Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 13, 1913, p. 3

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m r the army of the unemployed u ll v r tmlll frill llio tralimd u rl r- it ljlbe toy t 1 yirt wilii il training that grown nji nit iit i iupl n tit ii ilr woman oj x luiiiiy kink kxkt y xir l r b vlo if ii t mtmttly wafnmad willi that iralnm n lfiiy the tiuelpm business colieee ihgke jwiujuiori aiid intinliw tbt ykj wn readily eeho tot mnjumlwu wmv li uifuik4otyki4ktmotllq heooroe r f a boa i wr w mat ere living taatimon 4t uiim practical voweilry nf uur mlnmi wrild today iw particular 7- lit li maa ulm u vyer wltb w ifl i34wrwyrwjhamwrai mm realfstatel wjww tdmlf tatwfif tmtq pmrntf at trm ft amtm mbmapn dmmwm mmt atbat prmpmrty la alt prrj jaw feera ev tarr prry fsithtf fmr trmmtmiilaq oar bantam yaar mmphi mlufmtlb ii m willou0h9y latest hews about home hog choura chalk j the o eminent iaaici r i r flow reports uw hog cholr f hlil verml fai have bacii iil himit tl atbein a balog checkad tlility diu hog and thai imm were da i r 07 ad 1 rotiipt miloti ha prwveaiad tb spread of lit dreaded dieaase fa on potato boyi aeflnsewwbhjb apparently- eou jetavritfralaij pouuvlajftv e it od bwbmport to btajs4 rp- ptrnotj aunaoo great jb foaiururoui tu wju wfty be welcome gttaat itt h a tloui jwjjt and hit potato bjif dla condensed news items drowning accident rfr hufcoefoae pira have dot some dsog tip north tajrjv tb iowa end township voter lisle er out how do you ilk tb new tight it baa cow lo alay th4 asalmt rlam to liod moaay i in tb dictionary oimrgclown vail vlr tba bet y oct ulnijnj fvoirytliiiitf ipalui w o 11 k ou ilia farm tlta dayi tli blf ttaw lilgh lal brujg t ulkvlll i lumit ffcady or iraftld ojkvlllfl liaj tbrmt eowpleud tlialr uwijilyilini ntt coat of 1100 000 tito olal lticram in th population o im co for ho yeir win only 137 oratiftiivlluj uk rata li 27 mill tlio lolal aniniiiil ilili rata trill provld u i3 ins 31 hharllf thoi uoutim of duffarln county paimil auay al oninipvlll oo saturday at lliaflua ol m dili la tlhrvmaiio of tlio ywir wbati youiitfilcru llnd llllotilty in drawing ilia una ltnon gran and rlpu apple comparatively turn married msti fig ura in tliacriinliial vtatlallm no doubt wlvaa linld llislr tfiltilon uto tba uuw of tlila t l jmt al th fentlliue of yar tbal farmer ana on bu i indar and phantom doluraluoni up on tba liorlioa tbal id urn ooma iooii aftar th llry fcout tournauunt wbleb vim to i vu twui bet i in town on katur day wai fwiaipauwl touaturday aug s3 ou account o tba bttavy rln tlio toronto uualpli kuburban 1111 road if realising cnmldorubl troublo in putt i li a thrniiili ilulr rnnlu larialnfi obkr tin tri i alii 1 c4j cuuuly many llio bava oeeurrd along tba nil ru 1 traike in ibl vicinity portloiu ol ln and crop baing burnt in aouia caius liutnofltoai 1om have beon ro ported i number i lacrowo faua ol florg own ant l nwlllluma wlliifuad tbu luia ut h rain i ion n aturduy afternoon wban tbu tiain of hist town dtiil b kllla cotiniv tnoimior llulibsou baa r- oalved a cluiiii from tbu oovdrnmunl for 9jt ml a0 tlin nmrit to hal ton a food road by lt 1 1 one iblrd ol ian year 0 en tendltura the old lady forbade bar daugbur to go noar tba walar udiii alio know bow to wlm tbii may not work out in prao llw but ibarflare at laait torn popl who hunk tboy can awim who ebould botgolnlodaap water do you know what kllla towot hera it la it u when an ma poor mlaor able dwarfed aoul iriea to put