the georgetown herald vvhsfslay ivi- i iu ih lull absolull i jv segceuty t i roidinrnu fwrtmftalfjvttt rot wwtiranoal roi una sun rei nutconruuov cure ick hkadachb thstwxyilwo it k t following flotivraation took pl during meant fixation in cumberland hfllwciili two tfrco and ludopondjiut ict- atx mo of th uliflf wfcll ro jillwi tlio nthor ila tlila way if r had jjviuisrrjijftijttitl twf lioraa youd fliv nn i rif ui jit lutf jeri lout think 1 wniilil rrpho him an fyoiin two il 1 1 j y i iguemopno uoul wt yor on irt i w ul i ami i ilill oure a s r alut hill a loriihuololut ifyoud iw i i iff ji ii il fllo m ono wculdnt yir nji i uliiit r roi lio 1 hill litfel i mo yflroiip im lljrhi ynr for if ii ii i t pifi- in din am bxlbnhlvb ohauli ri thrifty imitlininfr m thtxidi iilnut m tleu r minify in any y wltlati h ril w- m bor jn builuiu lii lukn unly fair ilnyri wbon ho it tic oil tiling u in wruf h wut thuic in m i4iyl h ii ud wr iutt a j fjjy- to abafdy ilw cdu iuoiwfaw wv ium gnb vwrni howawim ijahjff liav immii lio uliiuuupwntrwltofifdit rdutoil iliniijittl from tiu wnjiloyiinnt by lii iimtlr wi at udgtli forelbly ul i lu hiu- 111 itfuuvkttiwiutrkaiimrtm off for burfil by way of a joka on ll wty ihnytnot a farmor who atvbl if tho wail wei dead no wm tli rply but wo iittnd lo bury it i m ho u ilibt lavy lis alioull not bo alltiwfd ui uv atiho frtnsri roquoit tho uuat off tlurlidrwhor tba urmoriuid lh lisy baa if h ibougbt h could at two or tirc bold potato aflltiytmatijmbqntrd th nan no raturiud tba farmar ab woal lauul lum hinmrkugoti ixmdi u auwm ijxlbnokh allowed i luiao who on i turn pi ata puralinalng niuii inn ntul uorlt of any donripiinn f r thtrrnmirrry lou ulioull irlir direct fr m ilin i 1 1 roliablo granim an i m or bio dun it r i ii ilamllloij fjuolpb ont all okuiiia4 allowed tu purabaaerj all uork otij umurial warrauuil oumpotl- tiondoflol ibo larsait and bt slolt of lmwfrto i uranlin m ontario i or it voundcliilbiaii rimpjl 7uiuk itlioiltiiatlim stiff lulnla ilurm maalli hilca of imool croup colds jiaflyardirycillow oil wilt l found an flkoellodt romody 1rioo 22 cotiu all dealor uritlib troop oil lluimrnt i unaur palued by aoy llniwouh on tbo uarkot today it la floecpaiod of liealloff aoolli- iiitf ani elaanalhff vegalablo oil nud tn triou h li pat up in i if a child eati rivannuuly crlndi thu icotli at nlylitond pick its 1100 you may aluiuat bo oortaiu it baa worma and nhnul i ndmlnialor without do ay dr tw imoataui worm hyrupi tbl remedy oontaitia itoin oatbartin castoria for iafauti and cliildvem ua trtrf milbutuiiutirlino uoa laobo powdora civn wnmi n prompt rvllaf from moolbly lialuauiul luvo io bad afior ajtwu what ever llfl aura yuti got nttlburna ivioa 10 and nanta all ikaleru hal moral bullalli sir i wai autflifi terribly with aorru tho small of my bask and i am plosud to aiy that after taking ooo m1 joaiia lilh i n ourd llilmoral ont uaru v romadlea ara faat diving way to tbo goutlo aotloa anil