Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 27, 1893, p. 4

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carters lltle- ivfr 1 ia fr i fsss5sss mmmmm i i l tsitlta ciirw 1- vkwnmimiwt if cuareaa uwl f jvu rnjjor wr h aad wy p f 10 ink- vim iho nilw dnae tkif ar tuhettf p bptfripaarfnvk but ivihrlrirrfttlr otl pcmis wm tlwm- in uu m tflnm- st pat tl bow mrrywhfv nf vt1 by tuall caini xtncxxs ca toyii frndhl saall am wfc olauid lrlpua lauwef urcaa 7 31 m fmrmntjar ii 1 w mortem mo oonra nrr iprm mlsed jaoxmfl aotrrif ijimi ji bbsksflpr jpibii iw jfi j fiit to bonsai ofriyja we awjia otmatfa wbtel- tbrdywliioboaaarl intlryvllowcloek paloai tit drebtuh burned the roaplo glowed celawtjaj roayred and the euoehinel uvery hamdram mad with cloth of gold was epreod dflwn in their toddm garden bade i aawtba brlekwloda took tho deffodillua ehapy heada tbo aoowtfrop wr wfcajj u tw wojwtmrrtintbj ao4 band crept dp it annoy wall tba rot pal oat a timid band to creep tba trellla fall jycfaword- about piices jv uiin fcrrwh choice goods f jitn pr tinrnrthal i s li i f- jf hdowir sri jillr a 1ttvo apd oflijct onc maii m4to vry wealed rurrvouav and ailing ohc it u purntocd to bring licmib ntul ctroiigtli to every sufltfer from caurrh do matter h bad thfl caw or of bow ionp stntidinfr tbo pntprieuir of dr 8affoa catarh ilcmm i aay tbu if wo cadt euro ila perfectly and permanently wotrj pay you 1500 in coko ooldhj td dmggau fffii electricitv in drownino ca5bs wretrfclty bat bam luoafblly apyltad totb rfeaoit4oa of appacvauy drowaad ow waur or two tn imp andvaok brlow waur tor two tnlpaiaa whan rov eoad bw vu belavod to ba daad bat ti applloattoni of tha vlonirioal earraat pai d botwaan fcba bapaof tka tuok aod lb baart imtorad him to animation and q utwfct rwry fiwftiiatlg tjfmvya lih sp j etm day win wl ck dock luuf boor trlfe wnuw for iwo jr boudsakcgms rla4tlanepewl ubjrortanltwlm 1 solid blltr sooolr8foonlj orgvtowo only i call and 8ee thc8e g00d8 remember comhwmtfmt m voi-ifiifcll- carftori thub urll ttatotmt 0 m wm memet sor etaht yaara i wai troubled vrllh l aom on my lay ulilcli reuullid from bavlndu brovo iliodocloru ltiiit mo in boot nv nioutlia trymii to boal it tin buk all to uo purpom i tried all tan of tudwa unlmoulu olntmauu pilla ruid blood inadloiiuw bufcylth uobomilt lu 188s it booaiio w bad that i bail to bib ou ona elmlr and kcap my toot ou au other for four inoitthi i eoiim not put my foot on the yromul or tlto bliuul would null out ta a ulrwttn and tuy by uwclled to twice lu utural biko klmvxn running softcs dvfttiid oh it wlitoh reduced iio to ft llvltiji akelblon 1 loat to ihu in fnur tnaiuhu vrumil aikiaid ilaw wgg for a oat mot waur for apraloa hot umonada for cold tarpaalld for loohiaw uot uilk aa a aumouht balll luw oyatara for hoaraaoati tat on aa for wb loofl qoiekunw la waur for polaoot milk poddlnk and uawad fia for bil lloaa dyipapala tboajtb bmttra lhekklaattbltf i i u aaaan ta in an gotta olr tnal pcopa aboold ba mot alaitlo wbtb comatb tba apring of lb jar tlloibmpitoj but iwoiildliatfnrlhnow y would ultoniyloi than wanted to rpllt it opon mid k raia thy akoniylotf off ilio diuto titabouoi but i was too wenk to i tmid tliaoporatlou