a f ganfflpaikiniff mated of crowding the etrpeta wf nr citi tow ana vjllaace fil eilaationa coom w vu it t l dutm niawlj only b brought mliu that ty yaenrfh ly nsnanr hjelr3iocaiid cannot be over- erywdad end no profitable thamnin u webja u twiu a fep- dvrr tn thetnwndup df e lu 3to oa h4 df asb ugyttanylpeenlh earl- x no tima io im butory of thia wuir7 itmtbaa ieti a period mu um adviee attalited in 11m louowiiig uatraet from 4i columns 4 uiuiiiturmfy w mora npph- awjav than the prnl it i true tha dapralou it alalia of w no rwpaipegraaeitbaben uur k tienre uy ory- grant ajaottbl otctijtrewa tliruaajuutlli4ihuuuy tbtotinktbjrw1 rnfcldana lbethworwwb vonttgmesi nth to farming it is qnlto irjarijptjinibi jntutfiiiiorarofitb njede tipttujf settled in j2agpslogro 1b he fag out fyllowed that ss riftiiff ixajitanov hard to make it an olijecl fur tub of u to ooneider i wkst way we w rimct eaeily betfar our pocitloo afeniu thia view there is touch wnpaotn eoulalued ill the fol lowing i tlurderkeat lour i jal befoae ilt uawu and a iu vu of the eumunnreial drpreeeion end deep eweaev dlstres here soil aleo ilwliiin we ar nlinoet ddooa piimily li to jk ottnalva vihiw lliw dukmt boar tuu not koind vut wlill liouoa ikii mast not forgti ui oll ulilfl of wxpct liblp must put kr mboal wrf id uia wtwl alid arai w latiuilivoid all xintagmom pdodlvur if v oaodot brifftf rflireuttuuium bi our miudtto -kksiiupoiiriiiiuu- to out eironjii- ii w o u iiopci uii letnrnlbg rttfmftrilf will ii uwtffmiof lieoin viu if it dou not nliroly do y wllb uw wiij oftrmp with wlilcli tlta cooutry iufnircli tu jump nuunnco i omuilot nwsp uii oonlitkut culy beoobl trooblojotno tlit minr dltuo naigbbonriog buu r adapting loguation wblob will bo uu ffool of tkinnlog ool tbmiju of uie profowioti it kt witbld tbsir burdiw nd it u gf qumtioa wbetber id ontario tlia aril u not rapidly aareniing wbiob alao call for atroag repnnive all eprlflm goe to wittujrai ml tho bw to nbueiw mitbrfiam aa youldjuv m aflna pruetwo lyrom hi- biilroad ypina iu umbpo of conlrartort pal cootraelon uresilor for var of any niia- tala how k noll wood con tractor on tba h k n w an tba gentlamen i altod to in 5iatlea toallptbar contractora and la- bottrera belonging jo tba havk w i uttat aay uiatilb uia aboaa aiuntion i uaa keen paid jip waa a saliva of uirvan beoaiia imtgratadtot aai 3r noxir ketrtoine no of cllauae wasataata paifaat aaala h ary eaaa or utoaay nfundail priaa 98 oolapw ixw oraala by nao jfc miarow joaw u epaaacocoa uaatbpolamoooif that i bi illi ono ulat waa biltan 0 giuds ho4ubwtw and lawa wliial tba oparmtiona of digaatan ndtrition uld by a careful appl aotion of tba fine property oi wall kav juone bill for oaaraaaing tbwoor ili i 1uiillfuoufortwoyeara uplotliouui prora tbataa a int wben the life fel nting to of a tramp baa beeaonbo adopted twont jollara alao twodllam it ia rare that ever aftoraarda ii it van when abundant and mr bbortreed tbat nx dollara ba tnau the rdah apui of apaoolatiou uiuat be putdowu and w moat bear in mind uie maying f pour uujliard tbitt wbila a flraataautaauay vanterepywe utdiilmmtlaalmnljiaajiiiaaa almia anmjarthingiaamwadduju eamioi work wltb tbair baada tba willi xtiat ling for uiapryantat lcaat ui work with their banda a eramt uiialaka km been andia made by our yottisgtiiouiueonaidering trada mora raapootabla tban tarm iug a nioat daiigarona one baa bean inatlau a wants unda are uegleoud and tboae tondar cultivation ouly imperfoeuv iiliad wo bave an uuliiuitad market for what our fartua aupply let iur fanuara aluta luataad of raowding into our towua