jhom cih gaorjtsiowri dnuch no til um lu uie oddfellow hall flrsi fruuy in c any information rtiwrdinff tb so viet wilt b fornubcd by iu following 1 t- vwrjs mri 11m aetod iwm fawn afiur rwftwhii uxeim of halion v the otll com- taent a follow i up a matter for ur lotm eooeldarauod mo doubt if ui county finally suoeerfde ihom portjrns of tb county which grattud the boruh will tlcbltobav tatrht their shanrre turned to lbmi ii i- buiriyhl at this of affair lo edit a halt ami ask iny council lo provide by rtsolti uaiw bylaw thai- if to sellone of the eoos4y to wboa lby are daw ibihllufl and tnoet eontlno to flub to ilia end shall whatever lb ultima result of lb eat may fcsv provldo toy iba- payment of all nasi in ooanaatlon wllh dau anil timt fces mb et fflmw sr inform of ommay rand already eimuded in conut- li lb iotra4e session and il 1 hlgb kni an ondaret ending should n arrived al mil wbo bay lb bill ttuoah we in common wlib ouiy mbnielpelluee uot in- taraeted teak no avoir we do think thi- mailer of eoat should now be taleu up and ttndniool w liteiirr lyi items fr0m0ttawa ta cansanauvaa mold a caucus tb pro knwuotl p41lle ii i vu lyvuttum oiij tt ry vjav l mil ill jw14am kiii6iiivliws ijji ouiriauv ui ill uis-biiirtilmr- li uuvlki irfilia blrf viollu nolir ifijijly iilfaoromji ticfta to n 4j tttooiutfjrtuuil olob lu au bvinlm lib iu jiihuj amu 1 tlw ulluw- d ww th irugftnrn i i bokkattiuti ilamlv lurur 3 luadiof falli- iliilla ooluotiuti flu btmifrsp g t d id oaajavotlotf with otlmf wliu occupy h fatllar boaltlnn will jjrwn lilt tilktufat lb ntk maatlntf of ilia county council laanmlu thai- ilia county council wou bav bowar to aamm tlio coiila ujwn aaeljatiof ilim caauly lilc4i u cxcon idflydoubtfat waarauot quita chr as o ibaaqtilty of oar editumporarya buio 11oh undr tb elidtmntaumj it i in- llavad ibil en aoeount of otrtaln caneeu irtom tafytmua by a curtain then clilif ofloaf id t eartaln corporation in hilton u mil ba ban uttncoiariiy broloniicd tt36ortbifoortionatlylncre8kl under ibfctl elreamuinoc llio salt ooruiratlon wtilab uonlalda tlm roup blionm ut i- toll iy it bus a third of tliu coot t la w asr in uila cam hluli titu llmt an undaraundjntf ahoiild lw arrival at aol tbl wjoilljiniyayjli comti up a ib acuity ooualdraton au bare ana vmuj will probably ba iol alibt of tli broo way toaol in tlioejuw waulilbo to dajaol ibvebab tfrohftba itikount uiliati ii eotbo ami filv th wbolo of tlio ba1and bukto iho group tlila will no doubt trttilrai an abl6fwai i lnnwnt uul-way- waiujattooar con lain porary tbo tonoi of wbow rauarka abova in ulluhtly pic- eoolotu tb durability of kecplnifparfict- y balm on tb maltor until tlio uh oou in to tb county treasury tub biblfi in modern times u ij euiswd by many ponons tbat tie looadailou of lb oliruiin faltlt aru jirfnj imovj n4 tbat orthodox opinlonu ji anublhfluht1 morning dow before irtw amu tbll li attributwl to the watk bl tbo modern orltlca oit ai ii i itohatoally urmed the lilhor crltloiim but ibar jutt two polnlo that bavu allraoud out nolle anj uiouuh wo do not ptofaaf to b abu to follow tlio windldui of tofthlatry an4 ulodra tlitioloiy wo ballov tbl tw3uioobhta aro worthy of loniiv oonaldarauoo amo4l common mortals bafora wo allow our idraiof tiling to b bhnd by tuaao called critics the wavaslatlaabajraotar of tbo iucn whu aro ttalttf u tdvanood lluololans in ilia wajotuy of oaas thy aro men who have- ho mfbtwid rpull ion aw uiawliiitof tby ore biiown only in tbtir ior daoomlnatlons and ar i tbiii by tholryjjjruslvc- ttallsni it in truo that ui eooaaloaal sobolar