Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 10, 1894, p. 1

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hm rdi epbxy loo tha laur lo ov 4m ttaavaotlitt ft b optic sftss adveftribihd wttktt j jo 1 vm 6 mo ims 1 mo 10 ibobm mo 00 m 00l 00 tt 00 10 loobm m 00 so oo 19 00 bm f 1mb moo ii 00 too 110 limb oo too looioo buhl mate pvr uoo lo an loataium wlmsm opota pw lin vr ob rabwjuool imlrtlooirwtebarw lor oil ujool adorwiaomto momomd by mwol uiwrwii b d wabrem gdltof business directqe6 lkual oodwillie a vtonmnl w tuw oo orros u cixarirt hollar fouo ac greenhouses qeoroetown t ftltpava bc floral view to nwt and w oh ilcoot rlnu ul cut flower jk uboloula ud ull punorol aod mouilm poino proparl he on hortooi notla ud hippodsotdjrihlmt vaatlur h0s0bt0wm 0t t matnebjn j u mo umalltbm couuiwioxbb of mouuik4 odu0 oooo ol lb county crowd attorney lor lb ooouiv ol litlloa ooovynoln mxi mouy to loin lorut ru ijaoriiotooa or medical du wedbteb pbvuoum bdusom a aocoucubo oorgatowa i norvd dr wouur ipooul offio dy ooorg town tuy vrldy mo tflardy a w nixon m d m 0 v 8 o oramluufmlibooo dr wbw ooo mill ooorgttowa j1khtal 0 tickitflay l o b qmww1 l oricttown virite ct artoam agrmwthoulovtbmel ud isarth wadnojday of mob rooms 3 e wilkinson lu43lib dentist acton nome bat sntuw opwatloa por toraud dr 00ll0p dbhiifll milton wild uli nnjiuu tbo mooed ud loartb uoaday ol mob uoalb topull uoul ai1ct10nekhh 8 h 0o0k lcasesi atforiomae appraiser valuator ileal jieuw agent lot the counties of hilton peel and wellington ifotuy to ioui rout 1100 tip t fijt onurt 11 l if uuwb omu will tr belrtitlxprmfibci lairtrttdtlunali ri j hi our i taiiji eii da ma nwen rurina exildgt j ambllluua wuuwwisi bualwwduwuot lrltl ouirioulum mlltd rr mhixrmw principal mascohmick flntfpi 0uji9 insukanoe kirc life aiidaceilent izstli sar5ttei bold on kxowjiakn llultun agoiilftrruio 0 0 boe barbkirs old factory tiio peopled planing mill lmlrtiilluuahmminiifttturfl tun i uwh til in llntl mouldlnsficminvm givo ua a call and see our prices adam watson manager jmick li riru w i ibf r1 fl ixoruisrrt htbjbfc lrnjtot j j v r cusairuxbb- ayeks sarsaparilla m yr ui ty i w tm4nmt1iun uiy iimii1i in mod tny mtrenil bvullll very i tukjuo irniktb hor war trlmm i trm in o s ltmf himl wy iwf t o trot i lit lh lrmi at o jit i emimenel tnkmir ayr una tinritla hmj fcoon iwt irl bji fnriba bur my ntililn refiirnxl rui willi it rtmrwil irrnsili ruffkirukml w o umwjltlll 1 1wiiu ultiwl bty pmpvburru iioum tltompu n upk p ayersonsarsaparilla adrntttml at the wombs laib ooo betlsleico our 10 suits are a roiiiarknblo succeita our 12 suits aro a decided buccoiw our 8 pants aro immonho value call anil see oor goods wm iiifimbtuubt ucmummd ado rtomum tat tba oounluw of wellington ud hltou otdr lot t at tb 0oiwo hmn otfem or t my tmiimaa in aeum will bm frrompuy ktwwuri to vartm r if 01 bv w l01m ilw mou to loa on uu uot avomdu jabmnl tb iowmi ttom of lnfa ibairu olumw ud apwtjrdi choicest lines boots shoes genuine dlearingjalr miuuullankoim b oodwi llie tommb 0v ulmjuloh llowijuuj hokmvowh out o k 1ja1uieu hiior twlviboanv tttut iihuuioiuoo jii ouiidno hilrmattlng a ouibouolud i mrloj king m wu uajmen a uiios plvu limorlorokuu oriritowrl oat frlallng aad wnpplntf rp eou klattuy on baaduldbutaotoordw hob btowm oalmuoe woilkb oou m ikjuiim sroprulon uu lulwon ol ourum bacguo wm oan wlhi 4a tupoiiltm tad tu i buolumluiuu wantedjalesmkn