Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 8, 1879, p. 4

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donald stewart srwap oi county o hamon doe 13 lsts hot- fjfcongetotoj- j c vvemheraid ruoruulxoa firstclass horses ooou untaao u fiumlabs bakwageb ukas0nab1k hates btalilba oppolubneu jbotol table qaaraotowu oni wonder of modern times ttittram pnrltr thamoridy comet atiordari of thj tdvar ktomb kidnaps llowals a4 at iuvnluatua in all ylmluu iuftidaulai la ho llc ways l pillb o oinl ivilnt gftocejueb v i j- tjtovkbjjb cbockem v aw v l ieabthenwabe r which wtis tf- 1 it l x m wj selling at v prices c4sh customers wnt 1 i save moiey by purcluulng at this establishment hd mkauwhbftuulmfhmlbl j cwbmui pit bw gqiiwatchratattlci tib tito tlfewaida iuawwul auawem4binrpaw c aaww4lmllmlnw 1j avjme ax am war iliinwililiiilia mftllylm wlbmaaloulwl lf q awi properties f0jt sale re ptmurad mrtaacna mglhld slud flf old fork otluar ffeaajwmarabaaa itoamttuniilhtntii a of not briua mad than out i mm fnetaur rwaikfaaua lull pin oa tor tha iatarart of fata n iiiiiiba a too ap than donbl urg any otbr i l dark ihi ddrtwarfaa dpr nfctorid 1 wijnaot wsko sstt where all t iwho atdj their own interests will and cavapeat stocks in canada to pueheaa is um debate otthe world m a cub buyer and one of the from frombis high ad hie long e lew sines jl8 bwtbbtwoo ou enabled to nay cheaper then many whnl h whfls hk a of hewing only on pwoeeljroibmtrfin pl fnrwrniulojho dhuvhb y f or bit floedn ooerpaadwat m4o defy 7v5 may dependnpon it thai no good will be fi ihlt riurked up on aooomit of tha mrg dutim bwngpaion unto uu otumn when jsriptsfti must get tnamnaoh dearer therefun ha would strongly roooramend l l lay ib- large etoeks ol ooods this spring while ipring aelaet from andremember thm h is hanan to pttrcjuae for his goods were ii low at before the ed off at avery low advmnc on tbeeost and fa the pdom nntlj next september slthougfi h is not worth iron 10 to 30per cent more now tin which wo change will ptmsm mad to 010 in the mtwt fashionable they can have tri m huteukxi im eearosly in arjuola that is narked prion which is in pbvin figures from which no change will defnari millinery mantles and ladlea preaaes mad to ordr in the imt fashionable styles garnetaviinolhims oilcloths and mattings made and laid in the best manner please de notaak crojit ieannoi begivenat soch rery low prioea thabightjaoosb mfost 30 and m kingst mat onardourwest of hughson street thomas c watkins hamilton ont new dress goods at less than wholesale prices 76a one- halt osshtl aamul payment ato it lota on qoafa btrest two eon- imiif un ntlanrfaai ny we fl building let on qo n bbasi tt abixt half an ears no 4 honas and lot on queen eunei hotus new iium tt ehdit 0 it tahilaagieuitei teawywasw r j7 eyibt roatna sood kardiai and orehaid with shout one asre of laol tama rraaonaue ant hule tndjspot us vurutkioffnatiou apply to g s ooodwhitab boucrruit ac tfcs ojttnaamy-u-uieotily- mllsblij- btady fur bad ltajf old wouudg uoraa aiad 1ladrm ft h iotag auwdiag troneltuaiphtwrla cotutta glda 1uii tt btmiausui mul a cku il llaj uu ljmttl bcxeax or mrbican count 1 rtftt raaptotlully lake leave to call tlto altuutiui of tlie poblio generally fci tlw fact utat ourtain iluusee n new york are anjkuf in tuaiiv narisoftho filihti hpuiuotlh udltxtloms of my istlsand olntnteul ihuse frauds war on thair kibwut some address in kaw yosib 1 do not allow pty ldlebes to b hold ill any nah of the united bf eium tytfflihj kua oiiorj ststamnni in