the 6eob6et bhuld wbuhiiuv vwii m iql a qimiitmj ttxila of land vtd a loan oiiuv iiu i ma or flltem yaara u wb lite wwmiiiimi jpyftmanmt pro pmtwswiawlbg u oldler xaira altar ibey m teib tbtr ww wwrk and sir randy to wmli down bentelp 1 elfjllee htm tleidurletoall btttumr la ib 0itiu torraa wbelw aauyor ey end op matter from whet pai o ltt kfbplr ibey nlud u will euo ta jotu wuo ol- briuadere killed daring lb war there la corely iwtbbag uages ereo about tbuonvr and u aboam lfa cabl4 coaabara ol tbai oetnaaa foraaa partleauiiy bappy h altoa their bnrlntwa w oieahjag tha bona u ebeilidelao aarre to lmaic4jualadportl0n4o4ttmoaa41ui wea oioeh inore rapidly fore end with tbeaortof blood and atae thai u nwn g ba dawarebvajsba otoaf own kith and klri to eortwctloa with tte otter la alaa zplalnadthatcor wbo bare fee fanning asperiecbta ba geniaanl will provide a eoerao of in- uuetlon on ffpecblly provided lana where la tbe abohaat ptmibim pvar ll ba able to item ibataaalraa eeopatam to lake advantage af tbe big odw or to die on wttb a bmutlmtiin ebanea of lateral taken all tbroogb too propoeitloa looka apod and u will ba aorprlalog if aft iba war there la not a grand nub la tba w sum may wlb oardan party at olaswulutna it 161b lahlcalara ular yod ere baked lo raaarve friday june 80ib ut tba wtwneoa patrlotla loegoe vartkauie laraiebed lalaf tba new ndul eaai dow ran af ol iowa from georgetown wat am iso and ftaoptt eaat 160 lojoam lou pvu seaday west 1015 u 710 pm eaat 0 tf am and 010 pnv my coatocnata aia la oaar waak and 1 bava bad to aaoan balpla order to do yoar wotb on tboftaat notlaa and good and ebaap it will coat yon s6 to 40 par cant uaa or yoor work if dooo bora tbaa at any otbar abop la tha oooa- lry j bonay tba gold boot halo bt new advertisements cows rom smlz two good grada holtlo and jaraay cows bolb fiaab j colgao baaalta btuawawioaa tip tm mmmt 6romoa bnoaa on mala si ipply to ml i icapady omc7s ost orowa rim regutarad aaad oamv button tal 037 o iba to uaaatuod bfwbal vattufal aaad 91 10 par boa btadlay doafa cadaff yala fann qaoraatown 4 utt mmmtmtmlmi wub larga cardan caminl eallar naca ateotrta ught aamaat waut- larga portb ana aoodillob to a eatalol tan ant raat will ba awdo taaat auraatlra apply to 10 or pboaa 57 of 10x oaorgatown- ft tttfc flirt wmmimd to aatlat in gaoaral booaawork apply in ura w hturaaa horral bos ex tt-lft-ttp- tenders wanted may is 1017 tvr ira will ba raalad by tba owk up w tba tad day ol jana 1917 lor tba watarlngol main and hill abaata tor iba anaa war ol 1017 stata bow maefa par waa v l heath olark tenders wanted oaotgatowo may 18 1917 tandtra will ba nolvad by iba olarb aplotbawaddayof jona lrflt for iba laying ol eamaot walka in tba vulaga ol oaorprtowa for 1017 bpariflottloaa mmy ba aaao at tba ctarka offlea f h hkatb olark mechanics wanted hut wantedl bn wuitodl crkkuian boa oeorgetowa are you happy if hot yod tk boaid um mm our tsll oook fcbcml ii h will chaw mttf aar wn yoa ubm uaip wd toll tmd inntfcm yoar hvloti oookv oihaok lor uoitlo um qoibtomil uu tlrm alta a chtnrralat toorl0u t lm robu m0 00 tooriolllilourup too 00 thif oruj loorimi utaoo koyol moll hxuur 11t0jj0 dulwutf j moo i mtoorio jijooo dhinmii ittaao i 44 kmomu 50000 8iu4aoulhlalar 14m00 044 ipwui looilo imo00 dwmn liip nwoo mlhaaol ipked cooks 0na mill st georgetown something new ft umauw uttaauh man 1 waat ttrorybody a know i pay taota or any bind of wotal uiau wy oaa aua i boy anaap wool and bona balr and bay bauai than torwajo taarkal pfiaa tlva bool by bm lb old baua la good eoadluott ufa lb tba bm prioa km