the georgetown herald m uuuw lumi ium arjftun m p htniiii1 w ii imonlbtm mmttmt fu to t i w ivflwasaj ia j v ciijuvirjqiaifcrjiki fciljjf sflh smiling o t ft tim ybio 4 idivii kat mall gr infer mfr mall isaeenger 1 rll a m t kl s rl ifi s in 1 1 ill it tn i- pi i thkm ideas and inspiration taken by one author from another but genius borrows nobly ttmowl of la lnimd and tbo raw ma4jl faanlnd into a thing baauty hawoar m moat brll ii nt empu our unfit wrtli ni art toot foot rob- bar ijioralurw knot a mxmllori of atiloil uol lial tram ilk at al iiikh by tb trl imii nro rulupf tbo oilllliil of tlio itiploary or a valium of tb joint or batyr 1hu u iwrrow rftbrf v n ft 1k vlmlrwltv ijj w tactkuvyneji tfc ittbrtlvslr rtnrja uftceotlu7 hotrik itltinv mrttilij jiftd ind dtml ti mbl a fcooa muaao a uio- n jtlimitaiiu vuh may bo not hunorod lino tn am marty coborallona and oln ntw botultlco with racy jmhit 1ti- poi abnauah f brbfuttttyv tuo ufoflimf nn atnobjuvfa bacl aara jman tivirtiiio ikt4erohkirhnn bo wldt jaim jaratoj rowdntiy ttoo ittaoafarinicai often trbiymnutioa iworia tko borrowm brine mm and irla isitssc jb wooormft tinv frn i crod ojnl1b rawtuaurlalfaabknad tblicfjiil f t hna boon nnintod vat jn but ufa of rluckv tw tbet klui of bqdlxroo in ljlrto iito fox hlollhlkbfodnva m vjnfl tin tllo ktttor hlropulf w bailor blls tlort to iforuor ahooto oird inoril in vlnjtl ttorl bponor borrow fnwidorilly from ahoslo hpoiuora porrto qoocno bllb tn lulilior- ilimln t ua rougna fm rrooo aythoro soogm m xnltlo rtlrj by lrntiholttb lo hu ortlrlo oa tbo ooaly of jrort lot bothm i trnd tasxloo ovouoo poiiw burplcwm to lr oboolulo oatttitulty but oro idsliuf eooottb wbotuct tmo or oot bilulo boovo locrml tbo circulation of bbj book by inaullntt upoo oibtlnif duol in tbo rain llb no bmbrolta to bo ntbtb trot of vrt k to lotator by trint mm kru dr tb otbo t olto nd tb mma of avxnrr i f uuu mdo tb fortnno of hr nol by mjtw- the kta4 tea n a1t b all ooantrjrfolt- imitation boa j hjltffood if yoo are avpable of t i it- wjit t r j l r tunmi jbbv tkml 1 r i i ti i v iiiiii l t-lt- cw racowroonil nn vtx ioitl oi ufcio cbr ol tbo work tefjll nm if tw hio thern bon untiled co t o t 1 ji mi iit4wwjtftt htnwtfwtuogtrftrjqrvtkr jucjiiort otvnwl lnibi i o j ltx tl7i bkoof f- ilj rl6vw victor how 1 of tbo idor tbo followlnb torlooro ims 3roav wstvo front of ttulr r i i jjlir riarflh what is castoftlj shsusst- pmaam-1- y the port a difjk r jlssrtrs at inie bullion wilsons fly pads kukbombll l4oriaiaiuo tirtfar o atboo mcelatb oottu aaa entml trrau sdditis 91 canadian northwest ihv vm uumurtd uchoh of tkuiilular lkttdt in uanltuu hkmtlwwn um6 bad of mlly niiiuiofi y by my horxmi wia u tbt ul or uy mtlo nvr lhla- unl of on qiiahittr hc lon ol moturim mof or uu koirv mdm bx ttad lkiiajbally at ilia icuru u dwrlel in whlfiiitit unl u utrforirt lit latrfon miff t land nflct lor tb fetoivtald th botnttlair li rtjulri i tmmtllloita eonttmij tlivrowflll lb ljilowlljilj 1 1 at i fit trtwili rtltunr uij aiu ulllvalitmiol tbf und in arli yaor i r uirw yhi iflhafalbarai moluar ll ilia fallar u tla ftutmii at ilia liammuidar ruahua uww i urtm ia mm vllnliy of iba laud laiail lur ihi rtuiulraiitatuuio raaldauoa may ba aatlihad by wuib wrmti raaldliia with ilia falhar or toaibar i iflbaaauur baa bit lurwaimnl ra4di upon fanrtltir uud own i by hi in t iba vulip uy of bit bomaataad itta rthiulrainauta a 41 iba l van in ibaljtiiiiiiluliiiiar nrioiufilu7 lanil at iw nf liilbitiloh toaiy lor jiiania- u u coi1y di uty f flia i ii i war of