Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 30, 1917, p. 4

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the ie0r6et0wn btild wbdnkhfuy kvra iv f 20 w17 when women vote a toon went lota joillni booth hed bn ewsy br tmtotibo jtel lv tiwtf the neighbors round- ind th i feo woa good old hwf bo tha jandejlnjr hoyhed aogroo doubt of hi ballot uolng tbwgh oatarad tba lm familiar epot lull i smokldg fl cigar tka wall ware pltred above hi hd with warning tp- votwaeod la drh bbooldthey offer to 4 tof k tun whuiim4i but few of than rrarare what hoi uu u man to the d b0 and qumdl nod- mill bat- th coaatabta winked to msk bin not hat baoaath tbf kkid setyoarvat tbf fe twotuded a too in psiticosu- or nndaraklrtor bout held lb d uo with a bolleb grin it agalnai the rnlee to aweary oor ibatrahion very axplultryetat itvforhlddan toliookir pirtort pnrwbbabluulhhelajlwtiate with a bod to th girl id tbrtv and umo from behind tha curtain cam a damael with tnmsmt red bh explained wllb b blueb end a bashful po that sbad relbar hvs voud for brow a daer know ii uwmentlhatbbadkcbahoina1y wwv oa bo hh voted for jona instead fib gar her hat bitch or two andlooked tor glaee in vain aod th men with tbs t cigar still gaxed with hu mouth widaopen b stood there dasod till th udy uk then ako1 amaaed woaftl 1 1 d i uo uln7 wimd lie found u a ota bad been giv en to tha ladle of iba lova ila xpnaed bu lws in lurid touaa torn tie utah to aahee to dost hi booml ii bo becked tip this fmj tod voted jotw- bo decided lo vote for llrowu iiohal whan lha nest aleciinu mmh uoudj lot tha batty wm tak tiota to ealeol taan with adonie cbaral with a strength that appollo couldnt barui and tha power of a uare ia bis good right arm if they want tha woman vote fattioiie cl party 29lk youll ba aorry uyou tulai tha pratta atlha wlhoue oitjoo catty at ur i ritvka on juoa soib ula jaao bhtart hlfhuml tlaatr ula in htoalt opaao ii mil ton uuweamaaout aetoa thasotli lb l luud and local tauot will fortiuh an ritcallaut progfiu tall your blaoda and bring tbsui wllb you about tf ie rain botna lolka bava alwayi got a gtooth about ihla iblittf and that tbayra ulklo feototuwaa wllb lhlr tnoolb and aom- tlnua ibrausb tbalr bat oh notbln vwtott thfrlr utbd no malur what it ba tbayv ajwaye got tbalr hatuwar taoad op to tba knock iu key thayva baaa an awful buay crow throojltout tbfa cloudy days wban unlwibia have to baltla witb u ny klndaof hxa wban eloudl abj juu in coma in baapa fom boat bowher at all and avarytlua bay clreolita iim wt bagina lo fall tf than tha folki taka uj uiv lraiaboul tbio golu lo lbs doga and bow tbaia wob b muff auougb lo faad tba kttakaa aad iroga tba cropall rot rlftbt in tba rouud tbayll uuvar grow an inch aud wall ba tqiilnuin aura tttoogh whao hunaar fttarta to inch thay aay ita goln lo rain ilka il at far forty day or know until ihla wart 1 1 wara rampm on uao t ibrough to the eoio vnd folk ub l ihelrfaat wat lliroiigh audklait a grava yard back and aoonlta ttrawl4l lb illttaaa upou tlialr lialplaas back ob abueka thaaa croakan maka u tlrk why cant thay look around and wt their cooblaoanru via up a trltla frotn tha kmiud why aay lltaui raitu tlua wa va had a lutnblin tram tba aky waa aant b make iba foddar grow to fact both you and 1 ilauuda grmttpaaiurtf far llwcowf and browiin for tha heap and hkin up tha bay aod eoru aad otbar thlnj thay roan baig have a hoot ul gladuutm aoujf about