it into bl pocktl wbllo it look fool lib many goodtowuiara run right into tba ground by jutl atich pirllua vroui portonal oonvoruilon w had that athullru in nalgbbarlugtown tnd ellln rolia ilia atbullo mt wbleb waa hild here uudar tba auiplea ol tb i o v lor wvaral aeaaona tba good pllua award od wlnnara provad quit an mum lion tba dlllt tumtial utaatluif of tb jualpi plithct ubrary inttlluu will b held in tba lielur room of tba haw pub lic ubrary in ra on f buraday ami krlday of till woak tbu public r cordially invlud and w bopa to aaa m good turn out at these meeting quito fraquetiily waraoalvn by mall ivllanicoiiliilnlng porannal or intersil log ttawe ol olbur nature nnt bearing tbo elgnatiira of llio aendur we wluh ibe publlr to o4l at lllwriy to arqualnt ua wllb any nriblu in tie neua ia but aa nialli r ol unod fun li mini oak writer toalgn ttidir name wlmn you go to- a boarding houm to eat ou aouifll what you want and doit t kloklietnu a muu eat avarylhlng i tliu twblit 4ii 1 mi tbn ams aa you do htlll jo t umuti a r iar ii aoninlhlng id tba uewapaiwu d h an i suit sni it always lioaauahouubily lon i ba ft pblloa opber about your stomach aud ft loot about your tioad k personal mmhoot dtaftuu canuot b cuhj by i wji ap iltc4iinua aa tbv cannot jo tliu vailw nun it tin dim baud pormou ol tb iar rtiurw lanuly ontt way to our daafnaaa and that l by ronitllulloual nbiadle iwafnaa u cauaud by an luhimail eon illllou ol ilia muonua lliilb ol tbo kual obuu fulhi what ibl tuba u i it hamad you have ruiubllng aouud or intperfaet iiaarliitf anil when it ut autlraly oloai i iwuluew la the rasult aud unlaw the in lliinmalion tan ba lakau out and tula tuba fwlnrad lo lu normal ooudlllou beailttg wllllm luuroyad forever ulua luwaoiittil li n ara oauaad by calarrh which ie nolbhig but au luhatuad cond tl m nl uio muuuia mufti e wo will give one hundred dollaru for any taw of ihtifuvw tauwml by tularrh hint launot tui urtil by hull tularrh cum hriiid tor elrftiuie fr j chinky tt ix toledo o h m bylruggltu 7at tako 111 1 u vamtly uiuiloroouetlpalloh ttftaadly wuhc4 oipvnltjltvf t otk ocuiimba tba kbproaba to tba tm mill btuge waa bgun iat mod and taoeh ww atra toward ataplatiatf dahtw tb waatf bat r oateroaatomjeb a balgbt op aattfnliy fjltbt that waati over lw jnobaik mmtdolbiarmflr ut brtdp aod aooij vortwe btfi04tiwn t fba ihmr java th anllm laf m ridwlog tkfoof h tbi waaboljfoti hunjay nnt faon j ookvuu voilng po ota by law b fraot car la id rottrtmiqm to ihaamae ingrnalr co ud laurrtifmlortr ot piolf olf aad varsuhaa took plita monday arid raaulled in h victory for tba by law only ulna voim wurtcordad agalnat ii in all fll vol wr u4t tl uw laawry will bol tuoat modartl daalgn atd wllj b leatad itt th faotory dlatrlct north of lh t it tim it lll tioteuwtojk vllleeraaldanllaldulrlcl the 1lottaar lb ofllelal uniparanea organ tulm that al lt tight coininuol um will pnl up a fitfbl tbla year to ob- uln problblllou undar tba c4tiaila tm paranm vet and ibat wtltlona are ax pmttui ut ba dapoellad in a waak ulna fl w rottimunltwara aa followa city ol niajara vu him coanilaa of pmi wallandat i huron and lb provulooaf judicial dulricta of algmiu kudbury miukoka and lwry hound ptottdlriis th pubuthtt a new newipaper taw baa bu pad whltb in tuaaaura prouwu ilia pub llihsr of newipapam iroiulwliigiulraud a out ol luck auukrfi tlona ytf rut ly cateeeomu lwforauuajiiibj 1 1 er wbfrta pawna canrllod their pamr bill im id eutally forgni to pay arraara ol eub i