ouo old huly nuld it lnl turuad to black cryuliwlai uiid could uevor ba our i liad nwor huird of u unlock lllool bltura tliun butbrood of iwulubitert llev mr btwi wlawlmd boeu ourdd of a itovort abitftm on thuiuk by uull uter moilloaj nid hud fulll uud i tbouuht i would try it i waultod tha led wltlt ui bltjen aiul took thtiut noeowllu ti ulroolloiiu after uluf ouo boitl i oould walk on cmjclntf aftor takbigtltrtta i tlirow away tbo croleum tookauythii aud weuh to work it tha aldv atuuiiudtvf tlw abttb bottta wy bhtwalutlvuy boalod up i plmmof ooo bono had worbftd out af it and tha oorda oaiua back to their natural pluc ajla thai ww uluo yeara ttqo mid it ha uovur brokuu oat aluon x con jlv miloa today u fb aa- ttuvdiu and all thli x owe ir u u vbki oartainly tuvod my leg if not my lf x oluarf ully raoommeud it to all fcttffrt4 olva d 13 b fc trial it wlu cuw you a itdldlna voura truly wu mtnt ht va po ohi wl v0 hiindorwui tha uruiultif 01 uaryd out oerlulo to oiiejtu oj trathfalnaaiof tttoromarknuohtatoiucut kdilby mr kfonoauud atroajr vd tbaadrarluavg cl uooda baraaparilla apptab to tha lobar ooaattob ksat of tbinkiotf paopw bacaaaa h la troi and u ja alwaya folly anbalontutad by andota wbleb in the flnaaolal work woald ba aa- bapudnhopttt momantabaai tfaay uu tb atorydooda ooraa hood rille oortilw du jtuualn bfl fooautw alok hiadaoba ooaatlpatioa- tbaro kra yrprill and sanapar ulaj but it oo ara a4 earafnl in yov povohaa tb dwaaa yon wub to ear will only ba intainiawr ba aura yon net jwa barwapasluaab4aootbar xiuoampoond ad froat tha fioculnrua root and otbat high ly aeooiitlrahflblutmtivaa noobatriawa btur lbnthoawboba uud cavli n llttbt llwr puia wbat 1w thay havuiflvan whn takan for dyapapau diniitt plu la tba fclda otmaupatioo and dlaokuvtd ktoaab i la only l uu bu rbaunailiu baa b talad am a uood dlaaaa bnl that tbla u h oorrmft tbaory la pravad by tba eitbaohlluayy auocariundbgtbaaa of ayarabakiaparilla in tbia palnfal ood vary ptravaktfl toaiady it hldoat fau ol tmdloal cum a to will dlmw will j tirdi- uyulliatuovv kfonderful ouren iwvo boon miulaut riot ordt re ouwd by uliouv awu iftiujolyabtn einba ourd by unlnu cuwra pjjtju livr 1mi- kopajamripluuadla ormmfott auaading thlr uu try ibeu purest stroxqest best mak no alttm airiooou libm phoapbawa or aay injoi lw olllrrt toronto orrt- babaooa wjlltwanoi browoavabay ind ooya x badbaan in a dutraaaaddoodftlon for throa ytara from marounoaa woak- toaaa of th btotnoeb dyapaaaia and indl oration odtu my btb wia gpa x had baaq doctoring oonalabtly with no raliaf booitbt ona botua of south amariean war viim wblob did ma mora ood tmua up worth of dootahnjt x avar diditfaatbfr x wcold odrlae avery waakly pajaos to tbu valuabu and lovaby ramady i a faw bot tle of 11 bave cored mo ediwplewly i oon aider ii tba srandaal medtolnain tba world a trial bottu will oonvlnoe yon warrattt- ad by 0 13 morrow koollelt bpavltj xjnimnt removee bard of or oallotiaed inmpe end bumlw from horw blood iavin eurba tbvu rluu bona awmnay ktitb aor and ta ollan throat ootthe ato bbvm im by tor 4 of one botlbf wmiwimi tha moat wonderful blatnlab ear avr known vffnttii by o k morrow drtwll t ioa9 wfaen baby wj t w ifav lir tejtade