and futbar loweriug our already nabraaaid labor market quietly aud auadily aunly tba liaat meana of hakuig our land productive tbay at loan may alwava look fo rauiuiivretiiiu for tliair labori and a ail uvea tbat of uie farmer ja tba uoat inuupauiaut va wont ayeteibl of iuiproveuaut bi go tkrougb our farmiugoperaliona aviui e good laud u iterbupu tbera ia in uieaorbl tbare luu kau vucli a alipkbod oareuiaa style of tipatalionu uiat iu a fuw veuie uie aoil la run out ami iuatewd tit uie ulutudant uropa tbat mlgbt bave been grwu tba farm baaoarealy valiaad tba ulat of production tpa want baltar maat and in keep ing ejxlra sbiuk uiure ia provided waana for improving our oropa vagaiablaa too uliuld be grown largely and therewould be a good market for tba waller fruiu if cultivated is uityouiibt to be in iba aounlry viuajua it iu almoat iaipoaaible to purebaaa tbeae tbiiura- poilltry and egga loo pbohu kave attauuon aa they wmui-ba-ayjng- ahiiilaa uu laanjr tbouaauda of doibra are aiiauallv lo it to uiii aouulry by tha oarelaaa autidy diny way in which butter eud ubewe are wade our ajannra wivea and daughtara khould ba taught to prida uian- aelvaa aa thay do in tba old edanuy on having the beat naina iw dairy produeta tilht tula wftald pay every days experleuao taattfimi u uot oaly la the towns arw bad arublaa valueless but iu thai aoubtry villages during the last aiaaoiurlh pruiee of butter given bv uie atorea varied from 6ve and ill in aistaen and eighteen euiu a auul iiwowliug id quality let agrlotillurbju tab a hglit sland ittrekeepere and tnarebanhi will soon have a god tuarkal for uiulr pioda but till uie aaaaauaa proju- skat agiuat farm labor ia done gway with cduunued proenarlly la uot to ba th eodcluslou arrived at la a aiaind one fha country naeda mora and better formers and not iihluteraut niuahanius or half hjoatod profaaaluual man erowdad obtained adopted jetfirat per haps from neeeaatv it soon developes a tlaaa of professional beggars averse to any fixed abode and unwilling ttfworkrsnd itnwd scarcely be said that such a claaa praying on the iuduatiy of others soon becomes a eoounujil menace to property and order in aayeow mnnltyubictadwiih tboir prcaanco mil ilk vided bur breakfast tables wltb a debcatoly flavoured bsvetege which may save us many heavy doctors btevaittown 30th april 1870 tuj j ty i jndjeiona ok of tlw conncil mat purauant to pnch aruolos of diet that a coo- adjournment the itoave iu the stitutioa may be gradually built up chair matnlers all pmant the tjuul strong enough to resist every nliuutea of laat roeetirg wore uuas tendency to disease hundreds of resd and confirmed j snbue maladieaare doating aronnd uoved by mr lindsay seconded us ready to attack wherever there la mr graham tbal edward w poiat- we may eacapa manjtstfatal ahaft by keeping our- selves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourlalied frame oivrc baavica oaxbtt sold only in packets labelled ouraa erpe a co llomopathio onemiabi 40 threajndedie street and jjo kc cadillv london nxul mvntyj5vo ottnu for boou fo jobp doatu ur pftld by tba rpo arnl u ro a ihm wmm road j httwa iaoi90amd 1 mommma- hog mx iba tufla wtwr th ww rmat mming thm usmihen iw mtu urd balltmy jotat th u 4 mad going w tmdm wi tmtmm wol tfhtlw up to 1 not fiteribet thutl awo ftut tptwuimumm mad ptiusw sfift aaewgllailbapalaaf uajaaitrwcs tin t wlw kwthf abajaa sil wwurb aaaarllnfa nt aailrh dtp lap hi pptfmieaaaamea jobs b ouikarocibtnt 70fa w aoigop ervrv lumbita 20000 to loan on uvonkutmrm ouxual ekut ktmtuiiya aniy in pm howe jai5 payiwaat a a flrsria