ripilnn 1 ndtir tba new law bowavtr the publuhirr ran eontlnua to wild hia wiper evbii il raluaed until audi lima laid arreaia i avo iwwa paid kliud at brampton while hiring lb o t r eroatlitgat nrampton ibortly after noon on monday iba liorae babltfl which mr and mra palmer maaale and tba lulera alatar wr riding baeama fflgblanm and rati away urrf uaaalo became urribly frlghlaued and in iba excllatuant jawp d from tba buggy bh wu i brown forcibly to tb ground her head atrlklng ft itotie and wai inataully kld ur builmind and alalar war thrown out of lb vehicle aoine duuhoa up tba road both aualalned aarloua injuria ula lluvm however that both will recover aedjdttu aoata mr denj uowere toat with what might have been aarloua accident ou tlmriday mornlug lut while working in au earth pll nvar the wpar mill a portion of llio wall of llio pll which wai almoal iterptiudkular ud uivlng mr llowera merely time to lake a atap away tben kuocklug bltu down and burying him ball the langtb ol bii body lift ftacapad with ft number of aeratobei and brulara another man working at coopers bridge lien will ants waa struck on tba huad with a hammer which toll from stave lha apol where he wa working he received a couple ol iwu re gaubeu succiuful candidate tba ollowlng lut kmiuinu urn inmw ol i he hal ton landulatoa who wri auc- cealul in whole or in jiait on ibo paaa junior matriculation enamlnailon norm at antra uce candidal wbo ware alu tan dldato or matrlcuhulod have baeu con lderd in the raaulu a roup 1 d k- anderaon ii illnnlir m i cooke 11 j culitfore 1 l i in arson il m fliher a m uruliaia it u joyce w w king 1 u icnowluj m j mcdonald i a nouin m torrent it n vanalur l m wauon u wtlaoo group iii 1 i altkeo ii ii ball w n llohlnaoo u v walaon ou timir dmj jama llrabam plonaar ol amaraulb townahlp dlod vaoanlly at bla bom at black corner at the age of ut years daeeaaad wa boru lit ireland in 1836 and catna to canada in 1140 joining at gaorgatowt wharajie engaged in mer cantile pursuit for a number of year ua waul to amaranth la 1873 and eeltud oil lot 30 ooa 8 md ha rttlded titer alow var the past m yeara ba baa hi led lhanoallloii ol poahnaaler al lllacb a corner und waa who i lruie for the utne liuglh ol time lln w highly re teemed in tba oninmunlly ubere he ba ao long reildeil he li survived by hie widow four tone and oue daughter the fiinaral wee buld to ibo metbmllat cemelury u hltlingion nd waa largely atlonded campuuspilrt the marrlaga of mite janel hcoll hlr ol muyfleld to mr herbert jamea 4iuplul1 ol i i hiiiiheui took puoa t u julyaoibat tbu b mm i tba brl b e lather mr john hjiclre tllanore laj lb id rhe oarttinony vaj parhnniu by ltev il clibynei i landn ami may hi id tliubrlli ubii waa gouned lu ivory diuhew aaliu trim mud wltlieliad ow net and pearl wore the traditional lulla vail crownml with llllae ol tba val i i ml i i i mil i 1 1 i ol i 1 i i rtsj th in wlm ro n mr carl adam apoot hunday in tor onto alia vi ha krla la vialtlng fruoda at furau r- 0 iimanat4llf 4nllr i ltm4ihnadmthmtohl hw tlarrfaod a0 bodying tnmh- ml mildred kioly be jioroj tiooia from a iwii wk ootlng at mu koka j un usrruoaeni mia waa hr- aooav iaiijitlraboaltt hfmhtcm lh waek i mnukj iouoii noiklii i vtf inc4tbaiu7tna of mr wwv muib lfmmyritl jno aden i manafyyorottuxiapfrprnj or trw 111 mlhinrybftojiia mra- johnfjuflfon f georftitai waw ambntba vtalfortf trfoualpb rjurtflc thw old mom w ikk mr j it rroat whohabaanvultlog bra lalfiw for tlia pmet two rooollw ba