v okiui i iy utfjti j j w tfoo ii ii no 10j uinl irifutti vltjuir- ijiifiiialiy wlwnwi rtiy iv a miuxn no juoiiccmaiez 0lclowrrllnrjchvi 1i oddivjiow liajl llrtlvhd howv lljoi friday in ricftd jfiaham treasoreb oltfce towaelje eoteba appoiwts flirmflltfir fnav oniav mkkraktj or mot by mr huiwart eccooded by m tbompoo prebytri lawtylil houjaj ubimuj b uw baruta truri of lui uuuum1 r t-lo- mr micbztvdi dd bk patiwaetsrs y on l uovpuj b tuu un or cornell d that tlw 1u bo w o itojtt th ul to i i rty of etd bbndacrried bt lupmieburcb tb itorvii blrtlrr u-llu- wiw wljiiui autlun and 1 tm b re- ukralobariiii vlwronwtmntullmplc 7 wr- oii few tiiuimd ay a t nxw a i a personal matteo ifwithmv leakod around town bif ore thu ihatlho editor o lid inriuantlal sbeel wu uomlneud for ilia lteevcahlp aloof with other at tun special nomination held lot friday we never- had evn the r- moul tliouulii or becoming gandldatt for the honorable oft lea until it westctat- txl to lis by men who nave but bm active finjfomoimt id municipal mailira lo ibu iiwmiitluyand whotctepatailoti vtcod- tnjiinh jotfjrmmt unqtmtloif jijdlwunelbrtfmrto be noraloeted el lb bftlmilntf of tiilu year and fur kmh iuu iuttiti tlul iritt ttomtm10ir lo be nude last triday thl wah not doas liowivaffullliout jlrat camuulbtf mr uclceuziff tvlio wo bal undafstaoj woutd uouiluiloj trom him wu weiru lvdn to iimlarhunl tjit ii uo union tliu ojitorlal wt could uut tlio oftlcui wltliout a election lio would bo iiadlo eo un u1 it ml lliftt if only w mid tlio cdltrd tbu iiemn worn ijominaloj tlio tortriur would iuciiua for tlio litter tliu wa indeed kind of ir mtuomxi hut for nasom bent ktioau tjjdniutlf prfoclly jood wo duo bl not f jf a niomont at the cloao of ilia uoniliutlai wlmn im wii one q th only two canfldttce lis wii quta unwllllim to dd a wu uln1y uuilr i in intended tu do at the ooiifur- ffibuwaluit haj tutfiiliuliloit iiitlmatljn unt mr he kmuio waitobs notinanprornr btitunop podsnl wa would tint midor tlio circuit- vvtwtfv av ri i ufllrmyfv lu mui bjhw urcd lbirtwwcfuel lwrkl4rtaifl n xvrlwwbtth tbal v1vduj id ln- troduc vbylaw abpolotlaji ad enlo for tbo townalilp for thtiramnt yar and that tbu uuioim rad tba flrat udm car- rid moyoj by mr ht vrt amondfid by tr lawaon tliat uto bvw apuiutiutt au jin- llliwr foffilf wawjaatilp for tiw raaant yar lw t6rfid aadlbird uraam nd taa6d atid that uu buok id tb by lawb fhladitpwuilha habit of jatuaa warren carried uovtdtyur wriuabnwarib ttooodad byur- uwai out tha byuw appolnllotf ovrwmja o jllchfcajta u dbw rj iba mcood andtfaiid tlmmand t hat tb following person bo appolnud arebibold mcdottrald 06 joyc4 wm molarly wm cubttlnltam tlthlliu jud- ftbjpnurullti cahipuir wu elliot aditottifotinuijrryrjohbuaea- divno ynavhally kirauel elroolu clurutf campbell jtalt urownhdff4 00 bwltwr jolm huffman jama armott k toliiiiton jolm x urown jaoioa urown wm nuatui itnlwrt o lend un nlnif wm j lbdd jajjttf liirlyrv wnnw-wibrtljoomgoocwiomp- wm uiiamin ilarrop david lllu david croijaincu ilinhunit it c mooal ion nil henry l iloaa win now ton jacob ha i nor jolm wrljjlit qcatga ilumi wm brown wnt p jolinaton allaudavoraaux annus mocoll vtv no 4 llolwrlurownfifbambir villc h j mnlunxie hury towauud join waltrrj alex waldio wm biyn fntostlsnntaltwa- hgtrrihtnatlirr- win mullui ilofijaniln ulnnalrd ptar tiibbona donald mann 8imue1wnrdan uooiir whon nolwlyvtiuiad untbolbyroi an eleotlon bav cununtod to liava our narno mentlcuad in connection wild