mil i offoflia of cartara uitla llvar pill it you try thorn thov will eartatnly pleaao you touutl at lnal a liver pill that amall and aura that boto floiilly qulakly and thoroughly that ilooi nourlpo lokallver imu poaaoia tboio qualitlai and iro tar oura fwi i or c im lilnt cnmllpatlob hiek lioaoaolioi oto 1roiupt rallof lu aiok hoailaohob dial iniia uauaea oonitlpatiou pain in tbo aldo giiaraiitoad to tbosa ualng cartara liuiq llvr illli ooa a doao hmall prlco small doio hmall pill irorovatr vitiy vaavji mm wluulowa hoothluj hyiup iaa o 1 11 tuod by mllllouh of mo tli on fnrtlioir ohillnut wblloumithiiir if diaturbod at nlulit and brokun of your rent by a alok olifl i uulfcrhik anl oryiug with palu of mitlinir uulli wind at o uoa and ret a bnltlo otmw wlliitowi hflothtlttf hyhtp t6v flhitlixin tuoiliiuir it wluiullovouiopoor littlo yiiltoror 1 in moil lately dapotul upob it mi ibt im tboro u no mlutako about it ll mm 4 liarrhua reflulatow 010 utoinaoh uml iwiuula miroit vlnl oolio aofuna uie iitrim und ioiluiuia nllatnniatloii aiulgrva it no niut annrtiy trt tlio wlitdo uyum mm iiimluwii rfauitliluit hy nip for cliil iron ww tlilnij u pluauant ut tho uato uitd u tlm iirtincrnitlinuif onaof thooldaat an 1 ihu ftimalo 1 iiyulolaum ami imivaa ju tlm uiitlod mauu irlco twolity llvoooutii a boltlu kohl by all drujikiuu throughout tho worl i ibt nura mil aik for mn wlnaloun hoolliing hyrup jewelry pieusloji and valuable r irot nti limn llnnil t aru lunit 1 larh n for id that 1 iv 110 e uftl v llilnunuir 1111 ji wi irv lldluiianii 1 ult irorl hi it pliiairwl 5 t is jlu irnrl llruilira illrurm i il iltfni lol i aillra miami luauluul paid n ti l i n iki llrnr hi ii fltall i ait i 1i1 m iii t l in fl i i minna ul ilh llnhc a llli 11 t willi 111 it 111 air fvry arllii jufmnl a biwilson ucklklsy block inn r i 1 1 1 it rllrltl loner hair ong xka ly j u l it 1 i u jlii ruyjtr fev- u 1 a rnnlvvi liut tjur wli v t liu- t tu i r it nt ijwp lv fmrfifa vjl 1 a itf it amtc 11 tupwd tuy ln fjf u x tht irvt nwjl uo un of iirt jlkbu i ijlult m h ti voi nt eli iailaoltaihfl tlio burdon f lovo in ntvor too heavy monoy la auffar that awoatoua iho mla et lllo ltollfllon inalio rood ormr r but ita nn l0d bh a oloau it laboitor to bit tho nail ui tho load than onthoflngor it takoa a aniall boy and a p l of jam to mark tablo linen nuiouly lsvorty hna kpt bu if 1 m plo from maklnfl lauflhitip atoaka of tbtnuulvav j ho ftvornp liutband imdjjiiio hi a wifo ij a part tbo pn pi rty lio owiu do your duty and dont nmlo a fusa about it its tho empty wajron that rat- uaa m a kanaaa ulrl who reeoully loat bor vuico baa rteolvoil twonty aovou oltor of marriage t lilooa nowa a wud ts wottiru any alolt woman u lovllod to eoinlt by utior with lr h v pforeo u iof oouaulling phyalolou tttbo ijivaliu lotul and hurnloal inglliula lluffali n v in an aotlvo prautlao of more i ban thirty year aualitad by a auff of ncaily aoora of aiaoolalo phyaioian ii llaroa baa