gloulp ifaejaw wttboatmvew laatfwaianraa4 o fcoviv ea37 fa all fenily parpopea fcw ttav addraaa awoooieaoir pnatmaetar oaoagasowii aprdh1m adotloliea notice rvrjbino mt uxme88 mr jtaa i gmtt win uke charge of all aete entroated tu ba aad from hie esper- baea buatw doubt wulgtveenthe eiafsetlou roeu w vf nou rrtuiud to david cook for ahuvel- ltajt tnow ootbatlihn8ritieclr moved by aft 8uartaxul accbv mr- gtttiiitaiagthat oiia dolliuf oacli t kefutidad to tbornaa joyoa iuid itajkajrtmtlitioudtiux carrid tbo council uied aionrttod t meat u coart of bavialon oa friday ooui umy 1870 j ucbaur civrta ldauno uiat si lb ttawoojuat elolmd iho jegtalfctore ptuaed motauhnrflut tramp lw it provldea tbai y ftblatbodied knala proa over ixteeu yeairi of pigfl wbo aball be withotti vulbbj xneaiii of tipport -liali- o regarded u a vaffrattt aud if found its a town city or village of which lie ia not an iabftbiunt be atiajl bo deemed a iwatnp for tyrf olteuu be may ba arrwud auchf ooavietcd ny bs uttutued to impruouueut at bard labor for al moatlii bi the wjonly jallg or fur a period uot ex oaediiig ibifty day- in solitary eon flu erne ut li diet being roi iricud by law to bread aud waurr euuulelpal attuioritioe ara empow red to aet tb ooawiou at work repailing roda or iu makiafl otbr pu bliolnproxitnur and if auy tramp refaau to work ba tball be aeut to- uie peuucutiary for two yaari any tramp wli u fouud ou tba premiiai of ayy nuixeu without pettfllutau or who uudlea a are iu any lughwajr or oa the laud of another without leave or who frlghubaacy penouor carriev any firearm or other tlangeroua weapon thai upon eobvlctloa bo uut to tba peuilautiarv tor two yeari all peace offloeri of tbo stata art otuiiowerfd and it mada tbeir duty toarrwt ludivi duadliampi aadto lodgo ootoplaint akajnat tirtbj ah flya or mora iraupa who buu caugrgau togtither for the purpose of ouoour- hglug vaaabouibiifo ahall ipu oouviolioa be aett to tha- ponin liary fur two yaari oiwli it remaiui to ba aeon wholly the law will tfeet lha object almod atbul miuiuly lhoa u u uoad for aoma aueb wialatloti aud it la qiuuttitttutbla whather tbit oouulry too would out ba the belur of aum tueb maatmra tbera ia ua doubt a ity urga iroportiaii of ttrtmpti will uavar return in teal iujuulry but if allowed will iioiiuuua a mods of lifd whioh nudara tham dauueroua to the oommunity that there are uot won ia tbalr ranki bolwt mid willing to work wa by uo means aaaart but to tuoh a ebaratar expairi0 luu ahown u tba great bulk of them have uo olaiin they j- iilouur uaall villaget and divld ara uuply idla vagaauda aud aa tiu whioh wlgbl ba auoh ahould ba compelled to ftiirly rtimuuurativo far ouahalf abdndou ao diuiuraliziug a inoda fjv vjira jr yr yring tta of anjileuc tw tourotr irturplw hxl ttrrtwmt tourof vturpj hjummts shm a t i tit lis llaw jl tkna o uocon- 11411 mgttml jun ale ettfllwu hraxuma sett a cettupball lot v mcllutatr and a lanout quail jun w mcltd audjobu wataua aqual whrrimo bnm urtrttn j ittt g bhmruiau 1 jim- p wauon aattbuktir san c drown i jus l bom auvi a vtuworth jut jk ijutsan oitoomamir sett v wauon jut l lloiid coumauttaj fiii m kjraniian inl f ueaiaueraml j bindertuld mtalf jun a ycnglub tul a taiylor qtul ai ntrtruim wur muovaa uaimvo su j beavcb iul k on- 1 june phrutla unsiixa haitl j baanh and j wauon etiual itit n orri juti h hamyand at ward aqiul j uuine antt uauu4y- euaj i jun i wunu aatrumrrioa bn lbluiji t let a crofl f jun iu lieoolliik oaoosuhiv san w young int j ueartwel jun f mocoj- toubh ira vxrtutm sou ncieaux stltibimo bnt o ityatti lat o youngand a