Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 20, 1895, p. 4

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fhje inrgctoiuiriieralb jtad v jkii iw lwil a ud of -win- an laatb htndur jlsiiimmenl that take th8 st feto8sroimfli 1 with ortiiurid kyas i r lj lloiciib iwruijrv liiia3 nootbaily mloiiiuuu uty will b idrmabwl by tin follawinjtj to mcuiumik ii ulttumwi i7auyi u- lima ornim tsuiik buiuwnrr k uiui i jlllll 111 1j pl ij39j tv w j in pl a o pm mortbrtt st mortbwmtffrn dlv ooufu houtli i oolmu hovth jlx pm 1111 i rpr tu11untu ju 0 00 v 0 m v eu 0 17 v t 0 ou v h 0 111 v 05 7 w v111w d-hw-rrti- mrrrg pouuw v 63 sun y y wb as hy vottar roll butwr tab tdrky gmm 10 v ia y e oe0r0etown tfarkeffl wheat baruy oau hay vraeaad bog evutom boiltrou ftoip obwkoi uaii um turkeys 45 to a o w 6 b 4ft 16 ift 46 07 ktrltnv- the jttfmia of this vat tun niiwituiu to soma flf taen mllllonsof pound hturliug allot which it wii part o tbi duties of 111- oftles to invest it will b r of ttia iiiunhu wiiicii h wti taa llkinliolmhniulk of unrfrtnth in form iliioun hue nbottt th t im miiuumc tlit tbu mtmif klutl jictftuii im io litinl nud flrnt nt lluio una that it cum ba o prowbly tn oub known imtur tbu hu lllgbu luiiinil tucliu hr illver wan lirouubt up ill tbit ttur fcorynf nrnwl 1irmtliuu ihhi rtva otau cur mmiuly tliu trivmiiy dipftirtat o tllluuvltiiillllll hlllt tifl fcllowh it th vf umlc itih irnttitirhtttninwtw bunliiiik willi hiluihiut lonoli of cu tfululillun pnlimiieui mill liu tlitbodo litwitclt iu ullijlitly of lb iiirlluiiifetitmi onler with the imltiutt or of lb huhll njiciiker mitt liln vdlc in very ctir m luiiutrittlttir kir itivont i abore nil tlilntrm adlplomai nriil uhmvn it in a tuouiuiml differ lit way wlicthuriipviikliiu of tn or pc h ulwayu convey h ihn lila that h kuowi i urcntdeiil niorr of the bulijeetthan b l uiyitiu and tlila clvov lilm h itiimfmllon o ruuttvuil noiror wllb a kuuplulmi of tbt iron liuiid iii tliu velvut ulovy u rtfhl indr4it blr kivltu lu a lilt of atluudybu wirly i tlio pxuut tliutuftr lvlnublh no oim could tiichii out imminent foatun of lilmililre it u uf raurm with kuynt tint tbi haiiioof blvcltiirua hlvnt wj bun miui bo ulwayn numcluud un elrouttubtliej btflndiout lu tlilucouiimtloiiwbubiitmaki or nut when lie flrt wnt out ti wp liui wlburkwilllm avub rtuny tgniral iw tbt tbtld tbmd tbj w rilll w- bbkuluf tfck b uu ba hpa adltfid paft kmilutf h irmtuaxliitf ttoryef esnlu miuelty i toidlu renthtimuttef lltiwtiti of parli si andmrns hrwri living lit ih nu st sauvur wotto the tbatr oeaviilntf leviarf iblr riom1ellgum cd only liy a vry timklllgent little dotf who antwerdtotbe mm of cfttor tby taltud him highly snd ofua mmrkdi ctorr w would not ull blra tar 10- c60 frttiw tfapy had not ba long away wbu bur iltutf ntrd tb bouu cator who wai atthattnoiriptitlri tb kitchen wlilllnu jwjuahourlyji5hibjihltjillmpn tbnolm uttdnot tfeoftmilnfttiukiiafcurv itep prlkd up bin cam ami lltunwl a monuttt mow atld b dpetdl it taunt im tburm to tbdrovrblal fidelity of ltd re tbr waa addd la this wouturful do the wudom of mtpnt jllllbtf lbt i habatkadtha lntrtidm would k1m and kiumh him vnmvfir liaaat down eovrd blihaad wlibblapawa atd thought in utttly at tut a uttht