troatud aud eured over half n million woman all duwt paoullir to woman ara twatail with suoojta him floniulutlon by lotior la abaolutoly fm 1- vary uttar u treated aa alrlotby privnlo and oaoredly oonll tontlal auawpia mo mailed promptly fvhifl itaa boa of 1 u h oolodvloa allauaworiarouantiii mn oovalopoa laarlng on them u prlnjii 1 oi any kind wrlio wiumtfr oiid wui oui to dr ic n v v llarao llnll dalirorulaoraon uiiouralooa 1 wry day in tbo yoar rincho union paolllo and noriliwaiuiiii i ruua tbrouub flrtoam pullman n touruuhlafnlugcaralonolduln ul r nl and roon daily wrwnally r duotad akouwioii mm llil l s vranoiaoo im anpolaa and i n in i uvlugcmoaioonladaynl iii day uwoatralaa hiortal tlnm 1 tbo road i iiml aoenory iu j vour oarot tlokot uboiit uannati jkaatkingat iorobto om pkdtnill ppit tld auund nut tho mjcon ro frcm privaf r i maiiifonl i a lively faelloti wl li a walx i took a rhair iml aiatud my slf ou tbo baleouy jla than 1 layed nrfjflto air of ono of tho moat popular atiiua of tbo day i rja d by hauda oiltbiiiiaitirally llion ho paaiod to tbo air of a tuntl tuontalaouff jlcalljltoiiiyewiyaiitio eorno ard llaion to it filfltro 1 i rlad ha played tlio tuna ovor again limn h lituly iaiu off liu cap indldlt toward hlevhbniopnn i ioauntly baugad thd wiudow ahut i wut through tbo uaitio paiitoinlina with flvoor blx of the aolouuvm v tuy qrt mualolan our thou thu our wan oorop ibtlt ll mi that ovrn f r yoatorday mornluj aotvua nijluilytalf iii thu uir i uaw appromliin a null in valvo tromuirand villi an nran on ttia btok ho ralifld hia oyea to fnino and quirk oiiod bu pa up aflor mnkhia 1 jjosturo of tjladainful doflaiion a much as to lay votid liko mo to pfay you a lunot rtwo wouldnt you but yiuvo takm nio in oneo c youll not do it again iii1u ov uuu1 hcribb vdu uil u hovotiuiuomer ary ainbitlon htul in u- yoar ago but famo la no cuninn n now that i wouldnt havo it mlia tia puyalfr 1 can trace wy an caatiira back to thu ileforiimln 11 ho hmltli 1 halrf nolbjng i can iraco niiuo back year and yearn boforo tboy nttomf t d to reform maglatrale lu prunnnrj havo you ny viaiblo moan of support i ivii nr vol ar your honor lo i 1 wiij ft laundroaa uri igot aim d uj that ll o aoourt kin boo yuit pat ho kully doad v m1u0 lio hadnt on immy in lb wur r ull patpialdlihod 1 fr mlko waaklllot in a foi mother u hat llin 3 u baon fighting igain inbnulo i hood liltlu buya dont fight join ny von i know that i bought bo w it n got d littlo boy but aftor i bit blin ouco i o n f und bo waant wifo lhurod a burglar d iwu lu thu aollar ilpliry husband- will my daar woaught to to thankful tlmt w aro upitolra u 10 hit hoil com up hero hunt ant 1 lien uo ii go down inoo collar m icar suroly la tsnronmod houuo ditgbt to 1k big inouuh to bold ilirou pooplo uithout crowding bout year ago rny hair was ul 11 d oii rry font bo i lutugui tli fjycra hoirvieof if tficrbvhtflhungter ivfl thnf of the stomach dir jifirct fr nsiancc vj jivyy f new ywiyb