t i 4 t h wuxboh jidko vvkkrai dibiot- obahdembauiib n m op mr asmria ii i bfalha ajai horatlbaollopl wififi ana mini k a tbeieowetownieiaij wmmmyat gvfrq may iauh voir twjjt rotiok baa baa d tor tba aaaplng la ropgl oif tba daalga- gfad roadlbroogboo to ooantry it la to w fopad tbal tlw norul md 111 nflttrs goato ahaailoa and that i poo a fawjraan ago tba th aapmnv did road bol ilk- misy bara it has baaa ofsurtid nu today jta w foal tba bojapa to ll from u aoroplaao laaaa 14 a i- a i1uu gravo po la tba bob batoro- tonaoo broaka a aprlng aaaxif o ibo hatanth cm dont rowvt um klddlaa lotbagard sloe program uiv tlimti amall plot of ground and mmbv aoada tall tbatn bow to aow thalr ltltla gardana sod aao ibai boy nn lor what u plaatod it will do tba yooag pooplo good uj tnaoy i on on tbo origin of lift cam ibim bo nuoly wid dahcalaly uog ht tbo prodooa tbaa town will b aotnatbloji wortb wblla id tbo aggftgat bat groatar by far u ibo umaimhi lbauwodlbolwlll botaugbt tbo yoonga tl mttkuart valna of aboap to gitlag aoam townsdilp coooclla la ontario ei tor mrlona tboogbb it work oottbta way tbo law aaya ibai dofa mutl bo aanraaad and ibt iboap clataw wool bo paid tba biorawti ara abfcrto gat a lie oo only a small portion of tba dog bo wboo aboap fuavllod by docj and tbo ofaim la mado on ibo cooncil tbo abaop on appralaad at ibr bigbaat vol no wbleb at li e pumol unto aeon wipm oat tbo nvanoo from tbo dog uk and taakaa aarlooa liiioou n tiio sooorol fltuoem ol tbo tdoalelpolliy any pofna coo tbo sjootloo wbleb i dooo to orulo euto ol ibo oomnnouy bat ibo mario ai roomdy u no oy motlor boom msnietpojiiloo bovo blod ooi tbo 1701001 of pobltbbf tbo btah of ibo wbo poy dog un oad ibo hmii bw botu febly obooojafal tnw w tum uiy of tbo yoaag tun bad u tbo yooog fallow pbvtieolly dobor- nd from ooluueg bot otborwuo in good bona dotal not uoboboy whllolbooon bloom 11 1 bu own loob-wt- kororbaa bo hod to it opportdoluol tbonoforioo to port ol li u uut tbo yooagmoa oio dot wi rtilooeoaomicol tboy auooot uftog by autylbiogwortb wbllolor tbo roio day and feomo bo tnojur what tboy aarn oak for tooro and apood il la tbia way tbo young iua tboir owo wont aootloa wltb caplul iboy eu ki ibui botinoaa on tbalr own aooooatt wltboot it iboy tny bavor laako progroa many ad many a y aog tuna baa aooto oppoit ttaity romoand lknalebod irom hlu by alaaobrlgl t utluurommuiobilcallyaaooi bio eoothtii tha ooo had aaotd and tbo otbr b um wohmwu oh yu uwd tu iftiitdaya may ntt u an nrftnilur algbl tl la com tog obr for bawvr w tuov ngard ibo bunday labor qubllon law wiliomi dmn ll wan ubo 1 ula a fow bonia woik latoulvallagili oull or mtoad lag i la trop if melt labor la abioluloly avrcoarjr tbfew la a dtataid la cwbada that ibo ijhi a tuy ouf vanto act ba mrdd aa a war ioamh and wblla wo o not boo tbo ud of ibu it u only aoalblo to lak a llboral vlaw of tbo qoratioa and glvo ovary ututido to tboot tag 1b graour brodootlod it k lo ferotuog to noto tbal tbo ltftuuluraol tbo htaio of ibo ldlun valbon tbo filato eoouialng atill ibo groauoi proper uoo of ibo old porllao aplrlt naomly uaotaoltbatl bis baotodtbla bill tbo cultivation of land aad lb raiting barvoatlng bnorvotlon and liaoaportalloti of gdeullaial produoltf aliall no bo unlawlul ou tbo lord a luy wbllo tbo uulud hllv la at war or ui hi dm tliaidoy of jaituary follow tog tbo rthmulwa of aaeli war tbo troubla is tbat if tha uguatlou wu luapondad lu canada a ufgorbuubor would uka ad vault of it to lk up work tbal hu tu uajlng uao wlaolttg tbo war thoo who jmloblw ibo low eon ut iiuud 10 uka a iiuial vuw of wbatovor work a laiuiarlaeatapallad to do ou uobday to fuhbar ibo groator