Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 1, 1908, p. 4

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j- c the georgetoa herald wkinkhiay kvkti jan i i rv- jfc ir 7sum uvr htujmmrinidmi vanr mttertkh omawsartliaame4eait tta8 ufxbdfll flit sbv ttttx 1ml e hdba fatumi y 0 th tim table tl83snl specuutiu on f is maw underwriter qmbla on overdue vi4li pelted at lleyde when a aiilu 1 ruw an oior- tuqlty la aintliiiae altonled for a tnmltfe at lloyln it rrtii iw readily nmlrotiml hint utuerwrlter who r idterratcil in lui ovnuwi are only loo willi u rfd op lite rtok by oaylug a premium n hie inenred rate to thoae wlio lire will luff v tholr trriua lo relieve fliem or their reepon- llilllflce ti10 mmlhlo tarie with tltj chonre crfti vessel tmalog op prolaivuuiaa apalurlfriitttlpi erril3i baoalo again tjfneewap dtrwrtter wth nentito ieren du ntayoinafniiykiynnbkwe mg- nloreotoameoi bvtoty tp ineot ene pv an tormrdnet itlitm uitvatramti- rtwtittw rfarr toa ebln to h ooebnnd bitjrt btm t endutii lit i r j ttulmofynoql- before wwlrntlne ij tnatfaafioo- w ue itllml ttewv immaiitilllul k o0r jkfw- no rotae slie hv n mf lni a oourf u ietljicv11lilr jtw lo j uhtn cmrt gnl uuygr itbiar 0iu er1lnriit0 or any om oo board lb mlsalns biiiim toodoo bipnma bor r iort mu iow m llsoatn 040 p tod a 67 pm ptumentfar uttll mall iawmngaf uoimd wiwr vjmtantrt t77tvttri 800 al mll 0mftm ymmthfut 206 p m raokor 4fipm 5uil mp fttmenttur ptumenger fukbfr colkd monil h s os p to 1210 to ajoam 515 pm 060 aitl us p to toiu cordingley builder contractor woik ouly kin i i ii fm 17 qim synopsis of canadian mwesl uomcutsau jabuuijationh vva a albmti iii4t c bonfiill by uy i1 umlly or ij br ol ill mum loti uf lnavfxj inure r hjiii wlf land u ithltf itr jl fit fiuinalaiii mkuwli u uvir ltuii uhuiu lit intriwrn lnj aifaopy dim lei lit wljvli lb i uy ly irfojjyih i4li viil llktlhli lt-mlli4itilar- iultknv f li d dfiul klyly udillng ithii ilar u fpwulfd to titm lb ejntilllimj ajuunactatl ibrawllu uudr utia rl m1i ijjtlta jt m ihhik f0ltlvlli4 ul ilitund iii i jtl lt i itumtlh raalititra ui0u bj iundlti fti yr lur tbr h a bmiitililr may l h ijatlrei ir fnrni ihrijtilrl rulitnr dutitby llvliiit11 aruillitf 4il uwiuiil ujly dy lilm ii4 tu iirli imii4rm lit niihiii lu ii- vltlitlit i i ninliiul jittluwiiralilliiuutl wll 104 it t 11 tilm lailtmim uihiiuf imlt- uilwr l dv rmuilj uf a liiv4itilr mtruinaitl iu- ditrs uritilnv uitd uuud 4ly ly iiim ul ilian tiltiltly inn in aunt in ilw vleliiwy uf lltajiiuiitktaad ir uwtt a hunl4tl tiifi fur u ttlui intlia vlelulty uult lumir- jnnliu own tmijukc dullt ribrortftttmur in tii iwu irtr4lnu liiiy o trmta imr ltrfuni 4 thaurm lad jjuw4in- en hulv uf t width ul maaiuir 111 in ft a butii4iuilsr luunulitf it ntloim ll rlilil ilulin in rrfditr willi ltt abo r willi lulnif willi imieil or uu lituiuim uml nvii uf hl11i4ll tiiuai iwihy u igsiil r lliiillllihohutllliillillh alh htuullt itutu in wrlllhbliiuldu ijlvi in h14 coiiimlmliiusr ul puiiiluluii iauiu 41 u4uw ml lnuwilwi iu biijy lur fal-uia- w wcouy diul lliaululkurorintarlu wllunabilijjajl mulcalloa of i hi ad- vaithm ilt4 w hlll tot lvowpt nluf in ilak luulftftbe diail umj uiuii onsupuoi pia in it pj kqranuj to tbow ualiif qht lllti llvar 1llla ooi doid ubmii prlw hntklldrtu hwtllplll alldiaorjtra wniej bjr mhnm tiulf 6flb lyauu ban b ouim by ualu 0li lltua liver phi nd lr jrlpln or duddsfert handing tbalr a try luaa t1m way thalr- rturn prlckaai m artlaf coiawoa in tb couhm of ktn raolo bf rlr edward