wbfgiwaw w h wrtiiison lkadio vunkkai lukkct- olt ani kmhaiddkk ofh bay d nltl qioaoitoww o nr ph 64 dvlbtl ifl in jiowp no- iii win itw vodiii the 6kok6etown hekalfi vyd iiuuvimju jq he kreijlaub cbnreb vr tlia iutoti o church union ha kit ilia bpa4ridc4 el blng nlarti yfrn- portion wepteogii fn ofil6 tjllon endahohr hrtim rvfuaiai tfoiutiiy to fcyytliw or tkjkm tbrull ntnvek auitovnl iairlyrd atand jtatwiii u dlillctilfwlll he rnorv rtiumiuw than he projected burij union vlll do good tnu 1uvm nxrtur of the loodoitteu grapbt whfla oplulou batkl by ralle- bb data kliould ui ol weight if that the lerinau navy is too feme and blind to wovo aa a rtjull of tlic rrrriil battle ita euhtripjent inactivity in h eacurely khwltored arcr glvre uvery war- rant or this belief despite tlui homhaj- lie ultetanra o ihe kalier laiitrt her man preae at the lime tiueim aim two iitti u words simple tnough in thenuelvre that introduce un laid trouble in ilia world and are repon- klbla for wore gneilp scandal and harm jtlpm uir two word in fniflwii language 7 lit two words are uo thing uioro tliau they sy- they hkvo ilano mow lo rain reputation linn nil other things if you never iptou what tlty a yiu may bahjulai cuiuln yon am not anoxic til ay 60 mi chut of the tbdlnipjeiiey anioutf girla brought lo ihe attention of the industrial hchnole aiaoclalloti li diretjydu 10 bid homee that i bo maj ority ol hoy a cauiuiltiod nr belwatm ibn ogee of 14 and lb year and tbil ci per cent- ol tliein ire coinhillted lor house breaking and thell weie points broujbl out in tli rnpotu mbuiltud on hturdy ttb nnual mwiintf of tb auocutloji bld kl vianrli bbool uimim utility keynote of cne prize list cstkuf 1 hcoiiiritfettutit ti tuttdtti el ths lvlul typ 0 uv slwk a ulanru over iho viemuon llwt for jolfl jutt iuucil by ibicuiiadlirinbib kxblbkiin tltoui a inartful utiib ncy tliroujbout tn glif vnrtjiiraiftfililil utility inrrdi 01 il twaixl witu iblai suit in tlum llni iiiniiiiiiii lucriitiii us fiyln rftllulliiud v w0 lo ibn rrlm h 1 jxiduhlnii houadibd nnnlbcr ilti 0 biinilar a iiyali 1 in nil tul tbii ikiufniil hrfly amount a foil ilia fustl in i bwn uhi i ml jjrmlii and fur tluo ivinnv rhluin will bi- jh cluwuol litu elm b ainoif l be uvvt lau in tbibitjbj4 tlun imiua lur nril hltulanl htcl alol liiiia in jjumuw one dr iioiivm and onw or iiaotirn fti ili ioultiy turtion tbo bivdliitf pi a added fir ibe flnl tluo lukt ir will b4 maud and lit oral iraituint ia rja axuiii i bit unlit bfla kvral clmipf e bio ti ttl in tba vni tctinn liiclinblitf tlui aildilloii nl two vk- tra rlsive m biiu buii uard in 11 box inla and a uxll diaplay of canadian itult nr llm lutlrr iirifa amouiilina to f40o uui buuufu tim llnncy men will him in bavo a cbaiteu lor cojiul it loh tliajr rrtiivd about luo cdn vs but bave airaln uk tul for rirwjilauod tb biilur inaklrkcoiutmtlilonauill b ranoatad aiuonu llio obnnyea in llm dairy twlli 11 la a 1 1b for lanlrd rtun ery pai kajw ol co poumta in plae of tlia obolta not luu tliau 60 iba clutlfl eallnn tlia luohlorli bulbllnifi bamistnbni and pvih bavo at ti m dun u 1 ba 1 nd approved by ibe llrpartiut of ayrlnil- luioatoltaua und txblbiilmu mid liar 110 vll irulia fiuni ilia rf ant on upsury by tbo unitary boms fruit prospects tba fruit hrarcb ol llm dfpjrimiiil of afrirulturn baa loday iftclviil tint full- owing inloimaibm by tokuram rflflnl- inu tbu rondlllun ol amall ruin in var toua pjila of canada koira tlootia- lronotta am okceptbn ally gowl or a lomo tttawboiry crop tim fruit wbl not bo markitnd in any largo qiianiulfa iwlorj july nib nvw hrunaitllk kualioriba will in at tbolr brl brtwion july 11 and 18 tba acrrafli la alwml iho am aa laii year uapbirim will ba about 0110 ttioulb lairr in calorlnu all