w h wesson lkaifn puvmuij w1kot ouanumhai51lk j v v v w io jul loyal orangemen cele brated in earnest jtotaaauetio nd order demooatfalion li yia a f llvjwixxxtmaajtlwttlwe lumtfethas hhbtlirhl j ih ifurnooj uk kin eudbe open fne- eddilrdrx o kin wll- rueateejea lipl july uw uay eelabnewd la nliriur cbsxeaijuev ttawvhntnwaflatm lom in j sesggjajs aw j pfclwow0rdwriveji bu w i i f v tiwum4onlkin wwgs eery iwll- abe fytdeedv fjfa and uuuim made imjjt x ittmrttn dqpttji w l at kr mttmr rijni tutuy joyhh aunt k tmim i juiti- tb tudwd luc lnurmyr hnriiraii gndof ha 0nv wty lo khtfd uowniown fat in font dornm tlnirw wvrtt wore handonieur talf4iu rk no t llie jwa fft tlie vlnilaraubfv fnni to trtfpvm hf1r lujinfr at ton fortbi nthflljl inert rtr in whlcb the 0ofntii lodgd had worltwl uuko tliu vlaltor fob at lioiw i uoriown inbrnibyr wanh4oflai llmtuum on tujy july fne qeorfetowd herali wdmesbdf bvjra july 17 i0o7 ia wn are glad to nolo the aueceie the i- n trance eatldldetee from our eehool mot with at tho recent oxamlualloul flood faithful work la aura to brine reaulla may iba alanjlnj of tlia aahool ba well malntalped durloc tliu next una tunauav july 30tll will be olilldreil day tlia oxcuralou liua uioji itlinurily arnuead for llm but lliu mora oilull tlf join in llio belter in fact naclilhl rene day dan nwl u ineeow except by meana of tlia einieat coohrjtloii of ike oldr iwiple the rlillilron ileaene 1im ve b 4lmthr bawtrrre tlmin ul raryliojy help i 8l wilfrid uurlrr anil party left tautou trlday fnr 1 uerpiwl wlieni llwy joov paaaiie for uiimla on ilia vm preaa ol britain- a great crowd of meoje and eaiualmanc lueuuiuled to bid the canidllne fanuoll amoni tlioae preeent aere lord kirallioona repraeanullvoa from ibo colonial ofllto aajjuiinberolcaiiadluliinowlll loll don tlte lyeiuler wax ulun a warm god epoed on all liatidv ifuili campbell county lreanrer pro lem aayx tlie amount lei led by hi county council for county expenaaa for i0o7 8 l3 81ba la loo low rbo ex pauaeaoflul year were heavy tliey inoluded liooo paid for wad machinery out of tbe general fundi no debenture being laaued he tliluka at ledat iouo liould be raleed tills year without taxing into conilderatlon any expendllure on tha county good roada eyatem g not uie intention ol the council to liaue any dcbenlnrei for road improvement and if ibcra la any inch expenditure the money required will coma out of tha general fundi sir campbell aaya dial wlen tbe council ipeala ax it will soon at ilia tall of tha warden he will advle ilia rape last waelta by law and hie itetalui ol another for tulari r amo mluon champion ind li u w added that hugh campbell hex a pretty level bead j aotos a aoclal gathering ae held in the bahlut church on monday evening lut fortlia purpoae of xxying farewell to mr j warren ur uim huireu and ur jolin wm who are moving to toronto title week tha inciting opened with a abort hut very enjoyable programme of i called lira warren mlae w and c ur johnuarren u tlio pbu t- i wl the following addrwe fkvofil iffrhrttw oj mullw m mb l r w ovtijjitgtj cmipria fjor awrtvi ai hit vwviiw nivfl 70- j cmrmrrrtok for so nfi wlra h ib m iai una i i y j cliukm vl7 tar otxtitft kd mm- jilnnd jo trrl currlwii etipitlmb cvk lht no nldiiutr tmlattklfof tjuiwllliib uravcl itttmftitr wltbbut rinlavloii of the couricll crm cook mtultiii thttt tliu follawlnu u nm x kimiiitilw illnmr tlit iroetwiofi wait foriited in llikt wero tits following g