ilaraajon a rorra ribndant of the tveatminatar oasatta romarka tim wboarv not offand- ad by b parndoxoij of cliarlaai yimb would ba dftllajlited la runmjonaa play of humor and imtlginrntioo it ma joafiry my refoirtttk to cbirlm latub i onco raiumod lo dunwjonas aoma books wblcb b luul lent tu thirty yrara hmtora wrlfluff tabltn to uta tact that if it woa baae to kai bor- rowad book- ao loaa it woa barole t rolarn tbom after tmch tana jioaaa alon aa mtcbt wall brd tb aaaaa of owoanililp in reply b aald tlie rtuniof tboao book ha aim ply nlbfrstrrwd me it bag alao palood two tor it mootn to ralaa 1b atandard ot tborallty lit tbea matvr ajid pr- bapato ailng ttw atiaeeptttm eoo- aclaooij of book borrowarm i bav rnauy borrownl itooks on my abotve i woutd rather ttw nwutri ahoqld dia titan that i aboald bavo to think nboat tboaw tbincs nnd rturn tbam i har two eoally voluroaa bat ware lent to in before tbnt tittle lnddnfc of oars which yoa timy remember waj la tld ijon aiiore 1 hop to owner la no more for i almply will not rlr them up and ymt have made to un- miay and iwve helped to turn an ami- utile raatttl into a con armed iiuln all sick women shouui bus ul a pmrtm m cted tr4f b watjli vtam cmmtpond iue ktutu aaabw cra yuny rotilniil mf of rrnale tf rv nntlminuv mjul v llylt whmi v iwrii lr ul111 by iydu k ilulilwiua viuvbtlli cnoumi asd yrnfyaip wrfvilo s855b wio vamiarfvtjhe mltovpj 111m anla k ikb un ato throblo o uravakliun- 1 huwbooiir vpl lifittci whttnlitdj 4s iwlraliodl iciv nrobbfaf rrllor ij tali poapooivlvfni fi mmame weaix ww u4lwwhl mivi ritrailqlwr- il iwlhrnl i my rriicral llcallli fn niy a wmk of j ivi ion i wp ifiliid lha r imt ih lllltl peln fepuuf ilarcbata fl cbtifn la tbaatnsalar tinmo of tn rioat bopaur drink to madrid tbl i made from n not railed vhufn yielding a milky liquid wlien redtieod to n puis tbl to di luted willi wiitiir nitd forma moat fooltoavtmd rofrunhttitf drink how- ovr it 1 no ncnirm tabv very few ilk it at tlietlmt trinl the borcltala rusy be made from ilirferent klmulof 1 i t i ii iii ll lo ratal tlte vtorrlialn d rbnfa la al- wayaold wtiore tiiattlntf la kept for mlu ao that wben yoa apy a roll of the in i tor oulalda the atore door it b a nufflclent indication that in ibat par- titular place you may procure a alaa n4 the borchatfl in aplte or inqutrbm 1 waa unable to dlacovet lb orlohn of tba alnamlar comblnatloa of article on london trtilh t wlihlt until lnl vrrinj my fvirmrr if i glnd hut i 11 i tioh iwnirrt ttti weakttstrf taj i and iii n vrry intin iinn 1 tunmrrmi myaeir a iwrforlly wull wniri i appre ciate my rftod imlth mnd 1 i in nare you that i am iut rrhtcful to yml fir ducorer- btg anclt a woiulcifnl remedy fur uurtua oman tlie tcallmoiilu ivlilrli n are ron- iantly publlahin from hiuiliuj wotnen aatahluh lieyoiid n iluiibt the power o itnhtj com- rmpf female dla women anuorlnjl from ny form ot i he poor call va uaaaaian when ut ammstdt net ceme s wbeo the rat dm lb wtfl fjrtltj went into mottrnlyg rbjtini if no literally no common back ihr thla but 00 that mnat behirtcl all honor the inwtiktn waeia where t sonto propeaail rfwnioqo tmt thl rejected on the faqoutbai it eouuded too mncn lika lrlak it wae onilly jmpoa thai tflttmr ft loaoajhuavfti rt- bv fiiaai fortbmtt 1j- watfetlmtll the boat wmw pacwi ataovunlt letrtitk am what otth lb atrana la brod ikfat wonld aaam doobjy ao at hl with a kdotbarad ayain bawlaead it 00 tb eeat lieajd bim cwa po toalp tor ihn wootd barejto qtoy lydbi ft pinkluun wptahu rjom- female