sn matthews drug store b summer reading i we bav received o nice selection pf late portv ta fiction at 6oc a voluuw also hi we hs of titles by standard authors toc paper editions for summer reading mlm or wwr o toronto la oafrlad ft tob iot lloldrcrrd of toronto ipmt wllb ooorrrtowp irinuu lmetivq 0o gotbru ol totoota illod bl uothor hor uai ttll lj un ill wlq bro ao t itt4lrlatnbir hota ip meakok url iii urltomil ol uuilltoo ut- d uvtowtt lb mr ol mr jppb willun ol ton onto 4t m a mr w h wu bun ii herrurnni k wilmh tyoooia djmktthem dru08 and btat0nerv roil fclrw 6to brulivlctili kioiii 1 imuwuimu imiumiuiuiuiuiuiuiiii st georges church r we bert u tfa fed baaday aenrlo a lollwi matinalx m soiwujrueboal- 10 am la ba holy oommanloa tat aad urd uondey of acb month it 11 m cohdehsed hews items look ilk rain 12tb of july tfrniorrow mi- v 3 barber ba porcbeaed a one mw uadaoa utomoblu mr j j ulbbua b opened a hew grocery tats id lb laa block dmiaw buck at oeorawtowa jqjy x7tb abd stttb doae tab it uutua parly al jao wrlnu worth aebgrove prldey joly so ufa u too full of vertoae ad datw tot any aaaelble man to bmom tired of ii umut lrt thompson bad tha to of oh foot eeverely enibd at tba eel- it mill laet tbnteday bthelle u tb plec to gat bbolo rrcebfralt bftarythliig fb aad quality gaaraateed bnabl advt lutble iwu among the many goad thing which balp to make npthatoppliiewjot anoni ar lb weekly vuil of tbl paper try il tb tpctilar moolbly meeting ol tba palrialle lasgoa will b bald at tb bom of un luudanon on friday evening at 980 klfoneo mpo us ifaliu wu killed at mhtnn rarly huttbureday toor nlng by being ran over by loitt train lbelauat in automobile perfection in iowa uj lb baadeome new akbtyellad r wlilyvttuubl at b m uelbtyr brag f l a diuui yon oagbt to aw l a protultwot qih eulttaa tpmklox to ai ol road oo day ut wmk tatd far abool tba 0la road tbaa tba boflalo ma did abool lha nerval road all lautmud in botar voad ara tv go ud to atlaad kuoj el tha board of tiada to ba bald la tba oouaell ohambaf ttaxi uoatuy vaalag joly atpu ooeia to tba tarda parly at frank cfaubolo ulltoa on wadamkuyae la joly m uar ja vtx uurla uroa and nuur and tba boyal oiebaum ol bfaaatob tba xhh rft band traatad our oillwtm to aootbar epui air cowan uh rtlday waalo tbaw aatarulutoinbi aro alwttya kfpmuud tbanka boyi eoca again mmut horry wa tad a tautaka in tport- laa walgbt of tba aka la tbaktuatlnit enataat at buwaritowa inowvauaat poekty ardaa party bat wwk tu orrt wicbt u 1 lb lo oa mr vrad oootr of etta towethlp baatkortbaaadfts uwi at irian btloog lag to u jam ueera aad foruarly kaowa a tba uaaa farm bala nu kaadabyj a wllletiibby oaorgatowb rbafallewlmpoplljoluia htudr on bta paawd tbalr alainaaury agaml nauon t toroatn oooairvaiary of untie vitliium ullil erwln a i lt oraal- man uarfiirat ltwaoo uarirat ifodo- nald llauo ludviion aad uattar utm oamatoa a urmr of klaeardlaa towiulilp waa oarvd lor ippaodldtla aed took tba uul oruamabtbowa la a bottla a llttla whllailtaraaolbwaawoobm prua d blw aad li tald to bava hadtd bias aaotbar appvadla now tba eua baa on to emirt tbotit who la to gat tba moay for tba opmiloo it tuty ba thottab uut to tbw diya of laeraaatd arodncuoa tba ippodlx crap baa unibt tba apltlt of tba tluaa you tt qwllty and proaiptami la watch wpalrlag baa yea bava poatar do it laava it wbb l v hoarltaa looalamt t- economical taavcl whatbar you ara rolttg al to bouja- taad or oaly for a ufp lha meat aoonom- tcaltamtbotl otthva lata ukaadvanua of our low hewmaakaia lr ftoot golui on apaelalahcurtlooaavary monday vat ucku and