lo mll ojioloi iliiii oc urry htok i4u- -at- -tubr- mi to suit tie fme at belisle gos eokeign fruit stoke 1 bwmmaawma4uuwm bananu ortmgcs loraone pino apptoii datoh figs prunoh roibim confoetionery all kinds or ciimiod oodn bulk picklos cigar cigarettob tobacco st loon mineral water t oyotoru in season f m graham- roe blook no 3 john gane x iauury or ouainttmluaumltl wmkjy talthvrrlury lv u ir ttafclid wrluftt one tot utritt to vtm hawk nuntry c lukttuy n y m fresh j meats eutluj4 uiow jas m bock cla bu8 choioobt mouta or nil kindo ubi rll mlitna j m buck georgotowu a free sample or mil newly discovered foam yeast cart be obtained from just a word about prices a fpaviy wr iro w indfmvnyadly fljomd obu htr bouooi ty j and wll indwj huh wmtvioti foaim dd wall pwrip lhy bud f ab3 wall p rtiftpi kxnaawptolay i id tlulr hdi ud room ohlna rrt atlil lltuo with ft pal that btnta koj btlrti for tha coowupiof thaboy iht uft bai torok it h did k fnk lbt h tuttntrd odoff vary dl nmbl 16 l tin au liia bru ob lulph r hncllroj polbu jfifli yoobava barn drlofctoitt ptfttft lsowll rlvtrakaa uat ffiiag to tod down m draokardaltnva veiy im aor l br no lurm lo a fallow ualg a aocul ulaaa now and tb o aaoutglml frank biuarlyaolalm sfa 1 1baawtw you tblbk tbarw u do lrm in it now bo tlupb thrra u hra tb danftf that may ia4lay yon now bjit f ur awbila yoo lll want aoinathjnf ultl fstnv yu may think u y atra aoolbvr hmrt atill dwl bajood banlu bmkatehvwan tby of yoar aen who laft bla boma a yaac ago to bjcht iba votanuara to maal htj daath ro brluab gn bla daalhaoag drlluh obur for jou i apmlt today anl aak aocna nobla faithfot lo to aind aiotnay bnj of idmi to moat yoa in jooruoa- notailaat y4f tham jfallaat baata aa doa of war will o no aworila wltbin tbalr band tto aanaa to bring tba afterglow of uriah to oaoatua fair obaak for noaa can aay a tban tiba irrata bar indian wuda aa foa no tbaa ara dltfarent torn their fclraogtb la nol in rank and tlr to martial boat tbey lead tbalr mualon it tba groaa of cbrul t uwr arma tba obrijuad oraad laauad of balmeu road tbalr baada a halo ablnca afar twill light yoor trampled aoala wa pray mora than tba flaab of war beak not to and upon tbla band a ooaa of erimaoo glow ood grant tbu handa will apotlaaa bo u tbalr own robaa of aaow jarttnyttke ra ir twoyaaaamrtaa yoa to talk in tbla way bat aa tbera la no one tlae to do t i aonfay ua tbaa 1 atnai efrry one who la lodiy a aleva to drutk oomowneed juu aa yoa bewa dooe ii wu only a aoaial at flrt and tban akwy bej to taking aomaihlng etrouger ontunowthoy oantnoiontfar control- tbelr appatlta oil itejph for yoor own aak and mine to iolt it white yoa oan yon nerd nt weate yoar wlni delivering temperenoa leotara lo m aald balpfa bornnihly dbgnated wlib frank u bavayoi farifoltja thtt m waa rt of if r goraoae nttaa to have no one bla employ who titea iql3r in any form kakad frank lttlpb bad forgottan bat he did not wnt frank to know it eo be oaralaauy replied ob yea x know it u m old coraoo oaal ptab np a good band every day and tban hall never flu i ont that i va bean takln a utile wlae uara tba oanvaraatlon oeeaadj mad ttr two boya ratlrad for tba night the one lo alarpoff lb effeetaof bu flrat drink and tba other io llaaaka aotll nearly dawn tbloklng aadly of wut bad oooorred thai turntntbjoviivirfhd twu wa tore ohegmf thn over glta 1 f owd jjigit thwt wotpiojl w itaworadonoiin ajfeoenka aa w weamlhwrf