Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 1, 1894, p. 1

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s w ulm otrtliwl wuklu nvblti 1w- 1 j advebfldlfo bates atp ijaj a- im m lncha 09 00 n6 06 7 00 id isohaa b00 id 00 um m i inobm 90 00 ii do 7 00 i m itaob too loo loo loo ejfbt eant pa una for flia inaartloa ljnitistaptf lino for mohnbatqt ji will b obligator all alaihaamnw mild awwanll bdjw abbes iiuotuut rroorwo bdsltfess plg legal u 00odwhjub nona pualm jsosostow 0t t matiikson ot b melieod hi ttitmauma offloe of ih ooonty orowo auwaay for tbo oooiily i halloo coovrymolnil wca buooy to loan l lowtt nm ooorgaumd hkmcal pb wbb8teb pnvaloum bbuokoui a aecoucaaa 0oorttoo j nerval dr wobalar apasial obor day ow towal ruauay kiay ud haturday mini a loalroauan l mr r r bamtbwolutlnuumofrn farluiiauronaorfnw ucn favnuw urn will attend tututumt vat a copy of to llloa umtad uurrloiuuja uallad fra addraai himipu hacaxaiick goalab oalarttf georgetown floral view tli newest and and out flower retail fbneit design prepared ad shipped safely- teuphen atraneuaiv oholoeofr plant whole i and wedding o shortest notdo any weather jy a w nixon t d m 0 1b o fllo and waldanofl df mill at deorgalown flftfe and waldanm br wabl offlo dkntal x 0 mokjnlay l d b soaoaon oaxrur oaoralon vlalu j aotod at aunaw houlonlhaaaaona and fourth wednaaday of aaab raontb s j e wilkinson ddj3 ld8 dknii8t a010n nosib but flralclaa ooawtlona par- foffoad dr gollop dkntibt milton will vlill georgetown tb uwtuid and fourth moudaya of each month campa mitel ai1ct10nkkkh su cook llcattasd auctioh appraiser vlaor iil hkulu hfftmy o 3cotui from 1100 up ft 8 9idr u uftfthj otm wiu o1m prottipi ft wjd hiiubtilket liommavd abo kumml foit ui cottiiilt of wftllinftoa uiabautoji onurtlafuuiarw hath offloa or ft my irldtt in aokm will tm frrompuy fttumud to tnu wommy lou alw mooy to loftu ob th too fftvortua farmfl ftiid tm uwi lowt fimi of lnterwi in mum of woo ftm utwmlm 1iih0kllankouh 4 b ocodwilub yihu ov uikuldh xiiovxas ohamilrtowtf omv- o k uaiulell buor- tvivuj outt uaxi uluuldotto obomi vowk uhldlttvi haiftilibitf loo a ouftouili4d wu barber a buob panm mamoiiotoitmili cuorgvlowu ooi prisuiitf ftud wmpblaif fmbw oou lunlly on hind juid bubd to ordr ohoeolitown oajlriaolfi woakb oct a mckjuatw propttulor um4u iwotatwnt of oftkrutfmd bujgui wfttf 0cma buiithtt dke lupftlrlaj ad aov- j biftalumilhlnjf wantjsd salesitfenf hho mil ft ubolco litis ornunuryfuaek llb- l rml uiury or notntuliuilum tuild wmkly wrnuaeul kuj tyiutf romfo to kj man bpial ittdumiiibiiu iualy urrlurryklvou ir tuurwl wiiuat vbm fbtf uitaih u tu mwkj nuruty ca kkuur w y ft fresh mkats bfthmtfw bftoob tlftuh ao jas m bhgk cla b110 choicodt moutu of all kinds hut faally dallrutd j m buck qoorgetowu insurance firjlife and accident jjyn a t ebtatb bold ob excuahoed unltoingouttbr llio orriokio mtoodwlllluw umlutllr iuid4beohjurl4wltt6 0 x bo umurmttij llm1 kiuli mod datwrvl aoy erfng- ik cuaipn tt3 rjaib ayers 8arsaparilj cor full iwo iir i ruffrcj itrmi hieumatkm tnul v u frwut utly u ueli eondlilotf tliat i roull hardly walk o knd tlu reatwe it iir1icil we f u o lm bvlittfl 1 ut tii ilia com lilnt w 9 ttirnettnn 1 t wntf n4 i ully iffllcux m g ever aytr kirttpir 1u lclnsrn- build 1 fcnlal to iry it nivt tur uilmtf t18 imltlcii 1 11 cnmplpmf g eorttt if fotit quictiluclijrla 5 1 the jonly admitted at thb wonriys ofloooooooqooooooooooooq curii ol it mjtalclptlll o lha to- fclp ol f t etauaalad bardlcrt old fact011y tlio peoples