small fiulta pr inlia uoriual ylolda quibvcsirawlurry aaaiun will bvfftj iu helgbt aloul junu 4 and rajpbarwv two wtaka laivr all plauu havo wlntai- i wall onlarla htiawborilta nmiutlnij voiy rapidly tlia fruit mode ita llnlappaur- auca on llitf llniulllon market on june 19 llrnvy blpiuenia will ba made irom ibe moyim ivtilnmu nrxt wpuk tlia quality promlita to lm ery bluli ililtlib tulimbla irawluriui mil urlug mpully hinall iota now blnff blppod dally to 1ialrln inaikeia don i hail dulrlcl will tblp llrat car on juna 17 okanatfou and knotanay ih riff will ihi blppnl lint wok tli crop la bnavy itaapwnlra will iw nl tbalr btl biilweun july ij and jl county council military notes llnt 11 arnold of lb- itiltb halt w nd ki w llllbloltlui luatli iuii nb kara camp yuild mr v j tilnclalr over huuday unmtn will ho ar harod coffn wcnaljoom fum kljieutt hiiir- moouy tliay ultfor kvtaalkwd janqi hotutf laifji jolrt wawvpf adftnbtr lipoid tbi ltlntnptl ad wourijul mra- aigctf fhiaowr fiarf inlvd word frutrioluwatbiir4in tbbmva alfpavi b wotjidkl kud wu iu idijiihi b bulocn udprtat unjonjd ftm itoit oaidlottr aort of u abd 1 1 jardlnr 0o rjiliu- d atvcutcuvorbaa btii wonllm la m tbawblp and u utyft in urn wjpllf if uwlm botb i ptb harold ukatt amt lupry mjilti bvtio ml lion tuuvvpnftrdviittudxl ucitbia hrimluyof aanla i r vrtfjjpavtt lkriiihib hlowkuatwil at utidmi jt wk on tbuffday juua fkla wniillwr of oavltla cixa wenfovrlo lb milit ary aiilp at fangvlll u a iwll iiiwioii lo witti tlitf prraniatlou ol a cbwju or 700 tnwanl ilia nidtlllntj ol aluldklubu for ilia isitb llaluliouai a tjlfl from tba ladlva of tba routity tiiom wbo wutit wm mr and lira v h uavli um o uru trt c arm- bjrouft- mia haiti mr uv wood- enek and captain lliiv ii v d uooi cock ebapulii and lira 0 armtlrnti k ptwiibjiit of tliu local war aiuilldrv mra ltool douivllla mfa mcj- and mrri auxaiidar wif ol ijuarur- tnaaur capt- alakandr wi alaa pit aant tba prtvanutlon wra mad by sjta divij 10 lt col ilomvllla in an kemdlngly uatl little atwwb ami i bo col mad a sraruful wknnwirdkpoint on bobalf of lb itttalbti- a iintiur of ladltc of lb trutvllu niixlury war pramul aa wvll tba ladurf wvrf aur anuitalnad to ua in tbn atwtti itmaroqu iha liaml biranwblu rtnlur- log kit xrjbnt programuu tba hallohdiiffarlii llalulloii it now mllio jiawioili 1u10 tba rouiuil nl al 10 30 miu lo me- fordnmii wltbadjourniimnl metnbaia all prirt tba warden lit tba thai tlia bilnufmbf bj but bjaiatlng war rwfclaxji conrirqusa cdmbainl9flptla warn rwld a follofra tliil cilv t btob gallon at uitg ihiacaptahiu i k iv graih lo iid una loo a it w cokiubooti vf wlttwpr- at auurauon rlguuti giianitomrajpblacboola till ttttvh mne r dnmuig oipnlarlo muulcipal aameullotr haoulailo ntmury iv- prthtnc rortniaal way u b x fltoliaruao upakrs falllrlbj jaamiw ratiolrawl amid tjmarlall oarf ilroa lor kaatounapoa ol ilalwu fiupla ikxh orlph collnm inatllnta and ailbur blati atboob j m llttlo tnovj ittpondml h ilr ljj lfitbrlblrdlplirfiioiniltuti ot vdiksiloi iw ciuitmarad ltiiumluf nbflui wbofo cdrriad mr 1otltr moird woudad by mr ludbvifl ibahlbo report ol tbj road and bildhv ionynlhttfj jutril bw cpn fclilud in eoiuiohlfit of tba wliolo- carried mr campbell motid 4ooudd by mr ilibiiar tbiit tlto alxlli rcwiri ol lb com mit i a uti prlullng ba cnnldrd in coui- uiltliaof tba vbol carilwl mr ibcnt iiiovm ujiid1 by mr tnrmjr ibat tli fillb rport on apui loinuiiiiiieatiaua iki ctiuaidwiwl in com- iiiiiua of uiu wbolv tarrird mr lladtitftil tuuviducoudrd by mr inifnr ibat ibla miwirt b- rooal ivrud in ctunillio of tlia wiiou carruil mr itradbaai movid wcoudd by mr turiiui ilmt ilia mauilra of tbo dtpuu ion ra widit tlrra ba hard carried j ii wiuou j j wllaoh w c ilnblimon tbo jriliani