ooh as ve tlhiitavr clarke and pcrbafs woouuht jo lnalutl xr workman vio ho their qutuonlus pnbllfllly but tlio urcat bulk oiinaenouraliipof tlio day wlillo they u inuully cxatuininu avory fonutlaticn too of lb dbrlillan failtt aro malfjtiu no baim tboul it ud wo may acm that so af a tby bav mauo public tlo uitult of tbaut rarobm their unilod tckihaony ban gou lo ooatirui the ortholox ttandinla tbaawond polnl la to our mlml at t more important the majority of the no called eriufl profes to mako thoir crl ajji aamjiug n mh- r y n aim authority of voriplurubut rathur lo abow tha absurdity of thu nrthodox in- iarpraulloa of ib acrlplutci ami yet t o aay tbetr urltlounm aro iiulthcr orltleismi of tb tit of icrlnturo nor uvnn of oibojonyi baaod upon hcriturobiit u ffalbar f rea auummit or v own hajoitlntts allo6lhir apart from and indv- uaodaol of orlpur wo ooiihtnutt but oouot tbli foot lu tbe pubhihud idatoiuontu ol uw a uihinipitriiloiis on tlm aionanubt ii urofatood to ilvo an k- yotluouof a dootrln which ho fniml lu aorlptur aujyalfrora tint to last bo ad- dttoadnolo tlnuls sorlntnro nfftonco in upittholvl oplolous wo bclluvu lliuw two tbouubu olioum bu kiiit in mind lu oar following of uicdoru ihoiuhl ami if ik hilda la lo ba tits itandard tut us usb vary naw thwry by tbo diblo and not ba 4iv bltnsv uulibluior by every wind uf aoolvbu oub i ft i xtimi nluliruoswickv a ira v baiuad my tw f usnilou hi tlrltlsllcohihtbi ji n w terrllori horn of tli rwttlioui contained ovttizt bihtiaturtt and 6scdd 7u fmt hi length nhaitxlrttuilf tli iioutespiil alt friday in hupply en la ttiutia ctllinaotf ditcaialtt the suatifnat jrcnort of- the general ofuotr commanjitik lb fcicf this lid to mr uomtrvilu of brant vcsdliiu coplcii of afndavlla sutfn that nifmbcrj of die oovrnorgtirl body cuard of toronto bad btu paid for drill not irformml owbatf to fsialued py siumi and thai a 0ooricjlonlia4 t furd agaiil a nwni- bkt uf ib op whtnmiil to bw tip his uniform on false ovldsnc in ordsr to bnviut an ltnttltot- colon id vntl uniiimonibo uniuber for wast tiirtmlca brotlitr of ui ouninuhil- itiji ofileor of llio lojj uard rcmiiytj alur a imtjj snd acrlmonlotii discusilon tuldinii tuatoi mr davie called it tits mattir droppwh mr fhimttrvllla dlseltlmsj any intuition of rbtioalitiu on anybedya porsoral character tiurtly drawing atti lion to an uufjd irretluurlty in tb annenjituri of drill nianoy mr lturiar staled t at cut leanlson having proaouhsd the chartu fait tho wlfiito hjum would acton hla word as a man of uldnubld tioro tiic niliiiiiiltrom jull tho oimlnii rtdiblrlbiitlon hill lu 4noral topic of diacustinn amonu tho nioin- brr of both aldcj kulthor party i am ions for a lonu matlon and anions many consrativiii trofitawit n iiuira that tlio bii should lw thrown ever iintil tlio next ttiottitii ol rarliaiiunt this howovtr oinudt ba jon tbo conutltullou la very osr flat tbo redistribution bill inuit bo boujjl t down u tho tension tvr thu popuuuu lias biu announced- bo what ever tl j ij bill may iwvu mutt ootno this aaaalon s huilhh tiik uooiilkhs tnoaprll assiaiw at which thocriiuins es aualnst nicholas k connolly and tliomas mcorcovy john it arnold i lloraco talbot and a c laroso coma up will htfiiii nsxt tuesday bir john thttapton la proceeding loo in tho eivll eases aa ulnlslorof jiuuw on behalf of iter majesty be baa ihd n the ki abiur court a sluttiucnt of olsjtii against patrick ltrhiu klcmu k connolly michael ounnolly ikvin i murphy atnl ilolkr mcqrttvy thu total aniniinf wiiioh hlr john umi fighlilwio iinllr men la 9570011 