pjamng mill ilaalora in ltotijib andluadolttftqr bar iooflai blladarafoolihiisa -ib9fl0i- marriage m licenses suu uorlltiumail xamtiw aireuttlv wliui o- drwo iamiijj wiwtwfi t 1 kftf i ooomr u jid ib fl of lippeiibo v tfbfcctu lha co on to b rk ioa irfcm bt olotao took y tfatartui j id u for cdogu of iror dayf j vo taaim io me ud wll ax l ltvlftklimmlbtm ui i kootfiftmld mr luu to hlmiwilf bo wh th wortdtfood for ifddoadttsk4fttilo4t btur to b fooud ft lc umw ibko bo4 do it bo ttdy jim hh bo to taora thn ft mk oiof mr luivi ofllw boy ha urud off on ft brhdt po with hi murm vid psptrtf ptoud of 4ry ohanea whlob now okino to bltn of tltowitijf bow llnly nd bow fftubfol hm coold b lo th per fonsadcbff of bl bt dulloa ikidi mvireola to tarn oo wy nor nouwr till 1 gei my toff ta whr lo ho amid jim ft bo taokod the ppra maiyqndrbuftrtnftnduokadnnpjsap of tbo dosto or mora latlsn 1mpotia j reckon bo went oo wllh ft rluum of gvtwl r pc tit bmjnw iiim tnydopojt aoj i boftbd tfaoftitaii4tbtwbih4t aaddttm tbi0dnioatd doah rok for bin inliy 4 imf if avo eiouikui j forth anl dboi ran th old nun in dbi ti often ft womftna desim to d ifeooglbt inboreiret tbowry toportwu bniilioelftl npnmtwiy oumo bo toftjdtt for oftib do not gatit on tnut tttpirwuilldbftoo lb u of tbthmp bat o ftuy umh uluo moooy you imi so ootidt tb oot well of bwnjf wall and dont raa the old mu lo dem dont ran the old nun lo debt dont tneke lor blm worry ftod f v oar kite yon my fly till u tooobee the r bat dont ran tb old nun in dnbt 1 he qalten dxhht to coebopphaodoaht the bobby of matron end nld for women uko pleeenri io looking aboot when bcftollol good w d bet juu ihei yon n3gb nooq ln ie desire their purchase knlbt oaotejoo regret dont buy any good that yon do jul iultw and dont ran the old men la debt dont run thi old nn in debt dont make for him worry ftod fret boy the things- thatyod need bat el ways take bead and dont run tho old man in debt vwslwdfti mh r say tbaresitutf wrote in letter sonjeuuee ee u more dipodantn even if yon was endln mooey lotem yon wouldnt thlok so but thats what they says and if any body e likely to write imporunt things us mr lane- btralubteoimi llmeelf with the import- aoos of hvlrri to do with tattlers of sttcb importanoe jiu turned up slalrway and dallvued hie papere to mr hill- tho message tour qranbwaj duly given whan though oo may the love of nloe things tbo boy turned in the tlireouotf ol the poet tnred to noerlnsblvoauncj walneeol llaee oot turnln- bjuubu end luml ltalle e a any tnimblue worn dwiw on abort nuoa ae we run by wur towr ftpd can start on tnotnenti pollee give us a coll and soe our pricob adam watson manager choicest lines boots shoes genuine clearing sale for is days at john ganes a free sample or tun k kowly dlbooverod foam yeast can be obtained ivpm mckay bros mil jl jtv jl j jl mbce over i w xtnnedy t cdi harder stor ghougktowxt osr it is at- porrins that you get rocenes provisions proit c frouli and in all roupoets to suit you a alntro of your jmlroiiugo is bolioitod alll goods promptly do- hvorod stohe llltmoaj aboil iioxt drumuaoudi daperrin just a word- about prices e nini to null choico goods chonp wbilo our pricoa aro mado xvh low as pobuible tho quality of our goods will always bo found tho best wo quoto a few prices gente silver lum wind waulum welnli screw back ami front cd 0 00 04uta nickel ttom wluj walthtm walob warrantod for two yoari 7 00 gauls gold fillod cajw warranted for flfteeu dari wllhiimiulno amarl eau moveioeut j 19 00 lftdiu gold