th hooka of illraotioiu anixad to tlto hpurittus make is a oautijui warn- liig tlie 1uwlo against baliig daoaive by oouut4irilu- ie not by inuled by this audaolotw trlolf u uy m ma counurili tki pfduml to owoutiot tnti mhinturieiu hw purehasod by wtthrlnoldtkl veiulurs at onollalf tlia jirfta utniy lills and oitilnumt and are sold to you uv bnuiu irtiioiiiits i intiit earnestly app j to that sense of jiiatloivwliluh i foul sura 1 wy vetiture ukiii asuing fnmi allhon6uy hltlu paibtlui to ssilst lub bjld r tlul imblio as fr as tnay lia ill than power ii duuuuitciug this shuinaful vraud icaoli iol diul ilui of ute otmulne mtulioiiios bush tjttf hritiix oosstm uiat hunt with thewuls ooauxtxob i baujo eth j9jabxlr3 kept coiiiunlty on luuul hdm0ma8ke wav4 plllu xuir olnyuiliyijajli v iurvut tufihufii on hi iomi lilruui 1tl oxfirj hlni ijtudua iiuul uij0t87a 1 hi mckay iit cam oeoree toum h4xiwauiduom omiki slodi tt revisions rnfeohiiia glass and eartbonware wbldb3fiir preluilqa4luy utuu4 ii wlttira h1his thoy hm muiufviiviad a iu tiuur tillrtm ur txtuuurtiil tjia tiwl muk f uiwui mwllvlow ftixi lujiuturuil in otuwo houd aby 011a ullmlwiiiilluk iwtui pummmditof wm m viktor m a fkitu fuiuuii will u ihimsuuuml kjilu1 y tllomaiiotiulway dliojcroaii mikmrv liinbun jju 1 uru everybody bots nmi shoes tatskesjl muli2tj3nrjrtdta a rfmajl ract va3itlt0n 6jyfci urf 1j kjmcjbt tea s diuiew radtt i mohtjtbat 3 lfe to woo1 wunnua lu bl vdn la ontario 1 iuib lafek greens iand japanst moic ace tjrwatos jul vvteb artlvi klyoiifl and lliolily yuvoumdi k3- extn a value i ea sijcsb u sells diuswara fabtilously low y bstts a apwjiv tll and bee aiauhmioimvlnottd prioom halt always in stock tioorarowu june utti jh73 boctt 3c mqw t witrmgfkm onnyrat ttnts doc uobajr lffe par yr5 msrel mohair 8o0 per yaril oypni stripe ftoonper yard all wool de beiaea a5 aa 80 conis pr jarj jlijjchk ijiin 4o pr yard 40o per y freoh cashmore lalnei per yard french jaoottarls 4tto por yard panusfe pelrfn ffoo per yard silk mohair oresaline 0so per yard satin brillunio qgq per yard huojyonooiirbrocho 7oq pot yard waok mal 0ol6roj gronaiiuo from ofio to 3 paryarl x ev3c o b ajad jqsltoliahdalotof fl vrenob groa grain bilk hi molioa wide id all u10 now culortbouaut aillota fcuaa mauufao inrers prioea which will bo aold at 110 par yard tamm a murray a co haoiiltoa mimu 27 1870 own kintg street east hamilton out dav1gkd w t b oy a lot of 60 ihmm t o ftfotd 61ilttiaav wmdftmid l7 ult 4tr tby u a hj jouu mt yard w oiriuul for talc jrjara tbanlaabkalot frf ktirnaaaib om iafallutu lor to uywr mm ly u for ib jny omm ti wfii ilxxl ant urn pcisffllttr uf doiu4bm m1 fmt vajlmw a bio look ol otiiini81iluaaaatrarlouiiloia ymlttafor 10 or thi it a dju uf good tniid xpronl hose teadei we itavf opened cut two bsles tof prints and have two balsa moe com fug of the celebrated home cloth i for the english retail tmde hi- 33 inches wider fine choice patterns by the flrswteea srsntrn liitcra w umaa to offer the lot at 120 per yard we bonkider hem aagood value as oromvtvinls whlca are oldflb leper vaid tbeaeguods inspsctlott i 17 are worthy a nmaetl1nu you should see our irw clooda w offer a smart looking lineof ruaael dord at lod par yard but oar 16a drs poplins are the oholoeet goods we have offered for a long time our allwool de beige at 90a isecllingwell as also our allwool darnels hair cloth at 25c rte our double width de second price we mean to stick elbaer to the cash arstom than erer and we are aatlafiwd that it is the only trueuwny to do buslnses