11 j kaitli nniiiaw tho tloiiitj lat ailjourntd until ncit tutsdsy for the kaelur holldayv lisiu ash inn iiikitiih on tho mptlon inn int comtn of tfupply mr mill movtd an a men int ut to the afftel tint cauatia should make her own tratkii ho untikn up to ocloofr and for an hour after tcoiua mr 1osur replied t soma unutb tak- tan lh i ruud lt w w hi a bettor and b l ronr ignition aa wo aro than wu would ba if wo tried to nuifotlak our own treatttw hblaidnlorrrtliodootrrnpthat if all tbo colon in woiu allowed to maku trsatlns as thny phuud it would inevitably lead to a dlsmuinbjrnunt of tho umpire mr mills umuncmiaulwaaloit u fo 100 aualnst mtwirj1iu ihou till stitiis mr in no auksd wlicllior tho yovcrn- ment is aware that u number of united btitea papora suoli as tim durrilo kx- lmwt utui uliu toittia iljjiii and onib cliiotkjo pspira are dtndjilit copies of their haur1ay nud bunday editions to different uuutdraurs throughout canada by oipnas withuut paying duty in conlrsr von t inn of tho oatloins laws id canada and to tbo unlout lost of nowymnrr publiaboia in tbo country who aro tloraby subjected lo unfair compstllluii with am or i can pub ushers whom ansnts cvadu tho payuient of hip tiibiht nh on iiawapapuru coming into tho country by eitproas mr bowill rcplliil nmvspapvro aru fruu wbclhnr they rcip l by ckprrnu orb auy othor inoilo ciunouiicc 1liuto n thoroforc no onlravuntlou ol tlto uuatomu law by ronsoii of unub luiporta htu uriff item 7tjj wnir i oil wiium unm april lltho writ for wtlland wai issued today and wujil forward to- uljjht mr john kduuwarlli a protnlnoiil uierchant of mtophcnsvlllu iu upnoinud to- lurnluii o filer nominal in taint plauti mi llio jjiiil hi it and polling ou thu jtiih this will ba lno of hit lumtcut conlotla uf tho byoolecttou wrlcu lion j c lattuiwin lat rcaoviud u por- trait in oil of thu lato uiuht hon tilr john a mauouahl from tho bruuh ol mr liou- son islurtoil tbo llkcniauii is most strlklnuonp porbps tipial to auyuxuut and ho puaaed la tlio bccmury of htato with it that ho bad it hunuoii thu walls of his oillco in tbo naulorn blonlt whoro it will bo td in i rod by bis hundreds uf calloru llou mr tatursou pre nun tod to tbo pjwsif vd rvvwythlrt7v 1aiitay flrinwi riajvtjpbw sa waaboljnitoinj4ndy4nw tb mmh trvu- rl p jaociprjurat wartbao inatwattoau jaoisbp ttpoktor wlvovjuino it bx cardial and splnnfodoneob iuoriiotjw fkm era bavtntf wopllo 011 will do w i fd call at oar mills in llmsliouae a oholc slock of uanku twaedtf blocairld yarnrf llan- nu kept instock vour pauocsfio is r pphy okelti- motbbr ooa1urbamtotbaiilemel not ronioalof nr ua witb uiaiiirx mmi attrsctivdnik of yoalti andbcmuiyi eoopud with a tunny buoyant disposition and fondnss tea outdoor mercies wblcb bid bat to accord pany tnedoitof uiroojjlbootintry on borsaback aba soon became known ami lllud tiinohu iter wboiascfortib baa been for br busband and br family with acarcely a iboutflil fof baraelf witb tb rtspooalbilltlm of maurduy earn br paiulonal dtvotloa to iom and br family which ban ever sine eiiurosaad lier awlou and ear u tbereaustniodumnl whlelishs cohu poislbly leave of a well pout life if sb bad baf irooblo lby wrr ounnncd to baraslf and naltbar the world nor her family were permitted to know uiem tjnselahnevlra affection rare wisdom and a strong will were 111 oharkcuilstlc wbloli inlluenosd iter life and niaka ihadtfceaoo causa audi a void in tho home from ulikh alia baa been taken mtlimf tbogand wa thompson of iiidvpondene iowa and charles thomp son of buudei laud brothers and mrs jo ualnr fliokvttowu