tall tuhuxilai apply j mkltbaw a4ul laorvfelowu latest heabodt home a tatla- will ba bald at tba lea 0b- la on tba aw bowlltt imti en friday vwnlttf joly isth at 8 p u tba bowl at bava porcbaawl a tww rmd and av- ory po tntrthl la idvkmi toatuad nw utaturt waleotuad uapiwwutoti prlday avaolaa ami join tba club atoidlmtatrtx4 ur uarl wiuoh aoa of ur oaona wik mbttawt with palttful aecldant ralttrrfay toorolng- if wj driving alapla wbo ll flaw uck and bit bin in tho mjm 11 la profffawjog favorably at tlma of writ log and gtroog hopoa aro wolartalnad thai ba will not loothatdghl olblaoya dtmumtml f c oawl a daniidmot eatntd by a awlkb blng mlaplacad oorfd at laargtomn abottt lift uat vrlcuy toorblng tba train in aharga 6l oaodudar bin and enklnaar bana bolb of bliatford ww pulling out wbm tba abalnara off atub awllb uadlog to aiding a uutnbr el ua war col in two and tba uala una block ad for aboot an bonr fttx yttt4 wadnatday epuoda 19 eftltabao mt iciugdotn 3 part tba hportln doebaaa ft part llttgb mack in com- ady tburfday tanglad uaarta wllb allea brady friday having lha family nm wllb mary uouno llvrolna ol ill popular play hboat htoidy ambluona pox produc tion hareattar aduuilon will ba lo and 10c avary flturdy thar will alwaya ba abawn a arlcralt batanlek or fox plclnra 53 na 36 promotion axamlnatioa raaolu of 88 no 10 tjuilor jr iv to br iv qarlrnda barclay kr iii to jr iv ibthw iaaay bon gaorga rurt cliw hluculr jr 111 lour ilibhdu u raw anastul frad oawpuii kannaib ihr- ru jr i to br i jack llndaay boa po- tar baaaaj robt bauay 8r vt to jr ikva blnalarr bon ilatal hoott boa jr vtlotir vt dflfl harrlapien boy hurt boa arthur hcou norma miliar taubar tba potlpoaad garden party undar tba ample of tba mtuodut oburcb aab grova will ba bald at tba houa ef j wilwuwortb lot 8 fib una bmiuaalag on friday july sdth an aitcallant pro- grani will baodl by harry tbonatt oanadati foratnoat ootnaduu toronto tnra f miiw klaocutlouui toroatai margarat park wlkou oontralto town to taa eoffaa caka aandwub lea eraam and oiiiar rafmhtnanu will bo aarvad at uia boolii adealwloa sac child m iba liar jodaon truax chair man ri hdr dpartut tha follow lug ramrrlng to on of arorsalownatatsamad yoang ladle wa rapreduea from um rickarlng newt vli a moat plaaaanl lima wu apant on tysssansabsajisiita d a jlkhomuompair t v t imb riurly- iilblf ftt iii linio ot urt wlia a aaiur ol ui lllwila anil paplu ol uut prol prturo mat in bid bar ballinafad ura b illha ot grand valu lag bar too a uw daya t bar inoluar mia ulapban llowal tor good bya and abow tbalr appraclauon ol bar hrvlea and lo aipiua tbalr rfflret at bar dapartura from tbalr mitut hints aatnmlng bar dutlaa aa learharolh u no s ilua fraura liu won tba inva and hapaetolall bar puplla by tba klndnau and oonjidarauoa wild wlileh aba eon ductad tba acbool in tba dapartura ol mua fraura tltaachool lia ot a upland- id taaebar and a tarn attattipla for liar puplla batera tba glarlngdupnd uua prtir waa praaanud wltli a band- aoua gilt and an appropriate addraaa algnad on bahalf ol tba acbool by iraball kqulra and oaorga tea xpraailna re grat at bar dapartura and w tailing bar a and bapplaaaa la whatavar apbara of laltor bar lot may ba out ona ol tba pnlllmt of aummar wa1 dlnga wu thai ot ulu ktbalyu laona richmond ideal daugblar ot mr and uta w h klcbtnond lour obarlaa kdmund oiawltt yoapgaat aon ol ur and un kdmuol urewltl of lpot itr boar wrry honnd which took place on wadeaailay july 4tli hev ur uiu ol parliament ut ualliodut cliuroh tor onto otaclaitdg tha bouaa waa twejiti tally deoorlad wllb autumar