s w h wbllson r km balm kb qwoioiw qir aarair town council blrlba mmw u4 avaab an adlorajtlualjaabwmaal amrriafmuevdambatoa w 1ti t hrbfe died bnairh la mot a tbanrla may nib iur wuuur biifiiii asad n faun 9 looolba rhucmdirr at alaawtlllaba aa ma fcl labal aaa ol mr aadllra uadlar tt tbeieometownbellld wkdpbiday yygq may 3j hit in rcplliatwlllbrovepodialfw awjtwbordwaontuelitii9abtn pnbto of ma ttlp id lb ow oaoaelated two important d o atuaaba ol th vaxiob pert oi the dtif ibb itpipfr i9 a union the hotiii 0 wbleb remain to be aatdrd alter tbe war and lb mtahliebnent oi eonearip tioa la canada the former ha bn apparent for eon time canadian wilt tweeibe bn freely ttow tbat tb plana isto eoneerlptioa bm been taken by gwm ol mwivu draft baraaiw chiw da will ralm tb tnoo rnuaatary to ovf mm aervloa tbl omm a method ol mum1i imd tbt will pr lb leant heavily bpoo tba ordlairy boa lib ol tb miim yamt abolish tbeevaaioe by which many eligible tnao bav d their doty it will ba aood mn to thi man gaaaaj and thee at tbe root that oar uf of inactivity la fllllatf tba plaeea ol tbo who have dropped inmd lb rank u over has wbo bar bald back moat now bo prepared and w believe they will ba to do a tfaoetat orderatbeoi drummers snack bittatiwmaatfwefcmtefeejtf tba raffalaf may exeeoliv nteetlaf el tba drammer hneek clab waa bald al tba hotel carta bite toronto on frl day avaulac laat it waa pnaalaly one of tba toot anlfooauatl and urpaly attend ad meeting ol tba klatontfv that tba olnb baa ever aeen tb traveller war irprraeautl by dalanuom from flamll- too joalpb aad toronto oaorajatowo vm vary ably repraoan by hajra ar bolt cameron and houlbboo tb nana report iron th apart en tertainment pobllolty and other ooojnit taaa war do reeelvad of ooare it bad baas decided at tb annual naoerei meeting ll tb nt eating woold b bald in wgetowa july sttfa and 8mb tb reporii ol tbaa commll bowed that tb ti at oathnaualle praparatlow war wall imui way to auk lb oamag of 1917 nwixinrabla 00a am 00 tba paat two oecaatoea tbaootiag will tali patriot form and ll la tb abu of tb ntatoban ui gat j largo a aob aerlptloo k odbl for tboporpoaaof aoom of tba paulotla fonda in wbleb lb olnb la tnurtd hatorally tb lodtav rautotlo laacoa of oaortatown tamtaii of falamfa m aidsawbyu tbactbodawo wltb baavo llaartaroll in lb ebair all lb maanpar pr tb aalnota ot prawuw mtlng w aad ad oao ad rvtwooa w praaaatad by of rsjlbfjay ond hi ajnniaaiai1 far tbm baordol haabb01 n h i liy mg a waarrao tnaf e of b aaaaaaad ow fronlana baaai qpaaatlar oaoaljar taaqaaat tm by barday aea4a by bagnmadurawaaof tba otaetrteaj tu- totaa in tba park lor ibatr oatdati party a mr fwkw oootian ibnt my ra plattataermlillcav oarttadj uovad byoook ihnaidad by baab jaftvateub vapoatbauetlabarto lanoiotv wmar twtiou or loo sim if not rotaovod by jim flat tb oonaalj wlu fako loav tbal tba ow2litllm liiarr 3 afraclatioa to lb ladjaa a4 tb tow wba ao ably aaalatad ibanj in tbair alvla aaaanbly aad alaa to tba wonwa inti ot for ibalr toaauoa etptoto aawt in laying lb hardwood floor in tb fawn ball alaolh mlnartal alab uitbil donaajoaoftlts carrlad jwod by bpoicht aaeoodod bboab