropplnk of eatlleaml vogotablu uml- tur to the setloji of the atinos- pbore wlll deteriorate fur mors ought eveo atttost of hundreds of dollars pro vide suitable shads for tho mauurolmau aod tanks to ooulalu uio jiijuld manure wbllo ou lha subjoot of tlio bamyurd where the manure heaps are espood to uio aetlon ofjlie atmosphere shake a little plaster over the uuinure pile thus romov- llig noxlou smell aa well as preventing tba escape of the aapuiouis mr j stewart addressed tho mooting highly oulogyqj professor ttuokhtud on tbu prseublllty of bis lecture and exprcu log his unbounded eatbtfkotlon witjiwhit bo heard j lindsay esq quito agreed with tbo learned frofuaaair wo iiavo oomo to tba oonol union that we have been in tbe hulit of overcropping and wo uow oomo to the uocessity of rcaortliur to scientific princi ples i would uko to hoar rvoinjvrucr buokhnul whether by plowing down clover 1c tbu mill can be kept in a rich and fer tile statu b mcuinry ofthi ffpro ton offdta mr bavid john to the ohalr and srv thnadall of trenton wa sp- itary after jemarka bad bn made exprtalvof theborrow and rejtrat folt by hi fohowudala at the auxfdon removal from omuii tbeni by- tbe bamtof death of one iwho had ctven much promueof ttaemlneas and dutiiitf tlonin tboprofcion holmd wlecled it wt rea that n latt souktbe tent to tlio parents of tho de ceased and the secretary wa accordingly instructed to forward sacb uihulrc cauhtyairt jl uurtiur jswlou wrtot 4id iki lyvrlu iotlttn lt0ifv4o liaw aabn bra 1liotrlul or hr voice wliuu 1 went out npon tbo platfjrm iu front vlibo tavern and aaw afurray uciirg up hlroct in a eulut when we firu wool up to jlarkwv i fumjljae utk- iiiiu lurray a wiividerublet tiioo but did pot know what lltfe jho dy tvtto eouparisen to otlisr towtiahip tbo county council therefore very proierly granted aq additional 8100 for eaoh brill shod erected or to bo creeled in kueeing and georgetown moved by mr lindsay seconded by mr foster that th warden mossrs buck foster and the mover he a com mit ue to eolleet information in reference to tho cost and the management of an asylum fhr the toor and further to ooaiiuunicata with the neighboring couu- ties wltb a view to union i a the erootiou uulnuainisujdneorbfiifliiatltdtlanf hind cwrruid t movod by mr kosur seconded by3ir itamsjiy ilmttlic treasurer be instruct- od to get tho corporate seal of tho county ongraved anew by henry pcaroe esq according engagement corriud moved by mr ulenuughtuq kcconded by mr kcrrthftt tho first rojiort of tho vinsnoo committee be ruad and adoptod curried tho oommlttoo on jrlntlnjj presented a roihirt rocbinmciididg that thu tundur of j craig iiro bo acuoptud it being tho lowest movod by mr beaty seconded by mr ftflrbar that iho report ofthepriotlng committee bo adopted curriud flovej by mr bowar seoonded by mr foster that tbo audiiors report bo reforrud to tbu finance contiuituso to report thereon at ucxt meeting of coun cil carried tho council tliqu adjourucd till tucu day the 3ud iiftune thoro were fivo haturduysin fobruary elrcuuustauol whiuh will uotueeurugaiu lomur uucklaud wasofoplmuu tlmtuutil tho year 18uc jjho county court and quarter sr lions were hsld in tho court room in tbo town of milton on tuesday laur judge mllhir presiding- we observed on the bcikihva campbell esq u m swiuer ksq and james mcguffin ksq tlia followlnp kentlcirten eoiiipoaedtlie grand jury wm if agar esq iww cyml w heudorson g w aide won w bowes hugh hunter p t evans itobert freeman hugh campbell w g kennedy wui e olds k w ouvii george a street joseph n snidery an- drc lobar and georfie norrwb t fti ease wrodisposcdof jimmy vi fjouti- aetlafttm prom ised vordiet for iaintify 17805 cittyttl is jloorc action oi cover nsnt vcrdist by consent 818050 r qnto v jjwcn stealing wheat pleaim puijtv tsidwaa sentenced to three year iblthe penitentiary qtmt vi