w h wlxiison leading funfhal diuect i ou and embalmkk f im4u4olimpp mnbuubil i qaowoatoww omi pnomt 6 j county council bllfrf4 ih u mr uitl al doaiuii map oil aac 34 urwv66 uowtt xaroqta lutbcaa trbwef um ui 1 4to 1 bodlput waoa f i um tall or alnjuxler puollo i bv ww uwnsunxj vl mr dmjtur 1 ucb man wtjorf nilkmwi 1 fi the leosietown herald air wkphefloaykvj krt avum9 tkrweav actorfree free eniltu d the toiiewiog uwa t waaotltatrlfu ehek w director wrlwworih ud landlord aeeh to oats to aetoo leaf mk to bolblt doee- ikim lo georgetown fair they er- ulnly got cool fcpuotf the fair to be bold in georgetown on oct let and 2nd l towtublp fair and acton occople a small portion ol land la nld township tha gentltimeu wbo vialted acton ou bahall ol tin kmueeing agricultural hoclety wera within- tbvlr right and did not tnaril the hlap handed them by lb free 1rvmt it we not cheeky bo i blmply a matter ol butlm and it didnt coat the frre free any thing either the atalement that tliey wet given a cool reception u entirely fab and could only uf fathered by a person whose tnlod hail baud distorted by jealousy or acuta twlaab motive- tha eeveral food clslxan ol acton who approached responded willingly wby the free free continue to strive to tneka duatnalon between two sister town when it hallowing go unheeded u mar tlijui w can undvrtuml things in general th bolliuy habit utawu yiar by yar it b not xm ol tlio but habit lor haul wotkbiff paoptakliould not always work hatd tltay hboukl ones lit a wliilo have holiday i liii only vuiuh a law of urn tttnumm motuiil tb uulliutttt bat of utc 1 havtf fc umifl uijit ltij tatau lavoiably aa uiomi hi our utunlry and lodaad in our own irovlittu ami of tba imillday itmaru ol our own ontario ooo b batur than uuakoks iu lake and uluku km onu ol llui charm ol cau- uand uwtoamom ult d tb county oonncll mat at uulonooi tovwlay of laat weak a ouramunlcatioa w fmd trotn w i llck ra drain on bronte atraat mil ton a plann fon a a klauy andotbara r padirlara llcanaaa a aomniary ol raata tn rural acboola and deputy jodga jmiiutta report on ihawjoalisaupa ol tba obtyity of afajmw ori ppaaj ur liola adraaaftdf h dmnphlnwjft laniueubl claim for djr tebu afpwraio aif cpoftf y roab dao vtonul a irombcy of rporw rtoajalaadlo muolttea war raid am attatwrfcrda conaldr4 ad adoptetl in ftnopilua ol ib wbou a huw providing foa tba mpaoaat of lb outyb5ir ihf mrraot ymt waa tatrojudadand pipiid sir vy fadiaaawi ihm ujoonjl in pppctotpfoptaad ctikns lor aalpjta v4lortnljirl phibiuoov l bn otioflot dxmub k ratuof tnqftp walmakwoab uooo of tfralt at tba fortmnltai exfam bkntofoniaf p kortnbpr f xhhu to ti known aa italw owblr ktwt craot nayabw o oakllla vmjt orowara aaaoeullo a uylaw aubsorlalnk be daviatlon of a oartaio poriloobfb labaabni road la kalaon yp wka intrudooad and paaaad- oo motion lb anm of i06ni was rdarad to ba traitatarad bom tba ganaf al account to tba cradil of tba good roada aocotint for loll paymant of work attd tnalwiala tb eoonty brldg balwead okajiu and tralalicar council adjournad to tnaat outoaaday uapt chb equalization tba wiuallaallou of ilia laia ol tbd county by j w klllott m 0 dapoty judge ou appeal waa praaanud to um coanellontuaaday it wm a long document bowing thorough and ejwalal coulduralluo uataud that the or bad not followed tba principle laid down in ilia fctatoa thai land aball be miiinl nt lir actual value knikaliatl tba ikilldlnga thoreon at tba amount by which iho value of tliu land u thereby lnrieed neither bad jhe county council in lu attempted fequallaauou properly examined tlia auaaament roll aa required ilia principal on which