i h itnbart- on m j- carton 0 nonliaud 1- t llolfri aildrtumd it cotinrll mr horitr pniiud and read i be 1kb 10 port of lliwatandtngroitituittaaon county bulblliiipj mr luto niovid wtxindid by mr campion tbat tbw rapori of eatnuilua on county bulldlitt jui ratd ba cou tide 1 oji in canmiltuu ol tba wbola can led mrnajluad moved aacondcdbyjur ii1i0 tbat mr a w conuor u k u boa id cart lid mr connor ubinltlml plana tar pro- potvil naw brldaa at taualay mr caitjpballtuovfcd ionndd by mr lllilf ibat mr itobvrn of 1i10 kpeakm 1alrlotlc iaune ta baaid carilad mr uobarladdraud tlia council mr llyiiila movad ucundail by mr porter ibat 1i1u council do now go into coniuilltua of tbo wbolo to couablar ra- port ol ibn ailoo iluiidliig ciniinltbim tba coituell waut into coinmluo ol tlia wbola mr imler ill tbv tbalr mr 1 oiter r ported ruiu ol abuid ing co hi in in m approved lu cotuuiltuoof llm wlitiln mr 1ortar rnovad wcondeil by mr llitlo tbai tba raporbi ol tba lavaral committees aa coniidorrd in comtniltaa ol tlii wlib 1m adopted oartiid mr ifvnda movwl aacnndo by mr iortor that llm rrport of fluauro com intlutf aa rvad ba adptd gjrrlod mr ilyuila mnvad seconded by mr cjtnplwll ibnt tbo con lit 1 1 gn 1 n 10 en tit- in i lit i ol tba wbola on ibo uhtlloi o ibo aftjiwiitiui tba vv ardeii lo rauialn fn tbacbalr fbw lonncll tcaiiined mr 1 1 md w uinwd ueondml by mr iorlttr hut i pave ba granted lolntroducn a by law for tbu purpoan ofqualluilnii of rufiamnt or llm oiinty ol malloii lor tbo year iim0 and tlial ilia by law be uow read a lliat litiia carrletl tbo by law via taad tint tlma mr i i it in tnovail teoondad by mr iyiita uiat my law no ou loeouallw tba aiieiainifut or tba ronuty ol liabun tut now read a wtoild time in commlllm of tbu wbola and blank a tllltd in tba waiden to btep ibe clulr crrlfd ibeiniiiilii wui t ititocouiuiiltae oft be wlinluanil idalike filled mr cainplwll moved aeoondrd bv mr luadbead ibai llylkw so 41u ini 11 r ua ira imvd lor lb puruki of cjiiallntllou of afcrtunoiit ol tbo county of hal l on for 101 il and silven dt ind tvrond read- ing iw now iirod a ibifd tlmn and pawed and tba corporal boji atbwbed aignad by tbo waiifuu uirrlud tbu bylaw win read tblrd i lino mr iteidliesd nioud ktcniided by mr porter ibat a w com or nainier of roronto imi iniiiotttd in prepiie nlara and sjutltlcalloi a fur lanaiey bridge 1 altnilar 10 tbu no tubinttird to council nearly sou itroug tbiirjdar waa bona fair day at orenvllu and lli0toatima crowdtd wllb pooplw jti ibo adornwui tba ijaliallnti marebed tbrnugti ibe prin cipal ilrvls and wtire lluu dbmilitrd tbat nllwra and men alike inlgbt ranvaa tba rrowd tat iwrulla tlmnt la plenty nf available malarial in duffariu but ibai county liaa lauientildv fell jboit in tba recruiting giuie oakillla itacord church news vltiiihht tlia itov ii w avlnin lrrniod tbo tntatfalaof ibf utkvlhii hum- r hbd in a plnuroquo mannir btly hb to iftili are tbu daua mend forward our name lo mr avlwin- tba womanhnod of india will lu tin leauwi aubjwt on mnnduy ivinmg uoiit hubjwbi or hinnlwy iiiniun our llilioi pividnir hir jliittij ilirpiry and m lion of tln ibivll llactit tlie 11 y imi ihii ua ioig bh lal llta bninanl ml hbiiioan mapl- av monday tvfiintf i wa in ibal inng inn prvruiikiir- ii u d aoclal vlenint rnv bni tin realiuiaula wen aomplii n aid ii oiio waa happy tin- ru n jnm bfnj baa been a aatlaarfory ni ami km fut ure la hopeful i ba lulloulfig ollbfra var aucied pi aidant mlt u x mooppr lat tbw rnddiii ui- jiam allen und vlrpr adiir cinltr uhd ar irraa mlw kiilb en llrlvr ibuir- mandivoli nal c- in it in- mr w ibr p uilulnnary e ininntr mr w ii liliai social tonitinimmtta irani- llf hurary rommlllii- mi or v it wat on 1 organlai mua kutbl in lurlwr tbo