flnwara tha bridal tnuiie waa played by ulta ur and mra mlchi havluawarti vuuoraatmr jad mobaaaa uatwa uh h4ty and ploranoa oook akw apujing tludr halldaya wltu tbalr nncla yf k chuy ttd mr w k gartuy and li dourt uln- ami mary of t 1 vblud tu motbar in town racenuy mr and ura v o whlta and child ran flariuy and florvnca ol toronto km vlaitluglrundain town- ur ii i- htamtt and mr and mra clyda w hoyuof detroit ar vlauiajkat mr fred ubrriaooe aahgrova mu icarr and mba edub kerf of gait war gnesbiof mr j a wiuongb- by dnrltig tba weak at mar great mra ltearv wiuoo mlaa wuaoa and mr cloy wilaoa of aabgrora toatorad to watfd0wh on bunday mlaa wilaoa will vultfrlanda tbare for a tew waalu uuekt l cllna arrlvad nocna from brandon colw on monday vanlng aad will pnd the rammer with be parenle at tha baptlat paraonafa word baa been received aibt marya olthadaatb of mr macvannel wife of ibe lata dr john maevann ef colom bia unlvruy my mra meeraaae wu ulat adeline lludeey ft former teao- bar of our high bcliool limehouse llmahouaa civic holiday will ba bald next sat july 14ib it will bain tba na- tnra ol a clilxana on lid aad baaday reboot plcnlo to hock wood recka pie nlckara may go tltber by tba 1017 train in tba morning or by tba 300 train in tba afternoon adnlt return far ate children 2o uamae aud raou will ba bald in tba fair ground al hock wood kverybody welcome tleoard petty at ur albert ohal kere imi friday evening wu a grand ruccara tliare wu a urge crowd a apleuilld program and tha ivoelpu war veiy aallalaeiory terra cotta weaiaeorry lolaaruol tha death of tf ura juo mcdonald al thaftlh una chlngoacouay wbo paated away on thursday evening july fclu after a ling suing uliiha hbe leevai to mourn her lota a lorlng btuband and il aona da caued wu for many year a highly tea pectad lealdant of tbu place w all join lu extending our deepeat aympatby to the bereaved friend and bueband la their aad iota ol a kind and loving moth er the funeral oa monday alteruooa wu larjaly attended mr and ut uou qibeoa of hamu- toh who were holidaying in our hamlet have returned home un t lhiooof quelpb epeota few daya wllb liar parent- mr and mr b parr ol llila place mr hluait ealebratad bar t7lh birth day on tuaeday july out all of bar family and a number ol intimate frlaad gathered and aunt a vary pleaeant time they pfntei her with puree of gold wa trutt aba may ba aparvd for many year to coma mr htarritt of w4 totwala waa a pleaeant caller in our hamlet laet week ur john townaand la on tba eiak hat at praatnl w bop aoon to baa of hla raeovary terra gotta xpeeia to bava bompar garden party in tba baarfutun mr j roger aon ot mr oaorga bag eia ol tba lout una engineer on tba g t r- partareiad a very kind tot laet kunday afternoon while coming down ibe grade on tba bib ha b aotf betdol jklnke and diaoaetul to hop lb tivo tb caitiff he tiian drove them la in mr litllaa field ur rot tr- talnly ilaeervea great pralaa lor 61 i ana dead mra j otoku w ar lorry to learn u urloiuly hi at preeent too lata tor taat lean among our holiday vlaltor were uiwm llurgaaa ot toronto- ur w n ualaaaot toronto mr and ura w fraeer of ohaltaahani at mr and ura utllea ur char team ot toronto miea lula udge and mim madga ejga ot toronto ura uradaliaw and family of btmet villa at ur o teams mr and mra jo mobrldeand family of ueorgstowb have moved to lha ual ton bilck vud wlian mr mabrlda 1 an- a en inter talced a mrl w omdon acd cblldreo ol eu rnla mkent a aw daya leetvaekathar wrv ur ira uoiwl mr and uti d utiu and family ot mot vleuad frlaada ber oa hnaday qalla a lew front