from the firing line fcdictolatlrtalxhhkiai rnuae apru xj to f tot vm poopu at hoojo iloro tam to noapltol aa raawllof teawda roeoltod dorle tbo rocpart ftgo- fag 1 mwrod to wooodo on moodor yardajolooi fjaig iltl tboy thtti baa tbo i of koowtog m flaw wooed woo a ploef of abrap ool i tbo uft tblgb wbleb by tbo war la mill tboio oad i w ii try 10 lako u bono jm a aoovootorv tblg i tat oarlr in tbo agbt dot woo ablo uummh did not ctopw pw twocb jbo otbaf wodfid wao a tnacbloo goo balloatbrnogti toy lofthmr my own platooa otiaovbav bawvm poim dm into a inoll boloaad dromj my wooab aad ibgd wbni on wilhuioioottolbofloai troacto altor ward tboy eoino back wlui loor tonoa ciooora oad tbaoo monoana earriad aw k to oar raaarvo imo by baltoatog aa oyarroal roood two rloooaaa oftotctow aad pot oo to o dng out u waa aicaoot aoon boar bvlonr i got to nor afodloa ofbiwr and uawlud la a mtolchor frei iboo till bo tuxl umrolof wlton 1 bli oloarlag atotua and woo at laat abu to atrateb oet to a bod aad bo raally eem lorublo both woouda ro doing nieoly i am la bory pu and got punly of good thing to oai i havo loot my boota moelu ool bat ovorooal ro- volvor aad 1a aot noarly ovorytblag i bad 00 at llo uttmiao it la loot aa wall or ibo brroaot that i aoferto flood to bad obituary oft wu uahmh al bar itoblai ca luglowood on hou- day m av 7ib u11 many ann llaitiu bo towd wlfo of tli talo wu mania paoa d away in ltr tini var tbalaia uia hartla loll ihroa anna ami ibroa daogbl ora tbcaahaarowuiiabi 00 ibo homo atofed luglawood jaatoa of ttrataptan aad john ol inolawood tbo daoohui wai mr itov w a autotott of titiaoa vlllo oat 1 mhh j mcbrtda of laato wood 1 iinui qurridgo of awiu ooly oba auur amvlvoa mr ilea ue douald of uawy mlitbaoola mra martlh waa a ilia lot gaud aeilvo mom bar ol ouutla ilwbyiotlau rbuicli and bora bar wvra m wltkgfm pot aadcbautuu loitlluda uaador church news hotv oaoaa a tolaalob ooadoolod by ltt ktodoajp toriat ratbara of loodonwlllba hiwta holy croti ohurcb blablog hdodoy may 9oib al 10 so tbo boblt arooor dully latitat toaltood ibamthtom birrur tbo uv1 u ioela monday vohug wag largaly auoadod and gtoatly aojoy wd tbo program of uoakal andlllorary bbttbora waa an aieollool uoo qroat malaa waa givaa tbo aodal eouulltoa for iaoavoolbgaaalortalafeaoot tbo loplo al tbo tboraday avoalag aaoatiaglou wok wul bo juleloaoy to hldloworablp ooaday bwrolog tbo paolor will ipaab ol attod loiaakon nation la lb vonlag bo will isaoar tba qatmtoo wbai data it moan to bo a ohonh maaaboit hlraagw and vullora alway 1 ogpct to b vr to ithgbly aooo morr high school oil thufaday l tbo high bcboo cadol oorpa waa iniiwdml by ool mi crlmrooo o i o o ttio dav waa a porfah on for tin oenwlon tbo boya wool tbroogb tbalr drill amartly and at tborlnoa wo compllmnld by tha la aportor tbo high hahnol board waa roprroanlah by rov k v oamoroa mr 0 n day loo and dr v u wataon- ajor grant waa alao praat the oadala will ho boay with largt prwu for ibo itmalndrr of tbo torm tha agrlmlia ttlas porpo ptantlog a n uttmi pah h in ibo ibtorrat olgn f mhi irkltullod th nrt imicii nl incubator rbloka baa rld thov llvoly and mo lotol llgaittand will join lit infant c tha nllowlag otodoala hato boon graolod tboir oonlncato on coadilloa of computlag tbo bacaaaary torb of farm nploymont facalty katnusoa part i kdaa rwr a bformal itotraaoo kliaabotb oardtaor porta ifarvoy va llarroy joatpb loabby holoa ltadaay harold mowatt jobo itotoall jaaol bundlng vara buadlag joao wniaoa jaa wlboe mtrlouulloiooapb usbby harold mowat joan wauont jaoa wlaoa lowor brboolhoward bird aa oanpboll ratio oampball ioroa tcaa body baaato lalfd anoio ueqlbbon