Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 26, 1905, p. 2

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bankofhamilton head okk1ce hamilton capital paid up t 33j5 4 0b1tbakt mh f jcwim arm 1- tua daatb 1 m ila hull look glav at nr b wa li lb b h liu on velar lat al u aa of 71 ur 0 nvolia tod 4 day fr anata laonlb ufa siao had bot baafl lb tb baat ol jheuiolhaimvqbfl tbw bblmafapjaaawtkaauaoa hr aaakucvtam0rmma1feiabcra ujcoinilcijadiriomtbaawl tar lcm- ro4m taaloclrj l onrcolfr ivpartmllt sin haa eery facility for miking peon returul 0 o uooler aoevt oaeavatoara branah undertaker and embalmer cuoftoctown otttaftk lln ututyat tb uttwdt m ftiorariow t hi julrlubllkx ity r cool mr julia oolfln la mim afu jmev ktullli ymg on prhuy july ih ltw arolln thompson rwlirt ol ttt l uwlj mull tl yr 0 mouth ami i days mark at frt tr- oo uundat morn in july n inaa albert tjurb uu manajrer trsdsrs rank kocliwood yoanimt sou of mr and hn ilntrb black in burttfa yur drat- eraaaoaa july sotta bow dtda bttwitetamtar ktfvtl 01 yeara luddltiat me rmtdoom blolnnond hill ttunday ldthjoir uobtrt ttaddlu falbr of tt it j j hiadltttveassmi of toronto conference matbodjac ebonm in bis 7hji ysir ibe georgetown herald wednesday jswq july 26 1606 it h staled that a w hodmodjnio- ion live btoek oommlsvlooer la about to resign his potltlwo on aeeoent of ill faealtb ha will bo easeee dad ulsbelle- ed by jubo drydeu f r marly minister of agrleellora for ontario mk w v telford mp tor nirib gray be made a novel disposition of a portion of bla in are sad sessional lodem ully ha baa cut tendered a donation ol woo to tlia north gray agrleultural ha ol6ty to b duu ibbud in pi la a tba fall emblbuloa to ba bald in o wan hjtind in baptambar a ravlalon of tba prh hit la now balog uada in eonatiaanoa of tba donation imfpltaof bu paiaooal iwpalairlty i bona and tba unlitaltad rrtt in whlab bo la btld abroad do will blaf plan paubtirjr of uuula goaa to waablof ton with a bbavy haart to obtain from japan tlitt uiout fdvorabla larma potalbla thonuilull eoull not ba nrnah wom jiptocca trwp now naaopy iluiiuo tarrltory i ho uiiuia army la bald op by an ti idlly wwerful jpata foraay bff irti on mibi upxotutloua betfiajw divdatooli i mj l in vet tad bafura tbay are out olu it j u way bavabaan aaturej uoatia may i imva to ayo lodaninlty in addith n tt uuloa imporuct parti of bar urrit ry 01 b till iii aro nucnsrom mvra eritlolama a to tlte urc luaraaro of pay voiad by uaralar4 i parllntneol to tbaalvaa and parhapi tba aaverat of tbabi all 1 eon blboted by tba toronto talagfau aa follow lot unrattraluad rad ilut rlou in ibis aid on tba djchioium traaiory at ottawa aimply uaana tba braakdowu ol qovromart lu oaoada parly gowarn uoui rrqulraa two paitl oauadaa partiaa era two n name but ou in bit urn tba paitlaa atay apart and fljtbt abitn battlea in daalluk with qti- iloua of national lulert tbay eoui tofttlbarand do not flght hi all whan tbara la an oppovtuulty to fatun tba poakatbook of aaob ulgbly atom in tba pollllaal utatvar larty govarnnant vmialraa an oppoalllon and will bava uo oppoiltlon if iba ptofaaatd lmdar ibaraof utabioomaan ofilaa bolday at tba rata of sevan tbouiand d llata pf annum tb ootmtry toltfbt bava audord a aabosa to ftlve adaquata