i osl w h wjxiison lkadixo fuikbal pihjtot- 1 umk prr niel iovow6wt pwowy blrlbe raerlagreaod lldw dfotutbaloirowfogialee birth xoa marrlean 0 d pnu vinou vrldt m a l if lb reeuoee ol6 b cldw he clerana arwoetnronlo vanettaf aged 73 masons met at guelpn um lin ima rnitn- dear averring to ll menl l tb ha4 aw m i in lb annexe ol fre maaoary l t tber he b correspondence editor herald i hr in had lb prltlla j log thvoniitibe andiuve j i glenwouams news fleet wed iseshlhs tin tol5eauhnal pro- grim wfilab aba h us rotnwal toronto w nw oda iba mnrn hwdamhter krla on frltoi whi t 1 ltnthanliemono wrr- alnorral oa f fc- jto 3ib mriboertvelaon inbleeelb tlsfonrel will tnlwoatirare- dav tb rtmalae vui oe takm b tbo motludlatchoreb alll m where kjt mil lrl nolll alter lhnit ootll itr lhei inlerment lo norral cwmelerjr uno- in oeorgolbwn on tnmday hotel an tbr be been log el whlob neat pajel 5twsbria3 gelrrrlna in enr jails si2 xtmda allerooan j wo brethren ykjtsi baton dtouull- cvicrs ii si ksjrnstill lag room i jln nmnkn mil of um hob lata jobn- imw n cairo d and aftailitlai l j kaoo udnlm so dootrt in sl wwrtslwl is tna foaeral will un nuw hom bai lain realdenov m1u st on tnoraday may hal illpn intonuanl to oroen wood cemetory s ii iha talcru ooolph hojpltolon kay utnl jjj mp wl vlcbaal tracy acl yt yea siwnaand ooooiato wttablfhly wnnonuwui uo toaoa from bla lata ju roaloanoa on friday at 10 oolook id olahr and raooanl ytalb mot only waro many ijmniii lain ikul ol 0 roro many pit cm oao ihul i an sstofik sxs- krtoiir yo5blllnaal oa at ybuanaflai tblian d ooadaotlon with tbla raoorl bttt two laaloraa mn hoarwir aratuybw aobalanllal ra sstlroilo turworba tyataaa wltb rndabssnar ol wo000 lo la00iand tbtrowy wlaabu iba hydio ayatom a d womk br iiboo tig mm u- ssmssr at arad aoiiop oi m lib m a3lt oaorta new advertisements croomad booat on main konl i nply lo hablau a kanaaily 4 ii u inayaar mlgbl ba notad to the jeorietown betali wapaatday avgo may in mo bat do my otk j in bald or torn at lb daak r id lb roarlag markanjao or uanjol ulatolodlllninybaarttoaay wban rurant wubai baokon mo aatrar tola l my worb my blamlna not ray ol altsbo lira i am tba ona by whom tbla woik em brat ba dona in iba rla way than aball i rat it not loo iraal nor to roll my aplilt and to brora my tonbiul i ebaarlnl traat tba labor- and onaartol lorn wbao tba ion abad oar all at arantlria lo play and lora and rarl baeaom i know lor ma my work la oarl manry v dyka norval a vary nlaaaliul aranl took plaea at tba noma o7al7andslra ii lf con eaqoatlng laat wadowday aolo wban isrnda and rlibbora ma u vim ii ir hub aauam iimf oi iba ar ol ibalr dapailn iron iba ilfbboitaood tba aranlnl waaapaallnaaocul way loawlbar with an impromlo proaram conalailnaalaonea mollatlonr ata ik main laatur brl tba many addrraaw maoa by iboaa who har kaown mr hwilaar iron hla aarly blldbood many aptondld bln wan i bla touarlty and obrwian aplrll tr c tiia ehnrob aa wallaab mraadmia bnuaarwarap m branltlal araratary aooootpaoladiiby an ddram rrad by rwray lalduw mr awllarr on bahall ol bla wlla aod blbmall anoka brully bot laaliagly oltbrlr appra culloo and odwlll toward ail tba baft wubra ol