brok ovrhu wind andjt ktols uoluhtuly from tbi houm and mu swiftly to a tuarby build ititf whlohwab lu tli eouraa of eofntrua- tlon thin ha ulud a llghud unura lu bliiuoutbun4turnrd with it to tbt bout th fiu hiat with tha iuew it drv- d tba thuvn welhg tha light luth adjolnlntfroomballavdthamklva0dtmt- d and fll cjutora joy kttaw no bound iuidwbtttblaowhhihlurnadtby found btmttlll rubblugbu tw9 with uiuao- tlon only rla that- to fi to wfunj tho mony if o benefit i ihr-of- tlio trouble dinlneaa isnujijtapqlbl and itfrvoun di6rdcrv iuoh mtwp wv muw ltlwjllmiini mil m vltu viahm ilopattd ujwm th r- wgalarltuiand 3ulacjrnonta of lb pooul ttniotur6lha prcriptlon eurei by wgubtlng and oorrwiilng tliem ftinctloni and orgdnlu ohonge tmoc aboluta ou 1 wb j luklaa kl dl lutlm mlwm 2j ustiiiy uiu- ti cures t nuiiisau piles illtiiiniskin fhu omf4t ul rf jlu 1 trui ckftw oulwml wwi km eo- wly mi m utts joi1m oehhib b ptllll if- rwwtu wlnxi vltb iijbln lot your ilvitil iurii tin pint yijar w toliiiit yontooii- llattri-inpport- i beiiibr agitiu fot tlio ffoit i wood aud fuusr hatuiltoa biaderu thfccoolcs best friend lahqcst alk in canada anton 6a hobbav ihirtauii kid i my oddladow di nluvad in alx 1 botrt by the m oru sooth amruwi i blutrekr tbu w rm4dy ut a at foaod dallftbfc to phyclbtam oa ao uwpo uicoipa promnmata in ttluw- i i pio a ih buddkuayz baob aiuii iwpiflof ihxtthayajmiwrtrbiaw main st geobgbtown i oxfords macesl 1 snly flou by0e 1uvpt lu lbtfl ah the rapnuntatlva of thl llw hiacallmlwwam nraa cure ttlob ltbti1uua ami rvtpv all ltt iitouum ini untloablllaiit uin of dm systani iml aunyvklalbltubuu ao wtilullwlrimwi vba uaby im jkz uy jovivaaldtba country ujulra who doakyi id ttulka it pah6u of bin atmlgbt away poulbly yturntdtht wit butyouv fpthtr waiivldutlyof a01tfmuttnld a mill eww u tpi mjf r jlftr bmmicw of l i iv uul am iimltf v mid iv smisja8 jrvm t wva fiaby vu uv v gfva bar cuuda wutt hb wu a cblld kbu ru4 far cuun wuntaabwmitauua ih clung to cutaria wuttit- lcbjurnu fcuftuooud ibu uw1iww sick ltoik 111 1diu ho lu itrluhu uovoriiiiiunt tliacountiry wam pra hcilly limiuriipi itntl ilia uvtn pvmnt miillad lkjudwrj quoted at w- rty nf iii varioiiu foivfrlou tbta aauu uiilllud tuiiiiu tba lutrtt ou wblcb liat iwiti miilod down in th mimiitlnio to font pr cnt tuud ntuimut va tumr hitn tliahutory ol iii raiiiilnii cnrmv would w intboulbu within tlio uiiiub of tuu uvtlcu wit tb tiiicituiliii which linn iuirwi into butory la uio report of tin- cummtiwioii dktinuitta blioplulouot tna iiiidiu a- mi of ulitcliho waprldantlnbueeadonto lmagof you wad tha virdlot but who j1v 7vi t- iho liu iurdliirtid do utwp wblcb hid a that holding you hwul bh frow lwytir aiyd tha but wty to forartirtult tbupructlcul rcovryfto uarauatlll anotharipaelmauthatracslu trtvl ihm la through lha blood hood 00uncre4of thoimut turtllo unu lu kgypt tha soelaty vpoo lha kulnauwi two gtartabavlll vlullfraiha blood which invl been ainioxd by iumtll gautumau in ah auct loo room war ril laoliitntidtlio pludnu of tha fluunoaiattd putlag lha ouaulon of a platutahya taxation on but of proparlty of wblcb eubratd paluiar which faithfully wpr tlio wretched and downtrodden faluhiau uulad aji aaa finally oni of tbtu aildt wot