alarlat to tba ivatalar and olbar underpaid publla aarvanta tba praaant aabam u uo a radjtjilm6ot it is tl eallooa tupudant krabf an infauy tbat will ba foufthl to tba daatb if tbaia u valua in tbe laad- hip of it i uordau or vlrto 1b iba aharaeter ol tha faatlon tbat ealb itaalf an oppoiltlon tar luua yotf yb jlvonobtal wtiuii utaaana tbat duoaaa will aoott muak tba lutim wbaaalbm la dtatraaaluaj to iha anffaray nnd bhtwvlutf to bla frlaod nolblnat balf so aarula in bronabliu and tbrai troubla aa oaunboaona it lilvarf inatant ktllaf aad aorab avn th worst oaa umnabltu fairly qaaa un day tba uflitabaa of oauriboadna wbiab aiifraa ao tboroflgbly u dlaaasa nevar mturati oihar maovdua uv v liaaa bat gurrbi kuna main bron ebltl ealarrb and tbioat troubla for all uaa to total holdiverywbar bsatjesisa t0wh8bip coohcili hlawortoirii july 17 1003 i tl o tymncif tnot pnnrannt tn adjooru monl tito hit o in tltuclmlr uutii bora all pfuauut ftr lnlnuu m t i lat inootli2 wen ru d anil conflmiwl muvtil bj mr tfiompaon aoconclod by mr hoow tliat tlto troaaun r pay tbe fol lowing accounla jmnk cti lanolin j gofmnu rtd khlb747 on lf caikllir i tliaeraiirwa p atfa6ocuiu ot aanroiadd vt4 bur tr fitoll will ba mb duamd wubmaidibhacoo sbawaoat uitbfal nanbarbf tba- angli- aao absreb tha unaral sarvlta balnk maoonaidraialatad bybajawptl tap- nail if hanlutn tba pall banrara waraala taapbxi j a kldjcxkaicwd john ailadarmul suynaut i josapb and jamaa tbonpaoa erlo i q it tbompx hornby qbaa bojadjta straatavliu tba barlal tookplaoallltbfljanilly plot olanw lama oaqiatary allibui ulaul albart ouok yoongm mo of ur hugh blaak poatmaaiar of itoakwood dlad oddanly on sanday at tha old babaataail kramosa tba daoa waa 27 yaara of ho at od lad for a aahool uaabar at tfia gaorftotowa nig and goalpb c lglu loatltnta- after wblab ba obuinad a aaaond alaaa eartlfl aata uoabt for a aoopla of yoarv and ibao took a poaltlon in tba tridera bank for tbiva jcir want to baatoo aodtottanbatu iu ooonaatloo wltb tbat bank aod tbn to wlanlgrif aa aeooont ot fortbvuttwrfianfc hrvu offarod and aaoaptad tba position of nanagar of tba aaw branab of lb tradar bank in book wood wblab poltioo ba bald until last f bid a ban ba bad to rati ra a eold eaoght a jcr ag rajnllad in daatb tbifiisuy lflod of tb baatknown in tba toonty tba fatbar bains alark of tba inaahbliln a j a tt vaaapal townablp of jramoa for many yaara flaaratary of tba blotoal inaoranao com pany of tba townablp and boldlutf otbar loeal positions of uoa j3aix1hajau i tba vary aoddandaalb of mr tho bsnnaltat br bow a at i it 3 0ib un erin wadnaaday tutmaioo waa a aboak lo tba rttntnahuy mr bonnatt t op adoaoaltfaat tnornla took txeakfaat andaarfy fo tbbfurvnonn uy luwn on thaaouebto ratt a llltla wbllc aba utomarlly did a faw tnloolaa only had alapsd whan bar dangbtar mu sualf nuxload tbat bar spaalaataa had droppadotf and aloppcdtoraadjistlbau ai aba approaebad aba saw tbat tome tblng waa wrong andalladmr umnalt fbay aoon asrtalna tbat tba spirit bad uddaaly and pjaoafully left tba houie ol elay mr ban us it bad baau aftllolad wltb baart troub a for so to a tlua aud this was tha eadt of daatb daaaaaad was born atqrimkby in 1631 and waa tba daoghlar of tba lata jebn lumtrnian wbo aattlad in aiuin in 