v r rw h wuxson i lkadilto fohkkal di-uct- or and embalmkb mm ujea hankmh ml t3p dar ad hi- oewaaarroir qanr pmowim ffa ailoroikielollo are dune jurlboae kortal aa friday joo 1mb louvdorld luuib blunau oldariaonol ibo lata wuiionr bnnaul asd 81 yarn ii monthe and a dayo imjibmouamy fnancw la lovfw of llaart wuiiam fioda7ilned la fronowblfo amlug bla king nod country lon17 lalo need ib yaara ud monlba bla kb ml ooootrr eallod bbp oagodofolrrollqfliooar r yonl sod bar dwbota nittk looalof book brioc toonof loafclas la all oar waury ayao aimiobcartnatiapennlji hooieotutre bqw in prance bo llac penal fatbar mother suam nod brotbort thefle0r6t0wnbeuid watdlf bbday bveg june so im two vmjmcii canadian knember ol the bonlva cabinet bave announced that they in prepared to vola lot eoaeeripuoe qnabao lfl tool ell ud but tb bad part hdeddadl belay if toa domihioj anlhorttle do not anon ad lo bring atop to tb nnpetrlot la talk of the anuoocieetlplloalem um other la varied part of lb dominion loyal eluun hi be taking iblng into their owd band patience will a mm to be regarded a a virtue reform candidate nominated e h cleaver of burlington m oa friday bat boanlmooaly nominated a libera rtaaderd bearer in thl county tor ibe nest local election by a urge and npraaanuuv convention urn m nominated by j r lindaey of eeqnaelag and john r waiaoa of mabaagawvya j r llodaay wbo moved mr olaav ha nomination and e- f earl war bolb botnlnaud by tba convention and ratlrad la favor of tba candidacy of mr cleaver court of revision at tlwoddrt ol rariakbau la um ooojmu chamber laat tiotday earning ra wara a greater number of eppeala look plan fegaadlag ibe vajoa of oamala u in town and ball immnx twllng o tba tba peorar proptiam w ar lo iwofottloa than tboaaof wtbapi dbatt- bxw tba tariflwa ppaabj wtw diapoaao pt aalollowil 9ardf hpalghl thai tba iinniiat of mlaa jsmom hm baoanams oaniad oatbt took loattna miwpiat ol w r brtduy u raajnead to tf7a jobniad barclay bpajtu that tba aaa of mlaa larnw bradtaya prpparty -flrmad- oarrlad knah saralay tbat tba of albort bauay b radboad to iiow c rad baab ooob tba tba j m im hit of jaa ball n proparir on mahtat ind yoona b ndoord fcifiw oaxrud tbthumaiipaiuntatbaropariyof jubau en oborefa be b tonflraaad oarrlad iayjjfmlrxht that tba on tba ojfk iwoparty ba oonilnnad cnirud boab barclay tbat frank oowaaw- maul on bla pronarty on emary bl ba radnead to 11400 cktrrlad bpalgbt oook tbat tba aaiaainirat of oarvlad bpatalt oook that tba valna of bolld inciorur a oatnpbaira i mmt ba a al 1 1000 and tba land vaioa fiat- ad at 100 ar acta oarrlad oook bpalibt ibat tba n 4 of ur jobn otaaaaya proptmty on qi blraat ba oonflratrd oarrlad daralay unatfbt tbat tba aaniiimat oodlray oarrlad high school tba ti lowing bar baan prttmttui tba ban ar arrabtd in ordar of btarlt form ii rualtalla waddall dlilattally jtanvaa cava jan ueuaaii oaorga towod unditlonally frad ftlaekfeondltionally tbaqtualionof protnotlo tba ol ban wbo wrota will ba dacldad wban tba ra- aalbi of tba iwar btbool biunilulloo km aanooaoad forat 1 uwwwar jack uyu oladyt uoranul alloa oraaluan fiaauary tniltbarmat itubard uawau uanrt ulaak laau morgan harold hmatllf afarrarat lataoajaaa liubjbll fubar