i i matthews drug store 1 i eastmans cameras what about that fjaniera yon were eoing to get tbia spring of tonne yon want it to be an east man we ar agents for tola standard line earo brownal in the home on be farm and on your outing camera u a source of interest and pleasure call and see onr ijne i matthewsdr u store 1 a gee canadian kodaks ck deaelealagnnd printing promptly st georges chureb rm wa bart l th rao aonday earrie a follow matin itbjb ftreag7dm bonday bdmomoam- ta holy oanuriantea tat aad brd monday of h at 11 am c0idbi8bd his itbi8 coo i of baf moo jon lath oardad ihrtyownljiuflm jon la flo to tb race tavaaorroa aad ink yoor irland we nolle tbiw r waanaikwi by u that ar attll not oajorcad- jraad concert j on tib ton ball gunwllllam wrttcolmw later mr kat baaaasoal boa la tba oua waaabtick by lightning bat night a taarrud toea can apeak from trutr bat t hes awrrled ba kni woaufll twt a tbr will ba a big crowd at tha rata l tha park tomorrow entrbe ar btttoeu and ll look like a baaoar event wotuur if aou of tha boy aad young- n know ibara i a faulty for tailing off flr erarkvra ineld tb ourpor- ur jcw bdnvmw had bb left ana badly lafwatd balow lb lbew tm moa dar by getting taught la tba becbioery i tb paper ull oo oeiudlan on la tba uttte of tww patrloti aoag bo oavrad foraala by iba wmmoi patriot leagoa at hoarigena drag btor prte kc wily haadey myalhatsolocawirai rliher ibati tba ileheai man oflodev itvd need to bar beantook aft all tb womm t bad loenpely mil tor a yvaitg lady ganutar wn laa laeal awd mora yterday aad abroid the lrk that aba wanted logataoaaa hasten baked baan atwl lai tba pro dnhioa eampatgn ap ea if you ara ibtaklag ol porehaaiag ubi1y wd hsto jott aboold aaa wma cwbb ma u oaigaooaaaloai bu ukk on alnmmt aatfeua obllal buitaiaaddaa iba bargtlaa oavfad uiuh yon gat qsallty aad promptaaaa is wuh ivpakriag mhra yoa bava poatar do l lw it wbb t v boarlgan local acaal u- vaaw ilar of tba aonaiar ar ua of tha olmutamawllltwbaldaathof aday may slal at fso pni la iba todtblp uau mawartlowd miaaoray f toronto tll ba iba apaakar for tba attaraooab all woqmo aad glrla will ba boartuy waleoesad atdm r w om tarraootmaml uu kalrlotla sodatv ablppad iba olio log la apr to tba bj 0tm soemy attorootoltf baata 34 pillow eaaaa 10 gray rianoal ablna 140 towala tides baadkareblafa ft anlta py- jaesa v balplaaj ablrta s waab elotba aad s7 palra aoeka ballinafad latest hews abodt home mr brock baxbar 61 taawato aaaa bradayl loweu mka xoaua apattt tba waa aa with ooalpti friaada wr and mr 11 mtborataav oltor- botovapaal ftoodayta toan wruo mflmlaolofoaofcabira imupmmifagik udufuto0 mrnbdmwll m wafhanldvoflw mta pdt tlia wak aod la hnra mr jobo r h of moatraj fj bomaarlag fha ak wtlag bia otb- artn la qolta aarlpealy ul mr waltar tboatpaoo af aabgnnra bokfoadarcotng tiaa al oaajpti jloaaltal la y qalta favorably hotaaa buuvbtgaioaa babaabaa for 66m lima l vim la loa la eog- raoorwliig ifoaj u attack of dlpbtbaria mia l v ooott of aajlaibola la imxiad mi alra r 1 cabnaa o friday bba ul nrnala a u daya m town and u1 ba plaawd to aaa bar aawy old maod amoog tbaaa from oo of towtf ba abaoovd iba inoaral of iba lata mia d h tfarlay oo moaday aramf aad mf baluy toroatof mr aad mr k maix ball mr aad mr tbo maraball mr and mc il maraball mm maollt my aad mra aodnt scot uomoooaa miaj lulao b csiaa utt thla moialc for rultoora m y to tak a poadioa for ihammotar wltb barbrotbarlntbaofboa uf tha ulebardaoa umim conpaay tbbi oooipaay it oodar eontraat for a yaar to aopply hn boadrad barrabof eondoad wilk a month ortbaunbad biaua army at tba iroat urd btaoulr ear ital oaatf 1u u waddal bald aarriea to iba olmreb iwt uoaday aaaa mad hi my gikod attaodaaaa it u dopad