returned 10 haekaiood ffaek mr and mra wra kvana t mlolota man who bava bava bead goes ol mr atvmt murum ut u waal m hrm ixl oorg ouv of jaarcatown tbafgoeat bf mr l ilarruoa od sunday ktih advocate mr and mr j m moor aud allaati i aeoonpanlad by mia clarldg in apend i log cotipl of wk oti mtmkoka laka mia jeelo mcmillan of abelburna be ralumed to liar botoa altar epndlng a aw day with ber friend ml mb blubb i allmhbafmai u vulliog at 1 rlmr mia coao u vuiltng mr ii i miaa llalen itrtu ol trandvu w ii in town til- kalblmti jarmyn i- at u laiand uuikok mra htaale add cblldreo of vargoa ara vulliog mr mr herolj carried toronto 1 vulj og i bu bototv uim auhbf- bejfetfevw yffhtonnia u lkujylo la tpp vr tlio iwadlay l rjte fa lwog atblattdw- c4arvl j mr bherhteodaae alvl ot durid- argutof mr parld od fc mr jflhl m j cyowjwip wc6t nrywu poekve- mrfrad jtoafa dtowtowrf aj pawnt or day 1 weait iwh jq ftfiqm svks bab j w flaekajooiriv vvlhoatat mv 1oewhee mjm wiioo o lruofc apnt um weeead vulliog rllrar crik frleuda m f v knijy jatt ywrsux hinofolpt toiaabj eoople of weak in muakbv lr and mra tt i jralum awl ail4r apaodlog la vek at lr hank thukok mr and mr j xl plmt knd child art el joalpli apaot the weekvcnd wlib mrat hall met wlib a painful arc i dent on saturday bight when in the darkn ilie fell down the atalra la her hots ant bcoke botb wrut mr and mr ii ueoby and baby harold of wt toronto ml h tlrltnll and mr harry bmllb of no rib toronto spnt a fw day wltb mr lewi ilav it k lmtjieiman paatorolkor- val circuit u taking a holiday trip to ha mllloii mranuord datroltatid cleveland he xpcle to ba back to take up hie work on sunday aug jilb mlt k haltur tpanl tb past weak with irlandi la inglewood bha a at praut apttulltuiawaaklntorouto prior to returning to eyebrow baak to rum her duileuieacbarln tbapubllo achool there among the froin out of towti who at undad lb luoaral ol the ut ww mo leod ots thursday laat wor i dr ww ilirbar allandalei mr will croorav aubuntj o 1 1 niton klngaloa d ilendereoa aeion mr j dollar field hamilton i w i dick milton ii m weibarald toronto dr meooll mil ton chliqnai vmau jut arrlvtwl a lovaly nys of chlujwva prvisit auluble w chillrop rod 3 u 43 art 1 jtfj hrnpsh drasfms a alt ftaeorbnerjt of iavlv iouae prv w in print anil etuupbrayj udjtm 04fr mmr ajttrit t 8 lnmhkiru tit v ladw lailemf wakdl in jtn ouftbu iul fawn ttjmt wo 92 mlaae klva and itoe tboiupeod ol katittaalbg era apattdlng ft eoaple of week at melfort bay mnakolut a4iaillnklyalir of tb uvu mr fiyford ha arrived in leorgetowa from knglaoil and will take charge of tba child rail mia eleanor k vttmt georgetown ami mb tuellagreenawotd war auceea at candidate at tb recent ooaeerv tory axawloallooaattorodto mr it o wbltby mr v w brook mr w k mcluy and porotby brook have rtaroj iroas motor trip to king elou and portland they auo enjoyed a trip through tit tbooeaod lalaoda chutth n4ua- thar la to b a cpeelal aervlfl in term colta methodist next runday evening al even o clock the repair to tbe church in which th people bava beea engaged lor tome time will b eobiplated by then and ihiaurvlea bhonld ba ofapaeiallu tereet a former pastor luv c ii wolla will be iba praaclier fortbuoce alon jvorv abdttf upfii cdhojd cojj0 uppar canail old uoya ftiul tb dir mtora ol tba collage met la toronto ou 1rlday laat or tba purpoe ol illecaatlng tb matter of el of tbe property and r moval ol th acboo from tceouto it i uttdralood thai a motion wu afreed p on that tba ecbool