aluwa moqoarrla aaaaa mooro uoro thy foulogboraa hilda fnl ford mary vanaatiar evalm wllkloaea uodol kntraaoa- barbara plank tbo uimw la tlto autvo llato ara ar angad in olpbaballoal ordar military owrnor harroy wuaon of tbo nd howltaar hwmtry wao waa wouodod iw eanily la book on doty again pto itodaofj wbaolarofnionwiiuatoa who toll novo arutvtbo dtjb portod dogd ffoas wanoda wd wwi rwoaf o4 bwt jigatt m iba thi din thu ta tbo aaoood mou of mr undo qv bla ilia to thia war and a bird 000 pto horaba mogoiia la bow at tbo front uoot harry b meoalro waa klllod in action two yoa ago haw moolb moat b b meqalr war twoniyiwo yoara pf ago yolf a atddaoilp dashatry to toryoto wboti bo vnllatoa ha la aorvlvod by bla paavnto bpja too tnor 4nd two afaun an ordor hag joat wa wnonrby aojy aoldlor tef ala ptowlba portion ol wbih km 11 ovoraaaa god la booorwbjy difokaag froov owvico la to raoalvo a grant of ifarao- bbomba pay and altowaacaaof tb a i j u bon booorobly mart wht porilrlpata in boo tbo- aalno larma aa aob tbo aiaat looladoa aoparaltoa al wall aa pay tbo obuetnf idtar to dura inwanoo aa wall aa pay tbo ailn pay u to koop tbo aold loado dorlag a nariod to wl leb b may boazpaciad by raoaoaabfo vfforuto and omployntont nod bo raahaorbod tola tl o lodoatrlal orbo llfo of tbo oootmot it ftk wltti buitoewi diod of wound on friday may ath ho an kngluhmap but had flvod wltb mr if lilngbamt eatuolng for two eara proviooa to enllouag wltb tbo 7otb battolloa stewaiitown itu wltlv tiawsom aog of mr and mr waltor lawaon of htowarttowu waa wouodod on april ii uo wont ovoraoaa with tbo uitb illgh laudaraj and baa boon lo tbo tronobea alaoo but ootobar wltb a draft to tba 1mb battalion tb anaoal tsaoubg of tba feinalng womona inatllubl waa uld lail frlday in ibo ooondl obambar ff4oaarttowo lboro waa a good atlaadanea itaporu of tlto lat yaara work oto wota glwaa and olfloara for tbo coming yaor olaotodi proa mra john wllaoo lot vloaprag ura a 1 utallbi tad via m mra j u tboutpaon t rocralary mr a itailyi tra aunr ulaa maothompron dhoci or mra j htaadlah mia j a traay ura j aopalbo andltora muo nixon ulm o mmltb blairlct dlroetor uia a 11 hmltb irogiatnoommltim tbo irlanltho llrnaob luprroaaullria to latrixt aaaoall pfralilibl acrury ulaa nix n and mim m tu during tl a pam yaor tba inambtrahlp waa 94 18 bioatlng waro bald wbb an atlaadanoo of saol auo a aolal li pt oiawarwroad 8 of thiu wrltonby dirm bara 5 luldnraaao j ulka 1 douonalra itlon 1 convanlinh rap rt tbo branch i bought and taadw uplift yd dannatotio nyda cl aeooloth lu yd cratatto 1h bum baa utilog 8d lit yam bblp- rattta during tha yoar waro toado lo tho lud cnua itorlaiy knldlia comfort uguu lullaf bi to hk1 ori40 ul a pyumaa l biu- ital ablru m han i kofuhlal 30 taoulb wha umhwu hit aa rioldbneotnlwulbl pr baiwl kt it bocka a ul all kind of eonil u tl ebrioimao baroola waio aaat to aul iwrt ovorarao to uolgiaa roluf balo of elotblag and do 16 f r uaiuf truadiu qullla tor w a in all full grtlclao tbo ablpmaat tbu moolb oral a pvj ama aolta to uod oroaa and 9 pr aoaka to uoldlora oomforta tbo naxt tnooitng will bo ol iba anmmar aariaa oa may hut and bold in tbo towaablp ball btowgrt town irve sa75nt your cream -at- georgetown creamery open evening vutij 10 p an to xcccivecrcaa duriig seeding tune w pay the highest p for yiur gfem and jjive you the caih at dme of delivery fair dealing and courteons treatment are win ning us many customers but we wont more we want your trade and we will guarantee to pay you more here for your cream than yon will get by shippiiij it away eggs wanted i we will pay you tbe highest market price for fresh bggs in any quantity