i tba id4laaa vlll ba eotttiaoad ur harry iiuuot alloa vtallad fau bwthr aud brotbar uat waak urik j walkar aod mlal ivam 1 brruradli thafy hotoa m tha qatar- ut tm hatarday uttlo frlaodatbara for tba uat foor traakt tba maf k vullad tha boao of mr aad uratlilaouon wadaaaday aad lab a baby girl un h akiu u qalta wall agaia attar bar wrlotu lllaaaa u i ii abtbooy aad daagbtar lor- aouvulud at wi day a nuuibar ol frwnda aiulm uta aoaral of lha um wi at koival oo batarday tba baoplaara looking hw lo ba bld at oaoraatowm oa may 14 th a paao rwrltal by paella of mkwe may mauaatar will ba glvan la tba tn bll olaawtluaam on pllay uy bhb mu madgw jobotoo dr papll of mia hblblay tornato and ulat im- klllott vioilial poptl of mui kmc toronto oooarrvatory of uttv will ifvarybody luvtlwl adnulon ltd foola in aid of atraal llnht- lag aaatnaam wrdnmday epbwov f tim wr ktagdoni and lb- ft prt drm my ulya ailppr with baru whlumi and aalia wtnari and hogh uark la ctmnarfy thoraday uopromaa4 with ftlnb haaat friday a dnohu ahnw fnr lw a llr a nlaht tba lotrw air with k la hall a blnaurdl ulja kt tb- wi i v put ru ctpluh moivlarxl mjf arys part- 0u ta a canadian luad film taaan to ttwonl bainrday maria boa nlib orld laafarrar aaariawca aviaa jodgasant in taroor of tha lalht tf- mhaanoallvapdbymrjoth mil t u la tba actio bfoogbt by thv foroolo haboroaa railway aeaio bvardworva co lor apaeida parformanca of an aga baaaby tba plalatlffa bav barit granted right ol y throogli tba aetoo tabnlag ywda atukot paylug eocnpaoaf ion otiar llan for urnnd trunk apoii and changaa mada to bolldlogm thl rlgbt tba pulnluf allaga waa in eoaaldar- aki of tb fatilltwa grant ad lha laaolog pany for ablpplog ibattgooda tba ma in lha vaa wa that uw lata wal tar v baaidmora alihoogb amoaging director of tba company bad no aathor- uy to bnaka 11 and did hot aotoally maka u uu lordabtp hovar baa found to tbaooairary sa irtaja- agaaaw nmu smd bvadatarnldl groaara ara urgad thla rlag to aodaavoor to aaearw and uan- lant a law aoaad aooai to prodooa aaad for llummlaaa and tbalr balgbbova owing to tba abonwaanl eoadltiooa bow v00m00a0m00a0iat pmxj uxd ujltojtb bjuuhtlx stork redpath or st iiawrdnoe best granulated sugkr perewt barnh1ls norval rsvvwwwwwwww jacksons glenwilliams maaara j radford and ham ball of toronto apant bonday with mr and ira tj iilll ulaaoamttdallainaaandvabnyoartia apant uat friday in toronto mr and mr a bat bhaakt of toronto re uu mrm mtt duhwi innwv tba waaknd wttb mr and mr ompiwocmwr ltdaalt ill ba ap i a bit to boar ship uat aara and boiha from bw ontar tklh rtht tiimogb lata tha earn wb b uw a utautlng for to aaaka him loo bu ilrlvlo thtlt and ooata blab on to fchtln blm lad wall among thadah bot tbtui iblr chip bva alway got crthurlt to vaouuia or aamaoaa oaj tbalr waliln lut lo baar tbalr byma of bala tby u0vr bava a abaaty word lor any taut lhy maat ibatr baada u alway hftttulb uw and pnlalu to tbalr faat- thar navargat tbalr ehufattiak bp bor attlialrebaiaot htrmbjht tbalr apli ualwava looku hka a erookad fliira lihi ttaa uolbln avar roaod bar tbtbuamtnvtaat all thayr alwaya uaklv in tha aby lo baa tha aomlr fciutwl thayr ant ba bay a day tbafa bluy with tb aasu tba tba day 1l w4lbrtaa will tttm aroond and onm ooi with bla gtui and arad loraioa4 down oar wok or knnwatoraui right lo may or tomatblb lay to toak ll aura tharall ba tb dbo to bay u knoa ilia trap will b o goad b know it bug ago batata tba laiawr took bla bag bf ntariad in to ao- tha baaabaa too iba l klllad in uol boatatary plaot yewuok ba iba baaanaaiuad iu wja tob aa awlol yaar lor boga aad paab and flla and ibara lt wtarto b m rain a tarn blla 1 ibaaku ii doaaat ntm la wkkno odd wbat thing poo ulk aboot tbu oroakar