mrs h w jackson lindsay ms j- a mcdonald tare sis- tors mis juoouey vister of tli dr were lurrriioir jack and llsri balrd accompauled their molliera wmaini to raisuy on tuesday niuht having b4tn oillsd lohundsrund by tuoram whfn it was known that tbo ond was naar ialsloy anvocit uajlt uiliuit mr jar marlatl whoso funeral look plaur at btfiwarltown on ath april wa borri in trafalgar 17th april lhjo iiu was married in 147 and resided in buwartlown for uo years hu hsv btsn a nu inter of tlfo m k church far tin past co years ho leaves a wife three sons and five daughter to mourn his loss j ii and i msrlatt flttjutartfown j n marlalt dresdoii mrs j tke and y anthony orstujovlll mis 0- hamw kiut ojilo mlksis vtndmkmailstl who rs main at home tb dseeaosd bscatnu hi about a nutntu afio ills children camo homo and rcniabiid with him until ho passed piaoo- fullyluto rttt ho was highly euuemml by his insny friends ilia family hereby de sir to tttctid their thanks- lo mauds for tlilrklndnssurlii ibaakilnossuftba d cetaod why should ye mourn departing friend h or urleve at deaths alarm xls but tbo voice that jesus send to call him to bis arms why should our tears in sorrow tlaw when ood recalls bis own and bide us tear o a world of viae lor an immortal home u not uvti dtath a fitln to thoo whoso life to god waa ulven gladly tocarth his tyro ho cloud to optu thrui in hoavou ha tolls are past ida work is done and he is fully blest theflam b fouftbli ibe victory wojj- and entered into rest rtmi lot our sorrow tuase to flow god baa recalled bis own hut lot our huarts in every woe btlhaaymjbywhlbahbjiia clttetts pure p0wdere07i mirunhhv opbninub the millinery nnanlsut of wm moleod and co took placo on friday and saturday tho display was fully up to lb usual ras iilflccnw of thai hi ado by tills popular firm althuumb tho woalher was not very favor able the turnout of ilia ladua waa good and tho opening ery sadifaotory to all conoernad the millinery display with its complsmonti lolartje and oholoo and tbo nioit particular can tjet oallafaotlon at a i thomionu who stands aa oua of our moiit popular morohants tlio bprlliu milllurry exhibit la onoof tlio best of tho many totcallsnl dliplayu mid lu the chsap cadi tttoro all tbo ooauuiabli ah apes and stylos arc on bend in number aud beauty and mr tlio niton anuuuiiose with tha ut- jnost conftiuncc that bo can pleaio the mott fastidious hu invites you to call aud look tlirouuh tho millitmry dtipartmunt mrs mccann main ht imrlli ho her initial jootl display of bpiinu uiilllnory lu oludlnu now dnilna and trimniluui and guarantees that patrons shall bo pleased with her treatment of thorn oull un 5lul tho tuordotowjj otm club umt on tliuhf- duy ovciilutt msroli hint and reoruaulsod fur llioeomlnji ktasuii with cfllocrs aa followki irea julio huttcm heoy treas lrank xljmrhtl 1iuld club mosera ucoll kay aud walker tho llmt allot will be hold tomorrow dood trlday when plonly of birds will be unhand tuanvand open idiots llrinil your uuns and luvo a nood tlnm livvryboily welcome nobby lies and aoarfs for sprint t and aau tho new uaoda tmbla ho jiut im- potted corner klny and jam streati uouu lodiy copies of thu judgment ijivau i hamilton t ye pumut stromatst bit fuue ly all qwnw aj pmaui mlai gaklnc owdeb vqllitt the imp erial baking powder puhesrsfb0hqbtbet cyiulr no alum awfaiojils lime liwjpiuw any lalurjaat w clllttty toronto ortf f eatonco limited lull yiiil tit- toroulo a i r m 1i0 the htntcmoiitu wo iimlto roglirdimr tho ihoiim inlerost in thin htoio iiro iiecurnto ytu need to note