all go wltb iba lamlly lo tbalr aaw bouta w nodarataad tbay inland living in aoorgatown rouewing kllmaddranrl dntr rrianda harlog laarnad ibat ll wma yonr lountloo lo ramoralrom aalghborbood w yoor iriando w bavw mat bara bvalghl to prrar in mew laaglbla way oor rwn and i ludly uauagn toward yoo and tr aaj abow yon in rem mawnor iba at taam fa which you bara boon bald by all wbo knaw yoo j ruwaul indacd will b tba mamory in itltf pm ibt offloara ol oradtt lodge he alh oaorgmown iowlodgaa j iba olatriot aswasnuood tbvwrtol iba aaaonodaajwatoanab mlaoifaulawl piacllcally not to admit if is a7l5vk iwbb wmaatawyraai cradlt to iboaaa tbrlpil emeera ol oradlt ladaaaiw bro o a uwranoa i ls- to oar vlalllng btathrao which church news by w bro oao hbww conmoga lodga so 6 drnrion i w j10 oorgalowa and a law otbara balknafad tba larmar artiary boa now work- a on ibalr rool gronad and an looking lowdtoabawcronlhlcyaar mr oaorga oampball and mr fred ool bolb pmchaaednawrmm laat weak mr ii anthony ol llmahooaa and danghur mm mcdiarjiulalf otoorgvlowa vullod al mr aod mm wllliaoi roaael a on booday hwiu imm john allan ol laaaond hon lalud atmr joaeph allan on nanday union fnnaarrali n5 site azi ol krsa oollaia toronto oooy knot cnunoa ba bohi ulrd u a rtarratary ol unanoa board ol iba frenbytorlao omrldloslhplpl ol am sob naat booday morning barrow the ionia at the midweek meeting to rfhtoi wbtujed vifjod u ldja sl utotth bjk jin xhfimi annnal meetlngollbaaiieldb auuon d bpti- will u a-fbnljblnjir- mrjohcmntj b pay ii darloot mb w hon i mra y j irb mri allmdwallj and ur w whumeo ot clio wlu breach the hevlssr bmlatiow furloham t lz ifflo- rwwalum tipt gaamaa brw l aajbblor rsjsctpwtb union jaa t a th aiory ol oar una dabora and eleanor b 7 b diet goo al oannda cwa mcmaaiar a oliwln eiareiae lldf olbea- baoonal antbenj oconalllor jan mn ary nhy oaaapladthaabair i mjjoaaph baaamontaania m tawaauna addreae foandina eg rnauam herbert ofmham m brlelaccoontol iba m worn that 1 ubatoga vnlb mbwea anal nod tkwrae mboawd mweoura k toronto epemlhaboudaybeoa loni tt a aynvdaay klgjs jjjj raoqnuwniraoa ef loraelnen my aral im4 wwok the mens vmm 4m tabic jttelfini hedta-silr- mr fpr hill anwlialp wry in baptr aa auu rr ne that tba efur pro- ujj caft ohraa 0lttownoa tl spring ivnnouncemeiit eat id atla acvt eofenrlng jsirwiibrw int eallyfar- raetlre altboi l07 otpboo sloy in oxorialown ill plamttrnrotdrfai v cwurle and mwa bono graml tottaak aata fotlowtaa n tb pro- rs wcrir y nomad bona ba obarlaa at najy daairab tbongboot klui llalila walor la kluben alao good gardea ap arytm00ptoooraalowa obott mann rmaea bra rt qablnet oourt of be vision 1 canadian ratrol br kuaolmat oinsiaia m bnwiqanr xtowwuta max aumaana ouvn uxum g -toyland- 4 daalhar danaat f wfnnwiaa kuuatoa baaumoatf takb botioe that lb 0 rtio will b bald at im town ball ntiite mi ih 14tb day ol jon at ihveala again tba amement f o hyam court op revision towmiur or baquearaa liens i-nilrtto- joat a saw hajtotaaa gr ffita yajy law atty atarga gar a fin 8latloa outan ai vootha nadyw gis4li at allo wa jtwua yon to eall and uupaat omr gtook millar co wtst fi hroacu taiwmmo alo mwivmmllipinm im