filled aiuoricau watch wtrteoud f or flflou yors r fo c ladiae sliver ttltt wind watohew j od lftdlee nickel watclioau food llnua kaepiri i 66 eight day walnut ami oak docks i half ttour strlko warratited tor two yeare k 0 solid gold gem riull 4 elotiaa pearl lubyorturqiiolaet 1 6tf belld bflrtr bouvoblrbpodtiifttohed georgetown ouly 1 in gall and see these goods tjwheeler georgetown bnt underslftod and underwear dainty and light wbals the use of ft diamond elaap on ft bend thatalwbyele hidden from eight t on ornament that are eonoeejed from the view dont lei jroor affeottan be ast bay only the things thai are useful to yoo and dont ruo tho old man in debt dont run the old man in debt dont make for blm worry and fret pray look oat when yon bay pretty thing that ootn blgb and dont ran tho old man in debt your neighbor of oourae yod may try to ont thine ti ft falling thats bommoa to all perhaps from the first that was nature design or maybe it earn with the fall but dw be by prompting of vanity led lloweveryourwuhee may sett if eve had bar falling it cannot be said that aha ever iftnadamri debt dont run the ohrnania debt dont make for blm worry and fret belly luli and gty 1f yonw ball la thai way but dont ran the old man id debt ftfjoltf iu offior which was some little distance far- ther on what all tfiestorowd f somebody run over or sotnetblo t jim stood for a motritnt after rounding a odrner and odmlog face to fans with e aoene of copfuslon oom enoogb on city uraebtv len and boys wen ronnlng from r directions towerd ft certain polht and in ty few moment several hundred people were oolucted jim paused for ft moment tie oould easily kp tn the other aide and aooomp llsb hhj errand without dely a feeling in his heart told blwthli we the thing to do forftjboyjfcbo stops to ascertain the by and the wherefore of every ttreet eons eeouqn will hav little time for anything el but he turned ft little allowing hla self to mingle in the crowd it only a couple of bootblacks he bard me one a ty gat knocked down and ran over it we oiom upon where a number of jim comrade used to gather for work what if it should be any of them t more wulihgly be moved with lb crowd until n found himself unable to choose which way he should mov make way i som member of lb polio foroe wr clearing the way for the approach of an gmbalano jim m hustled rudely lid and the paokaff of letter thrown on 44fcgvbhl band a boy tabs trusted tak thee leuar to th poet omoe ye sir get a postal artier to tfal address lodh aetldg one of th utters and tnolde it iii it yea sir garry thru paper over to mr 1i1u ys sir slop at mr orem in th jffjroa block and ask him toeuptroundtofteem anything eleet a the lawyer paued lp hiawtuu b lively about u nonotdtouljlmtotollvel we bad within a week been rahwd from hi poel lion a newsboy to th dignity ot oaot boy to ur lane lb hywyer a proud and happy boy ws jim aj b dreeeed b1mef in the clothe which mr laa hd given blm a an advance on hi wegea chan all over he u survey lug hfea hit with tn air of great attlafaollou oimu from top to to and itu going to keep 0uv1 too new thai i lav ehauo mo in alloy wa a no more goin barefoot and weariu rags cuau all over i abo jlnv fee grow sober a h stood reflecung im boln to keep olean iniid a wellucbteldr hvittm me a qhtnee atft im goln lo show him im worth it ye 1 am willi jump and ft wboop jln eprftng lolo lii nw life full ot new resolduon mr lan had met him iluplng torldcnly on th street omburdttud with an fcrm fal of nawepepers while slljl