Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 10, 1894, p. 2

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rr-r- w3 an app01btedtaxcollict0es tiwrtily itarrlnfi i momd bjr mr wrf1oihv iram i mat i n hr m u uu witt of mr j w7tubm07 of- j ifajmlniimtay altororrio pa wdamdar ooukxrlxi kr u br bolwrt hftoow h um wahouoi urj u juusm a iukur uif sxmtt usssiy or tu5w irjfc otwateoa iptll7mn tmojulu ana is day kntutml at aqrsttowt on tuaraday at ftte tfeii wedseidat bveo- oot 10 ibm td ftoluimwil of mr w b lundllh m ohutf fadum of ih coari of comuoa pi bm bom kftd to ftppoistambl far cnrnmnr1ri oo oil tidm t joorttf of oamlmm tete uul tb onlom lo lb unlkd buu cm- d lor bpurow wi fkm40qoo com- brillklojhw70tor ffepwator 18w tbotoul lor forth orel in tubolbof ibm ih wf 000000- ol lor lbs wn poodlsg period of iu it nl tul06do0 tiu aollor bar dlicomttd an umrobkl plotouwllimowuiowbomial italy orgnlrdl kjralbul lbs dotortom or- okm tbm bu bra mowsl ol obllo ictlur mttim r l bmiiim wllh jlfbiolaw bu u fonad ppiq lb window ffl ofibo polio unnb amm tonkrtobiba fljjh of hcmakar osrifia b 1 rlfflsil wvwbiv iff ihvught soap rrrr3rjr2xcicsrjirr3ec ifsaggggpwjywii mkwtthfgir 3sy2 bet rwuirf alyttolttltefflmm6a onbmp 4 06 mitta yian oh umb s 00- pmmut 100 aa lwih w b boo didc3fnr i oo j piu lvb 4 00 owrtod krjtwt by ur ltwo ifliikrlijby ux bttfwt ttml tbtrmrr b alborixrd to pt tb fouowlqit aixoant i win nnbu itiobbj dd udla4 lot s6lhblimi ktw avl shdrp rnf nhnlinnl odpatllnti u uur l 3 4m eohrntmrooalrtmrt moo iltm bbmrp tilr for oattiob ud fllllnji 777 m 00 alttx 8nrp ttmialuii inbtt a 00 aux bhrp a00 tart olm rrr 5 00 0 1 kmtwfjv fr vtrut- usl coari sow johd lrwio iinrmi biki idrabor to pftlhtdfturohwilur 3ft s3 john pwoh bopypth mtr 7tr tink 1 18 joka llllwr pel wm canniam mtnviaur a kllr 10 00 bowcwll hntefauoa co voura doilor eompbtou an4 potm sowu a bntawmb 135 ouk nolirm loprtjr oompulntag 1 3jj bowwll a ilolehlwm 13 olrh noilfl to prty ootnpulodgivldt itowmll a bolammw poaugo aim blnouir trmlio jo si 0th lln wyd m aoomyd 11 60 wo wilty for praftdloa cnval two dj 3 00 crrud howd by m uwart mooolri by mr wrlftlatmorth lfat the trarjnrr bdath orliwl to p ih following anoanta 1 hrary itviiotmpiittlnj in dw out- tortohaoti lino ono hooq 9 0 50 htmry h ron ivpairfb oouart lot 17oisihl 8 00 pir ulbboai 81 u vprtwdiokl crl 8 24 mfg sobot hophtmon 100 ywda ltrvlftl 10j 10 00 root j uxda i loo 4 00 103 10 80 tiu uootre witmew my kboal w 1l htwdlib twwcbw jmuomany ol faia boggibitloim win vttopud mmion lw mhlooby tbmowaowniminl m ibmk b ivi tb provno boiur far bli turw uij uuli uomdcu tb uuob lb arnilao vui rtulv no mpot from bli p4bt una will on h proa ftdorn hi flu mvrtb lttm wo in uowfiatklly sorry tht h li qaltlldu polltlul 1if which lo cnd hut urftut d of iuah wtn bin ouvr mid if the peopl xprj cbklr tr iti kbolltloa of oovrdnutl lloutur nbjlubd it would b tb plon waut it uolulil i moat of tb llbarl knowboy fvor ufebblulou and pilday bubt 1 toronto unlvmlly coavotutlon ihttejtutnl l luor4m in tti lliot- oovirnfr kii kpatrick uld