awaplfoa ad baiid oioumc ii bara any a ta aall wttla at or wall at boa od aaatj a bauaanop g kloa ink and maul daajaf a jtut tike bringing in the outdoors the skqftil painter can bring into ypur home the soft beuitinil colon of the big- outdoors by decorating your walls and failings wiui lowe brothels the hquld oil paint that taung the pile of wall paper in modem home muxonans colon are rich and warm they aeem to catch and hold the anmhlne theyeerv tainly do brlahtenthlngi up for the indoor boun meixotome b ihdelen washable longlut ing and unltarjr aak for a color card showing the sxrnvstheninbow tints w o anhont georgetown the fordi the oar of proven quality tba ford ear baa aiood iha hahast uata thai oonltl i ba given any car for over twelv vaarg soroly tklg i i long enough to have proven it high quality i u you want a ear tbai will plow through dp mud or i mud ojjmb tha auepaat hilu and givg tha greaiaat miltv age year round with laaat xpanaa for gaaoline and repair then buy a ford from j n oneill georgetown a full stock of ford repairs also tires in- ner tubes tire chains and all other auto acces soriea in stock children cry for fletehere cast0ria be kiad a bm atataja baaakt mad wblehnaa km la hi be er ao a ka btiwke mnstam et aad ths beii sua tnar his lamxtju4t auowauorwtadmsvemtlatbis au covnurlexu is a jo eooi mim fco iimhiudu that trio wltl and andaanv tba haalth af laniau aad cblmlraa mtasrianns aaalkst r what is castoria rhslerla u a harwlass aa tor oaator oh ass- aorio dcova and aootklaa inm it la plaaaaat it aontalaa battbar opium if orpbina im etbar maae aabstanaa itaaaa is us wuaalaa it daabrsja wai aad allaya favarubaaas bos baan la eaastaat aa i vlatadaaay wind oalla twanlinas h raanlalm awlartlstaa tba ytaad elvlaf she oalldrams i genuine castoria always bean the signature of in use for over 30 years th kind you have alwaya bought vwa wawuw waaikwy many vw crop to plavt liter prothje tor whiler as wdl at iflmkiitsie nsetta cabbage and other things krtba aadal saalalm daurio amltrk ti al it will cost you nothing baaldwa crevlng aumr vagatenla cor laiiaaduta waa tbf baaayard gardaa abonld pfodaea aeaan vagat- aktat wklab can whorw tor yaav aaipttob jdorlu wlatar pawi soapa eaaaado nnt need to- be lladaa enftr aa uplanu vhm wart deeettbaci uug wagk p a waak about alipad rrmv4aa uaaa o- lettaae la elaniad saldre tw abavld ba eorn athbxs oajuuxts awosau1ft tfcaa oat latpartamt aaaaabara of tba root vaaafahlaa tbay ara aaaaily grewa bur winter gnrpeaaa tboajgb kaeu ad cmrrata ara rallahad by maf in tnelr earlier etagae of rrewta all taeaa damaad prartt tbe aaaae at tba aajt luld be aowa ta atraigbt yava at a depth off abeat ibreaavaitera off an taen waen tse plant have reaabed a balgbi a twe inabae tbay abenld nr earafally ula- ned oot ao that tbay aland beet and paraslpe tare to fear fnebe part barret and aalafry two or tbree laebaa apart it wul be tonad that tba pares pa are vary alow grow era and for tola rwaaen tt la aeaaa- tlnw advlaaal to plant a few aaad of lettnee wttk tbe paranlp aaada ao that tbay will terve aa a awrfcar tba yeang beat planu nay be need a eprlag green it 1 aeeeaaur that tbe toll bt ealuvated at tnetala daring tbe nasaer ijgalba ae that sardnaatu to ret prices from tut oti the following 8ash doom window frames sldiug tuid sheet ug cypwm uud ptne trim silo water trough and cuteras everything in iron work greeiihoux coacrvatorica garden purttiture btc glass garden builders limited towvxx st taring a mm off the etbar veget erone ta tba fail tba beet abeaid aeleat os wttfc n knue aa in the