183i on tbe fru now owoaj and oaaupied by john 0 nel on oo mitln rtraal mr 7 raurwao ullt a small tan nary on tb peaaant slu f tboniis j bbifitoa barn and la remain b- arad by old resldauta ai botb a tanner and faroaar when algbtaan yaara of age mary 0 turusrman tba eahjajt of thla snatab waa jiiaad in holy wedlock to ber aorrowiug baaband tboa bennett el tba lata bar hlrato deoney par formib tba aaremooy tba young antipte settlrd on tha farm tbay tea o pled until death separated tbau last wadoas day their liowe waa alwaya a bappy roa and boats of frunda and neighbor bear tmtimony tbat it waa a uoit boapl tablaobi talve obi id ran ware born of wbon sight survive aud will ever r gard tbalr toolbar wltb tendarast uatnor- lea tbeeeerat mrs oonovar cf arrow uwar sjaa llobett in alton john ofvlrdan mn urc wo dlngham mn lr vanetur sufford of krlu aud uuale aud laaaa at botoi ur ben ntt watt a ilnaakaabrutlaiti and bar lift waa one of piety and ueefulnee tba fonaral oa vrlday wae an of tba largest ever bold in tbla loot illy hv gaorga v down of krlo aonduatail tba aarvlae in tbe methodist eborab llalllnafad aud was aeeiatad by uav geo ullneandllev mr davldeau v bava pleasure laaalllnguantlon lolhaadvahleausntof tba qnelpb uusl uemoollaga wblab appears in aootber sola mo tbla popular aud f iuhui loatl talloti is now an taring upon in elulaeutb sobouua year under 1rlusipal klaa odruaoka faaaaaefril management bin- danta from twenty tbraaitataarovluaaa aud tarrl lor tearbaveatundadthlaool legi aud lu gradoataa bava beau ratoarkably aueaaaefal in various aalllage anil profee alotts in lift iftoeipal maeourmaoke kundlug lu bin prqleeelou la very blgb having taught wltb marked suiaaw la tha leading auerlean builneta oollaga and also ou tb alaff of our moat progres siva canadian uulverelty helta first tilauwbonor graduate of botb tbaaa il tutlous and alao ooe of tbe fouudsra of tbaobaitarad aaaouutaut asaoelatlon i die ad log atudenle bava lu tbeaa fasis tba elrougett guarantee of tba superior aduutlon aud training given at tba uualph uualuaaa oollagti sb el ii6 hiik jiyiiipiuu oolfert or m hats lotlt tt carried tvotod by w oov avwttdfd hymty tbompaoo hil the jollpvink accoljau be paid 6htbqtlr for hotingrvei on croaa mad between iota t7 and 28 yflrila at v rl nar wj3j alao plowinff and scraping 2 tnon and t nno day on th line loi w gu j wifardhig bpnadlwrsravol fll daya nl ai 2j pvr day as lj joaopli ai in it for filling gmvol f2 u h ilonder- aon for rupturing brldgo ami aoolm rvol pit gl h olvona llllhig hraol daw si fid h0 umpboll gravol of ou till una lota 28 and 30 10 25 j nlckell ropalrlng brhlgeii on lot 24 gthllne i2h0 carriod bthoed bymr bnow aconiatoymr thompson that tho troaauror pay tlio following accounla l goorgo ml no oper atlng rood machine for path nuistor 104 dare and repairs 20 17 jauica arch dekin operating road machine forimth roasters u days and for npalm 2tri7 t uanlolpql world for municipal aupptloa i 12 ltobort noblo rrpairliitf5iiwjt an0nnirio7tpp 10 cn r rled moved by mr uliightiiu uicondcd by ur thompson that tho following no count bo paid william mcgregor 76 yard of grnvftl at 10 eta nynrd7 50 x days lllllng krai w ill wm iaogrtiie y for aido in 1 ciihortu on iota 27 krn0i w boat wtn wlloy for arnvollintf