fcbould remain in tor onto and tbat if the property we sold that another alt ebould b located lu iba neighborhood ofthaelly mahmoth house georgetown new goods new goods childrens llresses jutarrye4ilovly mtigcof 5ui4ifikmwli iuiolc fpr dhk4roa from jjliiui wi u j tia tmath rmttm ctumr ixuvuituibdlnn in lilick hiul vkn t iituoa i knun limdifttn mttj 1ui uirtll vllth gqa tfjw c14lob v 3b 10 tie lwtw btulrii ilnwnpi uju fnry vlta in iqiulln oll tim blow wui cbw ato p b on hmjy tuia xliaxiy jnd srijr wkr uy lkui 8fllild 7i i 00 ua lvwconrtvr m bo toloj jc 1 ft i 2 o jj umdfnklrf t j xaoinlm uift flnm wur uiiaf mk iu iom 4 ulbluk l w mil w cuutirwlltli 7 a xxmavj ittat vu oiubiuuh airqtt ii j vfx1vtaiii vu ucu ilu umy vtr- h1 iwroii ninum it wll iumm ln4ml mlt tt j fi m- tt ixli 1lno jly nujuik h ull ricbean co upprt ukh navlgauoit via canadian pacuv olaamaup tb canadian pacific commencing may ipjtf northbound and may lltb c lit bound will operal great lake hfiit4hlp kiprea train botween tor- citoand tort mcnieoll on the following e4tduu wltb fintclea coach and parlor car running tbroagh without local atop s ariiaouii leave toronto 12 6 a 1 1 arrive port monleoll 4pm each monday toaday wednesday tburvday and waiurday connecting with tb pal alialc p if upper- lake hteamablpe leaving port mrnuholl on above day for kault hu marl port arthur and iert william rvumiaounu iave port uenlcoll each kunday and thanday at b 4 m m arriving toronto li 00 noon and leaving port mcnieoll hon jay i tuesilaya aud hatntdaya at 1 146 a tn arriving torouto lp m until steamship vxprea goe into commlaf lory connection la made willi upper lake hteameblp by leaving toronto 0 45 a m vol i particular from any c 1 it igthl or wrile m u murphy district laamtiger agent toronto barnhills oem jars wo liavo a urg anil and wall aaaorlnl eloik ol imiwrlal ami wine itifituri pint quarts and ball italian uot our price be fort buy ing cwwhord it will pay you j3 llw ludpalli e imu y el tow sniwr 1 k i 11m ltilimtby iwwturanillaliml suyur 1 00 4 kgu corn kumh j 4 tlim tomajou rauup jt cbruiica hola hietulu j lb ltoi j i ktp boll rauhui 1 lb i kg ii ilmclioiw kiwi halmon 1 lb tin n ijjl tomauuw 1 lb tin pork njul lloane i lb ln u 2j yiaklngr hlbatlakod wheat jill- dor aft low oapento with tlio font of strictly nub buying unable m to i rovldua lul thatsbuull fiub tiwlu thu way coiupariaon la llio illy trim tm of aluu barnhills notvsft around tub world via empr es of asia 11m pmproeeof aela will leave i iv rrpoi i june 14lb calling at madeira catm town durtwii colotiibo rlngaporu and ilmig kong arrivlnk vancouver aiifiut30tli vdmfil romaltui 14 day at llriij kong rat of taur cruue a3 10 enflolv of mainutnanoe utwrton arrival tlmo in england and iliartura of empr of ate and tlop ver at hong kong particular from lunadutn pacltle agftil or wrlto m f murphy district paaianger agent toronto t tiik uioiit uwd w education v ryaurllyiaatl flirts u upfmo si siimimi now swnd tor efj mi turrlculum it wlu wuikwb rots you boulil kuow utat nj hm f our mbuu luers a uea salasy kultr auy tlut shaws schools toiwmto utkaimth gaalttj ililllasu cui voiiajif u urrard u- terealo w ii tout 1 rlueiil be comfortable and use nadru co extract of wild strawberry com pound a superior remedy for summer com plaint diarrllua etc nadru co syrup hypophospites compound a pleisant and lasting tonic nadru co beef iron and wine a stimulating tonic and nutrient nadruco dyspepsia tablets cure indigestion sour stomach heartburn