tbo iuuvealilp uitli thalo coiuldoralloin in riwltwaa1tlniiii3 uro docllnod tliu nlnioul r pressure of frlond on tho day aucocudlnu no ml nation to maid a conutt 4vu liava no daalro foroulooand wo imd no daalro im it on thin eocation wu oiitirjtho field in uood faith for re nuo us abovo alatud and wo uavo tlio way clear for mr mcksnislo aa abovo ataud and dnufatiilato him upon ttto rap tl lien of ihohmior ho liauenjoyetl on former occaiiimu at tlio liandu of tlio dec- tocaof thli munhilpality the man schoolt tbo lltorury horloty hobl nhurremful lhibllft tonccrl nrorly ovcrvncht in tliqlialtwanooou jilod at tlio ii h l ft concert op wednes day uvciifni lt vvnli lni to india- iioultion mr wm miicol uhouauto liava twill ulialrmnil ui onnl nu a hiibatitioa tbo imlldont of tliu kouluty mr j c click who dltcliarccd uitudnllii in a cliarinlnj manner tlio pr on rain mo was a ery puuulntf one tliu eoo3 by miil iid ilradloy nndaiiwy m lorator and totud of tlio rtoltationn buiuu partti larly credit nbu- tlin fullnwlim w tlio virodraiuinc luit i fao ulio men of uarlioli a ii s aluo ciub j 1tcoltatliiithuliovoand tho tdona thomao mlohh i jtiariotn lloatman how ii tint filet ilravu- moarg t uradloy k ii deacon 1 bin- lairand j htoray 4 mualfiv ugu hlw club uaiekravrfeo j momls h kurrott and d hlmllr 0 lucitatlon our iolua miltun ilondoruon 0 glioma aolaaaof bova fl vocal hol atild itohin gray mui kdith ilradloy h ilocitatlon the hdvoiiuo ituurirh wfttiiriill ii choriiboflrrjwlnobftqklo uuio u hlijiclirltlars heranado tlio ulcu club imill ii 1 muilo by tlio orclnnlra mraarrt t uo j mmin a 1 kin- olair j ltoaditiil from tlini men in a boa v waller ktull ii viwal hold tim llottiiidn o iliolorlh mlm mayrto furalir 4 iiarlulj ktumuaii a clam of olru 0 houitation tlio u 11 of hi knynti 1rriilt wlllloma i qnartot twlnklo twlnklo miuacu kliicjlt dcacoiu molood v wullanih 7 a collouy lurry loan x j monda h rioriw 0ml vf iktui our nutlvo land tjuilacluli uon km tin ijcudn aorainpaitlaumuij n malitod and i doacoa tlte ontor wai tiid ttirouchmil tho tiro ui rwuiplh anintiuti ii tu milud uiu pilla fjtlho thu wilt ho du vol id to tho pro- curlnji of addilloi tn tliu intirlor wpilp- 1 nililof tho huildiiiii in etylonf llinuli hlumlidit nf ore ranuo of doaljiuu imllly of papur and ohoupuoau llioio at jtiijitmiiiu hook kloh it untiualad tlew wgptfmet whh kfritom wa- talliiori or hti tmilop iiryvtl caroalya- oaoidw who wpt frttjtfioacitjta of ali uokenabjikitt atfood aod ffujroaohaa efmm l tlta glohm aaja urn wotkad h way into tli front rmuu of cattadlan iuimdmo by abavrforoaof tautit uoweatrinjiiidoairy iil rirfnlaai hotiliy wlipn b had iu- ad tbahlib duoj hwdidiiol acap ui tdiafta of alndr and aba wblah liw lb abaftw of dli lovtfa ablolntf mark uui luwoloanf ealnmy baa lonii bt blunt and tb aobar jodantot and oouaolanoa of iba ooantry now dcuxei thai h tfv to canada tvm years of xoaptlonally part and boooit govardmant tb mill aaya blr john u cdortald and mr maekanxl praxaniaj ia tbau idaa an xaoi anilthala tbo onawaa imperial and diaraalialnitna oiht demoeratlo and gladetooun bad mr maolutwla daaind it b cooldba baen blr awxaoow lonjf c0but ha bad dmaato for till and di- tincuoni and daoluaad wlib gaorgo brown iw stltifmi ba knl4 bv ooi a plain mr maokanxi bowr hewae bone aba ua rnct4 nod tb ootiatry lll loo honor hd tdnvory a that of a man who ruled it co aadnav toltoibu wat tlta uuvirc a joornal oopoaail to himpotlliedllyaaya tlta daaui o tha hot alexander