iffxwjj- charged with fraud ulently disposing of a patent right and obtaining money under false preteneejl no bill queen rj ifljjuis stealing a hallway stamp pleaded guilty sentenced to three 4o nthsjn jail qiirsti rj jitian assault and inciting oi niuault verdict not guilty a goon avpoivtment w l p eager esj has been appointed inspeo- o inland revenue for tho county of holton tiiankb our thanks aro duo hon john cnrling commissioner of agricul ture for eaqiy of the now agricultural aet to which wo purpose referring nwt week lyunt ninmctiusual attrac tions ore to bo offered at tho next ponny headings wo understand tho trial scene from piekwiak is to be rendered and we hope to see a crowded bouse goooeftilj and provisions wa direct attention to the idrcrtlwrtnent of hugh moksy- vrlileu will bo found in auother column mr mckay advertises tho arrival of his spring stock of groceries and will sell osgood article at a reasonable priers puts it a tm i vus j a dejotio in another ooluwii notifies his oustoreers and the publie generally uisl bis spring stock of fresh toss groceries provh slous ito ac bos orrivud parties wish inrr miythlntflii hjsllnflqyoum 00 well lalij fffe piikhkutayink vh6 wboibcrt ef tho kovvmr ewtngs- blbto class at lmo house wishing to show their appreciation of his upright tearing ari a chrisibin minister prosutited him with a very hand some black wulnut hocking ulials ou thursduy hut wu bcliuvo the aame parties a uhort time ago furnished mr kwiiig- with firo wood suffiaiuut for ouo yoaf saeh libcruhly oau uol bo too highly praised uud i wall worthy of imitation a uvuk cuawju wo would call the atuiajiuu of our niader to tho advertise igsitt of mujurs jlajreuy ttmclcod tube cuutn onutbir oolunio they havo ocusud soiling goods by auction but have vonmiuiiced u clouriug salo at aatonhdiiug- ly low prices wo bullovo tljey arc pro- pared to sell some goods at overt less than auction ratcrf and are fully deturinliuid to dear out their muck uud ulluw no one who visit tluir ostublislimuut lu go away 11 mtjifle givutluuu auiilljuid wu feel auiured you will bo plousod vrllh your pur uluisus and ustuubihsd tlio burgaiu of icrud you jnu thftiwavpoipisdlomoeirmurriy lfmprilfmir nid gvl into the cuttuv nd drive away i tbo ulvbnvtflacjudototlta door and looked ntlmr him andlaughoj i do not recollect having mentioned to any one that i know broaght tbo cutter whou i was feeing into the yard i sew n penson alaiiding upon tbe aide walk op- posite thocnterytothoyard xhavainofj learned that his name was george wulker f stood a tajnuto or o and spoke to blm ho made mo tioaiiswcr hecould too the horse from where ho stood7nnd could stop tho horse if ho tried to get out of the yardwnkrdidtiot nppcur-to-rbu- in lupjnywilltjiuyc4wrthwidhtro7iprar to havu any thing to uttsnd o jkoitan f wjum sworn aaya i recollect ahx- murray being in boatudy and of ills tiiaking hit eaesp i was atop- ing at tlibms clarkes hotel i came dawn from erin on thursday before that evening i asked d clark if ho would hit mo havo a liorso to go down to p murrays to got my trunk be sold jio- wonld am soon mi tlin horse canio lu i dtll not peak to clarke again obout the hows bor did i jo to tlte olablo to see if i oould got a homo until mnturday about uoon i wont then und fusiid a horse hartioksed i took hint out and hitched hm to the cutter and fflffk him up to thorn as clark shod and put him next tho walt upon tho uuat nldc facing mill street he was left ut muling there about ten or fifteen miniitr i then moved him into tbo buek yard through tho tabic just clear of tho sliblo dodvs i then weitt to gsnos and left my nioasuro for a jnlr of boots j i wds only u few mi lutes gono while in gaines 1 jiourd that sandy murray was gono that bo bad jumped into a cutter that was at clarks door and wasgoui whou i canto from the ioo- inukcrs i went into