etc nadruco effervescent fruit saline a mild aperient makes a refreshing draught for fever- ishuess nausea headache etc nadruco laxatives an agreeable remedy for constipation or torpidity of the bowels r h nixon phm b druaaisr uhorobtown the georgetown herald from nor 1i1 ban lst xb1430c new advertisements mommoemm wmhtzd a solid mk wfitlaa- 1- heavy working bora apply tol ltnlllvanl georgetown omtf tsisnaecti onu totr jiwa 2ui po toot woair ii tone n twimiifw ppeltlod hoaeekawper by apar md idafleaed 5y lor wldoweorottiw eaotfemar bast of tefereoce apply hwakirbolt i georgjtosrtav w 3t roumd on trade dark jereey blw wlui u ring ill back of nigh mr on wedoceday jtilyfioui owiur wy havd lautmi by strovlugproimirty ami paving expense in ullktiuxll bo dolor lit 1a eon h13stp ho uhk torentat couffvuw ap- to j ii lmh beal latateagem ueor wtitavkilou ht4f kurrmd lot ti 1mb e n omfmabmiljaly 1 ls irt4 blf two vaanalu would oiv umri jul 1mb and auaoatlrt x auluua rwr4 will b alta ltf lalorauuea uadlaa le tba raaavsry ot im ealeuu any mraoaof ptraoef oand bsrtior- t4 mim lur uti eou will ba pcouud u tba ntlu asuat al r v l w ettull amhwm imie oa v eaqaaalaa t so l7 hkf vkufroa tbs btntm o tae uudsralga sd mi ft sbmtl jllaa tat tad b iter yasrs ba hnir lu ud iby prnnt kitowln tf wbrsutiiri hmdlv aaauaiftu wlm rtt llridxw w uwril ultmbaum tol lmwummmr sbmrpsamtt mad pmlrmd i eusrsiius a at tuu a aud ulufttllmi biuip itr a utiuiiau notice to creditors lnjlt mallff of ill xjtattft tleetuted ajfsof gtqrdatown in 1 tioitnty of jjavon t nv rv rtwrruti wonuin tleetutea ulasoru lallo i llmrif v 1 sftsr litlbal all otmaltmt fit 1 al i vl aa4litlltssisis uftleesld mi nuinl to tb mill m umio itta fuiw l4lns iyw t i tb7aaia i esuadwul uduuibwlsd amang iba iiartlai snihud ibsrato bsviuir rrd oniyfo ibe aulnsaf wbub utllc eball ibsu bvtbme w iwti u a d lvu fc airtuahktwa j i lee 8ing s ilaundey 3 fiiihtuimw woiik s 8- uuaiuntiku 8 jpk duil i okoiiolttowu m louriioy in an iiloal wny anil tlmt tliiu iluiul i tlio iiirftttion of hour making try it if you aru prouil of of your broad mnling or homo uiailo caicu robt noble norval mills administrators sale ol valtiabu vllug lota in jeotwsi tba und ere lined ban nulled inatrurt- loiwfrom hirwrt ii llnartwall admin livery and real estate phone 18 david pars manaqeh properties for sale i 1225 3700 will buy i tot ami a ry louil iriablu ami com tmilont frame bntiae on li hit uiruul rhim is a iirvat miap tjnh k 1 imiek i tptiuk i if you waul ibu burgulu ill i uy in tin llttt ii i brii k h uwm i ulll tn town during the hut ft w yiaru hiantlliiib uistol luuutll it iront viraiumi iruuspai i uttrooina hpbu lid ii mum lb iwi alt uraliiiil pawr4l au i palnm t h mug h ml ljiru4 balhntiiii will hirnuhtil uiunl lurnaci it liar umlir uhulu liunc luudyli nunii htlu 1 1 morrow lliu u u modtl biiinn lor hoiiiu ju rum will buy framo hniwa ot fl nutma hall and pantry i i ln i 1 1 v hi tllhlm sis iil in luiu flood tment collllh rami slabb ih a uadnr an arch t wvergrwme au 1 ewvei haa on the arm nl her lather to hi trelne ol metjdelu bne wedding march played by mlas mabel campbell eulerol the groom tbe gnoin gilt to the bride waa u pirl rroseeut an i to the planui a itoop braeeler alur signing lha retiater the guaele who numbered about eoveiily live repaired to the din lug room which was ualelully decorated lor tbu otumlmi whuree dainty lumli nun waseervthl tha imitpy touplu who reitilvid iiihiiy cjiuv biiu uwtlul i risunu hit inhl bower