uiameoutia show t lhata uwii a cbwln right alooff oar apodaand caulltlowoia aik mechanics wanted wmtdl boys wanted cbhhlman bros georgetown aaaaaamaaaaaaiaha are you efhcientv try thaaa taata birt da na vtom oaapajr if vm faib ajw too mdantt tba awful qoaty rvfuaaa to down tbo eloctu uct a tba flat whaau in tba aobway thump it tba nngraaaad enrraa of tba alaatal acaoaeh it if yon axa an old bnaloaaai tokj tba foeatlon bursa- la in aya of titorr pitxtna anplaoe too ood yoojr wffa- looaaurtdg tba dlatalnra from tba raugo tatba klioban cabinet and yoor op cwwpotiutf uu pvtr nocaaaajy t prnpol u football la tbo lowaat are tba talcphoooj comianjr odttaaa yoo ta giv youf mtw inatand of ftayloat if alio uloaaw b tho code rvto of thought if not otleaml coocratonom euablaa yon to aaa j oat wfcat fb mrinry naatara jooab ooo fit tbera wnihtn itrats juible toma la fuduftrlal uaoaxav wot tlov to 1ai toof cniplqraat of rouraa avery nvn who rvada it will oral taat uwmont important employ bu father aod watch and pad and panel ua all that nro doadad td ao- qjialni yodravlf with your vbrtuaa audi fault u in tbhty aecooda auarr many a thaaa quaatlou na yo f am olvo tba ttatua of u rcvtabla a inmi ah n inaoctt rwptll a tuli a man a woman an octmu a ink a tdrn if at tba and of tha half tnlnuta ytm bavo wriitou only bctit bold da ad daf you at prhty poor if you bava auo put down trutil lullmun addam atlantlf you ure up in human aref nga of eight auwtni if you foal thai you con no hoyoud fou anuwara yott utay daatfrlbo tba color uf water taa boar ivory tha aky uraaa uillk tbalk coal mtd aklti hut moti who bo beyond oftoou anuwora in thirty m4oada are rare tbay nliould bava aeeralaii llpiouabiaa and bin itucktbura kdxt try lo uiiawr flv didcutt quftlona in twenty avcoiid wrat who u lha urmtoat llvlntf keiionilf quick noiv pud kk a abort dam tliut d i i tako a uma tluia to wrilo hiitdwlut u tlla tiumt paworfal folvo in tlio w rldt ivrhup4 lovo uu t but if aborta word than lullllurluiti third what u th eraataat tnodaaw dlacovryt quick maul ttadlum will do fourth what la tb sreataat baca udy of touimeifot our unniury of roraiuarc probably would tint miatvor tbal in tea than ii h0 word von porbap will writ alillm or railroad and paaa on to l0 la hi i iflb u bat a tba rliaapaat food fav tua buiuan racat llmad uiiledm jon hi a hand for ld- hu or ami loyd by tt tnakara cat flulod out coru uut you ougbt to an- wor thivo of tlid qiieatlona to twasty boconibt mi a r kauibl if you an war fowor it indicate alowo cat ilollberallou lu tbought yh lady hapahai in japan one of tba nowret alunta of tba jtaa muto tiaivnjjiiwr 1 lo ttuploy tb luily jouniftlut which la conaloarad a niuarkiimo liiiin atlt u in n rouniiy wlrr woiiiiiii in oinercliia mor and moro in in llio mi i union of bar botaa lu thu huly riortara work aatkv futtdryj i uwkod hut otlllor ea lu a way ttul aha hi not utli- lad wllb wrltluu ikitvoiinla find thai xlii wmili to iroud lu llttl plaa tm u uiuna rtglitu and equal auarat uo have o uo prolly carofully on that uorf of tiling in japan you und tuid auu kttp u irttly claa watch iu ubiit ulio nrltcu bocauua it u llk i lo bavo n mcaulug- hmt man do nof holly uudorstaud areola dall la uorld outlook daneh artd ban ftlr idwan cargou la uoiad for fahl duly irlub wit ou on oocoaloa to court whou ibo judge with whom b ud bod luore thuu oiio paaaajw of irtua pointed out lo blui tb diacrap amy bolwcou the