orieyamiual juu u llannay brtoumo ban o ityan inl t uradlay jun j ruddy wbjtsmo ban b moore and a wauon mual t int umde hell jus o brown akirkiitrio 8 t lumley and it allan faqual lot xi young ttaaacahrovb tvtm 6itf attaa kujorr taichta iuuduop hen v bwltaar and a btautanbuiy aquali inl 0 war renaadm ollelty jun ond w meloa fe juos lat it crone bruxuiu san a btoutanburgi int m olullv and j laiduw jun 3ttd h bnertnini jutr ut b orotia and v uradhty wiuu asjtuiivtic san t ii tuan t int w wataonand v uoculiouab uid blectnioity trtomab ex- ceiibioltkclaectnioolatiy worth 1 tlm ihytiukt in oj paiu ednuaimlayuluuu i uiftt it u fli ehanal tdfuelna vrf tntula on dom tarm wiitman him tlivoat on bitttl baa eurd brou aliliin fiftv eanla wortlt ittu nrd d om aianalng aotrjb lft jolvly mini aarrb utf rttp fifty aaata iani yaara aaatftjiua iloraa fcal- ud baok htttorrl vbanwaliam twit rplc eonlrmiiuin of hie tunaaua allltmhti atlnalillfbfuuuj aud nalu and aerntaa in any pn it niatur wharajtuiay ka oqrirttu wlialet0jm it may lauftwyaiamyou gtxl m ova eatiia worib jin feutl ipmi ewsm npebrotil uttd blmpily 1y moltry oitaubaaitnanfaleureflalh u lft iiihuta u will auie any eaaa ornllmiliaft it n noaalbte to aura uik arlylitatthaalutuu warranted 10 aura ittiif emm of 6mmla bl jipua or 1 it0ui ftl braau fai lruiumt it htuolttxl ofun ami konml op lbr i uf vvr lha alikbtaal ihlarituu to ilia uliln xi atoipi iba naln of a luru ai ttoha hitiilictl curia frotj fi boll warta ami eorof and won ml of vry ibuerlpilao on tuan nr bai ukwiuh nr luiviviima aab for dr tlmiiiaa euatrla oil fu tbat tbat lb ilnnatnra of 8 n ybotnaa la rn tlt wrannar and iba nawaa ol noithrai it lyuiau are move in tba bnttu aiirl fum uo oilier holil b all maillfttna uilara priaa tuiwuu nuktilltop at ivimah mlu out prnpflftara lor lb dominion n amr- eeual rk beuoud ana eietilaaj khfar tub vbat a truly baautlinl world wa live in i nattiiy give a grandaur of ntounuina rimu and oeaaaa and tbouaanda of ntaaiia for aiijjymaull wa can deaire no bettvr whan in pn laet baaltli r but knw ofun tb tjia noajorily otbaopla faal like giving up duvmuteaad dlajuuragod and worried out wiiit diaaaaa whan thai- la ju ooaaaian for thia failing aa every aubwrar oau easily ouain itiafiuhory nwmif tbat oraaate auguat flowar wlu liver cauaa of make thani u fea fvou when bom dyapapau i complaint la tba direct aavatttyfiva r eent tifnueh n utuouatiaaa indigatition biuk uaadaeba 0iauwinaa norvoua pvoatratio qiailnaaa of tba mead ivpiiaouof tjiauaah and etbar toaia tbi hi prove 11 bawlu bytuca 10 otttita diatiwudtui ayuiptoaia flu auguat ftowar will fnl affect ty it raadoaeaof trove iu wimdur- ir rritaam by au eupunn una olitmha sulmtua 6oav tba rujjujc poiflo for dueaitai irrt tauhu aud abraaiouf of tlia akin and a moat aaliiurv beautifier of tba eouplukioi tbi admirable artiola iaauitieitpauidva tiutlatitute fur aulpbur bathe and ii- aqually meffactive in banishing outauaoua malaliuoa aud releaving tlia panga o rltauraalhim and gout- lledneaa aud rouubnaaa urn fvooltoi plm pju aud iudaad every imperfaetiou of tbo outidle la autiraly removed bv4tjit jauay quoued by- wlio hava uaej it to b uie moat euaotlva meaua of clarifying aad voftaulugthaekul that they bave employed ita health protnounfl pronertlea are widely reoogiiiaed by modloal mou tvodevlileuce iu lu behalfemanatuiff fromolher aud finally reapeetabla ourcoa pn elujee auy raaaonabla doubt aa to tba penuinaneas oflu elaimato bublid confidence olouiing aud liueu from tbeaiek room is dtaau ttwud by t atad it ptwrettu nou uujiou ttheu the dangar of obnououm