lm m ftbol lb dtv rnhutit iloum 11 u mouomls nd cut ilou txptndlture in vry wy to akt liljuitut fro lo ouv ypf tb tioirutunt ifout 1 bclatf dtwiud oo jl btndhouipb mkicuky tun ltiultit oovwrddiant bs lajj6d blroptf irott iilail tb eoormobmant on thouutun froititf by bolyo rmd obtnit wq hlu4 iwi mn wbo wui wotklrm otl hflllrokd kud hpilujtb boutf two uuuudtmitturt buuuhw docurrd thttt hi- inaob ol numtlodii law drnuud4 tb iyutat of a mbtliulul lodiniiiliy- forth parftot of cucku ibdydltouol tb obltmm nifcrudr iho0ovimol iiv dsoldtd to rotlilly rjnvto tb iroutuf av utuuooif blbtir iau troopi imd tbre bftturu of tktltury loovtlnq toward pfckin wmdtj cbturtim plmldh br tuulyu kcftutt uuf otmu ohlfta i lukuoh oat h adwpfttoli from clio tm to thy vl mll atolu bl tftotdoon uja that tu lliltltli and uuiin utolitiwi mr m 1l o oooaor nd tb count otitlnl urtod for vmn yurdy tb objmt of uulrvuulothouptullinolkttowd th jbmpatob tdiu lbl m thcwoamtntailobud ra ulooguu to foriunra hftvo wt fkln or pflioss or fy wlbdillh hucu fktktlml tb oiivphlc pablbthw fta utuvlew with aaulr blr geo wuu- who wt taum 1 tn tb wpodltloa of kumk lis itul ha du not btluv the jpn would mfiomd utblrarobf pwbhshlaly not ho or winter twooont o tb tuborau pffjpuailoti mouwary to taoand hi llbu hkillfllko ttumofklm oftlllu a iupab frow tfiitlo tja that viutfay buliaiotf h bn kaitudd tuid tbi ocvrnmut t now ait kuvonwn ofllatn w uvl aarvlflon aubl lo oottnolitn with th r wtooa q th vuur llt rot tbl manialpility lo w j 11 jtatuon ttloary 1 67 iftum mlohil bnttln in ovdaf col- rt lot 38 to 0 coo andrw uurray putlng la to aul vrt lo j5 jiij ud 1102 9trjjitiln klaaatrdt rpmoiieiilvrt lot 30 2nd line iso win ludb ottttlntt towu bill lot 3h lit una 10 to wra uolmaii uravtiulhtj erowoad btwva loll 33 and 90 cim 1 31 30 david ueonlr furulibloi la ft rmlpuub 1 73 lhdwbuydropnlrllluhftnd iillriiiit1mo83im8rd hod a 00 ryan that w poro- f i waw tamu ourim tw board tba oioaianl hjubtea tuv jhai mtvlai rf lanfimm paunawrlj tb najno of tb e john kuetavfab d daanlor pulorof frn eaat obbrob lavanuaa btniiadif la ooo atul fragrant is mtoy hrta and norow in cnnada ho wa loon on cf th moat promloaat and bntksowd minlator of th pnabyterlan obaroh la hbi omtttry lajgonnaotloo ub ft lbftbnd paalwif first in woodtllu tha in woodstock od boetuuo ol many pablto rle6 rndfadtobo obaroh vo year ho m to pastor of fr ksat oharob jnvtrimm beatisnd and atlll i ht eolor patortaltboab urn tlrno portal soooont ofli4flraaiioyar it roalfnad into yonna r hand th ntpro active dolw of hl obarii it will b fntarmtlnfl to vary many of oar rtadtra lo know that bo ha now atlalnod hi jnbll in aba mtnlatry aftar lon ysara of vry aoitv and algnally aarfal sftffvle it u tho intonuon of th fro east obuich oodtfrvcatoa and lb fro vrasbyurlas of invarnoia and dallahaluh to otubrato tbl i nt in a tangiblo way by prtrontatlcn to dr uaotavlah aoaompinltd by antl- lumlaaud aildracs gansda pbsuitia tunyof car aoton reader 1st acqulatooalft mr motavuh sod will b idad to thim bax of him el hmaild the voter5 u5t5 t ctaaaivatilloa