dlaaiiae ponnd taonnnof u it invlud to nromptl akbam a female weak nca romraonlcale wlli h- flnl lynn mjubc 81ie aaka nothlnf in retnrn foe bar advice it la ahanlulaly fiae and to tbonaande of women ha proiod lo b more predooa than gold after xmas la a ol lime to h maw tafin diiim january tad will lot ai loatm ear mo4erai rdea ami advahuaae will tmartat yt dltltisllawkrloanjilhinws colleok touonto v u c a baudlaa tense mm uccil atatraatu t tl watwi rrlnelpai drtiaaul- llfihu an apolbacary found lilniof ulnua 1il rod tlcbt 011 nlxrbt at a onto when it waa cuatomtry for tradesmen of big clasa o ornament tbelr atora from a wild a ilmpltf red lamp to supply hi need be took a da- boltla tilled will a red fluid and placed a candle behind it trba effect go pleaaed blm that he added another llvbljflridrtfct lllu mlnated their wlodoiif rvi the nutuuw of llslita anf jj k tbe wldra tbu the el ww fvwed iuthef- wowoo d boubev 9 aveldlnfl ympalh cecil wfl much lmpred by tba sunday acbool teaclior pla for tnl- uomi and decided to save bto pennle ror tb heatbeu lie ntkda a brent ettlrt and failed onco or twice then tie sprayed o lord be besttul ilaae help me save my mottey and dont let jim the peanut matt eotua down tbl at reel castor i a for intuit ud ohluru the kind you hat wwm bouat deara the blctuatnro of he didnt threw it ulj ivchla ald mr tlmiuld at the other end of tb vofa if i went to throw you a kla i wonder wba youd aay well replied ilia isichui id aay you were the laitleat man i ever taw pblladelpbla praaa sllf l psi tb jbadlee vayovlt laljvr p11u r tbajadl avorlt ajedlalue tby eor ckmaupatuo blak bd4h uiiiuaue4 and byibepa lh0ttrllna purajlng or aukbuc vote aiaay weave wlualowa fioothtojj hyrap kaa uluiona of mother foruialr tebiatt w dleuurbed at orylux with paiaw and a tmoe aad get a boawa of u jaalow bootuaaj 8yirap far hudraa taobiaa h will rue the poor lula entarar imakedlaialy depend opoa it moibari khera la no miatake aboat u aure durrhrfu reatalal the eioouab aad boww em wind aou aoftau iu g ion and netat t tha whole ajaiata mi wlaalow boothjnal aytflb aw mattaajbvbhljia u nlmaank bo i ajt mmmmi a dlatlitetlen toll nw mlm wllbonipp ur newiudu remarked to you that t didnt tdtowuiy o didnt tier not exactly ii aaltl you wer latjful to coiironl 11f rtpllod mlaa ltmiilftsxchnnce it u eallmnted that there tire 70000 060 kuropeau who wear wooilea booa itaaawood u ordlunrtly in ployed jor aabobj bat willow u tha bt matecul 1 lsism dhjttsmawma by ua1l la year btu tlau al beau ar taiapareoiia loonaai bohcol- m hvaay ethar aoaairy whla at oa r mruatdara a w have eat ear rat one infler a ahorl uaaa ad4fm l itbofna acahx aa be took hie beat in tb fisla that wai to conray him iba iwrpflth way be placed tbe cat on tb tbat ho bia bead and for tb flrat ifcoe that day forpit all aboat tt ilgfjlni to et off the car when be renftnd bia duiooivb waa halted by amu one behind iumwbo throat into ii hand tb 111 fatedpackafa j whan b racbd hfi hob ibraw r down an a esalr in fbebaq and want to ieppar is tha mkhky it tb said cam la and aakadww a aboald rook tb vvttbwhhi wltfahlmr aleatt he axetafaaad nal bmt motl itv- x cut at tbla moment thai maid pro duced tbepackasv and abowwl biro a coolea piece of meat history doc not may what tb aaan said who- to tl eat to muko cliriatiii and nw year nfllly murry you itmfd u ciillor omi o the ftlcljiuuhlin uuw tiiodol liluli tlnuli bind a 1 ullor wllla lionylfy ironnl wull britwd uir rotiibirtablettwimy uul apt ltix iuuhloit iliul buck