wbm aba o k child eu rulxr cwimu wbime jtrftfimiimk hi luutf to cutorle the g j pneumatic tire ii li ijlun a vwy phytutm tb tona bul m ummitioi imluklo bu an ba 6ft iulionbaiabahmui3lllii o k motrmj lie ujslt 10j 410 tad ludy naj j3u um uoi bvkib nor uuuy omw 9wun cinuilnfj onk uluill ibr piblrboro lijlclm co tlmlfcrf u kl llbhy ut uu hi uu in tho idurmh r b umo uubrtyo kliliuy ud llv q a tfalrbutl touoouid tmotl trqio n b dklmt titlly bialo lbni fi mat bill tbybliliimwho c ur liuu uw 1mii wi wj u hkutkvkmobr dav ril4 i nll hlunly rttttithim yurdpmloml lulu au tlml im my waj for ortuult iw- um uovr wltbaut it ih my ba4btloi bioriloraviutt cmi lu notaft a tiooltm iukov unmud1to0raabl- muly ijiumry coalbdlluu to tfco omob tbj unlud uuutuxl ounb tbla h 4lllou alll 0i0m uy iw 1m u bi uiumlttv uuu alloaod o kum ik rrub n from d lunl uolola tbo bl vkamu la jia utlaa llrt qrujala mjlmlauou 1000 la oou uouchu j- luoiooou h loolouold 5 a iml hllwr im bonlom punofc 0 ruba uold vubh 0 4tl ouklog jx1 of or 10000 kuw uow to baicha taiab tol im jno altulbauutuleualouior uksm ra bkut uia uauubur ol list old llvublialloolh owalluli i uiil- rhifdy 1 hui iy ll abeau of papar and tnalw all tba worde you eaaeonlalnad in tba worda t kxpoaltiwa mpd aaad tbam to ua analoaf klpoailiaa abd i imi on dollar for at monthe wbaaripttaai to tba aurionltavu o the xadw bjpowj alaaaklna two of 4ba beat bow moonmna in tba world xtuue 1 vorauu wotda not ltowad it xiur oanaol b uaad otlatwf than thay appear in thw two wordu oolombtau x poaiuoit ii nweaaa af plaeaa and bar- aone brrt all liita over 100 oorracl word wiu r olve a valuable uomui prla bend poetal card for lit uf urll wltmari in tonnar oompftltlona addra tun aumccttootav tc co wukboroogbi oeqada i ubeutuallaui ouinni in u day boutb aworloan ltltautuatlo our for ubttamatumaiul naurabjla radjoally ftra in ltd 9daxutebawnpooth la kituarkabla and wjaurloua it removiw at miw lbs tauw and tbo dletaa immedi ately dlaappeare tlw flrt itoew tfraatly banwtiu 7o wot woviaaud byvq4fale ktokrow on trial for 80 days tbfwl nbw uul uiht u ol euf waluliuutottaort tkwbu raumlloodr vbraotmtlmolt ibm nt wuikuuuirkilxuuluodyiuiy uioin oulru ivthnohliallui unari iwol hmill oa wuili biu1 lor book 4 tfl j w mu tt ct wiuimiv ii your dronl1 oyo bo dom a know uylbldtfobooltbuoiimi umwv kldoay kod uw cut bom ksoud riu to imnbom modloaoo limited pi4obort 6ol atlbla mu61i tba koala of ulurb- ooi oold in tbja bd ih tooat mrloooly 1 jl jujo alidour uf and lulll ii not ioollnly trooud vox ib iwrpomt tliw la uo thttv- wly xiuola maul uoloi prompt in 41 ilo nlttl aiid uovw lalli to cui bold by au daalua uo a boltb by null i oat p allov o t yullnl d to uoovl0 0t t3aath la aa tawooont r ojea hbetbatatpcatllrtoldlmw m pott their children da u o oaoono lcrwoo vau ttlb4 kmt nntoily for cutdran of a bfcot tatormtorlrcuutvtiaivltacutorlaid leofdiflrariottaqtaickb 4cstrejfasicii lotwl6bbeva fotclaoactti7 inaa aootblotf ayrop and odwr hurtful l down ibtir throau tharebr aaadhc midlcioo fir ehlf- gaaterlvl e 1 1 irtimmmil f fwto bnouu iaa il a attcnaa k- tt iu co q imoalj wt otirrlwiclnwio the hlia depart- neat baeijokan kuwf oudr 9- aujwfbw ool mewbraysi kidney aniij liver cure