iu4 lath tvwmfclohyjttdfftotatf xna fdllowlnf pstssqi wfff ddad j was oprool wpilini umbrr for w j 8r41o oro ouok it fnd sou mmwiraoiopbooim l4 iii on srd llmuiii ii 1 diid moclulr ioi uiviim ii uiui wlluml tw 3ftvmiflttfk db uccullouou oimicx tt e clinrsh d urarnlpwo tmucbrl- um tiudy utdo of mob nh no debt millioan ltettna aoonokbw7or lb ooodiim ol gjol nn fllmn bmi nlitabosfhl ooahd firotjitoakarpoewur ordtoy uf i rtlbo hsaiu ofloojr ttrollotil is rifeeh a ljbwrrfillririhobrritrit h food vrisa rturaih abies or they are aptz to sbtfer r6njpfnaciaion scotts emulsion of ckiverhrwithrivypophoiptiifes of lime and soda7nourishcs mothers speedily back to health and makes their babies fat and chubby phyticiam the world over endorse it lambs foe sale tli nmlormgn bu tor salo un lo khropblrowivluaaiaib lsxtra qual- lol ri voteflshst 1894 mtmlelpallty of tha vlllago ol qiarfttawa in tli county of hal ton kotiokiborbbtv it ihatl have tra- ntuia or aumvirol uo porwua men- ifoned in kflloik a iml o y tha ontario vnioiv 1ji vttt lako ui roqturl by -iiiltuiorailyor- int to 3ll al of oil raron m ft ear log bi tlta laila6m fiminvnt irll of tli micl xlanmpalltym b nltlotooio1nilw aalct huqlotparitt al kltotlona for uembara n iho ltilulsllvf aamimbly an4 al munlolpal kturiat nl that mtdlioh vwt rtrm putdapat mr opotf al orauwn on lb iulh day ot ustawr in ana ismalnaumr lor llubaotlon floeiora am caltoti upon lo aaidtna too piodatdlnn 1p bavajbo paid rroraoortofcd sfvmttflnitoiaw 1 natcdlbuiaibtfarofoe1onmm y u h uounwiuiiil y dyll williamson hi u at 10j mil 40 obarltm davidson ciimihk down rtll on erowroad bw un lots 81 a 8j n jidoon u o0 jan afomiiun irullnu on th towo loabtwwii urlii and kaquaalnt lit eon kiln toiy a llku uum 8 35 uoruan crtwaon hulidlns u oul vaira oo town una latwfiuloand kcqitulrh krln to y a lib ami j 35 itaio buytjr builiiinfj new oulfrt on town una b twrvii 1nii and inilliry krln lo a hkv atim 0 09 wto lurtirava work iiomm and tn- tfiul luiinlufl uu crmlbrwi at llinwllllmm 0 as wm koryravfl work done oo mc uaatar btldi 8 co wm forfiravr nulling la naw col vatt in olattiifiulaiiia 4 co corporation of tha vluajto ot oaortj town imc half oharuv npalrind uldil6ti hili lin outli i oaodary balwaan tha vlllih and toauablp 0 63 ddttul nillun ttpalrlnu oulvart 0 8 kwlta lot 8 on jod llo 1 00 jamaa ilyda n oppoall lot lusndlliia 17 00 lluub altkloa moraadiotl iiral ta lwtii lotisa di uu on lb lit ooo 4 00 carrud movad by ilr wltataoitb afeoooad by mr lawaon that ibstraaiurarboaulh oilaad to iy 10 taeh to john uauklaa and wuiihi uluoifp aulat in ibalr aup port oarrlad moved by mr lawaou aacobdai by ur wrljulaa worth that th iijruw to appoint oolhotoriorratrarortltayaarlrtoih kid tbtr atrondainl third ilmaaaud uiisad and that th blauka in tha fly itw b allad up with tb following nam t poiuoadlv no 1 aroblbald modoujall uusvld iluduy uvviilumuoon 41alaruhbanii ft uaorimoawpball ft john uvaut and that tb oollaolora b naldtaoli tha ittin of twanty dollar for thalr urvtoaa a meb noluilor id that tli clerk and tbo ttaav iumlao tbalr