he georgetown ueiaij wkpnkhuy rno uay 1 17 the r83t cvrjb goto ym um mem ity udo tbt will lvf on ifmuneium thai will joo beam rejeios to w ere lacing taml and lb utnn mtirtpradao lithe hsveoo city leader i tbey ere ry uu na dtd w war umea mm torn catllag jsatabeot jfatago tmyw w eblebo4ied ferrnaw vboald sulk to be ib soa wa lb lanm mb war net aaad womea coam do all the work any tomeroot in tbakl froap budoty trjsd foshlrk tfow ber mr c tries andu if niow ease atl uwei lumen id um treadbee w euht uy and all their plea tumm moot nak 111 kttraetfv before um boj gr to go at- nlgfat u soto most be toady to take them lo lb pasture bww atfdootbw thing 1 certain th woo l work um lannnr boon tbv u wlpti than the pumar tbey woo ttayootle tb shower aad tbey y ii stands to nam tbey woo t work 10 boon a day tbea boys nf tbey r no gtwaale tbey woo i uu a eomlers pay tbey or always mm to sidewalk tbey won i walk around to mod telblik this i why um uibmra nip um tuna alk la um bod wben oar eeantry wmi to battle aad tbacall earn bboalder armal nobly uw men i pood ad from uwir plaajaat well tilled una ob umm dmb so gia baartad band ba oar eoaalry ealkt bay tor two waaks ibay f to go around la overall are reedy oh oarpatriouoau tbey bm brave aad tra aad kind woold thy really wear um gasataai oar brava farmer left babiaot tban tbey woadori dobs mast them w to got tbaai aad bit to p bow ob their anna maay balpara ara aaeb joker aad by baytaada woat ba lad bat um lamer wire ara oartala tbay will waat to ba lad help ilka tbla wa baar umm asytttg taoy would raumr ba wttboot maay waat to gat um raat oora hot to bp iba laramta oot wbon wa aw umb drasaml to fcbakl wbaa wa a tbom atari away did tbay waat lo taka iba rom aarat did umy aui or bbjbar payt wtm wa aaw umbi mareblag oeward w1u vtooi baana to uaat oar loa did tbay aak for algbu of plaaaara did tbay aak for pbaara abowa wbaw ww tblak of oar bran aoldlanj oftan oa cold groaod tbay lla soaaa city wp wbo taka tbotr plaaai wadtfaalbar bada aad eakaa aad plo sandy tenders wanted oaergatowd may 15 lbir taodm will ba raottvad by um olark dstoumuadday of jooa 1917 for tbo laylag of etomiti walkrtalna vlllaga of oaofgatoaa tot 1017 htmciooauooa aay ba aaao at iba clarks offloo v l heath otark tenders wanted fighting wen foes destroy tbem or they may de- slroy vow crop 8pravinq a beidv hembdv i toa cdmmm tb mw to la- h ut kaon at a joiimvraic unfortdaataty tkm baaftjarw vogatv bw growar baa aoma ojipvoluaa ta ormreasam it wilj hot ba all alokawjw aad prodt jrblab ba maat loav cot ward to bacaoaa ibara ara tawoam abta loaaau and faagna ojaoaaaj wbleb aaaaa neb wrry da tranbbi aad boa um aaa ocattraarattjfc mrf dmtboda ta paavaat or ooairei bcoaft of taaaa toooblaa may ba ova eobm by apmrtrng um ptaata wltkf tiailuia whlep aaa ba aacarad froo aaad atoraaaad olbar ftrtmt m tbam tbatouowtag ta a list of um bum aomamb vasvtabloa aad um laaoat mad puat dlaoaaaa attaoktag taaaa wltb ramtfha or pravaauvaa abfaaaao baauaa bjo black or jatlowub oolorad about oaabau laeb toog wbleb appaar aarly la may aad aad en um young aboota kaop um bad etoaaly eot la tbo aprtag or allow poultry to roa throng it aftar aalilag aaaaen la ofmt apray vfu araaaata of laad kocooraga um lady bird battla wbleb 4tm aaay of taaaa laaacta v aauiraoaoaa or pod spot browa or raddtab ipota oa um faliaga aaa poda rooad oa low damp grooad plaal only aaad wbleb bare ao algafl of um dtaaaaa pull trp aad bum dlawmd plaats aa tbay appaar uafliuab vavuruowmm aid 0aratowb uay ib 1017 tatlh will b iolvl by um outw up to ut ttdtl day of jtuu ioit far iba wauflugof utlatitd mtliathwtji iotum huhmv oi 1017 hlala bow moth pr v u iiuatll ourk notice to