proimulliibb clnafil ilb a von nl 1 ban he to our lioaicaa and ilia national anthem tlia jwtilnr will pri b rrt hunday uinriilng and cum in 1 ibi- lo d siii par will be debrbd at hum jiwmf ibi aermon in ibe mnrpluir wlnu hibniiil of elloaalllj wll b uurn 1 ow mriiihi ra correspondence the the merchants bank of canada tutemlutol isibiliclcat rtud aiwptaivt huuiitieh i i til u10 ftbluf lljibmrpi cafiiuhjluk pabl ln luio- luufti yiihlj li i u- jjlvbb mlatularmtaui unpaid j mlalmh of ivofttji tut per front ud umm account aubnrfltoil lirtvtlt j toilumnblui wotiu of tjluktn circulation ma 7ood000 00 0 7bagoub0 i7ak1jjm 150 jf kmnt urnall ftirnlrbnl linma in good lonillty apply at hvrablottlrwlf moumz wmhttd to rant at tntm iioj wllb lnodru rouvanupco pffrrrd apply at mr- xatavra- wmmtit iwerarauhdrar al mtw apply ti 74ailto60j luiumlt4 not bcahd4 infaveaj i j7iw0ll lioiolu uarlnitluionmi tcto41g intatrmt f crtid locale 0 tuowiit hi i lsdwd7 tulmtcoa dim ti ttiut danka in canada i v u jhulwau llt1u111fi dbi to tuuikateod hthklnicowrlooumlit in tbd j j j jt73fm tnlltid kiililaiaikudfvrelgiipoaatrua lulla ald aioi pfrttu im hllitijl- idttoia of erodii liubllltlori liotltujliutod in iu foregoing loiutojoo lodholwao nag oommtujodonta lo tbo jiwlk51ltr 1000000 00 hioiljiojs 70joorl 00 a76luwhw juiilvj 0073wfl5 ashetri tlirr lit colubebl hiijmitdt in tbu cutraj oobl ttojwrva itomliiloii koto bold notra of olbor liank jhf jueaoii olbar llauka italmuuiu duo by olbr tunka taapinaila hulmtoih 1i1u1 hy lunka and 6nklnjj unite kluloin llalancim duo by kabka ajut boaldng coctoapoodjuita olaewboro limn in tainula ami tiio united kiagdonl in vu 4iutta0731 3f0j0jju3 doiululoii ami 1rovlnolal covarnaiant aaeuriticmi uoi uxfoodlug narkot taliio 3l0ltfl3 cktmdluii munlcliial aecuritloa ami llhiuli korlgrj and colonial piibllo kocuiltlou oritur tluui canadbui 6351 3j1 3u ilallway and olbor llotula uobattturoa aud buuika uot imcoj1- lug umrkol vttlua u0miofli7 call foaua lu fauaiu on honda uebabtunka and ytocka 617fl0lwtu call loana cuowboro tbaa in coiuuu u 11031 t 010 j 400d0luhf hirmith ollinf urioiit fiaiim and ulmoimiutw in caiuuu loioj tulutto of lulimuo otlinr turnttt uutua and ilnou4aitavbowboru ibau in canada b- kelhilu of latorou ti0jlja7j tdablllllorforcuhtouiorauikiur mtarwoftiroillt aa ptir oouttu- 1 0jtfjojoo iti al jutato olbor tbou bibk tamrolatia 7 isrrx 1771 wjju w nluu ib btu ibllluathl lo provided for 1aiq0j1h llnuk pr uilaea at no mora than coat leaa aiuonnla writ ton off v077hjiu hi ohii with t livmlnulor for tlmipurpoamoftbaclroulatlouuud 31100000 utblraiuuililjlqluieluliwljujhe ortgjjlatf u 13h limaaiana 07 k v iiiniih genu ml uuagor 11 lack well vlcoxrofcldant oil jdoiit und itwcuuatldnn in bo fnvlt- d lor ileal and ciuitfif an ibat twtttiiro undera may 1m invltcil tbo fn i lowing la a lei watioit an old tie alto ibnt mr connor nek lor trnden for gild lirldgf and plana and lumlora lo ita 11i1- uiiitrtl in ible council at ita neat regular uiiotlng llpjwibbi cairlvd mr campbell imiiril tfcuudeil by mr turner tbat u uuikwl rberjuo for faoo bitoiiiuiiy eacli louder for laualey brblgi end tm ptrcuit guaranteo bout tie noolrd iroin tbe uicul tender carrli d mr campbell movwd secomud by mr itfudlniud ibat tto itoad hiipofluiuml- nt bu utd a biribj liialructid to have lm t leu placoil at uaib end ol tunsley brbtge aun on ibe bllla inhuming ihu ptitihc iiiat tbu iirldgu la not ajife for a giratar load limn twit lutm carritul mr tlitut uhivtd uoomled by mr ii nda tbat tbu county council meat ibo loiiitb lm 1 day nl earb mouth lor tba ulotico ol loltiuwt mr turner muvtd itrondad by mr rnrtur hut bylaw t rfguatji tbe m lib ol lira be laid ovuy lu koine lulute dan ij at mr camptoll inod aaconded by mr little