tbatiblaooaimllalta cotutof bavkv ion to baa appaala aaraloat tb aaaaaaanaot roll ol 1917 00 tboraday jon utb at 7 bo p n car tud marad by cook aaatodad bv boafa dltowlng aoaotmi b pavaadl jm 9 bo 45 7 tbtboogbteoftb oar iolu an anlsutatl dlaooaaton took plana upon tba potalblllty of tocarlna a urgar nmnbaramp atsoog tb uavatflag iratamlt nnd of tbn loeraaatng tba nwnnttbat uwlll bapomlbtoto dooala totbatapatrlotuporpoam it i lb jo lanllott to iry 10 rvaeh a vary larga nam bar ol travallara aad to aaara al laaal tbair knrmbfrahlp tl not ibalr actoml pro ana in aorgirlono on lb day of tba wllbtbaaatlalanfwof uajor grant it 1 m apwodld it hopod that ibar will ba 1 ol gaorgvto tt flaa of lb alltad 1 udl wn wiu sfloii in t gprograai i awomtntngui tb yottaw niajpli br tba olnb for tbia pornoaa 1 iba dab aspaeta to bav oa da taarvleaaol lb uaoraotown bond lu im lb tared and aloa torandar nuabj at tb friday avrojroooarl tb oaaai coooart on tbo i7ib will pro vtdo a nptaadld iu4 of parfarwma and van soar tbo ojab 1 aatarad ol a vary amnaaanaoti woro tnajda j or aiua and providing yoong tmpla wltb tbaopportonuyol wanea following lb eoneart allogotbrr lb club la ptpard to pal jortb ovary affori to abow it npprada tlon of tba blnlna of tb paopla in oaorgalown in ailandlag noeii n baarty waiooma to lb travallara wbo tnaka tbair hrodquartan for 1917 agala in tiaorntnan wltb tit aplaodd aati bo ol tba ladlar palrlouo laan it bopad tbal a bartdaobt aom will oa raa bad fur tunpojpoaa of tba bad croat nod afasllar fontu tbattbafoll 1 logan day at roaorvolr laatiwadall do clark potaaja and thailonory bm ball talapbonaoa town i hail hydro piao st a tight town hall 1 oalph oan lloapluj j bbortlll 66 00 uriitm avpanaptt vacoay for haliool traata o 00 v erwlnmrotaaodwalfcb s3 00 hary afarobntanl do 80 00 it pag do m 7 boot krwlo do 1 50 a antbaay 13 dava with taa 7 00 r hmkansa aaaawmant 100 00 p h naar anaaraant 100 00 wing boll is 00 a b oaaulia lading ft ropalrlb 4 00 movad by tfpaifbt aaooo h that lb folloailna hydra paid can klac- hnpply co iron bona coloata and ooodoi 17 77 can wo bapply oa wlro nod elaanar alta 44 17 a hanry boraao 9 76 hydro luaelrla oocbh latopa 07 da eorda tot iront 9 99 do iron and baatav 6 76 do powar for april 988 10 pool ro ttaoipa j 00 movad by boah aarnndad by opotgbl that tb day ol cbonhi maallng b ohao- avd to tb lat and 8nj tboraday of oaob carrlad- movad by boatabt mdr by prod cook tbal w do do adioora to nsatt at tb bast ragalaf bvotlng or al lb call of tbo rmr carrlad oddfellows attend church nwamf urt wm 11m mfl oium mamxphawth pnd worioa uo4m 100 i ao r yw wit um hitman sbmotlb1 0 ibar ntnliifl jim u ru to st o cawa wbraltov wpilhuclhbmrtbr eallv wbl urn br m alter urn bfm want oi wlimwa wmfbwmbm lb dlollwiwm t 11 tnrr r nil imiim i lor aad dmmb wunflaf m wmt alwitrtl mj idh lb auf nttnwt lo lb uuatmifimhtwww u tmllm ul iii up ui iba uwbi whu umf prrli k opbm nmn bii mu pi ti im btb llmii y i iy li iwblll txjssjk v tb m ijmti far dihiln to lb mawlomt awim u brim ood bid blw i aid wbll u ns wtbw pobu i by lb ml pobtiumbmba lb u tb0lmd iailm immodmri 1 mt btlbn u ooot bm tbo mball la tba cald