wvar bnaw hifain who go ok pui to iwdb lujlor w- coraoo told ihtmt r j r awjj thatbawbibal toaaatbem is blaomoathat waaliodiadranda tba t hart yoar foreeaaafr tba eroaa tnaybroiaa yoortililalir for tba goal aeema far away reward acama vagaeand dim u ya obrlatlanu tba laaat oftbaggjc o it unto him t and par bapa wban oer tba rlvare brink tka wawa of death bav lavad tba iawala in your arownawlll ba baxodlan oala yonva tavid tf jiay ttty two boys mem brosv vv n to u ohoico goods clioap wbilo our prices aro modo as low as possible tbo quality of our goods will always bo found tbo boat we quota a few prices qenu kllver itaai wind wallham watoh eorawbaakandfrotttoaeatl 0 00 clbttu ulokal tiara wlud vtllhm walob warraulad for iwo yaara 7 00 oettte gold flllad cam wanranud for flftaaa yatm wllb geualna ataaifu eaa tnovemant 1100 ladla gold filled atuuloan walali warraud for flltaan yoara 10 w ladua allvar aunt wind watobaa d 00 fadloe ulfikal walobaa good tlma keejpra 4 w eight day walnut and oak olouki half boor attika wavraulad for two yaaik 8 80 solid gold beta rlni 4 miaamt paarl inbyorturquolaa iso bolld kilter bctivanlrbpowealohed georgetown only 1 sa call and 8ee the8e goods tjwheeler frank warrtn and ualpb tbttmaa wan left at an early age to make tbalr own way la uttworld tbay emtarad pealttooa la a urgaliull beoai in a weatara eity and boardad and roomed totfatbaf for a ilraa all want wrll tbayhada ku4 amployar who bting vfry nineb pletial wltb tba bright aollva boy a aoon advanoed uu waget but b and by thara oanu obang balpb did not worn eo analoaa to puaa hla am ploy er aa formerly and in auad of apeodlblhw avenlnga qaleuy in bu room ha waa gone alnuti every avtabtf frank bad aftaa questioned him hoping to uara where be eppnt bla avanlttga but he atabbunly rf tuwd tq tall ooa avaning aa ralph w aboat to lv the room frank uld bin hand on hla aboa dur and aald lulph yon ara goaa klmoit avary al jug bow and aa x am the ouar 1 think ought io tell ma where yon go x ear ore gelling into bad eompany unmphl ouiaildoolliavatcrlal all my affair tlwtt any of our b auyway wu llalpbi angry vaply maaw dont be offribded uld very ganlly for 1 aaaoire jon thai am aaylng la fofyouir own good bo bfomull yoang man ua fttlnaj geioolatm thai bare halpb intarruplad lilm by i didnt aak you for your alvoe wftnt it ttd than abut the dot bang ai ilalph walltad mildly down touurres toblm lhat bo waa lowed by noma one for wbanavar ad bank be aaw the aarne man dlatanoa front him avery tlma ualpb aa followed by bu ooraou ottan ha retumlng daywork be had aaenhtlpb uaaaupafrou hla room and ibatbaalwnyaalaiud t mod thlaarouaad bla auai uaurmitu to follow him a dletanoe helper went into building bupping tothe l ployar aaw hint eagerly eparkling wlna ua oaued for felbaf and aull anothar alter drtaitoj tk laaaglaaa ha nat dowo to a tabla and 4 tog oarda pua waa anoghi aw turned aadly j way he hla own eyevbtwaarjmoln4u boy k bad until rahuy an faobfiit gaobargad lltjpfzmpb a wa abeia ii ll bmalanrrow 4 wkftl ia ifwtttaw kkm peav i dfv kfqjr to tn tmfxn 0 tau eiam rt4y 1 erlpg ihroaih the iron bare the ineara j m maiiard ye m i killed my wle endobud i didn t mean to hi u but dwnkiorf meddao edmybrattobtfi bed onlybwdaw furank laarp and yeera ego 1 would not le hre aay bui 1 ihn 1 f pu hi that there wa no hern in only adal kjaee that waa only the beginning ad thlflithfad frank warren lietaoed br