clarks hotel going through tho hall and wont to my dinner t did not look into tho yard when i oome bsok from canes to see if iho horse wus standing i did not know whether tw iterae would stand or not lie eoujd have gono uway if ho had bon duposrd as there was nothing to prevent blm i spoke to jfr search far a few minutes while on my way to tho shoemakers ho asked mo tuotifl horse that was uieuning the horse in tho yard i told him i was going to murrays for my trunk with htm i do not recollect seeing mr h mocullough while i was in front of the alloy iminhiut have pokcu to ma but i douot recollect ivcool loctbm i ilg cb ue7that do not know that ho had anything to do with tho escape of murruy i wcut to erin upon tho stage upon satardny evening and stayed at georgo rlavcns that night nearly all uoxtduy aud sunday night and returned upon tho jttago on monday morning on my way i stopped at silver creel mid found w grahiim mid d clark then they hud tho horsotha rmur- ray took away with thiin i do not rocollcot iiearintfanyonoroy hut it would be a good tbiugif murray could oxcapoj tmay have said tbat it would bo a good thing if murray should cscjpe and not be lent to peullontlflry i do not recollect having dad a conversation with mr j it barber in mr clarks hotel do not recollect saying that i nuttliehorsejn clarks back abed i reeelleersaymg to cboso that i would liko to havo murray sent to jkini teuthtry for takiug tbo horse away i do not recollect cbase saying to nip jhat lie bad seen blurray tba night before in erlti village bo might have said so but i do not rciuouibc i stnto positively that i never heard either willmm graham or bunean olaik say that tboy had seen murray since bis escape when i aral beard that murrey had escaped 1 wsa coming down from leaving my measure for apair of boot with mr ualno it was john moooryiaok told mo wheu i wettr itito my dinner i saw chase sitting at thu end or the table iiet the kileheu and blxkv sworn receueet tbe day that sandy murray mudo bts escape i was mr clarkus kitchen when he eamo hurriedly throoglfotid said good bye girls jumptul intoaeuttcrupd drove off tho otlior girl in tho kitelion had oauvl my uttcutlau to a horse that oar rmo guxmiutwi jq ms klitor of thd jfttlto iltrulj permit inu throotthlhveejtisdfe af mrnljy r dwlfnft tbkt eanmun- il pcraxm ifc mjjfr- sjahjooie itlte wonkibgi s5 i vfiaratrrtfr 1 mntrirjreapvdt twbue wdi eopicrlihtgwitiiv3iaeucdjrey-p- hunjdornljliogdtfldsoisjsjmr t wobjitd orimgevioakd- found iho- bflc lh a trom jhed dehrwpalidoyv fo murray ai ibomiiifulnvero ho won npltsiri no poraotiajrrositdof prctcudod to arnwt him murray boualdsonbnd tuyself turned to jpooaldson corner- that aamo day murray abd i bad dinner together slur ray pa id me the three dollars twt he owed nie mo at orangovlllc uwo about 8 or v oclock x u sunday morn ing when i found murray i did not pre tend tit paisley that i had murray under arruator tliat i was net lug a oonttabto i 1 uuiiiol awury4hat bunoati clarke got any eonajdmg for tlic use of tb ttffplfo van niiui from prcecuuii wb t waa mint by bunmn cjjirk uftur the iiorao i had no instruotlon to collect any thing in tho shape nniorhtretoyarrufr murray i further statu that i wa bot uwaro tbat i hud any uutliority to- arrest murray the last i saw of murray was shortly jw leaving boualdiiotts penier ho wus going uoroa via fields towafds bnlcm ttj duncan clauki sworn says t h- collect the diiy thntsunily murray eicspsd from tho eoustuble tbe horao tint ho mm rr j ll- up fcbca mosft js if thev jsffa drof or twov artocatiabicarbfby llieir veins anir after all tbay emsci flaot suite boajaaaa eaowsli bf tbehr oww toeaalm ie whole of um attentioa and they apsud the unoccupivd bajanoo io tryhkg if flndeui tba buslbea tliat belooga to oiwv aud what i more wonderful atul i ihaa edaoatod fcban aad weaaea woald waatw their time