wajbj m a oaana tnenaa ar at taabj pwvalllnc tba will llhaly b vary llttla aao aaad for planting la tb aprlaa of llltaslaai oar oanad lead taralp growar maka brorknos for tbalr own aopplua by growing lb aaad tbaomalt canadian oppjia of wd and nwtat etbarfuid toot god gard aaadalormar ly eaaaa from barop bot thla aoaro u now p ont oft tb proapaola fa hocn grown aaad bat baan radaoad by lb p pric of a da tnmlp for food barpoaaa an it woold now taka oaar- y two bnndrad dollar worth of loll grown wa tamlpa to traa an aora for aaad pcrnoaaa tbb faaw ba bad lb lufortmaaaa aflaot c4 ladnewg tba a in tb aaaura ptovinom that woaatbarwkwbar baan puotad lor tb prodoatio ol wa aaa st cmnav o o c thoeodoatlgiavn by lb owa cuiw ol bt 0ory obateh bat tbarlay vftttaf wa a ovehud aoxwai tb 0 m moan im paafead and arryon waa dvtghtad with lb brogram which wm raadarad a follow piano aoto mr ota talb aolo rwv mr bartf taaltatlon tba wild goon mr f ctajntmf dnat what tb wild wavn baylng ur falbr and mb ulian marbarti puook mlarmolnaoatbl rrcltalloa blown or to tb hwwid- mm o t 0001 kdo uy alu folk mb p mar gn violin dnat mamatd jeb and bwrt tbooipaaajj aolo jaok tboapoa ebotn omhralafo by th ualld tbabuvbtltudabnt maggava will wa llttif tba vrulag proamtd and ead unab knarrlmaol kviy mm of iba auvvu udu who bk uui lu brodaotlon him lo b eoonr aulatail no lb auoaawi tbvv bay alraady b0 aak- dl0maaatltbylbnaibarol hi al baaa obnreb aad u will b pot on in th ibw joa iflb raw mr bart nneap- daring th bmnlug war ml uumao a- boaawu waltar pack of toronto waa a vullor ut town tm monday tb aad bewa raaobad oar town uat waaat ot th doath of corp wbaaur who dlad of wound corp wbaaur wont ovaraaa ovor two yaar ago with tb sotb bait and apattt binataan moolba in tha troneboa from raport rwoauod bar no battar aoldiar eras uoanod tha khaki and b waa a ganaral favorito among hi ooinrada oorp wbaaur while ber mad hi boni with mr and mr h allan tba memorial barrio bald in tb mthodla oborob on bonday eawaing inv oorti llodaan wheeler aad ft win dorgaari wa oondoeted by ry mr bant and wa ugalyattanddby rtandg th boy vmv tmpraaaira word apokan wbioh abowad tb high tonark of raapaet that wa bald for the boy in tbu community fta praddl waavar of th- lfttu bait wrlw- to til ttv41tr at uunllliaata ouarpaol oam p kant england- iwrmotharand all jo a law una to ut yon know wa arrived id uncund all af and eoond altar a r good voyaca wear all in tha ba- of hrallb hoping yoo ar ail lb bv yim oi aaa wa ar waltug near oaroldbomaa4d la kant ii b itally a vary ilr pw and yon oa bat ih w wr going to may haraj 11 really aa remind yoa of olun llome baa o ae tha old tea gerdeee and old una hooaa thm r m aroond bar tb baaraat plaoa b lybe and aabford maiba yea bar beard aematbleg aboat tb plaoa aa tber b a big raalag onmpeny here aad a larg race ooataa at tb praarat time wa eanaot wblt aithaf buo bat la aboot 14 day w aball b abl to gotobatby or nayothay pus a waigat oar 6 day pa wbbb baaan a aa yon n bat wa want to ha bo of ear owe way a w wra wall tud la all tb way acroaa lean tall floor coverings attractive durable ttguy uid and easily cleaned thats cox goleum pretty matdng and dotal design for bedroom tile and conyentiongl de- aigiu cor bathroom pastry and kitrirhr any one can lav it bj it required nt taatenlng and wont aurl dp ab- olutely waterproof and wont crunwe at die edges like printed uh- oleum alw coati leaf and loofcn hatter comfumm ft mg borjsn cannot be told from poliihed oak when laid next to a rug or carpet wonderful effect at an extraordi- oarjlyloarcaw mammoth house georgetown new millinery all ik pome an6 seit- the latest designs head dkess now on exhibition in our show booms j dress qqqds we- will