ail- fy t wbai i be loatoe mi waa aaylng and wbeo b bad anlabed the troth fltebed upon him the men bahod the iron here waa oroa oibar tban bajpfa tboaa aa frank geead aadly npoa the wreak of hie friend of former day ha thought of a teewoa they bad oflea read in the old brick ohool bo ie4 oa the hill when they warn boj a tog ther therfl wea a world of rnann log in the uat vare lo him now for be tbotuuuhauiad helphhaadrd ihe warn in given tberr lis would hot heve bun behind iron hire touy tiiij waa tbe vtrte i and kh on o ebuu tlie enelianted cup though now he drabttht like joy appear ere lomt it will be fanned by ebtne and aadly mixed with blood and tears oeordetowh ont buduuea bahiuye4 ill bm that bv gwmg elea give ne t altar boattlosa balpb wb tapered t it bad beet u r ooraon alnteatloniod a- bhtrga ualpb and ha bad aakid him to onme to bla cmoa for that purpaee j but aa ha worked aouaoally well that day ha tt aolvad to wait a while longer that even log whan the boye ware leaving tba alorr gtr coraoo mid i yoa need not eoua to my omoa tbla olag walt until tba uat of the mootb when the and of the month eauu mr coraoo bad fully determined lo deehare halpb for doting tba uat few daye ha had beooma very oareleea when tha boya oama op to bit rfuor mr ooraon gave lhau tbalr pay for tba mootb and than addraaalng ualpb uld you ttfiy now oonelder your talf dieobarged wjwhat do yon umh f lulph gafd main jua what i uy replied mr firaor whan flrat i employed yon jou were one of tba baal boye thai x ever bad i bal you have ahauged klnoe thu an j i know tbrieeeou wby u ut damtnded lulph for tha almple rwaaoo that yon aro la tbirhaut of frtqueullag a talooa thar jou logelbar with your auoouua thai ara of tha vary lowel order balhw every night to drink wine and play card tbkt it ia ooa of tba rule of uue bouee lo have no one in ite employ who uwe liquor in any form i know ii air repllad lulph highly ibdlguaul but can jou prove that uae lit i can only ilia othtr ulgbl what re laiolgg home t looked through tha window of a orrtalo- taloon and there x aaw you vtibwmhad traefd to moob drink tbno gueem of tha polaonoua wlna what beitatr uroof do yoa want f u lulphmodrooireply but bung bla haad n uld hi cor oularnlng to fra ok i will felund to iba bujnau ibal x have wllb jou you have moil faltbfnuy dona you duty and you d eerva a better poalllon i at jou lo help ma with uy ojlloawork tba wk will bv uui aud the ty batur will you aeoapt of oaurae frank gladly nooepud tba offer madahlmby hie kind ttnpujer v afba boya ware golntf home freak aald mravaulph wba are you going to do nowt oli i oauflud pudly lo do vanlud xuipb for only lut nlgbl tb aeloeu keener wauwd lo kuovr if x wouldnt ilka to durkuwr x gueaa i will go thara for tbkt wobld aull majikaouy vraokiinew ibat it waa uielaaj to uy aaythlng and tha naxb day llfjph waa banding liquor aotoak the oounjaot ft gejoon ua took a room id anotbair iiart otuierhv and frank id hot ofuu au blm- -11- ttually 11 tba ueatri fhlmall yin ifeiva naaead aluoe than frank ir bo longer in tha employ of mr ooraott bgtu how at tha bead of a urge eeublub eniwlibbaa personal and pektinent uvnry u stanley and hb beauuful wife wlu quietly at bt uorlla in swltser ind mtm franora wlllard lla on tha time look principle of dlrlaloa of the dy eight hoare for work right boare for ateep nod eight boare for real and reercettoa flammartoottbe franob aatronomar aa oribee to