for tbe aiaw of aattstyfag- a town lo cmrloaity fwftbj nature seem to rbn wr and find oat bonrelittle affair which atrictly belotbjp th- anotberond tliev have that for tho lopie of cpuversauoafornhnnextfsway whai wbfpqi up to aotuueb and profcas aeuaeli doat spend their precious tune faisnpcofbsg tljcir mind by rcadlag scan ajpod book or with some sound jitcrataws that wbiler they are vaadlnff it tbay aro lasin4hat minds with useful knowledge aad bot th little tnmy a flairs of other msa that protvu ltdk pntiptlit which paaeaotaoi uikladvane tlieintercsta of aeomrsusity alioiild rather avoid these little evlt swe- puusiticif and mean eusjaaiue wbloh class him among ibogaxetteer of th town wonjcn who have bouse of their escaped with was ono i bud iu my posses own will ciiapt2tfty to oecafythelr time iiinu on the thursday night previous oud their thoug1ls4f they ksep thetr ocoruo walkor asked mo if would lot house as it ought to ho kept wlthoat lilm have a borao logo dowu to muraayjinuecxlnjr ihtotituer little matters with in tbo block for a trunk tliat he had iwlrob tbov have uo business i r ii i it i ii i there i told hlui that ho oould havo baudyany time ho was in tho stable i wan awaytroiu homo whou the horse was token out of my stable i have no know ledge of any connexion tliat tho prisoner chaso hud with murray in making his escape when jc ru turned- hauu sud found inyiior away i went iu pursuit of him i went to vurgtis and sent graham am youngjdoualdson to orangcvlllc i did uot instruct graham to make any demand for hire furjho use of tho horse i went to fergus and returned to bouuldsonseornor aud found my liorm thorj and murray ihiicscupod pruoner there i was told tlio huruo wiui toiiiij in orangevillo 1 i stuyod about an hour or a little more nt bonaldsojiu corner whon we started homo gibbs i murray and grulmin wore tp- gelhor la two sleighs a abort dials nao murray got out of tho sleigh from gra ham and wulktd bchtnirhlunnd aluud of us until wo caiuo near tho erbi and gura- fmxa town line when i passed him and left him walking along tho truck which bo ooytinuod to do ualll liocamo to loe- sen corner where wohaidatoppadtbatia luysolf gibbs and grutmni wo wore nil togutbor in tho liarroom of tlio tavern llicti ho loft the room before wo loft but did not see wbero he went to william giiahau recalled wo re turned from orangevillo to bonaldsons corner about ono or two oclock we left wu standing fu tlia yard by the kitohuu wlriuownuarer the glloy thuu the door the girl said the horse was atamlmg very ijulot chase wiuisjttiiig atdiuirrfiirsema time and was still atdlumir whon murray escap ed i ilo not recollect jtolng giorgo walker at tho table bolbro murray eeo- d but ujsm my going into tho dining room immediately after i saw him sitting at the tuhte krliim aniiiciuuim sworn tiny i re collect thu dny tliat handy murray was lu custody iu georgetown i was working for mr ihouias clarko oud wa jn the kitchen at tho tiuio ho aauia through and went to urn outside door und ofwiied it aa ho did so said ijoodbyo girls i did not seo walkor sitting at tho table before murrey cwuped but saw bith soma timo alter i it on rut mocohd sworn says whan handy murrey was uuder arrest coustablo higgins left film in my charge wbllo bo went to serve- summons wo wore at clarks hotel when william gralium und murray went into tho ball i stayed imudo tin bur- room uutil i oould uot hoar hia formerly lccsons corner i say that i did not soo murry at sou fords tavtru that night but i saw him in thu shed i say that whatever i told iliygins was the truth iu the oplnlou of tbe uugulralcs tho evidence was not sufficient to oooidet the prisoner the esse was themforodiuubued and tlio prisoner liberated your truly obseuvett milton mareb 8th 18cs ifo uud taaxltua keep good company or noht nuvur bo idle ifyour hand cannot ho usefully