ma-okou- ale removeu one of the mo a promlfnt fist ura in uta political liistoryof canada a tuanof undoubted baraonal probity oni who had riaou from uio lowlleat position in tlta land to the higluat pot in llw jnf t of the paoplu he uoaet4ed a douni nation of oliaraolar uot far r moved from obatlnacy and a powar of lpeeoli which oootaiued niuoh of the force and vlijor of hia haotoh anctator and the naullar energy of hit own dlapoalllou uta rlutobt teu1u0nt tbo departed atataanun wai for many yoara a con l atari ntaubar of jarvaatrit llaptiut church toronto and durinii the raefftltnyeenlue ommuay iuujjtfjiaama1 apoke falinuly of the ma the oonurmmtloc laid john mcdonald jatnou ltow nu gillian auicllwiiikton kdrfldufl- ptv nu viticlurd hliorllll lavl cole tlioa slittilml jtobartlvics chwalopb morfal ptil kenriuly jamae nickah jar- oinluhkinliirr arohlbdld mann john oa bornichu iljltmerulth- i rabam lawaon div notl win mosjeneiayjidm ulna- ham jouinh hliorlill joaoph x tbomuui alex btiiclalr wm j bloau robert mo- jin cry josiah toiinaaitd robert laalle itouorl coojwr ilohflrtlouaogaarttomltto win coh john mcclurtr itohert v held curried moved by mr wrlnjleawoilh locoudad by mr htcwart that the ulavy to 1m paid li tho troittircr of the muhiolpality for hie rvlcj bo ami at ono hundred and tlilrtyllvq duflaru- iwr annum payable quarterly berried yeas mcuire stewart liwaon warren wiljwleiwortli nay dr wauur moved by mr htawart aacondad by mr warren that by law to appoint a traasiir- tar to fix his talaryrto tubno hudutlo and to dulcrmlno tho nature of and the amount of haciirlty to ba ulvon be road a atcondand third tlmoa and paaaed aud 1liat tho llxnkx iwj i hod with the name of itlcliard liraliain uf tliu townalilp of iuquculni dm aalary bo ono hundrod and thirty flvo dollar payaldo qrtruirly and that tho a ii ii of twenty thonaand dollars be uiu amount of aucurity ul van carried irwarra ntwrlffni dr weuler ya sjcbbmhl wortlijnnpli nay moved jy iif iiwaon aaoondbd by mr tttwmlitbnltlui lloovo pay o david coqb tky tijui colour ddllaiu and sixty all co nt btldfv u6thirtevhicjof ono aheap killed bydna tlio owrmr of iuldoit baintf unknown rcarrlcd moved by mr lawaou seconded by mr btowarttlial msser warwn webaur aud tliu movqr ba a oombnllleo ta alawlna tits roxduay b- two on loltf b and ii on be vavar th ooniiiailoii carried moved ty mr lawoon sacoudad- y mr warren umt tho th line oppoilti tot jl jj j and 1 blthorta faro in u tivo roaj divisions be and in intro by j diiud lutjatlier and for mod lulu ony rond division and thai mr iljbart ioan bo tho overaoor or the current jear farrlod movld by mr lawsoit aeouudod by mr warren that tlio truaiuior be and ho is htrubj autliurhwd to pay tu tlta lixooutorii of thu ulo clurk and treasurer tho sum of ninety thru dolltrq aud uovunlyllvo oonts buiiin thoiltaiy dim to april 1st 1hjj carriud moved hy mr lftmuonj iuqiindiht by mr hluwail that tlin trcasnrorbe inslruotod to pay the fdlowinttiicoduuts ihiwaall and nuuhiiuoiiaucnunwut uunkv iiojlt 0 mathtboii ad v loo to collector c p prta ton 8voi hell llro for six hl1 road ucrapru a lu a d cooper oultluk loo and hi im liri jci at atonwilliatu tloo i gjnt auditor u0o wm p aptmlbo auditor 9atu carrlod ilutd by mr htuwart aacondikl by mr iivioii thai tho account of the lata troanumr with this muniolpality aa audit ed by tho ii ml i torn bo acccpiod by oils council ajid that tho ituuvo b initructod when tlio prtipii uanalur of aoaounla umdt to