kwi leijodita oakvll mnj vdon ignite acton tunj ununjvtdn iodje hnrntiy tag cdiuitlwlhillti lnlgo cmballvlll luij olwnwltlihtim leodjn 01tiwtlllmj bd1 fitavimritown lodifo owirsuwn iodojo uuorsntbwii luad xlr tiefltf cdtiipbell mmstbt of acton feoijga whj mtutair of gdramonluii for ho diy a fulkwoiv act owluuiundln8 hut im county wu cfitabmllnjf at sthseuvllle tlnimtoit lxlil illvulwl up half of u10 ttuhluii iwnilna to gwrslown thk wu done hi rfjrimnki tij liio toraonml twu4wt of ur john luirt of georgetown lodgt who in dflyu 50 no by had dona aotb ltvor for tliu ommiton brctliron on of tha ow cit vultohi from lrajnttoti wu ur l clwyne ui ctltliful uactauxy of iojl kir inbumnmcoiiiuiny jierox vvom yiik ri i tnotlltar ctplvn for um but unl formoil lotlgo wnt to acton there were utwoml lodtw wlilchauiw qulto nur lo winnltnf imltlte judji ilwudd tlmt ae- tonwhia few jwilnli ahftavcj tha pr wnuilon wiui intde by mr frl jjc- nlly wlioacud u ehalruuui very u ouptabty durhitf thoafiertioon iiroodode inii mr wank j lurber aunouncln thoiudtfcj doclulon ur w rmtui tie uptsil tlio gift of tliohmrgatown loilso and 1 xpnwkml thulr tlmnpi in a fow inlt- eblo wontii vttu hftwiiktu tlioflntsmkdrof tha aftarnoan wu itmv0 wllloiiflliby mr wlllouhbybrior yi but very hodhlly eutettdtxl i the orttnchitfn a wclwme to ttw town am jkprmpiii i in plueuoro at tfteliig ilia day yoiulol or muan m v v in a few well choaen ydaulkilod to lliu bbithu6ii the oninuo r luitljlvtjn to the oountry ami com- i tided thl ortur for thlr sucm in unt loyalty to the fmpw if o prlivl tuaila a titronif anil muant lodmri in which he etnphult lttho following thra prindplm which yfoittu im1i- read tun led wit h vviwbnlatlon to mm x lvarrn rvaitlul torn jurdlnero and to yjw vvnrroii ocrwumjul uliapad brooon a fr rotweluttee an opan a manly chuncur f mr it 1 v arreii in a fow wordu spoke i xtw onjaob f the orange ordr iu out- uiadlnlu nuutuallon luiualy 1 to molii tlio cluulun rolllou 3 ioyfc1 tyto country 3 chruiun chnrity 1 ulwhy ftf rolkitwihi mr u molulla of llrainpion itavo a wall i routred addrtd and iioiivahh it fluently afior boiho rofarneei of a ho emphaahtdd the ol tliu orange order it vt com 1 1 led tbiiiinungwueliwl by th iofmurrr throe cboew for the py the tqidwng iinnu ktuddod with pearl to mr and mlu warren dear hlaleru h la with toll nan f pro found rttiret that wo tlio itiemben ol the littptlkt contrfllioii in acton have team of your intended departure from ourmldct we cannot allow thin oeea iiloiilopua wltliout eifprfbalng toyou tli very ii1h etaw injtflh we hou d a tronuer or mo hlpm iu towuhif itman kkefjuu wan appointed at laet cooncu aleet- lna timi c et nlirauant l1 mioiju yd awvef go lot u fj tig bv ci hi ojuflpareftjtt jjofp anhniwanlhpoy putllnfcui an v ittlhm dlliraivii kiylpjf tju mfijmt iasit tint titshpmn- t pajung- iw mntbopaaaxjiltuig waefnpokat irn inuiasvorntiiijti itowjw eujtno5wlnil rm miwlonelvyiwlit fraloi jfeuaroad ook jl tlo juw1 v4x jull rjtrlfc ih vuhrlrm r tf i mod tc liilt fiuydjaumvil on 6lt ot i bt ibtf m r yd til john wuuon lwt ytlj nlucpcr yd i itolrt ivlee clon ing outdlujumiotxlilll cui line lot jm3 androw iobblo jpfftin dntwlnu ko ydi vol and putting in culvtrt ittt tiiom brave 1m jomph allan 2 dyeflllldtf sa otfat i uye iprwuliiig ortvel va ydn gntveiat 10c j flondoraon 2 day hllldtf ounpboll jfj yil ri 15 laye 4k jl ti armvt mm- i o colo i dny tllllnir d 7 jauioi ool ik yd grvoi at 10c f 1 1w