also show new arrivals in dress goods silks velvets silt waiste oile wais s lawttwaist sand a large and well assor ed stock general pry goods mcbean 8r co georgetown wall papers the od of spices often fjaad by write ta atimolata tbalr tmglnuant oa aorn portion at ih gube etuce nm wortb mora fhau gold or ellrer in tna arctic region pka ar nantui to baaltb and hliiem wrlia an nkp a db of pappar a pfacb of ground dnuanjuu a httu not mag or a pinch of ginger root revlraa tb jaded appetite wootlorfully lu the north i bare eevti ablpwroikwd anllor ttgbt orr an outm of apltu with mora flarcanaa than they ever did tot we have a splendid selec tion of the newest patterns pricea vary but here price alwaya buys the greatest value poaaible samples may be seen at oar store or will be brought to your home and estimates furnished on request the store g tsiabnkixnnaaa l v hourigan i georgetown we furnish your windows with fine quality window shade poles curtains and draperies tb beat voyage anybody eoala wan la banuda fe trawl i log webad fair andtbaaawhjatuknaullpad n riepl hardly oa tba wool voyage ba atllf tb iimlaka ouna over aaa i waa lk for day and only bad on meal la thoa s daya th bavr ar vary baar to a bav not naan anything of r keatae or halpta aa thay ar oa pam bat w pact aaalag ibam bafot long we gat vary roagb maab bat tby nr good and if allow dent gat fat it i hk ball well i think tbb u nil i be to y a wear bot abl lo mention any thing aboat oar trip yet bat myb w wlllbanbunml ttnm raaaaaibar at toajl itrndl yon can save money by buy ing furniture now we have a big showing of exceptional money saving values in furniture for every room obituary jacksons georgetown another of kmptealng moat r mutant ba bwaed away t tb of witiam hnaaall t norval death tob buo on tbaiadav bat attar an ulnae 4 two weak daoraaad waa lu bb 9fnd year h amrved from krln tohbuta raatdaoaa s7 year aaa h wm waanyterun rf and a aaad eltlsaa reapaated by ad wtwaewblni tb remain war interred la ntorfal oametary on batarday utt th ario balog oondoeied by u vaiffanea and hut iteaide bb widow ba leave a ututly nl l vb i raohaal uavlo mar man jamea mrart aad uonald all at borne tba pall beater wl tba androa d wteain john jama hajhe ltfilloalloagb i b undeey d wright and d nldwnnara una d b uafcxnt attar a waak ujlneea mary j 0b 1 1 l1 ij la p p baturday nvanlng uat balovod wlfa of v h lay and an and boat oh 1m ilk klib and bin and wbmk wuhuturilhhiir ta tkk u nh ua k ib a bus ol id wthi md h r ihlaaioinlakud 10 atttb ikm ufiksbw la u fit ud ixu limehouse too ut lor ut lemte muf awd memduh anenl tb wk ad with brampton f mr and mr w t ryan of ugbtldg mvlaluagatmr r u browa a aabu frool atabalhat oar j anw aauaf tbbmday bight at castor i a hniteyi pnm away at liar bout oa jobs b battuday nvaalng uat da qua i bora at uioahoa u yaar ago and waa uairtlad lo mr hartay ihlrtian year in auguak uealdwi bar hoaband ah uavo a tewlly of foov boy o mount tho uw ol a devoted wtf aad kind and loving mother bb wi great lover ol been ud bar ufa apaat in tb loving eam of ba ahu by wbow ah will b aadly ili tb to otwnwooa oamatery tha arviag ba log ooadooted by rev dr ouna tb twit beam weti b navan j wap- isluu u mooahnav johavallitt yt uiwtop and walllngwn oiwanawoeg thar wen nonmtoug tlocal tribal saueta la wuob o m t mo do all bw thsuthatbt mtnoliff oamp ungund it twjnnw valurtbtu albert matadltbi boxee aaokad lor uoal teddy ok tnd twjwalor ralbl bald a tauwt anloy bb daaa bat tharaday eight a mr la hawing ffooiada amoan lo tomaia sttatanto u yuulagal card or thanks w brhy astead w dtff tbiwk to oar many irund aad baigbbor kw tbalr many kladaamm aataodad ta m daring lh ulnae aad daalb ol nar ba loved bnehnad and