the 19 wf pifnjsttriresaft op pubiicatiord jti hft if m tkffihtetown leluli kmtjut a ran bkkfltim8omo dbioww obtv s iuras ihjo arstj u paid la ad- kooam georoetown wjtonesday eventnc juke 43 9i7 bunlaboo uamflmi wiiltaimiot advasriaiso sax mi em hum lor em imphh n noepn un uraaab l i tnartlrnvlll bs nhaigh far ctm rmo nut 1100 an ilspaa sopn ium ujoa aooan uloia tai lmmi laua aooavn d1rcgt0rv biud5 wallbbidob dalb in boy data nsbarsa of oliimlew db josxril itoahdrxw i sarnon rolumub u t b lo d and ts sipn uiln rraabynrlaa abanh sstoa uriotsa ru ob itlmn aanrrni l l plant jul ofk if okorgbtowm onnaaailo library itall specialist in defective eypsight oirioa uoue i too pnaadj t ttanrdar i on ud a is vbfcaa- mnalotaa appolaliant 1000 men ckbaiaru b atartlfllns btugary or oa a at bauuuui da ol tin rnlnsr tb original rial olilfoptaoun dasn pott iowa vaa oan oror banted abo ikon clanolllllm and batoal aaalyaa praa tarn than aad bat i lot ar lo ssn nana uoa ratal b watsok d djl ii d 8 ukhtiirr trisbjsrip ombaak al uanllloa r u heath una dd8 dkbtiht 4aa la uaa kiosk m door oarib ol j tiaurtuaotoa snaory uoan i dr l l bkmmbtf oemtisr ylfntmnaloaasa uaiabl boats ant tasnonutk blda raoaalll o mrttmmm wwi vstou uonaad aootkioontorllalloaabdtaal ulaawlllkao part odea sous oon- fim aluaotofuy aad u naimi ntaa ordan loll at iba uaaaaarowa hsuu omos will laoalva pronpl vtittiwuu db 1 b0vahd vb bvb mobval ondnl qatar vanrtaaryc lbroala uwwnay fhnllil al au rtonaallnlad t call mmaball 101 riag ii jktlimtu i jaoksok and lieb civil bogineen surveyor temple bldg braatford blo wo tlaliaa 0ii baaaltaai ml sqmmtoa oatav toaaa aad oaarlai ma v oaukiaa la two amthiaad avwjaiaaaa standard antrrftacire scttanton coal laallatma coal s- wood b nr 1mbbju ana iftwtiniia balthldg ml do fah i miij rrrtbumr lt im loaad f win fhf oobu aad wtmd taia john mcdonald la j w kennedy hardware paint stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe and cement tinsmithing and plumbing hot- air and hot water heating electric wiring jwkennedy phone as georgetown onl first invest in a hojwb it will nay a higher rate of interest than any stock or bond it will enaure your family from the ill physical and otherwiae that come from overstrain from lack of a home it will reit yon restore yon and repay you to get aadafi your supplies from r mackenzie to buy the best bindorjcidae oatbcrmarket ibamjaat fatotad a aw load ollwlaa hlaa i will aal i m followai w it to lb ol pan uaajlla at is aw it britkb maallla at iau0 b at 17o wbl octoboruth bpaaul bfloaa tot 0 h aaaoafdbplay ol ana bttjralwj bolom yoabar- joseph hewson npttval 0ktabi0 papering paiiitno a thtttl i thl mt4tmul t do yof ppt lag or pauuwoiiotov atfuiuaooitwnlitihml waumosmu olttoifjf omigm to tjmjay miomofwru wm tblfe stowsitiown bston kiqdotlng po j m buck butcher uwaraaaaaa uaad loraol mw 4v pork saimaoe boloqna rro homb ourbo ham8 4v baoon xamb vial nurrdiruoiouiu fishing prohibited bbma 00 h in all tes wo bar i plool a i lab la uaraarlaaol portland cement tumr ri aad norwoaa john bauantine obobacrown obt jj ptjjjflps do yotf dance- tbaney iliiai yon do well then youll certainly be granting a pair of our choieadaneing pump yon can turkey icing heiiutd without them pall kid or immbtr planing hills af ready for spring i bar jnst rasairaw tut loads of wire lanoe and mass now is tb untalos cedar posts al ways on hand all orders and work