ilarlor ii uiilulljorlv i tulhralloii of ihla ad ltiiitiii wl liribatwldd virll vrompt rlif fa laic liuudachc diial- nufli moms eomlipatloii palo id tbs pu basraatsil to tlioas uaiog carura llllllo llvr pill ous tlnas bwsll prlos basil doss but pill alldnordon saaied bj bllioa luu o tbs ayttara em bs oared bjr uilnf caiura lit i la llfr rill- no piia jrlplof or dliuufortatuiidltift tbelc ul try ibm castor i a for inlauti and culliran tlio kind you have always bought boars tlio blffualuro of tha latua vsvorlls lais llvor illl sro tlio isdlw svorlf usdislno tbay euro ohalittloa ulok huilsaho dilionatissa and d8pi without grlploff pursing or alekeuidir lsnd ami tlits to iternnrds ial4 of hun nrul mili lu turn to ihitaod llobltisop cnwoa and ituuyanav imiffriiult iroevsall hla so msny blimutoms rulntf frtwii tb one tm bhnkswflr jtt twvoti ealto th rtjdt nrwtcllilro tliluf so ln-tr- at u liia borrowing bfllilt u lnvuild iumtur lllto n huwii ami liroimbt tack tbo ntl art trensttros to rrtrieh ml iwniitlfy bin vimut otwt u ih nrlawl lo learn 4luit ur dntmatbit bna no drtgloal plotm bat be bss o- to imxji ry no tjow rbytbm or slanu and hp tir rw uot only in ttw m rni but in tlt old tnilu ills as you tlke it in tnknii rrom on old roninrt tlio clmmcturs of hi julius cannt mtm old itomtinti taken from rbilnrch tint wliat lorrowlnci pry tkirtou nrr turned into llvltttf won tit common t tiiatariab oro tdkon into tlio inm imttt tlaiuo of ills eolns ond tnnmntut ml into airy beauty hilton too is n fr borrower it if ttiu fact indoad that makm bin rtrw no rich in learnod rmlnlscfic nnd so coreooas with lutrbaru lnrl nud sold ii 6wos muob to sbflknaihriiri bonis erltlm think mllonn ke in luir- rowodfrom flbkepottrs mlrniidd in tbo tatulnax of tbo bbrow cecum tbf hm as mornlus rosas newly waalittl in dw wbllo milton in h unonkn rrosb blws laaas wahd in act alllton is a very ml no to many ioiw fa his debtor- ullloas bnioky tor dnn- woman to tbo mttlat nnil fair but ending foul in mahy a scaly fold voluminous ond nst is ntailo to imy ttiy sll w sit an taklttahis tata nj itt rnnilllitr croun i nlossod and with ullraetlvo siicm won tbo limit nvoms ivtjvt nas vlc la a tnanatar of so mshtful muri jk to b hated haada but to bs kmti lul an too oft rsmlllar with hor fact ua hrt andura than uty than embrnee tonnyton must havo had in wind uhtous iiantnir in roldan chain thla tdant world whou bo wroto vba wlifiu round world la avory wy hound by trold shall about tha fuat of god tonnyson lndooil dorh imieli of his vrtulslte imacory nud fellcltoiu pbras nil frotn authors nhoso iiauicn even many literary man do not know point borrowi bin vital bjiark ldoa from au old poem by thomas ilattuad etyrou kstsfbls idelo imtlior lm ncd in bis fneluli ilards oud hcotcb ilovlawsrs from awtcuylus who flour- uhud in tb if tli century bofor our era colorldtf oivos ilia od to mout illancto flornian worn by irbwlrlcli ilrowu illabop ken is indebted for bis thousht in tlio cou1uff hymn to blr jliomas ilrowna in bis colloquy v i tli 3od in hi own characteristic iuunr itudynrd klpllnir bus mot tbo ues tlon of uucoubcioiib thlnver nltb a bit of orso which commonwj when omer ainota la blftfthiln lyr kj card men sins by land nrtd ana and wot tl tn- i o ml iht raqutr r wunt an took tlio urn u ma iet rlinkchponro s lines itos this pnpor i 1 einmma you with thtavary tha aun a tblcf and with hla treat at irull n tloba tha vast ion th moon an arrant thief and her pla flra alio annlchae from tha uni tha sua llilaf whose liquid aursa ra aolvea ttis moon