hid kiratts falbir wuivkbuyoi lumanw lblalllmftrtpaopuwbrtaliplbalaipor4l that u oaa typa haw u anotkari x wad a izz i j j i iijtal bad a portmlt ukan with hu child wn id a tr f dottkycmrlighaiunduig attbaaulm- in a kmwwai eobdlllon do4 bmhug ktrasg alibad showing it to a frlaudhaaakad in ibfunuhar of dlauaaa hooda brapa hla oplufou of lha ltkanau 4 tba vary m la fcbl o cuw bo wy twoblaa w but who lngtluanmjli onlyouraj nt j witty kttdprfvemli hoods flli arulha baaikfiair dmnavpul a1i d0itloa piavaut ooaillpalioii tlio wreiciicti nnu attlad all aaa finaiiy u u hiuliiovorrfiunuloruiip jjy dear air it ia of no um 1 shall not another historical eplwodo in blr 11 ii another historical cplmouo ia bir llivara i slva in tha painting one blohgd to kyypthin cjircor wu when ha tbraaunadl tuy grandfuther and i inland to imvall nfmiira anil withdraw ohl in hint ichitl would tw wito wtr w uuir tniin lliu hm lwi ium wlt 1 inill will lllkl tlir wlu dtt im wllllnir to jo villioul umia ache 14 thahatt of ao ninny iivm out ut la wtiar wa uiaka our gri tkoatt out pill cura u cjikyua lim tivin vu ararr anuill ab4 vary mjf to talm oim or two itllu iaba arrol urtuinmlir orwniby luau ulytl usieius co km vol luslia small sm esnuprk htika with nltitaii blr i bad micli wveri cmiuh that n ikroat fflt aa l crapil with rai0 uklng norway pinn urup i ffninit tlieilm doa ava rlla f and lha sucond bulo c mt nuulycnrwl- uiumaa a lowna maaolio onl mow successful remedy foh man or haafty mmhltll rihht iii luiw willi umqlhutiawl ii ua kenoillsspivinfiure slliiiniijtthv at incoliomui apaacn nuiv ailocunient which nioant the complau uurrendurof hit authority aceaptlug cniihtuutloiuil jovernniant andplacraif hlinwou entirely in tho handu of england lntiieu uud italy not the laast of blr hlvorv triumph in tliu ooiinfrctlon ta the fiiut that it waa hla pakonnl influanca which induced tho holbmhlldi to float a loan uf olcht mid a half lulllloni ateruna mi tho uceurliy of the lamia whltih ha had cunuwllud uuiull to disgorge tat mavlug the kiiyptluii bkeich of tho car v thin ureut tliuuiclir itahouldlw racvhiil that ho mill la unit of tha three knglbb uoraru- ineirthltrcctura of the biieit cnal un tho kiihjoctot kanllnand da iusapa sir lllvcru la very eloquent lis had been uculloajfiio of lla ait frenchman and hiu noililnbbntadmlkatlflii tw him ha c in lint iluit da leupa bhoiild not la jiidttil hy tlio hiamlnrd of ordlnary men itnd pnyullltb tribute to bl gaueroua nature hrond vlewa aud anoruioua mauta and phyalclul activity the niaunar in which ho approached enulaud when lord fulmeruton waa irlm muiutir the bit- tflttit nemy of bin graat behemeafter ha hud won bin fltht commende blra to the liveliest recognition he knew tlmt once cut the iwnt and lurgeut cuatonitra tha ciiuid would have tbay uumlwr nlwut huhty pur cent of the whole would be ktigl lnh in en und mu be nitnroaclml them in tho iiutmt lhwnil aplrlt nnu uiaila then con iiuiih which vurniwl for hint tlwodluni to an nl moat ptinu career wit wiibii u v wf m n mum touiljoiirn the conference nnd withdraw obt in that caie replied hla rlval ho wont to the pulaca to make hie adleuu suavely i will give it up i think you tothukhcdlvo who ufier muwblluu out are fully entitled