promptly itadd- io j no h smith baquesiag p o patent 1 weve a fine showing of society shoes for hen and women our line of qntlng shoes for men women and children is complete and the prices are lower than he lowest rumfqro thbshob 7vf 7sn the home of better shoes pattersons meat market waww w mm w choicest freshand salt meats butte eggs canned oo0iej etc watch ottrjndow fca- extra gsod vlnai eci bmua and saturdays tlkssi biaf loll ho jpf whola or half a i w mia ttite am untrassas tba baa i fat to ooaja a llul wn saw is tba djib rnpbr a mi i a n tbofaqa auuanndbattb a uni wan h a nasi awv sabraa 5 aadsmnvaasasomfrdm v t intoan bo ban sw baw autuannbamaioltbrail aad a dalbnn tb aan asswlaa tana r tin i nailai jin a hdlas t bbk aad anblusaa too a sunratla iiw oanc aodimiani da tsasn altaton a lb daw oan pan awarl a uajn eun as un bnnal bnd witb nor mills dar a uttk lahbn ban tsil aad ana auonunwaynnsn a onwbaj anr to a jsrnl bspai aodabappywalaabn bona to days story a younq hostess she entertained lonc iruauisawares a r a mrrcbn -olada- bar uaosbtr brrora rhlnnllr fnldnua la tba pmrlass of palaria cauda onnfal blntt n naalaa- to aat on tbla norabrs ss ponumak to talk oar isn na to oar is tbafhnt war i bafa tsoaafl is aaotbar esonnnes inportaaaa i moat raljr epss pas n kaap u aaaaral aaaasad aatfl aw mtara w bar lapornat nattan is talk 0r and i oast wtob nn t isara wltbovt oar barlaa tb any what and af nattanr harbart bu bna ssktna la bav sun aad ba fall dbtntemmd sniiiir i and tba inlomauoo ba i abnlatapajt wbln ra tens a anwad ba ba baaa aaat ons hn la lastraet ss la lb saads sad ansa of on caw troaps qow naa wn row ba sona aassr ibajsr mb asoxtttanj bssb phone attcrson oeoroctown oc 3dboc no we sell only reliable goods imljevwvkwottaktn boobi n mjuuoa arrjturboastell i tjh ooujtas tw wuato monss jwnai preparedness is the order of the day are you prepared for a suc cessful business career have you the training de manded by big business can you fill the bill tb but kmpuauoa lot willi boo- dm ir barlan trtlowf 1 a t irliiiai aebool tbunboolu aadant am a aebool ol ibonmnb iwnan ta by oombttwal toriiddton htvkbiluats today bnaloa lb aalln rau cavljioxtlx businesscollege l l bmici hhdpl lee sing liatjndbt ta old hlmrtll i aafcj- tatcns ithblowl i fine jewelry watches qlocks silverware etc rkpatrtwct a specialty a b wilson iswlamimt nshcfuknnsiflnw oc 30 oooooosoopooooooooooqc establiahbd 1804 the merchants bank i of canada capital paidup t 700000 deposits tojsi assets 6jfloopoo mi safety deposit bona to rent 0 w grandy manager uoargetown brincli wbswaa ba tnn l ouanbaw slnlll ta as- 1 dattn i hit t ay wan sot at laka np nara sr be sal os ta lb poreb aad isokad aboal bar far aon oat ol door omosatloa sr siswiilltll to toquk arosbd loaav ad bitlllaa aad taking sot a boa ol balla aad a nallw aba want tbsro aad basaa to pur alona bat ab rooad plarlsa oroqlmt wltbaat ao oppsaaat a tory uaaatlafaetorr nnwnnt aad wm absnt to sir u apwbaa looklas aaida aba aaw a amtn ataadar robas naa wbow dotbm attad bin badly laoklaa orar lb ma at bar bas pardoa b mid u this lit otdanbaw pus ii u u b at boar vo ba bu ssa la lb tba paaas naa looaad dlnppolatad b aabad bow loss u ouanbaw wsmld rmaln away vaunr rapnta a bus to an bin umw um war patbar told n wwt aolos la toll rfala u4n tbat b nlgbt b bod ao boor aod b nlsbt b aaat all day a earloaa aipranlos btnrd turn lb atnaaarano at tb