kiuati jaekaon ul vaaaluo iialau lundaraoo kallla blchuond haw jotub matoarat mlekall bart haltbartoaii fikrat oampball oaraldlttaooopar boy laary frouolad onndlt tonally qrao harr ington oliver uabiulua ualblaan wit aoa lbula uophetson bart ulltnar vara bolton alloa lfawll obituary viltu ilumhnu buaajjtix 0n of ejttalga uoat blgbl ktaotad ynk nin fi tba parana of day u alaaaudav boaall ynwil awty altar ft brlaf ulttaaa train appaojlcltoa at bla boua at norval on friday furaoetl jooe 1mb oaeaaaad waa tba aldftt aoa ol tba uu wllllau rtttaall wbedud on tba i7u of lt buwlb and wa in bu bfad year ha wm a fwtlta wllb all wbo knaw bltn and hla paautg hu oatuad tnoeb grlar antonjr bla many yoting frlaotb and tmoeluaa david rmaa waa a young taut w ftll bouorad andblfmily datnlaa i dlaunct iota to tba oaatuunlty tha raualni wara la tarred in norval orniatarv on uanday afternoon but tit aarvloa balajf eoodtu lad by kav if r to mar kogkut watmm after a valdaooa of ovar fld yumla morval uabait wauou waa clld to bla reward on tuaaday hay ittoi daaaaa td waa in bla uftlb yar and waa bora lb benban norfolk oounly kb cm si 1b3x ha eaina to canada iii ithu lun but a boy in bli 17tb year ha aud bli brolbar wlllum dmud ula of laflrt tovu caib tepatbsr ha urvad lilaap umutlomhlnn tlm blaekauiiklug intra fajitar t wllli luan naiom boak altar wlfli ba cama to narva and anlar d ibtohhulnam wllb hla unci will law r walaon of norval tba taetttm waa known at w a it- walton oarvlage and wagon uorka tbla bualnaaa waa run aaecaan fully for ovar aquattar of a ean- ttuy finally owing loialllbg baallh ba darldad to alva u tba blaokauub bual twm for a llgbur ooeapallon and ooattad up baktiy aud groory btulna wblel b alao uiada a itioci rallrlug frotn bofelnaa la ifcm uualdauaon hobt hla atuoiwaor ktlll oonilnum tba aaav hnalnjaa l wu a ufa long alathodul aud at aaruaat laltblal workar la norval muoju chuicli irliwltally tbrouab huvtfoiu ilia norval clreou wa fauula ooaprlalij norval aianwllluuii and tana coua appolbiavanle ha lonk a fereal plautut and dallgbt in hunday bebool work and wag tepahaundwt of iba sunday bobool lor over 80 yanj alao elaai laadar aa wall a local pracber lor a ountbar of yakra tna ptawiul uatbo- dial otiurrb at narva waa eraated and opauad la ibw and llta uev ur uvu wbo waalliai thatntuular on tba nor vol oimnll and who la now wiberantialad ftnd living in llantlllou breaabad iba fuuaral tertnoa uaurrlng to daomiadg aburab work lie mid tba bmnt cburali wobld not bave baan built but for ur walton poioonai alforta and daterulua tlau if you waul to aai bla tatouuaiant look around you lu pnblio tnauati da naajiart waaalwaya raady to give buag bualanoi hwaa atuunob utuparauea workar in nolllua ba waa a ultra ooiiaervailva and wag on llta kattuuv wtwn u ihudahoti waa drat boatlaalaml aaondldat lor llallon lu bualuaaa knauara ba waa blgbly keaaaled for bla booato utmlgbt eiefllag uoaullhl whlelt gained for blw acoraa ol irwada lb tba vaiiiuta clicua ol ufa 8 11 bad a family of tl cbtldrati 4 glru and 9 boy vln ura wall by aldam dangblr wbo ceied for blu mndt htuaed him for uaarly 8 ivwrai mr vv ffrtorla st be oonflnned barclay rpeight thai tba property of ii u liaartwell on ooelph