that ibiacouiull odjomu cartlad glenwilliams av lltat ram i othar jnlm irotn tleorpkowu bov uportotba auditor to tbj sfcfcol iu of tfa4 ftarduoh bank ol cauda in aceonlaiico with tlia provudoau of aubtteotloaa id and 30 of tteotlon cfl of tbu llauk act wo report to tba tdurtltoldara aa follow wo bavo uxaiiiliiihl tba abovo italauoo wboet with ibo iloou of aooount nml nihur roconlu of tbo hank aiiba cblof oaloo and with tlia ulguod rolurua from ibn umncboa and agenolea wn bavo chocked iho caab aavt verinod tho aocurlllea of tbo llauk at tbo flili f dftlro ugalnut tbo entrloa in regard thereto in tbo llooku of ibn hank au on a pi ii juib 10ib and at adlfferout limn ilurlutl tbo yoar and found tbo 111 in nutou with biich ilitrlea wo liave alao attoudod at hoi no of tbo ii ranches tlnrliig llm r ami chocketl tboaah anil verlneiltho ucourltlou bold at tbo latin of our attendance and found tbeni to agroo with tbo culrlua in tbo luuiuu of tbo hank wllb regard tbuhtto wn bitvo obi aln tul oil bo infortnallon ami ouplnnatloiiu wo bavo rofjnlr- 11i lu our opinion tbo tnutaaollonu of tba llatik which bao uiuio iindor nnr uolb ti linui lieon wllblti ibo uwora of tbo llauk ami tbo aliovo halaiico hlxi l lit piuperly drawn up ao am toctbiblt a tritu and inrrocl ilow of tbo loll- of lln ltnuuu arfalru according to bu bout of our information und tbo ukpliiualluim iilwn lu ua aud ma shown by tbo book a of tbu llauk montreal jlnl may 10 id mloutt romlor orimth a co i j ukid 1yik aimimi ofuacutlouh a lldo stewarttown norval tlm beautiful homo ol mbuolbo ulnl prtaanlwl u very bilgbtaud guy aphur- ojiw ol ibo adiinoon of nalurday 171b nil on ibat day twenty n1111g girl irianilhoimhucbailolul llnutrr wbo u toilay ihing iiiarrlid in mr it n jar- l r i llriimpliiol guibiurd and ehuwen v bcr wllll in it y prvttf und uielul priwulh eccpnipaiilud by tbulr btat wuhee for lior inturo happliuu and ureruy artlelaa numeroueuuhlul mid valnaldo warn aliowcred on monday tmndnu lual upon mlia cbarotllo 1 llutiler at in lnuui hy her iiflnbtioia and irlnntv tiim iipiiuihihl l be itbwui and rrtipiit jirlal nl ton aid otiti wbo while bm ml 1 glnr ilidi nod wnil iiiily woiotiiilituml duye in our nillbt ban nub jnd in rull to alb a abuit piogiauiiiio of liiklnnn utal and voral uiimlr reclutlnra upawjhw ale wra much eujmd nod u daintv hnu h wined lielru dlaraal may hkiwleulugiovirluoituii llunwililami enj nid a rare muilral lruit on vt lay evening june 3nl it waa the omiilon ol tbo llft puldlu relt- bi by ihu ptiplla nl mil may mcmaalor kigbtiiiu puplla imk pnit in tlia program whtrh coi ilidrd of aoua tlueta am trio and ibo fait tltl il was impojallili lo ndcl 0110 who did letter ibau tb olbura abounl tbu mitllonl training whhh the puplle bail icieucd tba hdrltof unit in i iruat and roiiiradrbliii wbli h eauiu bvlwiiii miaa moxlaiier end bar pupl a waa tvbbnt throughout tin veiling iho plljilu rh ng thrlr appro ilaibui idilnir leailiirht praeiitng bri wllb n b iiiniut ol ainiibiin llvauty nwa tbu oinltlng aitnla uuiu mtia uula irli toronto uloimlonlat uud mr carl ailuina uuorlowu luiltnie mua irliu hindu ber lint uipourjiui buru bud bur mi 111 tun a uete grvally eij in al ii r her lui i 111 11 ihu kbo wua prwieuuul wllb b i u- in pm l of rarllatlniia mr dutna tiivibd no inirodm tion in tbu aud1111111 uud bit popularity wua aliuwu by tln rounds ol spplauau wbluli gmotatl ida hut up em ail 0 mita mi vlutur cuiiliol lm givon loo iiiiih lmtlit for iho nuritta ol the mo ling hit pop 1 1 all tdiowtd tin luult il ckiidul mid lululilil g training in bunklnu tin iiili litllitlr liiltiiial mid il uilume mr lb 11 1 wild that tin inily wnil iiiipiiuiiiniii nf iiiokle landul llvthld iii uplift ol l lm iiidivldnu hlid uiireudl id tlm louiiouniiy