awatloa o lb anal ana wbo wa inartad i doat know a nld tbat u oldanbaw will b any tin tadwrot is n barlas tb saarral wlui bin oust and us nply to tbut w avldaatly tbought tb turns ww bull risbt wbat n your idaa or a aaoar1 asor b aalitd audy cooauand lb tlwtlob in- uvdt but rooclodrtl to mm it bb nkla attwlral uuat ba ao old anal forty ai uat i tbluk ill wait awblu nld lb iiiu wall lookliiil lutpnwwlly at lb nsarliy uool court you nlsbt put is uat tin at tnf ab aussmkd uudy1 tbat u u you uy tba saua u not my wall play tonal wllbout as optnot wa tb roply qudy told bus tbat ab waaalnn gasail imi would moublodata bun ab prorurail raam for bin aad dimbios tba km b look bhlilon for tb pa ii tvmnd ts ba an i port pnyor but wa at a dbadtablnl is aattuis orar tb stsuad dnsskik n ana bin wub aaan allsbt df ll tkay playal anwal sola and dorlus lb tin qscapud ta doing ao oudy pslajoa or an oppoont wa btlns ba srbnd n anawd to u nlbn butb sr a an bat aulabla a wall aad br was aalb srlstaal la bu way o ny iks gana wa uarjiplad by tin as anas ol a nry largi naa wllb any noawmbna la aalfona wbs atoiiiitd and aabad u ur ouanbaw wa 1 t yon ooaml arbtrir aond otadya ma i aai cnoarl walrrniaiv pap aaltmla tlaliiral llarwrt to lay i suiitiowd yon wro bav pbr colniiil lwanl mi an i ttlnilr lvgwdapilujmc iiwwwwi uittaif ad i gar iii tbat hr nw ba aad woald ift id as lb boon and rnr a banltlstl tbat tt was ratpar tanad bv aod as wnsdbrt nnd a t i sinai ba iiil tab gain s- nwatsd bt un wnanl ba bod naa otsdymonitotbponapanngl aawuir4osaonaodwnnbntdaws an at i ll tbat ba uat fabnagbl awttbasakaaa pnyad taaknsna taonnnuantnsaaav audy wast bats ha baoao aad broorbt out am a aafiaaliniiil tor bin af jrblek ba parlask aad aanns to nal wbat nada ysa tblalt tbat ooaoral barbartr b aakad oh b waa ao big aad aaraa nea tn tbaa too b waa aboat tba rlgbt ta on ainln to norspa aot otor twostyara yaan of asa r i tlaaany tnc ara bat naa gatolo ba a aoaoral aaflnr now doag ba dour ob b tana bla bnd aad don nmtnag ba waalltnl dn do ts bla jany smabsna xi bl nwaknl car as sat ol b sad tbay wank aarf kntal b nay naeb it tbara a anjr ana wwy daaaaagal stag ab nn natt ttaan tstbwasia7bn v abaa rsialna m 1 anppontbay woojdol laba yss to tba amy wkymlt la tba ftnt plaea yosva isnsi ba- atdaayss doat look iwy strong and it i i ara ratbor a i i dost fancy aald tba llttt naa tbat if i nan to pronat raraalf fn asilatnml u i an today i woald ba aonptad i soaldn i aran b a prlral ta tba raar rabka ptmay uot ttr olaflya did not aaa anything fassy boat it bat oba sarralaad own oayng stabk oil sornaa i un i af afl aylina aad hd rjmn i it now in aatrrbj ta daar to tb nt ao aomaa in rpr b anas vn or tb nausa noat oopuwusa na marko kralma a taags anarko w slmnmkanmnor ktoat bat nnkoonvknk unowmku jtn jauor prsaaa n b onutatki aov aorvalsw1uotootpotatost a bin to tba uaba h rata wbidi atraw tba apprqach to fba- atrbsgbold of prtola of tba nntar abanta anil lkro aksaki happen to e is prtlrp on tba aalmaary ol alarko- foatlrat 0f ianra joa can pror to yotuo nt wbatbn tbon is soy iralb a tba wldav cradllad pauant maad tbatat thadooraof uncoils cbapal boat opon and tb baro roily ansoa rldn is on bla pnbald ebuaar anaongb tba marin or lb saab bas an daad for 000 yasra la an old borrlan baited vallod uar- kon jadgnaat tban n rorltad ibis propaacyi krai bias vskaahlaa nar- kes tatbar wbon eblaf fonlnad attr was rruap