aacurltl cattiaj moved by mr lawaon tiooadad by ur hlawart that lb troaturvr u tbturlaad to iay to tli trauurtv of tha township of hattiiuifabrioullbralsco6ty to uiual urant of ally dollara omhd movad hy mr b la art scaondad by mr la wwu tbijths clark u tuauueud to writ thatownltilp knliirndhavblni aaatrilu lha hill on tha ltt llni in moo tlon with tlta uluk tfttomld movd hy mr hlewait saeondad by mr lawaod hat th chik u lutltoatad to wrlla ibw uarvln in rafaxaooa to anppot t- foriiman h olvw k owin7huijro ii cv j joyoa j lllrj w a tn d aflkilur j if milur k murray it ot muorr uarahall john millr a m- findrow t mouuih h uollatid j mowhliurjohnmcnilly d monlly c monaltj j mopfcllllmy v or br w orr jr c i tnalon jr tboa vroiton g n xhi a w nlian j xj u04m w llobton jr a hprlufuj albert bip htrdt bcoli h turnart ii tliomjufon m tdrnar j wlljd w wigtlna tn fullowlun war alruaktiflf bliaaboth armatrontf j ulaokttook j ohula adamob v k 1 v udulllatj ea mcdjofiild w uilnrioortx lion nanoymannar dobald suthtrland mr srab willlamr tlio folluklii namaa wr oorraotad joliti olrd sell olllht augjgnsale broad in his vlliws a wiajwr pftaetur who apparaally think tbat haavauu oataa or vuj tho rev j o toiuile paatorof st an drawa vu aby tarian ehuroh wladaor til ihaoonraoot hln atiruon on a raaunt bun day ovonlng aujltaatad that th oraal of lha church h atami4 on billiard euaa and arlelut uu 1 brllova ha aald that nun and women ahould taka all tha puaauru thay can git out rf this 11 fo if it la nnl in oppmltlon to thalr eonacl tno and tb uach inn of th ulbla thay claim that danolnft la ilnful but i claim it u not anj i dtfy ahyuaraon lo ahow m anything in th dlbl atftlnat it to rant aualrmt thota iblntia la oant and liyicray and not ehru- ilanlly thg uoaton l1uul casc ouo dallnv uaauicaa atfalnat t ybtuaaa jotittulhrtld cat adlauvnadt atuamllloo lb la afurnoon th jury in tho caw of baaton 81 trjomig jouawal found ii damaiir tho ilnnitt ml was adouruadly eouaiuf until afur tli haar- loy if ibaoim aali t thsoloutc hbit lifu r0u 1ici child m cavlktou puck oct h mr jclm k irwuo of oavutou ruo with bar two qhlldran wa driving into town lul night from ucokwlth and whan uaar th railway oroaluj oaa tt lha obltdrab allpad oat mr irvliia whit trying to raau tha bblld trlbpad on tb raloajtljoal brak lun bar utck bbe dlad alwoatlnturdtauv ly jlerwarda pasted so dav5 ouiciuo ool prof william tiloau dlad at hi home to day aftar a faat cf p iij irqf bloan who waa a promluent bdueator and ruwiimr man bati baan aahjrol for niaiiy day toatlaoka of a atratig dlman whloh ha aald ootnpalud him to fait uo to ulllaou uroa r add jawalry rotaiiluii- farm mt miik hl uktlllku iomiids in a uf l to it ut tliu tlaru iroue uoara i on 1 uimd v cc foll u mrtirwcr tlml valiinliln proiwrly known hid wab- bttt variu ntar mi wartiuwitcotiwuuna of itiio tiuitilriul utttu link or it lull u ih wt bill lot n i lltimlttlllli tmef km in v llwinlilii 1 1 xinuhm fcliuaud fwoinllnii atui wliau rri m unrguown hla iipniitul lhiouiuurliirai r niullo from hcuw vrtinrithlhlton i titro ttnkntd