hand to ihuloxccutora ol the late troauurur tho boudu huld by this munici pality carried wmm had sustained there la uo nam uald the revarend doctor ofwhlolt canadians liav blur reason to bo proud throuah all uioyaariof hlspublio llfi lie hat oxhlblted llioll iualltaociruun iianhood ttl all positions of trust that he has lllled he ha maintained m reputation for ability and honesty tlias even hla political opponents could not venture to- nun i ton ho served hiacountry with all the ardor and fidelity of a patriot and with the unulluh aolf-for- ijtlfulnaaaof one who paltoruad hla life af- ur tho dlvioaldoal ho will c down to poatarity with a name fragrant in the munory of the proaent uennrallon and which the qenerallon comlnif shall mantloa wltkrenthuaiaam uswaaoneof wham it mju bfl said that ha loved the nation and controlled hla life by the striates principle of rljih leonine is mr msclunxlerwaa a ucotohman lioro at lojiurall near tho fatnooa tass of kill i orankir january ihjj he had thus oomplulcd tho allotted threo scoro and ten when summoned banc ills father was in the middle walks of life of a sjreuit wblfl family and tho future premlerl got tho uuul tchoolinu of a middtaoata hootcli boy some ilvo years in all wlun he waal j hla father died and he wt jto work as a atouoniaeon apprentice wii hu was 1kj he emigrated to canada a autlled in klntftlon workinti al his trada and taking u keen interoet in pollllcy tin lata hir john a mcdonald and tho hon oliver mowat weroalao in iciniiton at tlio same time in 1hj7 mr mokonxle yilbcr with his brother hopo i moiuiixle moved to tho idljihborhnod of harnla lor w4lmlmuitlniifldlnjitaliiiblrtniia fg ft 4rulua4audaojiuaolor then hl intereit li tiolilice found a vent aud in lttflj ho was odlllntjtho lamblon biiiulo in th liberal aiilrraat hla id 1 tor la 1 work aoonatufaoted atlinllan and lo lflfll ho aiieoceded hla liroesvr hope mokenalo as mp for lamblon onoe in parliamenljiispowera of ilobato and aaijuatntanoo with poll ho prdtent and past plaoed him ia ttt fore front aod jie was a promloant supporur of the hand tl aid maodonaldsloolta and tho maojoneldporlon mlulstrlas that min istry having fallen lie was a supporter of uoufaduratlon after confederation lie baoamo loader 6f tho liberals in lieu of tho hon geo drawn who had been dftfeated in sao lh ontario and in 1873 in con so- juonco of tho paclqa bcandal camo to omen irom tlnnico to ih7d mr mulctualo wax premier and dbllnquuhed jilniwlf by tho treat amount of pructltul work ha aoaeni pllihcd ainonjj tho ootu uaed by his ministry may be inoiiliunid tho ucuoral klrcllun law the cmtrovortod li loo i ion act tho postal act tliu ituoral iusuiuuo act tho lndopcndetiuo of parllamout act tho public acoounta audit aol thocanada temperano aol tho iocnoiuad kiomp lion act tho aou rtlatlnu to tho extradi tion of criminals tlio canadian pacific hallway act eta in 1h7m mr alckutixlus government was over lltrowu on the tariff question aud ho btcinio oncu moro leader of tho opposi tion until ihho when lio was ouuoeailcirby mr hlako in dwj hu uavo up his old oonatiluency of limblou and was elected for i ia ut york of which ho was tho mem ber up tohiu death mr mckunxio waa married twice- hla first wlfo lwliij mlaa helen nidi of krvlnc rlqottaud riho died in lhaj and in 1ua1i ho maniid mua jauohym who alill sur vives lly hla aral wlfo hu had onu dauuh tar who la married to th uajohn pure powdered lyje nimir stbomout but au win the t eaton co limited- iuo