tiny appear to bav proceeded win tin i warranted and the raeull artlvnl at vu lnulubh and lh appeal oabeballol lite township ol naahuawuya wa jtutl mr iwck tuilluior for nataigawya and ur utmpbell reeve ol that town ahlp warn glvun cnjit far their preaenu tlou ol their eaew luuticuurly in making learuim lu urn llaglatry ottee ami po it- lug id a trial allowing all the ealee ol unda worded in 1u1u aiwl tsa prleta glenwilliams otd boya rflkm other latcnstlag thange wkmib uu1h uomkv iuh ukkm loer tlia revolution in uexleo mmuu to ba one of ihu abaunl liapimmlngri of hut day it doe wot aeeiu ball ao bail for one nation to quarrel with mother aa far la very dkuvxiraglng for um iace uiaker am ruluuua v the ouuntry itaalf uneb canadian monay la inveetad lu ufaxloan anlarprkwa ami unibj and during tlia paet rnontlia u baa gona ut ol atgbt by tlta btllllona ooutiral bborroan aatd that warwaa hell war li abo hard on tba people who have uuda their tuvwlmanbi la a country wlwra thu ravagtw of war baa nlmoat rubied the country credit tllawoxfll xii1im tba llltla town of oonlloook qua haa beun luoda wbbly known by tba uiuiluu toltol otu thuw a nmnlurur and aup poeeal luiiallu in tha uildt1 ol all the fuwi that u btiliiu nuulo ovar tlila lullliou alrvthudiiwolute yotmu tiuu u kwp huuoutoltha iiuiumi hulw aud biuvt bint iteek in hi hie utu ono wrllurha aabl rttbor point ol wu dont caio what boooniw of him no ioiik hj ha uuaar wnv hot iuitow 1lui uatiy ilaraw leailtrk will havo vulud tha ureat fair at toronto it 1 liidowl a grt big bhow with a very large inbir mlxlura ol nuliaiillal mbicatlouil f- tura tlio uf ml bland iiarlormanci prfceitla many rata minutlona but the tuott uillifylnu luatum u tbo display lu uie varloua bulldliit inclujinu thollve lock and farm dpartiniiiu auuiuu uiteeulba fruit axlilblt ol tho varlotu couiilloi lu ontario whiob la good almot beyond dairlpllon the iliow nl frtilt from lambton wellainl luxandoua or two other rountue ui luirb and many wonder why halion auioua thu vary bekl ol tlio bull oountlua nukta no dupuy ilaliunuaipltt peiuhw umptu andikeataaro uinuialltul in nuality ami lutntynaraurely tlia admiring multitude will have tlio ploaiura ol looking upon fruit duplay labeled llallon tun oij uoiir wkht oit vot thirty ytmr tha old lubt but bumod at tha door ol the town ball it mady lit gouig tti ami ontoltlu peopld itanabui tba cbwllo liml tlia itayltolt wblla witli lliu ot lifer hand ba luld an obalraperouii pruontir it wu alao appmcuuxl by tlio jiiofiby who ouuirwlm would have omul tbbi to ho a dark ourour lint hydro hoi dupucfaltho old lamp and thu now out really ioolu itellir uml ta mituewliatj brighter thaolil old uuy ol hhiiiiiiu wu alrlitht in lu day it waa at but economical thoro uiut a duy whan thu itwtu ol tboratilown were fairly woll llgbtwl for 11h 00 it year it iiuw about ikkhl a yvur dint aa tt hi population ban not doublihl 1av eal wnpliaaliob what win uu ntlum l in il wiiliitta mwntly uumaly that uoortpttown tumid to do u lu jjtow tui ultll nijino when btlkluu on tbo train tbootliur day with a tourint irmu airou tlia atlan tk tbelaitar rlurrad dlwppolnlliikly to tbw prtvahnoa of iliuu among tha iwpla of the dulled htalea and ltuada and nildad i dont um wby you pwui uaa ao kuuxlt of the bloomhi ktulf tua uluankk if lb iy l wbttt mo fujrt vol low lug la a hat id the fall fair wbub will ba held in thlu amluool ontario ilkoiluutown afilon abarloylw uramptoa ilurllutttou i oauipbullvllbi llln t oualpb i hi hon oibvltrav irtraetayllle oct uluud h pi lmrd yitli oot 7th kapu luh ittli oct llld oct uih oct ittlh i7ih hvpt kiln ih oct 7th hlh hept