opaakaarati boa uarfco nay ood any tbadl tbos ball bara aal nanaaiaat nor poatarlty ant ara tby aptru team lay body tbo a aattaa aoa anlt aarra ajlilri on on snpbaa pstbaai pynad msttn nay ood balp unl nsbtlnnirttaatntannauabaoo lay nd la battte barn shall ban sarpns ttna and tby aanouanl ba aad ban aoabrdlng to paaaaat nat ion la bow tbat proposer waa inao- odi opss tba dnth of tnaaantn f- aar ifrohf coantnt ajfnbnv njunrty oteappan- tsrk lna ta wbataaar n so oonarsl bnbartt ratbn i wteb for yoar ssnv aald tba bttte ana tbat ooaoral barton bad ana taonsd of jany blmbls narssa looot wbyf t0vkmm tttauttlo whafwrms tbat yon la a trmt with tfafy jmpty twin ha is bit sbiii cmtn mm mhd bav lasted as loos ss that of alans- dar pop tba poat wbo bad im abla body and umrm a wall davf papa eostasda said oladjs ibait tbat srsea aontto ifesttopimltsa that sr4sftttar kt stvall ifrajaltl if thak yon a daaeata tmar dmt teaatssjf ssststoss iv tairatta than sis bffafnt fclsds of orar- rf horal bravary is always adoalra bis plu bnvafy ts as liabia to to roved to a aavaca as in tba tsoat drt- ussdnau that it u akta to tba ooar- cs of a baait la viamnert by tba fact tbat kaoat tm wbeo tby to into a btht ara matrfatatwd oat of i lulr noma wtot ttoy tat into it tlwlr uatal uiv tttro nsaaa to tba anrfaea aod tbay ttvkmbkqtmr w do yoa know bow toan faal wtoa tbay so into uuur tba uttla nun abowad a bit of nm foatod at tba qiiaatlon btu was aqu1 to tba okaalon uo aald tlial ba had raad a traat daal about aouwf tovsltbavlrimortad u 1 load aboot a batlu i always wlmbl wtaro a sua aad wars is u t onto road a daacrlptlou of bal us wrtttao by a bid wbo had jtut ootns oat of it da waa writliitf at tba laid boapltal wbara tba aiiioa wora at worv bu tomla pietnra kaada aw gtd ims 1 waaot is it otyiiiiiiiiinoot ba got bo fartbar llaarlat tb eta cteaa aha loohad arouad and aaw r rathsr bttrrybittid tb walk os thing tb voraitda bo haldi m an sorry gaoaral to bava hvpt you waiting for toa bat i that my fcttoa gtrt has takao good car of ytmr xoar uttla girl has luocbad mm ooi attaoam wbatl tawalsv with tbat wooad of yootaf gladys what in tb world did yew ptraltobwil barbart u play taoala fott too bav tvdaagarsd biallfgj uaabwhlla oudy atoad tnata wltb wtoouhtdmit to ay botlttog of eesy roaloa it i aald that all tb s of s una lira ar ruabad bafoto us syas whthi b is drowiunf- oafttlattlathbt aterylblttg oladra bad aald to ooaanl uorbwri cauw up to boek bar bs cajoa lo bar raacua ou uua oudys didnt know that x was awo a koldaar bb has as oxag cralwl vuw of what a gaaat abaold aiwl what buoy of tbom ara 1 aat wurry to bayhm old fool too old to light and too btapld to how otbam bow lo nghl bat wo hat baw ftottr uoh rid or iimmo fauows oo tb othar ld and twsrly all oar gasiraw ar now good as bar aaa i bar r yat bad a fairal waaiaj bad im not to a hairy to got aaa a brt ad u hu m gat anyway oudya ntlrad imvtag tor furv guaat to laatyoct htm with ragard lua i ishotlaa of tba qaaadlan troop at tb saat of war by dlnosr tto ah had rotovand fron h aotorraas- bmtit and oanaral uorbart had boooa la tor a groglsr kmaa tbaa if ha had appoarad a a oil fba4ar bootad and artad oororad with il and awloglbg b big sword jjr 8 lotig as ur oldarahaw was pcaaw tbftsf tit lladya jlndf th tatbar tamd u mwisrf to alland to rtala mrtsra thak otni urn i bu atody this laft th am- ral aod oudya aloas sad ahg bbs 11i