wihaomuitartuibnrth 1 w trk41l 1 imctil u boaal7 georgetown creamery co it sajte haw agar i new advertisemen coars rot mmu two boos and llhfa o4 jrr oai brta fimta t cortls uawiu at m hu ml m bbk btflluud vi omc 7f oste qwa faab w md prni lasulml tmi wt wllm tontrauajrwil taftbpl bmtthfat mdd 1 la pci i it badur smb ofu vain fu o dm wbb lile smiup euiwu ilr t ir mm dmuuiusi mbuilt 1k uln paob ft tnm toeailnl uu- st mst will b dusk ml tlrfll asply ros 10l or bhon 67 or 1u1 0 mounrtfi imu wllk ood jan lot on fllll of o era ol pnod tjudn laiuf lb ik i jx cob ft apply lo mir eu miniu m wmmttd ibaaianvlajbmiaralhoawnfli apply to mis w ut uraas horral uo ill 8lottp tenders wanted oaorgotowa mar r 1117 tandor will bo roclvad by tl clark nn to tbo tod day of jooo 1d17 f rtlo watoringof main aad mill atraat for tl aommor of 101y stato bow much par waafc fcl if bath 01rk tenders wanted rhe highest market prices bags rubbera horse hair scrap irouall kinds of metals wool feathers bags etc etc wbawraryoiibsiraujfoltbasbirralbmaolgoidalodupsaalol altw uiunaorasllokroairultxtlhbaatprloaloraaibairooi mmmmt umk ihm 0 jmulwd html bmmlmr prompt altos u booaaa aliil aad spot oaau aaulaamst lor ail ordars llsbt markat na lor un poollry is say qoaatltr harry eisen junk and metal dealer phone 167 write to po box 1076 georgetown homeseekers excursions low return rarts to western canada hm oncc a week caovosautttsatvlea mojaeuetriolljhudeitttal suuoarj saj tourui slmpu cora aoj colooul coackoa vtr yltkola hmwvatlan uiorator iao loronmauoa aaoly u a j uatthsw uauoaisr aaosastown or wrfu n u riolf apju m kus si t twu canadian northern railway vwiow paatortamiam tba aiuiouatoauui ibat thapnlpuof tfalon pmabylatian cburob will baooeu alad by bav imooiwd uaadw of icaog oa ibroato will bo aa otpoclal ownwownl to tbo poopbj of uoottowa to attaad tbo aonlyataarr aarvuoa of tbat ghgrob to bo hold oa tbo laat sunday in hay la addition to tba program j mo anaagwdbytbo jaboicai aoaauluao mill flora oraigs 0 toronto who do llgbtod ntwf otta by boy alaglng oa a aiaauar noc toat yoar wllf again bo the ford the oar of proven quality tim ford cor hu blood uia bardul usu thai tumid i be nlvon any nor for over twelw yoars tinroly this is i iobu tmouab to bsro bronn its high quality i if you wont a car thai u1 plow through duo sand or muil slltuli tbo stoopoal hills and civ tbo uronteal mils uo ypar round wltb loss aipsuss lor aaaouas aud mbalrs than buy a ford from j n oneill georgetown a full stock ol ford repairs also tires iui uer tubes tire chains and all oilier auto acces lories lu stock children cry for flotchora castor i a tfao kind you hv always booaht and which baa bang la cuo fov oror oo yuy boa bornothvi algtuttw of w maa bmb radar big ponr- cjlxanxl jj 1 ita injamnota f aw m auowimomtodkritayotoui au 3oimtri imltfna nod jqot aa good ma aotg oootgalown may i id17 taadoro will bo rtud br tba c rk op to tno had day of jon 1117 for ll 1 laying of caooont walk lb vi i i ooorgatown tor 1017 hirahflmtloi n bo aaoo at tbo olorka uoie f l hkatii curk the mcns store ii spring anncmncement nsw sprtag ooads oor sioek of saltlma orsnosiiagt irooaorlngs bto joss strisd for bprin oomjirudng 11 tba lat- ot in styls and eobmrina 81eciah wsbairs ijsn s flf gusrajnuod plus and blssk ssrgas vary aosxoa goods lb big alraaoajuid wfll ba abu to aftl uwb9at prsooajrjr tba m ariagpar ll flf gusrani parohiaadib ibam iong bsfors j vfras hoa vrrar ordar at one dont wattt flanrpls now toady for oatoltowl town liens furibmrrgg juil arrivsd new naxltwear new rjuirfs collars oloves lloaidry elo tba lataat atvla in hots oops of oil tin loading uajtas wa snow