s- folate cdfoivrtd tnam wnryi iiavmh iiv ill chua 1 jjjajl hurrah for- hills is ttamdy far your chritimm trmdm with lb tlti miorimnt okpmslry mnd coafmollobmr 4tmr ihowtt in ffmoramlowa look at his prlcer irjlm u cakii 35a lb or ji fori liolcc mlxod cmdu i ibvtor 5r cllniill 1 ch otjtiufn 3jr nf uml 4 doxeu jd vuia ijr lb home made crcinn mixed vina iiiw lit j jl ijonl forflt ibt vs unit lrii flivors aoc lb thiiicthuronlloiidlaitcji illlclj iiji ut tsc hi illicth to im nil from ion to 50c i luanunaml jrpe oyftcr ilwiys on band by dulior qujrt w a ullvs deorqetown for the holidays iho oukontinl lung hoaling jrineii lo if tbo pltio truo haadiiully iiolii aucruaafully aoparatod an i relim 1 into a porfuat ooiigh tnodjeliio dr wood i rway iuio ayruji hold by all doalora on n guaraueuo of aatiinietton pheo j5 onta iwooua oktr iwddifll- dant aro uha thfloll vimmvlod wuca7 which had palnto i oovora thit hlti lurod ou from taring wlut tin o it wrni al polo do you use your neighbors telephone liy o d in ymi arc tiijuriii inn iium 1 111 si si kai1 s iiuli l imuiiik loryiulnlmvi n 1 1 i i ill is 1 in mil n vmi the bell telephone ct canada 1 lica your llvcr ri vcll yousulfci fi in mil is- ness constipation aytia pills act directly on rlie liver for co years thty have been the standard family pill small doses cuie aiuffui i j l in u i i r irfjiil uiutll l i rilrhtlrkr hbbbllia buckinghams dyefftilb nuaul tlllulu ri r ii lln i 1llif altl tiuli u i ilialnrh nuy way it i m i i y ji oli r iiy tlm i ilury lyuionl i ny li mi ly ih iii li s i muu i t ii- lit il i ii i i ill ly h i mm i kii liu1 on ml i lic li in w ml hlmulil iir ilicni tulicii lirlorc 1 imiunjivwp- jitic ihcni alailddcaiiybu llicy limy i m cm tdm n on 11 hci mir posino devclopino finishing 1 iil nci i itui iiliicihiiiii 1111 ll iiiotititit j itit iho iiiciloit iprih itl nil rluhl will kay art pholonraphcr sm lio in kt tin r 1 1 l reel m in iln a f itttiry main ut ftfouoejtown olrur cjitl a 48h- n bmkur dvuj viyeuribipiviiv jul no lnilninntivmirinirmhjmimrflfcg rard uv ctnvfi ov diltk h4 onlwafingwlntfjliuw b llwiill lmyf jinnliul will tlio wca killiil w lifii miomiooiii ivuliilliitrvultf mt on aiul uui for a flow lloul thj rkimf ilmlliil hv hid only pi ll i buy unlniil ilin ubhr sfilo 113 u io r uii utililu r t all ollrorf aro fnuilu uioii iirrtniii c smothering sensation a klnirton tdr cporloncowlth ulliunn hoirt mil llcvo plllt in toll j 11 j tliln dutraosluir con- dltlon i iii mllir i firm i in llli n in illu rlnr i i 1 i li if illi iiui ih ii f ut ii ii u in i i in rl a nl li h i i ill i lilwi m ry inn im i 1 ii j nil i 1 1 1 m linn run li nn ii i 1 1 ill t 1 11 ir 11 1 mill i ii i jlmrl mil sirw mo i n ii llli r iln i ir ul h 1 iii i ll tl 111 lr hum i r l lal1 ii j f 1 nil inli i mi in t r ii f i iil i 1 i iii lit 11 111 1 r i i ii il ir t u it fr in ill 1 i lii irtll r i i iii i i fill i llli u oil hik i fi iiuiiui mil blu i mum a s i1mh kllii loll out imxl