creditors u ihs maiur of iha total of ofuifun vulvar jios laisotfu villa of aeqrlowi ike county of alto vlvuum oputt olerk and jhmutuhas not i oh iu oivfn putaural to r a0 louobaplar 131 thai all 0fdltoafl outara bavlom tjaittw agaliut um aetata oftbaaald oliulewodlrar una wbodlad oorabatttiliallilitliy of uatb loir a rmittlrd on or bafota tl tint tlay oi jtiim luir toatuil by boat piapald or da uvartolliauitdavnlgaatl sola emaeoulu i um lal will aod taalauaat of tha aald datwaanl thalr otiilatlaji ami ui addraaua kud uwtljulfti a wllb full p tletttaja ol thalr clalu ulaututot ol lblr aoaunbi tiwl tialuraol urltl if aay bald by tbeiii mliit uta aakl douad duly tldd amd tatct notloe ibal ttar kmb lki baaatlmhkl dt iba aald emmmh wlllprohwd loduulbutatbaaarauofiba aid tucauad ntntiat iba partlmaauuad ummio bavlag iard to lltaelalambf wbleb kbo fclul thtm bava botloa and ibal iba mid kaamlhk will ttotballabta lor um bald mt or auy ph utaiaof to aay patton or h m mbomt elaittta aoliorbball but bava itaati raotivad by bar at um uwa ol tooti dlalrlbquoa aun4 uoddkk itoe of iba vlluae of uaorgalowo widow bola kiaabtrla dal4lktaaiilohoutla lltb day of uay 1u17 slokt aatali4 huu fciatai atavaihatam insurance j frb accident mbs bob me l a amajl wbltlaa cowrad aug got oaaaartar of aa laeb wag look aotaatbiag uka a grala t waaat fouod joat balow um aarfaaa of tba groaod altaer elooa ta or oa um roota tbay oat um roota oaaa- lag um plant to drop oor apply a eolation of corroaatvo abtliata ooebalf onqco dlaaolradja flvo ga loea of waiar at tbo rata of balf f taaeupfol ovar aaeb plant oaea weak for ova waoka after umy an eat out eommeaetag tare or foal day after planting cut worm and while orabs oreylab wbtte groba wbleb work el tba bttrfaco o tba aoll cutting oat tbt plant tbay may bo trapped by apraadtng a miliar of poleoa bru over tba anrfaea of um eotl eloa um plant a pall of bran with aaav elant pari graeo to blgbty oolor it aboald b moumnad wlta ajilaam oatll it erumblaa readily la tba bead tbla ntolatnra aboald b kapt on uta ground during um oarty pan of tb eeaeqa worm a btnkll gteenlab worm tbreaniuartara of an lneb long walek appaar quite early la um inim dust with pyratbram or salleaofi powder wban tb plant bar beaded or dust wltb a teupooaful of pari gtoea mixed wltb tbre labiesaooatal of flour wben yolbg a plaoa of burlap may be ued for tbl pnipoae of aa ompty can with bolapaaeaod lo tb botlom apbls also callvd loose abaatl greyish inaeeta wbleb multiply rapid ly tbay may appear at any um la the aaaaou spray foreiwr wlta olutloa mada from etoapfag m pound of tobmeeo rafnae la oao gal lon of water tbla eolation may a used on all plant oa wbleb apaifl are found klkrm bjigbt black apobj appear on tba foliage followed by wilting of tb plant aad a aott root on th atock spray aaeb wee wttb a mixture of dordeaus mixture ooav ring tba entire plant lduvhoeb striped beeu blaek and yollow tripe boeiw wbleb faada ravenously oa tbo ten der teavee of lb plant la um vary early at- of growth duet leave wben wet wltb aabe or airalaaed lime bquaab bug dark browa bactta wbleb aucku tba joloe rrom um plaal hand plek and destroy round oa um leave urmna cueurabar laseet usual ly attaeb and may be destroyed aa wen a bore onion onion ifaggol a white maktot almllar to tba cabbage root maggot no ebeetivi maa of eon trol spread charcoal over lb ground or try tb eorroeelve aubll mate solution a roeom above bllgbt a violet lor palebeo appeeriug- oa tb leaf of tba oaloa bom advl0 apralug wltb bordeaux talatur from tb um tbo oaloa plant la tbre laebea blgb potato colorado beeu of p- ata butr dust wllb pari greea wben tb daw i till oa tb plaat or plaoa teupooaful