carried tllnhatn cdok that tlio following ae count txi pld j counwr cook 10 rod wire fonca on town lino lot a f 1 jhj j clmrlcx4tdplnsli 28 rod wire ftmoa at lc per rod h i jowpli r bwlucr 80 rod wire fence at lo tat rod f 10 that jam brawn be paid the mm of ft ha chlnguacoiuy laying a like turn carried cook bljigljam tliat leave bo rranul to introituce by law to appoint pound keeper for the towntdiip of vjuiutlnx and that uld by law be now wad the find time cwfrio ltltimlm in mullen that tha by law to appohit pouttd kootwrxi bo now rl tlie atmund and third ttiium mid pawed aiid tliat the blank 1m lllul ut with tho fob lowtott hfuttfie dlvulon no 1 koberi joyce no 2 john mitthctl vo xw j alexander no 4 ii klllou no 6 o o cauipthll no ti daniel held and that they bu pal 1 tho bum of 10 each in addition to their fef drthelr at rvlcea carried thompeon mullen tlut tho tretuurer py tlio ollowlnif account a 1 mur- tlotk building oiimoiit culvert on no 10 ida road 6th con tqs filling in carlh and extra work a job hoard drauinj tfnuol on loin 11 unci 1j 7th lint to be reluudoil by county council if 7th una 1 lakon niaru county road feldoyd at llporyd 1130 joj mecluro 130 yd at 1 wrydon7th lliuf iio m ja ifood prtitding eravol anil it pair ilia two cul vvtia on 7th liu 91 ju mcclure 01 ydaurauui mr morrbona dlvlalon hh 11 am0vo thatfthuroffttl timi frortb leacneof tbe ashnwe memiodutehordh will meet oast sanday everting july 21i at 7 so pro the ilehlntf will be wmreeaad h ur an- x- saxattionttj by rive omintiitn amiuur alhlcuc union x big amatfeur 1c 3s oeorgfttowrt puywj thrie rieti of th 4tulimi club at topotj iwt thnr- fdtiv the aflertioon fmayrjmma woa by georgetown and a tlte etnln uw homo feanl won tb9 fecore wu aa fol ipwm r r afternoon f lahdlmr j llrennan w ii cwholu l a fgge ir iralgttc kip t a drumuiotld w tate c c 1oluu dr wylle skip i j a uword v jatnee 0 a ulleon hi claike aklp j j brennau a w hendereon o a wllaon dc wylle kip hh w a tate t a drubdmoad 1- a iebze j we clbun iklp is uaarjiiou la grant dr wataon a mhalth t ixn kip 10 j u uoorf geo hywl wa v utnpball w a fraaer aklp iv john uetledii lh nlckall j medermid aklp is vveulnf k dr wauojir a m 8m uh k barber w a f canopuh aklp li j meddttn 13 dr nlckell j mcdennltt h w kennedy kip v22 toul 0i jw t aeton at georgetown thiwe tlnki of aeton bawui i down ott monday tad pltyadaiue with ceorgutown t acton player von out in the afternoon and the evening genie wan not eompletetd when time waa called lo allow the vsltora twti tbe evening train 7lh iliie 91 ij jamea jluuhoe atatutu labor coiuhi i iu hla roud dlvulon in lootl ijjth vmiium klllott aututc labor collected in his division h 1rauk itwllo one day uhoitlllng uravot iu ueo uoboraune dlvllnn 1 js j klanduh balance on contract for cutting bill iota lflunll7cm 6 07fl 15 poete for rail ing at 1 tic ti m removing earth and plank from temporary culvert ft cant j a curry for gravel in tho following road dlvulomi ja ilalnor 3a loads at 10c ihtto jo aftliura 37 load w 70 i j mcooll 111 loail 1 uo w ilemoby 60 toa ma w mrllowoll 171 loadtf 17 10 i j appolbo jtis ft elm und cedar in win mtdoweira duuiou at 920 per m b 30 jamce htark running roatl j ruder at l 7ft per day t3h0 leae otj ay a statute labor 91 i w hnlwr dry ing tile from acton el a0 i uy wifb team on gfador 93 itlmer lllnghatn balance on cement culvert lota is and 10 in blh con i16b drawing uooyd gravel on 0th line 900 at 4ao por yd on