lb ood d oaol la ood llbm mqiularttbjl tanlm wlib lemwtoiagwt tba mlad ud dam laral omi w mm ibo w bttlmtw la qwi br wortlag far hla woruaf tor ood m knoiha wllalb oonal lbna bblmaanabot pottora umtr ppjjsloi datm b m it la bdabifc i lbajlaatbtt obaaa aaa bmbalpad to aatlbaeblldmm raidr loraaada wbovl to tb moialdg oi ml bbj all u cbarab la lb aiaalaa tbal b baipai- tormad bb abaladaf tb k ol nlbjtoa i amuatob aal bunaaaiabttcallatarakinl esquesing council eaqoaalag slat uay tbb coonoll wot porfuiasl to adjourn boon tbo boavo in tb obair laatnbora nil p tbo tolnnt of laat mooting war raad and oonflimorl btaadlah lllngbam that tb treao tuorpay tbo touowlng aoooonlai oanoru bumlimge fovtilorapptlod to patb maatora 887910 vrod uorruon oanlxig roadm loliott hampablretlia tbo tro- iror pay tbn following ocoonui btan sptnoa ooopor praaar torlagnj adrio if w a boaooby for rapairtng and kw moving lavatory 8711 1 a lowaon or drowlnri plaok and rwpalring brldgo on 4tb lln m00 jaa wabono trauuw haaaagawaya ooat work dono on town una m0 to oarrtod iuandlabunipalurtbal tbo tro aoror pay tba following boooonli f ho- laaao for hutnto labor oollaotad in 1918 in dlv 18 8450 alu jo and john bingham tot oipoojot to tototuo km camant highway 88 aoob 88 otnrlad b hainpahlro that tb tro aoror pay tbo btuowtng noooontal 3 harobtnont pay for joan bntltbb loo plow to provost flood at olanwlluama 11 w j bwlttor 83m bonoa on 10 kod wire ano 8tfj0i hn prooto 819 ab balng in indigent olroumalanoaai carrlad lbgbatnfltandubtbt ortttn b i ba appolntod pt m tnataad of w a b narnt inatrw 1 oraonaworda oaliaotoro boll bo intad pm in dlvulon wo a w o beott toalgnadl llodglu barttoa lnatoad of w h laaliai tliaib- tbtat it to ntoob to do and to law who nalla m aad try to do it tba bbawry to ba fad tbo aflbot- od to ba aomooorad tbo widow and orph an to b tbriabd tb wrak to bo afaooflhtkmd tbo fall oplutad iba dla- eoorogod baa tb it world woold bobmt ilk pmradla and far taaa ilka tb bowling wlldwnnnl li fa lo to aaaay if b9a woold only try to bring tbotr nellonn into un with ibalr pntlonmon bpadal btoaio waa tandarod by on tbolr rotnni to tbo toon roocna tbo rstteibart of lb ordar paaaadn ttoany vol of tbonlto to bov mv bart for hit thkblaocn han written by blgnolw janm t nlockri- by 110401887 mb in branoa la oanada i bar la to bo toned odi u tboy ooly bad oooogh orii tby woold bmm to pnoa and do iboi and up tbo bob wbo twod ibalr bid wlmltetboniatlffmnwmmbav nod w not aaoeb n for tba ttty al bonto wbo bate from bit own flrttldt to roam and woold roth tit wlib n gjri ho know than cw oat hr and tab lb blown hotall hafoitblaanouionbavooowo sotmwl art la fran bnt b wont gpaaklng ol girit nod otbv th taafoaou mitejohaa apron auintw and if tbay tvnldlumoalvta bbu would let bin boom bol bva toe any to brook tba one vtroalnlng otrand that kapa bin to tb dtar homoland bnt w will toon bav priia on tb ran tom iboloaarotboajo wont ta tbo or we7t u nbto lo tty tbat bo hod done bit bm for bv ooontry be tbwbnr onlkm wbll yoa bav tbo tbavoa woo for von flonatabero la ashgrove too taloforuat uoa tba dwlr and oongngation of malbodut ofanrab bom tnot at lb bom