evident of two of hi ultupnui oiio a arponter and tb llior a aaloou koopor he atuiwaraax i bat a ao uiy lonl yot auotbar caaa of dlffureiiro bfiiuoau lioueb and mr loudou ulaudard wash that itch away tbr la abaolufely no bufrlg front aaaina who aver uud tba klntpla wub d i i and did not fl lm mail lately that uondeifully ralto nonl aatimtlou tlutonuiia wlmn the iton la taken away thlaaootlildgwaali panttrulaa iba poraa felvai inauut reiki from thaiuotdlalra- uufaklndleiama u v hoditlgan qeortabmn don t forgat tba gaidan party uodar ths tmploh of lbs wouisua ialrlotlo uaiua at mr i k flockv ou friday veulog june sutb an ictillnl pro gtarn will ba provltlad and a good tluia bilniutr for all notice iliviuf liitt ri mad a larga ranse oi riotuta vmma mouldlngi i will ou cut eomuiliaiom ou nborl nolle and at raaaouabla pilcaa 1 iiu kill i dolus kodak davalopluif and pllutlnf wllb ralufacllon lo tny iatrona prank j barber ouououtown ont ta pap corn her a lha propur wny lo pop cordl iu i ihu mtnilar quainltytbiit u a tury binall ijuniitllylulo tho poppe bii i hold it miller ibo uid no lor fnucaj louir euuusli to thorouchly sutiiral th ktriicu h initio tho m 1 1 1 r mid pi if ii hu bnil of tho nmjo lo nlhiw iba roni lo dry tlirn uip 1 lu beniola wlu bo very larj uud tbcro will ba uo hard ecu tor artificial coloring of sugar prohibited by the goveenment jobt mahv yf2lra the canadian public has been eatinrz artificially- colored sugats government report show that some refineries have used yitramarihebluc to make their grartulated sugar look bettetr than it actually is others made use of aniline and vegetable dyes to eivca brilliant appearance to their softor yellow sugars the uac of dye or coferin mutter ingthccoiorinjof aiigar andincaaca erf any virjd ia urinfceewaty in refining where it is found pcosecutipn pro- cne sugar thu u emphaaized in ccedingn wtl be- entered under tb a notification scrrt to all refiner- by adulteration of food act the dtftrttnion government prohibit- we wish the public to know that we have nbver vised coloring matter in lantic xxrclanesondneversffiji piirw the last two year we were told uuld i lantic pure cane sugar waa first put on the rnarkct about two yearn ago since til at time over 200000om iba have been consumed by the canadian public and w ar rwwtuniwout7smm iba olpurocanasciajaaacbday tb reaaod for thia coormoua but ecaaunotbardtonpuin itmeam that th llacrbnlnalingoonaomer h learned by actual uaa that lantfd punj cart sugar uauperiot to all otbera luvingerectod the moat nwdani auarwfybithaworldcoating i vzt 4 fxaiooq wo vtaadbafdy 1 adhmd to our original policy making- ordy abaolutah pun c sugar of bigbart oauty la no bpets ars vsejj no ultra uakinrbcvs is uskd no aniunb dybs are vsd no vegetable dyes aee used tit it o could increase our buajncaa in ctt- uin actions 4 canada if wo would color our yeuow soft sugars as the public natomad to th mor brilliant wrjtbd and bm glad wa did th raceat action of th covm- nwatbaaainca vindicated our judg- lantic sugar looai forth bad bail trade mark to ba abaolntejy certain of g ting lantic pure cane sugar e that tha rad ball trsdamark la oa vry bag or carton it u oor guaranty to you of c p your grocer has lantic sogar n car ul gat u tor you u you inafat uoarftaaloaa atlantic sugar refineries limited scjotnnb are you happy iv mot you ar aboard th wrong oar tell oooic about it b will ehang your car aav yon lints