tioildlap uricfl on llwi irt inlw tliriara jj met nf wlifi livrih urnuutl no li in u clay iimiii unil tl u ooiiililrrdl in bu tint ot tb beulurulii fjritmlnlliociniiity uul to cam htnoai two oclock hlmrp t kit mm tiv rtviulhu nurolntuic aaa liuvumur l in in mml dot la in remain on tlio iitorlauaoiuru laiunif jtur idmhu tint pur clllmrr ut4uiort lit uiul tlltj ujlhiitolo iki imiii wltlim mlrli ilitju from llixtl iy ul m ihlnfuiiii mill b wu wllliuuiuuy uborvn h m look ahlluulii 1urtltir pailli nliir ytiiy luul rruin o cooutjijtliio n ur lti aiclltnrrr fall circular 94 gentlemen l w aiatn dlr lo thank yol tit tha lib aral nilrndtf batowd upon aa alno w oommencut baklnrae lo nortown wblrh haarkunrid oar a numbtrrtf yrj dur idk mhlch lima wa hav ndvorid to ptoawi j co in tli lin of ordered clothing wm ti ii t that yon will oontlnai lo b a libtral in thalunro a you havo beat in th paat our atook of fall clotbs m rjobp- wjaajrl t ancy auction sale tv m mr joliiihtftu ui uonnor will h tv byiitiblln u4jiliiuii mlft janu amithl ktouie trirrd cottajit uiiim oil yuesday tfctober 23rd 1894 at oiiaoi lnofa i in mm f llotflnj viiliiablw i hi imtuui ui htt lalo ritriith twiloiiuiiiir l- arolilbiiltl himui tiumoly i flio wnl tilf of ui in the lltli oniij a moitof uiotowiiitulp of lim siiili i nnl iln lualuianrn innnxirltih- tin tli 0riar4jt um trimini a rufi umr hun uiut wmi rnttiivtitrn riinrn iviilaon uno abotit tynvwiid m ual hph aiuitlin biiroftoinotrfltiirllil itmon iifltio lownlil of ivaollt bliiu hd itihiir ii0itarm nuiro or uw llilm nbiva ur on h to iiruuur nt lliulnir nuitl lmi u lluiii farm uro wwli watriiii by vunuliu ulitumr ihu will akki alay loam tho piouirnrj wi i ba aula io9lhortsrttr rkltimukhabtctltmmrihiilitn tiav of liatrwlih- inoi i i in in two may ulthor u 4t il in i ur nihjv rrtnaln lor tivtt eatm uih n inoitjimu wliti vkttvctl 0 bur runl ill iliu nu mtttu ontinn lhoklriy my uu liimwu wl tv titlml inn uum limurii tu uuy ttniumi uiililic ur minltli on ilio iiriiitfefi iaiiicii will uiirovi ih1 on ilaj orui wmtuutlnimaii bu ntvuti hiiiuuttlauly ktr furtbarimrilt nlum unj umjduunaly io lunuttit iliiiltuoruttlluiucold tyrrftuotla o axiouiura of ih lulif arolitbuld mtniui or to l vimiaw k mpisi ima l0l 81 wellington tt cum loioutu vao3 uollnllora babies aro nover healthy when thin they ought to bo at babies cry for scotts emulsion it ta alutablo and easy to assimilate prpartj by scott ilown bllell0 all druggist 50 cent and cl dominion cheap store i co mo direct to mrs kobun and jau will col onrkmmli4 very ehup an nuw biiyn hui- icimhluforivimilrmklii aim tltvruforacutu tuom rhaupe ibao uny otliui btorn in town hliu uoaa lwtn a wttck lo lltu city to buy job lolu of vbbp tjood i will in i ailvmrtla llko boinu tailing out for bluff lta too rtiuoti ilio tautloa tb day you will roaliy gbeat bargains 1 almost nobody disputes tho iuet tlint wo have rown big and powerful in it surprisingly short timo a dozen store are scrambling fpr second plaxo butthora nevor is t rjjiefl tion as to which iu fmut the entire community js i iinnoiiioil