eaae eff carreta gar olpa or eelauy whlab ahesld aav tbe top eat about onehall inch trees tba root araparatory to etortag eof winter nae cum la nlantla eera aejae ebovt tare or three in dees abould be esade with a nee flaw aa is fcoraala of earn abonld he ti pad in tola aad eevarad wttb aotl whlab abaold be gently nmral kg traaplu en it wbaa the abaeta are about three inebea high all n eaptlnk tba three atardlaat eheeji he polled eat tbe eell ahealg be drawn ap around tbe atalka a tbay stow to give theai wh tbe herneu on the cob ajgiar taut atf milk tbay ara reedy ta mag it ii alao a aned eraetlea ta emmtraav the oil often around ebe eaffs tm aav pert btoware claim that the area eora aad eabbage feeler and bettaf wbao nlenty af oalutatiea i grrea aftbe widl am rtusr la eae i ily grows vagrtlkme plant reolree a g u thaa niolatare aad pat bag aoll la toe wet ik be injured larly wall oa rowera crown without aa alimiaj igjlf m nunura la the eotl eastgr haas am otbar vageubua u ear a good praetiae for haakyard ara to nurehaae plaata beea crown la botbada r and transplant thai permanent bad arable trouble aolung cabbage plant fairly deep ao that tbay will ant ha whipped about by the wtad 1w ca dagg patlue new taaat aad aaum ta tbat tbe nkkigi rtaaaaaaay liiinlnayii raid aaidaa 11 1 aasaeaaaw yba eat alcbteea taihte sarb id uar abonld be gutta a awed deal of aoll aroaad tbe root stben they ere ready to be aet out a bale ba made wltb n dibber aw a abarpen- d atlcb tba roote baay be wai trad altar tbey here been eat one eff the moat important eatotrae of growing eabbagm rooalat la the at glvao to cultivation af the nail tbere may ba aome oecaelena wbaa tbe head will aplit thl nay be etonped or prvataa if tbe bead 1 tnhea la tbt band and turned forcibly ton on aide lo another oahurtam km the ennilsower 1 treatad in owen the aaaw way a cabbaca tba fijant being grewa and aet out in tba txtiue t inner outatda tbay are healed prmcoaaur the aaaw a cabbage uattl u is ait that a little white tower ha gminnii te grow the dry learaa ad tbe pleat abould be brought tegadanwu tha top and tied wttb a pbj ad atiing a tbat tbae uttla welt aewera are nco- tected fteaa tha ray at tbe aen aad tbe rala all eellaawer bead abould be treatad tatale annr wbao tbay are ebomt iw inenee ta buussuas awbuulat leuta are tverhage the aaeet hardy tbe eabbage fantuy u if le lav poaalble te aaenr krwpili awgaaabi plaata a few aeeda nay be gtaalad about may ii at a deat af laah tbeee abould be te the pemvageat bed of juae they kiatd inane la the law tweaa tbe rowa r c nixon haot aa 1 dnrlms ti twd for mnas aad nw abas aflaa large shipment of pineapples pineapple small stee 10c pineapple large eta 3 lot s5e orangs8i 60c dot for 45a 40c dos for 35c 30c do for s5e 28c doc for 20c tomatoes par lb 18c ouious 10c lb potatoes per pk 78c andouwuis mhskai tar maafcv as 1u mth oaiv a restivo fruit speclaust main fl town and country emcs can be thoroognff protected and bcautiuctlirisidc and eat with martinsenour paints and varnishes oaatubcapada theres a dealer in your neighborhood arho will laelp jrotl to get the rignt point and finish for every surface f9thhojtbis rmtff pji u mbultlt vn wutslaasaasr l wou nm hjoo- r- dm pjrtsl bjrf mlllmluaiimawi- u dhult dm pok thb baamoba ha tjt il4 prwiiat ssrr sm a ms lo rw sarmd i aarawis mr fo tbs cabaiaobamd automlsf orrl ma aata calar vailihii mi a aaplr dwlo of u ilwlw for th waooni himtrr 4 tolmwlbsoa aoonbaaoii4lilitltm ansas ssaiattaahamivaaraadniol ask far copies of parmers color set and town aad hsay good peiatiajf htuu in each j w