tamper and toil and locraaa yoor aavlnga cooks oahauk for flivl and eooljunent qaa tlrasand aeeriotua cbcnrrobt too ring oar 805 00 uoadibh- bftooc touring with win tar top uaby orand louring vuaotl 1170 w koyal uall roadaur 1170 a mfllmglif dsjroadatar gfiasoo dsalourhu 025 m do sstoiiiii lijooo i6 sxrodatar 1310 0u i 14 voadaur do 44 relal rodir 1400 m u6 44 i 1 j 1uo0c 10 47avu pjiuuugur 236a m umtbstnat mill st georgetown butcher main 6tuktr tha dharanaa lie of couroe ihoros u llg dirfa anco bolocii n hot an in t uud a horul blio is ihcro rcnllytf ho vm a imjuhiibi la ouu wbfl knows all attain ii iui ra and a narbtl t ono who ku ua nil about ibo prlc people will pay for tbotu ha travalad tho clock airucu 12 i wish i bad enouiih money to ire l rainsrkod tho 3ouna man iloros a car ttckot uuiidiiiicetl bsi fatlwr uiakliia ida apponrance al that witol louisville courioisiournal hi snarb cotuo ou 1 1 ira in don t you want to ioo the otuilfletl mnnt naw i kin abow you n whole town it am kanaaa city journal hla early otruqou blie toll rue about your early slrug ilea lie tbore a not much total th uore i ulrncaloil tlio more the old man kid it ou uoaton iraascrlpb after crosses and loess met lumbleraqd wtser prsiujlb the choicest bmi buttar pork lard vmi etta puh caoliad meats and sausaa swifts noted premium hams aud bacon deliveries daily to any part of towu clifford lint 3elxom3 19b 3db1dc we sell only reliable goods pine jewelry watches clocks silverware etc hepamung a speciaiit a b wilson main street naxt mcdkbon hatal ot 3cz3i it3c 3 do do ittall coutraot tka poali ravhllavavkavwiiallalavlaavavs insurance fire and 8 accident not nub ontaiuo b luaud yfadar aildiuud la i uum wiliuraftlva4ai4kuwautnl ou vrlday ilia 1mb july tall lor lha vayauaauf hi uaaaly a ilwaaur tkilnut luvluwryaata ik jwt- kltua aotl llmiuta ua laladalut uumrmoli tk ealea til um i ui uoa ttuutr a uuluiuad r oivilaabtar ful te iwpjoufw uau tavaaoavalay lltft pt hii aa il usu lraa lb 1b iiiii1nih otl c tauiulu fill 4t llllna of uroriuaj jojrl bmp ai k flu ot tfur rz ja tracy j 9 township c agent or federal 141 luttrauto 9 oa leuids nstloosi sir iramr- sac oa traveller aecitunt la x turunca oo tlrauit waal ivruav tiatit loan oo laeaarof ijuinlag x ottiou onunollubaiubsf lhitiwartuiwu il r c nlxon qbovoutown suhslahtiallu iladt uaknkss reqina pneumatic oteatfsns for umlai at j dollar par tlay a good aasorlmht o vnvkksoud valisrs agmlfor pagt win timet repairing prouipily dotu nixons harnbss and repair shop homeseeker5 excursions low return pares to western canada mm once a week camatsvl mecbneuciikuahudemi ksr tuluu hmwviiujm uumtilm md thrautim amjw u t j maythhw bhuoait oiohqtowtj canadian northern railway fhe highest market prices rags rubbers horse hair scrap iron ah kinds of metals wool feathers bags etc etc wbumr you hive uiy ol ul ibqv maw of golb lo diapom ol llbtf in utib or ungll inu yoa will g1 th umi irlc lor iui rota mmhhy mm iht omiwmmv junk mm utui btttr rrourj raus- lloo lioiiut valglil 00 utot olsii wiuaiuu lor 11 oribh hljitmt uirk1 vta lor un iouluy la any qtuullly harry e1sen crooke but famous wachfnaten baatan onm of th warteta tvaakthareuflbfatm waahlngtoa a in uoatou i on of tha great thoronsufarva of amr tea worthy to rank with ilroadway la haw terk nod ulclilgnn nvuuo in oitfsgp liko twarty btwrythbig jla to uoaton it jjf a bbtlory of hlmoft tecradlble twstb and tec lability