alronornloal eranka the ida that mara baa been trying to eigne tnia planet the hv fr peter nevwrnsasj of troy v ha bean a nrba for autyooe yeaia and to nlty oow mae been paaaor bk marye obnrab in tbak ouy wbloh be ballt and in wbloh be atlu oalebrmlea bnadm vryol chicago la dead xlu claim to rvmemhreuoo and notloellealnthr feet that b waa tha hnaband of the ura o ary who owned the oow that kicked over the lamp that auited tba lira thai burwd down aurca part ol ghloagolu ittfl capl ifeolilar o tba uord rlflea uallfev lae r oelved a cold medal fiom archduke frank ferdinand flrowa frlnoeof attatile for wrvloea renderad in that aoaotry taauy yeare ago tba medal u urgar than twantylollar told plana and haa attached to ii a red ribbon john l sullivan looking vtry w ii u eplta of the feat that hla hair and ratuuobe era almoetgreyr announced on monday at wakhluglon that not only had he forever reured from tba ring but al tha and of tbla eeeeon he would ueya lha alaga and go od hla maaaaobumlla farm there to live a life of aaaji for tba reel of bla daye 11a now wtlghe h0 pouode hb was a uuntleman 15aagoaa ojs nejil oawiwt rigfka t mtaeray waeelgb alomugh lz1i hnd they erejill in the- lend where i abell go only ooa bea dud thtre u one email moaad j violet heaoad injheweai grvwgouid twaoty yeem heve blkudei aod aprtad overthaumlbbyftjdf and ol 1 know bhe le aafe id the ian 1 where x abli g 1 not cfued only gowd and gone away i tba heir of my gfrdle la growing gray tbet wea golden once in be daye eo dear over fur many and many a year yet t know i i oow bnea a child in the lend where i ahall go my brijthl brave boy ie a nrv eyed men feeing iba war li aa a worker an but i think of him now aa i had him than andjmey bla aheek to m heart again aodeoi x know t ahall have him there where we both ahall out from the father and into life beak lo hie breeit from tba ended elnl and the nalahed ubor i bear iba word from the llpa of uim who waa ohbd and lord and x know tbalao it ahall be la tbeund where woallahauga olve beak wllb the gain the aaorel thtt of the bleaaed kingdom of children la 1 uy mothers artna ero walling for ua ehalt lay my bead on my fetbere luua foreo i know x m m ebild tnyajf wbara x eball gx tba world u irooblooa and bard and oold iewlwjp eat wwaeaai giu g endojdl bkl bablod the world la as inner plaoa where yet their eagau babofg ood a faoa and lot we know thai only tba children oett kee him ao meal ol uuoan uooaal and upright liver a fkw daya ago i wvi paulug throuub a prally abady alralt where aoma boya were playing al baaehalt among tbalr uumbar waavlltthtlama fellow seemingly about twelve yeare old a pale alakly looking child aupporudoniwoorutohae and who vldenuy found wuah difficulty in walking yoa kaw4avan wltb auoh aaalalanoe tba uma boy wlahad lo jola the jame for ha did hoi aum to au how mach hu in flrralty would ha in hla own way and how tnuob ii would binder tba projrai of mab an active epoil aa bekebalt ilia companion vary gaod uaturedly tried to perattkda him to aland al one aide and ui another take hie puoet aod x wae glad to nouoe thai none of them hinted thai ha woold be in iba way but thai tbey all oh owd for fear he would hurt blmwlf why jimmy uld one al leal you oant run yoa know ohuafal mid anotberlbe uluat in tba party 1 never mind 1 11 run for him and be lookhu plaoa by jlwniya side pre pared la eel if jou war ilka him ha aald aalda to the other