utli ltuh sapl jltu mulyiuhulu tnl the week end with frfemu iii oalt mbw vmimy ieoeon la apendlogauw iur with riauda in uodericb mt andmra lpu ilanmont am aor hubert apent a few 4ya h fwd bs mrkinktbomiofi i r4mlwaui 9inrdav ltli cruoda bprc k mr i ftendamxi ap jveton ae aoallar in towage uagday mr ami il nu w ii lit audbundyof tinim apenfiloa a outa o wetfki k i of filetiff i boenar i poiotaj ff axrmjige ib cautbttmptkv veiilnteedlioajrjin byouboya ciilebrauoii namely j tbo hfm ft utaswri uilesrbamnt po jth-m- eon l ty wilf p glad to receive ay blecfl owa tty an ifmartnlnrd tnrtbgeajtarade wbub wulenjaliny wvevwttraed vi tlifavlrlouv unbnj ueairia uwionifaa but bainrdey in toronto mr and ma v ivneon wltbalbw mida aid mr frantt pepiob w pn but saturday ibuofwotoj a gjaad reooiftiod will be lite ulea otd boy on the rbocnlng of be 13th at 10 oclock lu thu town liall home of tba fpeabem will be i ur d lunderaon uv ut nlxoit mvv mr mm milton warden of ifalton ljunty luwto hynda of acton iteere hoore and major l orant ol ueorge town and many other all welcoma im vry person do their very beet in rtardri to deooratlitg tha village for tha tha llb ami 13ib uu and mb lowr of toronto apett tba holiday at tba honm uf mm urigg mr jar harlot ol 1olt perry toined hla family wlio are vbltlng bare on 81- unuy laat waareaoriy to bear uf uie lllncaof mia k hortop amosg tboa who attended tba exblb itlnuat toronto ot thu holblay were tbo uourt llert uralum matt ileaumont itay orajiam mr hbavbdn ami dauubuir nollle and qttorglua mbai karah torrvnoa mmbih wu and undley iteanmotit ur itaanb traoy and aontf iiitrlmrt and john now than- oot tlio hydro build up our town am make 11 a mora pleasant placo to live uveryhody wme to ute ohl lloya iui uiilun couuitt ami tport ovory uttituimua aid to llyilroaml ini provetueut huy your ikkebi now kvarylwdya dolu il 1 wbatv uuy- llilf ui vuu tor old iloy celabrallon and daoftfating thtlr honim tnany lilottmliti who ik im ami pilliaentwinuaonwiata caea thedlfbireacelti price abd um mania wa4 oonalderabla but iecdutlve or boom value wanted for pedal pur- poeea com pet ion and aantlmenlal maeona might affect price in aoma eaee ami they might not ba aefe gold to the ined at the hearing ware given credit fur tbelr frank anawei and tor the aaalet ano which they gave ho wr tba iteevea mayor and counellbm for tbelr eeileunee afiar atallng the above the award taul giving tba whole matter therefor my bt conalderatiou bearing all jiht tha partlm beor me had too ey and dealing wlut all tba avbleoo wcareldlly and impartially a i can lbavaoomatn tba comilualort that dm total uamenitmu in tba riikmllve muuhtipalllia hervln luflora mi oul bfrr tha billowing par- eau to tlia actual value b a thw piomt uwaabl value in eaub vaaat nawagawaya 00 percent nabrtn flo par i mat kuiuealng tlo per cent trafalgar uu per twiil adwi us jr tut leorgelowh impvnvnt milton 76 par ent oak will wr caul- iturllngiou ud par cant adding tba additional percentage luaaeh remeoaato bring ibew all up to loo per uni veh the flguiaa wera workad out u in iowa i naaagaiya u0 p c 114044119 00 100 p c aitl47tlo4 nabton tio p uliatw co 100 p c t3 704gau vuiulng too p o u8jo4o0 loo p e 307i74u trafalgar 10 p o 13113710 74 100 p c motllha aclun t0 p c umqlooo 100 p c wd5 uaurgelowu us p c 34usooo 100 n c 1771070 i mlluiii- 75 p c a70ltt0 100 p c 74o0 oekvllltf 00 p a lluutoaaoo 100 p fl j 91742 1117 uurllngbm bu p c u7id10u 100 p o ii47j ot 1 mini tvul jlllrhjum tlia loul actual auumtnl bavlog aumiiiited to uuju7 74 the above urimd total wu reduwl lo tint auw fur 11 in itpiulltattltn ami tba reduction wu