nwlfing atbaur streets aacf xjafouy tooagaod callow and cmd uoraovar wasblngsoo strrt b oaj of the tongast in tb world ruaniutf no way through hoaun and pa w another town wlthont n atop or a bnak tbl i nof aoeopipuabed without ioany a 4ja4 an4 tosmndar bo4rvar for waaniagtoq atraat u ejoaxiiicly cnjob- 4 ss auvdflrl tba thoxoatoirait ot pdrttasi orlgta it aiwma but lb llayooeraa party did hot rvellw bow big- boston was arow to2a and ao they caraloaaly brt the cow uy oat th etrt m thay wandarod uahmh wasaingtroa stram taday o ttof look ilk anarfsiocrat at anhant ibv eagai bowrsr on tb cautrary it bj- txara daeldadty democratic awnrmlutf with nil mowtm ef ptopia who ioatlu and knob each otiioy bur ibo iinrrow orerflowba aidawalka lu lb brflllnut glare of numerous electric wilii that hub tb riraltoarii of mouutf pic tor abowa bars aud tofeat cithauto curi cl tfa urn killara tbalr cuawol talk nwcf rjctug rata on of tb oldest purely satlat club was tb everlaitiug club lltuliw in rnemberahlp to a hundred jkoojilo who divided th day amontf them lu aucb a way that some of tbeut wore ulway oa tb prentlsoe bolaly for the ur pos of keeping up th ure from which tnmbr llgbtsd tbeb ilivo on old woman was kept end duru the ufty years of axlstsnco tb club ummlmira smoked fifty tons of tobacco ho oa who bad not killed an op ponent ta a dual was allowed to be m ft of th usn uhlbig club what th conversation was conuued to woonde bahbi and slauubter curl ectsry jaoagh moat of the tuatnbora war txkcutd vry dlnr0t hi charsclor was lbs slg cctoek dob whose uiemlxjrn mini berlag ata only uet at 0 lu tba evou fag sad sspmratsd st 0 in llui iiionibig wiahng arly in ibe etouluu and jgttlag smoking until tnllululit ibn earloa teopb fermlng lb humdrum clnh observed the alrlcloat allcnro but perhaps tho moat curious ilub of all was th no koo club which was fotmded by an uuwlllluu full nver oif tb egyitlaa fashion of hit faces london rralegrsph laarsla 0at bupirtlltlori ths srrstst superalltiou in i ontla is what i known as ibo evil ao vou tnast hit aay to some oiio whuiti you toast flew wall yon are looklnul for if yod do and bat person li tolcu hi u will ba because you caio blui tlio aril y von muat not any i u im tb r wbat a pretty babyl tthil u bright cbudr for if you do ntd miy thing unfortunate happens lo ii mi 1 yod will b eooaidekk mi n iuie unity mother let the children o dirty and poorly clothod in order t tin t i hoy may not attract fiivaruble ottoiitlu tb feign which utbouulit tolunohji ia power to avert lb orll o o oi hiuiu lu hfddlng the secoud and third luirorj of both band close lo the in baa wllb tho thumbs while the other onuoru nro oh tended ettnlgbt out- th bb iba hands behind you you uinlxo a dotvti ward tnoyemeot three llnio- struggls ef the fiivr th discovery that thore is u bind of atrtiggl for aalsleuco and survival of tb atisst amontf rivers is ouu of the moat interesting reaulls of tho modern study of pbyalography a untnl lo ex ample ef this con to t is otbll hod by avugtsuds two bltrcmt rlvcra hie tbsmes and the movent ilulwcon thmly valleys ii ibo cotmvold iillli uud exploration show that ibo uoiurn by eating bsckwurd among tboso hills wber softer sirala uuderllo ihom has diverted to itself soma of tho bin iwu isrs which formerly hawed luto the thames awaklng it nattily hsv ealiad elf to see lha photo of tb udy with 123000 who waut a husband can ydd fcsef your fsca sbralgbty