into salt taarsi tha sarth s a thlaf i that faads and brcada by a ooninoaluro atolan lfrom none ml ohcrcmont each thins a llilof h n dunn in clrclo mnooalno tba in a rnjlslull r ibb lourtstion upon iicb aswaesa cottirririttat scrjool rasts m business systems iojrmlcrciflscpotjiottwnfnej to ino scbivcj by business systems lrtouucl include all tnodvn tnefl occountini tbn work tsutfht conaisls o tbo methods adopted by tbtfei commcrciaj bouetfoe5 tboixhijhlyinlqjhebracliol jetai an tb uauma hia rtr crrtm ft hi iwrtftnrrnrl bwnttrii noleacberswil 5a h5a inerol bo em anj bolli retail ajul wltolesale melbojs will be i already occupy poiilion and who afd desirous of ill bo special uiib ployed who bsvd not hod actus business exi ce tauabl for aiudevbo ard desirous ol betlenntf themselt st yaohywa anch tbat l bifvllne j tiiimtouhayb od torrzz v tor j qeoreto tera ll pill judge and doctor tcu a lmd llroinuirll n noliibb ult of tlio iugkab licli urns once tilting tn a win rathe uruontir was accuked ol ahop llllinu my lord joy client fa uotn common thlel urjted the barrliter for tbo di enco bo la tulorltiu from kunlo mania 1 bat u manly tbs dlasam i am bsiw to ouw rsphod ixird llramwell bland y jog o ww aikly vsara urs wlualows roouilun byru has aa used by taulloua of tuotbor for thai iblldhb while uatblng it diaiurbad at oif ht and broken of your real by a aiok ah ud buffering aud erylug with pain oi utuuf teeth twud at ones and gel a botu olfurs wluatow buuitng hrrtip for ehlblren loolhiiir it will rolio3tbe poor title bufrenir initamlautly dapend upon uouisfs tbarv la uu mlatalte atumk it j 1 dlarrha rulauu tuu atomnob bowali eore wind eollo aof una tna ssti 1 mneei iflamtiiatlon r enorg to the whole ayum a wlaalow buouiing hyrup fuv iran taalbfaf la plaasaui to uia tu aud la the nnsertjitloa of oho of tbeoldeai and beet female phytataim aud dumm in lb ttailad btaiia imwlwedlyaveaanti abouu fidbyalldra4uutniaahmk lb woru lie aur and ask for if wlcwlow ra4nln hrrttf hot tbs bilmbst dongar lu ttslom dr lumllioue imila of uan djrak and baturnot for eonetipauon of piles highly reeoubiended beeaua ibey aaoe no griping palua ver proupt andeerulu ear uaeooly dr llsautaau milt vruelioe mercy to him tbqt nhowa it la tb- rial cower business syatems commercial school bos no room for uvonealyoti merely wnnl to tfo tome tlaco to put in a year aller school ya eue k dont corns to buainess systems commercial school if yoti are wide aw- nnd anxious to learp wriie um fall iermbetma i uesday sept 3rcb jbjtstt comwewc uvwrraaajvgy is52 sfadota avqtot masyklai my hair is extra long feed your linlr nourish it five jt comeihlnc lo live on tlipn it will stop falling and will crow lone and heavy ayers hnlr vlcor is the only cenulne hair- food you can buy it elves new life to the hair bulbs you savo whoi hair you have and ecl more too and it keeps the ecalp clean and healthy b1tikc md1s w the b t b1 t rttlb m 1 omo1 7tl uiat to ba jum wi toclouw bla nobla porporllooa ln ofornt and to mbolllaj l torn ltb aocoratlona to not utltbjd ua own woo wlilmodaalw tb onlfom la i wfcwj b arrlrod ftr tbo auo wa an oiln oarlboldfa army and t try condoctln a well nown actiato icoort ball to wbkb aba had not bj lorltd ho not i by ollowln hlmwlf to b aol jovooilllny of 0 s utttrly in wf and ll lort 5a c bt i bept is cht in w lanriitar wtima lalmd bl i u- ry ttlbol and too nahim omh dutrtcon wlilcb bad inuforod will bubtntuf5ae a bubtjiai m go 1 in o xo build 4 yot are olng o dojjny tajlding htejprnl toots iehavaeieryihlngyouiiead in hardware