asaparb atiok of avaryuung a man wears ton cannot flmf aoitbbig iooqusrit in say otbat storamn town and voiy few ally sioras lllfpqas it x fins balaetlon of kans and youths radytowaar anils ovorooais odd pants ovsralls ste alwoja on hand wa invite yon to osll and laspsst our stoek millar 8c co oeorqetowm phone 198 pins hurclaaa ta1lopj1ho and masts puhnisxinoa asaolalar8t haaoraob a oo drors aad otoasan toroolo t mechanics wanted haa waurudi bofa wanted csiieuum brod georgetown aaaaoaassisblbawihhwwbssaaibbabiaabaaa seeds b d bxpartmamta taw iriflw with and iiii nig and what is tfrllflttgltar a agalfiat astoria qastorta is ta hnnnleaa aebatltthj tor coatov oil arorlo roiu and boothlaa byntns it ts blaaasa la eontalns kuiltber opiamp ssorttbuw bor elher tlaiililllil abataooo its awe is tu turanta it daatsovs worsas and allaya favariahnoas vor aaore than uurir vaars m bns bean in constant use far tho mllof o ttnrtlratloai riatulonoy wind collo all taartuns tvowmes aad dlarriuoa h monutes tne btotaaoh aad wawala aaaballataa tba food glvuta baalthy tha chlldiaav painooa the mosbass vrlaad genuine castoria always abr tfad blgnatom of notice to cmlitors in fkmatuf of tha xtiai f tog ouxyfr jios lattwj thtt 10 of oforaeiown in thtt i bolton divimiim r wwjrjb and jnuurant jgsnt nsmostd moticb iso iv em ponanil ilpo lkobjptor itl tbat all urllt mi i etbacabavlag oujiata asaiot fat 1 rtn oftioaaid arloaooltarubodlfl oaoraboaalliolllbday of uartli iui7 an iwawlrad oa or batot tt flrt jaa ltl7 toaaad by boat ptti i i or il uor to tba adafalgaod hou kxcai ik ol thg an wul aad taatamtt of ihn aal i d tbalr abrfauan and aoroa w m gad dwaorlaltoaa wlb full a r of tboir etaima atatamont of lltalr into and natnrool i amd take hotioe ibal after k it r4maollood data ibo aid j- nil will proeaod to dlatriboto ibo aw u i tl ibapahlwtxillll i 4 nmlt an i tbal tbo aaid kaaonirih wilt nnl bo il i tor tba bald aaaabj or any part lite tx f m aayporaoq or parattoa of wimxm rulma aoiloaaba not bava ttaaa twolvwl ly narattnauamotaneb dlalrlbotloh aome8 boiwjeii i10k of tba vulaga of jw rgoinw widow nolo lxastililk datodal ooorgatown tbla ltli dav nf may lfllt o in ji all the choicest and best in i garden field j seeds i j let us supply your needs u in this line from the best stook procurable 5 a m grandy the pure food store flaxsclo to aaaaocciabbabjacabbbia advertise in the herald la use for over 30 years tha kind you hava always bought wwa srnwtaua aamruhv ww ww attv wc sell only reliablegoods i hdhms st co w o aoaaaoooaoiaoooooaao- a specials this week i bine jewelry watches clocks silverware etc rbpaiiuno a spbolaiity ria houbob h4al millinery department l we have added to nur lsrce display a uumber of uew hues every one sep- i arate and disliuct u dculriu style and trimmings we have a very complete i snowing of stylish goods uiul will be glad to have you call ladies suits skirts coats and blouses we have a very nice hiiowiud lu ladles sulla separate skirts sprlug coats i fancy stripe and plain blotues thes hues are new and stylish aud of exception i al quality uutl valut a viuit to this department will be a benefit to you uour greater production a a we are tryiug to assist you with your garden by providing the best seeds at 0 lowest prices s we offer now to asmut in the work problem a full case of meus aud boys z overalls smocks aud shirts ut prices less than manufacturers cost at this time t grocery department j all our linen are new and fresh and tbe best values the markets will afford t come to us aud get the raout possible for your money adams fc coy t phone 4j georotowtl malno hill 5treata w o s a a o a a 4 a o a a a