lot 24 j j n mchiorou cutting lt on cometery j tl vj t i md jticjl v ii ilurling liiihjnh tjrktnci ol fate jowtph murray 91u i a dlok 211 ilaya oiierating road machln i at 91 73 937 b2 oil and repalreluc h d warren 100 poet card t oo on contract or print lug u 7d uuo wriggleriwortli 41 rode efre fence iwniia w lft oarriml alulliii cook that tl o following auum bu paid wu ajlhiuiwih oil yd uravel tiim w mino cutting htoulng and covt ring hioiis on hill 1 t con 4 iio tlionioit vlliolt coiuont uilvt rl lot jo am h 91 duncan mldoiiujii tuinu for jlrodu ulro fiiicw lot 21 ton j 9j i ounrgo mino r palm for nad uiflclilno 9i 7o thrtedaya opernllng annur 9a jft boicaulu ureaw 10c v h neat 20 yd i jj aluiouo irtuib value 93 h3 man loa ling in klnj lak1i daub ha ix while tlio bjhkwiiwi uere being heartl in otui toitlon of the lerk beae bell wbj in progrci in nnothor part the flrat match wwipiocd between llrainpion and georgetown junior it wa watched with lunch iiiunt and waa odmi attnu alwaa able to aiiolrue 3 tlo cloln mauli wax between ado f and oeoruolown eenlore ali ihe ul torewonliioday but if w oonleud wld w l balllllg linl vlborouiplay janerally on uie rt of jn owhietownleam tlil-e- ac ttav j lmamalodwulcl lroodnullen pay nm luiiimmn ibwiui i i i fiywhiirer w ro u u iru fwnco at lie wr ror9i6si putting in uiltort on o 10 hlda road con 7 utiry wilaon 01 j ro1 wire fence fit ul t ihtlrliig bridge on no lft i j oaihtd my qx wslumu rink fill rott mix trout tb titsurt eaveea quttttu jotit aim rrmv tbm feee kf ttfeje mjuiath ceei mi mr s mmrrtm 0erbem la- jjtee itlrnvmlttrnt hmatlfb oat from tha bur dundee 43 til i we were much pleated dtm vr 8 llarrla the well known government in- kpeclor of elevator of hundion in tlte other day greatly impnmd f healtli and appeerence alttcit llw the lut lime we met hltu ae w tkuowtt to many of tho titer reed mr ilfurle hae veeovered from j onf od iwuere lllneea end la now quite able to altiind hie uaual diuw rom thuuej jiuiem tnany predluwl ur lurrla wjuuvey reeever and tlui fact that lie u onee tnoteable logo tmund very nhy ae apry aa lie did 14 ttuekejfl le ittaokei uiuentwnui which ae aknei etued end whilehe did h j f holly decided tdt1n the pablle tnueet he would iutvilte clreuml i of utu wouderhil oure about u ten month ego mr llarrle weke t we raornlng with a uff neek t try m would und after applying itll uie tie dibaeiiornally that be 4otfld thl of lie wue ivnablu 10 gut rid ol ll lo atlfnew nioned u the anlne and i den tlien to hla hlpe until u m jj moat a cripple of tilm and it w extreme difficulty thai lie could it nmiedatall ae forvalkln it v it ueainawte j put on ellhlu hla ooir veetur tllna lo mine he railed in vailu oil mtn none ol wlnnn were lva him mnrh relief n waa aim poielhlo lor mm lo rxla hla t the floor allproimuuomj lilaaiei at x unir exiipice dburi cttastd 133 lof lgr cvtjtg loo yards rthi 220 yards jrun hnlf mile run 440 yards run two mile rim tst and 2nd silver medal 3rd bronze medal 111 each of above events t- five mile run 1st 2nd and 3rd gold silver and bronze medals running higlt jump running broad jump running hop step and jump throwing 16 lb shot 100- yards run open to residents hilton comity only half mile run open to residents of george- town only 1st and 2nd silver medals five mile run for championship of halton county gold medal tug of war open to teams in county of hal ton 10 men to team 10 silver medals conditions aii entry uw of m