to tilt it la one of your an tncoherout speech plucwl in bli hikcui fanilly portnilts iti niotit the combleu nxt t this wa may plaoe tha vetort af the irish girl who caught tn tba act of playing on bunday morning andtiatng accoatad by the parluh prltst with the greet inp oood morning dauuhler of the evil one replied promptly oood mora tug utlier yltwuhlavr avimf a kqunre daliro in which miclety ti nuiek intaretttr la the kiilwr uuvotte this dauca ouca its nrlglii to n iennau profas aor who tmvo it lu nnme in bounr uf km nerorvllllain the dance o dell a lit ad 111a majaatr thnt ha bnaordanid it 10 lie danced ut nil the court hallu tha knlur gavott la a aully dance much refteaiblliig tha mlnuei a danced at the larmiin court liall a profound ohelsancatu the kuiperor ami kmpre begins aud nu tha dance thaeoutlnu- ous figure laave the- inbolder itiatruint port of admiration only a prirfewuir of dancing could deicr lie avary flgurf- two flaures which nre pnnlonlurly hvuutlful are called the roaelte and lha star the gavotte imltfhea hnwerar is tha inoitt arfeotlta flgura lu tha tumor ttia tttlllca wllb thrlr left hnnds vary daintily catch their sklvu llfllntf them vr m llllla still tnnuuh tn show wtlln ullpivra und eleuiu of hue willi rlithtjiauds hrld high ovr their hernia they cut eh their partnarn iiauiih and in iiiih wist lialano- ing nlio couple fidlowlnu unothrr in sur eehulou luey make u irruml tour nftue iballroum- all the stor ura ttntly a- d with aainrtl wmp uaw oyolte wall tm in burgh dool hrowl beoaaee tlia mu ta bid and tlut wvathre not of lana dont ejb and bawl for yontl have all tha im wnt ba juna 1 ahtrrohd mr qnilp bat wort thpuyo iduiim ibal bun t iomo tniallaei works timy thohte4irisodplntbrtodf told th cook how to make it l ja dldol ealh the idsa hhpt la woa thebuiao be 4ldni oslchj yaoatloua friend wtll bav yon and ar wife eattled aa lr who la lo be tba of tba liouwf- young htubattd k yal we usually ocoapy tba ebalr lo- jkrtoapltanifoifeikihlp0ave had any asperlaaca la a bank t appll- aft yae sir i iwaa a dipoallor in oue ejilllba biabur ran avay with all lha node i yuy ufa from tha ravauaa o dlwau ikpoawr than to win a kinudou qurdoek jayppsaura ouroe all blood diahaata saro jpablc4ah pltdplw ailn dlauatav eta jili cuanl8 power ovsrlbe eelirt ay if will mluly our tlfik uudiab tad uolbu lll hod lb p10 kiuf totap ww- i ll kmilbflbndi v 8 vmlifcbinl 8mll pill pib in lb bfil ub illll wiukllui htt i iwuunid milk bd our btlliloj uii brum in it lib mm nnu illhi iiiiloiid vitaiixkh itlva immedlata nlnf ask for 4be naw itoud syuin 1 eur used vor diuapaia fob ku smi v 1 wood futimact 3 huavv o0xts oaeaeuuf3 atupl4 for wood bonloa- 4 kavy stml miteplrattox rjiia 9 blckavabduamoraidorulai m ttadf ator of modarn oaajttt- lion andureatuaatlag rowar lattoflaahptt 00al rubkacl layaja cwbuatlaei qppunbeja ffouneedltl thedl emullon itwill curefbatcoug healburlungrs ljtfleh onyburboncs ppivcnt conbumptlonj al a- oximpwooo ttmwac- teb re mext door floutb of the bank ofhamlton petiflg wiieb- you gkt piill quaranteed capactl mft0i curhey raumdrv miiniiiiniiiiiiiilij 1 vlm ftrtviriimg fruit c mr j lllnflea chemist and drug lloowel ui loih july 1b01- pur oeer ft year x have gold ularke fowdeira