beautifully uilniid l nwull apmurnnce uml duuhintf ktyl how oimhii u wtof now plcamiru fob- ulciithiinr farm poimiiiiih nnio in and msitliiin and auk lo wm lia luiruiliia i iniiollvriiiu in uwomliauil hluiulm uml cultirx a few uoiid kimihi inind lliiuiilt and mnrkt waifoim lulljtl jn oneills carriage works ijk0w1kt0wn ulruak by llahtnlnk noutly dfrcrllwi tlie culrrlly of put- nams corn kxtraclol itnolacornioiit in iliort order cttlw no pulu lifiv- tin anir ond kijtc jiorlict trillafucilnii nuiiilmirthnrw in only 0110 nut that puiuamfliy yfr in uw m cawb in th claw uauy bird pounoha n uuful comb la ibo cluw of the middle to of tb foot tills has been uptlcod in owl nhrat lar boron tiltterna cormorants baa aal etc it has boon enputued as m means of botdlntf iba pray securely tho comb i aomollmes rvplacetl by a turvod bind with tooth wblcb run 0188 tho inner aldo of tbe craw bucb blade u found in razorbills wild ducki culls ftorllmt otid tunny other bird wliuru n comb is roulrd tho luuur edtfo of tbl blndo bwonwj dl vjdod into teeth yoiiuff iiluhu or boatauckor have only the blad but i bties have w1l doroloped comb appropruuly nam tb boy in the paint a lory dashed hurriedly up the cellsr step ond outfit tb proprietor ttuiros a bdrrol loaklotf in tbo-baae- loont be cried nnd tho ntitomobll stuff to jest pouhutf nub why do you call it outoniotdl turfr asked the proprietor iteeeuae unii hu youualer itu ruuututf over ovorythliib iu alfllit jidse hi prt rb6 now patsy if it should corns to real uaint which would you ralbnr tasa your money or your uttv u lolfo bosorra olni sarin in mtwoy for itw ould mftm dobomlon boiwte paha a boys idea of a hero aw atwluar ooxufsho mm away from book kothlnff to 00 often oraiaatl ins ti a tb information fttao eonimsnusly as a rol what a man tall hu rlsbta rapraaent merely daud prlrl- aa too may nor forgotten nior tuatt tha other man know aad atlil l m short bora tha man who a scared tnlo being eood la tbe one moat lurahr to boost of hb ezceedlne ttrtn there are- lots of waya owaillns time reellnb aorry for joorsalf brine about aa little returns aa any 4 a man aoeato cborcb and heajal a sermon wblcbaoasaa intended aitpraasly for him b narrar enjoy it vary much as tb prbta winner jn tb blsrasl baby contest tbman who doesnt col w nr i casthria eha kind ten iiav alvraya vonsbt and whtelr tun been b use ibr over so your ho borne ilio slgnaaoso c jmi j bonralo under hup samtprrmiwfjaa jfr what ir aaa ntnimmll mmx bar the atgnatiro of healer wtm- mi ifiri lrrliilai fr ilw li wjkk dw 4 iw vwiik 5sieriiyit va the kind yon ilayo always kidril fiiw bfliiitaiii hjr3sb in- i ilj i oo3 towoiubaj it jfaailo irlllkium otun kx irovrti tv arte tb tortui pd rwlw fom hl tb mm ebpi t cajlicr tur wl tb bo0 ij rltnaiw om pltm tu hwilb- wwabstdmslkloamr4amm wbp thm cavdriavfalrwaabuut ton to tb story of tbo ldora uf toond many of tbrir oamaada moa jnaaooablo and aocb tbat artanrana rmlhl mhii to fonrad iban in uae for over 30 years seasonable snggestions a chrietma approaches yon aro trylno lo think what would- be a eultable preaenl for the boys lata bkatoa alij i tbo rhlldren ladies wo have new nptodata rkato and hockey bucls and hlelgh and slod tor tbo rhlldren w wonld invito you oapodally lo oome in and two our atock of cutlery ami carving set in caae alio carver eepar- al a iwauhlul tltlntf oraxmmlilll in silverware we have itogtirs nuke of tubbi kn1rs korku knoonr liult kpoona oyster udel iloltlr korku fold mentkorka pnltor knlvta ilud ilalienud ilnittl knhij