from bar vbau lrorral nrhfrt has rijihiil hf artax and laft hrht b iarktlliwtwdtaliit7laaaraw wa rrrtltwtl jjaptrad of bla o lo tba eoartof tba totadmltaa aad ealtatad la his army to light tto hos- imwj of asia lfloor it saoau t- banbbatad tbat it wa 00 diagram far a arrtta to flgbt wtth tb tnrfes ptw of tb st1nu la ubhw horrr ifarkob oobwmibd bhbs bepoght braat to wag war gainnt th ottbodox priaea of tb boaamna xagju to bis m novwiwlgnv a bo cam npoo tba old of tout marfctfs toart fallad blm wbtm ba aaw mas of bla own faith drawn up tost htm and racing tba duanua of botaraao proving traitor to ttws of his own fblth bs ob ood do tboa tbla day dotray all ttoaa wbo ogbt agabut clvlrrtandom aad fimmoat markor saying whlrti to throw bl body oa tba tnikn apwua and did wltbont atrlldsg w blow national oaographls bocmy rd agalnat eriad oot b f tha oraaaa ttotimtar la tb only sctiaotbatt worth ooaaddofttig wa boraj altoas both tragady and eomady spring troia fsasts hi honor of baetbtta and at tb jasts w4 ttpoo war f ooad to to oot of ptoe wbon t4rodilead into gra tub of tb oneb cotnady was aitonimsnb who had lots of rna hibbgnibiliig tb pobuo nan of athans tto oanw of qraok trngady waa alssehyllm born b a 63d in wbuatf- tf aejryla has aarar baan aorpaai- h 1 to tb drama what fbkuaa arotoart tto oaman aoldlar dots not waa tofca bat fns lappan ttoaa aratrp of avtb ssaksd in tallow aad woond t tto fast ttoy ar soppomd to to bbfmlila to bocfcot lo tbat tbay m but vaaly ara uoio aaatty aad aad wtoo pnvarly worn am bat sa llfcaty to wrinkw and oanaa blto inm-w-otlvorlu- dlbagraa bt-war- or a to tba rolallr valo of aoeks and tallow bflatod atipm bltbar eororlnt though b ootuldtrad prabnibla to tbo om of wasrlng no sock- wbleh tos twatauad bt tb rraoeh bpaioah and itallaa armlaa otihuuk yfc- atotawwladad matarul rtmro ab autowoullat la dlrtwas btippoa atop sod aak blm u ttor la anytbtng w can do 1 aro you mfarrltlg to th ttttt wm b sitting tilt with a faraway look to bu yar u kno that fallow ito proubly won ft bring wbara bo going to gt tto kboaay to pay tto nut lrrstutnni og tow ed i j st tb pat ykal rifmtm m b wakl aro lubl u moi tba aoldlar wbo flubt wltb but ro ognlfloo in tb batum at mb ara tto atokar or tb doilroyam running if full pawl bight m work undar tto com stand of a atokar patty olncar in a spac ao barrow ibat tnovauant of any kind wuin impomllitd tbaro 1 a fttr- bam hi trout ml iw in tba back sandwiched bt tolwavrut 1 a maaa of lavara pipe pump trnj gaar yet within tlwsw clow iiuartar th atoltar nbd bdw to porform tbalr bmhtiraaklng toll lo au tttmopton av ntoat loo bot to breath mays tha ipop- ular toieoc uoululy ton tto mm or at ttoti pout tlu irou batch i cloud dtwn uihi th air auckad la inrougb a veulllaior to t pern tbroagb tto hrun lutror it gt to itom bo long 1 tb pump work wall and ito vaporaloil ualnr 1 duplacad wit autotnktld regulnrliy ity frlibtbor tto tup uor tto uuliar cuflbg caa got dauaoroajly bvu uuf soiiujumaa without aptwrtiut cuius tbo watar blowf ly tioimml bolow tto ural boo tlua tto caum or tnlaclir la a lak bgoa tpa brokau or a joint atralnad that ttllowa tb water to aaeapa j if it can to ranwdud wall and good but if uojt and tto wstav coatlna to drop huaduy tto atutor ptty oavt tos hot on duty to perfonvto hasp tto hatchway from tolu opaoad b allowtbc ntlra y tto torow who parjg taba tg m widg nka m mmr ttstm iatv taa t sag itmum