that clothing and fumixhiiigh form tlio tmbjuctu ol more joeklcsh udvortising than any othor toitu ot nior clmnilibf do you yccnll tho bopinuing of ouv clothing himinciu wo hognn with riglit viiiuch in boyh huilh nud pnntu wo uuccocdud in ploniiing tholittlo totn unit their big hrotherb and wero noon uiunired of their molhorit good wilh witlf mothers npprohntion tho hend of the hoiihu noun foil into lino tt wiihjit n diflicult innttor niter tlmt to enlurgo tho conditioiih and control trndo which formerly wont to high priced htorcu in buy i ng ruiulyicndo clot h- horo yon avo oonbidernblo inoiioy every other dealor uayx tho biuue thing nud youro nptito judge nil aliko but no utoro moro cupnblo of mak ing big trniibnctiono or moro willing to turn tho bcuoflt your wn without a quchtion whothei you want mlu-liu- ed or not youll touch tlio highest mark lor value with ono of our ujiring overcoat douot want atylov yon get it llo you wnnt llrutchmh work and rho bent inntoriulh you get both in 6urs7 il and 12fi0 grmum hh if you wero inenuurod to order youll bo deliphtod beyond other ueauonu with tho nobbinciwund gentility of tlioho ovuicoatx t eaton co 1uih iiuiww 1 1 j raruula all r are you aware that hollinrake son o have piirchabcd the buxinoud forinorly carried on by itiioinuh woodhoiibo nt kinj ist eubi toronto firht jcbihm goodu are being uold nt ibaiikrupt priceu what jwouul you think of buying blirp nofclli lo a paiar lftirl butliu la jlort lse0 enilryor 1o vttiiy dnt ttol from fie up tliouund of yrds of buliful nou ihiu ood to ttuik from fawn uj ory ttrlpwl ohsvlntatli mrtut uilmoublji fou iikoayard immnu look of carp1 tml oil cloili rrlew wy iiowh our buy or hna jiiht re- turiiod from montreal whore iho wilde im iiniuoiiflo puvj ehiibo ol uciikonnblo dry goihih ut a big reduction tho public will roup tho benefit wbun you uroiu torouto i have u compluto stock of ovorvthing in tho lino of grocoricstiua proviiiioua which will bo sold oi tbo lowest pomiho prioefor cub a call k tohpcctfullyrcquobtod s mcdermid georgetown khitr- if you want tt piano organ sewing hacking cljothes wringer c1ll it cbeelman bkos 1 call whothor you wibii tdj buy or not samileb mailbed 0k awu0at10n oarriago paid tmlamels ofj 810 up h0ll1nrake son co 125 127 king hteaflt opooalu bt jiinea utuuulrim toronto ulbo tutrtci tufc s knitting maghihe it cornea next to tho sowing machine aa u- labor bavor ijiiwii jioworh rejiiiired mid ground to cut im good iui nw sewing miicliinop rcpnirtfd ete usef tf b tjwheeler offorsonoof tho most magnifi- cont stocks of clocks and watches ever shown in tlu county iooplo do not euro to purclinno niiything without knowing it is gonuiiie 1 gunrnntoo my clocks and watchos to booxuetly aa roprouontod jewellery ani silverware- stock hiilcrt gold lium brncolots charms o silvorwuro ol the nioht elegant douigns spectacles fancy goods im orhat vahibty prieoh squeezed stock increased t j wheblbk sfflobgetown spring 1892 new spring prints satbens and ull itlndh of dress goods arrived at a d thom dgetown aisiiji vory lnrge stock of gouts hoys nud youths readymade clothing from tho host uiokowmttiock bottom prices iadiks wo will show our spring millinery about the 1st of april wo will havo all tho latest styles and will soil tjlom nt roasonnblo pnioh i h my liuulth iwiiin nomowliut bottor uiu mill cautinhig tlio bntiinoja bill 1 urn oiii to ikll out tlm wholo btook to diioio whu mity tvaut to law it ulu nituuii iho ilollun itomoiubor wo oro ollhmull itiudnjif dry oooil clotliion ei vory lunob liolow rogulur iirioo a dthomson