we have- just received a bl supply of crmweper from haala rand kapbto jnn f lhfipiri 111 ut yoiirflliljlnlerthl from our n u 0 will u plctutrwl 10 abnw you bwhih and compare w c anthony mfwii ifoirk w1 t okowflktowv drinking kxedij exrose for drinking are always at band here are tha rlr femjluur one flood wire a friend or balaa irv or teat we eheuld be by and bi i or any ether reaaon why if ihey dont snfllc on can in 1 way rnlltuick upon mr htito joanaona he who makes a beset of himself et rid of tha palu of iwlns man on th other hnud lier are uwofca- ions on of tbeitt coeout tkatp tlo tonlt tcitv for hot drlnklrta plrst i cant drink for lie jut lost n tienr rolstlvtf hecoiullfwlten lumcfi pressodf no i wallyj cant you know itrt lirexktout ofo yniper fttlwi socwy tjilnl when i was much more pressodno i nvt in dued ive jnt had four or flravvork- flrtivor anih tnlfy i jmi fthepplno in lettden on of the flirt thjus nil mutt or woman rusbe out loilduti i a serviceable well cut lutoah and tbe second srikto purchnsad to usually an umbi man can buy in oudon a sun lerproof wblcb with occasional in will set bird a lifetime for irulnmb in new york vary latlou will cost blm from 140 tb tlritlab tlmlirella is noi thlnar of beauty 1m it will outlaat all competitor mi seaatondou kspres mued uwra to a mixture of klnadomi of luotniilmrm taken from a hlstfj bliilnauon iwiwr ii strvlcbl sultry leuuth bomiitb tbe aw sbsd away back as far as tlf of jitck cart lor kustond aool i lulu hudson ltay to trad bytai muakols witbtb indiana for it walrus tree not aa maori iia bus lost rattan ii y a uulean burro isi most agnyavatfatsty arabbom tusa w aarth f u toat married- y grahams furniture store ihonu tu a bbojv phmiijuh 11 i ion w a aan aildk mob tb way lye ptayfalr herww mm lafieaahif striker iraiins to erer tohorriou in levav- v sablre about th mlddto of th lad i eantnry tb ready rasoarcaa o vf playfalr aard ba i sa f mill wblcb retnal tb borernmeot 1 waf analoo that tho i wo aboald j and supplied tbi tllb mnaatcta striker advdncad tiroadlt j unoa in actjafh tkman ansaal raat foca of ona of tnr rrlooa im1 l itnaanf jfarrtaa jgi f winawjs at iba afrlmt jaiiihtlt short line to muskoka t -awd- pabrysotjnb wiatmr 71mm tmbtm lfftdeebuuot tndhp m sjoeaa lnjoeas wsae ur r rttrioase u 1 tpn tbe llttto party twtnrnad from tbat innocent wweklha and found tha mor bonorahty pi s order tha eottot gar them a eoupl of soi eigne with which tb boy food ntf tbary rtnrnd blm thin time threr la encara there remained only on other mill to doe that at ctitbero and opon- this tb striker now tnarehad aarsin tbajf wtra ttwartad but this tint not by padflc tnaaaa but by tb might of tb milltary- btaai p b a sup oeneral grant beltovad in dreams kelson tbo naval baro at way carried a bor with blm into battle von- uoltka th hardy old german bnrl woolrnevat bcln a battl on a friday rltured1sniarci of oarmany would thstr alt doam to dinner with thir teen at tb table preewrnt ttarlii of the confderaey betlrvrd tbat itw pranc of children drought blm luck jams ft illaln- woold never torn back lo rerntrr hi bom even if b bad fotbotteil something th father of nldrdaa ii of nnaato cnldad bia action by in adrlc of aa amerlcau spirit medluin admiral farmtfut say b nad b w amnlol by a etlll small voice wblcb told him whit to do in battl tluf ntneer of afghanistan tb ant tau of uorocro and siamubar and tb kbeillve of kgyp all maintain official uirolobera cull and see ouv full lino of holiday goods especially suitable for christmas