aido jg in 1 ennorts on i and m 11 alex sinclair for grading rood and putting hi1u wj v t tlov 7iiiv1bii iui kullim and potting tntulvennu tot so grndthg 111 culvort co doorgo wity fixing cuhort 9i j aloxondor hlncl iir grading loih line u carried mood by mr htiow ocondm by mr cook that following ttccotiiitm ut paid i jaaueld for oottlng down hlllioth lino oppossio lot 28 jul for running rood taaehltwa40 uawmlu doing tittuulo laibor h houdoii for aopplylng nnd pitltlng in two potts in ifowdon h brldgo oooent carried mncd by mr fliompuon tucotdud by mr cook that tlo troauuror pay tbo followl g necounlii w g apjuilbo drawing gravol forctniont cutiorvlolb 7th llnu u hiram grahum illllng 5mol ut jmuotf ifadior a illvlulon 94 ohn bliorl jdav ho oiling gravol lu w lbjticobj u dlvulon w nnd i uos coby 1 day klnfolllng ljrml 1 j a curry 4j irduof gmiolin w uuicoby u dlvbiion ahot oo folju jnrtly of ra vol gilw i j day ahovolllng gmvol ac t mnlo nublii tho tuna granl for milk and butlor fir no 2tn whllo in camp ji5 ciirrlod moved by mr ilinghiim uoconditu by mr thompson thnl till council grant jamoti vkocnlo tho biiiu a 8j n mouth until thin inotion is ritclidou carriod mojed by mr ulnuhnm iiocotulcd by m cook that ieno bu kmntml to intro dudo n lly imv to appoint fouco iowcrn for tho your 1005 movod by mr rhoitipiiou tumdnd by hnow ihnt tho uv ijaw toapp int fence viowoni for tho lownahlp of jjujuuslng bu now rolid tho wjcond und thlril timm and paiid and thai tho blanks ho llllod up with tlio following immok vlx john ii ulinrtnod jan 1j murrtiy william uliott abmhnui stnrk lohn iunnliiu ham fhoo llmin tohu i itrown win mcc a ntftniiil joh ii mxon hugh m or rison iolor glbbonu aluitjiidir watdlo thotnan elliott david cook jns itour j w harding alfred ouoiih john i v am and john lownund cirried klovod bj mr ihnyhnm wjcondod bv mr cook tlmt wliou thiu council nd jon rim it b iinda iujouriud till monday jlulfliiyof vuguut carrild when rundown dbagc usedup youlmckfhz vigor courage and staying powzh that rernozonz can supply night eomes and its bard ta sleep morutngdawna aud tbo an x tour tiiod feeling uatlll tbsre dout neglect tbla gradual dselins it eattt euro itself but by furmlugrlob pare blood iorro kane will quickly supply tbe nutfiuadt and bulldlug tasleilal your syttem erave instantly you are aware tbat sortie powerful forea is building up your do plated euergle atouee you feat braoad toned siieugtbenvd heareb tho wotld over and you wont flod anything to tnue op a weak sytam like lurrninp lby sleisua claim it is tbo trnst streogthan inar uplifting me heine oveidlanversd no tunre alia of llrvo bit lu un i lug joyful bsallb wbuu you tatto vnttn uana of wblob mm u 0 gold or bows man man speaks in tbe following words of praise i at ate toy esse baeauso i think it may esewt uhr woiaen to baallb a yaar ago i was slraotl a wreck i was pale aud siaaolated sufforimr fruto nttr voutueas snl byolrria ftilhi things holng wroug it tbe in um butberul mo tbedoetor ajvlnid dittoreut truatmauta but tbay dldul btilp h said my law aouditloa wau due lo waakutmi tbat iu igbl never baeurad korroaouo bad a pau liar grateful r feat aud built mo up quick v tha ilia i suffered from are ourad i am bow string aud vlgoroua and waa made an by