asnpsw- cdatttjud to tbo oultlvatioaof yettrbasad- alwoye speak the truth moko but fw promise live up to your cagagemsata keep your owii seerita if you hava any when you speak to any person look him fn the faoe good company and good eoavetaatlobi ore the very sinews of virtue good cburoter hi above all thlsg else- your character bo eesenthdry h- jured except by yor ww a if any one speaks 111 of yew 11 your bf- havlour be such that uoue will believe him brink uo kind of intoxleating liquors ever live within your iommev busfer- itlutlcxdcnuuf you have been doing through the day mako uo has to to bo rich if you would prosper smalt and atcudy gains give competency- of mfnd with tranquility c never play at any kind o gatnd oi chance lhoro and went ono saufaras tavern- never run fotdubi uolcu you see a ataltrtattfafgry majidii x7th w w roe auctioneer offers for sale the furm stock ac on lot no- iu the 10th eo of sipesing belonging to mr juu scotu eight mouths credit ox manoit 18lf tlio esrui rtoeft belonging to slrjobtii kennedy on lot no 35 lh con nassaguwcyat way to get out again when you retire to bed think of whk yeu have been doing through the day avoid all teuipldllo throtigb tear you may act withstand il barn money before yoa epead it t nover berrotr if you eaa poaalbly kvoldl it i bent marry until you are abbs to up- port a wife never apeak evil ofinyomi be just before you two g ara haato la poor apolcy take urn and doyoor weavwoll will bo sold by wwuue mouths credit twelvo on jtaitcir lolli j g htcjjiug aue- tioncor will sell tho farm stoekae belonging to mr win thurston on jot novl 1 in tuoah ewi vt 9nm- gnr wlgtilmoiilltowidrtt on mauow 2fiih wwjloo auctron- eer will sell tho farm stock ic bo- longing to mf mlohnelporkur on lot no 13 in tho stheebn of eequos- ing seven months credit on bfaitcii 27th mr james mcbalns furtn stock ac on lot no 31 in tbo 1st oort of esquosing will be sold without reserve by w w hoe terms nine mouthy credit on iunon 30lh the furulstoek and implemonts belonging to mr lliuhd arthurs on iot 0 ju tlth llmi west of centro road cmnguaeousy w v hoe auoliquocr eight moutlis credit ifartlea getting their bills printed et this office will rceeivo a notice simitar to uio above gvattm while ayoung- grl of feurnteetryear oaco wus gathering chips hi mr vallas woodyard st hookii on saturday efler- noon mm thoughtlessly darted forward to pick up a block of wood from uuder the dessettdinp axo of ono of tho laborer while in tho uot of grouping the plcco of wood tba received tw full blow of the axu on her shoulder being literally nearly out in two hor case ii hopeless tho 110- mm o whom no blsmo is attached in besidu bluuelf with gruif tbefe is -ne- use fact are srubbort things hey cannot be densedi with out cxageratlob aueh wonderful cure are aot on iho attaal of history as have- vlv dently been matlaby the great shnahonoej romody soo tlws stern unjiblabl aud inooutesiahle faets of ottrc actually bf consumption lu uio persona oi peter v 0 miller esq of emcstowtt o wc mr whson storm or brighten ttwfc tie willi scares- efeaam of byipepata vjvcr cora plaint kidney duh wt aod tlioseoxmrj jfreel of minjvjl would seeu a lurodox wore the hot living witness w it 1lteeman 4 fllkejian harris tern ud attorusy luktpu ii viuiciuu q 0 a 0 vuiuik auulili veil 011 ibm 41au dibs j at kinsiton ou tlio udllmt of tattll uk almauder youugut ion of john sproat luu juilton in millonou tlio snl imt t intuni- matloit or tuo lunjti honrklu idi uttul daughtor of tho tato jutlgo bvli ifiod ono month anil tea luyu atwuuiy ou tlio ssth ult bubut wla of ltobort wilfliinyounowkdftuhtw of the into col willkttt ouuhoin of oakvulu aged tt yoan xononio mabkjsra muolittl2tb18sff worno t j ltt full whot ivy 180 pprliib wbout 1tu 1 ot out 0 h8 q60 jvm 0 83 0 8s umloy i 2s iso si

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