ii m j konrldhrniliwrdjrlm sliotr bwiooo uodryiaafir0 hamilton ftfodneo th wa ar re to tnaruaoc oaauwt ba favor span it varrso naaraal axo ta 3 v kmcataoc oopwar ar ooavttl katwwy mawt xtway tawfcomy oloc- ub ifawt far only f 0 lb t ms o ouc lw t j1- 0 60a haw t us 0 ioo t im 0 k0 b t- 1w g c setttn jvve the season for gardening and housecleaning htuowlinra aiiltlioplaooor youttp boy your hoot bakoh spades shovolu wooden forks piowhuca rope cornico poles gluo carpotiolt hnmraorg hinges hooks stapicb nails putty mopuccks pails paints varhislios wliitiug brushes zinc etc is at kennedy t cos habdwabe stobb a-eioiaobirowir- oisrar htsl0pumeildco the largest bicycle wjare- houseiri america fa noted for tlio bust nnilxjlnssiiobt whools in the dominion our machines are all prizewinners sole agents in the dominion for the celebrated whitworth humbek belsize spartan 77 qyciies see these wheels at jagksons b05k store georgetown r thorntons norval gplcndld stock oow belntf opened up prints cretonnes muslins oingbams dress goods shirtings i cottons oottonades splendid stock of boots and shoes tries ufc lowest prices excellent volue in teas ui this dopitrtmont is in clinrgo of mr w h adams tho popular cutter no tit no pay ig a largo uud woll iibbortod utock of buitings to vhoouo from hornton norval 20 lbs kln cattic mode any 1 of cocoa tforf hplooaorboldol pow dor lor 100 uqm hant u poundefiurrabtti for 7 nikfruir apicoa for boou lit poiiiidoi ixittlvikinifeoda for 7 pound blitlnii for sso aid 35c 3c 253 o ii rueiitytoaofort77777we i ulo 1 rtih meealu for 35a sboye itinlfar match for soo 13 boie iitatohmtor 1d pouttde u for 35 hamilton tea coy 2b 27 kim8t west ec ja 3c i l to ur oavtv i oopyaioht uj ui tax tt uuiie cia ireeof efeetaolaiae jwuittffjmitm laroot drtilaitt ufanr olwitle paaer tie sit u 1 1 t u s 1 1 j ilt waaa fjbjkslac 7rrtljini hmniba atlilrm mpxjri sx raarr bum rnr ounaatc tnrkub dyefi ape tic for tbanaafftf wa are not comr ed to dbyaraga other dyea to mtl rtflij5e llfu musjc books -r-aiiia- khiv- or musical instruments uauiifdoluiire o llniil itutrtltneiilitnnuii do muio kiiumvcrj irlutere blthottraph- cm uud publuiiur tlu lariiflt titook in cmiaila to ehotwo froni tlul ur jiiice bjfordimrolutuisauowuere and wo liiouuy uueelal turmo to lkl yaaeher and til throfajwlowt some of our recent publkatloni bono my soul b0a haorl diiu by nrllu bmith la 0 cfc flt compare u to iur if ad lib kuumhd yhlnkalwu se amin oitj t wauldal it ba nice 4o by oiuhlng hlghlwb quarde 40a jawui fix ufaervinotaaalierllkan 8sc dance mu5ic- lacroeu jerty h lio tfmth40 maaay hearit u- cere by nli btnitbk0 barmaid wjuet 0 v uvra o uveepromleewihieic- mr toaodt at toronto watttaa by ohaa vj itohuer ma the be8i set op waltzes ever moduo ed in cahadjt krrber wu aro meiiufeoturera fab- uliurm end llttutfral ddaura in arory tiiiiiot utruiniuj to a flrt c ht f muvlc supply houo 8eiidfur laulou4h muuoalatf good ragulred whaley hoyck co lflbyonoest tohonto prrqrs of younb 0ld pf lwaaiamnoy eugivd tv haxeltods vitoerl lddnui eikimlu n tsuaptw j jt u uaikultrom omdaated tbennaoli boo veoaa auataj tnroaii qat jou hate avr- ulstoj okojii slwrf

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