youifahttoriulfl lilllt02 the qunljty of our carpot trado iiuh boon giowing as well iibtlio volmno- tho now- cht dosigimnvo rondy lor buy rs cf tho lntost amount thoy como to ni direct from tlio makcm abroad mid with such ndv milage tlmt wo enn hell lot- thvceiuttileraol what wod huvfo to got u bought on this nido bignetfb giveb vemitility mid biiyiiis power you icnp tliu iminulit ol our extensive tucilitich in bolter c tlinr tlio nverngo nt lower pricon tlmn tutuvfirdgo another udvnntngo in tlie iilanllilyjjjyiua nf tl0 utoclt it iunt isbrxl of lust ycnrb sty lou however modern do- uignu nro nuw mid choice in ploiiuing cilccta mid nrtiatic color mid comuinntioiih tho immoiiho vmioty ipurtlycom- proliondud by tho fact thnt wo show 75 tlylea in llampa fio llnioiii joo tapmtrloa ko inurftln 100 uruucli ill wllloni with room und light enough to dinpluy them to good uilvuii- tngu tho dtyirtuieiit iiiih boon relbieud by idditionnl uuloapoople mid evory condt lion inmirth prompt uml elu- ciotit nqrvieo in tho innkiiig mid lying carpota enn io ordered now and hold until wanted kntiiiintua iliriuhliod upon application lor nnj iiian- tity of lloor ioveringa in every dchircd style iimitvu 5st eaton co imih iftllmimjmi i ihjl ii ruu you aware that hollinrake son co have purchnaed tho huailiosa formorly carried on by tliouma woodholise at king st east toronto firt clnns gooda are being bold nt bankrupt pricea what would you think of buying bltr umcum la a ppc frl butloo lo ioua isa uet enlltra for 7jo vally jrt uood from fle up tliouuod ol yrda ol uaollful uw draaa eooda to blck 001 vuwu oiul ory kllrlmd oluvltila tlio oorraol itilt doohla fold uo e yard itumatiio aloalt of oajpata ftml oil loutaprl6tti away down our buyer has just ro turned from montreal whore ho mode an iiuiuongo pur ichase ol hoanonablo dry gooda at a big roductionj jiho publie willreap the boiiullt- whon you aroip toronto llwhothor you wiah to buy or not sammk8 mlttkd f 0f arpiiioawon oariiage paid on parcels of 10 up hollinrake son co 13is 127 king st east n 81 jamu cauudiaj toronto y6t thblhtof april iv will juiverall thel j- niroiit tyl6alifit will soil thont at reasonable prlceb- i i 8 my iicaltli wing itobiowlmt bollor i am aiill oouliulu uio luaiaefi bull am qpopto toll out tho wbolo ttaok to ojijoao wbomy wanttobay ililciratoom tho dollar itmemlr wo wo ullius ill lunou of dry 06o4aclotbiug e very luuob bobw rognlor rirjooa adrthom80n th grogery t i deuiro toannounco rat i have in stock thofincst gortmont of provlsionsfraits m ever boon in goorgctownalbo u fullline of rnllilloiiltllriy i havo n eomplote atoclc of everything in tho lino of grocoricb and proviaiona which will bo aold nt tho lowest pomilble prloen for cub a call ia iobpoctfully roquobtcd j mcdebmld georgetown useful beautiful t j wheelef bflbra ono of tho moat iimgnifi- eont ytocka of xe0uksm watches7 evor ahow u tii tuo touuty people tlo naif core to pinchum nnytliihk without knowing it ia gonuino i guarantee my olocka and watchoato bcoxaotlyaa roprosontcd jewellery anrl stook nnloct gold ringa brnoolota ohnrma c silvowvuro of- the moht elogant designb spectacles fancy goods im wheat varietv prices squeezed stock hieroased t j whkblmr georgetown if you want a piano organ sewing haching gbothes vringeb ciu at cbkelman bbob auo hjirtct tub- v knitting maghin iteoiiiob next tb tho sewing maoliiuo-os- labsr bayer lawn moworu ropairod and ground to cut do- good aa nw sowing moohiuoh ropairod etc