jnf hlw oh biaddall on thnroday ovaa lag and prroanttxl br with n dainty wrut atteu at an approoution of bar aaivlrmratmtoiad in tba varloo dapart toattlt of lb ohorch work ut j no wilnylttwortfa astad to obalraua and in an lohunuil tpateb nlerrod to bar cbavr fa aaaitttnoa in tba boaday aobool laago and aopaeully aa otauuat la lb abartb haay ragratt war eatrojnad tokta by torpritt mltjlwldolwiifarw wall oboata word ropllad tbaaklag tbo htoadt tor tblr gift aad kladaam to bar the itmaltmler ol tb ovoalag 10001 la playing itiaat and tnoale tb bnaoal bofetaaat baaouof ol tb bpwortn laagna wat bald on pftday ovaalng tad tba following offlaata war ataototfjor tb aoit y lomtllo coddalll lat a- ard blrdi lad vieovwtmr jorejaa wrloaaworth brd vuprot ijta ja k etarattt of haiulltoa vulted aangttltfa lln h j uiabojn over mr ah bar wllaon of toronto donu cutago la bolldaylng al bla bom bar xbnplaaadtototur j h ninon lo nbla to ba wound again liter balng conttatd to bla bout lor tavaral waato cftumchnbwa uiviiwr tbo dtwu at tbo hutting 1 ik bypv monday evanlng wtt kaoaly oootvauat and u oa by a aatrew aaatglaby utaidjaupboldloglba taarlte of auwanbleal govainowol n pralor- aaet to ropobhoab tboatld aaab uteallbjf twt waak will blugbara kulott that tbo following- uxotj bo refunded to tbo oouoototol ward partloa having loft haalpality aad tocao wrongly aaaoaaedl tbo broo 1 obit bveroon ho dog tl oaobl oaorgo purdy arthur boovo and w u habile biovod away 81 oaobl aury b cooper ktalnto labor 4m t 811 so carried llaupahjre btattdlah that l connoti adjoorn to tnaol agala on jon 11th at court of bevtalon bd olbor carried military notes btv wabjoollludoiatadlati pt t w walaoo wbo bat beta ttv ported minting aiooe ootobat 1 191a la bow officially wported killed a notion aeootdtng to word laoalvad by blaaittefl mra miller of 671 otangi at tor onto ha bad bean in piano lor twn ar ii waa bora in qaoroetown 48 yaamaaoand wat a ton of tbo late that waltor proprietor of tb u livery he i tarvlvod by oa brotbtr j oho a of tfeonatowo and hn millar major baa b barber who woat aotr tba totbbait la b bold 00 piblty ovablng lbiad ol tboteday utd will b addtaated by mtt craig wim ol uv john oralg ono of lb tally ultalonimlaa to india lira oralg so foiofclul lutl lolaroellbg bpaakar and vulliug borno il lb ttbtircbat pmvtou lo muiulug lo lbju baal htituuy utorolng tbo paotof will apeak ou laablag on urokaa iteada aad to uwavaaluf bo will tpaak ol tba nodal puoa of youu peaplo in iba toirit klatla caadoftaaoid tbo tallowtog tetter from lt rodoriok prattr a fonoar oanrfaiawa boy wbo it no- ooovbjaen ifooi wooada ratal- ad la battling oa tb etoouw wbl bola- laraetlag lp bit caaay triaado aad fonaat ajaocute in towai tu lualoa obmtai umsiuj daralr moon ll j itm lam i bv wium to fo aad m 1 uw baw aotblai to da bat j rlto i auilt uarturoa 1 ra laa l a o u nana blal aad bav a eaaal al bobblalorablf i bal ibmaaaalu at a taa baotol ad ibia daaund i la baaaaloaar bam i rar wantohabkibaia aad wihmbt aaawil aafu biitoadaaadaalabboi lor ilmlawat ad aiaipatby aa tbiaki tbair buay aataadad la as faaar aal baimrmmat bliuad bv t dwui ol oaff balovad wtla