madu tor omli muiilolllty thaw at hik lluiirwi nuiutgauava i nt uoii j i tabilgar tl ii liiorut own milliin ojkvillf hurllnyioii i lolhhaftl 474 um j4 j iiail 47 ih ajttjhuhj 41i1h17h1 aivuwiwi 4u77ji ift lmj7uiti tul a ia 08j037 74 riti ammd ooucbided ui follbwv thu rounlv tbonld pty ilia prowr i otl of all artlee ii it u i arewaiy for me lo maka any recomuiemwllon ai to itayinanl of ilia tuembari of the county imhiiiiii who attwmwd the attqulry aia vary biuv aoaum 1 a m rtaaott wby ibw oounly hmild not pay them fair wuimittwilon for tha tlmu they ao ax tendtd tb rula ivihi by the county wuiicll inr nmiitv ximmua nu above ihiiahia unit wan 111 uilib aa lollowu i nuwugawaya wwui ikl nalikiu htuubj vi inln j ushoui rialuttttr t llituoi alton inijat irorotloun iwuu1 mllloii i 74ju1 ukvllle 1 07 117 lluriinuoii iirt u tola h6wm obituary auahiu orihium the lata ainamla 0burn who ro rain wen labf to riwt in iruellwotml ceuuttery laat wiwfa wu born lu the tawnahlp uf kimmoaa wvlllngton county n pec srd 1w at tba aga of m year varutter oct 10th 1h7i to whom ah wa a careful devoted and loving wife for 40 year ueelde bar hneband one dautfliteraml two eon remain i lualla afay toronto wlllbuti v of autlgo wu and victor ijtnut of aurora tlia ldataon abrainoabum having died 14 year ago una luuw tha remain of tba lab mia wm 1 tartly who died at tba bomu of liar daughter mr htark attoroubi on aug uthb wenibrougbl to town but kumlay morning ami interred in ureumwooil caiualory tlia aervlca born wa unn- onriml by ilev h m itoailhoibw thu iletiaawd wu lor uiany yrar una of omirgctowu uiott bluhly rcypeetal realdcnl and many obi friend followed tlia hmnalmi to tbolr but rwtlug plaoo wul be oeld in flleowullaaaa av in uwmomw ntv jcui hj rt foe fum laat p an old boys re- union fmvrm ml 04 bojnrwill um lo loan ml tw hmhly old- t1mmw0 tbtu an uujoc bid gme for tha 43amptonabrp of lief ton cunnty will played in tba park at 1 30 a grand and gorgeoo ceuathtunplau froccssaoo will panada tba atraate iheno to tba park wberw aeplendid program of athletic sports will be eaeeoiad ian ami contaat for all good pruc the entire proceed of tba event wilt be uaad to natal llydroklectric in tba villa frerybody coma and bring your friend r j hynd i glenwilliams sept 12th r 13th 1913 cfiik kxruyuuo vkraot- iv ot il ldua of town uml vicinity u boim the mis8e8 melle muvoiilnaoom aiouly ila nl llowl l lowlou enlw tetupunuy nd 1 eo un hiixun i u ol om toung mill issuer of lirritge liquet gootejugff real estittagenl private onto on door booth of aoae fiionk ta arthur b castell ts p college of intfc i ftnitnf brglagi chotrmaater preabyuruui church taaehar of piano organ oornatt violb and ringing- okomoktoww tuition vca in any braaea t term of so iaaaoai at my real al ttitttll kiim i1xni innett brampton pall fair sept 1 6 and 1 sir james whitney will be present ou the 17th good speeding events stock judging competition in heaavy horses and dairy oattle x write for prize list h j c bull president m m kirkwood secretary brampton j-9-r- nrrarr j protect apd beaiitify thu only tiummnitt you mu put on your bona or other bultdlug agabuit milt uud rain u u proiierly mint ilium thu better tha quality of tho uilnt the longir thu bulldlug will ba prolactod martli falit looporaontpuro uthuiuiltntu r itulkt to uat horaomt it u pun hiiohmi oil loud mhu and oolurluipi und ihumlora but loiigar titan ullmr paint it u clnaptal btttitu it twver mora aurlai than rhup altiut iao jupa uiioii our urnlturu j w- kennedy phone 28 georifctowii esouesing fahfmr1 cbaoes rl j special prizes horses 1 beet pooy oatttt pony m per cent cart 3e per