a be aa followal mat 9 acraa be 100 per im fta mmed and the rear 0 aoraa ba 3a 15 per acre andtbe vmlne of bolldlnga remain aa bay are via 1900 barclay roab tbat the aaaaaament of ctariatopber nixon on bb main hi prow peitr redooed to 916 per loot on realty bpalsbl ooob that the aaaavtnent of mr chru nixon of maple ave-bair- daeed on hroomrnaadalloo of tba from 200to 113ft carried cook barclay tbat the awiinntot of albart uyde oa ualn bt ba vedoeed to 1700 oarrid bpalgbt barelay thai lb aeaaaatneet of ur j jaweabeeoaflreoad carried barelay roab tbat tba aa of muae jmay ukedooed to too oar rlad barelay koab tbat tbe fca of mr a marray be radnced to ilooo oarttad oook barclay thai tba aeeaetneat of david morrow na radoovd td five una drad dollara oarrlad speight barelay ibat tbe aemmwant of mr j moorea property oa main bb beeonfiruted carried bpalgbt cook tbat tba i meat el mr jaa moor be redoeed to t700a oarrlad rial cook that 20 pr eaat ol my kay broa aaaaerant oa alore on mala bl ba udbrted and earn nddd lo at tiaa taant ol j ii jatkeon carried dtwlabt barclay that the aaammaat of mabeea a oa meuod batata b con firmed oarrlad oook bpalgbt tbat aaaawmeal of j mabaaa property u qoaen bt b radtte ad to glsoo oauril oook barelay that tba ataiaminl of mr meeaary b radnced lo35- carried bpalgbt barclay ibat tba ol j c lltwb on al bi440 being oanud barclay ooob ibat tha r at of uarvay hmillna b oonllrfnad oarhad ruab oook that tha aamataat ol al hart toat b conflnnad oarrlad barelay huli that ibe laaaniftnt of obaa van allan ba eonflrtuad carried ubab oook that lb iwmiaal roll aa ravlaad by tba court of rwulon bacon hrntad oarrlad oook ruab tbat we do new adjoaro carried county council milton jane uth 1017 tba esoodl ae al 10s0 ao la aeo- ordaaea with call of warden member au ur i the warden la ibaobatr tba tolaalaa t tha bwt ttaatlaa vara iaadeomfimed omirniigmmkifta wara raed gafolkxaa from a wobbsor cr re taaaur rjrldffj tha ulewol pobiu warfcg ra frosiaia las a abod roaoa the depot mlslasw tojirwraot ttral aaboot bo1l brltktb vllora ratm rand agklger lor grant w ii raid tarokey and wat paatoo olerk re aalariaa alao jaln of buavunrllle and artbarblgb eobool aod onalpfa 0i1 laatltat tevraalatanaitea of- halloa l moved wooeded by mr jo tbat aaaeotalltsa from boraby ra bridgo oo baaa line tnlalr and sh- q babaard oarr t ilo ell aa3t j soaraaaod tba finlpisi a levied r preaaated and read tba of ibe taandlnfj ootntwlttee mr dyaaa awvad aaaaadi by mr uitla tba ud eooacu adlonin 4q lie p aa oarrlad tba traaaan ttmatabfanaoaot ir ooanty axpoaae mr lllu preaaated and read tbe filth report of tbe atandlag eoemlueoa ado- mr foertfa on connty baudiaga mr hilttmv led and read tbe fourth report of tba ataadlag coaamltie pdatlag mr joe preaaated and read tbe fonrtb report of tbt ataadlag cotntnluee on road and brtdgaa mr hllhaer awved aecondad by mr hynda that tbla oooaell do now n into i eoamtttee of tbe whole to oonelder tbe report of ibo variea ooatniltteea oar riet tba eonnell went intoofnrflmute of tbe whole mr jo in the ebalr mr joe reporuml report of atandlng eooaaluaa ameiviud and approved la ontntnlite of tb whole mr jne moved aeeonded by mr ijttu lhat the report of- lb mvi