la a watering eaa of water a d pour over tb plant u posalbl hav th plant dusted wltb pari green before la bug appaar scab totally reeogalaed by ebar- uurletle rouglmaa ot tba nkla i to me rt tba uncut tuber ut bafora plaullug ib a aolutloa or two fluid ouueas of formillu wltb two billon of water dry eut and plant blight browu spot distributed over tb leafy surface usually r ad lo july if tbay are not prevented from growing tb wbol plant will be destroyed spray ouea a week for four or nvawaek wltb bordeaux mixture from july 11 itabiau hoot llaggot ua tba same remedial u liven for cabbage tad oaloa maggot tomato tomato worm or mora tuowar a urge worm wbleb rapid ly defoliate tb plant tlaad plak aad destroy bllgbt blaok apoli appearing on ta leave wbleb spread rabidly fta taaaa tb wbol plant to die xt tha plant growing vigorously large shipment of pineapples piueapple inioll ulie 10c pineapple largo nine 2 for 26c oranges 60c dots for 4fy 40c do for 36c 30c dot for 26c 26c dot for 20c totimtcwa per lb 16c oulouu 10c lb potatoes per pk 76c jukl ntltr uw tpwu tut uaatuy a restivo fruit sikcialut maiu street georgetown tvoodlae stains for f andhoors no bony nedbehbbywhenltbeolnepen ire to do over tfiat woodwork and the fornkore with woodlac staku woodlacj u a beautiful durable finish for boon fhraltura and woodwork ol all kind giving to eommon or toft wood surhwetc 3 rich elegant appear- aaee oi mahogany rosewood walnut oak cherry eta woodlac penetrate the poree ol the wood bringing out the gram to r eipcml hard wood it camm 12 colore mabblbitb floor finiih to me perfect fallen for floor of all kind money back guarantee that it cant be marred by boot heel or chair end wont turn dull or white wben washed with aoap and water a l j w kennedy georgetown r c nixon oboaobtowml siiumtiauy ildiu bjuqfsss tteam a pnsdmatio clkankbl fa rmkh oi 1 zlcluur far am a good auohmmt o trunks mj valisms agmtfor totg4 win vmat repairing hixons bakmbss attd hbpaik shop notice uavuif jttaa saoated a bug iuh ol piefarmtraom uouldiag i will m- aaa oomulealoa oa abort notio tad al reaaonabl pilose i un bllll tlalag kodak developlitg aaj printing with aafleatbtloa to my patron prank j ojtowuuowm our homeseeker5 excursions lowretudn rk to wkftteitn canada m oncc a week cuilhwli m vt tuiato lln r ullit ihll m u ill i maty l d j matthbw oruaoltt obokaatown or wma r l faktak im mm m b tw canadian northern railway urr puc that is wilo- mawlwltwil m cnw om ao jwmtaur buhiih mnlct ar aa nurafmii foafib jsouulalu dmbft wko 4iku4 opoo hi lujlluat aewstaraa in uat umm jtttt v0tuircmiimitaddf7irflt ter ttrao uiwtlf kl f croum na i cllouxl tvdail i fail nil aiw bmkkkora liraamiam- at a at wfca mat aha da f nod im etiatuoa in hrr wakk b aam ilmild ia lu not ba imraaa or bor fmoaa ml tlw baaaaocufm wkaoallftcaalou m tfta la aloo of a log pooa a 01 aaa vaa1ia flapjl oa aai o 0 la if k arna taovlpc o faaoo a mcnt iat an jjmjor rhe highest market prices rags rnbberfl horse hair scrap iron all kirids of metals wool feathers bags etc etc wbaawoiyollljva aay olula lotw uaaa ol coeoa to lauaoirodialllokyoriuiiubommaiariaakai otmmi um iwooooroalaljaalraal mooaf oaalon rraapt aitoa- uah boatuth aod wot qtlm hiiiaaiiai to alt ooiaw ualualuaaolrrlmlouaroony u lay 0aai11 harry e1sen juuk ud metal dealt jliottaa67 write to po box 1076 twomtwowh twooori t um rvrel atara fov aiarimsald i htttmto ootigfi and wbewmu twjaata i ffrt wrtbla wajur towor be awkad a twau lo tb bra tttvfutueo mtm mtt ooldro 1u in fa4toa of aaovr arfj tatidad at tap slot i doot know where you w411 10 gr protratnt tb surpriaotl irian to aay pkuw that la wild bv 1- pcrtuary it part roan to fkailcu ola easy ch feats