aad umbm i ttuurmoiriiiin ban 1 ud wf wantortabla b loitaaably bar bid tiau a tow wbleb uaaa a lot la boaplbl ub tolr l larluu rinnlol al balor iba bmb abiitod i bad oaaa ttfuula bit to bl u j bad twaa worbla aa thai loalloraloaa tlaja ataal al etv aatb la bariba m iran tba lauaur ao i aa ooollolully amtla uamgatoaa boa oaamutvibadaailaabaajaol 4 k araal aid dul aboot umlaatowa tad vaala tbal bad oabpaaad tbaia aaalhar abaltraldr fa liam wawahloaa wa la at aiity bal 1 bad u0 uaa that uual la duht- ol ualtw u did oat tt a otuxa to biak 10 lilta havalal umat 1 vw aaiblaa dodal otpb ouv aa al tb 1m nvbaaaal hlgatllai utd m old 0th ugl afflom ii u a vary aa anair aad aa k wboat proiaouout carlalu uy walbar aad u lb uarald muily and i au aiy plaaaad loam it boall i u ahald oaartalawa uasba- baaoaila nary obaoat bow iraa abal i baa it qall a tow al lb uaa i ubbaluu thauli 1 aoaal a lata aa bav al liuad tbai by wbaai i baa b laawabarad maaimly ulumt cuhiou cou fl ow altomd n cbab la pwja a haabaad aooa m tb cblaan lady la old aaoaib ta b biarclad bar atbar rh a fattabaad for bar bb i aa or allairad ta aw blal banalf bar btbar caihaa oa au lb aaartoblp far bar ibaaor oblaoauui doa aot aa bla m uatll tb day of tba wta ba daa not kaaw waribar ab la paaf tr or wlwtbar aba ba a tampar 0o tba armt day tb brlda u diiaild to vmf ft cbtbm atul puoad la a aadaa chair aad ab to iarrlml toward bar baabaad a ecpwd bt taopla go wltb bar catrrlna torrbaa wulrb ara llabtod aran if ii ba a boon waddlajf x baad of drama and dfaa branova tb ebalr aad ao taulttar bow bard ta brld triad ta ft away ab ivaild bat a tba chair b laebad aad aa old aar- aat earria tba bay tb bay to tbaa im to tb brldbrroan aad a u iba oaly aa brirllatad ta apaa it wbaa ba opaaa ta doara of tba a daa ebalr ba ufl tb vail iba llttl obln lady vaar atrar bar far aad if aa doaa aot ilka tba fao of urn ra tara brlda b ordar iba aarfeab ta taaa bar back ta bar albara roof aad aa pay tbo mrl a aoo of aaoaay ta aaaba bp twj la load af bla rampaa lomaklp bat if ba tblaa a b eotof ta ilka tba uttto bdy ha aaka bar ta wkb to aad lb ebalr b aaat back ttaai tbara b a araad faaal fvem mb whnt -at- georgetown creamery opro evening tffltil 10 pmlto receine cream rhiriogjseerlidg time wc pay the hirbeat price for yoru- cream and rive you the cash at time of delivery fairdealing and courteous treatment are win ning us many customer but we want more we want your trade and we will gnaraeeto pav you more bete for your cream than you will gefbv shipping it avay eggs wanted 1 we will pay you tbe highest market price for fresh eggs in any quantity ulfbaat oaaai laat ud wab j baaoa ut 1 u boara0 georgetown creamery co nbaxei bjh seed corn fob ensilage we have all the leading varieties lowest prices taatad 00 to 100 par east gosmrnshon robert btfbblo tdmitod wobtaii cxssrr arto spbcirl saturday sale swifts premium whole hams and boneless backs new advertisements races to wittm uy 24th at georgetown park mntussthei tvaro ff mm gravel of dratoum qoallty for road c brbaw ooaatfwttfoe or orgaaoral oemes weak tartlealan from b l groalmai tlal atoal k reaaonabl rate porlnfov- aatlan apply