al iargu or 1 bin nuaoii mua mi lali r waa tin- 1 rviug uiiilii piam for iihi work tliu locaoja id ibo iim nluu vrnro luruad over ij tlm llul cioae touimhtee hear ilmt hr your hilcr ntolvii and pleaaetl t brar limn nu i an cmilalnly bavinir n linn limn and mil ing life fn tbo blgb eprd wn am el tickled o tloitb over lb- uowa up g i from our col 1 diy wv am to go t franco in im than two werka an 1 hut moans iho firing llm wn bio in ibe lieal ol khijio uud all a i abo 1 mav lu- plikod or a eulpr i lioiut hi honl you worry tbo mnh hia iot l cat llrt in uerlln wn have a bwell land ato o on tba ii bubebail and larrmuo te4in wo plav all nter w huru uvil nener uovf r elmu i wrote tm piaru u called hi nrn ell fin a vtry pieti place beahla tbe knglhh cluunwi wo u4ii bear hie big guua in franm pill o plain although it la twenty oii in he iwiv i bavo eeen two awroplano i aids this aoldoilng la mma ilia well john answer in llm amii aim- rie oa all our in til udollvirid no unit ler wbeto we ate lly llio llmw ymt gi i tbla i ulil bo in tbu trenches dull u my bib itombamar ma to ell and dont for- gt tbe paper i wld unit you mum thing iron kranea llio mv teat uib ea to all and tell thuai i will drink in their bwllb in lurlln uornikuy as wo are going 10 inarch in there eoou vroru your biolber will d co olth ium okv i army intl ttillch i londou cug word has lean received irom ottawa lliktl- oitp miiny hhappaid li uu wotindid in thehaid wllb ehrapoel iviuej john mtiiay anil john hr paid ruin niagara were home ova hart- day hi jnl 11 nuuday rhool kl having their lirtile hi tbo hal halnrday lr- noon july la a lonllrumtou avrvlco will babam iti m jidina cburih nexi humbly alu 11 at y oilrrli u 1 ral nl nnr girl triad tbalr kblaanm at leorgeiowu lut week iity inb rotlrtg inaelinu wj i tall by jobia woinenu auvlllary id tuw lown ball on ruurailuy evening lut when iho inline made an aalilhliloa of tbiir work lor ibn tear and liehl naitcul rvrnlog 1oe urilcua reoilv for tba imralogol tbe halo forniftil the decoration of tbu hall and a gooil ibowliitf ihem woe too mia dr hmith oceuided iho chair and after ogieiilug the iiwellig call ed on iho xeiretary nr a llol ot ibo talngl i wldi li woie rovly for tba baj mra lliuy wlion and ure juum wllon btug dnelb mua o tbotspaoo gawi a rrailing and ur htnllb abort iiildnra a lunili was oarvad by th imlb a in all prewuil tito numltarbalng t er aikly 1 he i ilea war puked raady for tldpuieiit dmlug the avail lug afvd lu thu pluanant way tlm auilllary eroawd tot the immuor bolldajk ceorcetown patriotic outing dirvetad by tbe drummeraeluack dub under ilia palrotiaga ol the lad lea iil- llotu laagua of ueorgetowu friday july 2bih how id no touitnamknt ollliktuof uaorgetown ve tiavalure oikn aiuonwrntt 8 pm in iho park ium ol lalenl iudii in ktionilatico new advertisements s 1 roony biiuae bard and uoti waur in- d ah in biod condition 3 x nelllj nforbatownlf vonr or tlto h4 of rauw f a h wd- vptnmodatvd with goa paatur bnilai er in rtw apply at lfarajd cwkti it dhrlmm omtm d hvl fvita in ontrjaahait uw ut c van aluo uergaitmn tf trfdtwlll vd by h rrnd- tltfoed no in mooday july am for lb waurltjgonilain kb for iba aaoti lulu it t i iflh clrk id9t iii uearaetown on friday laala ijlayk hand bag contafnlng peek at book and aiitn ol iunny pair 8lae4 glov ajc u hi undr kindly rturn to harau ofllto and get reward it smwtmtkm comtlomt cray awaaur coal loat between olenwiiluiiii and oaorgatown on wad- neaday may slab pindar kindly uave rame at herald ofllc 2tp clmmoiaa prgtlog mitflhtij i am prepared lodoall klndjof ina prwilng and repairing clothe on hnrt notlco hallafactlau guaranteed tlrlll a co iajn oeorgatowd 4t that old photograph can b copied with axcelunt laanlla jt tueabiw you 1 ant