around bare attended tba red crow gardad party at uaabottt ut friday mia h bartk of union vulad al bar bam bar on monday laet castoria 1bw laiajtia anil cfclldra in v por ovw m ye way baaurg blajnetttr ti new canadian roouam ii you do aot know abott lha woader- inolndlng arka liave tba traneeonlibenul una of tha oaauiw and uaubl itolteaa aeenary lu baaei parki bortbecu railway bwtwwan edmontoal and vattoouver iku oopy of aooed orlpuveliool- tbaeakjij d orlpuvelwokutlo be bad bam 1 j muww 4 the assessment act tm ihm bimlifr r9ls mm th oawvarawfv wottcfethdibe jndgaottba lfil tnajawdtyojuail iura3ay the a6tli day july auc wtk althatioar al tan oclock in the toraooog ftt ibe town mall la the vuttvgaxj ipotmiowp ioi tbbriog of the apmti from the uoort oi luviaioaof the al vult of utwrgeeowa forth yar 1917 dniattmiiaadayofjnly a a 1017 fju-halitir-aefk- 13 ar1vhilij fssl uxd ualitojtb bmojuft stob p4wwwwaaywtm6aaff the most for your money i i buy where your dollar gets moat value our prices carryconvlctiou u lb yjk hour lot il b ll oholo ralud uu for ai imi uwxlry much f lb i wt corn huroli pr bli 0a 10 od ua jumhlll baking loo- 1 ohoie rlluu rmimomi oomttta pr lb i s cbol oooklb irlc tr lb mo i lb rts puul ttploo u vlol hl lard p lb so ft aibruri oil ii 00 oholo ormn cbmm ft lb 30 1 we invite the most rigid comparison both aa to price and quality barnhilsnorval d a the ford the oar of proven quality th ford ear tu aloaa tho hjmttiu that oouu ha rpo any oar for ovor twelvo yon burely thia u long enoogb is hv pr6 iwtivifaalily if you ut a oar that wui lor tbrouah doop aaudor mud climb tha auapot hulijuid juri a ear rouud with loastavpauu than buy a ford from tbg groatoat mllo- illne and ropaira j n oneill georgetown a full stock of ford repairs olso tires in ner tubes tire chains and all other auto acces aorles in stock jacksons mammoth housb oeoroetqwn great clearing sale cliildicntt dresses auiramdrtmewtofchildmiffr wblwa ibj droae 6d to 9 row ebe4o fov 4mm 1 i 1 aaaaa ali li vaiaammmmm ludies wticjts odd ud uojil uju mojlo vol uj tirp vluiau lo b ewnrl t ssw uuderskirt uhj unjrklt lo wblt u0ii0 nu1- book mid lho willi ntbuook erttbrouury ud roovuoo u6 uw ud uh lomttlcm 1 16 t3aijs yoorcbolo os ladieft overskirtls an eoeondeot rkiru lo ivuf pi as yoor chole r ol uou lljjuw r lad volu vnvlllil 1149 ladies berge drosses x iiu od uimv nr arl uro- m wertfloffmuid 7 oo cbolc of sj 39 mcbean co gcofgetown lfmfmjfarmflwjl farmers listen we arc here to stay your liberal patronage has assured ui of success and by foir dealing and courteous treatment we hope toretainlall our pres ent customers as well as add many new ones to our list the highest market price in cash is what you receive for your cream av i georgetown creamery por the accommodation of our customers our creamery will be open on wednesday and satur day evenings until 10 pm lllbttt orim tm tbu wwk- juo frmawood ot j u 0uk 40 fruit tore strawberries garden veje ubles etc oranges perdoz 30c 40c 60c lemons per doz 28c tomatoes per lb 15c ouious 3 lbs for 26c new potatoes per pit 80c lad uir urs omui for tultiriuy a kestivo fruit specialist main street georgetown georgetown creamery co m 8axe mauuger saturday treat h lb at our homauada strawbetry fudge ilagnlarsa per lb satatfdarf ivfwt price a pura wboleaom iweat weekend ohoooijates a bis varuly ol lliror hird and wll oootrm wuk koj snaclll itmtilir 40a lb tkwlb let tu aupply you with lea cream and ooue for your garden party uet la none too uood t h moorxskxsall a n0ruincton hjusi phone b0 an investment in knowledge always pays