rvttm time to time we have had customers asking to have gooda entered tor a few nsm but we and that in nine cases outwten in plaae of a few days it tuna intoweeka and then ihey are offended if thev are asked for- it wernar daterniinddttoahiit hbt down ou it goesoo xx we all ztmsm cw 1m fri tlil tmui vr li- mmwibwji hluri inttu1 i j iii illl ailfh tllmall uiawa4 ru uha- ta fff 1i- k jtu ull jtitfvmrr a w wsaaa iriivalwa al a i taai llta ib ri uf arrrl v4uhall lihialrb j ithbltljtrt i111bwk aswft s- not ll jr4 catarrh twaaukrtrmrt ktwu jt7j rtit7i iilm- watv ikarw utz tmuukvl ocaaallrf hc rvwmrry llua it itftihu til ip lanetliwi irfito 1 ililllitflmlmy aftva ulaialitri- w ruarirliirjuurhluhiawmflr vuimsiu rt i iwji iwma luuitalr lirwli tnultwijivtil nuhommhithi bimi lllta n lutt f 11 mal aoamsrall if cot l it tijw rlyubaitiwaiua- lutt fmlaructl i rttl artrt caiinnma uow dr suge s catjurhh reeedt g feat sjaof laos crtalus tva oflei tojay about 300 pairs laee curtains every pulr of whioh we buy fronrjle makera ff prompt caah and are encbled to aell them much chearfcr tliari irwrelunu who ara compelled to bujt tlieti ivom wjraiouteaien in this country and it btauds to reason that every wholesale merchant must have a profit oh goods our lace cmtaina come direct to ua from nottingham england we offer them from 75c to 810 we do it w blnioo lou abort 9090 daam bpotlaj whteh aioiialit ir lour to tbadnoo uyl w u cuteraillmd aotkoadao 4kbrlo of uudmlottcujuloluuu wauu mlltlmiawk soi mb arsb pardoa thjm o boat ciord thrwl wad tli run w bav hadontaaoi ku um mnlmna nauliful cku d buy trullot 0ub boys if you vaaitwaea for boy yon thoufd mosh una v ara aillliig t roothry u lb bt of jiool ud kood aaadwiowd modi ftlwy ar oeruloly lb b food rmr ooorad fortba dummyy bo tbun and you u or to buy lawn w auoonwa lot of bbarbroolu looda i jo pr ttromlouh blna aold ff jt ba tbaa oort nrlo a waluiva mourod onpio of hmi wkloalaa oui 11 atbalf tit trio of laiporud iood try our pratt cwatkii il11nerv lsdl in want ol billllnary ahoold tgo bast ua this aeaaon we havi cored the ssrvioes of a tlsssvclaas jdjulinari and are now turning out nloe work our pattern bounetia are vnanb value that line of navy blue and white prints that we are telling at vie per yard are djrand value we aold goods just about the asms but season at ib osnta per yard these goods are in stripes epota and anosraskes tby make wpnuferylnwauipers they are wide english wltlthailod good quality of sloth a bed tha qwoda naoiiiuw apriix jam ton thffi art presbsitvall vb5 07 arts t mwmtmtml w postcra dodgers buaiwis cards visiting gard pamphlets bihiicadd label etc the iljuld otflccamyot he zivt black dilts m ain street geoitg etc wn bea fial h4ul ajt i mm frswfertkawve laavolufxiiaatllrntutlrniutjivh m1h alaaihiarhurvl motil um wj trial utl huuhhj litfi wb iu tittiwilt trlu utdltl tkikirkatortau vtituf ummfhv wiilfe l iiuifffltvs u uml i iu aiy al atlliihl r-jfltf- uajthaa hiawt ft l jtffltfutairwih niartviuvrjr hitaiv m jjarllsj ksirenttypuios ftltahsr fi alatruiam lm wit h ftr uh mlltu ubm f lawtiaal in luflwlai iuatkilvbalcaklirs v 4uilolikuiy hi tma aiultiiltf imnaar- jlil lpotltal i 11 warwatrtol atljiiiiruld hiu a ftam aiiwri t ihalaamnoalit iruoa luillltuiailrm wkl t uwyvna tbufuuiimmi m t hrpulmt lltallamiulu ui truiaat i i t jafe tir ivt s a kims atttf w w t ifarnucluhit liiaturijflu uhi lfuiuk o lf m fkilriartiiiulu bf iiui uuit riaaai jut4 vwsvslt5foirwasifffc illitoltglt d i i i x

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