blber tba late wu ramall mrt raatau ud faauy v tht ftlo money- k m ps um kakorafsl kendatls spavin cure nfr a saturday treat a tnneb brighlar u w g tb bgblt of taking trhat bom wiib yookfr yotur faaoly mall week end chocolates nu u s gt wwny to okooouia 1m t wfx jisl aorfaoe variea a that aurface and aa tb fore of gravity vnrle a tba maaa if a apbar b mad amalbr and auallw it 1 mally aaeo that tha prawiur of hgbt doe not decre ao faat a th tew of gravity ao bodla beyond n certain mlnoten could hot reach iba ann bot would b tepalled by th nw of it light at yoa wttt dnd year bom f 1at toinbt la jnnargl boanawork akaty ta mhjw lltuiwa monx wu wmomp ktfjiui phoniee l ww where right made might light four 975 ovrrland succo is so euptlnl that oiu might take it as a matter of coune out moke it have a porsanul sppllcatloa tow becauw tho coat of any cor is too much raoiiuy to bo corclowly spuit thure iieolbonocoiilulonlusoictlnk sound mim at the uraorlu inalto comparison and sea if vllfyovrlail dooa not spll tha answer with math- mntlcttl corrcctnesi da not pilm the slanlacanco of the ow wlilinlnprductlontlmt nuikojltpcuj due to lu glgaptu fadbtlm ttov11lw- ovrlmul indiutry elfecta uilluons in econonjosi has bovar found it necessary to skimp or rob o car of value in order tocompetoi but is able to ulva surplus value throughout the entire cur for jar less money might may not make right but r jw 1ms made overland mitu the overland ughtfour front tho stand point ol mechanical excellence easy rid ing comfort womlnes and beauty to incomparably belter car than can bo had in any other make at anything like 1 nr 3 tb peyebologlcal mlted uf pk i of mora tmporiaut limn the phyaulug teat many writer liuv ourpwod tbalr inability to wiil wlllioiit the odor of epic la their mom one grant moatcian cumpoavd bl tntr- w andar iba ladiicii of rlnuatndu and clove aleamliitf in a keltic of pre re in a befctlilwrm klichao therw after bo coopoaml only whati a tea road clove and dutwuimi wore cm baud ba food of one mati bowever wf en happen lo be inoro or be vlo laat polaon tor hiohor lo tbo naaal of inaan naylama ihcro an many riue oa rweord wbar the odor of ctovea tamoo pepper allaplc of glngar fauu driraa patted into violent par tat nil tb world love apleaa la tb faar that the eoure of eopply woojd areatoally become ashanated eheailat bav aoagbt to mk aptee aynumtically tbey bar ao in a anmbar of loatanrea to eocb oa ax- tent that cheap adulteration jom- oaad hig rara ught tight haaan actual machanical py ajnra and can b nisjrtra in th ub- oratory it ba bean found that tb j ught in llaalf preoaa ajtint tb artb with n force aometblng ilka 7tv 000 ton aa tbo airfac of n apber varte n tb aqoar of ibe radio and n tb volume or maa varte a tb cab of tb radlua and aa tba nt- ebanbal praaaur of light on tba whole raving jo- wonn foruted a reaolulloit to do eomettiltg about tit blab rot of living something tliey ttiolatad with lofty courage that will count t aficordligy tbey lnnuloil tauottiar and ao porfaciad t bcitiholva lu llio art of making up their uiluu that whereaa it bad hitherto ukeu a aalealrl bu averag of two hour to ll a yard of rlbboa aba could uuw turn th trick la twenty mlntle tul tbo ecoiiotnlu anvlug of couraa wan u tba aggregal euotufiu laaklng lt mlf felt nil down tb lino ueforuyoiswww- go low a rtco more than 400000 owner haw been cc i fbp r2j as tls huw to wluyovurlaml by tlwlr do- motor cithe ught i our aml tho ara lor beautytcomfort and uuairy la moat coiuprohliulve lino of con oyer built by any one producer to wtuynbvcrlaiiu by their do- beauty comfort and luitury la to uuuty r m mcintybb aftent phonb 164 georgetown mamffftr rmarrottfsr races at greorgetown may 24 r j ihll