nalis locksciass hinges etc and to do the work with uvary wail and woman w jrl tnat i dragd tha day out willi bak lot v wrl tbo uat chapter t a forth z s os n ondorun1 thai you breaking aide to able lu a vain endeavor relief from ilia maddening nuld w o a box if ttbccaesry forp jiie firat boktulvc ucu i latauv ri 10b mii lleraud sfurwaru uke awayivty tb ntitbors wbd ore blo otcrr truceof pain and srcntwi tbauuierers u 0 hair restorer would not be without llwm atanjpilc t owa n to tbo public to exnimi will soon be hbusecleaiung cout ol 1alnb kviiaiw inll mlnlfli llj lasr biidilolinltwlioll v oi m1 dry fttkrfel2ti1 lln ju coats only soc a mit bol nd u tpmaranlecl to cur acldnei and bladder troublaa and bunistlli your dra rgut doe uot handle imjd the gentle kidney pm write tb curllu chcni co ltd wlndioi oul bo farm laborers an 00me3tics i ttvaun hlfll v tha tluaalttlom flovarftnlai l lo 4ara irhtrlrita trout bj uiiuail kunwdtth lii alilyu an laoirsra or di utwm brvait hi ihu vt tun kyw a- tl rniurliu umi lln alfhild i lty nu fjy iur wail i lully iba kli t uf hrhi rwiulrd wlian wautmdai il wkjf4rrd thttuu ur a provl arrlvhtir ut4y m 1 1 imbhiui t u awwjy quwta but vury tofort will bi luada lo jli ai41euit wiib balp raoolrad ii w ickuatkuy gaitaduh oovainwanl kmnaynutt ant u worb a la wu otu local salesman wanted dlurhh ofttahitmu ada i llmi formir iomial haunllyl itandy uaiftl llaik thivr htukfl jadlu ll and ru iilua- imtueawhbt iwibt urlia lit alalia b ulaaaor tfto form wlillihotok im lb iii hur ailaa tor mto a lvyj o ro twni ihux ouluv hcnul i yersi herald to jan 40c free tor cuinrrh iibt to provo merit a trial alio ijax of drrlhoopu cutarrh uomedy it it a oniiw while creamy healing nutlwipilc imlm oninlnlngtub healing liigredknln na oil funiltflua thymol menthol ulc it giusi inlunt anil luullng r liol in csiarrh ol tho nos and throat muup im fffli tukt ftd vottri boo for ounkif urhal tbu iirirjtttm r can and will accmnpllsli address dr hhoon iuelno u in lnroa jar bo cenls bold by 1 a itumalin i will uiail joufreo to prove raorit tamplei ol dr bhoops ileatoratle and my book on either itybnenau tbllearl orthukldneyi troublesoflboaloinaolio heart or kidneyi are merely yimntoiu ol a deeper ailment dont make tha common error oltreatlngiymptema only symptom treatment uirettlnu the r- btilt of your ailment and hot the cause waktomach ivsrvojlho liuuo nerves ruaaua stoiuaeb weaktiev alwayb aud the heart nud kidueya oa well have their ooutrolllug or luaidu nerve wiiajton tbeee news and you i mi v i lab- ly have weak vital organa hero la where dr bhoopa heslorstlve ha mode it fame no other romedy eer claim totrealtha inside narver aleo or bloatltig biltouaueu bad breath or com- pieitlou uts ir bboope ltealorfltlve write mo today for usiuple ami ireo llook ur bhoon ilabltto tlio ltoaiontlvo u sold by g a luttbden wanted yoejurbldua u telapltbua euratws al to- routu kaporuua not naaahaary t armiaoanl antdnynaitf oood wo and pwaaant aur- rounaiuia ly mkllvltk dkit itxblralkcwiowioo oy uauadai u u tdpatue tit tmioutn sunshim furnace burns coal or wood the suruhlno la a good all round furnace llurni with liial facility either coal or wood cuu too it you prefer it and bo iierfect ih tlu- coiultusuon oftuho suiulvltie uat it txlritu every unit of licat from thu tin i vhalnlcfl m the ash pan u n t word aifting sumlune conbumlb icih fin1 too becauu lis pet feet ayitcni uf dunpua pfcvcnttbeeicjipaoftlie liot air up the clumiwy couapeli it to romo out througl the reguler vou pay for heatina tho lnilde not thu