cent t barnea 18 per cent by h taylor hbswarttowa baas dnlivery outllt bona 40 per cant watfoa and ha- seaa w per oant lat wxo by j j gibbon tod m aud brd w by tba society beat get ot senator mitchell to bit abown in barnoaa boat b yearold hoad colt to go half mite by william usll oeorgotown 00 boat lady driver to hitch up and drive a bail milo and unhitch open to ifalton fa i w baaunlab owot atoitajtoou m and t by t w beat lady imvor under i year kboto by if tu bber- taam oeorgatowri value uu beat year old boaihder in bamoa by albert voeter horval i boat if igb rtepper by a w nixon mla oeorgotown m and h beat yarmora ttlnidn turnout by if f lawaon oeov getowtl sj and m beat meavieat urait team by v c atamp hornby 4 andh boa gentleman tumout by w ii htorwy a bod acton w and 9 a boa 8wfng colt by jo latiloind ww off aervloa of bora for 1014 by a vaaou georgotown boat team heavy draft bono outfit brj rxaialdored by hngb logarj ctttk i beat herd of dairy cowa outudatlnii of on pord bred d ferqn whlhiawt hy one wbo ban not won an eaton prlao aint by tbo t eaton co 1 bent dairy cow abown by city dairy prodnonr by tbo city dairy co- boat dairy cow abowd by patron of ifalton oraatd 4b bnurcom ik by ev j taylor grooar 10 00 a 00 if b 6 lb bnttor in crook ttewarttown 17 boal a lb butter ui prinbl pair boot by j mcdermld georgetown vajua 18 uoa 4 lb butter byt d uuma bon w lb flrkin bnttor hot hlngle ilarttoa by e w gouop nonral value boat and neatoat four half pound butter print by r d warn lat gl 2nd m shetp boat kon of bboop any brood corudetlng of 1 bam 1 kwe and l hboarilngi lat id awl u and ird ta by thu ulon woollonuui co boat bain and kwo any brood iood by jon boaunutttt mlerrllinfrjuj 10 boat pair hphutf cblckonu by j m uokcuhiu milton 00 3ik 1ajr dticlu by w uowa a uona ulltou a 00 91 boat pair wblto wyandotta chlcka by olive tuoh ooorgetowu 9 00 w boat fair anoona chloka by cliarbja fapat ooortje- town t t 60 m beat pair dreeaod chloketui by adama a co george town in ti bot pair drouaod duokn by h ii moolbbon oeorifo town k 00 33 bet droaaod turkoy by a baxbu geortfetowu 8 00 1m botit droaaod oooao by a baoba goorgetown tj 00 tl largoat half iloa etuta by wm vanton milton tba ckhmpton for 1 year 1 00 ta boatlolba houoybye flyer oo 3 0ft uoal 40 lb honoy extraotod by adainu j co geor getowv a w 10 boat u bpuloaa by hcuo it bahtor oeorgotowu t 80 81 boat ugtatooa by atulua av cil goorgotowrj 9 00 si lioat bualiolonlonii for wlntor una by auamu a co onoritotowtt m 9 00 u boat baqnl nohborn upy appla by k j boott geor uetowtt a 60 14 beet bgji apple by bono it harbor georgetowti 80 u be 10 turnpe by a oaoba onorgetowh 1 60 80 boat couootiou of veifatablea oottaiatlng of 1 butnal ki- tatoea 1 pook onlona ii fuuipkbui 8 bfluaab t ooa cabbaiie 8 cauliflower 8 bunche colery t dog tumi pa 1 do ubbj boetn 1 dog tablo carrot by mm j a tracy aaat bwy 8 60 8 baal fenmanahlp by fuptl iii 4ut cua tonu open to battening fountain fen by a b wlueoo oaoraja town 4 00 8 boa droatuml duok 1018 by b gouop norva 8 00 88 beat drvwaod duck by john luaklu 8 60 40 boat drouod duck by a e famnil 8 00 41 lloat pair flutaaod duoku by j n molboraoii norval 8 60 4 boat s biavoa broail and doaoo pulu buna lat 4 bbl ultuia chotoa flour 8ml bpl nallouajvlouir 1 boa applo fla awl plain tfponijo caka no lolnul la i bblnoryal flouy uml 1 bhl nurval flour all to bo uuutu froui hour tuada a norval mill by tba bob nublo eatata 48 boat double loaf of homo tuatla broad by pr held oonrgolowu 8 00 44 boatcullootlonof tauoy work ut u 00 t uud ilatto hlool valuo 8400 by gerbanl hehitaniau a co open to eaiiiouiug