veakwu th rullf long lllneeif b having juat been diaoharged froniiuabcspltai xb young uwytr w shriek wllb pity at th sighl ol th wppeauiig ya and ound ol th quiveidgg volo which scetned full ol g world craving for help which no band seemed ready to glv beern to m you ere not til for eobb work he tald kindly a b bought a papr 1u u ilroager iwid i bti a id jim a b gftv th change u doeent look a if b had uohebano itf lasy ct frm itaslut ftrly knowing jjow to fcp tbwm astf bs tb rotor groalog j op fete sirtftdy if oimed fso yon tbooghl i malm m ail but i didnt 1 hel tw of m i tn sorry and 1 11 go awny and 111 bring baostae clothe yod dv me j mr lone lookod gravely at th emejl fignr etandlng in snob olter seefabaeemenl bmfor him evsiyuiiojt aboot it the- thin with it sppeellng ejf th stooping shoulder and th air of graersl nejeotion see to oolt ln telling the story of bos bard life had been on him and bow heroin we this icatfa telling wblob tnum result in tbe casting away of th old rood foriao wblob had rr com to him the gravity melted into ft wail i ilka a boy i oan trust iaid ut lane y seidjlm wltb a daepaffing sjgfa yon thoojtht you toonld trust m to tak oerejif them utur and now you know yodoantv thioa4uih 3f ms se 3rerfnuyell ooi ewltahmrtada ebgn invfrltf bcwnpetl miitjrijjkfi wuop ondrtaodraaly f we wlwtbet ilwld irffw aboot v in- thurold world tamtafj truth you ueednl go jim i want you to stay asloagsejyou can do the square and honest thing ifou hadnt told me thonub 1 sbonlj have ut yod go to bight lotl knew yoa bad lost ib isuere some on picked them up and brouubt than to m kew vork oseeavxa with a cry of dumay b eloopod to sather them bat uv pnuur grew heavier ssb wj deepejtelyenalobmgtbeu from tutder th crowding rempllugfeeu oat of th wy you young simpleton i do you want lo have the life trodden out of treat your boy a though utey were of lomkluporunee if you would have them manly and tilf relienl b careful at lb 11 til eodruile you bftubot upeol your hoy to he reeptolful ju wi forcibly raised lo hi feel and iboagbiluf and kldd uuuu yoa flrtl set pressed far lo uu aid counting th let b th example ttr he fouhd thftt two of ufeu wr ml votf would brfve your boy nskb you lag but ii was no oaa trying to fight bu way to wbeip b had lot them ila wa obliged lowslt uutllth crowd wddupert- ed and ba with ftuvipairlng kuut 1 snvdo hi way to th pae but po utter wlnflhere pootlm mailed th recovered cue and iubn began wobdnlng if h should aver go bok to llie cflleo wbatu i uy tf bo ask me if 1 ull bin heil i bin k i at a goodfoi nooflbl and ilk a not hell turn in off course h wttt if i ull him i mailed cm al pvapa hell nevor find it out yee lll ecbackt if k doo find it out be cant do no wore aniinkkd aodlhal won make m leal half o bad ai the loeiu am jim wnt hack and pm his beet alun nior rasilt round lii elrut audjiettln iou ttftha perforbisnce t bu duller but round the curbstone no mora eleeplu it w g long and 1 we long and lioavy day ur lan bad a plcaiant trutlful way with paopl with whom bo camo in oauieot idoreaaad by pity and liking orujm which led blm lo trial blur with a kludneaullrely new to to iiuu srabtjim oould easily bav bon harsh uagebul ihu we loo much fckllni kvery pfeaiant word ipoken to bin aeenied to appoal directly to bis tauut f right o un ln tho cruel flgiil for an isfeooe- wbloli had been ordered forhltkl dulltd od niothirevl but now awakened totonew llf- asttlgltt anaui jfiaaal a boa in lb hallway ouuida utooillbe and did a lit- luearnisluilnliiiig