in what wo do and whnt we nay and tho emphasis of brisk sales makes responsibilitios wo cheerfullyoccbpfc tr u more active than it over was stocks larger assortments more complete and as the husinobsgrows quality grows with it complete is tho word wo want you to understand that we havo hero r a complete dry goods store a complete shoo store a comploto clothing storo a comploto book storo a comploto purnituro storo a comploto hoiioiiniiliing storo all under one roof togouior with stocks that aro more geuer- oral the half a huudred difloroiit dopartuients help to keep pricos down ut any and all tiuibs values are best here be cause wo sell so much profits avorngo lees because we sell for cash mori women tind children aro interested in tho success of this business wo boliovo in distributing benefits far and wide selling nlwaytf an we buy all ourjosqurcos ore bent upon getting good things cheap enough for you to own in buying wo get as uoatns jiossriblo to the actual cost of pro duction tn soiling wo give you tho advantago of worldwide experience and direct dealing with evory element of cost reduced to a minimum wotgtcdg guumtun dd smid batltap omreott im juer patltg o tx uw mklrn op of which la ih utnl ifjlta w hr rjl lb holllum belisle coy tthit u mad to ordtr at trabloa on tho ahoruat nollos tatfaot ut guaranteed flanoaj ao4 oxford ahlrt for all now battrrna ooroar kn and jama street lumllum aa i buy um gooda tor ruh very ebaap hplanolii rio o swttr favhcnctaaoii laj sll hind of woolln i ptna iatnak ot aloekiaah aocka fnney mrs kopman y rm block ho 4 pbe valwaa llohm u how irfiaivd to do fill raalilomhbtadrvuiiiukliiir nj in taah lb atmilein tailor htjitwrti hyktbin of cmtutur wbleb u tha tnol iwrivot now in um ooata abildrana drriii anil boye mdlaraoboeutby tbla uynlam your pal ronagtpairuliy aollcll illw a a houh aqkmt main alt ueorgotowa call and aaa my li00 had only a few uft at thin uric extra valu j q wiuoa moore bros 8p mlhis ib thejild stylo but jgcobavo sotuo of tho b happy- thought ranges h k they have larger ovons nnd vtfry haiidsonio rdetlgn our now stock will inoludo er well known lines with tho latest improvements for 1804 lsjb aithe lowest price complete atook of jlnw abe cheap coal oil and lamp ooods re bros abjokgrsitxrjwtsr today and to-morrow- will givo us about all wo can do in now hat new bannata t now capos i now jackets new suits new shoes new overcoats now underwear ivi and other itomg of the sunday outfit bear in mind ability to clothe men women and children from he to foot iu any desired style a t eaton co 190 yonqe 8t toronto tie star grocery t v lais re dlaritea itam tioju ton iu absolutely puro hum ijiiih ton has a lovely flavor kam lais tea jjdsvor varioa rum lais tea bus novor boon boaton rani lais toa is tho best in canada also a largo stock of ppy mojjghts radiant homes qrockerg glassware 11 i 1 it lit 1laurv ihinwnifnhiawilu fl i i toa and dinuor sotts will be sold at 10 per cent off vbreasb a j mgdermid georgetown i p h i mm 6lsl3mfili

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