ckiettwlu ae oo and amended in committee of tbe whole b adopted catriad mr utile pramnted and read tba toartli report of tba ataadlaf eommuta on firanea mr littl nvrved aacooded by mr buhner that tbe report ol tb fiaaace eoambtee jaet read b adopted oav rlad mr hynda moved aeeoeded by mr tnraer tha leave be granted to intro da a bylaw or the porpoeaof eaoalui lag tbe in limit of tbe oooaty of hal too lor 1917 and that ibe bylaw b mad a flrttinnv carried tbe by law wa reed ore time mr llttl moved aaeoaded by mr dyoaa uagtarylaw no t9 to aaoalla tba ana ia of tb eoanty of halloa be now read a omond time u eoaualtte of the whole and blank filled la tb wardaa la the ebalr carried tb eeoactl want lalo oommltta of tb wbolfelh warden la tbe ebalr oarrud tha eooaell naomed tb wardaa reported bylaw no read aacood time in oonttntlle and blaaka filled mr little moved aeeoeded by mr foratar thai by law no 430 be now read a third time and paad alanad by tha warden and olerk and tba aaal of lb aooaty attached oarrlad tba bylaw wa read third lima mr uyada moved weonded by mr heart weu that tb olerk b and i bera by aothorlaad to advertise la tlte daily glob and mall and empire foruwaood road debentavaav tndaf to b motived tap to jaly 10th 1i7 carried mr hyndaj tuuvad miadad by mr toraertnatlhlc eooaell do adlmtra meet on wedneeday sofb joaa ai b0am harp carried my haamtwork im totm easier since hubby pihvl this old kitchen floor with hani i floor pi ah i need to da it go oror it with any dtat nop and it looks clean as m pin no mora back- brealdno adubbian for me hnb tnsmn vtm snnrv in aiiili la wlncy ibndimaba tlllil in ntll1 1 mn m wtnjalymjihaiaaliajir juthni fin w o anthony georgetown adam and mr w hi law 11 uebby toaoblo ua t f fvloa daoiawd alao tbo ft walton daoaaa robert of norval tfoafunaral waa uriel y atlaudad tba rawalaa balng lulefrad lu norval votv tery th uu baaraii wta ueliluiw dr v u walaon ctiu watxiu twih uwutlao uauotiol waltu vtt wui it watwwi irkavlllei evamt tad ltoard uallby iatuuonoobl glenwiuiams uu wlaalfrad baaamoat antarbdnad a number of bar girl friend from oaorg town laat wednesday oveaiag mr harry hargmve and aoa of tor onto ar apeudlng a few day with mr aud mr uao allan mia kfct tbompaoe and ulm eva tbompaou of ifamlltoa arrived laat fri day and will eptad tba anmmar at tbalr old bom bare ur and mr j bowam and family ol aeton apant tb weak and with friend brra tb guu baa ball taam and lb ouu band will make tbalr return vlalt to ao ion on haiurday aitaraooa tba uatbodlat gardan party bald oa tb mbool gtoouda laat friday evutlag- wu urgaly attaudad tba program wa raudared by ua following talantj mr im boy kenny and ur wood of toronto ur barratlftoglj and aoa rlehard and waller fctlnt local talent a number of icbool eblldrea atug patrlotlo aong and tlta ulan hand alao tmuud lu lb pro gram tha number givaa by tba abova ulibt waie aujayad lumaoatly by tba large crowd tba opining uu ball uialoh playad oa tha local diamond laat balarday wa eaitaloly tba iraal oftuawamuiu both mill being eloted and ft genaral balfotol- iday prootalmad gave every eulaaa a cbauea to attend- a la utuubar from uaorgatown brampton and other aor rounding towag along wltb tba aetna