aioawtn otmiamoai qtv pt ekma bsiomout at maimu miaosmbvv mimhadoh jobiwtom iuuj is7 avwuw tte dropwriu- evi mosillv wlmcajrr etiuo bawsomif vlalili 4 otoqm rta avrikuaiorv iairtii id tb apu boogh- avihao wrtthonghla rpraan a manw fuioz oabrulmarl holloa la baraby gioea that ih ortll i uwvaub ooart ol belelon to hear and ittho aeeeeetnenl ol eeqoralng lor i ibayaar 1917 will ba held in liia vanoll i amabarto the village ol buwartlown mobdav juhl lllb at 10 am l a tbaov townamp oleik daudiioteoaruowo maymib 1017 3 oppn kuruuvo manoal km mot bgjyjbjj in the beginning gjf i th- buk wmio i l n wtyt w ol eoort- titminal oow dallw will open uf loa amonot o g mackay manager georgetown branch hcaog m m io wuh boll appvfi b icim hadah joiaiito ba jwtouim vto y hpodaiuom alttcai yonr ebildbood h hjwayo loaad yoa rank ud jrwt b ftll id lb oborch w bs uutltil tiow blch kbll bold jroo bttum oloar pi ucborcti ilol iocfv irsak tuul jmt id jroar ullbc lb lb dtunt oliigbt md tmlb hv mvftr ouad yoa lt bmlul to uk your imad ud bftvln anoud y6ttr ul u m mouhoom miiviii in wy imd work yonr poko word ad uvoud work bubmit itntlmony to tb inward working ol cbrfctl yoa b ntolmfwd to mrt0 r ju tmlihbori wtt bv avlwuyt foutul you bttili ol till tuttttr and tmdy lo ii bltlui liibd la ihom lu mm la hop wj bav klwajtn itamlmd- triilut kind ol hmpliftllty yool poalllouii klyuuowlntf i illit on our way tb win bdl dl klavata ol wu1 ju h kllgbt tokau ol our ilppttmtujio ol ar kurllny qtullllm w wub lo w to yoa ibl till bobltur thu you bu mlm it bc4 lor lu nil womb baia t ttt mptttalot el ear lilvb 4aim yu bd yettr unlly v kuox ftbill tola you rtly lo tr obumb eotfiwutiuy bot whal uourlm will bat gjw ttla w pray ttiattioda ibao at lm4 way alfuaai lu that air of mod wbal tbav aball ba m mru on baball el ilia obtueb ud u walay uay ur aaroa laldlaw wvauy may kdward uraabattord af obituary kkahu vaminvti iwaawd u bam mvattlylwo win t yo loug tiutaba wa t4ldatl hrlb lowwlilji hmc uilirbakd tad mbaiqualilly toovad to iobttwti wbao bl wlfa dld four yaara ago ba wltlotoioalulalli wllbbladatwl ml at olio av b dlad ea rridy uat ilr vatlatur waa at olta titoa awalf ol tba uaorgalowh malbodu obareb utj uuarly al ooium kurwl haubodutdbtinb tooilo lu poltilt b wt h ubaral u wu a hoatnb tba abcunl ordar ol uliij woihb ua waa tba but ol a bully el tblrtaao tb baml took plawa al uaohtmowa en monday uiaa a itvf jtawahv mwuaiatki wait who ku bwa golla ill lor aobw tloia d aay al mil toti laat huuilay avatiiu ub la wr- aivad by a hlatar klra uioray wbo llvad wltb har and two brotltara poalmaalar huwil ami ur mall huwwl uillob tba luuwal wltloh waa prlvata took plaea wadwtulay aluroooti ti kvafiratu oaamury tb taivlah at tba botua and kttav- baltag eoudurtad by tba ut w h maahay uuir ol tba toburub ohtuab ol wblab datwaaad wain wanur c astoria ywlafgata and cuuraa laltea ror ovmmvmw iwlilittr 4 hfsst cbn g6t more money m -por- your cream -at- georgetown creamery than anywhere elite until further uotlce we will guarantee you 46c for butter fat eggs wanted we will pay vou the hlgheat market price for preuh bkb tt quantity illgheat orum tut ihle week j kjon u 3 illitlae ia georgetown