the dest interest thl saiiooi will be the qret lu your mind when you have invetugaued lb iborouabnae ol it coureea uie evperl euca ot lu uaclier aud the full it u ll baa for pladng you in a rmpaueiblo poei- uon altar yon bava received your diplo ma doulpttl itolf your intur la at ttaka do it now i businesscollege ouelpii ont pall term starts august so a l bouck principal nuail iiini-r- arthur bcastell yr ttotxttaf o muajo loauu knolamo plane orta violin una urta of w iumjm l my rntdi i jiln aiuoiuuwn oral puil luiiua riohom tuhsli lourena walker oouim ol the brute l uwen hound who latar during ibeelfn lognl the reeltler atnt iii uinu aloun tlta bride who wa wortd tir bar lath ar looked lovely in her wwldlruxgnwii ot cbanlilly uoeand niitnn her vail whlrh wa of embroidered lalle waa orowtwd wlih oratig hueoina and u- earrled a abower bouiuel of bridal toe and awaei pea the young couple wure uaatleudeii alter a delnly butt i tin ohaon th brlda vliagd her wadding gown for a navy blue corded ellk cult with naaama baland left by mmor with bar boebind lor toronto amid bbowar ol oatm aheraabott vull ibara with fruada tbay will proad down tha kt lawraac tha number of valuable pre east leetlfled to lb eeumd la which the bride i bald uoeet war ureajent troni owaa bound wrry hound toronto and georgetown ur and ura drewltt will vetde in parry bound cam gaged ueoal mr and ur john laalleaed thame laihe ol oenlater were lha guwate ef mr and mra v u tbomeou mr thomaa leal la la a former rwtldeut ol tart ootia but itaa not vlelted bar for a number of veaia if uoui many nreet cbangea mr leella la now over 70 year of eg and la illll quite active tba vanoua prlaea for regular at tend anre al the uountaln view acbool were awarded uie children by their leather llu lllnnte on friday airaoon uu itlniilfl haa acutpled a almlar poatlloa in turntiln alter tho dlairltiutloo of ilia ptlaaa mlu lllnnks rwwivad an ageaebla eurmte by lh prwenuiloa otnbeaui ful laraaol and hamlb arch let aad lha reeding of ilia follow lug addrws uur teacher having learned that you ara about to aover your ronnaclinna with tta wt lnvn aoniltlwl itre thla altarnnontoati a nir ilwp r0tit atparllngwltb yon rfullui diet wh are inelng a faithful and villi iunt it arbor and above all ona who haa i luraya lad nur true welur id heart- yuu imvo lieen alwaya willing id help ua wlih any dllilcullkra and we ap- precule how you have workod on our ba- hall dmlng uia three yaara that yon bav beau with u wa bav eoma la raca- lomt oa mala bl un waluaeday july 4lb a gold ortmowat eat wllti paaru viuder pueee uava at uarald otflo and raoalv stimtrum term open tueaday july 8 in bhawa bualneei bchoou toronto tha work marge into autumn term tram hpt 4 wllbont any break oourew fully dewaribed in new catalogue will far li w if uliaw iwtdant yoag atwrmnlut ulna you a a iruajrlend at wall aa a good teacbar wa oope you will oftta rcall wtib ploifcur the year yon bay apent ua aud a a alight lemladew y ak you lo accept tbla preeeul and wltb u our aliirareait wlalie for you ulgned on lahaltoftlie reboot uargarat towueeud pv uemally htanley llaitb mlaa tllnulesald ahe waavery proud at her eblldren and thanked uiam for tbalr kindtiee klie haa beau teaching lu thl aclinol tor three year and ba proved h- aalllobaa vary bind and ejnefant tfaabw tba following war awarded pit or rrighlar atlamlano 1m willie rowneautl uargftrattowa rend uordun utrlugar und willi hutnger haul mckay ad ellna towtuend uectl bwtb urduanley uarib rev mr tntebiood prwechad bb flmt ermon bar and ippeani in to aa ajtaal lanlpiacnf georgtdwn