iluaaae km bead incurred by o6r- tuct boroaaud utocia tbat realat twa operation of aalveti aail lotiotu are healed by it aud it toou r liavaa tba welling aud pain oaueed by bruiaoaaudspralna tba open ing of uie povaa reaulling frotaiha wholaaala atimuiauou of the auper- ftaal blood veaaela lliiiit pioduoaa ia tba effaat beat aalottlated to eatta tha circulation whan overheated aud carry off itsomoffeuilvagranu latioua wbloh diahgura uibentiol aud raudor cliteftoe a iuu of martyrdom while thy rcmalu eruption ailmeuta that ointmauu will uot cure arc uutirely aradj ead by ouwua kiiltuum tsoiy uilia una aud wuuutna b dlauh or browu boo tlfl tjstatham u opstllxo out j qrocery store ln connection with tha la hie old stead next door to tbayera cabinet bhcp gkorc5etown x l- look oot j rob future notice -r- bhead cakes biscuits and conrectiokeltty always on hand wedding ukes uabb to oiudek t 3tatham oworcetown may 1 una gjsoxgxroww and machine shop gang plows i ba toowwimouw vqujbuty of tbaabove artiadaauiiauoqua pmturu with aavaal hopotiaut imomvudenu j tbaaa piowa hava a bepamtjt tor mteh wheal cand oawuuli ouiixed uouldboarda m wil thatwiui their otbaa bnif aaaaient taaka ihata without doubt tba bet gaag plow in tba mrkt kotarltb- nundlntf that they era worth at leaet t bm iban aiav other tnakax ltcva dapldad to aall tvatu u aa loy prioa aa auy i heva alao on baud auvaral ofthboelkbllated wierds junior plows a flowtlial ufalt muloglttlo ganatal uiaall over oaaada tod u guaraataa to do the blgastdaya work ofanxfux over oaaada tod babli 1 alao mekeuxle impiovm ptrt ueiras tha little giant onabokaoiruan ikw o ac repairs all clsaaae of ifaahluary front an maadla to su anchor will receive iwomd sptiah oontraots for miwjaw s water mwela ac 4c how osaunga on klsu klnda ef ltusa used la uuaaecbonlueludlug ivuata for domtta dang plow jetobt w- kmt rncriufcroa 4aajufo dyisuwirimi m alep-ageae- fopu aaaaraoaa 8ocmy tha atrcngapt cwipany id exiatanee caotbdg7000uua the only canpany uat dividaa ninety par ce of their ppotita with policy ho data gaud in your application at once- as r mivw april 31 ika- 716- ferris harness shop pppoalte k d mcuaatera grocery glare babnetss saddles whips cc repairing promptly to ohaboea 1i0dkrate oaetowa daclshh 1878 important every vernier in tha county of m r a jvm reaper or mower phonic call and exaau th queit harvester beater a pladet wow eb gurney russell cqy absubxbs loatka flu canada of k a8subahoe compast will rslfvfc fok twdlbktbzlaub large profits ar ia not m fca-ttas- lsstw manttsaottipwd la s- the planet mower has veen pronnnnoed by fartnra wliohave teatad it -flw-tha-paai-thtp- yara to be perfection itsetf aud second to none in uie country notice jflouuiiu jltiuuccrr imtaoftha villapa of georgetown in th cottnty ftf halton jawallar and watehhtakttr daoeaaad who diad on or about tba loth of april 1r70 and all otbara itavlng claim agjiut bia kftuu are hereby ttotinatl v aand to jtfors a ooodwilll ofxba village of georgetown ill the cvumty of halton the uiaicllor of tba exeeutore of uie aald diiomaad on or bafare the 84tb dajr of my 1870 tblr namaa tbair obdma a auumant of tbaltuaooounu and tlia uatnra of thabr aaeurity if any bald by tbtnt ilia aald kxeoutm will lumadutay hilar the but inantionad ilay nrooaad tii iluttribuu the aaaeu of the nfohbu armour ainonrtt the partiea entitled tbarato havluu rtigabl only to the elaiiua ol wblab they aball bave reeoivad notioa aforeaaid ticob nrivron wit thomiios yuxtctwuil dh btakd1bi1 gaorgalowti april a3nd 1870 vlotd a aampla rjh and mower can be aeasi at any