tin a idea from any aubucb 1hotographlc work of any kind iruv m raaaooabut p j baiaaw cttttgbiovm wmuttd mi one a man todrlva tba uural mail uouu xn 2 georgetown tbo reel of my urut aal bave bau iii and tnattuk aebanoa my term axpirek deceiubar hi 10la at pi irani to accept oama ray until pea 31 10111 i have auoa uaw ol pouleato ell and a mall rig coupule i am null ing i nd appluuni tnun aurt lit of aug- int ii not before wage- era around tfluo a year apply immeduuly to wni o hay re mall earrler for paitunlor auction sale of livery outfit coniallpg ol llnraea hire llariieea etc tbo undrruluuiil bau beitn inamitlul by amiltkw vanoi to veil bv pubilit auction al ida aiahlea urur llm m t ii htnllnn 01 hattfuhayjiiymib at 1 loeharp th billowing j 1 1 luv tuirr our yrare old show maro ulll borrel boiw eight eera old good druur laddii hav untu lun enra il i good iliuor minnik gray umik end roll bvu mllard oeld- ing ihtiii eare old eirrlau luuioral purmo mare tduvon ir old ihu ubovuaruipiirt and not afraid ol autoa ilulrlhuiruy j teabxl nenrlv new bliugj oneill mati buuuy lluln make huuiry llrtiitfurd timao iniuu lu wl rnjiuir one bntwi wuggoii g uu milk wagon rmul cart baavy wugmi and hav k mower krot a vvoml ft rni arty new mrcormlrk hay rake 10 ii neirly m w lutmhl doiibln llgld drhliiv rni urt tiiilihuii inule imi nearly vldik hibbiiiel uiiklo butii lo good repair blanket ruga whips line roliea tkumniio ami under cub over that giuouul i luouthe urailll nil hiprn w nut ti iwrwiit ir aniiuiii off lor utah 1iknj letoll auclloueer coflfeelciiiisf tlualt two cup bt land bdkar will tutlfa tupof atrsju wllwi unlll lb syrup ms a kdft ball bu dropped in fcdu wutar add m taaamcav fn of tttula amfawfit and uai until bbu bukbttgii t apa leantic sugar 11m auhxrpou sugar is specially good for cuko bakliik on 116 count of the fine gradulallon tke sugar with ta rod lnil tradsmwrh 10 m ud imlb bf iallitl atutillli 8tf4 klamimxu georgetown ontario saturday july 29th tlahk hall oamk 10 ao ilatnltuin travaluta va hnaok travel la re admlialou free iathiotio l00k8ion 1pm ilundrvila nlhegaol allied na- tlonk kvary boy and girl marchlug gvu ug uamk4 t pm all klmu of oonteale triiea galore luud in alumdauoo reducbd railway fare admission hi conomt ailulli l5o clilljiu lfic to gm ailulu 16o vhlltlrii 10 a uioi1i011h lujkor gvry ilallr ol ulu till yrar gotm in lllpllt lullm in llio nobl work ttioy imdolbjilu lulpltm uio uojbltlio front j a wtloiuilluy mom uwnury i a bouvlklivilli truldiol notice to creditors in ihe matt nf th estate of john huindiah isblie late nf the village of ofortfetawn in the county of jiatton retired farmer aeeeaeeil nolle berehy given puranant lo v lion frti ol chapter 131 of the luvlied hlatuteeof onlarin ion and amending euiuue that all peiaone having claims aoalnai die ndaio of the above named john kianduli eelle who died at ihe raid vlllahont lleorgamwii on or atuiut ii e tenth day april a f jo 10 are wipdwd to oend ly poet trwpald or b dolverlotba tinibralgned knerutora or their tohrtlorou or hifora tbe lioth day oljoly a 1 1010 their namea and ad- dreue ami lull particulars of their rlaluu duly verified and tba ualuraof lhair aao- u title ii any bald by them and ultxr the raid l0h day ol july a l iwld iha kroouiore betvitiundar uatned will pro ral todlklrlbulv tba 1uj of thoaald nued among tba proua eullilrd reb having regard only to the elalnta nl which i hey shall ibau havo had notice and the ald kxeculnr will not bo llabu for herald aeaatk or any part thereof to afiy penou or poriont of whoellue they kball not then have hail uotts leorge lealu tbouiaj l1u and jos eph a lealu llio kitecutoia ol ihoaaid john hunduh lmiio lutired varuiar dendoaad hbhton wallbrldgo it dale leorgvlowo solicitors