boye jou would d i waul to be told of ii all tha tin ai 1 paucd 00 i thought to myult thai ibara wu a true ganuaman ijfc stub bnp op thought whan you have nolhluu lo uy dont try louyll wa oan readily us how ejuy it la for othar people to do tight if wa improve our olrquuiuunoce thry will improve ue ik thara anyone who lb lulu it la aa aaay fotf hlu to take other peopu a advloa u it uforthamloukahur bait oousdenoe u rook boltoui luok fa tha mojuragaiuiut bt pluok a womaaehovalk a blind aa ii la beau ufcll tha boneat man pue tha amallaal applaa al tba top ol tha barrel tba aun oan i khine throuju a torpid kindness won him a compoaltor on tha foludelpbu xiao okb fell into tha habll of beguoung hla work on aoooonl of lutoalutlon and waa die charged ilia wife oama and pleaded wllb tha phuautroplel to give blm anothar trial but mr ohuda aald ii waa buelnees not eenument and ha oould not lake him back whan kba bad gone however he aent a man nt itfira the otroqaikunom of the family uid fouuj that aha wu a hard working will war klrugguog to keep up appearances tba uegt day amllllnaiy eeubllkhmenl waa otfarad for aau and mr obllde bought it and praaanled i to tba eompoallora wife and told bar ibal although be oould not employ bar huaband ho oould give her maauk of living thehutbaud wae ao over whelmed that ha elgoad a pledge and haa kept it aver elnoa aud la oooe mora a faith tul woiknuu rothschilds rulg5 tbtider uiron ltolbaohltd had tbu rulw poaled upon the walla ol hu bank 1 bhun lhjuore dare to go forward never be dlaoouragdd mevar ull bukhuu llu be pollla to everybody umploy your uma wall he prompt in everything ley your debu promptly dear all iroubue patlanuy donol raokou upon ohanae make no uiauw aoualuunow to brave in tha atruggu of ufa maintain voarmugtltyakauoradthlbg never appear something hur thatt you are take lima lo oouklder tbau tteolde boal lively rjinfully eiawlua into avery dlkil ol buiiowa t tub iibal thinu nvubeu v lajsatma hgfl jajliv baart uifjtjtefmdf f ijnhtcribsr-j- hare jak w a t thank the lird i john make out the blla liuu mlee uuguvr da feablon le often at oar boo bat i oa eye him at yoara utile mlefrtckuwedoo lows binj anything paalor yoooagbl lube aesamed of yon r- ilf kveta animate kno when a ttajfi driokfog toper 03 do i whan i drink what they do when a retired railroad oiegaau started tntbegaata faralabhig gosda baalneet it faamerleeoood nature to him teennoanoaa great ran on ties tbcae he the daya that bring to m 1 a maunebojy shock the frost la on the pampkin my overage la book 8ba how feerfal it maat be for a great singe to know she haa lost bar vmee lie its moob more torluilag whim aba doeool know ll ha who oan owo a coruer 1 it k earetyvery mean if he makes moan beeaaeo hea got to keep the aldewalkfltfen flgg what a peculiar men dundir is ue bak a aoverelga oootempt for anybody who doesnt know as much as be dofs fogg x aboald tblnk he would looome tax aaaaaaor you eau t claim amptioa mr satflei why man ytu moat spend 7000 a year the way you liv smiles i know thai elr but i live beyond my looome ah irishmen aeksd a bodtohman ooa day wby a railroad engine waa alwaye oalhd bandy replied perbapa ite on aoooont of tha boritue nolee it mike worn 11 trlee to wblatlc joat make yoar beet eadeavoi have faith lofcteed of doobl if tlmae ware ware good f jrevsr v what oould yon growl about f when a mans wife telle a fanny aloi 4lviua u know how bwa going