ball learn topporur auandad bbatp at s oolook tbe olaa band playad a law teuotloua on lua town booam altar which a proreaalou wa format rainautln ol tba uind tb acton aud uleo ball uanu uaadad by jim audereon tba wall known polluclan irom aotoo oa atrlvnlatlb grotuula llta band plyd lb natloaal authatn aad tba mar bpaa- glad bauuu wlilla ui uulou jack aud tba fitar god holpaa war balng rauad at380ur tj hui tlia wnownad big uagua umpire called tba gam tb rpaeuj battery procured for tba opaalag oaranionlh oonautad ol ur e y barta olougb who did tba raoaivlug ud ur jodi utautaooi uta pltoblua lieut uaatlla arnold wbo raoanlly returned iroui frtioa wu ilvau lb bouar el balling tbe drat ball but wu unable to oouuact villi 11 owing to lite towtttlfio pitching ol ur jtkmpinieaumoat itba gam wu laat irom atari lo ttulah and aom vary elavaratunt wara pulled oil during tb altaruooa tba ualure of lb gain wan lua tilpla play made by tb actolu lutbaalaitblunlng but tbla did not atop tb ulan boyalrom wlanlug vollokjlog uj tba una up of both team ulau raiehar rait folklng- lugborua pitcher tom walu t let baa bob uauamuattyi sod baa earl bbaal avtbatop jauvmnortoui ardbaaauaua wigtur i wit bald llarb tracy i eautra luid bay urabami tight field tiao all an aolou um oaultar j kaaaajyi pltcbar bueori uyudei 1w baa fr r-t- thei merchants bank of canada statement of liabilities aud assets at 30tb april 1017 llauiutills 1 t tv rxlnmil cului jilululmlllinldbl utet of uondtrve fund m hhh wwtm dlvldnnd dmuuad utd uninld h bnlnnca hi rrnntn na do vradl nnd tkmis aoootuil nubtallunil hnlwlul 3 vauxpnuk met bl utn bnnk in olmuuuou m uuonlu uol boatih inlnhmu dnikmdu bmrius intermt lluclndlns intnnm unntnd to dnl ol tulnuonlt m duo to outfl lunli lu hiili ljnuuooidntonnknnjldbnnklnsoonotondnulll ulo united klnsaonl nnd fomltfil oouutho d11u pnynhlo aommnnoo undo utm ol orodlt mhhmw lubultlo uomscludod in uio tohaolns assttiu olumni ooln h denonlt in tbo onulnj oold llowno dominion note u mwhmmiu tlouu o otbor bubn cnwjam of otbwr bonkn w bnlnno duo by otbor bnnlu in fmd h h da by nnnbn nod luuutlns oonmnottdentn la tba uollod uaiioonl bolonoohdun by bubnond uaklnn ooirfpandanu buowbom tbon la onn dntnduiounllodlunlou zz7 doulnloa ud vifovlnoul oovoramnl boeoritlo not exoeodluil nuukol win bnuwoy oud otbor lload douentuvo and btoob not onooodlu nuumot mlaa oouduut uonlolimj aoouritl nod llrltudi voroljal and rtakii paulo ttfiuiu0hotbytluuicnubdutl m coll loonn in onundo on hondo dobonlufof nnd btoolul coll lonnm oloowbon tnou in conodo tz7 os ajlnm sfl cunont lou ud dluouau la couoo llou roulo ol lulohut unrw 1 lilololiro ibu lacoauioubuoolino tnjut t laobllltlo of ouhloniora undo lotum ol oirodll on wr oontro ll tj jtool kouto otlior uuui llonk irtuloon ttmloy 07 ovoirdua dobt onllt loo iwovldod lor uoom u uw rrabilaoa u not uuw tbaa eool lou uiouau wrltton off 1tm u doooolt wilh tuo allnliilor for uio puriwou ol tbo olrouliuoa vand imm0 00 otbor auot not laoludod la ibo forons 1uns 0 hii1mu1 u b 0uju11uow i imomum v00j3o 0 ivau oo mltw w usm4ji m i ouiu 00 trutot so ba0004ni ossmj 0 omuo n aitilmjuau mui a 400000 00 tmotmjo nmf 00 hob 1 lns0 u iwj n 111100 10 iou4wi if aouhi u llmiim m turiu