haw t nrtmrf cloth and te make yaaathetle lafc- hyniiuilbellv ink popolarly coaaid rradj a drat aid to war eple lo writ ing wvbnbl mamaulratjou and lliwpronf rwh offer two interemlug beulral bnrimqu lb formula for wbkb turo been nitptlnd by a cuo- iftbafar to um baorrtcal atoperimaoiar tbay follow s jtwirifa a clean ataat paa writ aa walla paper wttb a cobalt cajartda eototlon aad tat dry wbaa um iutaot tebeld iieate or um writ- lac will fadaallr ppar aad dlaap- par again waea it cool bacaoaa um rblmt a aaolsinre from um air vaa taougb lb paper 1 aeorebed um wtttteg wui attn b vaabl avspraa cloth wrat get two gfttaa feaaamara add two teaspoooful af aargmrf ebloride to tb water la aa a aad etlr oatll dissolved b taa otaar giaae pot a piece of cot aa etotb two or tbre incite square aa fbaa pear ta dlaaof rod ammoolam talarldb lata tb gtaa containing tb ejats aad as thai ll i wall aoaked wtta ta aatattoa ilsnir tb cletb up aadj iat tt 4rf tban touch it wltb a aaatad nwtcb it wui bora la tba aa bet will go out a aeon a tb aaaib fcr m bestll oontr aot headl oontraot tttat tba dx wbb 00 b scranton coal tlw buadara lathnelu 9a d ju a w beran in al aaa i th only batot soal any alargaotoakbowonbaiid iuothmahlmand tullliuik ooai ooaj uaa oiipoaiu norral atatloo pilose 6ar4 bell line i wattlns noml mechanics wanted kan wanted beye waatadl cawtluan bsoa georgetowu i v the best we ever tbeom painting l es- a 1 ri hibhstaialsjm liquid the farrestmrat paint itlmpnwadibii anee wanderfully and added l of to it aioe if you are inefcy enough to own one of tbeemfb buutcjdbouiadoot let u grow ahabby oeas up tbe lawn proaeop tb anrubbery and paint tbebaoeritkhiobstaxdabn let i you tbe eosan that wui look ba w o anthony georgetown v it will cost you nothing to get price from u on the following sanh doot window frame siding and sheeting cyprea and pine trim silo water trough and cutema everything in iron work greenhouse contervatorle garden furniture etc glass garden builders limited tcywrxa castoria llipantaandcuildran motfiers know that taurine castoria always bears the signature aaaotoajratwiaw for over thirty years castoria ja tbaoy i aaoal lo vaaaiai ul laiurinca t aaa 60 tiamlury atommlt lu f aiiiat oa qtoal wwl trwa i aoaiiaooa lamtorotuaituaa i oow ooaaalloaaalbat atowarttwa b bltjdd paper hanger painter etc 1 6ary full line of wall papah aud ill tuarau to to banc all pavo up lltadoym aak to my aamploa aad su a4iaeatiraetloal ul the mail e bludd painter etc phone- r 5 bmtoa qtmtumu advertise in thb herald it wdcili be pbopitablb to both of us puhue auction in eeeuwetion with the brampton spring race meet thura may slat 1917 a i iilllaauolaa will ba um l inai ol ibo otaod huuil oa uia voir uroosda oi j 110 oln uia ollowlaa will b oold lo lb blabal blddar i by ibo luiiin a l ri doaatob by braatotou bonlvaiooo aod k j joom loalhay ueltlilln a ualovn hoy uiaiw diuulnl by llioillloa a ki h lkmxjr ooaaioi by b klilaoa m hold ooa llok doaalod by h j akiiirii hafthiimdoaalodbytbatloyjullotal two icoo poolan doaalod by uv hihud itoluoaaladbyb moduli ibo itiooioj ol tbl aoouod will b wtoally duluoj bolwom too wooma ea giuui uoobly aod iba ouhv dobetlj fctch aoouooaon tb uhmbujo mia dob will bold ibob spring meet at brampton thursday may 31 iiaoo oomtuoooa at s o oloow abaktf ao aotboal ot woflu rtoa to llod caoab uraaseoo xlajboioasl puree bb00 ftlniotam cahoian tuholmq 10 obua tvol w pam d im ctah twi ov vao u 50 lbu ttqi o paoa luiudlvldoduu lilovwooat llalriiiaooaltlnlyolouuayaouibliibk mmlallou luloa to aovoia autoaad vohtolo odotuotoo to urottod asa ulubttom too ladua ivaa oroad imaois 100 l adm jouh vaxxaaiiomi aeaat avaaaa lofr boa baaoio n ia