and cay i aaaueaere apeak very highly ol them u a aura fur elek gnd narvouiheadaehr blllouav aaaa atomaeli aad liver ootrtplalnla tby iva twal satiaf aetleo and mil rapidly bold by alt drugglu at 33 onle a box vary alaalotekat lrulanudooueaadpirrttanaal lam 4nrmlgij and rheumatism gwadftlacei covt- wb p fi or bldmy tnwu u autu bow oy drujlul- r rioe 76 obiibib1 u ou0 l j wm ta u jpol wkhj i took ikiy lllu is piu bol ol joer bndoou ulowl uilu d ol utu iron popn i ean iraly say that x think b d b ibg bataidiolbaevrdioovifl kiioumji y captain b eluto ikiielu hdiidou ihmi tl pencil arou fuk 1 a hull t gniv murk t aifffueo i durkur unit s non id m ihnpuhll mid the iluluihlnii of pnrwr tear iwr t n uur i m it ailghtly or luiu iidl- niul trying tu tho ey liiirtl amtu u trying in tho i w nt iryinu in mo inuaclaa and the iealtntico to wtilcli tlia iniikclea uruthuh trained must ijo uriirooiiie when bchlnuliiu to wrltu with peuollurpeii upon j wiper i tho use ufliiti ulato jwiicllti und h in hum n very uuiliaiily riiattiin and itimli to uud kmahluhum uuoleaiily oiriiiaii keuavfelo ih 10 ie co mimtnaa one short puff of tba bwatb through tba blower supplied with aaab balil iniu baralliob oni v uapuiu defaeuy u tl a ban dugo ioaii aayat bbiloha catarrh iutaedy u ilhaflrat bvedloitval have evr found thai lrlao 0 oadib ottltueuaat t7j tba imbluvara tou uiultlueni to purebcjsjlis a wutbua sltkl a shd liiaa on t eodtrary tluy aus the ball phyaloiel are virtually uoatiitunua lu aiuu baur iuuulou ia lha bsi form ol uoi liv- j r u mi ikii mim in hie ufa tosaaona of tha lyceum produc tions irvlrig fait duly ffattared and an aipreued lilmulft but thodlvlnr aftrr a certain amount of stumnierlntr coufr that be did not wish to a play in hi there waa a ballet irving ureatly pm sled informul blm that there waa no dancing in the plnyu he waa thru produc ing but that acconllngto tliualanjf el ibf profeaulou tho aupernutueriirlam of boib i aeiea wera the ballet and hence preb ably arou hla rultorsj mistake the 1 worthy mans face beamed and be toalf an affectlailau leave of ida hour j but at the door he waj wlaed with muglvluh aad niddenn jliubpvlh ciau skin dlirfaaf ao llurdock uluud iiuisre whiabu bdihi utford mu id fluod healih if commend it alau fur dyp4pia a a sablllulm for mile ueny pviauti cunui wlluw piljtf 111 hail with plvisurw tba iitweiui val bla aubfeinutf esjijaytt liver ijoai they no tul purgs- or gupu like pi lie altuply aaslut nsiuru toiwiiorm thotaj f enoliutia thy arw noid ai 95 c- ut ulower supplied with aaab battle el vtait nawa oaurrb powder dlffoaea thjj powder over lha eurfaoe of uasa pejaage felnleea and dallihtul lo use ii reluvaa laauauy end prmaneiitly cure eatarrh bay fever oolda licadaaha aora thraal toellu amj v minn dav raver aora throal toellue bj oooeaia at o m laeta tor um waj mixed with muglvlhaa aad iddetily deuiuuilwipalnlbunki if there no ballat mr irving why do people ik aa much about your leasf irrlugr rar baa not lieeu ehrotiletad h talk i ausw tuie la conaatttrutlon oaa pdl a uoae oua but 115 oute one iptuilwvii6ooaibiiau oua boa euree aurdiaay ow oua pill taken weekly tmulla4 forujation uf una aali ia the spiii aud pmvtpta urighta kiuoey diavaue dirtia etaa only u ur ubaa