time at u mmir up p isorgetown cirouura with fgailroopltja tto prom alfioh- eiddb3ll bt tune a attnt forcatiiity tj halton also aant fr tlte c1emuink climax fliow april 10 1b70 ho for hardtime pfiloes bamatof hamilton oaanrparaud bv aet at parllattmiili capital j 1000080 nidectons i dasalo moluuis kjo psetbaar jbum mtuasv kuo vloktssaluksv jan psooras kao jasttuhshka4 oau bjuiiaa km i xi ouaav ila dsauts pliwax eo ttkoaasrowu aoktoarr latanat shaw ea sljaelal daoanu j oljvelt mo wat agent war witha knife down oom tlte iliiukof harness i ffrllylor having bourbt a lartta atoelt for tuul te nreparaj 1o uuir houamiti thi coruatr uebaeon baotl a laro atoak ef team siueld tt oturiagc uajinkriy and any paradn wlablna to burebeai will eonault ida lauraat fay aivlua j v t a eej1aa ba lulamla to aall ebeai farwbkiraby omk pbkjb all bia llaroaaa balhk blade iry banv wluioultbtaa ofinaaulnaa be war ran la all bu weak repartnc of awry ileaorluuou atundad to ikouapdy at vwauutmbu falaa j k tayl0h a grieve uxvuriottibxa op all kuos oy plouoh8 harrows odltivatorh waapons cdttetta and 8lsiqbs a0 ramsay b hltlx jtsoaajag sept nf agnetaj w muo bamuel piiiimw 718 aoairr-gsososvow- manhood how lost how restored xm hmir wt3mlyjuibhl w dftmi rr tvt tw tajtiml i wbw0jm cttrmwp kat- r tit vk nrmtmr uhb wrtww kr- mm tlabuity wamul mnd lhvral 1rvpwi fmvam to tif1tthlf wfka tri in jwlj rp rnyt amtj or tw twawa t fair i tin- anebrauj aritliwr n thla jaalr- u ev iwly anhiru tvna thtrtr virt nwl r tmttjrrtuti tha ibatawr mm 1ml tuu mollraa tt tit tiiltmlrti f tta ltnfai wrtlur mtt a wavu mr aa mtaa hiirtfhf mridi art rawltapl lijf itleatm ft which ktrtf httrft ua btttur wlwri lit iwmtlitnt pwv w ptv tr hlmu tjihtly rr4halv n1 tmmtflty us 1ii trfttirejltftiiltl in tf lipfsta of apry vnilui aud vry huh f til una tin culvzilwtjac jttkt ix amh r nkw yoaa fpfrt vlnx 4reit tifuf dvfhiwrnfrf rantttittrak oh va crompton loom works whtv mwsdue v a itoonia f lt ivrlffamiri kj fw illutkrl9 tatalfftua i20jiiaritriiico nntl hph tr fwlvrilipl ratara vary vk oa humb tiao mf ajjum1taxclfietjccuvclwa w wall bl m v t a pav u aii1 umhmiw k iw n as t have bought a lawa atock of tha bait uianda of iron htwl aid mould board plata at close prices for cash and i aw prepared tit aall tlia abova mentioned luiiileitunte ekaauar than auy other biantifafttttr waat of titrouto farmers yeu ahould not forget to try my no 1 plouohh as they carried orfsll tha unit prlsaa at the ploughing alalchaa uat aaaaou they are taade of tha beat malarial and seat out on trial and warreuud tu give a or no hormpboeiiie and gonoral jobbing a ttuacialty and at bottom prices ewadtfdltfl ttm 910 to 30 wul not be undhaold by any wanufactiirir jktf a call aroliolwd before humluu- intf alaawbbra a omiivic main fitiukl qaorrtown xi art jluaietllul cttfotpta ceid wth ntna fitly jfu jlfi4 20 lanraa i bwjt 10iaiuin y fw tavja with ai s co naauu n y at art trauaaavmat vja with aatua lie j ta loata nr 90 iam takvia w dipta rrj co kaiamau k y tlttt wtli j ttd ta amutal bb4wtkco auausu uain pamphipt eatita ajlahiaata ino ra ift u fltowua0 y sprirtg notice ladies ina w a vnnnis uv tuui ttl idessure in raturniiis liar slaeww thanks to liar natroua for their liberal support during tha peat yeavsaul wlahsa to merit the am ty rtk10t pkbmohal auauui4i tobuanaasa and with tha seelatanoe of a nrethilaas duebu and uamtlk ataiucb from tha oily of rockaetar k y jaatilkaaaythtegwuulelathahrfaai slyls e- u d taylors sytam u oulting used bunavionon guaaaiwaau harden modeialo js- ba surd and gia aia a balora going aiaeinimua aiiiia low u