of eottrs x ean very well we ii break you in first with tba 15000 applicants and then gradually as you grow a iron tor wo will work you up to tbo big prize this way pleoss and don t get fright etted etrcbsutf bees at hms how cat you tell that tb couductar la tha bos la bii boueov asked tbo te- csttlt blmpl boasted the great doteo- v that woman ankcd blui wbera aba got off and be said i ii tell you yoa cat off uuffalo luproaa baeserallem u dig high cut of llvln worryiu your naked alesudering milo if drivln uio deaiterat t roillod atadding pel im ulim it tomiklodl to go to work washlugtou hlnr nethlito leal h hear aba doesu t like me with a mnsueba going ta shave it off i s pnear ob no i 8b naver llkod mo uatf city journal- juulc and metal dealer phone 167 write to p o box 1076 georgblwn imaeulty la only a ward indicating tbadsgrsaof siveiigth remdidlo forao towphahulga parlieular uhjetb potatoes a car choice western potatoes just arrived low price for quick turnover l robert noble lalxulted ebludd paper hanger painter etc i eurry a full hub of wall vtpttt anil will guarau u to hong all iuiioriiu pllod by mi aak to boo bw uuitilui aud fft tlio aoviu of a prrusueal uiau e bludd paluter etc phone- 5 r 5 box i09 guimwiujamd pattersons meat market r i 1 1 1 choicest fresh and salt meats butter eggs canned goods etc watch our window for extra good values on fridays and saturdays oholco be sold by quarter also hogs whole or hall si market price any person having veal calves for gale please phone or write us wc carry a full line of all lauds of fresh fish w j patterson phone i georgetown youll see it at the patriotic garden party fri june 29th fetetehu secondhand baot bouaht and bold it is good to know that when your boots are repaired by me the prafesnioual shoemaker they will give everv satisfaction unci that i back tip what i advertise when i say i save you 35 to 40c on the dollar ladies rubber hetbi neatly p on l s and best nnk tan half soles at coc all other work accordingly i keep iilcs hemp wax nails laces blacking etc which i sell to my customers at wholesale price sign of the gold boot main street north j roney georgetown into totototototo children cry for rietchar cast0ria vj10 kind yoa have always boaght and which bos beau lu uaa log rrr bo yea bus borttotltn blipuitttra ot v his 11 liifaucy iu in this au coaiuterfolts xmkatloum ttudl tvtiatasaothl nro bus ksstutriulutiu uint trill with nwd ttdatitfok tlia iiaaltli of atxiutta and ch lui itt fcmtterianoa aguiiut jprliuaxu iu uaa igr vwmr av jvnvwt bui ovniouin itliuilltrfl j 1 tuwl has beii mutlo tmder lis ajw sonal aaporvlsluu almo its lulai jvx72ialt4 allowuoonetodmolv0uliitl what is castoria sdktkia u ft bavwlaas saltktltuta for custov oil iova gtnrlo lropa aitdl uoothlutf dyrups it is iilouaant it vautalam uultuoa opluia alottihluo itut othuir kuvotta aubstauaa iu rise is iu guamulea it tlostksvys avovma ami allays savavlshuaaui vor mare than thirty years ig huts baett lu coiistatit uaa for tho rollo of cunutfiuiuau slatuleuey wind collo oil toathlug froublss ohd hiuirrlkua it wgulataa tba tttomach nud uowusa uuslntllutas tba vad atlvlufif baaltby uud uaturoj le uiudrus jsmueeevtbe uoiheirs atrieud genuine castoria always boar the signature of in use for over 30 years tha kind you hav always bought advertise in the herald it wiijii be profitable to both of us

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