herald office c4ff lomt oa ncodar hay 18tb btwaa mew utfowaaad borval a ladva brown cloth carta wltb bood eboek lining and brown velvet collar pindar plena leav at frnwl 9sni wot mod private board and plyteptoonx 171 ooorgotova itp roumo os tfaaday m ay abb a gaatlemana rata coal owner taay bar earn by rmrmmlm voorajaaw daatopul job 1mb will b km rraaoosbly apply to j w liar- bw rapar bui raw tzjbio the monxstpre spring announcement hn spring ooofuv onr dvoek of bnituw orarooatltig troaaariosk etaw last arrirad far spring oomprisiag all ui la oat ib styla aimaofiittruig qvttdlaj wohara alarga atock of nsaamd oltt anil 1 jlaak lam vary si apodsharliis pnt tbaa long utor tba big aranes atvf arol b blo pall thara at praouoauy tba old prioaa plana tour oriar atfavsa dont wait i baroplaa now eajdyfot onihiftoaja ejiatorhorsc meri juat arrived now rleekwoar bow shlrta llaxo ooyo hievy bte th uuct atvi inhaio capo bf au tbo teading loaktg wo fbow annprb aloek of otoryhbing a nan wean ton cannot 6nd anyibiog lo oqual it lo any otiur gtor in town and vorr few olty ttoraa torpaa tt a fine flola of uona and vontb vaadyiowmtr onitj ovopooatg odd pania owrallo omo alwaya oa band wa inviia yon to eall and inapael oor atoek millar co ssarsr fink h104ciasnj tailofufoo amo mcits turhtshtmob atgeotelwfltodtwe htadtrtea s oo dyavaaad flaa tiara totoato llh 9mr mmtm paenmatlfl tired bogay nearly mf wilt bo told raaaonabl apply at fred cookt gong aeorgatonn 6 2s u rmrtmtm 1 olvdooalod 1 omrriaae colt rising p yra taorongbly broken 3 fraab ro rriobtandterawraafonable bukevso- attar baulnalad st mmmtmflmi wub larg aanlan camant oallar far- naoib oleetri ugbt oamant walk larga porch flaa condition to a careful ton eat root will b mad moh attractive apply box 107s or phone hi or 101 ooonowa- bflll j vi at greatly reduced prices by tolling khoaorhania and baoka by tba plooo wa aro thorn at th lollowing radoood pijoog thla i yotnr 0 a big aaving by prouoting yotorttf againal tba dally of unokdd moat to ofltv kytomaka in prioaa ohkd1t auotlon sale or farm sock and implement tbo aadonod hot raoalwd loatroo lloot bom th eseeotor of the late arts 0b bbooich to eall by pnblla nodlon at lot 3 oon ft ataqoaaliagi tub day may 0tb 1b17 at 1 omoel aharp tb following farm ttork itup1oril aa horaaa uorae luleg 7 yr im pmrf bom riatng b yr gen par wind bistae good worker caw i boanonw t jtw led cow ft yrai bona eew 7 yra kd cow yral bl 00w 4 yn roan ow 1 yra en w it yra th above now or milking tll 3 atrtrt s yiai belftr i yn 4 steer 1 yr btlfarlyrj calve otonuiai s oalreas mrlow and iii pig 0 wei ll implaotoatt otehalay han la aaed drtil afonow rvrrlo plow eapat plow alaatt riding plow cookabou plow bltte- belt oraam aaparator top bobtr cottar tatlfnnl btnaat let dobbla baincaa grain a onantlty olgialo out bar- ley tad beak wheat all of wblab will be aolj wuhoot tkrm8 10 and uoder rh 1 over thai amooat atx- tnontbt uvdit on itir- nlahlag approved joint notes tfparoenl aoff foroteb oko amdhrw atietionmr iseedsi d d all the choicest and best in i garden field i seeds i u let us supply your needs l a in this line from tbe best stock procurable i a