fsiroaous why not east aalda tbe ebalue uf alak uaes and enter tbo bright baipy life of trtbut baaltb iat lrr suno tialp you let it aura you ouea and forovcr price boa pur boa or six bone for j ml at all daalar or n 0 inrienta gj hartford gooq i i ha and kingston out bexall household dyes lyin afl llteeiwatdf boy tcoo nc4-tiriua- mkluig ai pure btslixsviuca whic flow bw w i juil au llllljl tvuuj fili iu jnuulj extra woik ilhe flomach thwft is i o nourifthfneiit m it for man cattle digest it njgcoiouru btsaiuio nature hat pven them a iermrnhng plant and daujjckew- ing facilities o but man macucctrs once end digettls once for that reason he get 3 noli j mtcver out of anything but the fflerlportioirbf he 7theiiu dfl which yield- pocn and i e gc more out of royal household flour lectio irorc ti ll o branny and waae porticos are remove 1 i making it tlmn from any other hour the qyo i uphold ivjuis eliminate more bran and rthannoiiyctrrytiill tutrootcrcoy al hou tchold flour u the most nouru t lotr in the orid jroyal j u v if vj jiff or he asltttg otfilviee tioyol household flour sdfcval the araaicry around morral and vlclauy it tbe present tlma ballava aurpapas nytblog to t und aoyabaiu at h cioade tbe bills sud dals wiib ll r isr credit tn t ifaturat aoora sud iba nutlful tieea ovar absdowlng tba watar uo a plature tbat u beautiful to behold i wish wa uould inluee soma of our i ut frienda to ipend a weak wltb us i ay wout 1 be amply paid f rtbelriln e lima it won sud lvrcy h ward of t ro toapeut btlatb wlih a m l if i mr howarl pi ding tbo week wdli mr uob ou mr albeit foisr ol brfu v ok pos s slon of the holy wood b it i vaeattd by v t iv i ne last tburaday mr etd mrs irinoe left fur torouto djring tbalr stay here lhay were bbth well iliad a 1 1 made a large number of friend mr lmiee left a good reputathiu aa a boti i i iipcr dot one aingla eomplatnt having n mala ageloit blto wa bop w icy baabla to say tbla of bla auseasai r lbs muaea dy of luronto speut hb r i at bonp miisjunnie usott is spending a few i days at wbttvala u v number 1 1 frlaola of toiontojune t on spent sbuth with mr artl mr gaupud ulsa lyalle t f niagara otnlbf lake is vlalling mr aud mrs u w j 4 all turn tba station qalta a number of our villager took in tha rxaursinn to berlin on saturday i in eounesllon with tba older of obomu prlsuds mrs udsvlsof rorontotpald tbavlllaga visit on utturday liul wa are glad to say mm a l noble is improving aud will soon be quite eou vales asht jell a graham and ann wltb iba real of tbo family ajent a few days with rfe latlvea at lttarinu liar w 1 lumor la preaeblug very aoafplably avary sabbatb at tb lraaby urlan ehurxb lteuembar tba boor 8 oeluak btraugere walaoiu auo iba uav mr gwynua of tbo mutliodlit eburoli morolug ssrvlea it oaloek wo estcn i tba iiu wetaoua to basr tbla yuuug gfuilemau mr it kk wtituoit our anterpruliig bakvr ihrfu au ion art mil pjrh r set baturday 11 bort is ubliglug aud wa hope to to blto do a good trade mr hainuul gaiupbsll aud harvey aie apendlug a fow b lidaya at carllala try us wor i bo ht4pplneas of 11 out very larualv depends ou the wo beia llairositl it if ht u ant oiaiad and bright evvryouo is bappy but ii she la nervous irritable aud erou everything goes wrong ufclgbt ahiary wnuan