oundc of your liouio wiilii ou b ly tlio flunihine if your local dealtr doe p hiiull thii nifint tronomlcal furmca wrilu direct to w 1 utcte hookikt oww sr john hc i boat owa tbamaawoa in thu way blrda with n abicla atom shor of moot cribv do llw lv tin na ulna ullrt tl uacaimdy klllloo but far tb to liny or not a good atocw ot itrtinkflve if you are going on a trip and examine them horsetfihai a speoiabtt repairing promply doj agent for tne page lrf w c anthony b6 v aurely tli n plo ultra t log rollinff- tb hanging ef plctura a woman bodgbt ibreo plctorea fai a ttrth avenu art ator fthall x aeod sou on tip to hang thora r asked the dealer dont know hesitated tbo wo man who bod already exceeded ber alt low nee in iniyinff tb picture mow much oxtm will it costr not a cent the dealer assured ber in tlio ctiae of nny import not enlo we prefer that one of our men auperln tend tli hanatntr nf the picture tlint insure justice for the painting willi out mo nlng ny dbtreapect for our enatomors i muat oay that tint one er aon in a hnndred wtto bns had no him rlnl i nat ruction in art can lak a pic ture borne ami place it in on adnn tneeous position a uuiti who lift been trained to tbat business rut the other lutud enn tell at a glanc where lo bang it aud all tlio otlir in the room so that each wilt bring out tho bt point of ell tho rest m hi luaaaas ticket laid tb collector a be opened the door of a cerrlag in which sat a man who looked a if b was an chored to his mat the man banded over tbo required pasteboard which was duly luspected tbeo looking around tha collector said la there anotbor gentleman in tha earrlatiev no is that other pnrttnnnlraii tbeu too otlwr pnrtmnn teaur yo ou tb floor tbor hy ihi otlier tlio said tlw traxsler with dignity are my feet iotdoii cllnl well vrslnad old ijldy improvlna tin orrnalnnt ah my poor man you would lint lw hi thl jwwihlnti if ou had nwheil mi early tralnlns in some irnilo nr tall luff tramp dqn t you tork tm and ilon ntioutwot ou don t know nothln alioutaiubuaui no traluln indeed v y i wai lu prbkiu nfnro 1 wim four pin- iondou mall hlie taetfully pub ho vlio is that plain tarty tbat i wy mother ho oh i ug onhlonl i didnt notice the reaom hlnnce loudon opinion if you would b a good juriun lienr rheumaitism t ha v bead a tt4 a taaiad ae for ltka fciujunl uot a rainady that will alralabua th dwoiiatl llnba i cbroale nhsilaa nor turn boa atowtha bub to oaab asabb that u liatmaalbl but i can new auraly kill tba baku and wnal thla dafiloraua duaaaa in oatuanywlui a cutalal la the cut tl itanuiiadtt found th bm bwredbe wtut buti dr flhoop i uhauuiatle kauady was wad parutud daeaodabu tuaerltuoa withotjt utlsmlaimduab auwauuluiiy tnaaud uaay tutiyeaaaaolruttujuuihutnow alluiuubb loruilytiuhmsli rumhla uu of uiu urtolol uurli n- tboaa uud tike nruiula alttimrl in lllnl11 iilt uuublduaollrj and iwuasway m the aeuui til thla nuady a raolyaatvua uuiar wba adbul lo iur- waw asdthan whwidlmolvad utau polionoua wsua mir ls twwi um vybiu and lb hum e uluiuiiiauaui u anna lonvnr tha li now a w itafciaoetualamumtoiubto kwrwlay antkals weaallaad lseewadtjee weeaaamji dr shoops rheumatic remedy g a ramsden v uoow kiouk m okoiloetows iyatreait rfk et your butter papt at the hisbaiid joing pai wo have everything iowohi priceu including mtxvd point uamaayu loud it mid turit paint tirushvp vnrniat ly incrtiming becauaj kem phq n jotd burnt iftlamlamoaayooldbtwrial ua uat of tryloa to wtab dlahm 10m t qolddumt w tilway ovay all oihet euanaw onttji ryaaayrtij inrijmihmr ttea wwtti