lor ibe mid ka ecu tore dated at leargelown thla tweotyflratl day of juna a 0 1010 summer is here again new suitings and furnishings at the hens store i- i 0iy tivff tin riii tipr nijttirojarti rrinl ljtivflrtif p11 thotj jatoet rjorvlt1k iji fancy thirl ijo lthikinh ottio ldtiihoiukij wo havoovei liojl tbu vl ofpltwukft lifoto- ymu j lnrun t alok oldifoohij wck hcrfit jrtmidal qir huvlt la inrpv j fn tljitfliijilmvinii purcmi4c4 ilnnr huitivmliilutifto hi fori tnyna in jrui nml will bo it mo ui ltlniji ut lifiirly iho ow pyicoa mow ia tlo tno to rilocti ionr iirilrt if joii want u yooil i nitoouvof uin otiaionifeni bit keydciit 1 ft tjtyliali nicalwjjojr goctd roru vyoluartu yaiumt tii klfc aird mailbuiilrmalyor ja ybo oliolclwf rimhu m ttju ninrkel t a now uptodato pikamittictit hf icollura enrt tol upw w uudotrwcaj nntlsbirtg idmiiirjaiijpfiljti fnwlw ua i1 ujiirtu rnmld uon tli virfyy ixai h idnu0dnl rilpimni pitdlyiiu kvoryyiirh buprantuiid und thoknjfl of tliotrf amidiiynamy to uu in lowit hau cape etc in the finest mokes vu do not iionfirw otiv lttt bdlunp lo niiy njui lint idit jiavoa roiircatrtilatyvojiliowmg row tliu foroiunktbtttiiiiikintof lltiuiprld tlild piv vnrioly iituiinlij untl iortuiu tuucuon of jtiht iijo g glmpo und utylo l6ht auitod to tio mjividiml lot uu utll you your sjiritik bat mid have tbo htul v a flriaalecllod of mens and youtlie rcaitytowear clothing odd pant alo ffi iwbodya ovaralht and work clothes jl i millar co qeohgetown phone 128 j pins hiohcu8d tailorino no mcnri ruhnibhinqh aknu a flloekwil iftiilnoit a co dyni nil ciiii toronto see t b cirothers bttooookor to dt w kutmody ijfnoar strawberries delivered fresh every morning at our store the choicest fruit phone us your order grocery specials chnloe florida orengee aweet ami julry per dm lc c hole hjlinnri halves eperiah per tin fi- einet ruined corn or jeas li tlna for o a h aeeileil luwue iige pack ape j for krcab alielled vnlnula per lb clutter table lulalno per lb paukauu coobit3 v per ib ileet grodooffeo freahfiromid per lb ill re celon tea 0 ibe iure japan tea n lbs com flaroh 11 or ic lbc ire phnne 75 oeorirctown 0 0 ur mate unto itaduitl llnttw haedar ivutr ciink lu good condition apply al her- georgetown friday and saturday july 28th 29th a raltaua agent wantad lu tvary good lown and dutrlcl lu oa urlo wbaiewount mprounud twrllory retorved or tbo right tuau uigheu cenimblmia paid auraillve advertwug nwlur nwknlid uhtol ncw uikciai tlitnr ukakon 1u10 1ui7 lacludlhg i ita new kvarburlug itaip terry ht hegle stoie ind wellldtttou tit yonllilll nurwiui iullluliwi 1u7 toronto ontario 0 0 specials this week a few nice novelties for the holiday in our millinery department a splendid rauce of wash dresses for children tucs riie from 6 mouths to 14 years ladies wash sport skirts and coats a special feature hjs week call and gee our choice we are still offcrinp very special values in mens furnishings to re duce many extra grood liucs o i lla vv dll fl ii i lo wc will assure vou of the lowest price fruit jars at very low prices the most sugar for 81 the market will afford a very choice selection of fancy biscuits of extra quality our grocery stock is fresh and new iu every liue aud we can guar antee satisfaction call this week and see our specials adaas fc coy 0 0 0 0 0 0 i phone 43 georgetown main mill streets all klmla or fluid anil ganlun 800j11 1 ho litut clmor uud tutiotky t bcrothers if yotj have anything to sell advertise it in the herald aud you get the best results nil wifflambiimm i hdhms st co 0 3jo1js istoae xtelll te chosed we will keep open on friday evening to enable all to ret a supply for the holi- day and sunday saturday first dominion day z xlxiist fsito3f3 xtelh te oiosoea jfc bflu3fj c