m grandy the pure food store snwaeii3c3enaabecbbbmecj advertise in the herald oaaar bt m araat joo cbvs or bj t aad ara frat ta wad wbaai roa lovatoadaaatl oanoaaa eautrlbaa 8tyus mid the woman paablaaa la daaa aad hah- la aba orl atjbai of ortaatal draaa dlaar wbla- t bat oaa aual7 lam at ta aas aa wajaa tbattb lai aad waaaia i tba aat at aaaal laaalcuatlr aad tumeoaaaakalrf draaaad wonati aa aarlb tba japs uaa bbaauo famllur ta all af ua and trpieal of arlaatal arb u aaal af atralsat uostba of laalarial wblek bit u ua atbara u baabla attar us brat wa boaatlas at oar aftmnc aot unaaiil lata loraaralrabla um bar tbau wwad laihtbar at snal aipaaaa oly ta dbward tbau aa oaua aftar a rw aioiilba wrar aud aouauur btlrdraalau ifa all a matt of tall wbaltlr ab aolaalb meli ladluual balr willi rara bulla uu la liull or willi a ial of alldrarr lm urll in llilna tlalb ar lo b lrrrrd lo tb uaual utilldy apnaar anra of iii walra rollfttr that laada ibaoflmlal toub tbr w raiali ibalr uilrr rba uiur you hiinw f orlttmol weia- a tba mar fan know bay nr lib ud tb aroialuif dllfariafv or lavaly a luatlar uf auirdi inlltlraj ilk iii ihililt ol iba aklu jbliuii iuuiu aa aalfrau lo imtdurad baaulirul ycllaw raaapl las cblaam aad japaaaa womaa lib a taocb of raitabia aa tbrlf aallow rblaa wbll abtarlraa waaahl put oa drat a rarnla aiiallnjl tbaa a wbll cub la nlalalr aaluad wlib lb of rahhatalla baddacb is wartd oat saturday only swifts premium ham 800 lb swifts premium boneless book 4e lb by half orwhole piece only coma iarlywe jrlva special attention to phone orders if you cant come in tnjtraotnt clifford linham butjcher phone 106 main st georgetown kdhms st go e a aooaoooooeoo ooooeo specials this week 0 a bramptonspringracemcct thur may slot 1917 ftasfcbwltaf tbaavaaiiaoadrlrlasaab will bold umu spring meet at brampton thursday may 31 m at 1 aa ah tf par oaat a proata ooaald la lad cnaa moo zlajtltjbjubt f ooo aufjaaatworaaa iaraasam msgeaatratarraaa paraajst sk laaaatrol or raaa for j aos imlawdlrldod ism u ldparaaai fc aoma olu may stab aldbj lavalossaars asia aad vablofc aaaawaa toarocad hat jomn ntbm to soaars fp i fc millinery department we have added to our large display a number of new lines every one sep arate and distinct in design style ana trimmings we hsve a very complele shoaring of stylish goods aud will be glad to have you call ladies suits skirts coats and blouses 2 we have a very nice showing in ladles sulla separate skirts spring coatsi fancy stripe and plain blouses these lines are new and stylish and of exception- 0 al quality aud value a visit to this department will be a benefit to you now greater production dj we life trying to assist you with your garden by providing the beat seeds at 0 lowest prices 2 we offer now to assist in the work problem a full case of mens aud boys j overalls smocks and shirts at prices less than manufacturers- coat at this time t grocery department j all our lines are new aud fresh and the beat values the markets will afford come to ua aud get the most possible for your money f adams a coy georgetowtl malno mil streets o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0