r u14m l terra cotta 7a ww mrnrn again w are aorry to learn tbat mrv j oavbl ana ol tb m wbo rrcpotly on- dargaul another aartooa oparailon la allll b a t pcaltloa s hmmmw vormma icam and bla frlao1 mr taylor c4 toronto were waaknd vwionj la omtt mr ja loafa t hamilton vu a fliliicajllaabmimereotiy mr wa baalaw and famltykpanf ton- day wrh mr andkra otmaeeawbv a jlav hoot of jlovval will jraah hla oawau aermoa u tba mathodlw church minmawnday mr hoot will go to loahaadwixoodletxit- wadeep r ragrat bla iworal irom ibte olredlt and ww erfan bfaa awry wwa la hi nw galdotlabqa low raftfes to western canada if oa are gbfatf weal take dvnax- qf tha low h a- i ejuarttoa fajea ottared by the cujdl nonhro ball waaj apod lafef kagtotodtoevery monda for luatstar tad all intonaaitott appj brai j maiibew raw mr hnat vul prretdi hi farawall a barn on bwnday ovaolnv new advertisementa oratajror bmtm qraval of flratoiaa quality forvoadjhr brldga caaatraotloo or torjpoerel mini work farticojar irom u i craalman a4u0l fmtmmfr fnaoawo tlrad bojgy nearly naw sll ba aold raaaonabla apply at fred ok oarage georgetown ft33 if l1aoo haiaa bro oraad upright goad tana liberal- a d 1 rom amis bro ny cabinet artlon and tone wulaon jtof mmt 9i rtsou w h oodfrey gaelplt 51 hu for ale at hi gardao cauliflower tomato and calory plant alao aevau of tha beat variation of oabbag planla grnvrti from which to ebooa lla time to get buy qistp fmvmsjm mrmmot hooaa oa obaru bl good location pnwl aatewca apply mr to o c boa oharla bt- 18 tl the mens store spring annonnceilieiit kowbprinf ooodo oct wk 3 baioxm ontcctth troooorjbfat eie just mirini lor sprin eomprising all tba lai- oofcjn otylo and oojoartnbi 8lejuiw haw atask w ffiijisntaod 4uok ootroo tot eaaroa modslutlat thorn k th big ism and wffl g bu toatatbmduaal kowbprinf ooodo oct uoak of solnw otorooyiingo ioorjbgelt inst anf oofcjn otylo and oojoarna i aliuattd loebatore at maotioally tbrfom flau jnxar ord nt enaa dont waljl bamplaa wrjr rjoadyior ootmtown r- htiiie piirajdliriget just oiritod now koenoar now bhlrto coutio ooro ilooiory eto tha latest atria in hale can ol all tho loodjng- uakoo wo ahow a asparb auak of evanytlunga man ojoaro yon cannot find anything to equal un any other store in tosrn and very fowclty alsrea anrnaae it a fine selection of menv and yomiha readytowear aoltavi i otorooate odd pnntaorernlla ete atwaya on hand we invite yoo to call and inspect oar etoek millar co tssstw ims hiokciass ta1uj0jino uu mw rurnisminos afoot lor stookvou boodoroo s oo dromond objnnon toronto icz1b ato far hire uavlaa aaemwd a ebaufivra lloanae i an prepa to ooavey patie al reason able palo day or bight ti w her ringtoo fhon 81 oeorgaiow a u1311 summer suggestion wanted 1 artillery ils is the time it finds it difficult to know v for meals here are a few auargestions might aid her in preparing meals tbe year when tbe housewife finds it difficult to know what to prepare icb horses age lo 9 ym helajfit ifl a in 10 liaruu weigh 1800 to ibm pound ami 15001 poaad and atand lfl 1 baud oolora abyasotpt light gray wlilla au borau moat be aounj of gond eon aawmatioa fra from blmlabte aud biok an to haraea and feaddla horaes will be luspccted at at 1 