folntetand do loiigert bo i caut b said la iiuaelf with a fatiarn look through th ceati 4or at the jaul room id whlolttf wa altmsdy beginning io f eel a proud i of part ownership ii thiakln m iuvj ii bonatt sort of a boy as uol thy kind to do mwn uu jstjhltnd tbingt andw lojag bu iatr jd tuver ulun him rftbeoiuurw inlparuat theme for the thoughtful a gooi man need no monument w ara all ruled by what w lov tco divide a sorrow with another will uabtedis lo btaa goe willingly wber hi heart doe not uad th bigbeet atauod in jif 1 uken on step at a time th more brotherly we act tb more iwotherlywsfeel god will not give to o any more religion than we will use troseesloa that is all pretension baa no lndueaosrmopl for evil th man who u willing to do wrong in obtain rich cannot an joy them tb beat aoldler i not th bravest but lb on who obeys order th beet god alms al th heart whan b tumi tb artillery ol bu truth at a sinner deed of lov ar more precious than jewel broanee thsy cannot be bought it pay to read book that will auk you thluk and dig down into yourself you may not b ajbl ta set peopu to read the bihhi but yod can mak them raid you it u hard- to hv4 n isvlval la a church where ajgtybody want to be a brigadur soerrv b uindf ol of god jlu all th imall fhloge of life and you will not forget him in tb tb great on vjtcm th iuu how th quretion wllh ghiui wa not how much can i do for myself at jour expense bat bow much can i do for you t that poverty end troue w a bard ta and emooy not attasoily bympetbetio- y joog man aeld tbe stem father pparlusuddattyai the door of the parlor and holding it open walkout yea sir responded tbe yonng rn to go yoore th boea yoo got tbrightv bat t went yoa to under atand furorly that x doat wklk ont oa ftoeoani of any gruvaso juy got against utss ldrs berdd ladyth maoagsr it in great tronbu just nw bosk charmer what i th matter f bearded lady h ha proposed to tbe twoheaded glri on of her tcospiad him and on rejected blm what woold yon want first 11 yoa bed a great ug fortune r oreekley a logger px manner ansf atlltune lhr qre about your bov3 bu ooofljact tak ka active ibtareet in all that h do dont b too crilicaj and ask for bu view and opinions al all tlnje dont keep tour boys in gnorano of the thing they should koow 11 unci the wholesome truth but lha tmwnoueom way in which it l that ruins many ft young man dont act as though yow boy atqduujed to nothing nor be conllnuslly making comparisons between blm pud some neigh borob to bla disadvantage nothing will dishearten bid quicker dent th aklhataujlblug isgoodeuopgh for th boy and that they dont ears tor nio thing t bav their room fixed up a njely s pmima j let them undsrtuad that they ar lb b kepi lu order and lb result will justify your palos forolsb your boy with good whole sow reading matter uavo biui read to and with you dsouis with him what ydu read aud draw out fat opinions ud thouglit oa ut subject thluk tarty for himself make heme a pleasant plaov seo to it thai hit boy dont have to go guyvwra site to aooure proper freedohi ami bouipan ionehlp tak tiiu lo makatuskd teal comfortahle andcanunudand they will uoi wangle spend thulr avening awayjgaw horn rick your son assojfeu bee to u tiist hs ha nd friends wunifytiu know notb ldg about taa aujfcur lu- ail hu trouble aud idaasureeand hgva blni 1w1 parfeeily fr louvlu hltfrknd to tb and lu friend aotdforubla and happy fj wlirtuabasvloappreolalau dri low vvorm hyrupoureesmlj- mot worms ot all kjoda lu children or ftdolu vrimttooa sold by all