gifts g graham hald street georgetown tha leadlno funeral director enuituor and furniture daaier upholstering and piuiuru krunitiiff specialty a timely p 1 cvrtalu colored ffeotleman recently a in ted d birsv colored tody of tb a limy ml tl typ in th following law- trudcv runs tookta tnlgbty raacnmtnv tbli v4uln bat 81 ha tiled off end knocked him down tba looking blm oat of an inclination to gt up aba aald now yub it lay tuar till i go an unoa out what dt wewd faaclnatlo moanr nxt day tb aforld colored gen ttoman presented tb aald sal with copy of wbtr ihctlonary tag rnlgbt waot tl satat yob nstln so js plessu look tip tb tnaatv in of soma of tbee beeb rompllxoatt latlon term bal promptly refused to accept tb present upon tb ground tbftt on would bar to kuow tb word la or der to look it up jwm ptft mm www imiyaw ula at uatoa srresixs wnamskafaeyd teltrra rsed by 1 eeejpa ot muuajim jayfej anctexa aiwa rooi cu r o baa aaar uttihghm vai n 8t aeoretown 8ubuuha made harness a good stock ot trunks valisea el if you are going on trip crj and tixtiiniae them- orse collars a 8pecialty repairing promply done agent tor the page wlrefenoe patents wboahrytabbtook wk save you u0nby lttiu weak women ibw woaun tb u at lea ee immliory rotrrtlle dr 1 wholly tllaenvu n- m raeebe ihttfehpai ike the tessir of suaarra twbuarjldus wskests iboo a whll flu ban va faa n drishoops ht cure 0ealer3 m bnabana cntitled to ttio oilun rluul kurmi 1 lloai- on uua coujim vmr attow ul 1 la i uratiunl ikuvaailtuiaaryuuubl umawu arulna utir r poundlmj imkaiei uomfbui hinuutrluf uik an1 uk li tuitoandstua4twi ol witlur tbo si foilthll kkbiv sud iflaeaaiu arlalng thsiefrom suel as tbeumstum souuoa um biek snil inoabago and we leal thsitb polillo arovipjjlwl to rrut fc minrernlut it 1 a uroailtmul pbjrafaun slato lll tb xfletit raaidts uisx bav bsei oblahied fytau llta na et the diutat at due to its dlreci aeuoa usoa kklneys aaalauag ikesa la uuir wad olwlrnulaalboiaouowaeuae4r and cldstremtawljoodsrteapalltas earn la th urlae mad at t5 aai 0smra4erutaw1ildnaytoabaltay eoadllton ma lurtbarstauataat sjuraaasal aridf freai afltsluwa at tbl atr wlulnd u tolwy sugcatts ua u b ta a rati fhdeagdmgd members toronto stock eicbtflge jletgavestment bonds and ijebentures a specialty otnce7 ktf street w toronto flown framm tb unalartaltar u b dstontoned wben i tail yod said a man wbo know hot if a fact that dreeamakar sometime send to s fttaliloudbu buderinkr for gown wbeu thy bar a hurry order there watt a time wbeo undertaker carried only shroud lo stock but la this age of luxury tb big conoerna bar line of what ar known la th trad as btjles que burial drasasa bucb materiel u benrlatbt pong fa 1 1 and cblffod taffeta ar used fof tb dree uml tbey ar mad la tb prevailing style tb draeamakera know tbla and if tbey cant and what tbey want in on of the regular a tbey dont bealtat lo tau oat tbo ua dortaker vttsmw local salesman wantkd yw oatvgaloao aad aiuohilnar eoaalry t reirarnt cauajaa ureitatl nuratrtot a parmaiiatil allaallaa for the rlibrnui far vbetii the larrllory will b trtvd tay weakly lra riiuijmuaiii uriia for ptnitbuti htomka wkllwiivom voilhlll mur4llits4to over aej hum patents 1 rainjafanted aa ha vuj it btt flu amnll ownl uw hy tna iwpara ibal n bojr llvaa liar wbo waa bom ullu na laita aw no aria i am d dllna rauaaun nuinaifar and v abould ilka lo had blm oltlaen ko uaa bunllntf bin up hi pannto wont axblblt blm tnay wonlt vail it bant oil 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