iimh ill in nlllinlmlwl countliali in mil hlutt u ailiu lie eyes are up yoli run il as to htyl iurl bhoul 1 ill t hotl p nit lit imllinidiof 0iir not luicaatry that it tclulvl t iotlt the our cnstoidmatle clottamn excels ct nur jirkca nrc tin loucil mn jiffvc loon jnttcrnt to aclcn frnni our ocrcoit suits mil lrnuir ivcnio frun lo tn no cliini cr than my other firm in i tic ooiiiitv van allen co ueubleq old qtano qeorqetown a ull r ingc of llilwnri crjci as right as can be urn inti in thiiu ur i tli in mi ii uhin ii tonii m i no ltn ism md c uitilc it will ln vtdl mail- i iihhlnnuhlu attim tlvo truln l i u m i 1 1 it i hiw in l iu lit n i i i your t uli i wm mtcooper fjvivhaat tnllol utli wwif acton 0h puinting ul i i xl i i iiyllit irtp ir lo i i i rl ll m iiiav i i ttn nun n nt wii yu lft tiniont ruuiplly omutuu i he lcadiiij ijlikr in ililif kimh coiileclkhiii veetalrlin kv vvbolcbilc tntl kttiil pjetnl irihlila or fuinj uitn1 ictl n fish utiuulaulv dlillvrmit oysters ulion 111 bcuuiiii li thu uihii oi f iimr w dnkwatet 4 wmm i rr kennedy next tho poet ofiico giiht ufi fty and choice tl gyt wluj mutluoo c ivtoiuik foc- t i- r i j zz ollt oooijy unj jrlntiiiiiikriii tliufi- g5 mivlb to ouf cuhtoniflh u yoorpatronagesohtlted iiimiihiliiiiiiiulbuiiuiuiiwiliiihliiiiiiihiuiiiii mcdermid xemied grocers and provision doalers 4j thu illi of aimrfoo- tu jjullu it-p- tkeuoflu ihappx li i i tin mack tnr modern jl c ik ami tlillnrcfnl llouitlulfe 4 tui rujutrcn to use ccfonottiy a nud tret the 1 ttt ruhiilth ji hnpjty tltoupdit ratififei nre uotexperimentrt tlievlinveleri vj it tid iii iowo lnmulinn liomt nud liuvc been imitated by flju ire blre iintiufntltirtrrt tliutl uiiy oilier ucinirt tint n ilnppy thought on ii kt niuiitv jj tiit m a i w a s iii if ou tin l rfntiufnchirrd by lj tho wm duck stove co limittid bmtrord m rlio th uauufactrfrcra for au illuatratad catalagu j hold uv mill hi km mb tli thric ir ut llal fn ti u i of till twdv of oi n iir 11 1 hoart thorn rvaumidlbob i t u imiuiwi cf flu t i tvow i d mill iii cl r i i mt iik rni ul ir 1 i linu i i i- i btronp nud hii tu tnuli i ii f mil down tointurcd y r n bvultiim pud iiipiih lb n ch nn 1 1 1 n k ir t i ii i thin itn hi 1 rhli n i n 1 tint i l u u i i if il nun x 1 ii ikuii utiuilll il i thin r nn ih hi rn i iln pfixo of mr u j an 11 aodalitt h who b i i i h ttoiibud foi i t tllun with in iniirt j re htmtl i nud jroi r il wnl iiiki fi lint irrllubl 1 hill ldnnlil hxu ik ik nil lo him mv iillro hi t ii i ii tun hiui a i i- i i in til in mill nrti n lf ul ut i nino 1 llli i l ill l t il hi y i 1 u kiliultu t ii liii liiitm in u up n tb in r ii ul ll u illdu willi i ill l1 ll- ut ll f i unu bi il dlm ii id vi i i ill no m i imtiiulltdily mi i ny uhiiiiii ird i j lulu itvor iilu uhiah urt urn luyoi tliti blood uorvoound oumplikuu at the reliable hardware store ou cas 11un- stores at your own price nud littvo llioin oiinranuicil ur no monoy have your repnlrlnir done