dlt walt yoor wife vlslud o this after- noon and got into a peck of troobu by clsimln fnithr n b me to do lbsm 4bng l6tu oh yoa can do it wltb perfect safety tbe oheoka are not signed ilooksi hav uka a utturopr than wa cobd for to at time bat i never wa quit smfargonaa bonnder wa when he eant4tt th other night bang wby what did he do 7 ut a itoman oaodt to co to bed by doe yoor new dree fit yod well clara t obspwudidjy loan hardly mora or breath in it thar ar few mor disappointing thing lu lif aay th manayunk ihlloeopber than a balloon aewnslori to ft man wltb a stiff bok in tnw suburb of iert the landlady of an eating house to a ooupu of daeljisu ready for tbe fray be quick gsnttetnen iseuwiwrtridgmvuiovsniooel bsieey putnam did your uaogbter gradual wltb dittinntjon t macon mcdonougb 1 should say she did tb dressmaker bill far bar gradu aung outfit was vilttl lf i didnt kndw lif e w tramp at j l beg yoor pardon madam responded tbt visitor i am no tramp of ooon yoa are not eh aptogts-d- blaablng j there eoyone yoa wish io sr maoaiflnie rusdtwiui an effqrijj bve aiohastavfood for three week- uhalt ah almost ahrleksd i aeid i had not taaud food for lire ilbodghlyou aaldyoa war note trsmpl and bsr tone wss not so musical tf t am not m this with a oonvlotv lug manner thai almost unbalanced her than what are yonab asked nor vosaly im a gdtsi madam at no of those big hotel oveooder and have been 1 opened and- all i have had to eajkss been elegant uhlewssesad goodw iwsi tjjgeshsd upuu ihirtnta itundert boll fromlur akyylf ibanderbou may beijahho flesb and she invited him in and gav him a dinner thai made blm fogt all hi aorrows his hrst cash tit young man had just faaa admit td to practice aitb bar u sal within tb barmclotire speeuuting upon tb chanoe of client omliig to jurajtv vutak or vlberu u herd hi rumeepokeu and atattad to lie feet mr d novo th prisons al th bar u anau to employ counsel will you d fond him j certainly your honor may x retire with bin loth bar cfno for a few too meats oonsulutlon t ye sir i and give blm your beat ad- vice i a hardly peroeptlbl anear carted hi lioaor lrp as ha uttered the last worda but th young man did not apnea to notio il motioning for lha prisoner to follow blm b passed into lha tflhar rooi the door was closed and for ten minute tb lively outte of many conversations flllad th oourtroom than th young man strolled into th room and dropped 4nto a chair the erur proouimed i slunce in th oourtroom 1 uu uonor gaaed upon th young man arid atid ar yoa ready jo proceed i yae vour honor whara ib muootr t i really douinow what t im sure i don i know mr d novo will you explain what you mean by this moat extraordinary oodue your honor told ma lo give blm th heel advloo i oould ibsluvat yes sir may li please fh court when i ooujult ad him i found be was guilty aneaad really no defense whatever bo lu purauanc of your huore ttj klndjy meant vugitsigion i advised blru to drop outxif 4h wludov atfd niako himself as oaro as poealbu i presume io fsotl koow thai h followed lb first part of my advice ftod i believe ji will aeeouburvs the rest of ii th rtrltooer that was 1 still t lirc 15 there amvjluttospetr bom melhodul brother bah bceusendidg rather unfavorable tooounu of ui melko help itimtal dul vtiloa in gaoada to en auslfahan newspaper ha thinks tho union ad thing for lb country after deecrlb lug some of 11 ball tffecl 1 patlielloally adds and yskiar all thi many ar tvjiug lo oousummstali uijiqu wllh tho ireebj terun oburoh if thl brother u not r