aotou ami aoorgotowb only 0 00 48 bout duplay in hall by morohant or manufacturer oa to ewiuealng georguhiwu ami acton ink la uml 84 8rtl8a 18 00 48 boat ubl tluow apple 110 worth uf nuruery rltook by ulouo a wellluulou per their agou wui llradlay to be dollvured avt thoir uttoe 48 wulbjgtou btroet toronto wlnnor tohavuodoloo of atook 10 00 47 bluiiluu by iubllo bohool ihinlu two lileoo by eubiuui tolmocanu8rioowoo i8 60 1ft 60 4ti by j m mooroi boat half uol4uibuba ueld 1 year 1 00 largo half dog boll etupi u 160 boa and boatoat i lb butter 1 00 largo half doa oulon 160 liarteat ihimpkln 60 bee btialuil yoilow onlona oaah 8 80 boat tlroaaod uonkti mint ba young oaah 9 80 hoiithamil norihurn tfpy apidoaloboiuillvoiod by john mtibeau goorgotuwu 8 00 aruoloa lo bo dulltorod to donor j a tracy secretary kbqllfcbino io lt 0 and m0 8n0 j up o tw m i fa cmlmaitinjl uxmjuamj to mitt tid to urt gllebn tltot ob ijlcb tat ban uiit h btet i tuiui in roo pimw bo turldid ut w 2nd 15 brd10 4 lotnurmjb touri i a at the mens store new arrivals for the fall omoiaun 1 o miilmll v svtr ww bof i uu plort fnaifetae tfuj ol mm arrhraid m fmo t trotbujtjr t but pter- w aline friy mmtion lwfot all tbo cbalca and xiuiv ptuerol limva hocp uloctotl siubpla nt to ootofiown onrtomora oj jjuost funi8hin08 v v x ii- plririua2irfiu te utuitotihtti 1 rtdytawah cotht0 j a ipi oloetum of sonf nd jfooth4- hid yontliaywtoi bdiu ad and nkoio ovenlu i wo t tba solo agonui for tbo ooulratdpbody good i our ptock uuh uuoo oompmom otofytbing in tntmo nu larger and bottor ondat cloiit prieea uumti vie olleii a abaro of yotlr patrbnago vlait orf belortr making jour fall purobaaea millar 8c co fine ttloh class tailorino and mems furnishings nnmnnnnmi parawax is used for sealing all lands of fruit jars and jelly pots this is the modern and sanitary method 2 packages for 26c seeded raisins splendid quality 3 pkgs for 25c jell o powder all flavors 3 pkgs for 25c fruit ja at cl prices also fruit jar rubberslittdr cents p er dozen jlij4fiir j h lhne 1050 4000 phone 1 30 r 2 real estate agent otttitu tlio folio wiiir uxoportleh will buy two bit with frame home of five room lu good location mtar grmuhouea kaay larma will buy that una iwlk nldeiut with two tot ou main t1 ih iniiulug to tlia lata tlward flnlay hmro ara nliio room with itirimui lutib room and electrbt tlgbbf alwi wwl turn alablu and luu hoiuj tlioro b a uantlty of fruit turma ithw down and tlio iwlamv mi iany inaudb menbt good home for rutlrod farmer will buy a good frame liottae wven rooma with two lob on ivory vi uood location a lot of young fruit trofl comjdoril vplumlld vahw for tlia money buye two lot ami lovely ridnpo wlilfall the ubt lmprouuientr ou main utrtvt i or ila0 for tbo rvaldenca and one lot i at 1500 w l couiforubb httlo home on main utrimt if tnkin at one a new alx rooimul boue will olourio fixture on collouo vi blabla thuplaoo lagolnguilwaulii at a ahrrlllco iw the ow i to dbipoe ol it at once tllousoa will bo vory gaoroo this fall ami now in tlio timo to buy beforo 1 tho advaitoo in prioo vlow lootl rnr wlulini 1 adams co aeorgetnwrl phone m millinery our stock in now complete and we will be clad to meet all our lady friciuln in our large sliow room wlilcli we liavc uitide very comfortable and attractive the early fall goods are very pleasing and exclusive new coats and dresses we are alio in a position to iliow tlie uewest stylc1 in tlii seasons ladies coats aud dresses as our stock to baud is very complete a cordial welcome to all suirotluw4tmry um nihil t xcut wrriiuwuy uml halimly uliluilmlt highest prices paid for farm produce adams co