to know whan aba 0 got ao tba point eaay enough tba polnta tha pari aba sua half an hoar after iw nolahedltbe alory did you have a ulae dlnnirt ura nwila of hu litue eon who had bun ipandlug tha day wllb a friend outer algbir replied hobby autbukl aalloally bay mamma why oant wa have things ilka uialj whal did you haver atld mm nortu quickly lo avoid dleouielon 0b we had soup and fcolt ahall eraba hiul iprlog ohlokan aud vpurrowgraw and puddin whalaorlotpuddlug i donl know ii waa kinder huffy wine uuu to u ii wu outer algbl how did you know it wae wlna 1 kaey nough did they uy as 1 nopi hut i oould uu it orled dob bykoorntuuy i can jual tell youllweaal one of the kind whkt koma one haa lo lean programme arou tka ubu and whlapar to you ite got ahoouug gymnutlu military drill boitlug wlue into it fore youd know ii i i aibului oyoung and baliooiiuig tfywlti tola lldjglv varieties uoaaua waalui ik aailmaud al 131711 000 000 wa oaunot aow bid kead and nap a good harvest a slngu punl of aplisnwort ltlilalni ad will produce over a million seed franca derived 050 000 frenoe lut 5ar from the ux on oyolw the number of ma- chlnaa being lb397fl tha ijui value of uie united buuemlc- aral products ual year wag gooobsl 070 be ing ihe amatual alnu 1830 tba september condition of ooru hie year la tha lowest on record with the ex ception of the month of september lttfll there are 14 600 mllee of rabbit proof fencing in new south wales this la an expenu ettuued by tha rabbit nuisance in iba australian ooloulu ituutlmatedllikliu the hiatae there are now in dally ucvloe goo 000 telephone with 500 000 miles of wire over which 100 000000 maaugis ar annually traneuilttod in tha belfry of iba old pariah church al bury england the oarfew that tolled tha knell of parting da aod years eto le aull ia plaoa and ie allll rung every night at auuiut bo far tha bloycu uade tbo troulug aud peeing sooru having a record of 1 67 for tha mile while ltobert j tto pacer ahowa ft knead of 3 01 aod a fraotlou for the uma dleunoe sir andrew outk lruldeut ol tbo hoy al oollaga of lhyslolans aud suraotia hu advised thai oaoh mouthful of food should receive aa bllu llat u ono for every tooth if one wlehu to avoid dyrpapila wbloh aong would jou rather har uiui warblaalng uarluer hold hut aha doun i alug that at all 1 1 know thats why i pnfdr 11 lleehk like applu era hard aud tour till orubed by fain reelatuu power and yield thslr julou rich aud uiud to none but borrow k heavy hand uara is a new louery miibiiii aloilu 1 by a london raeuurinl a email oukcl cou talus a i3 110u 1 uah oustouior is glvon a key but only ooa of tlu wuou ui will 1111 look tba cuke ihe mtn who has tbo key thll all gju the prise the tohuoo raised lujlalooohlalau la ex oeadlogly strong and oauuot hs amaked by any but tha molvtgorous white man iba nfttlvu do not appear to h 1 affeoud by 11 and uhlldran of 10 and u yura puff away all day longwithout any discomfort atorlaeajtuurtog the ulu tuauu uviou ft french uff ofilocy and the jeriuau mill tary attache in full uniform want logdlhov to lay wruths on the niouumonl eraoud er tha grave olf tba freneh aud tientiau lerekllud lu tbo biluu ihare u 1h771 la oonneotlon wllb the larla lxpoaluoa of 1000 ii le proposed to hold an luurua llonel eontpeutlon of sports a oomiuu alon bkk hu bud appointed to draw up a hloh will lucluda fencing jwtys jrj

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