cuiu per uutn will 1w liarged hi each oveut and j 00 per teem for tug of wur so entry n 111 be received unlet accompanied by fee 1- htrlee cloee with kecmlary of committee on monday aug 8th 1007 at 10 a- m all entrksi intut be on official form fntrv forma end lleguitratlon certificate may be secured from lite bet reury the committee reeervti tho hflht to r jeit any entry progfamme at 1j30 sharp admission to park 25 cents thoapeou nixed faol to sciorxa work ol lha conjr8lloo h aide mail c i tl billing wo elouo eitlvi lla nil 1 1 plachur willi cataul 7 draw iiik til avmi tclon ij john kin nolnl bvitol at 10c ij ml tw lava dllliueunttm ntl 211 per lay is 00 turned i llmipifm miw v uowdy tle j allpalleil mr unfile md w atlioroujl oxaiuliuhloo mii jeipoiidolukltvor 1 perfe j jtooth brushes h i all vt dtucfaaulasia trlcoor hfw hm hook ai ikrpak imppiftlfsimf fj- tronaerlnta nj ifnxy vmuna aftoau fu ajtto qof ofiifi t t s j i bxpetrallrlll ufctlvfalto5ltgc ulbeiajfofciatoubaaau fe jat r hw l jaajlfe jjljttjlwf oarxiaortjbeft w w fw1trsjr jte yonrohur e4rly wtara hjoasii auila are now ready lot onrotnral town cnimarahwe ixlll m j to fonrrd tbann on nqnaai t mens ftiniisbings ken nrrlraix in nookwnar collars olovo uld fauoyfcajf hom i mew xprinvhuandcaj inall tho lateat atyle and nuxf w j ihtim yaaio ail mil ihipoei uur jiumh ing tjoni nu ito man a lino eelecilotl of th kagorit brand of boady loweaur eioaa lnf for boya yontha and men ajwayi on hnd nad up to m in tyle fit and worknuuiabin wa aollolt a ahajo of your- patranaxje flue hlglwjaee tailoring and men ayurntahlugta i malp street georgetown- nmnmn mini canvas shoes now is the time to buy and p wear canvas shoes we have a large shipment direct from boston mass here are a few of the prices womena white cenvaeokford 11 lfl wotuene while eanvae oxford 9110 women white canvaa oxford oalenalon aole tt men canvae bale hoys canvaa bale tec mleeee while eeavae oaford me chlldrene white oxford 7st john nlcdem iasoisrhi jae g a- rams dnuaaist phone no 2 unit i rr lunil inu t miilliiirlioninxoii ile wlvlee mlh ax le ueloakl n tlilxl jlmrm 1 till ciirivl i lv vour iomnal your i uirfnrv aucceax no appetite your food disagrees youre tireduteless skin is yellow siloui voor eariut comutl lull lonalant ssbjlsiiiv ll pip jjajl faib nrrumat hit y atiwa z dy oomee lh l ol imounawl lirioiom am a0b or hiuboh and wederaaad to boahown tnawnji iiiiwai lta wherafor- iui- r llj lcnune ii ihaayoeuioan aunijj oroua leulueol altar fc natlona ho i been luxda ax lo mi oondlllon the pbyxlclen j deeldod thai he waa not t muieular rlieiliaallem a anj hie ailment waa otlu u i in that the ualuxwouldtf- or no good thai i dlllereut iroalnijj hlniidlll ilelaj ebentures a sj sptr utvitwit and tha wheraforaa medlelaea tmixt x vouliavo nerved would bo jjjl f m the formula hi ueedlian isf lliro oio lew ii uny depart im u oj t wcrel remed y mb or hoclelj the hunday church eh ir mirnl inie ol medicines miw a rir about three yea i r prnud on tha label y0 expert advleo ir j8 sst laa i who will tell lo l kew h uaeful nremrlpllob r ialmilu for the v ada for lha bowela fueharjial uacli ul j11 maur int tlirouh you affljrusvass and that jiloii nay 1 la ihe xlnoere audi kirutt l rjjvtl luurtblt nrayor oiev soxilc on behull ol h ml cone rogation naturtl ii v ileat jaa moluloau i s aiiadlrmxweaaliioreaiuo wlrrnexirelh the ium ol w taluahl an jj o many year iu tbaclg aoton oiuliyj and mt lil l 101 ij ikalrfuy