creamery co it is good to know that when your boota are repaired by me the profeeiloual shoemaker tbey will give everv aatiafaethm and that i back up what i advertlae when i any i nave you 35 to 40a on the dollar ladles rubber heela neatly put on or 95c and beat oak tan hall aolea at 50c all other work accordingly i keep aolea hemp wan naila lacea blacking etc which i aell to tny cuatoiuera at half aale price sign of the gold boot uainjtreet north v j koney georgetown it tb lvitrtitbtara doat bildaalhui bawjaoao jooalyn uta kualotl taj mil d l viola tooam aibaatooop- w kohl op m trto ifarah b uiaaaa xloajmk nwnmair famky wravbm i xmu bamnut vavltwttotd c awnnaooww oliaobuiqaav lkm waltau large shipment of pineapples pineapple 16c each 2 for 25c orangesi boc dot for 40c don for 30c dot for 26c dot for tomatoea per lb onlona fautfiea per p m daai tba rial ktog bbue buitmoatt a may hunraa 1 moaloln tk both a walu op m ma ii lb aitrais opij rftgok wwjraxaa vlollah hwh rbta bluott a marry cumaa- b jiul ta tu l1uv mcujm molwalla aaioaoooma maatui mtgmmairg dahounlo bau blaau bmauiiomt duel fig ntnaan aim oaaollaa maaoaiurt otmuua ax famhy waavaa march la 0 jammia bhinl fral oaimara m lboauoila vu10 valid mabodjoiiltatom auloaaovtaos buuaoa bauuhaat a bthdi utpaoaji quemlol unawa mh mnk faklry waayaa ilul m m bjrtabuuott ohulu the uouorllyiv from the haart j dondo op is fhllla vaul dooall rlftflnay op 111 alaaaajurt ootiirua 000 eivb tub 1u0 the ford the oar of proven quality j i tb ford oar hwgloodth barju tatte thai mld- bo jtu any ear for ora tnle yaara barely uini la long dotth ia bar prolan iia ugh quality if awalltavuawublowthroubp i and ellmb tba attapaat hllla and ih gtwalaat uila- aca jtmt ronnd with taaal ipna let jjum rmi rwpaltg inwa boy a ford frota j w oneill georgetown l a full atock of pord repaira oiao tirea inj uer tubea tire chaina and all other auto aecea j aorlea in atock mechanics wanted km waattwu baya wantedl ckbbtuan bbob georgetown bwill arrive at george town in about 10 days ii place your order now 1 and secure special price 1 off car 2 seed corn for ensijag i 1 a m grandy the pure food store to i 31 advertise in the herald a a ktdhtvs st co iiwti i specials this week f w w w millinery department we have added to our large dlaplay a number of new linea every one aep- arate and dlatluct mi iickiuii style and thmmluga we have a very compleij abowing of stylish goodu and will be glad to have yoa eall ladies suits skirts ooats and blouse we have a very nice hlmwing inlladleasuile aeparate skirta spring coatnl fancy atrlpe and plain blnnnu theae llnea are new and atyllah and of exception al quality and value a vult to tbla department will be a beuefit to you now greater production we are trying to uuaiat you with your garden by providing the beat eeda at loweat pricea we offer now to aimigt in the work problem a full cage of men bud boy overalla ainocka and ahirta at pricea leaa than manufacture coat- at thla time grocery department- all our llnea ore new and freeh and the beat veloce the marketa will afford1 come to ua and get the most pouaible for your money adatvs a coy a 1 ptaooe43 georgetown main ntu atfta m