usually uie iiarroaoun tba greatest health tuakarbnown lly aettug through tba blood vsm suae is able to waeb all tba organs that ned aulalauo it twist itabsa rrgolar aud healthy aetlou f all fun et lout lull la up iba gdural health forllflht il e mviuin wlrb a tviorve of an argy that 1i lies diwaia dont put tt vuir s uuoiile ouly wj at any drug etorej gaiu today sunshine furna d0ub1e feewwors h juat about tho meaneet thing- a furnace can itava iu a dinky httlo door ever have ona lilt tba ede an oflln an tbo bole omt haa to bo on export atolur lo sbovol coal into some furnocos if youro not an oxprt joull ffet aa much on tlia floor an lit tlio f irn it- tho sunablno furnaco lu quipped with n good big door iou can pit your nhovil in ant drop tluft coal juut when it it wanted no trouble no taking aim no inluklng ho bcattartng or itunoanit vvery thing about tbtf sunuhlno firnato u on ilia same scale of i hough i fill no bu sold by all enterprising doiurs writ a fir i aklat m iowoh twttoi0mriuvmiwre6vakcouver t johh n d 5 low icn rmr anthony howes sole agents a coiletf spring wire fence with urto h ly wlra tutkm purltct uac not oua pound of aoft wlro cuter httotlla coiiatmcuou of thu pllosf file uprlultt nro lllliuovahly locliil to tit runuluk lr willi tub prost wctmlblock umklnu au wluloly block jiroof jeudc tilt tocltalilml wllliout uhivhig or crimping either tlio hay or latanl wires will not lip aud our uaw tnalhod of enauitlllug mi j bavliik rureventa ruit which utliu grutly to tho nptarauca of tha feuc mako uo mritake lluy thb probt it u tb bmvuat und tb but 1or aale by i w j alexander ashgrove ont a5ttlaltltttat norval flour leadsjthe mabket grhins wool rgbt noble -w- jacksons overatoslretlcsfok must be reduced 910000 satur3ay7uljt22 will commence a thirty day sensation price bargain sale big bargains in every department this will be the grsaf est opportunity ever offered tq f secure uptodai seaaon- abte goods at only afractlorroftfaelr value staple dry goods at less than manufacture price a big sacrifice in ladies wear gentk furniihlng men and boys and raps clothfa rapingrtrdactlonrtirooraverariduain liow rooms special prises in furniture crockery and tinware at less than factory prices jh jacksons aeorqetown judgment of elue should uot ijc plaeed solely on prloea iu what ydu gat or your money trauev tha how in tub it coats thtushootduaurinldo your verdict furnishings should bo bought ou that principle tor tbe best kinds of goods some here its the only kind we keep iu the only kind w keep its tbe kind that gives a full dollar worth of value for every hundred cents sherman mens qlitfitter georgetown arid acton a shoe does not have to be uns ghtly to jvive a ilwn lots of ease no matter what your ou 11 fout f mils arc theres n ian amongst the sovlrcijjn shoe sli i i tliit uill uvur- ci irn i nr iroublcj mil guc on absolute om- lut uiihhhlotleuiid kiiit cinnnquulity ny a tlnl pliisurcs sovereign shoet ure tlio best shot js 4 wo have jutt received our hprlno hhipment ol tho tatuoua soerolsii tihocs lis aure aud aco our misaa 13 jo boot lu abcuuty oomplela ut iirciaut bceour 3 oo plough uool jntojeevat our stock of heavy boots is vary johntoderlvild georgetown u is

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