kennedy georgetown bdaucontraot r ttstir atttl on terms to suit any style columbia graf0n0la yea clears haaw to wait until yo gat fifty aavantyfive or mat twly flse dollars to- gajtaar jast aalaet tbe itutru- tneat joa waotmojfcii a mall rntpaymoat ami acute it dc- tvaarasf to jam nooje at once paasa ao small yod will saaeaeaaisslsissa suit the pleas ra so great that you will waaaar hoar yoa conu have beea without a columbia graf oaota before come m today anal asaka yoar salarrlnti wo oaa atsaaga costsvaaieikt terms cj cefeabucksaa t in hi t imlie lvmduun fieargetowi bx01sa pssvmatio for smhl at 1 dcoar ptr aoooiamorumiei nmmmtitajjams apmifrr tv wtf jhtos rkpaibwa promptly dom rnxorrs ruiuibss sad repadt shop notice ibauataatal issiasbls prlaia aaiaundol bsaajalui numk j subber i oaoaaaiomfg tea homeseekers excursions low return fares to wcstcrn canada once a week ciiaiaalaalffirlt modarapattrlcuasllilgsslg 111 f1 jt 1 1 lf rtr tlimn llamllm ubmluro m um aaalr la d j matthsw dauoalst oaoaaetowk or rt it l fcrtlr aa a kias sc s t canadian northern railway enter any time for a tboroogb ooors in anf otto of sbaw bnsn btvlnsaa rvbrrola tor oaa write lor ltas ostalira iioom fttod oooraaa trroldd 1 w h sbaw fro bok9ftayjojj notice to creditors ourlt and imturomm hotiob ih ul v km panarnt to ho wuobaaw ml tbai 11 oralueniaal atbonhavlas abba ajslaat u buss oliaaadd obariaaoalrar roaabadm aarabaattlmlllhiter ol sutb uxt j ronlrat on or bafero tba la aaf al jaaa ski toarad br port aanldata uaarataoaaaanlsaal soa k al iba bat will aod iwaaal ol la mi daeaaaxl ibalr obriauu yini siliaan his aaariplloo allb toll par uealar ol tbolr dalam bl ol ibalr aaooaabr wd aaloraol moarttlajl u aav bold br uvm inloot lb all l li darrrla4 asd tskk kot10e ibal iba- seek bat bmatloaad dsto lb aild esmmitis roaaal todatrlbolo lb abi oltaa illlliii tt barlaa rarard to iba hlaool aaldb aba mull tbaa bara aouoasaa tbat tba raid bomtril 111 aot bo llablo aslbaaaldaajotoruir ant tbaraalta aa ponaa or ponoa ol abdar abbas mtlwaball aot aar braa noam by bar at tba ursa ol aaeb dbtribatlea aqiibt bodoie bob ol iba tlllaja al oaaraalaaa widow solo bsaratrbt datatatoaoraaleaatbla 1mb anal r 1si7 slss tba dju wbb ocys scraotoo coal the standard aau tha dl w bemnlaa m al silas u tbs onlr hard ooal we eanr alnrgastidirjiraonhaaa also uurashlas and wiitmws seal oaal bins opposlto hortaj statlea phone 6ra4 bell line rhe highest market prices bags rubbers horse hair scrap iron all kinds of metals wool feathers bags etc etc wbaaovaryooba any ol ut abov lluai al goods laawpajajof allbar la urps ar aaau labi you will a lb umi wlo lor am horn mmttmy tutu i twarvaraava jaa smd umtmj bltr prompt auaa- tldsi linai t ad afotoahii atubuaal wall ordara lilabrat uaikol rrlo lor un ponllr lo aajr lauiuty harry elsen junk and metal dealer fhaol6r write to po box 1076 fjhoxujbtowt in8uban0e fire ahd accident bbs dab aametotb bk0 kub ostarlo a w1tuns nerral ready for spring i nan just mosirsd sfear loads of wire fanoa sad galas now is tha time lo gat your wire fmm tbo old ralisbu aaant si tiras- ttsalljr tbs old pries cedar posts al ways on hand all orders and work promptly anaddadlo jno hsmith baqneaing p o iiaiaaiisisiaiaiisiatsi tj a tbaoy asset lor fadml uk laaaraaas ootcaasda hauoaatrlf laast- aaesoetraiallait aarldopt la- irau wart r larwolaurrbea lsfe fjaaea ooeaeuobabbar e bludd paper hanger painter etc lean a fall llus of wall psptrs and will gusren tss to bang all vapor sup plied by mo ask to see st ssuiples aud gel u rise ol a prseuoal man e bludd painter etc 1 phonejsi