promptly plumbing and tlnstnlthlng a specialty ti mo und lio liiuvlntcil anil ou tll ulwuyu uul again g h karstedt georgetown mill it m mm tl com 8jo 1h jjj 1 jllb itlml lllvo til olll 11 tlllll money why let money be idle make it work for you ifi itim kiiiu ntt procured or nnyaniuunt not list thin 8100 in mt ru it iminlclpilor lmn corpontions di hcuturn l il li i d r unmiitkh llondu or ulwiiturt- nny he i huli i ul 1 1 in iturc ut tny llim tlcnircil iwlwion one ji ir it li ii mi ma pild hif lirly in t l iiicimiiin i be hillathiiiri my of my a3iititii n niilnilly inviutl oranp vuuntc ka1lwav i xmr i ji rlifm 1 ha i mill i i irr ll nn i mi ull k ii vk i i m ulxrj i iu vrtlttllkht wthth i ktril lllv ul iko u htlf li ku tu a powiirful lung lii sling roniww iriai titra tlio worst kill uutc it1i uml oldt of y uiig or old morn rt m tly and tftvct nully tlntii wy other ii ul l in vrlco 25 tfrixtlltw ia 0a contl- on b d cyupopalau lut twt i4pw ft loo o jt a tract clerk township of espsion lurr nf mirriaj i icciisls hiiuranei monry lo loan nhlicc ouncil cham ber fitflvakttoun aftor work or exorcise n t tnl c l iv t ur u lie i limial irpurj inra it mini li umi a iom t r c i i iaiiy t mr ari atol y cr uli jjcu u o tadly twlioi jas m btigk 5utcher dcalur in ircili iml silt mi it am orders siiisf iclonlj fillid and protiiitly dflliicrid hiyhcit irioc jioid for drosacd iioi and ilidca t m uttok oonrirnmwii new grocery id imlinlui l uiml n ill ll i thu it iti fitt ii it tmi i it ii i ut i dioliit iiowiuiliul groceries provisionp ire i your ptkias solicited lajj good promptly dall vojvd l spence milton ont f h eeacon financial broker hardware ah tlm mid muillui upimmuliuh tlioro uio n iiuiiiluir ul llin- l ul orimtli ul imiilm hi u iil i ik uiiiio buuii1 for tlm llnu boino ol tlimo nro ac axo handles gross cut saws cuttlo clutinhj gltisb putty locks and latches hinges etc wish ml ti t tuuc lau of um uati i tin i lini ul u sioummi niis inilehaalilonuvlilkul unl tliu hut itahll unmir wi liivi mi t iiuih rik anl to tint kennedy bros phone 25 georgetown ont agony of couldnt shnp at nljrht with tlm torturo riainu oi sih kluinn ii it u olti it i ilkd i oni i i tin most iifioiiiiiif ol mumtltencvtriprlnnit hut tnriuii iluiiii the d i iintl two fold lurinn at niht hut tin r u n nilik pcrniuinnlly ltirti thi wm st kind ol li mil rilnis the iti hint binning uiul hiimrtini anil mhmi k ivi- tho huih famootli nnd hialtliv is hurtloik hkuul llittin airs tkli jnnih ink ont triml it uiul hire m u it it slii s is ii 11 ii nirulm ifl w niithi ut ajjo mid 1 h no li ul in uinni il il u 1 tun bo ij ul hi it i loulil not hi p ul nijht 11 in lu 111 ii it 1 ir i il atuho til in uli ij i t ipirnuiuniiiiu ulmhi ull hi uiiid ll ml m in ul hriml nilnkill i rtsl 1 limlh i li uauor ihl il iai 1 1 ilalitt in ir slir t iih l mi 1 1 th na i nil ibtal i in i ml uu unui pli i ih li ul ll u aul iiililnnijittitaihimil t imwim i ln miii ugvr lifttaitoii lilily clikuuo