ol confetti ami good wis telnr i ort cuunlngtoii muakoka 1 be hrldu e uolng away ilrwe waa llgbl grevwblpi rd wltb hat tn mulch hi their return ibuy will railja lu llrauip tou 2000 if a n w ci tin nt i i i k h nut ol 7 ru u w itlght up to datu lleuiu 9ol4vuvv lul i y ji wined ant pam rl with fumaihi ltealy ui uinvit4ntuut- wheat iu hour oud hour la htcaa bliu tliofu iu a ion j ioumoy from tlio whoatfiold to tlio broad on your tahlo wu know that our plour llwsivrnfrieuui riiii lt mr imihrforinca uvo atop of that ijumim illu friday ault 2ith 1913 at 3 pm otlmu lllaji lot no iu ninth vast side ol tj ttktii tlrrut an 1 villago lot no 10 mi tbo north wwt side ol altwrt st in tin vlllagoot tiuoruitown in doorge kviiiumlya bunny on ttiui property hi erected a two storoy rough iaitd willing biuu4i tlio aalu will imi sul ijcit in a revuuttl bid tutther parilniur may be bad in ttiu meantime rout h ii lleartwcll uourvto town or from tin nu lrvlnwl w h morphy wu let eaolhlior ii mm lit on jauie ball uuitluuwr uuo roe town dul august uui 1uu village of gcorgetowu voters list 1913 r 2500 2600 350 morrow tbt lea great aiiap ljisy ternia of iayinenl unye ibiubtu rauin boiimi j i lao jjn un 1 and btabln on main hlnuu ii m ert looking fur allllh leu i hum la your tltanw t3irvn uiimn i 1 of i t i in thu nth mu kwiundtitftp 85 a rwi workalila laud j at rvi hiwb italumt paaturii j uura ortliard uawl j iota stallon and imst olllwi two lot frame ivarn 80 x w sluul j4 a 60 another uhutl 4 110 driving eluul jl x 80 erruui liouau of 7 ro uut puwuniloii any lliuu turin iimw down balance on a mortgage at f jt rlrawaurrowm lluyu afomlortalilufrflinu bousti ami a big bargain or uoiiiu piireon uh uwlllutmi luirgalii ol will 1 brick huuui uud llirw atrtw ul laud iki sol i at oliou miut j a willoughby3rorgetown latilixllual rimimwi igvo aaiiiiidyaiilaliiiiiiiw ffiuil tliatsji saiilil wiwllrt k my oiuk- at tihnnpbrwu klay ol aug ll ml motlor is borohy given that i havd iranamlttoil or dollvtirod to tbe iwraon tudiitloneil in sertlouj h and 0 ol tbu vot er i ut ait the copue rttiutrsd by stub joeltona to huso tnuiimliluil or dtllvohvl ol lha 1ui made piruuantlo mil at of all porwoiiu apprlitif li ho lost ravu 1 aswmnut ihuol tin sell inuiib ipallly atiliuliual r miinlwin i tin uulwlil tvo am in lily an i ut muiitcli al t ui u mu hi pllsllml ll 111 till olll umalns tin ro or i lw li ru un uilul upii 1 1 mim tun the aald ibtt an i ii iin i iimilwl me or tlur urroniarof un i iiumiu intuku iiuiiimi uto pmrwdlnip t bu e ttroru ittrrtubd aoronllnu tn uw dalihuillw rylown lliu 1 1th day of august mu ii w kl nm u hlll lru uillmuuttlpullty towiinhip of khquthtue ivoters list 1913 oiici- ik birhy given that 1 jiava i ruit- ullhwl or tlullwrcil tn 1h pormuui liu till iihki in millon h nt i tin ouhiriu olirw i ul at tlio coptiiu riiiliihlby wild uhi oliu t i im hi tmiiihlnluthl or di hurvd of tbu iki uu lo t uruiiitt in wild ait olal ptrwiueapptartiiii by tbo gt irud wuuiuii nt mil ul lliowldmmil lilpallly tnlwuiilillwl to milu in thu said miiuliluilllv ut ilutl i for intuit em if tin iaui httui sm imuimu ul al i i iiuim m d lit i tin sil 1 lut una lliwt iu hul ii it i i til ulnuwiirtowii nu ii i uth in i vuudi lut i ami iv nmlu on r rhiittll u vul i inriby t i uium all mitur 1o lukt t mi ill ih i r hwwiluu tn buvu any i rn imro nll us lurnhtml a t mllng lu law hutu i tli kill duvnf vnuiut idh j v lltacv t i ik n i pnwl g s i

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