kidwy uer pille j 0tie1 turn hay south atnerimb bheauatia cure far tbaeaaallem aud neuralgia radlaally aarai llallolcuya ite amian apoa tha a i it rewarkebla aad myeatloe xi naoal and tha dlaeaaa lpaiwii ai oaoe tw dauaa ijiaapehl or s btuue for a dollar tba wellknown eiruigibtulu propailli cj irin eombiutd wiih other toulra aud tiioet perleot nerviua ar fuuud iu xrivi iron pill wbiou atiauuaiui ibu nervaaand body aaai improve tba blood auu eotnpu oh w ma er hueesa tba ittaaeatai noru v tiitvp m iforcjualul aidg mutmi bfjr nutioublaa is dee la uwlhxi walt consamptlau fullm awtbasd aou tolzl7i t iooard and hauii lie nway wiw bvupcuiouuiiia ewhtna kmmm i letiau roadt tujn sore bn beeoautu and luttg uoabiea uab4t walloa iiwmmj v e u i ffsi pssj k t h onlj bload iiuriqur admllud oil 1 bl rtiion tl low oiuoii wuln vir wm v it buuiinil 11 uilwr buiuuxuluil il a imuhi rvpaiiloo od paunl uimii t at wllb diioioi un pbmrbjuitl 11 bf w bttu oouiduiwl stndrd vifwly bhuov cor u uolil ou uuiraolm it bit inolpiimt oouuiuuliun 111 lb but 4ub euni oul on onl don 05 ot loels rbdjluo pur boillu bold by druu iml uoob ol iii wury i duclo laillip lub i foy who mb b lippy with piin in btltlobiobr oorhouvudlrnilli bv oltu libmmttry orub avm till u lbviubb llmt um bilum ilwi 1 bnilkl llb urubuull iwcl j there are very few sterna il order bunineu as this l mmands the attention of shop this fot give country edi bleen ever no olten one ubiql it least 10000 cotno to u coo ind of courne he read the riot w entirely by local patronage and ntereats but businobb keeps growing mail orders aro coming 10 ui froi limrlbution of goodu in this way lorieiiced clerks dovnto thoir wli ifiiihes of country customers net smt spend his p0db quabtefts fob a bottle w burdock blood bihebsas all sensible people do because it cureb dyspepsia constipation biliousness bad blood and all diseases of the stomach liver kidneys andbowels rosli and in nil rotpoou to suit you alto a select stock of crockery glnbswaro s a nbiiro of your patronage is tolicitod all goods promptly do- livorod store next sauk or uwilion d a p err in i hwtpt apwr anrl un bniit ojifnlon villa c wvhn iir njwheurcoiijwrlljil a limn hoiili uf ipl butiou totuilaki pa mm ui law to p tntli ihii fr also a ntalactu of t-i- rsit- mtroi- p t tha an woiubi mm n a ui ipuommlilralhii utvr tlflu of anr oiannit a m u 1 jukmav sfflfcrpsa aawa i buifllaiisu4maw ou armrha- i liuwitei contw voun dui uuoattwyl ebeam leapbng miailiju 6uht dip hthbmaequlnsyycolbd and coughs olds ft oughs ouickly yield to rteva your amrlmnla hoan wrap and whan you hav us aninloula nr to itan boap wrappers sand them to us aadel ihreaoautaump far paeiafie and wa v null yoo ribx a baodwirac ploturasulla for framing- a llstolpiotureaarouud pt bar ammonia boapmu no equal wak aonmend u writ vonr name plalalj end addreeat o a- umrauiw 9 and lomhawt at toronto on l hold bytmnat 1 ftmrchanta and graoere qlva ii a trlab powders pw fctkpb x cmre igh nmapaonm and nmirmkjk u ma afiwuraaf fjp otaiad toiiua dipt aw illuttuuiwt pltt la tba glda cchmimsnja tt llvaf ud umslb uluy suind aba i ttle the thwu vaatv mat rd van i aeoai atej 0rei r bmum roaj papp ppi i i u ix

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