lite fact with regard lo melhodul ualonttau lie is with regard to unlet with tb isreabyurleue the australian malha diet had better pay do attention lo bltti thar li a lltu putform oratory haraiboul union between th melhodlsts gad presby wunlchlemyby torn who wish to bring lyuee takck llllld paltts tmak blm down the boaaat but that is all nobody seriously think of atasjgimaufcg th ar- tnlnlanlsn snd clvlnku of th oountryi w av a treasonably pogreelv peepl lu jisuarla bul v ijave not goo quit so far a to thmk thai odr fathers ar fools otuim i no counterfeit infidels did yod evar see a counterfeit bank note i yea why is ii counterfeited t because tb genuine uot was worth oountarmtlng did yoa ever so a scrap of browo paper eonnurf elted y no why nil ftecaue it 1 uot worth oouoiarfvilltig did yoa over see a oonotarfalt cjirl tiant ii i yes v jwhy ws hrnonnterfeiud v because b wev worth ooanterfeiif ug wa b to bum for the oonnterfeil 7 of course not did you ever a uanurfeli infidel why no why ud ahem 1 wa pas th abort eatccbum along rhlhuujphu mxruopitr v a wohan5 oipt a remarkabu gift ha bean mad lohsr- vardcalverslty quit unparalleled in the worlx thu b th bequest of 95060 to found a feiewvblp for th benefit ot poor and deserting colored student preference to b given to th studrnu ol rneeucina th remarkabl fact about ihu gift i thai 11 comae from a former slave harriet hay den who wa formsrlyth proprty of a kentucky slave owner harriet lived a a slay until after her msxriage and th birth othrrfud bneui she with bus band and baby and a fellow slave escaped lo canada th haydens got through all right but twlr companion wa captured and taken back lb flret act of th haydeua after they bad coutrivad to et work to do was to aenh 1050 to aecur tba of their unfortunate comradr harriet llaydens child died ln tba civil war whlu hvaly flgbtlug under admlrs tfarragut irrlet haydens i jf whluhavely f rragulje a tjowshare foh a hull in wetjssonvllldiea imall oiord church a church ag okldlfloer and iu oongregauou ha tfrowo itcallly uhtip only one half of it osu hsgcoommodalod al onaljme the oburoh ha no bell to call tb plou peopu toworehip but it hks tomstmng that answers the earn purpose abak tit tim for the brotbere aud tera loaaasmbh asinajldoyyrobably 10 yitejfaklapaouteldetliauwjvijbft tig plowshare dangling by twutrlug in the olhlrhthd u a railroad spik juveryhot secands or a heetrlbak llvplowsliar with the spike tod knaps it up for afoul if a ulntrtea whenb gives variation in a sariis of sharp raplimluf tba toirlugbj a ball th imitation ufjiit rateaiwltha sound i not at all uumusloal and ciut tha putothscjiurch juit as- eootqally as it lb bssl 411 in the jworlt hunjf in the slaepl vfotida tius tjhioh 4 f flow clovks grow tha sniall arergroen troo from which cloves ar utter was orlfllnslly a pallv of tba bplea islaudj uil it suow ouluvau4 inwaru climate it ail pelt ol tho world the dove w ooniiucrce is the unopensd fiowar of tit iroal jkey iteal- imv grow in large oliisteri amoug lb bkattftli after gathering tht bud ara stooksd by b wood fir and dried id the sun both tbo uku and stneltnf thocloves dc baud oa lha quantity of fill they contain bomstlmethou sscparaud from tho clove before thsy ara sold and ha udor and taste fere ig oobsequatio mboli wuak anad if you desire to know torn thing ol th form of th boj lu the natural sula soak fy cloves for a short tune la hoi water ih petals of tho dower will sofud and iuuy uuroll i i

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