am r tomaldcuap la bottlo at 10 u and suco bauoo la bottlo at 10 ii 90 and mo fickle in bottle al 80 85 u and qo bwoot hckle in bulk par quart 0o jam la tamblora at 10o jam la lar at m 80 and oo balmoa tn 1 lb tin at 18 90 8 8 and too baltnoa in lb una at 10 10 and luo ofoanoodo ond doooondo la bottlo ok boo oiooo joloo ot 10 00 nnd ooo nor bottlo lima joloo ot soo par botllo try oar borriostoa ibll cosoo ot mo par un fresh fruit in season let us have your order satisfaction guaranteed i i d i a m grandy the pure food store plioue to mmmfticmmmmwcimwmmtmc 1 advertise in the herald e kdk7vts 5t co specials this week j a tl a a millinery department we have added to our large display a number of new lines every one sep arate and distinct in design style and trimmings we bave a very complete kvw ulackwblt vloorrooldool ul uml j bon1 0 atop i bamtyrod wiui ult sold k trlpill ird w lnon a lukl hauod uordaol lahl lukl um hmlta booni ulaawllluua i aoloo 0 toul pnomda ai7ll aipaoonl lor boll tiucanauan rockies tba uol ood aowont toouonn nnd blob wt paok 01 hta haul ibo tmnooontia- vaul unln ol tba cuaoduul noitbora luilway imvla toroauiowoy hondoy wulomday aud pddy vor ottractlv imuiiiih tltlotmh iuk1 htul loll lolor- ualloa apply to ti j oulbaw tiaonio- ltoia i k v uebokil t dimoto ltoortutuaaouwtotkbvuwtmitwnllolcd in looo ub tbo uwvulona ol bolmiootlooo 1 and k ol hootloa h ol tbe bonk act i report to tba onoroboldara o louowa i a l x bovo d bboot wllb tbo uoou ol aoooanl ud tbo rooorda oiuwlunkuuiowomoooltb t ft fit vorlfudlnoaooariuoaofuuloakottaacblovoaiooaa olou tbo on wo la rauhl tborolo la too bookaol tbo bonk uoasmk apou lutondua dlsuont uwa dahn teo yoor and looad ibow to osnowlu oaab oblrbatl bom ouoau- ondod at ookoo ol tbo bmnoboa durum tbo yoor nod to tbo ooob and verloed tbo ooour- olibobiu topf tzloto t i horo oht oil tbo lafomuuloa and oxplonailonal boveroanliodi xaaiyopulloh tbo uonoauoaa ol tbo uonb wblob bavo couia undorunouoe boyo boon wttbta tbo powor of tbe bonk nnd tbo nbovo uouooo ttboot la properly dnftwanpoo no to exhibit a iran nnd eorrool via ol tbe ototo ol uio lloaka asotra im1ns lo too boot ol ow inrnrntium ud uio enpunotlooa slvoo to tnetnd u abowa by tba book ol tbe book montreal lut hay 1017 ot dololtto tloader arialui ft co auditor c w grandy manager georgetown branch e ay showing of stylish gomluuud will be glad tohave you call ladies suits skirts coats and blouses ty we have a very nice nlowiug in ladies suits separate skirts spring coatsi foncy stripe and plain blouses these lines are new and stylish aud of exceptiou- oy al quality and value a visit to this departmerst will be a benefit to you now j greater production ait we are trying to assist you with your garden by providing the best seeds at oa lowest prices we offer now to assist in the work problem a full case of mens aud boys overalls smocks and shirts at prices less than manufacturers coat at this time grocery department jj all our lines are new aud kreslt and the bet values tbe markets will afford t come to us and get the most possible for your money a a w pbone43 a adaas fc coy georgetown i nm streeu a a a a a a a a a 4- a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a